Physical preparation for admission to military universities

15.10.2017 Education

Those distant times are gradually returning when service in law enforcement agencies was considered prestigious. This is largely due to a large number of domestic films and TV series that glorify the work of servants of the law. Watching fearless operatives fight crime on TV screens, many teenagers dream of joining their ranks. But how to join the Ministry of Internal Affairs? To do this, you must first graduate from one of the educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It could be a school, academy or university.

Beginning of law enforcement education

Healthy and physically resilient young men who want to devote their lives to serving in the police are accepted to study at the schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can enter the institution after receiving a certificate of completion of 9 classes. It is very important that the document contains good grades, since the academic performance of applicants in such educational institutions is addressed Special attention. If desired, after graduating from school, its graduates can continue their education in higher institutions training employees for law enforcement agencies.

Admission to university: main requirements

All young people who are interested in the question of how to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should know that the selection of applicants here is approached very carefully. People who have completed secondary school or higher education. In addition, a person wishing to study at an academy or university under the Ministry of Internal Affairs will need to pass entrance tests, undergo a psychological examination, a medical examination, drug tests and show high level physical training when passing standards.

Submitting an application

Before entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the applicant must write an application addressed to the head of the internal affairs agency located at the place of his permanent registration. The document must be submitted before the end of February of the year in which admission is planned. It is necessary to indicate the following information: name of the university, faculty and specialty in which the applicant wishes to study. If a person is a law enforcement officer, then instead of an application, he should submit a report at the place of his service.

The educational or personal files of all persons wishing to receive education at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are sent to the educational institutions of their choice, after which all candidates must undergo professional selection. The one who successfully passes all the tests will be enrolled in studies. Age of applicants who did not serve in the ranks Russian army, must be 16-22 years old, and those who have already completed military service at the time of submitting the application must be no older than 24 years old.

Definition of mental and physical health

Anyone who is interested in information about how to enter the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should know that mental stability is the most important requirement for all candidates for study. Persons who have expressed a desire to devote themselves to work in law enforcement agencies are tested by specialists for a tendency to aggression and cruel behavior by conducting a psychological examination.

A medical examination allows you to determine whether the applicant’s physical health meets the requirements upcoming work. Before entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person will need to visit a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, and surgeon. In addition to being examined by specialists, the applicant must undergo an examination to determine whether he has taken narcotic substances in the past. The key to successfully passing a medical examination is the absence of serious chronic diseases and mental resistance to stress factors. It is important to take into account that an applicant will be considered fit for study only if he is at least 160 cm tall.

Assessment of physical fitness of future students

When considering the question of how to enter the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one cannot help but disclose information about the specifics of passing the standards. Their list may differ depending on which faculty the applicant wants to study at. Most often, the applicant’s level of physical fitness is determined by the results of performing complex strength exercises, pull-ups on the bar and short and short runs. long distances. In order to successfully pass all the standards, the applicant needs to begin preparatory training several months before admission, having first learned about the requirements for them on the official website of the educational institution.

Admission of women to university

It happens that representatives of the fair sex are interested in how a girl can enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Women are accepted into educational institutions that train law enforcement officers in limited numbers. They are enrolled in the university on a general basis, having passed a psychological examination, a medical examination, testing for drug use and passing the required physical standards.

Educational institutions that train law enforcement officers have a strict approach to student selection. Such strict requirements are explained by the fact that the work that awaits graduates after graduation is particularly specific, requiring excellent physical fitness and stress resistance. Having become familiar with how to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs, each person can independently understand whether he is suitable for service in internal organs or not.

Before moving on to a conversation about how to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I would like to note that graduates of civilian universities who have received an education in the legal field, as well as education in other professions, have the right to work in the police. This already depends on the specific unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their personnel needs. Therefore, if for some reason you do not meet the parameters below, do not despair. You still have a chance to get the desired position. According to the law, you can get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs until you are 35 years old.

Since not everyone can enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is worth worrying about this issue in January of the year for which admission is planned. The plan for the required number of future employees is established at the beginning of each year by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. At least two candidates must be prepared for one allocated admission place. Teaching in these educational institutions is conducted on a full-time basis. Anyone who has completed 11th grade, as well as those who have received secondary vocational or higher education, are eligible to enroll, but before they reach 25 years of age. Correspondence training also exists, but only for those who are already serving in the internal affairs bodies, serving in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in state civilian institutions.

To enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs full-time, a person needs to write an application. This, as already mentioned, needs to be done in January (the deadline is March). And submit an application to the personnel department of the local structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of registration. Here you can find a complete list necessary documents. Those wishing to study part-time should contact the personnel department at their place of work.

After receiving an application, the candidate must undergo a selection process and prove that he meets certain professional parameters. First, anyone wishing to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs must undergo an examination at a military medical commission and be examined at a psychological diagnostic center. If the medical commission and psychologist approve the candidate, then the first stage of admission has been completed. Next, a personal file is opened on the applicant, which is transferred to the appropriate university by June 15.

The next stage will be passing the commission at the place of study in accordance with the schedule of entrance exams. The candidate must have with him a passport and education document (originals and copies), Unified State Examination results, registration certificate or military ID. If you have benefits, you must bring documents that confirm them.

At the university, you will again need to undergo a medical and psychodiagnostic commission, a test for the presence of drug, alcohol and toxic addictions. Next, the candidate undergoes additional entrance tests depending on the chosen specialization. The common subject for all is physical training, the standards for which vary slightly depending on the target group and the gender of the candidate. Admission is carried out on a competitive basis. The question “How to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs” will be answered by information that can be found on the official websites of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by city.

From the moment of admission to the educational institution, cadets receive free food, uniforms, vacations, the possibility of living in a hostel for nonresidents. Also, cadets are provided with a monetary allowance, which can vary from 14 to 28 thousand rubles. depending on the course and city.

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So, we answered the question of how to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The future cadet must have good health, a stable psyche, an impeccable reputation (and his immediate family as well) and a great desire to serve the law and Russia. If you meet all these criteria, consider that you are already enrolled in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The document is valid for persons with special ranks and serving in a federal body executive power, carrying out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of activities of the National Guard troops Russian Federation, in the field of arms trafficking, in the field of private security activities and in the field of private security (except for the provisions Part 4 of Article 10, Clause 21 of Part 1, Parts 2 and 3 of Article 11, Part 2 of Article 12, Part 3 of Article 13) (Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 227-FZ).

Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 342-FZ (as amended on April 3, 2017) “On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented, came into force on 06/28/2017)

Article 24. Test upon entry into service in internal affairs bodies

1. For a citizen entering service in the internal affairs bodies, in order to check the level of his training and suitability for the position in the internal affairs bodies for which he is applying, a trial period of two to six months is established, with the exception of cases established parts 10 and 11 of this article. When entering service in the internal affairs bodies for a position, upon filling which a special police rank is awarded, a probationary period of less than three months is not allowed.

2. For the probationary period, the candidate is appointed as a trainee to the appropriate position in the internal affairs bodies without assigning him a special rank.

3. During the test, the trainee performs duties and enjoys rights in accordance with the position being filled in the internal affairs bodies and the terms of the employment contract. The trainee is not permitted to carry or possess firearms during the probationary period. It is prohibited to use a trainee in operational activities when there may be a threat to his life or when his independent actions, due to professional unpreparedness, may lead to a violation or infringement of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens. During the probationary period, the trainee, in addition to performing the main duties and assignments of the position, undergoes individual training at the place of duty under the guidance of the immediate supervisor (chief) and a mentor from among experienced employees of internal affairs bodies, appointed by order of the authorized manager. Order organizing individual training for the trainee, studying his personal and business qualities and order Assessments of the results of an intern’s individual training are established by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. During the testing period, further study of the trainee's business and personal qualities is carried out.

(see text in previous editors)

4. During the probationary period, an urgent contract is concluded with the trainee employment contract, the trainee is subject to labor laws, as well as parts 1 - 3 of article 68 of this Federal Law.

5. No later than 14 days before the end of the probationary period, the trainee’s immediate supervisor (supervisor) prepares a written conclusion on the trainee’s performance of official duties during the trial period. This conclusion, after the trainee has reviewed it, is presented to the authorized manager for approval.

6. The conclusion must contain one of the following recommendations:

1) on recognizing the trainee as having passed the test;

2) on recognizing the trainee as having failed the test.

7. Based on the conclusion, the authorized manager, no later than three days before the end of the test period, accepts one of next decisions:

1) on concluding a contract with the trainee;

8. The probation period does not include the period of temporary incapacity for work of the trainee and other periods when he did not actually perform official duties. An increase in the probationary period for the period of temporary incapacity for work of the trainee, as well as for the period of his absence from service for other valid reasons, is formalized by order of the authorized manager.

The University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a government institution that trains specialists to protect public order and fight crime. In some countries, the Ministry of Internal Affairs performs such functions as: ensuring national security, protecting places of deprivation of liberty, issues of censorship in the media mass media. In the USSR, today's Ministry of Internal Affairs was called the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, and in 1946 it was decided to rename it the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Nowadays, the full name of the “Ministry of Internal Affairs” in Russia looks like this: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In our country, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the highest point vocational education Internal Affairs.

So, how to apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Since the Higher Educational Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs differs from all universities in the specifics of future work, admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs differs from admission to any other university. Admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs proceeds as follows: applicants undergo competitive entrance examinations, then professional psychological selection (the selection carries out a psychological and psychophysiological examination of the applicant in order to identify people who are prone to cruelty, aggression, violence, and weed them out at the initial stages) medical examination and assessment of their physical fitness. The educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs enroll applicants selected by the recruiting bodies, who have a document confirming completion of secondary education and have successfully passed competitive tests and professional selection.

Also, to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you will need to pass all the necessary standards. You should find out exactly what standards you will need to pass several months before the exams, so that you have time to prepare for them. Most often, complex strength exercises are taken, that is, push-ups and presses, but still, it is worth remembering that the standards for passing are selected depending on the faculty to which the applicant plans to enroll. Therefore, it makes sense to clarify in advance which standards will need to be passed, having decided on the faculty. Thanks to the standards, an assessment of the applicant’s physical fitness is determined, his general physical health and readiness to endure heavy loads during training, and then further service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are checked.

A mandatory point of admission to study at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also a medical examination. At the medical examination stage, specialists check the general health of the applicant. Also, in addition to a general health assessment, specialists are required to check the applicant for the use of narcotic and/or psychotropic substances. During the medical examination, the applicant will have to undergo such doctors as: an ophthalmologist, a therapist, a surgeon, an ENT specialist, a neurologist and, of course, psychological testing. Visual acuity should be 0.6 (with correction) and 0.3 (without correction). The applicant must not have any chronic diseases, his nerves and psyche must be in order. If all these indicators are normal, the applicant will undergo a medical examination. . Based on the results of a medical examination, the applicant’s suitability for studying at the university is determined. educational institution Ministry of Internal Affairs and further service in the internal affairs bodies.

Well, and finally, if the applicant successfully passed all competitive tests, passed the standards, passed the professional selection and medical commission, he will be enrolled in the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and will be able to study and work in the authorities in the future. The key to successful admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a certificate with high scores in the required subjects and good physical preparation. Also, it will be necessary to provide a reference from the school and a certificate from the district police department (confirms that the applicant has not previously been prosecuted). And yet, it’s worth finding out the list of entrance exams a few months in advance in order to better prepare for them - after all, it won’t be superfluous anyway, and will significantly increase your chances of admission. From all of the above, we can safely conclude that entering the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in principle, is not difficult and is quite possible, if, of course, you have the desire, prepare for admission in advance, have good certification scores in the required subjects and be in good physical shape.