I scratched a mosquito bite to treat inflammation. How to cure a mosquito bite

19.01.2018 Health

Almost every inhabitant of our planet has an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite. The pain from the bite can still be called tolerable, but persistent itching can unsettle anyone. Follow the tips below to reduce swelling and relieve as much irritation as possible.

Using banana peels is unconventional, but in a simple way stopping the itching and eliminating the consequences of the bite. Peel the banana. Rub the inside of the banana peel into the bite area for a long time. After 5-15 minutes, the swelling will decrease significantly, and after 30-60 it will disappear.

Use lemon or lime juice indoors. They have antipruritic and antibacterial properties. Do not forget that citrus juice in combination with sunlight causes burns on the skin. Use essential oils

tea tree, mint or lavender. They help treat swelling, relieve inflammation and itching, and can also repel other mosquitoes. Be aware that lavender oil can interest bees. Aloe juice has been used successfully. All you have to do is apply a plant leaf divided lengthwise to the inflamed area. Green feather juice helps in the same way onions

. The application procedure is repeated several times a day.

Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and warm water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the bite. After 2 minutes, dry the skin area. You can take relaxing warm baths with 0.3-0.4 liters of vinegar. Repeat steps as needed.

Ice helps narrow the blood vessels in the bite area. Ice packs applied for 15 minutes will help relieve pain.

Lubricate the bite with honey, which will have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Use a baking soda based paste. To prepare it, stir 3 tsp. baking soda with 1 tsp. water. Apply the mixture to the bite area and wait until it dries completely. Repeat manipulations as necessary.

Compresses with dairy products - fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, milk - can quickly cope with swelling and itching.

If you have serious allergic reactions to mosquito bites, then use antihistamines - fenistil, clemastine, tavegil.

Under no circumstances should you scratch the bite area. This will not only increase swelling and increase the desire to scratch the irritated area harder, but can also provoke infection through microcracks formed in the skin.

The itching and rash disappear quickly. But some mosquitoes are very dangerous because they are carriers of infectious diseases - various types of helminthiasis, malaria, fever, encephalitis. The pathogen enters the human body after the mosquito pierces the blood vessels.

Danger of mosquito bites

Most often, a person can become infected with the disease in a tropical country throughout the year, with a temperate climate; infection occurs at a temperature of 20 degrees. The danger of a mosquito bite is that a person often does not notice it at first, and symptoms may not appear for a long time. Diagnosing the disease is very difficult, treatment is useless, because antibiotics do not affect viruses and helminth infections.

You can get infected different types, yellow fever, encephalitis, tularemia, helminths - wuchereriosis, brugiosis, dirophyllariasis.

Infectious disease after a mosquito bite

Six months after you return from the tropics, you need to monitor how you feel. For diseases caused by mosquitoes, the following symptoms occur:

1. Fever.

2. Severe headache in the back of the head, muscles due to the fact that the brain is affected, consciousness may be impaired, vomiting, convulsive condition, sometimes paralysis, paresis have been bothering you for a long time.

3. Problems with the central nervous system, other systemic organs may be affected.

4. After a bite, helminthiasis may occur, with enlarged lymph nodes, stagnation of lymph, vision problems, and sometimes helminths are localized under the skin. There is an unbearable headache, allergies, fever, if helminths long time are in the body.

Ways to get rid of mosquito bites

If you know that you have an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite, you need to do everything to prevent its bite, use special means for this - creams, aerosols, dress. It is especially dangerous when a mosquito infects the baby’s skin, which can cause hives and symptoms of bronchial asthma.

Often mosquitoes can lead to a severe allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock, in this situation it is necessary to urgently call emergency assistance. Inject Prednisolone intramuscularly, you can take an antihistamine drug - Cetrin, Diazolin, Erius, Telfast. It is normal for a mosquito bite to disappear after a few hours.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to pay attention to a special electronic device, a Pavlovsky net, curtains for strollers and cribs.

If you are bitten by a malaria mosquito, it is important to consult a doctor in time and immediately use the following anti-malaria drugs - Hydroxychloroquine sulfate, Fansidar, Immard, Delagil, Plaquenil. With their help you can get rid of a feverish state.

What to do immediately after a mosquito bite?

1. Use Fenistil gel, with its help you can get rid of itching and burning. Now on sale a large number of various foams, gels, creams, they do not contain insecticides or repellents. Fenistil gel contains dimethindene, it has a calming effect. With its help you can get rid of rashes, severe itching, and relieve skin irritation. Fenistil is sold in the form of drops and gel. Cannot be used in case of individual sensitivity or in children under one year of age. Use with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

2. Mosquitail products will help protect against skin itching; they are sold in the form of foam, spray, and gel. They have an antibacterial effect and contain silver ions. With the help of these products you can quickly get rid of itching and prevent severe irritation from occurring. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a calming effect.

3. Children are advised to use Gardex Baby anti-mosquito bite medications; they contain herbal substances and should be taken by children. Available in the form of cream, bracelet, pencil, balm stick.

Traditional methods of treating mosquito bites

If there are no special medications, you can use Zvezdochka balm, table vinegar, lemon juice, and potassium permanganate after a mosquito bite. It is recommended to apply plantain, mint leaf to the affected area, squeeze out the juice from calendula, aloe. A bag of strong black tea and ice help a lot.

A proven method is baking soda. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in soda solution, then apply to the bite and leave for 1 minute. The swelling will disappear after two procedures.

You can get rid of burning and itching with mint toothpaste. It should not be rubbed into the skin as it can cause a serious allergic reaction. Swelling and painful sensations disappear immediately.

Effective folk remedies for mosquito bites

1. Rub the bite area with black elderberry leaves to get rid of swelling; this is one of the best disinfectants.

2. Ammonia eliminates redness and relieves itching; you must first dilute the alcohol with water, then moisten the swab and apply it to the bite.

3. Menovazin relieves itching and relieves swelling.

4. Garlic has been used since ancient times. It must first be crushed, the pulp is applied to the bite. Garlic not only relieves itching, but also prevents swelling.

5. Laundry soap helps get rid of redness and itching. Only dark soap will do.

6. Apply the juice to the bite area and bandage it. The dressing is changed every 3 hours.

7. Prepare a strong decoction of Veronica officinalis. Use a bite cleanser. Moisten the swab and wipe the affected area.

8. Immediately apply a cut onion to the site of the bite and tie it with a bandage.

9. It is advised to apply a cabbage leaf; with its help you can relieve swelling and stop the inflammatory process.

So, a mosquito bite should be taken seriously; in some situations it leads to serious consequences.

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, but everything positive has its negative sides. IN in this case We are all bothered by insects, especially mosquitoes!

These small annoying insects do not allow you to sleep normally, you have to brush them off on the street, mosquitoes wildly irritate many, but the most unpleasant thing is that the mosquito bite is very itchy for several days after the bite.

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes and what can be done to cure a mosquito bite.

1. Wash the mosquito bite thoroughly with warm water and soap and pat dry with a clean towel.

2. Apply to the bite site cold compress within 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure every hour for several hours or as needed.

Cold helps relieve itching and reduce swelling. As a compress you can use:

Ice from the freezer, wrapped in a towel or plastic bag;

Soaked in cold water towel;

A chilled can (bottle) of sparkling water or beer.

3. To reduce inflammation and irritation, you can apply it to the bite. hydrocortisone or antihistamine cream . Anti-inflammatory drugs can also relieve the symptoms that occur from a mosquito bite. ibuprofen and naproxen .

4. To treat mosquito bites in young children and people with sensitive skin at home, the usual baking soda .

To do this, mix three teaspoons of baking soda with one teaspoon of water until a thick mass forms. Apply the resulting mixture to the bite site and let it dry.

This procedure must be repeated throughout the day as necessary. Baking soda effectively neutralizes toxins from mosquito bites and reduces inflammation and itching.

5. Natural mosquito repellents are: tea tree oil, peppermint and eucalyptus , they are also good at eliminating itching, irritation and swelling of the skin after insect bites.

6. It helps to cure a mosquito bite faster aloe juice . To do this, you need to lubricate the bite with aloe juice several times a day.

7. Reducing irritation and the desire to scratch the bitten area will also help banana peel . You just need to rub the inside of a banana peel over the bite area.

8. Ammonia also helps relieve itching and swelling from a mosquito bite. To do this, apply alcohol to the wound using cotton wool.

9. A mosquito bite wound will itch less if you apply a little on it. toothpaste .


Do not scratch the bite area, as this will release histamine, which causes it to itch even more. In addition, scratching can damage the surface of the skin, leading to infection and scar formation.

If redness, swelling and pain increase over time, you should consult a doctor.

Be healthy and have a relaxing summer holiday!