Review of the game Guild Wars: Nightfall. New old titles

23.06.2019 Health

Tales of 1001 nights. They scroll with the mouse, and they will tell you not only before going to bed.

After sleepless nights spent tete-a-tete with Guild Wars, then Guild Wars Factions, and finally with Nightfall, there is no doubt left: this is a wonderful computer fairy tale, one of those games that, perhaps, does not force you to lose appetite and voraciously write poetry, but present themselves as something new, spring, airy - requiring a respectful and delicate attitude. Let's tear off the unsightly label of online role-playing game. A similar official mark may appear on the game box, on its price tag in a store, or even on the website, but it has no place on the pages of SI. The heaviness of the MMO die tears the delicate fabric of Guild Wars-essence and sets the reader in an inappropriate mood. Graphic adventure? May be. Computer dream? Is very similar.

But the most accurate genre definition is a fairy tale, a magical interactive fairy tale. It is important to make one note: Guild Wars does not enslave users and does not require them to sacrifice all their free time, like, say, EVE Online or World of Warcraft. Her fans are blood and milk, because their gaming routine is almost flawless. Guild War is always happy to have a date: a couple of battles in the arena in the morning before work, a few quests before bed, trips to the dungeons for rare items on the weekends. Such a schedule will allow you to always be up to date, keep up with your fellow guild members in development or equipment, and get maximum pleasure. The feeling that something important is happening somewhere, and you again missed everything, remained in the dusty wastelands of Azeroth.

Of course, you can create your own local hell here too by getting heavily involved in PVP, regular training and testing of new builds, but this is the dark side of Guild Wars and we will discuss it in a separate sidebar. And all this, as you remember, with a complete absence of subscription fees.

Heading for the minarets

Arena Net, however, is not in poverty, regularly raiding the wallets of subscribers with a fresh addition at the ready. This happens when all the characters of the previous “parts” have already acquired a solid twenty in the “level” column, and there are no unknown paths or unprecedented animals left on the mainland. With a precisely calibrated marketing flourish, the father-creators throw boxes with fresh, neatly measured contents onto the counter. This is a mainland, a couple of characters, a tiny plot and a handful of changes. The plot, by the way, is not intended to attract players - it explains the general style of the add-on.

If Factions was made in an oriental style and told stories of the dark slums of nameless cities, then Nightfall goes further. Before us is exoticism in its purest form - either Egypt, or Ethiopia, or Syria. More precisely, the island kingdom of Istan, an inhospitable country full of pirate gangs. On the throne of the main villain, instead of Shiro Tagachi, all the forces of darkness immediately perched themselves, and the Order of the Golden Spears joined the alliances of Luxons and Kurziks. Don't worry, if you are not familiar with the above names and titles, you will discover your own Nightfall. Like every self-respecting fairy tale, it can be interrupted, continued, or not started from the beginning.

Only owners of three games will be able to see with their own eyes the hole in space and time and bring a character created more than a year ago to these lands. Not everyone - no big deal. Install the one you have.

Mow, braid

A beginner's path to Nightfall begins with viewing and choosing a character class. Having tested the game on classic characters in the first part and on the slightly more original killer and ritualist in Factions, the Guild Wars designers decided to experiment and equipped Nightfall with a dervish and a paragon.

At first, in the company of quite familiar warriors or sorcerers, a girl in a hood and with a scythe evokes mixed feelings. However, you soon get used to it. The dervish is a good expert in close combat, the paragon is a wonderful mixture of the paladin ibard, which raises the military spirit. This is just the beginning. The feeling of the character will come a little later, after long meditations on sun-drenched landscapes and mastering a second profession.

At this crucial moment, all three boxes of the game can really come in handy. “Minion Master” is an almost canonical embodiment of the devil on earth, resurrecting corpses with a slight movement of the hand, forcing them to fight on their side, will not work without a unique Golem. The “dervish/killer” skill will not work without the second part. A spectacular "paragon/warrior" will not show all its power without the elite spell Triple Chop, again originally from Factions. Mercenaries will only add pleasant fuss in this sense: now four people will have to think: main characters and three wards. Arm everyone, explain which spells to take and how to distribute skill points. Thank you, at least the bodyguards’ armor “grows” in the classroom on its own.


a solid-sized single-player campaign;

two new classes;

the interface has become more convenient;

new multiplayer mode.

the game is still unfriendly to beginners;

without reading the manual it is impossible to understand the motivations of the characters in the story campaign;

The inventory is still a mess.

The Country of the Golden Sun occupies the entire continent of Elon, and three provinces have peacefully coexisted here since ancient times. The first, Istan, is famous for its fleet - it is its ships that carry out trade with other lands, despite the fact that six hundred years ago the entire population was struck down by the plague. Corna has always been considered the military center of the empire - a long time ago, on the initiative of its leaders, the unification of lands took place. Finally, the territory of Wabbi, lost in the north of the continent, is famous for its talented poets, musicians, dancers and writers.

They all obey the Order of the Sun Mines, a completely autonomous structure somewhat reminiscent of the Templars. If not for the timely help of the order, Istan would have remained in ruins, covered with a mountain of corpses. Knights protect civilians from the evil spirits that flood the deserts and the creatures of darkness that come in the wake of the disease. They mercilessly deal with robbers, smugglers and fugitives from other continents with a criminal past. You are invited to become one of the members of the organization and experience for yourself all the delights of the nomadic life of the savior of the world.

No man is an island
Nightfall is mainly intended for those who until now doubted whether he, a proud and self-loving loner, should venture into the inhospitable Guild Wars universe, where it is customary to walk in a herd. For such people, there is a whole brood of virtual partners (heroes) who are ready to go on a hike at any moment. You can get your hands on them by completing a few key tasks, but the effort is worth it. Unlike them younger brothers- mercenaries - heroes can be dressed independently, you can tell them how to behave and what spells to use. In fact, the same adventurers will fight side by side with you, only completely taciturn and without a puppeteer on the other side of the monitor.

Since most of the lands of Elona are covered with endless deserts, occasionally bordered by mountains and impenetrable swamps, the problem of traveling in inanimate company solved itself. Virtual characters were taught by order to look for workaround routes, which is especially effective when performing tasks in groups: while magicians strike from the rear or from a hill, warriors can calmly go into a frontal attack. This tactic looks especially attractive if there are two new classes in the group - the dervish, who casts various long-lasting spells on himself or enemies, and the paragon, who throws spears at enemies from a safe distance. The first is distinguished by well-developed reflexes and some knowledge of magic, which are greatly enhanced when choosing a warrior or magician as a secondary profession, and the second is ideal for duels.

Almost according to Chernyshevsky
As before, newcomers have a choice: develop a hero from scratch or immediately get a ready-made fighter. The first option, oddly enough, is preferable. Single tasks, although created according to the classical scheme, are carried out much more willingly than before. These include completely unique assignments, such as shooting at enemy ships using a catapult. For this seemingly simple task, it is necessary to eliminate all the bandits in the area, find a warehouse with fuel, pick up one shell and bring it to the unit, and then activate the mechanism. It's a tedious task, but damn interesting.

But no matter how hard the authors tried, they were unable to cure one of the hereditary diseases of their brainchild. The question “where to go next” hangs before our eyes all the time. There comes a time when all the tasks are completed, special missions are completed several times, and what to do next is not clear. All that remains is to join the guild and fight for the mercy of the gods of Elona with an enemy army of thousands. Collective struggle also has its charms, but not everyone likes it.

Savannas, deserts and oases have created a completely different world, different from what was before. It has become brighter and more dynamic - the wind moves the crowns of trees and drives tons of sand, gradually surrounding small villages and towns. They may soon disappear from the Elon map forever. All story cutscenes are voiced, and each major battle is accompanied by pathetic music, the quality of which is still at its best. The only pity is that it is too quickly replaced by the clanging of swords and the screams of the wounded. A mouse and a couple of keyboard buttons are enough to get used to this world in a matter of minutes. For the lazy, there are still portals in big cities so you don't have to run around too much. Most of the time the hero travels in the company of computer-controlled allies. The need for living people appears only closer to the end. Nightfall continues the traditions of the original, adding to the universe not only a new continent and fighters, but also a completely different model of behavior. Now everyone has a choice - to travel alone or with friends. Both options are interesting in their own way.

Briefly about the article: No books have been written or films made about this world, it exists only as a massively multiplayer online role-playing game - but five million people know and love it. Wars and conspiracies, the rise and fall of empires, heroism and betrayal - today we will talk about the history of the world of Guild Wars, one of the most beautiful fantasy computer universes.

World of Guild Wars


What has been taken will return again. Let that which is broken be united. That which fills me with despair, may it be destroyed by the wrath of my army.

Monk Menlo

The world of Guild Wars is the world of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game of the same name. It has not received (at least so far) literary or any other incarnations, except for the game itself. This is a world in which only virtual heroes live and act - both computer and controlled by players. The popularity of the world, however, is quite high: the game has crossed the three million mark of active subscribers and is moving on. Today we will talk to you about the history and structure of this curious world, we will turn to its gods and tragedies, heroes and antiheroes.

The world of Guild Wars consists of three large continents: Tyria, Kant And Elona. Each of these continents is a separate part of the game: events unfold in Tyria Guild Wars: Prophecies, in Kant - Guild Wars: Factions, in Elon - Guild Wars: Nightfall. Those who have known the world of Guild Wars first-hand for a long time (or, more simply, old players) have already traveled the length and breadth of the expanses of Kantha and Tyria, and are now exploring the last continent - Elona. The main events of the world unfold according to the chronology of the appearance of the continents: first - the Guild Wars and the invasion of the Charr in Tyria, then - civil strife and a terrible pestilence in Kant, and the latest for today - the appearance of Darkness in Elon.

Creation: Snakes and Magic

The world in which Guild Wars takes place (and which still does not have its own name) was created by powerful gods many thousands of years ago. The first race to come to this world Snake people . Unlike ordinary snakes, these creatures were upright and had their own language and sophisticated culture. They were called by the ancient gods to become the guardians of the new world. They were to become shepherds of other creatures for a time while the gods continued to create the world. Snakes were guardians of the earth and knowledge - and wise mentors. Under their care, balance reigned in the world. But then a new race of creatures came into the world.

Not reptiles - and not animals. Not plants - and not stones. They did not have chitinous shells to protect their delicate skin. They did not have claws to tear flesh. They were naked and defenseless, but the thirst for power burned within them.

This new race became our race - the race of people. We quickly conquered the world. Cities sprang up all over the continent. Walls were built, weapons were forged. What nature deprived us of, we created ourselves. We didn't have thick skins and claws - we made spears and metal armor. We discovered fire and writing, we passed knowledge from generation to generation through songs and poems. Soon we had everything we needed and began hunting for other creatures. We killed animals for fun, drove druids out of groves and seized lands that did not belong to us. We have become masters of the world. We enjoyed the benefits, but forgot about responsibility.

Less than a century later, the snakes, the guardians of the world, decided to leave. The balance that they had maintained for millennia collapsed, and it could no longer be restored. The snakes saw that the world had changed. Unwilling to fight, they left the land of men; gradually their influence faded. For the new race, they became creatures from the past, inhabiting only legends and myths. Eventually, the memory of them was completely erased. The snakes did not disappear - they were simply forgotten.

Despite the fact that the snakes left, the gods continued to create the world. Generous parents, they decided to give him magic. Magic was intended as a gift to all intelligent creatures in order to make their difficult life and struggle for existence easier. Having created magic, they endowed it with people and charr, tengu and gnomes, minotaurs and imps, without bypassing a single race that lived in the world they created.

But the gods did not take into account one thing: the greed of their children.

Wars broke out between races endowed with magic for dominance over the world. The human race was on the verge of extinction. When it seemed that all was lost, King Doric, leader of the human tribes, himself undertook a long journey to Arach, the city of the gods, located on the Orrian Peninsula. He had the honor of speaking with the creators and asked them for help. He begged them to stop the wars and return peace to their lands.

The gods heeded his pleas and intervened. They took the magic from the peoples and locked it inside a high stone.

The stone was split into five parts: four equal fragments containing the magic of different schools, and a key, without which the four stones could not be united again. Each of the four fragments contained the magic of one of the schools: preservation, destruction, aggression and denial. Magic, as before, existed in the world, but the crushing power of four could no longer be controlled by one magician.

Since King Doric dared to ask the gods for help, they entrusted his family with the burden of guarding the stones. As an extra precaution, they sealed each stone with the king's blood. Then the gods threw stones into the volcano on the southern coast of Crete (province of Tyria) and left this world forever - in the confidence that mortals would not be able to use their wonderful gift to please their greed.

This concludes the story of the creation of the world of Guild Wars. Further events begin to develop in parallel in three directions: the history of Tyria, the history of Kantha and the history of Elona. They intersect, cross each other, turn into each other (according to the chronology of the appearance of the three continents), but they run like a red thread through all these chronicles guild wars.

Gods of Guild Wars: Duaina

Duaina is the goddess of life and air, first among the other ancient gods. Her followers are primarily monks and elementalists, adepts of air magic. Duaina is often depicted as young, tall and graceful, soaring above the ground on enormous wings. Kantian artists often place it above the living, trembling souls of their own ancestors, and Elonian artists - above the earth, exhausted by drought, pestilence or plague.

Gods of Guild Wars: Balthazar

Balthazar is the god of war and fire. He is often worshiped by warriors and elementalists, although the world knows of monks who followed his precepts. Army commanders and guild leaders often offer a prayer to the Bastion of Brave Glory before leading their followers into battle. Balthasar is often depicted with a huge sword, the tip of which rests on the ground, and two war dogs sitting at his feet. Kant artists give him a traditional Kant sword, and replace the dogs with winged dragons. Some Elonian artists replace dogs with lions or other fearsome predators.

Gods of Guild Wars: Grenth

Grent is worshiped by necromancers and elementalists, adepts of water magic who punish enemies with icy cold. In Kant, he is also worshiped by murderers who do not undertake a dangerous task without obtaining the blessing of a priest of this god. Serving Grent requires sacrifice. The path leading to its secrets tests the soul no less than the mind. His followers know that the line between worlds is thin; by paying with blood and souls, you can call the dead from the other world, and the world of the living will fall into chaos.

Grent is often depicted as a deity with the body of a man and the skull of a long-faced beast (in the Kantian tradition - a dragon). The dead lie at his feet, and in the paintings of Kantian artists their faces are bashfully turned away from the deity, so that the viewer does not confuse these dead slaves with the “living” spirits of their ancestors.

After the gods enclosed magic in stone, the world forgot about troubles. Neither race could gain dominance over the other, and wars ceased. For several hundred years, the human kingdoms flourished. Each nation created its own powerful associations, called guilds. They were the ones who held true power in the world. There were still kings and councils that made laws, but it was the guilds who decided whether to give effect to these laws or not. The guilds grew, and soon they became crowded.

And then an event happened that put an end to order. The volcanic eruption brought five pieces of rock back to the surface and scattered them around the world. The magic contained in them was sprouting. And although the Blood Stones, as they were called, were never united into one, their power was enough to reignite the thirst for power in the hearts of people.

A struggle for power began, and war broke out again. But this time there was no unity among the people. Guilds fought each other for dominance of the continent. The power of the kings was not enough to stop the war; the armies of the guilds were more numerous and stronger than their own armies. The war between the guilds lasted for decades, constantly fueled by the thirst for power and the power of the Blood Stones. Peace agreements were violated as soon as they entered into force. The negotiations were leading nowhere. The war claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

Although there was a winner and a loser in every battle, none of the kingdoms gained enough power to conquer the neighboring ones. Over the years, the wealth of nations has been depleted. People and armies are tired of endless battles.

After more than five decades, the war ended - but this was not the merit of cunning diplomats or the conquering hero. The war stopped because another war began, much worse - the war declared on the people by the Charr people. Countless hordes of enemies poured into Ascalon, Orr and Kryta from the north. People had to forget about fighting their neighbors and defend their borders.

Each kingdom chose its own defense tactics. Troops Askalona they stood firm: they had nowhere to retreat. And although their forces were exhausted, they took up defensive positions behind the Great Northern Wall. The defense did not last long: the Charr mages rained down fire and brimstone on them, destroying all life for hundreds of miles around. This battle was called the Flame.

Those who were able to survive will remember until the end of their days how magical fire tore Ascalon to pieces. Entire cities and guilds were destroyed in the Flame, the power of Ascalon was defeated, Charr captured most kingdom, desecrating it with their altars, killing everyone who stood in the way.

When Ascalon fell, the Charr entered the province's lands Orr. Local residents hoped for a quick victory over the invader - their army was strong and fresh, while the enemy had already fought many battles in Ascalon. But all these hopes turned to dust in less than twelve hours. The Orrians were unable to hold back the onslaught of the enemy hordes.

When defeat seemed inevitable and the whole country lay in ruins, the king's secret adviser volunteered to exterminate the enemies at any cost. He unrolled one of the Lost Scrolls and read the words written on it. Thus came the end of the kingdom of Orr for all eternity.

Almost no one survived what is now called the Cataclysm. Although the Charr failed to take to the streets of Orr's capital, few would call it a victory.

As a result of a monstrous explosion, the enemy army was destroyed, but along with it the entire peninsula went under water. A beautiful city Arakh died, and only blackened ruins remained above the water. The great people of Orr became a people of the living dead, and the souls of those who have not found peace still roam there.

The war has reached Crits. There were no strong warriors or powerful magicians here, but there was a man endowed with the power of the invisible gods - Saul D'Alessio, head of the Order of the White Mantle. Whether it was luck or fate, the army of Kryta led by Saul was able to repel the Charr invasion.

Despite the fact that his cause was crowned with success, Saul himself died heroically on the battlefield, fighting for the freedom of his fellow citizens. He led his troops deep into enemy territory but was ambushed. His entire squad was killed, and he himself fell in that battle.

In the end, people managed to unite and recapture their lands. But none of the previously prosperous states have become what they once were.

The backstory of Guild Wars: Prophecies ended with guild wars and the Charr invasion. . The player learned further events and details of the history of the world directly in the vastness of Tyria and decided for himself which kingdom he would like to become a subject and hero of.

While Tyria was torn apart by various conflicts, not everything was calm on other continents either. For example, in Kante The 27th Emperor was killed and the Jade Storm began, shackling the sea and making several islands inaccessible to ships. But perhaps the most terrible event in Kant is the Pestilence, which was brought upon the country by the sorcerer Shiro (backstory of the game Guild Wars: Factions).

Gods of Guild Wars: Lissa Gods of Guild Wars: Melandru

Lissa - twin goddesses of beauty and illusion, patroness of the mesmer profession. Lissa wears many masks and has hundreds of guises. Art lovers fervently pray to her, although many fear her fickle temperament, saying that behind her beautiful appearance lies a deep pool of chaos. Lissa favors art and culture, but her anger is terrible. Her followers choose the magic of illusion and deception, turning other people's spells to their advantage. Her whim can make her enemies scream in impotent anger, and her beautiful followers rise to the heights of bliss.

Lissa is usually depicted as twin goddesses, lovely maidens entwined in an eternal dance.

Melandru is the goddess of earth and nature. She is worshiped by rangers and elementalists who choose earth magic. It is said that the Druids of Maguuma once worshiped this goddess, but none of them lived to this day to confirm or deny this. Her statues attract weary travelers who find themselves under her branches clean water and shelter from the storm.

Artists of Tyria and Elona depict her as a tall, winged woman or dryad, whose lower body represents the trunk, branches and roots of a tree. Instead of a tree trunk, Kantian artists place the goddess in a split crystal from the forest of Echovald.

The first major cataclysm known to us in the history of Elona - the so-called Scarab plague. This strange disease, which claimed the lives of thousands of inhabitants, swept through a deadly whirlwind across the entire continent approximately 500 years before the Guild Wars began in Tyria. Those infected with the plague died in agony: beetles hatched from the blisters that covered their bodies. Many believed that the plague was a curse sent by unknown forces, but the true causes remain a mystery to this day.

After a terrible plague that lasted almost 4 years, devastation came to the continent. Nine-tenths of the population died, including the royal family; ended era of the Primordial Kings, has begun era of the Great Dynasty. And although this era was relatively calm, peace cannot be eternal - just over 100 years passed, and a war began for the vacated throne.

Several claimants declared themselves heirs to dynasties whose roots went back deep to the Primordial Kings, others carried the banners of long-extinct kingdoms above their heads, trying to resurrect the ideals and faith of the past. Historians call this era era of the Broken Dynasty, a time when empires were born and died in bloody war.

The war brought the suffering, weakening country to the brink of the abyss. Some sources claim that the blood flowing like a river gave new life the forces of evil. However, others believe that it was the forces of evil that, on the contrary, prompted people to bloodshed.

Finally, the Era of the split dynasty ended - it ended with a completely predictable result: from now on, each of the provinces of Elona has its own power, and no one has the right to dictate their terms to others. Order throughout the country is ensured by the Order of the Solar Spears.

Here it is - Elona, ​​known to us today:

Ishtan . This island province is famous for its fleet; ships from Tyria and Kantha are constantly scurrying in its ports. The province is governed by a Council consisting of Elders. The principle of management is meritocracy: the highest position in society is achieved by those who have earned it through their exploits and work for the benefit of the people.

Qurna . The most warlike province of Elona, ​​whose people are constantly ready for battle. The rulers of Kurna are the descendants of the great marshal Turai Ossa, the national hero of Elona, ​​who a hundred years ago challenged the undead lord Palawa Joko to a duel and destroyed him. The Kurnians value above all else in people loyalty, loyalty to their country, a sense of duty and the desire for military service. The strength of a province lies in the sincere devotion of its inhabitants to their rulers.

Wubby. The patrimony of noble merchants, the richest and most refined province of Elona. Grand balls are given here, where wine flows like a river, and readers perform plays and poems by great masters, but beyond the borders of any merchant's possession, danger lurks for the wanderer - robbers and wild animals, the scourge of all the provinces of Elona. Vubbi is governed by the Great Forum, but essentially all the reins of government are held in his hands by the richest of the merchants. The legislative branch may be democratic in appearance, but money here can solve much more problems than strength, courage and honesty combined.

Order of the Sun Spears - an alliance of heroes protecting Elona from external and internal attacks. When the Scarab plague devastated Elona, ​​it was they who saved the remaining inhabitants and destroyed the centers of the disease. As soon as robbers or a tribe of savages draw their weapons, as soon as rebellion or unrest breaks out, the warriors of the Order go on a campaign to defend their homeland.

Warriors of the Order of the Sun Spears obey only their officers - the Marshals of the Spear. The Order respects the laws of all provinces, but insists on complete freedom of movement for its troops. In previous centuries, each province had its own guard and could prohibit the Order from interfering in its affairs; Now the citizens of Elona know that there are no more reliable defenders than the warriors of the Spears.

When a new player enters the world of Guild Wars: Nightfall, they become a Warrior of the Spear. His duty is to ward off any attack that threatens Elona, ​​fight hand in hand with other heroes, and accomplish many different feats for the glory of the country of the Golden Sun.

There is a place in Morok's heart where time moves neither forward nor backward. Here is a hole in the fabric of the cosmos, a point of perfect balance of all forces. This place is called By a rift, and there is no place that is not connected with it, which cannot be reached from here. Those who have discovered the secrets of traveling through the universe through Morok always end up in a Rift on their way, no matter where it lies. This is the Center of the Universe.

At the center of the Rift, deep in Moroka, rises a fortress wall known throughout the worlds as Halls of Heroes. This place is the highest point that can be reached after death. When a hero dies, their spirit is sent to one of two places: it is either buried with the dead body, forever trapped in the rotting flesh and fetid bones of its corpse, or it is ascended to the Rift. This happens only to those whose fame has reached the gods; few are given the honor of entering the Halls.

For a long time, the Rift and the Halls of Heroes were accessible only to those who crossed from the material world to the astral one. This was the land of the Dead, a closed community where you paid with your life for membership. But the powerful magician Odran was able to open portals leading to the Halls. He tried to keep this secret only for himself, but he couldn't. Since then, uninvited guests can arrive on the threshold of the Halls, and the endless battle for dominance over them does not stop for a minute.

* * *

A thousand years ago, a terrible battle took place in Elon, when the adherents of darkness, the Margonites, having enlisted the support of a dark deity, started a war against the worshipers of the true gods. Temples collapsed, chapels were desecrated, blood flowed like a river. Despite the incredible power that these monsters were endowed with, people managed to destroy their army and expel the false god into a world of eternal torment.

But again there were signs that the fallen god had returned to the world. Darkness is once again raising its head; beyond the world of the living, an ancient, forgotten evil is gaining strength. Take the hero's path and follow this path to the end. And may the true gods of this world protect you and help you.

The official distributor in Russia, the Buka company is currently localizing Guild Wars: descriptions of all game items, skills, and quests are translated into Russian. The game itself will continue to take place on an international server, but players will have the opportunity to visit Russian quarters, communicate in the game chat in their native language and seek help from a Russian-language support service.