Examples of emancipation of minors in life. Emancipation as a civil legal phenomenon in our country

30.06.2020 Sport

Cognitive decline and memory loss are considered normal integral part aging of millions of people. Some people also experience momentary forgetfulness from time to time. Yet these memory lapses are not normal or significant indicators of the deterioration of brain function, which usually progresses with age.

Our brain needs nutrition, a healthy flow of blood and oxygen, in order to remain “flexible” and be able to function at its full potential. An unhealthy diet and exposure to toxic household and environmental chemicals can cause your brain to become stressed, inflamed, and develop insulin resistance—all things that are known to contribute to brain damage. However, research has shown that certain nutrients have the ability to improve brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Memory decline is not a standard part of the aging process!

The brain receives 20% of the fresh blood supplied by your body, oxygenated. When this supply is limited due to narrowing of the arteries and inflammation, the brain experiences stress and cognitive ability decreases. Any nutrient that helps increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain can slow or even reverse the process of brain damage, memory and learning.

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Vinpocetine increases blood flow to the brain

Vinpocetine is an extract of periwinkle, a plant that has been shown to improve healthy blood flow and cognitive function. It helps protect brain cells from excess stress and increases brain energy levels. The results of one study show that vinpocetine suppresses the inflammatory effects of chemical messengers (NF-kappaB), which causes an increase in neuronal tension by 42%. This improves blood circulation in the brain and promotes arterial relaxation by increasing nitric oxide levels.

Curcumin reduces brain load

Normal metabolic processes in our bodies create free radicals that cause damage to the brain. You can limit the effects of free radicals on the brain by consuming only natural foods. Give preference fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds and limit stressful situations as much as possible. You can also protect your brain from stress with amazing nutrients like curcumin. Research has shown that curcumin can help you keep free radicals under control by inhibiting the negative effects of these particles.

The results of one experiment showed that curcumin neutralizes the effects of one of the most destructive free radicals known as peroxynitrite. This happens by increasing the level of antioxidant protection in the brain and reducing inflammatory reactions. This process promotes the formation of an appropriate electrical impulse from neurons, resulting in improved both cognitive functions and the formation of short-term memories.

DHA is necessary for best work brain

Omega-3 fatty acids, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), continue to play an important role in supporting your body's ability to repair brain cells and prevent cognitive decline. These are not only the most important fats necessary for the functioning of neurons and strengthening synaptic connections. These substances actually affect the genes responsible for the development of neural stem cells.

A recent study found that DHEA helps maintain brain flexibility and may prevent the development of diseases such as vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The results of this study suggest that a DHEA-enriched diet along with regular exercise significantly improves spatial reasoning ability, which improves cognitive function, while reducing the risk of neurological disorders.

Too many people view brain health as a gift of fate and treat constant memory decline as an inevitable phenomenon. Even though our brain is well protected physically, it is still susceptible to the damaging effects of negative factors such as unhealthy diet, stress and environment. Natural nutrients like vinpocetine, curcumin, and DHEA help you prevent cognitive decline, improve memory, and provide the energy you need for strong brain health as you age.


Did you know that by improving blood supply to the brain you can avoid many diseases? In addition, it will improve memory and concentration.

Blood supply to the brain is the volume of blood that flows into your brain every second. As stated in the publication on National Center for Biotechnology Information, for normal functioning, the brain requires almost 20% of the total oxygen contained in the blood.

Among other things, Toblood supply to the brain is critical for transportation glucose as well as other nutrients. Therefore, optimal blood flow is essential for maintaining health. Fortunately, some habits contribute to this.

If you make them part of a healthy lifestyle, this will help protect brain health and prevent diseases associated with poor circulation. You will remain active and full of energy for many years to come. Want to know what it's all about? Then read on.

How can you improve blood supply to the brain?

To understand how habits can help stimulate blood flow in the head, it's important to know which risk factors interfere with it. As the study highlights American Association of Neurological Surgeons , Bad habits such as smoking and sedentary lifestyle contribute to this problem.

Additionally, poor blood supply to the brain can also be linked to a number of health problems. For example, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, arterial disease, high cholesterol, as well as other pathologies. All of them, in a certain sense, can also be a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle.

1. Aerobic exercise

So-called aerobic exercises stimulate the cardiovascular system. As a result, blood supply to the brain improves. Indeed, a study published on Artery Research determined that aerobic exercise increases the rate of blood flow to the brain and also reduces cerebrovascular resistance in postmenopausal women.

Based on the results obtained, this study concludes that regular aerobic exercise may slow the decline in cerebral blood flow caused by aging.

  • , minimum 30 minutes
  • Short run
  • Dancing
  • Half an hour bike ride
  • Aerobic exercises done at home

2. Foods that will improve blood flow to the brain

As stated in an article published in the magazine Nature Reviews Neuroscience, nutrition plays a key role in brain health and its correct functioning. So it’s worth adding more foods to your diet that improve blood flow to the brain. For example, containing antioxidants, carbohydrates, proteins and omega-3.

Products to include in your diet:

  • Whole grains: quinoa, whole grain rice, oats, barley, rye
  • Fatty acid-rich fish (salmon, sardines), avocados, olive oil, walnuts and pumpkin seeds
  • Cranberries, strawberries and citrus fruits
  • Tomatoes, kale, broccoli, spinach, asparagus

3. Say no to tobacco, obesity and stress

It should be taken into account that smoking, excess weight and stress are the main enemies of our brain health. According to

, smoking disrupts blood flow due to the fact that nitric oxide enters the blood. This in turn increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. What about the situation? How exactly does obesity affect the blood supply to the brain? According to a study published in , Clinical Autonomic Research at fat people

blood supply to the brain decreases, and at the same time the risk of stroke increases. Regarding stress, publication in Frontiers in Neuroscience

indicates that it may affect vascular function of the brain and increase the risk of various diseases that are associated with it.

4. Brain exercises In order for the brain to remain healthy, it also needs. Try to constantly develop your cognitive abilities, train your memory, do not lose motivation, curiosity and interest in life.

It is very useful to take some courses or simply write down interesting thoughts that come to your mind in a diary.

All this contributes to the formation of new connections between neurons, which means brain tissue becomes more resistant to the passage of time and other negative influences.

Indeed, intellectual activity protects us from many serious diseases.

Try to educate yourself, expand your horizons and, of course, read more.

Look for special exercises on the Internet - the World Wide Web will offer you many interesting activities that will help improve memory and attention.

5. The power of positive emotions As this article says in Neuropsychopharmacology , constant stress, anxiety and negative perception of life disrupt neurochemical processes in the brain

. This causes the blood supply to the brain to deteriorate. They fill your body with the energy you need. It is worth remembering that your state of mind affects your health. When you are happy, your body becomes stronger and more resilient.

To activate blood supply to the brain, remember a few simple tricks:

  • Treat everything with . When you feel good, don't forget to share your joy with others.
  • Practice relaxation and yoga. This will help you get to know yourself better and look deeper into your inner world. You will be able to feel “here and now”, appreciate the importance and uniqueness of each moment.
  • Develop and strengthen your social relationships, communicate with friends, spend time with family members. Do not isolate yourself from others by staying within four walls.


Incorporate these healthy habits into your daily life. This will help stimulate blood flow to the brain and reduce the risk of disease. By the way, this will also make you more active and focused.

In any case, if you have any doubts or suspect that you have a condition that could compromise your brain health, it is best to consult a doctor. After all, your health comes first.Nat Rev Neurosci. 2008;9(7):568–578. doi:10.1038/nrn2421

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  • Northey, J. M., Cherbuin, N., Pumpa, K. L., Smee, D. J., & Rattray, B.(2018, February 1). Exercise interventions for cognitive function in adults older than 50: A systematic review with meta-Analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine. BMJ Publishing Group. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2016-096587
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  • The role of oxygen in brain function

    Increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain will activate areas of the brain that do not function when blood flow is low, and will also slow down the aging and death of brain cells. The carotid arteries inside the skull branch into tiny vessels, turning into a surprisingly intricate network of capillaries. These thin blood tunnels provide blood access to each convolution of the brain, supplying the required number of neurons. But some cells receive slightly less oxygen than others, and they remain unused and die earlier than others.

    After thirty years of age, blood circulation in the brain becomes less efficient. At least 35,000 brain cells die every day, almost a million per week. Since our brain consists of at least one hundred billion cells, these losses are actually negligible. But over the years, the process worsens, and if the blood supply system continues to deplete, then not only dormant, but also active neurons will begin to die.

    It is possible to delay this process until it stops if you stimulate cerebral circulation. Increased drainage will provide another additional benefit, ensuring the removal of toxins and waste that interfere with brain function.

    The carotid arteries tend to work more intensely. They can tolerate significantly more blood than is necessary to compensate for slight excess content carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is possible to provoke the enrichment of the brain with oxygen by artificially causing an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the blood.

    The so-called “mask method” involves breathing in a confined space for several minutes. The oxygen concentration in the inhaled air gradually decreases and CO2 increases. Within just a minute, such breathing will only slightly reduce oxygen consumption, but it will cause such a strong expansion of the carotid artery valves that the blood gushing through them will literally flood the brain with oxygen and nutrients.

    After the first such exercise, the blood flow will soon return to normal, but if you train for 30 seconds every half hour throughout the day, and so on for two to three weeks, the carotid arteries will learn to carry more blood flow constantly. In some circumstances, using this method can be dangerous, so you should never use it without first consulting your doctor.

    In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a minor who has reached the age of sixteen can be declared fully capable if he works under an employment contract (including a contract) or, with the consent of his parents, adoptive parents or trustees, is engaged in entrepreneurial activity. A minor is declared fully capable (emancipation) by a decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities with the consent of both parents, adoptive parents or trustees, and in the absence of such consent - by a court decision. Civil Code Russian Federation(part one) dated November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ (as amended on September 1, 2014) // Russian newspaper. 1994. December 08; 2014. September 05. Art. 27.

    Based on the definition of emancipation, the following methods can be distinguished: by force of law and by decision of authorized bodies. In the first case, with emancipation by force of law, we are talking about recognizing the minor as having full legal capacity if there are grounds specifically specified in the law. The basis for emancipation must be considered a reason, a sufficient reason for the minor to acquire full civil capacity. Under the law, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for two grounds for emancipation.

    One of them includes the person reaching the age of 18, i.e. "natural" emancipation. A minor becomes fully legally competent without anyone's consent. According to A.M. Nechaeva, “the onset of full civil capacity upon reaching adulthood is a general rule. Moreover, one that goes beyond the scope of civil law regulation and applies to all relations regulated through other branches of law, in particular family law...”

    The second basis for emancipation by force of law includes recognition of a minor’s full legal capacity upon early marriage, i.e. up to the age of eighteen (clause 2 of article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Such a minor receives full civil capacity by force of law automatically after registering the marriage in the prescribed manner.

    The second case of emancipation is when a minor who has reached the age of 16 is declared fully capable by the relevant competent authorities. IN in this case We are talking specifically about declaring a minor emancipated, i.e. on the announcement and communication to the public of the decision of the relevant body to grant a minor full civil capacity.

    The basis for the announcement is the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority or the court on the emancipation of the minor. The law provides specific conditions for declaring a minor emancipated. The conditions of emancipation are the necessary requirements from which to proceed when declaring a minor fully capable.

    Clause 1 of Art. 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following conditions:

    Minors reaching 16 years of age;

    Working under an employment contract or engaging in entrepreneurial activity with the consent of parents, adoptive parents or a guardian;

    Consent of legal representatives to emancipation.

    But even if these conditions are present, emancipation does not occur automatically; this requires a decision from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities or a court decision (in the absence of the consent of one of the parents).

    In case of applying for emancipation, a working citizen must submit a document confirming the fact of work (copy employment contract or work book, certificate from the employer). An oral agreement on a citizen to perform certain work has no legal significance for emancipation. In the case of actual admission to work, a minor who has applied to the guardianship and trusteeship authority with an application for emancipation should be advised to contact the employer with a request to draw up an employment contract with him in writing according to the rules of Art. 67 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    S.V. Bukshina notes that from the position of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, for the emancipation of a minor, the length of work experience does not matter.

    The law allows for a situation where, having gotten a job today, tomorrow a minor can come to the guardianship and trusteeship authority with an application for emancipation, which must be accepted and considered. However, this approach of the legislator seems incorrect. Teenagers who work for a long time cannot be put on a par with those who have worked for just a few days. Bukshina S.V. Emancipation of minors under the legislation of the Russian Federation: abstract. dis. ...cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.03. Novosibirsk, 2003. P. 24.

    Therefore, agreeing with the position of S.V. Bukshina, we consider it necessary to amend Art. 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, indicating in it the work experience of a minor necessary for emancipation (two months).

    Thus, civil legislation provides for the following methods of emancipation:

    Recognition of a citizen as emancipated by force of law. The basis for this is either adulthood (18 years of age) or the citizen’s marriage before the age of 18;

    Declaring a citizen emancipated. The basis is the decision of the authorized bodies (guardianship and trusteeship authorities or the court) subject to the conditions stipulated by law.

    In this regard, in our opinion, it is advisable to combine clause 2 of Art. 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and clause 1 of Art. 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as follows: “The acquisition by a minor of full civil legal capacity (emancipation) is carried out as a result of marriage by a minor who has not reached the age of marriage or by decision of the authorized bodies, subject to the conditions provided for by law.”

    Based on life experience and legal practice in applying the institution of emancipation, we should conclude that at present the institution of emancipation is an exception to general rule and therefore it should not be considered as a general guide to action. The legislator introduced this institution for individual citizens whose maturity has reached the required level.

    The article examines the institution of emancipation. The role of full legal capacity of minor citizens and the conditions for its declaration are shown. The arguments are presented on the basis of the Civil and Civil Procedure Codes of the Russian Federation.

    Grounds for emancipation of minors

    A minor may be recognized as fully capable upon reaching the age of sixteen. This process, according to the law, is called a legal definition - emancipation. The content of Article 27 of the Civil Code states that the announcement of emancipation is carried out in the following cases:

    • work with the conclusion of an official employment contract or the basis of a contract;
    • a person carries out entrepreneurial activities in agreement with the legal representatives of a minor, represented by parents, adoptive parents or guarantors;
    • entry into legal marriage (Article 21, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code).

    According to the law, a court or a guardianship and trusteeship authority has the right to recognize the full legal capacity of a citizen. Receipt procedure this status is described in detail in the Code of Civil Procedure (Chapter 32). Recognition of legal capacity in full under the law can be lost to minors before reaching adulthood - declaring the illegality of the marriage.

    Which body emancipates a minor?

    Recognition of full legal capacity allows an emancipated person to enter into transactions without obtaining consent from their representatives and to enjoy an expanded range of their civil rights. The announcement is preceded by the receipt of a decision from the guardianship and guardianship authority or the issuance of a verdict in judicial procedure. Only these two bodies are authorized by law to recognize a person as emancipated.

    Procedure for emancipation of minors

    The procedure for declaring full legal capacity under the law provides for 2 options: by decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority or the court. The first option is for legal representatives to consent to the recognition of a minor as emancipated. An alternative is that a court decision is required, the recognition procedure (Article 32 of the Code of Civil Procedure) which requires three steps:

    • Step one: submit an application (possible from 16 years of age) in court. The documents required by law and payment of the state duty are attached to it;
    • Step two: consideration by the authorized body with the participation of not only the applicant and his representatives, but also the prosecutor, employee of the guardianship and trusteeship authority;
    • Step three: a court decision granting or rejecting the citizen’s request.

    Let us note that even recognized legal capacity may be lost in full. For example, if the marriage of an emancipated citizen is declared invalid, this should not be confused with divorce (Article 21 of the Civil Code).

    Conditions for the emancipation of minors

    An emancipated person, according to the law, has the opportunity to enjoy certain rights and bear legal responsibility for his actions. The procedure for obtaining the status of a fully capable person is described in the Civil Code. The grounds are the conclusion of an official marriage (Article 21, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code), permission to work under an employment agreement (contract) and the opportunity to independently carry out entrepreneurial activities. Parents, adoptive parents or a trustee under the Civil Code do not bear responsibility for a new emancipated citizen (clause 2 of Article 27).

    Early emancipation of a minor

    Emancipation of a minor citizen is possible from the age of sixteen. The procedure for early declaration of full legal capacity is described in Chapter 32 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Articles 287-289).

    The basis for declaring emancipation is the work of a citizen with the conclusion of an employment agreement or contract (Article 27 of the Civil Code). The article also talks about the implementation, with the consent of legal representatives, by a person of entrepreneurial activity. Marriage before reaching adulthood guarantees that a citizen receives the status of “emancipated” (Article 21, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code).

    Early becoming fully capable means the citizen bears responsibility for actions and the resulting consequences. From the moment of its announcement, representatives, represented by parents, adoptive parents or guardians, are not liable for the obligations of the emancipated person. In particular, this concerns the consequences of causing harm to them (clause 2 of article 27 of the Civil Code).

    Problems of emancipation of minors

    Problems of full legal capacity under the law are associated with legal consequences. Firstly, for the first time a citizen has the opportunity to use new rights (for example, enter into transactions) without the consent of parents and other representatives of minors, and he also bears full responsibility for his actions. Secondly, the person retains the status of a minor. This means that he does not have the right to be a guardian or trustee in accordance with Art. 35 GK (age limit).

    Emancipation of minors upon marriage

    Declaration of full legal capacity of citizens is possible in cases where one of the spouses has not reached the age of eighteen. Upon entering into an official marriage, such a citizen will acquire full legal capacity. The status of emancipated person remains until the age of majority, even in case of divorce. But it will be liquidated if the court declares the marriage invalid. Article 21 of the Civil Code (clause 2) is devoted to this precedent.