Cardinal cross in the natal chart. Qualities of zodiac signs

17.07.2019 Jurisprudence

Mutable Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Mutable (changeable) signs are the chameleons of the Zodiac.

Adaptable and flexible, people of these signs can easily cope with change. Where cardinal signs lose interest in their goal, mutable signs are able to breathe life into it. new life. Although they are inventive and versatile, their constant desire for change makes achieving anything solid, long-term and lasting quite a challenge. However, this does not bother them very much, since more than anything else they want to be free to discover new things.

Properties of mutable signs

The mutable cross of the Zodiac is associated with new ideas and the acquisition of knowledge. The adaptability and flexibility of representatives of mutable signs can develop into inconstancy and endow them with amazing resourcefulness. But without proper distribution of energy, it cannot be used constructively and will be wasted.

Changing behavior is a feature common to all mutable signs, but there are features imposed controlling the sign Zodiac element. Geminis are associated with the element of Air, they change and adapt their worldview in accordance with new ideas. Virgo, ruled by the elements of Earth, constantly monitors the laws of the material world in order to change for the better and show off her many talents. Sagittarius, expressing the properties of the element of Fire, strives for adventures that give him inspiration. Pisces, as representatives of the element of Water, are constantly trying to adapt to the changing emotional impact of both their own and those of others.

When faced with a problem, they try to avoid dealing with the situation by burying their head in the sand. If to natal chart changeability dominates, a person can get confused in own desires, experiencing a feeling of dissatisfaction. Naturally absent-minded, people with pronounced mutable qualities find it difficult to concentrate and work for the future. They adapt and adapt very easily, but this can lead to lack of will and disorientation. Excessive inconstancy can be expressed in waste of energy, lack of will and determination. A person with a dominant mutable property in the natal chart is a restless spirit. To turn his many talents into real achievements, he needs to define a goal for himself. On the other hand, if a person has few or no planets in the mutable cross of the Zodiac, it is difficult for him to adapt to the changes that life brings.

If you are dealing with a person who is a strong mutable type (who has most of the planets in mutable signs of the Zodiac) or you are such a person yourself, you will find that such people are difficult to manage. They flow around you like a stream of water, get lost in the crowd, giving in and giving in to the desires of others, and then changing their attitude. And as a result, it often turns out that by their behavior they ensure that others begin to fulfill their desires and accept their point of view.

Children of this type do not know peace and adapt well to the constantly changing environment and living conditions. They are malleable, easily adapt to the environment and are suggestible. Where people of the cardinal type find ways to change what is happening, people of the mutable type simply adapt to it. Very often, they can completely change their personal habits and behavior depending on what people they are with at the moment. These are, of course, not people of a fixed type, always remaining true to themselves and to everyone and everyone, demonstrating the same thing.

How to communicate with mutable people?

Such people are very sensitive and try in every possible way to avoid any direct conflicts. They drift from one topic to another, and therefore the best method of communicating with them is a polite but firm approach. Arm yourself with patience and let them, albeit in parts, in pieces, tell the truth.

If they are forced into rigid conventions, mutable people will feel hampered because such conventions limit their freedom to change depending on the situation. They really like phrases like: “And enough of that”, “Let's discuss it tomorrow”.

Their great strength lies in their ability to respond to changes in the world around them, adapting to them and finding a new way of existing.

Now you can see how just a small part of the information contained in the birth chart helps to understand the motives for different behavior in the same situation.

People of the cardinal type will find it difficult to appreciate the instructions and calls for regularity and following established orders, which find a warm response among representatives of the fixed type. The latter are shocked by the need of people of the cardinal type to be in the thick of events and actively influence them. Mutable types are the most adaptable people and seem to get along better with everyone else, although their restless nature can cause a lot of problems for people with fixed behavior types.

Compatibility is a very complex matter, and there can be many complications. Moreover, we must not forget that in each of us there are traces of each of these three types. Each of us must learn to understand ourselves, and this can be the key to understanding those who are dear to us. We all need love, approval and care, and we all want others to treat us well. If we can understand how we are different from others and why we do certain things, then perhaps it will be easier for us to understand and accept the motives and actions of other people.

Mutability is the most interesting of modalities. Most of what happens to mutable people has to do with the head. There are so many cases where things happen in the imagination and not in reality. Clients with multiple mutable signs in astrology are often influenced by what is happening in the rest of the chart.

What are mutable signs in astrology

They adjust and adapt to other influences. Since this is done on a mental level, people with severe mutability may respond to a certain aspect by making a plan.

When they make a plan, they decide it's done. When negative tension is present, much of what happens is related to fear, paranoia, worry, and panic attacks. One of my clients with mutable Tauquadrat says that when he goes through a rough patch, he becomes almost frozen and afraid to step forward or step back, afraid to make decisions.

Mutable signs in astrology are constantly in a state of anxiety and irritation and at the same time truly suffer. When real events happen to them, the most severe thing is the psychological stress that they experience.

Usually in astrology, mutable signs are considered to be very flexible and easily adapt to everything new. In other words, the interests of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are very diverse, and they are not characterized by the expressive dynamism of cardinal signs or the constancy and determination of fixed signs.

If most of the planets in the horoscope are in mutable signs, the person will adapt very easily to other people and situations, but he will lack inner direction and therefore it will be extremely difficult to achieve anything. The absence of the quality of mutability, on the contrary, indicates a person’s lack of initiative and lack of desire for change.

Of course, it is not always possible to classify people according to the predominance of one element or quality in their horoscope. It happens that planets are distributed evenly over two or three elements, or two qualities are equally important for a person. Ideally, this would indicate a harmoniously developed personality, but until a more detailed study of the horoscope, the astrologer cannot speak about this with complete confidence.

To some extent, the successful distribution of planets among houses can compensate for a missing quality or element: for example, a person with a large number of planets in air houses (third, seventh and eleventh) thus compensates for their absence in air signs.

Yet the signs, not the houses, are more important in this regard. Of course, astrological combinations of opposing elements are clearly manifested in human relationships.

Mutable type of signs and elements

The element of a particular sign shows a certain type of consciousness and method of direct perception to which the individual is tuned. Air signs associated with mental perception and expression, especially related to geometric mental forms.

  • Fire signs express revitalizing, radiating, exciting life principle, which can manifest as enthusiasm and love or as selfishness.
  • Water signs symbolize the cooling, healing and softening principle of sensitivity and emotional response.
  • Earth signs exhibit harmony with the world of physical forms and a practical ability to use the material world. In subsequent chapters we will examine in detail the nature and function of these elements.

The Zodiac was considered in ancient times to be the “Soul of Nature”. If we consider zodiac signs as the basic, archetypal energy patterns of the universe, we can understand why they were so important in ancient times.

This perception of the zodiac also finds support in the psychic interpretations of the famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, who stated: “Life is maintained in this cycle of vibrations” (interpretation #900-448).

Can we talk about the zodiac as a cycle of vibrations? I think yes. Edgar Cayce also said that "every individual being is tuned to a certain vibration" (interpretation #1861-12). All this should explain what we call the zodiac signs.

Brief characteristics of mutable signs

According to astrology, the mutable signs of the zodiac are associated with the principle of harmony and can be perceived as spiral patterns of energy. Pisces and Virgo symbolize a spiral of energy directed downwards, so these signs are in some way connected with the past: Pisces with past “karma”, and Virgo with past crises in personality development. Gemini and Sagittarius symbolize a spiral of energy directed upward; these signs are future-oriented, which gives rise to the prophetic tendencies of Sagittarius and the endless rumination of Gemini.

Features of the mutable sign Gemini

Let's take a look at what features the mutable sign Gemini has. Gemini represents the level of primary involvement in society and the achievement of basic intellectual skills. This stage of development includes the child’s formation of first relationships with peers, within the family and outside it.

This phase also symbolizes the child's first attempts to think for himself, to see the world in his own way, to "comprehend" (through rational processes) and to express his understanding. Consequently, communication, the key word of this sign, operates here on both a social and an intellectual level.

Air is most easily associated with the quality of mutability because of its intellectual focus and mobility. Gemini is a mutable air, a very versatile sign, restless, active and curious. Geminis usually lack depth and consistency.

What are the characteristics of the mutable sign Virgo

Let's take a look at what features the mutable sign Virgo has. Virgo represents the period of service to society, learning the skill by which one will earn a living, and initial contact with the everyday practical world of hard work, duties and responsibilities.

This phase of personal growth is almost completely overlooked in our society. That's why we have thousands - even millions - of college-educated young people who have received their diploma and are terrified by the realization that they actually don't know how to do anything.

Higher education has filled their heads with a significant number of not very applicable and often useless ideas, while they have not acquired any real skill that will help them earn a living in real world.

Since many of them are scholars or amateur intellectuals, it is difficult for them to return from the higher education phase of the ninth house to the phase of hard work and service of the sixth house.

A significant improvement in the national educational program would result from the establishment of a period of apprenticeship immediately following the end of the Gemini phase (ages 14-16).

If ancient rite introduction into real life has been revived in our country, many young people would consider themselves quite satisfied with a job that brings them joy. Then the Sagittarius phase could follow naturally.

Mutable signs strive to acquire knowledge and disseminate it. In this foursome, Virgo may seem out of place - after all, she does not tend to be scattered; on the contrary, she is distinguished by constant concentration of efforts and concentration on one thing. And yet Virgo is a multi-talented sign; she, perfectly able to provide a wide variety of services to others, enters into close relationships with very many people.

Features of the mutable sign Pisces

Let's take a look at what features the mutable sign Pisces has. Pisces represents the phase of individual development that comes after a person has completed his work for the good of society, fulfilled family obligations and felt an overwhelming need to focus on himself in order to experience the most refined and important type of education: education spiritual person.

In India, although its traditions are slowly changing, there is a basic pattern of life closely related to the four stages described here. The last phase is usually characterized by the person withdrawing from the world (including relatives) and devoting himself to spiritual disciplines.

The Pisces phase symbolizes dedication and the sacrifice of earthly attachments in order to become a channel for the manifestation and awareness of the sublime truth, the all-encompassing whole.

The great psychologist Carl-Gustav Jung wrote an essay called "The Stages of Life" in which he described a normal pattern of conscious growth very similar to what we are looking at here. The last phase, according to Jung, is an explicit turning inward toward spiritual awareness.

Pisces - mutable water - is probably the most elusive of all the mutable signs, and very often they, being subtly sensitive to the unexpressed thoughts and feelings of other people, suffer because of this.

What are the characteristics of the mutable sign Sagittarius

Let's take a look at what features the mutable sign Sagittarius has. Sagittarius symbolizes the phase of development that naturally follows from Virgo's apprenticeship phase. It is often said that Sagittarius and the ninth house represent " higher education".

In a broader sense, Sagittarius symbolizes the achievement of mastery in a person's chosen field, whether this manifests itself as a master craftsman or as a worker in one of the vaunted "trades."

This is the phase of individual education in which a person begins to make a significant impact on the world at large, through teaching his own students, publishing the fruits of his labor, or setting standards for future generations. Therefore, this phase of development involves both learning (in the sense of improving one's work, ideals and character) and giving back what one has learned.

In traditional American education, we mistakenly assume that anyone with a Ph.D., M.D., or other advanced degree academic degree, is an expert in his field.

We lose sight of the fact that true mastery comes only after a period of strict self-discipline, diligent and persistent work and the gradual development of true humility based on the recognition that a person could not really know anything without the work of his predecessors.

Mutable sign Sagittarius. Just because we put people through all sorts of academic programs as quickly as possible to produce lots of PhDs or MDs does not mean that we are enriching our society with real specialists. We sacrifice quality for quantity, just to maintain the illusion that mastery can come easily.

Sagittarius - Mutable fire sign, whose passion for adventure is clearly manifested in his desire for distant horizons, as well as in his constant religious and philosophical quest. Sagittarians are often criticized for “having their head in the clouds,” preferring intellectual searches and aspirations to earthly concerns.

The wonderful word mutability in astrology means adaptability and great potential. Signs that are considered mutable are capable of a lot in life. So mutable are astrological components that can develop in several areas at once, tend to easily experience changes and show flexibility in communication and work.

What signs do astrologers classify as mutable?

Mutable signs of the Zodiac include:

  • Gemini;
  • Streltsov.

They are the ones who can show miracles of sociability and adapt well to situations and people. These signs find new paths to difficult-to-achieve goals where others simply give up.

But this miraculous ability also has a downside. Representatives of mutable signs are fickle, changeable in their attachments and decisions. It's difficult for them to make choices. Mutable signs often neglect the necessary planning and prefer to solve problems when they are “on their doorstep.”

Each of the above signs is changeable and adaptive in its own way. But impermanence is common feature, which best characterizes the mutable properties of signs.

Mutability of Gemini and its features

Gemini's credo is communication. No information this sign cannot live even a day. Their mutability lies in the ability to quickly analyze information, as well as in the fact that they can change their minds about the obtained facts literally on the go.

Geminis get to the heart of things quite simply. Particularly gifted ones can solve crimes without leaving the TV, but these people also change their point of view in seconds.

Their adaptive abilities are well revealed when communicating with a large number of people. Here Gemini can be called real chameleons of interaction.

The negative side of mutability for this sign lies not in society, but in trusting and close relationships. Few people can stand being next to a person who has “seven Fridays a week.”

Virgos stand out among other signs for their practicality. They love to bring everything to a state of perfection. Whether they're ironing clothes or completing an annual report, everything will be done with meticulous precision.

For this sign, mutability is a true salvation from perfectionism. Flexibility in decision-making greatly helps Virgos maintain a balance between their desire for ideality and the realities of this world. In all respects, the mutability of this sign is beneficial for them and has almost no negative properties.

Other mutable zodiac signs are capable of using their traits for both good and evil. And Virgos use mutable properties so that there are no unwanted distortions in their behavior.

People born under this sign are highly intelligent. But its manifestations are expressed in practicality, logic and rationalism. And it is mutability that helps Virgos come to an understanding of lofty matters.

The mutability of Pisces is about adaptability and improvement. But they improve not the material world, but the sphere of communication, the area of ​​feelings and human relationships. Pisces are fickle, but extremely sociable. They are able and willing to help others. Therefore, the good side of their mutability is the deepening of the above skills.

The desire for completeness allows representatives of this sign to find a foothold in life. They not only help, but also always want to make sure of the result afterwards. Not knowing how the matter ended, Pisces are worried and stressed. And here adaptive abilities come to their aid.

The downside of mutable properties for Pisces is that they have a poor sense of boundaries. When communicating with other people, Pisces seem to become them for a short period, since they have great abilities for empathy. And here mutability prevents the establishment of personal barriers and contributes to the dissolution of individuality. However, Pisces get used to this quite easily.

For Sagittarius, mutability is a lifeline in a vast ocean of adventure. Since this sign has a passionate nature and does not refuse to participate in positive adventures, mutable properties help him feel normal in any conditions.

Sagittarius will not be intimidated by a hike in the mountains and a big business project. Adaptive abilities are at their best. Mutability also allows representatives of this sign to explore philosophical and cultural aspects. But it makes it difficult to accept one topic over a million others.

All mutable zodiac signs express their flexibility in different ways. In some, mutable properties predominate, while in others they are hidden and are waiting for the right moment to appear. But for all of the above signs, their mutability is a constant part of their nature.

Many who have just begun to study astrology ignore the very important and interesting section “Crosses and” when working with the natal chart. But this information is one of the first things that a novice astrologer should pay attention to.
Crosses most clearly express how people react to influences and critical situations. Will the person take action? Or will he try to close himself, hide, run? Or will he think through the situation to the smallest detail, and only then react? Crosses give a clear idea of ​​a person’s reaction and behavior, the speed of his changes, especially in unexpected and critical situations.

Cardinal signs


These are the fastest signs in terms of speed of action and reaction. A planet located in a cardinal sign quickly changes qualities. Such people tend to act quickly, abruptly, impulsively. It is difficult for them to maintain one line of behavior for a long time, to be stable and to make efforts for a long time. Many of them say things like: “I need action every day,” “I’m happy when I have some kind of problem every day.” Exactly how they will show their dynamism and cardinality depends on the element and the sign of the Zodiac.
People with cardinal signs have the easiest time making predictions because of how they react to stressful situations. They like change and are not afraid to notice it. Such clients will always give feedback on your forecast, since they are able to track changes in their lives. Cardinal signs love action, so they are easy-going and respond well to new ideas. They thrive in crisis situations, and they need such situations as incentives to act.

Despite their differences, all four signs of the cardinal cross have common attitudes:
- the desire to act, to start
- desire to achieve a goal, to succeed
— accept the challenge and win.

Sometimes all these qualities may seem inconsistent with the temperament of a particular zodiac sign. Therefore, for a better understanding, it is necessary to combine the qualities of the zodiac sign (element) and the qualities of the cross.

Let's look at examples:

Strength, energy, courage + action
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and fire element, more clearly demonstrates its qualities. He loves to compete, win, challenge and achieve his goal in any way. Ambitious and impulsive Aries, always confident in his strength and rightness.

Intelligence, Diplomacy, Harmony + Action
Libra is an airy, harmonious sign striving for perfection. And yet cardinal. They are skilled in social communication, they know how to deftly give a compliment, support any conversation, and speak beautifully. It will not be difficult for them to win or achieve what they want in an argument, discussion, or debate. Eliminate an opponent in negotiations, interviews, meetings or just small talk.

Stability, practicality + action
Capricorn, being earth sign Perhaps more than others, he enjoys achieving his goal. Hard work, patience and a thorough approach always allows you to achieve confident success.

Depth, emotion, caution + action
Cancer . Many people mistakenly believe that Cancer (as a representative water element) does not achieve goals, does not like to act, much less win. But this is not entirely true. Here we should combine the qualities of the water element (softness, passivity, sensitivity) with the qualities of cardinality (action, initiative). Cancer, unlike Aries, will not “go over the head”, openly compete and loudly declare itself. But if he wants something, he will firmly pursue his goal or at least “sit through” his victory. While spending great amount strength, time and emotional energy.

Fixed signs

Stability, reliability

People with pronounced fixed signs in the chart strongly resist change and often do not want to notice it. Even when faced with a difficult situation, they will resist with all their might and resolutely insist that nothing is happening. Fixed signs are slow to respond to change and always need more time to realize, decide, or take action. Many of these people have been dissatisfied with their jobs for years, constantly talking about dismissal, low salaries, bad conditions etc., but they will continue to sit in the same place.
Fixed signs strive for stability, reliability and peace. They are not flexible, do not like changes, changes, reserved and slow to rise. They don’t want to part with their habits and rules. It takes a lot of effort and outside influence for them to react and take some action. So, for example, a young man of a fixed sign may, after 10 years of living together with his fiancée, still not decide to marry.
Fixed cross people are adapted to long and constant effort. By choosing a certain path, they can do the same things for many years. If such a person decides to become a vegetarian, run in the morning or adhere to certain rules, then he will have enough endurance not to change the established program.

Despite their differences, all four signs of the fixed cross have common settings:
- stability and constancy
- stable position, retention of results
- reliability and immutability

It would seem that all the qualities of fixed signs are more suitable for Taurus, Scorpio and Leo. However, Aquarius, for all its ease and openness to new things, stubbornly defends its own vision and views. He has a hard time accepting someone else’s point of view, someone else’s opinion, other orders and rules. More often than not, this is the reluctance to change. Everything should be as it suits him. It is easier for Aquarius to eloquently convince the interlocutor that he is wrong, or to prove that black is white, than to listen and agree.
It can be difficult for Leos to give up their selfish habits and desire to be the best. Sometimes he is ready to do nothing at all if there is no one hundred percent chance of winning.
Taurus exhibits more fixed qualities than other signs. He is attached to his physical sensations and strives for material and financial stability. He does not like to take risks, so he is reluctant to part with money and takes a long time to decide on a purchase or move. It is difficult to persuade him to start something new or quickly include him in some process.
Scorpio, being a very sensitive and emotional sign, seeks stability and constancy in relationships, as well as emotional security. Scorpio is very difficult to relax and win over. But getting used to some people, he can’t even bear the thought that they might leave. He is ready to fight to the last for “his” person, even if the relationship has long outlived its usefulness.

Mutable signs

Changeability, flexibility, mobility

People of mutable signs are perhaps the most unpredictable in their behavior. These are flexible, changeable, well-rounded, intuitive and fickle signs.
The main feature of these signs is the ability to adapt. They do not develop careful plans, do not follow only the proven path, their tactics are that they are guided by the situation and feel exactly how to act “here and now.” Quickly adapt to everything new, adapt to different people, they know how to sense the right moment, understand well the needs of society and the situation, and easily integrate into a new environment.

Gemini's thinking gives them the ability to easily deal with any information. Quickly navigate the map, delve into the instructions or program, and find a simple solution to a controversial issue.
Virgo is not afraid of any work; it is easier than others to adapt to any living conditions and any work. He will note all the subtleties and nuances and provide a wide variety of services.
Sagittarius's ideology, involvement and optimism will help in any situation to involve others and find a way out.
Pisces intuitively adapt themselves to circumstances, subtly sensing moods and surroundings.

They know how to “split in two”, to be on both sides of the situation. This makes it possible to go beyond the main goal, mix and match different options, find a different point of view, and navigate the situation well.
The duality of these signs allows them to successfully do many things at the same time, have several professions and hobbies.

The mutable cross is flexibility, adaptation to any conditions, a thirst for change and the ability to adapt oneself to circumstances.

We can say that people with a mutable cross combine the qualities of cardinal and fixed signs. If the situation so demands, they can show unprecedented patience, endurance, pressure, and if necessary, they can retreat altogether. But it is difficult for them to remain in one state for a long time (fixity), or to constantly strive for something (cardinality), which is why such qualities as unreliability and uncertainty are attributed to them. Intense mental work is replaced by periods of laziness and idleness, and passionate involvement in something is replaced by apathy. Moreover, these shifts may occur irregularly, and their duration may vary.
Often these signs are in a state of anxiety and irritation and really suffer. When unpleasant situations happen to them, the most difficult thing is the psychological stress that they experience.
If in such a situation cardinal sign Action will help, while a fixed sign will benefit from relying on your experience, while a mutable sign will need changes, transformations, and updates.