Job description of an auxiliary worker

08.12.2018 Documentation

The development of job descriptions is often erroneously entrusted to a human resources specialist. Due to the fact that not every personnel employee is thoroughly familiar with the specifics of production, the requirements for a job description can be very difficult to fulfill in full.

In this article we:

  • Let's look at it step by stepexample of job description;
  • Let's look at how it's organizedjob description structure;
  • we will describe the standardAnd general rules filling them out.

Requirements for the job description: how to fill out the details

The design of job descriptions is regulated mainly by the “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." This standard applies to organizational and administrative documents included in the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation and the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation. The job description has its own OKUD code – 0252051.

Layout diagrams of document details are given in GOST. The list of details includes: name of the organization-author (developer) of the document; name of the document type; date of; registration number; place of compilation or publication; approval stamp; title to the text; document text; application note; signature; stamp and visa approval; copy certification mark; mark about the performer; electronic copy identifier.

provides the following arrangement of details:

Name of company is indicated in full in accordance with the constituent documents. If available, indicate: the name of the parent organization, the abbreviated name of the developer organization, the name of a separate structural unit (if it is the author).

Name of document type(according to OKUD)

Document date. Records the time of approval or signing of a document. Indicated immediately after approval

Registration number. Contains serial number and other symbols: letter designation of the type of document, year of issue, information about the artist, and so on.

Place of compilation. Indicated, if not mentioned in the name of the organization, in accordance with the legal address of the organization.

Approval stamp. A detail reflecting the regulatory or legal nature of the document. Contains the word “APPROVE” and the data of the person who approved the instructions: initials, surname, date of approval.

Title to text. Reflects the content and functionality

The “General Provisions” section refers to parts of the job description containing provisions of a general nature.

HR specialist. Clause 1. General provisions

clause 1.1 defines the title of the position and the purpose of this instruction

clause 1.2 regulates the level of subordination, namely: appointment to a position and removal from it

clause 1.3 establishes qualification requirements for the employee: education and work experience

clause 1.4 defines a list of organizational and legal norms regulating job responsibilities

clause 1.5 The “Must Know” section consists of a list of the necessary special knowledge required to perform job duties

clause 1.6 sets the level of subordination

clause 1.7 regulates the replacement of an employee during absence

In addition, the “General Provisions” section may contain a description of the labor function of this position. It is worth noting that the employer has the right to determine the employee’s labor function, excluding the duties listed in or, on the contrary, expanding their list.

Example of a job description: functions and job responsibilities of a human resources specialist

Functions and job responsibilities are divided into separate job description sections. These sections describe all types of work assigned to a specific position. Given job description example contains a description of the functionality of a HR specialist. The list of functions can be determined by the task assigned to a given position, as well as by the division of labor in the team.

Job responsibilities, in turn, establish the order in which functions are performed. Accordingly, the section including a list of job requirements contains responsibilities regulated Labor Code, Federal laws and regulations.

In the example given, functions and job responsibilities are combined in one section. Typical job description diagram, as a rule, it allows you not to split these items, although it is preferable to separate them into different sections.

Additionally, this section can include responsibilities for compliance with labor regulations, confidentiality, rules of subordination and compliance with safety regulations.

Clause 2.8 of the instructions obliges the HR specialist to take part in planning staff development and training. At the same time, in this section, based on expediency, it is possible to oblige a specialist to regularly improve his professional level.

When preparing this section, it is important to reflect as completely as possible all the functions and responsibilities of an employee holding a certain position. Otherwise, this may lead to controversial or even conflict situations.

Example of a job description for a HR specialist. P. 2. Job responsibilities

Sections of the job description: rights, responsibilities, review procedure

Standard job description form must include a section that sets out the rights that are granted to the employee. These powers are associated with the performance of official duties and, accordingly, with the section describing the functions of the employee in this position. So, among the rights of an employee may be:

  • the right to make decisions in accordance with official duties
  • making proposals to improve the work process
  • training
  • receiving the information
  • signature or approval of certain documents

In particular, the job description of a HR specialist gives the HR employee the right to get acquainted with certain documents, make proposals for optimizing the work process, inform management and request the necessary information, and demand management assistance in the performance of their duties and rights.

HR specialist. P. 3. Rights

The “Rights” section has a logical continuation in the form of the next section – “Responsibility”. It contains job description points, establishing the content and form of liability for non-compliance. Types of liability may be listed in accordance with the law, indicating the current legal act of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses or the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In our example, the specialist is responsible for failure to fulfill official duties, violations within current legislation and causing material damage.

Example of a job description for a HR specialist. P. 4. Responsibility

The final point of the job description of a personnel specialist is the point regulating the introduction of changes to the regulatory document. Changes are permitted as necessary and there is a maximum period during which changes may not be made. In addition, the procedure for familiarizing employees with changes in the document is stipulated.

Example of a job description for a HR specialist. Clause 5. Procedure for reviewing job descriptions

It is worth noting separately that changes can be initiated by the employer, the head of a structural unit, or the employee himself. However, these edits cannot be the reason for a change in job responsibilities. Otherwise, this will entail a transfer to another job. (). An employer cannot unilaterally make changes to an employee's job responsibilities. The exception is the reasons reflected in

Requirements for the job description: closing details of the job description

Job description structure implies the presence of the following closing details:

Reason for issuing the document. Contains data about the document that is the basis for issuing the instruction: a disposition or order, indicating the name of the document, its identifier and date of issue.

Signature of the authorized official. The signature must include the name of the position, a handwritten signature and its transcript.

Document approval stamp. The requisite expresses the agreement of the structural unit that is not the author of the document with its contents. Includes the name of the structural unit, the position of its representative, signature and transcript, date of approval. This detail can be drawn up on a separate sheet. In this case, a note indicating the presence of an approval sheet is placed at the end of the job description.

Introduction visa. It can be affixed to the original document in the absence of a familiarization log or a separate familiarization sheet. The visa must contain the employee's position, signature and date of acquaintance.

Additionally, a mark can be placed with the identifier of the electronic copy of the document or other search data.

You can get an example of a job description and recommendations for filling out the template, clarify the necessary sections of the job description, and develop a document that satisfies all the requirements for the job description by reading other materials:

12 HR documents that will help you pass any audit

This document refers to internal mandatory acts regulating the activities of the enterprise. Such instructions usually regulate the specifics of management, reporting, support and coordination of employee activities. Therefore, we should not forget about the general rules for drawing up job descriptions.


Modern office work requires the preparation of coordinated and consistent local acts. They are developed to achieve three goals:

  1. create an organizational and legal basis for employees;
  2. increase the level of responsibility;
  3. increase labor productivity.

Each sample preparation of job descriptions has its own nuances. However, the law does not establish any uniform rules.

This legal act must successfully fulfill the following tasks:

  • rationally distribute responsibilities between employees, taking into account their level of qualifications, knowledge, labor productivity and other characteristics;
  • ensure timely control over the quality of performance of labor duties;
  • determine the rights of all parties;
  • give specific criteria for assessing the quality of work.

Job descriptions are usually developed by the heads of the company's structural divisions based on the functions performed by the employee and the company's internal rules.

Requirements for job descriptions

The document in question is local regulatory legal act, therefore it has its own specifics. It is drawn up in three copies:

  • 1st – handed over to the HR department employee and attached to staffing table;
  • 2nd – remains with the head of the structural unit, since his responsibilities include monitoring the quality of work;
  • 3rd – given to the employee of the organization for whom the job description is intended.

The job description can be an appendix to the employment contract or published separately. If necessary, the content will be agreed upon with the trade union.

Here are the main requirements that need to be taken into account in the process of composing the text:

  • unambiguity - information should be presented in such a way that there are no ambiguous interpretations;
  • information capacity;
  • persuasiveness - phrases must be convincing and logically justified;
  • coverage of all major issues relating to the employee’s activities.

What to include in a job description

According to generally accepted formats, the document should disclose all issues that relate to labor activity employee. When preparing the content, we recommend that you follow the resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 37. This is a Qualification Directory of Positions containing General characteristics for all of them. The text only needs to be adapted for a specific organization.

Basic job description sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Job responsibilities.
  3. Employee rights.
  4. Documents for management in the performance of labor duties.
  5. The procedure for relations with staff.
  6. Responsibility of the employee.
  7. Criteria for assessing the quality of work.

How to write a job description: stages

Depending on the complexity of the document, its preparation may be carried out by heads of departments or directly by the heads of organizations. This procedure may be required:

  1. if a new branch or division is opened;
  2. when introducing a new position;
  3. when job functions change.

Based on the rules established by state standards, [the instructions] must contain the following details:

  • name of the enterprise - indicate completely in accordance with the constituent documents;
  • date of approval;
  • registration extension number;
  • a stamp that gives legal significance;
  • a mark on the presence of an attachment - is placed if there is such a condition in it, when the job description is an attachment to individual administrative documents;
  • manager visa – includes the position and name of the department of the enterprise. It is located below the signature.

At the first stage of document preparation, a preliminary version of the content is prepared, taking into account:

  1. manager's requirements;
  2. qualification directory of positions;
  3. professional standard (if accepted for this profession and in some part mandatory). Also see "".

At the second stage, the project is agreed upon with the heads of the departments to which it concerns. Amendments are made if necessary.

The third stage involves approval of job description head of the enterprise. In addition, the signature of the head of the human resources department and the structural unit for which the document is intended is required. After this, the employee is familiarized with the content (against signature) and the persons who may be affected by the changes that have occurred.

How to deposit changes to job description

During the course of work, an employee's responsibilities may change. This situation arises, for example, when the company's goals change or the scope of services expands. If the functionality is significantly corrected, it will be necessary to make amendments to the job description in order to avoid many conflicts in the future. Let's tell you how how to register all changes.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Preparation of a new job description, taking into account all the nuances. A prerequisite is compliance with the norms of current legislation.
  2. An order is issued on the basis of which the document is approved.
  3. Familiarization of interested employees with the contents of the updated instructions. And from the person responsible for performing labor functions, you will need to obtain a signature and written consent to cooperate on new terms.
  4. Drawing up and signing additional agreement to the employment contract. One copy is given to the employee.

Upon completion of all formalities, the employee begins to perform duties under the new terms of the agreement.

Please note that a job description is not an individual personal document for a specific employee. It is compiled according to a specific position, and it does not contain names at all. If this condition is not met, the employer will have to redo the document upon dismissal of the employee.

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Drawing up a job description is an optional procedure; there are no clear instructions in this regard in the Labor Code. However, this document may be needed in the event of labor disputes, to clearly regulate the functionality of employees and when selecting candidates for open vacancies. For more information about why a job description is needed and how to draw it up, read this material.

Purpose of the job description:
  • Determine the tasks, minimum qualifications, rights and responsibilities of the employee.
  • It is being developed for all positions on the staff list, including vacant ones. When recruiting personnel, it is the starting point for drawing up a job description.
  • Serves to assess the employee's suitability for the position held.
  • For a new employee, it is a source of information about management’s expectations and performance evaluation criteria.
  • For a manager, it is a tool for managing and checking the quality of work performed.
  • When conducting annual certification, it helps to conduct an overall assessment of the employee’s performance.
  • Can be used as evidence in court or regulatory authorities.
  • This is useful if two employees occupy the same position and have different salaries.
What you need to know about job descriptions:
  • The document is drawn up in three copies. One remains with the HR department employee (attached to the staffing table), the second is transferred to the head of the structural unit, and the third is given directly to the employee.
  • Often, the responsibility for drawing up a job description is assigned not to an employee of the HR department, but to the head of a structural unit, since he is better aware of the specifics of the work.
  • It is drawn up as an annex to the employment contract or as a separate document.
  • If the company has a trade union, it is necessary to agree on the draft job description with it.
  • The document is approved by the head of the enterprise and signed by the head of the human resources department and the head of the relevant department.

Main points of the job description:
  1. General provisions: purpose of the document, position category, hiring procedure, to whom the employee will report, requirements for education and professional skills.
  2. Job description: daily, weekly, monthly.
  3. Employee rights. Unlike employment contract, here the rights arising from the functions of the structural unit and organization are indicated. For example, participation in projects and developments, decision-making in accordance with authority, training and professional development.
  4. List of documents that an employee must follow: orders, instructions, regulations.
  5. The procedure for interaction with other employees. The main circle of persons, the order of subordination or management, the timing and regulations for providing information and responding to requests are indicated.
  6. Responsibility of the employee. When indicating measures of responsibility, reference to the relevant normative act(GK, TC or UK).
  7. The procedure for evaluating work. The criteria for assessing the qualities of an employee (competence, initiative, professional literacy) and work (results, quality and timeliness of completion) are indicated. The motivational component (gifts, bonuses, incentives) and punishment for non-compliance (fines, reprimands) are also prescribed.
  8. Final part: effective date, signatures.

The performance of duties by an employee is governed by an agreement concluded between him and the employer. The main document is the job description.
For an auxiliary worker, such instructions are the most important document. He must be guided by its provisions in his daily work activities. The specified document includes all his duties, rights and basic requirements.

Job description of an auxiliary worker - general provisions

The job description of an auxiliary worker consists of several interrelated parts. The document is prepared according to a certain algorithm.

The initial positions are called general. They establish the main requirements for the person filling this position. Therefore, the general provisions include:

  • the need to obtain a special rank or qualification level. This is important because this rank affects the range of responsibilities and salary level;
  • working hours. This is the obligation to perform one's functions according to a certain schedule;
  • educational requirements. As a rule, such a labor document presupposes the presence of secondary vocational education.

In this case, the employer has the right, at his own discretion, to supplement general provisions other standards. This falls within his exclusive competence. Therefore, the content of this section may vary significantly.

Job description of an auxiliary worker in production

The key meaning in the job description of an auxiliary worker in production is his functional responsibilities. It is this section that clearly establishes the responsibilities of a person.

In relation to the specifics of production activities, the following should be indicated:

  • carrying out auxiliary work at certain production sites. Since such specialists do not have higher education and special qualifications, they are not entitled to perform complex work. Accordingly, their activity is to provide the necessary assistance to more qualified employees;
  • cleaning the surrounding area and access routes. Thus, the employee ensures the normal operation of the enterprise;
  • loading and unloading work, as well as any rigging tasks. Moving cargo does not require education or qualifications; such responsibilities should be assigned to these employees;
  • removal of waste from the venue construction work, warehouses and other areas;
  • execution of management instructions.

The specificity of the activity of an auxiliary worker involves the use of his labor to solve a variety of tasks that do not require qualifications. Therefore, these employees can be involved in any type of work.

Job description of an auxiliary worker in housing and communal services

The peculiarities of the activities of enterprises in the housing and communal services sector determine the assignment of certain responsibilities to employees:

  • the duty to clean the area allows the person to be used as a cleaner;
  • the obligation to participate in construction or installation work allows the use of qualified workers in the most important areas;
  • replacement of lighting elements.

In general, the activities of such employees in the housing and communal services sector are similar to production. After all, in any case, they do not perform complex tasks, but only help employees who have a special education or category complete them.

At school

The job description of kitchen support staff at a school has its own specifics. Since his tasks are in one way or another related to the process of cooking, the person is required to have a health certificate.

This will guarantee safety for students and staff educational institution. Among the main functions of the employee, the following should be highlighted:

  • unloading of transport with food products;
  • cleaning of premises, including delivery of waste to the disposal site;
  • removing waste from other premises and following management instructions.

Along with functions, a person must also have rights. As a rule, such rights presuppose the opportunity to petition management for improved working conditions and to receive reliable information about the nature of the activity and the changes made.

In the hospital

The job description of hospital support staff should define their tasks. In relation to the specifics of a medical institution, this person must remove garbage and perform unloading and loading work.