Princess Diana was killed on the orders of the queen. Death of Princess Diana

23.06.2020 Internet

The People's Princess, third out of a hundred on the list of the greatest Britons in history - Princess Diana - enjoyed the boundless love of her subjects. They idolized her and envied her, because the scenario of her life resembled a fairy tale: kind and beautiful girl married a real prince and settled with him in the palace... But the heroes of the real fairy tale did not manage to live happily ever after. The story was ideal only from the outside, but it ended with the death of the one whom they sympathized with the most in this couple.

Diana died in a car accident on August 31, 1997 in Paris, and this year, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the tragic event, the princess is remembered with particular reverence. We have prepared material about versions of what happened that appeared at different times and excited the minds of the princess’s fans. You can learn more about the life and death of the Queen of Hearts from the new documentary film “Princess Diana: Tragedy or Conspiracy,” which will be shown from August 29 to 31 at 10:00 pm on the TLC channel.

Misalliance and adultery - these two words haunted Charles and Diana throughout their entire life. family life. According to contemporaries, Miss Spencer, despite her noble origins, was not distinguished by a brilliant mind and was rather hasty in her decisions, one of which later completely changed her fate. Diana first met Charles 20 years before her death: in 1977, he came hunting in family estate Spencer's Althorp House at the invitation of her father. The prince already had the reputation of a heartthrob, but Diana was only 16 and Charles was not interested in her, and she herself had no time for romance: the future princess was preparing to enter college.

Princess Diana, 1980

The marriage of a 19-year-old lover of tabloid novels and a mature 33-year-old man, infatuated with another woman, was initially doomed to failure: behind the perfect glossy façade, suicide attempts, mutual infidelity, hysterics and eating disorders were hidden, which would become known only years later. Diana called her marriage “crowded,” meaning her husband’s love for Camilla Parker-Bowles, who later became his second wife. It is precisely betrayal that supporters of the “conspiracy theory” call the cause of the princess’s death: biographers testify that Diana cheated on her husband at least ten times and the royal family did not forgive her for this.

The accident is just a staged act

On August 31, 1997, when Lady Di's Mercedes crashed into a support of the Alma tunnel in Paris, the cameras were not working there, although the equipment was working on other roads in the city. This is just one of the many mysteries and oddities associated with the deaths of driver Henri Paul, Diana and her lover Dodi Al-Fayed, whom the press still awkwardly calls “friend.” According to one version, the personal bodyguard of the Egyptian producer Ken Wingfield should have taken the wheel, and not Henri Paul, the head of security at the Ritz Hotel, where the lovers spent together last night life. Dodi and Diana were unable to be alone - the couple was besieged by a crowd of paparazzi, and Paul accelerated the car three times faster than allowed when driving through the tunnel in order to break away from the annoying reporters on motorcycles.

The driver lost control due to a difficult traffic situation - this version looks much more plausible than many mysteries associated with the accident, but a considerable number of people believe that everything that happened that night on the Seine embankment was nothing more than a re-enactment. Thus, the lovers decided to simply avoid the attention of strangers once and for all. personal life, which fell to their share with interest. All this, perhaps, could sound plausible if you do not take into account the personal investigation of Dodi’s father, Mohammed Al-Fayed, who is still unsuccessfully trying to find out how his son died.

Dodi Al Fayed and Princess Diana

The driver is at fault

The driver, Henri Paul, was unknown to anyone before the accident. But after what happened, there were those who called him a pawn in the game powerful of the world this, an MI6 agent who set up the accident, a drug addict who took a huge dose of antidepressants, and a drunkard who got behind the wheel after drinking at least three bottles of wine. Fields was considered the culprit of the accident and was cursed for the death of the people's favorite, until it turned out that the head of the French investigators, Jacques Mules, who was investigating the case, out of fatigue, mixed up the test tubes with blood in the laboratory. In addition, people who knew Henri denied both drunkenness and drug addiction - although the judges did not consider this evidence of the driver’s innocence, nor did Mules’ admission of substitution.

Diana's car after the accident

Soldier N

It was no coincidence that Diana died in an accident on the Seine embankment - she was killed, and not by anyone, but by the British intelligence services. This sensational version of the cause of Lady Di’s death shook up the world media 16 years after the tragedy. A certain military man, whom the press called Soldier N, was put on trial for illegal possession of weapons, which he willingly told the jury about ex-wife. She also said that the ex-husband had repeatedly told their daughter that Diana was killed according to the plan of SAS - the British Special Air Service, and he himself participated in this.

The Crown did not react in any way and did not comment, although this version was put forward by other people, including former MI6 intelligence officer Richard Thomplison. In his scandalous autobiographical book, he stated that the accident that killed Diana followed exactly the same scenario as the plan to assassinate Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic in 1992. By the way, the version with Soldier N also appears in the film “Unlawful Murder” by British director Keith Allen, after which another scandal erupted at the Cannes Film Festival, but the mystery of Diana’s death was never revealed.

Ghost rider

One of the main mysteries in the story that happened that night in Paris is the white Fiat Uno, which was allegedly seen at the scene of Diana’s death a couple of minutes before the accident. Various versions are put forward: it could be an unknown British intelligence agent who set up a tragic road accident, or the famous Parisian paparazzi James Andanson, who tracked Diana and Dodi back at the Ritz. The photographer did have a white Fiat, but his wife said James left the car at home that night. At the scene of the accident they found fragments of a broken turn signal and white paint from the car body, but after a large-scale check it was not possible to find a single white Fiat with similar damage.

It was also not possible to find out either the reasons for Andanson’s hasty flight from France to Corsica even before Lady Di died in the Salpêtrière hospital, or the reasons for his subsequent death. Some time after the accident in Paris, Andanson was found sitting in a car in the Pyrenees with a gunshot wound to the head, and all his work tapes and notes had disappeared from the agency for which he worked. What killed him is still unknown exactly - it was assumed that the photographer committed suicide, but no weapon was found next to him that would confirm this version.

Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed

Order from the Royal Family

There will not be a second Diana in the Windsor family - at least as long as Elizabeth II is alive. They say that she personally chooses names for all the heirs of the family, and in particular did not approve of the desire of her grandson, Prince William, to name his future daughter in honor of his mother. The Queen told William and Kate Middleton in no uncertain terms that Lady Di England was enough, and as a result the young princess became Charlotte Elizabeth, with Diana being only her third name, which is very rarely mentioned. The queen's hostility from the point of view of maintaining the status quo of the monarchy is justified: no one in modern history did not cause as many scandals around Kensington Palace as Diana of Wales.

Her conflict with Charles, initially hidden behind the doors of Kensington Palace, for 15 years life together turned into a battle open to the whole world. Diana told reporters about her unsuccessful marriage, and Charles promised in his interviews that he would never leave Camilla. After the publication of the memoirs of Lady Di's former butler Paul Burrell, the spreading horns over the prince's head loomed especially clearly: journalists, one after another, began to write that Harry might be the son not of Charles, but of the red-haired jockey James Hewitt, with whom Diana also had an affair. This has not been proven, but it is known for sure that Elizabeth and Philip were very angry with their daughter-in-law both for this story and for her other adventures, which Diana did not even try to hide, and they certainly did not want to even indirectly become related to the Egyptians, despite their impeccable reputation and multi-billion dollar fortune.

Princess Diana and James Hewitt

Mohammed Al-Fayed calls the royal family's attitude towards his son Dodi racist and bigoted. According to him, they did not even want to imagine that a native of Egypt, and a Muslim, could become a kind of stepfather for the heirs to the throne, not to mention the fact that the princes could have an adopted brother or sister. Exactly possible pregnancy Diana is cited as another reason for her death: the Windsors supposedly could not allow this to happen and brought British intelligence into the case to kill their pregnant daughter-in-law with the wrong hands.

Whatever actually caused the deaths of Diana, Dodi Al-Fayed and Henri Paul, this accident went down in world history, like the whole life of the Princess of Wales - a woman who was just looking for love, like everyone else. There really won’t be a second like this in the royal family: 2.5 billion people watched Diana’s funeral live, another 3 million, sobbing, listened to Elton John sing and followed the coffin through the streets of London. So many flowers were brought to the palace that they had to be distributed to hospitals and nursing homes - the queen of hearts, who had been involved in charity all her life, and after her death gave her subjects a farewell gift.

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Born Diana Frances Spencer, she died at the age of 36, a year after divorcing her first and only legal husband, Prince Charles. Princess Diana was one of the most popular women in the world. She was called "Lady Di", "people's princess", "queen of hearts". On the night of August 31, 1997, the “People's Princess” died in a car accident in an underground tunnel under Place Alma in Paris. Was it murder or an accident? Until now, the answer to this question excites the hearts and minds of many people.


The first version of the death of Princess Diana, which was expressed by the investigation: several reporters who were riding scooters were to blame for the accident. They were chasing Diana's black Mercedes, and one of them may have interfered with the princess's car. The Mercedes driver, trying to avoid a collision, crashed into a concrete bridge support.

But, according to eyewitnesses, they entered the tunnel a few seconds after Diana’s Mercedes, which means they could not have caused the accident.

According to lawyer Virginie Bardet, in fact there is no evidence of the photographers' guilt.

Mystery car

The investigation put forward another version: the cause of the accident was a car, which by that time was already in the tunnel. In the immediate vicinity of the crashed Mercedes, detective police discovered fragments of a Fiat Uno.

When interviewing eyewitnesses, the police allegedly found out that a white Fiat Uno drove out of the tunnel in a zigzag a few seconds after the accident. Moreover, the driver looked not at the road, but in the rearview mirror, as if he saw something, for example, a crashed car.

The detective police also determined the exact characteristics of the car, its color and year of manufacture. But, even having information about the car and a description of the driver’s appearance, the investigation was unable to find either the car or the driver.

Frances Gillery, the author of her own independent investigation into the death of Lady Di, once wrote: “All the cars of this brand in the country were checked, but none of them had traces of a similar collision. The white Fiat Uno seemed to disappear into thin air! And eyewitnesses of the accident, those who saw him began to get confused in the testimony, from which it was not clear whether the white Fiat was at the scene of the tragedy at the ill-fated moment.”

It is also interesting that the version about the white Fiat that allegedly caused the accident was not made public immediately, but only two weeks after the incident.

British intelligence services

Later, other details of the accident became known and more and more new versions of the death of Princess Diana were put forward.

For example, as many media reported, when a black Mercedes drove into the tunnel, suddenly the twilight was cut by a bright flash of light, so strong that everyone who observed it was blinded for several seconds. And a moment later, the silence of the night is shattered by the squeal of brakes and the sound of a terrible impact.

According to the media, the version was spread at the suggestion of one former agent of the British intelligence services, who said that the circumstances of the death of Princess Diana reminded him of the plan to assassinate Slobodan Milosevic, developed by the British intelligence services. They were going to blind the Yugoslav president in the tunnel with a powerful flash.

A few months later, British and French newspapers published a sensational statement by former British intelligence agent Richard Tomplison that the latest laser weapons, which are in service with the intelligence services, may have been used in the Alma tunnel.

After this statement, the media suggested that the fragments of the Fiat were planted by those who prepared this accident in advance and wanted to disguise it as a regular accident. The press insisted for a long time that these were British intelligence services.

"Lucky" photographer

There is another version associated with the mysterious Fiat. The media version is that the fragments of the Fiat were planted by those who prepared this accident in advance and wanted to disguise it as a regular accident.

There were rumors in the press that the intelligence services knew that the white Fiat would definitely be next to Princess Diana's car that night. It was in the white Fiat that one of the most famous and successful paparazzi in Paris, James Andanson, drove.

The media suggested that the services simply could not prove the involvement of the photographer and his car in the accident, although they really hoped. Andanson was indeed in the tunnel that night. True, according to some of his colleagues who were at the Ritz Hotel on the evening of August 30, 1997, this was a rare case when the photographer arrived at work without a car. Andanson repeatedly came to the attention of the al-Fayed family's security service, and for them, of course, it was no secret that Andanson was not only a successful photographer. Al-Fayed's security service allegedly managed to obtain evidence that the photographer was an agent of the British intelligence service. But Dodi’s father, for some reason, now does not consider it necessary to present them to the investigation. James Andanson was not a random figure in this tragedy.

Princess Diana and Dodi al-Fayed

Andanson was seen in the tunnel, and he was actually one of the first there. They also saw a car at the scene of the tragedy that was very similar to his car, albeit with different license plates, possibly fake.

After the accident, Andanson, without even waiting for the outcome, when a crowd just began to gather in the tunnel, suddenly disappears. Literally in the middle of the night - at 4 o'clock in the morning - he flies from Paris on the next flight to Corsica.

Some time later, in the French Pyrenees, his body will be found in a burnt car. While the police are establishing the identity of the deceased, unknown persons steal all the papers, photographs and computer disks related to the death of Princess Diana from the office of his Parisian photo agency.

The media assumed that if this was not a fatal coincidence, then Andanson was eliminated either as an unwanted witness or as a perpetrator of the murder.

Drunk Driver

On July 5, 1999, almost two years later, newspapers from all over the world published a sensational statement from the investigation: the main blame for what happened in the Alma tunnel lies with the Mercedes driver Henri Paul. He was the chief of security at the Ritz Hotel and also died in this disaster. Investigators accused him of driving drunk.

The statement that the driver was drunk sounded like a bolt from the blue. The examination data, indicating a state of severe intoxication, was ready within 24 hours after the autopsy. But this was officially announced only two years later. For 24 months, the investigation worked on the obviously weaker version of the guilt of the paparazzi or the presence of the Fiat Uno.

Jacques Mules, who was the first representative of the investigative authorities to arrive at the scene of the tragedy, said that a blood test showed the true state of affairs, which means that Henri Paul was indeed very drunk. According to him, before leaving the Ritz, Princess Diana and Dodi al-Fayed were nervous. But the main thing that indicated an accident was the presence of alcohol - 1.78 ppm in the blood of the driver, Mr. Henri Paul, and in addition, the fact that he was taking antidepressants.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1, 1961, and became Princess of Wales after her marriage to the heir to the British throne, Charles.

Photo from

IN modern world there was not a single princess so popular: wherever she appeared, she was greeted by enthusiastic crowds, the paparazzi did not allow Diana to pass, newspapers and television around the world relished the vicissitudes of her personal life. Lady Di's popularity grew to incredible proportions and her tragic death in a car accident was the final episode on the path to her complete transformation into a legend of the 20th century.

Almost like Cinderella

There is hardly a person who has not heard of Princess Diana: the fate of this woman was reminiscent of the fairy tale about Cinderella. But, unlike her, Diana's story ended tragically.

Lady Diana Frances Spencer was born the third daughter of Viscount Elthorpsego, 8th Earl Spencer, who served as equerry to King George VI and then Queen Elizabeth II.

A sweet and shy girl from a noble family received an excellent education in a closed private school"New England". And even then her ability to empathize with people, without demanding anything in return, manifested itself - she even received a special award as a girl who helps her classmates as much as possible. After graduating from a prestigious college, Diana spent several years in France, where she studied pedagogy and psychology, and then settled in London. How did the aristocrat with the prefix “lady” before her name start working? Oddly enough, as a nanny and teacher’s assistant: the love for children turned out to be stronger than all other interests!

But her quiet life did not last long - Diana turned out to be the most suitable candidate for the role of the wife of the heir to the throne: of noble birth, Protestant, very young and not seen in any disreputable connections. Love affairs Prince Charles has always been the talk of the town, which has upset the royal family a lot. The pressure from relatives grew, and the prince’s former girlfriend and current wife, Camilla Parker Bowles, herself helped her lover choose a bride.

The prince’s advances were reciprocated by “timid Di,” as the press then dubbed her. Their wedding took place on July 29, 1981, and the broadcast of this event glued 1 billion television viewers around the world to the screens.

However, the marriage did not work out from the very beginning. The indifference of Charles, who after marriage never left his passion Camilla, greatly hurt his young wife. Depression followed one after another, the princess even tried to commit suicide several times. But Charlie fulfilled his marital duty regularly: evidence of this is his two sons - William and Henry.

Photo from

By the mid-eighties, their union finally fell apart. Charles no longer hid his relationship with Camilla, and Diana was seen in relationships with other men - “timid Di” was tired of being a silently suffering wife, neglected by her husband.

Romance with cocaine

It would seem that today everything is known about the turbulent life of the deceased princess. Ah, no! Another intimate page from her biography has been revealed. After a divorce, Diana found herself on the verge of nervous exhaustion and met healer Simone Simmons. Whether the treatment helped or not is unknown, but now Simmons, who wrote the book “Diana: The Last Word,” claims that she has become a close friend of the princess and the keeper of her secrets. And as proof he reports some of them.

She, in particular, writes that in 1995 the princess had a fleeting affair with the son of the assassinated US President, John Kennedy Jr. She received him, who published the fashion magazine George, in a room at New York's Carlyle Hotel to arrange an interview. During the conversation, they fell under each other's charm and ended up in bed. “He made me feel welcome. But it was 100% lust,” Diana allegedly admitted to her friend. By the way, she rated John’s sexual abilities at the highest level - “ten points.”

Simon Simmons claims that Lady Di tried cocaine for the first time right before her eyes. According to her, the effect of the drug terrified Diana. She decided to try it at the suggestion of her boyfriend, whose name Simmons does not name, who took drugs regularly. Diana vowed never to use it again and to continue helping drug addicts get rid of addiction. One of her wards was the son of the Arab billionaire Dodi al-Fayed, who is considered the last lover of the princess. According to Simmons, their relationship was platonic: “Dee helped him as well as any lame duck who came her way.”

Photo from

Just an accident?

On August 31, 1997, Henri Paul, the driver of the car in which Diana and Dodi were, lost control while trying to escape the pursuit of the paparazzi.

According to the official version, he was under the influence of alcohol and antidepressants. Dodi's father stated that Diana and Dodi intended to get married: the princess was pregnant, and the royal family could not allow such a marriage. However, experts came to a clear conclusion: she was not pregnant. Rumors of an engagement have also been refuted - French jeweler Alberto Repossi, who previously stated that on the eve of the tragedy Al-Fayed Jr. bought from him wedding rings, retracted his words.

Butler Paul Burrell, who wrote a scandalous book of memoirs about Diana, published a short excerpt from her letter to him in one of the newspapers. Ten months before her death, the princess wrote that a man was planning to stage a car accident by damaging the brakes in her car “to pave the way for Charles to remarry.”

According to former London Police Commissioner Lord Stevens and his team of 10 detectives, even a skilled driver would have had a hard time keeping the Mercedes under control as it raced through the Alma Tunnel at such breakneck speed. A key witness, 40-year-old bodyguard Cez Winefield, who was with Diana in Paris on the last night of her life, wrote in a 12-page account of what happened: “This fatal car crash is said to have been staged on the orders of the royal family. But this is absurd, because all the preparations for this trip have changed in last minute by order of the Fayeds: car, driver, route - literally everything.”

An end has been put to the debate about whether Diana could have survived if she had received medical assistance on time. According to the records in the medical record, Lady Di had severe damage to her heart - an aneurysm formed on the right side of it, which would stretch the left pulmonary vein and it would simply tear off. That is, the princess would have died in any case.

The remains of the Mercedes were examined more than once by investigators specializing in accidents: they were never able to establish once and for all whether the brakes were in working order...

A source close to the investigation said: “Lord Stevens and his team carried out a thorough investigation into the causes of Diana and Dodie's deaths. They died in a routine fatal traffic accident.”

One of the monuments to Dodi and Diana. Photo by Bobak Ha"Eri from

Illustration copyright Getty Images Image caption Princess Diana of Wales was one of the most photographed women in the world

The death of Princess Diana in 1997 and the public reaction to this tragedy shook the House of Windsor.

Twenty years later, a bloodless coup took place in the palace. All members of the royal family are still in place, but the center of influence has shifted.

At the beginning of August this year, the Queen's personal secretary, Sir Christopher Heidt, who had been with her for many years, left his post. This means that the eldest son of Elizabeth II will now be able to largely determine in which direction the British monarchy will move.

Internal changes in the palace are of interest only to the inner circle of courtiers, but are of little concern to everyone else.

But still, the recent changes should please Prince Charles. The heir to the throne, having waited so long for his turn, looks much more satisfied and less worried.

He is still passionate about bringing about change, and his passionate commitment to fighting climate change has been embraced by the mainstream.

Once laughed at for the prince's habit of talking to plants and trees, today he is praised for his desire to save the planet.

Every year now his mother will do less and less, and he will do more.

Its horizon is no longer so cloudy.

This horizon was once clouded by clouds of scandals in the Welsh household, chief among them his televised admission of adultery and leaked comments about women's tampons.

Long-term influence

Illustration copyright Getty Images

But it's not that simple. Whatever agreements were reached between him and his first wife during her lifetime did not stand the test of her death.

Diana's ghost haunts Charles.

Recent Poll public opinion, commissioned by the Press Association news agency, found that the number of people who think the Prince of Wales's contribution to the Royal Family has been positive has fallen from 60% to 36%.

This survey was conducted at a time when it was difficult not to remember Charles's painful past.

Newspapers and television channels have been talking lately about the influence that Princess Diana has had on the most different areas life - from the world of fashion to the British monarchy.

The dense media coverage of this topic for an entire month would likely have baffled anyone under 25 and would have baffled a visiting Martian.

Charles's many fans will say that Diana's shadow, which adversely affects his popularity, will dissipate every year.

But 20 years later, her influence is still great.

Public anger

The Queen was the first to understand Diana's significance, a few days before her funeral in 1997.

Illustration copyright Getty Images Image caption The Queen was criticized for her silence immediately after Diana's death

The empty flagpole of Buckingham Palace and the Queen's protracted stay at her Scottish residence Balmoral did not go unnoticed, and it could not continue this way.

Her Majesty returned to London. "She relented. I was surprised," said one former senior official in her secretariat. documentary film BBC.

In her televised address to the nation, the Queen promised to learn lessons from Diana's life.

The guardian of the ancient institution of power tried not to find herself on the other side of public opinion. The week following the death of the Princess of Wales was the worst of the Queen's reign.

She doesn't want a second week like this.

Fans of the princess believe that the court's behavior all these years was aimed not only at protecting itself, but also at making sure that the memory of Diana would fade away and not dominate the life of the House of Windsor.

None of the representatives of the royal family came to the opening of the garden in her memory in 2000.

For two decades it was understood that this woman, who died at 36, could not be set in stone.

But now her sons have taken over. A monument to Diana will be unveiled soon. The princes, who mourned her alone as children, now as adults, are doing everything to keep her memory alive.

William and Harry in numerous interviews, and how she fought for justice and for her beliefs, which her sons also share.

"Exceptional and irreplaceable"

Those who look for signs of Diana's enduring influence and relevance today find it in how whole her children became and how comfortable they were in public.

But you have to pay for everything. Princes who live in the palace, but as children ate hamburgers with their mother outside it, can hardly accept that an ordinary, normal life is no longer for them.

Illustration copyright PA Image caption Princes William and Harry were just 15 and 12 years old respectively when they lost their mother

Once upon a time, the Queen accepted the fact that her private life could only take place within the confines of her vast estates. But her grandchildren periodically rebel against such restrictions.

In addition to wanting to experience life outside the palace, Diana's sons also share her ambivalence about the means mass media. She welcomed the press and tried to tame it. But she didn't succeed.

One fact will remain unchanged for the princes: photographers chased their mother into a Paris tunnel while a tipsy driver rushed her to her premature death.

Diana's influence on the British monarchy remains very strong. Perhaps it will weaken somewhat by the time King Charles, whose wife still has a chance to become Queen Camilla, comes to the throne.

The 30th anniversary of Diana's death may not be the same significant date, like the current one.

But at the moment, she continues to be mourned by both her loved ones and those who never met her. As her brother Earl Spencer put it in his eulogy, she was “a unique, complex, exceptional and irreplaceable Diana.”

Lady Diana. Princess of human hearts Benoit Sophia


Unexpectedly, in the UK, for the umpteenth time, they decided to reopen the investigation into the death of Princess Diana. However, this time the reason is very serious - new data received from former employees of the British intelligence services. One of the special forces of the British army, whose employees could be involved in the death of Princess Diana, is under suspicion. The details of this sensational version were presented to the Russian audience by journalists of the popular program “Military Secret with Igor Prokopenko”, and some of the exclusive reports were recorded right in London. Meanwhile, the involvement of the British military in the murder of the “People's Princess” is now being actively checked by Scotland Yard. And only the royal house pretends that nothing is happening.

Denny Nightingale, a retired British Army sergeant, most recently served in the Special Air Service (SAS), one of Britain's most elite special forces units. During the five years of his service, Nightingale managed to visit both Iraq and Afghanistan. But then he resigned and found himself on trial for illegal possession of weapons. During the trial, a letter from Nightingale's friend, also an SAS commando, surfaced. In the letter, the fighter admits that he participated in the murder of Princess Diana. Moreover, in this letter he even reports what weapon he used - an ultra-modern laser rifle. And such weapons are often used by the military to blind helicopter pilots; Once blinded, they completely lose control and cannot see what they are doing. However, this weapon is also used in other situations.

After Danny Nightingale was arrested for illegal possession of weapons, new facts about the death of Princess Diana have surfaced.

There are also reports that the ex-wife of a certain soldier (name not mentioned) testified against ex-husband. Investigators found that a couple of years ago, the girl’s parents sent a letter to the leadership of the British Special Air Service, which stated that a former military man told their daughter that it was allegedly the SAS unit that was behind the organization of Diana’s murder.

Let's reconstruct the events. The princess, her fiancé al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul died on August 31, 1997. Their car crashed at full speed into a tunnel support near the Pont Alma in Paris. Ambulance came rushing in a matter of minutes. Doctors pronounced Dodi al-Fayed and driver Paul Henri dead at the scene. The bodyguard and Princess Diana still showed signs of life. According to doctors, Diana had a chance to survive if she was immediately taken to the nearest hospital. After all, even her guard, the only one who survived, suffered much more seriously than Diana. However, something completely incomprehensible happened: Princess Diana was not taken to the Val-de-Grâce military hospital, where VIPs are usually treated and which is located literally a stone’s throw from the scene of the accident. And they took me to the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, located six kilometers from the scene of the tragedy. But at the same time, the ambulance with the dying Diana drove these six kilometers... one hour and forty-three minutes (!?).

According to the initial version expressed by the investigation, several reporters who were riding scooters were to blame for the accident. They were chasing a black Mercedes, in which Diana and her companion were, and one of the persistent paparazzi interfered with the princess's car. The Mercedes driver, trying to avoid a collision, crashed into a concrete bridge support. But almost immediately, too many people doubted that the paparazzi were the culprits of the tragedy. According to eyewitnesses, they entered the tunnel a few seconds after Diana’s Mercedes, and, therefore, could not have caused the disaster. Soon the phrase was heard at the trial: “There are no signs of an unintentional crime in the actions of the photographers that led to Diana’s death.”

The last moments of Diana's life. The Princess and Dodi are seen in the back seat of the car. Driver Henri Paul looks into the camera lens, and bodyguard Trevor Reese, the only one who survived the disaster, peeks out from behind a sun visor nearby. Photos from the scene of the accident were published only a few years after the tragedy

Another strange nuance. Only a few years ago, details that were hidden for some reason became known. It turned out that as soon as a black Mercedes drove into the tunnel, a bright flash of light suddenly cut through the twilight. It was so strong that everyone who watched it went blind for a few seconds. And a moment later the silence of the night was shattered by the squeal of brakes and the terrible sound of an impact. It turned out that the police did not want to include a mention of the flash of light in the protocols, and if they did this under pressure from a few witnesses, then they were clearly reluctant. The only witness who was leaving the tunnel at the time of the accident was considered... unreliable, although he was only a few meters from the scene of the tragedy.

After the testimony was announced, a former Mi-6 employee, Richard Tomplisen, spoke with a strange flash of light. Who said that the circumstances of the death of Princess Diana remind him of the plan to assassinate Slobodan Milosevic, developed in the depths of the British intelligence services. They were going to blind the Yugoslav president in the tunnel with a powerful flash. The scenario, as we see, can be identical. But how to prove the practically obvious?

The REN-TV film crew met in London with Alan Power, a man who is somewhat recent years is conducting an independent investigation. He confirmed the version that Diana was killed during a special services operation:

From witness number one I learned about what was happening in Mi-6 intelligence. He was one of those who developed the plan to assassinate Slobodan Milosevic, the President of Serbia, using laser weapons in the Geneva tunnel and special forces. They were supposed to crash into the car, blind the driver and thereby provoke an accident. They needed supports in the tunnel to increase the chances of death. This scenario repeated itself five years later when Diana was killed. Squad C AS on motorcycles entered the tunnel a minute earlier. Witnesses say they rushed past the scene, looked into the car to check if the work was done, and drove off. One witness said that the motorcyclist made a gesture as if he had cut his throat and sped off in an unknown direction.

Photo taken immediately after the accident

It can be added that Alan Power's informants are employees of the British intelligence services MI5 and MI6, and they, without a doubt, should be trusted. The initiator of the scandalous investigation also claims that Princess Diana paid for knowing too much and that she had collected impressive dirt on the royal family. Here's another good excuse for you to remove what you don't like.

To make it more convincing, we can tell you a little more about the elite British unit C AC. Soldiers and officers from twenty-five to thirty-two years of age who have served in the army for at least two years can get into it. Selection for the SAS is one of the toughest: the unit ranks among the first in the world in terms of the number of deaths during training (!). First, applicants have to endure five weeks of physical training hell, then they are required to run a five-kilometer cross-country race in half an hour and swim three kilometers in an hour and a half in full uniform. Only those who pass these tests are allowed to take the exams for the rank of SAS fighter. One of the practice exams is called "The Long Walk" or "The Happy Dance." In 20 hours, candidates must cover a 60-kilometer route through the mountains of South Wales with 25 kilograms of equipment. You need to go by memory, writing anything down or marking it on the map is prohibited. But that's not all. Those selected to join British Special Forces must undergo Royal Air Force parachute training as well as training at the British intelligence school MI6. As you can see, these are very serious guys who won’t joke or talk in vain. It can be added that this unit participated in military special operations in Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

If soldiers of an elite British unit were really involved in the death of the princess, then who and why needed to order Princess Diana? Experts are confident that the royal family itself could have acted as customers. But it is unlikely that anyone will ever obtain written evidence the highest crime.

During the investigation, it turned out that the princess was constantly being watched and her phone was constantly being tapped. Some experts believe that the crowned relatives wanted to remove Princess Diana for her affair with the son of an Egyptian billionaire, the Muslim Dodi al-Fayed. Writer Olga Greig believes that this could hardly have been the reason, although representatives of the Windsor family could have expressed dissatisfaction with such a thoughtless connection from the point of view of the Crown.

If we assume that Lady Di was really pregnant from Dodi al-Fayed, then, of course, she would have married this man, who bought the wedding rings on the last day. But the British royal family was hardly ready to intermarry with Muslim billionaires, even with the family that pays millions in taxes to the treasury. The main complaint is Dodi's maternal uncle, Saudi billionaire Adnan Kashoggi, who is considered one of the largest arms dealers in the world, connected to international crime families. But some experts are sure that most of all in Buckingham Palace they were afraid of the family dirt that Diana had. But what unpleasant secrets of the royal court could the dead princess know? This is the great mystery...

Adnan Kashoggi is Dodi al-Fayed's uncle and an arms dealer. Perhaps because of him, the British royal family was not ready to intermarriage with Muslim billionaires?

In light of the above, we can also add that in the nineties - during the years of the destruction of the marriage of Diana and Charles - the Windsors approached the fatal line: there was talk about the decline of the royal house and the impending collapse of the monarchy in Great Britain. It was clear that the death of the monarchy was a blow to the security of the country and its unity. If we remember, it was during these years that Scotland and Wales sought independence, so that the United Kingdom was bursting at the seams. But Diana was far from politics, and it is unlikely that she had any incriminating evidence of a political nature. If we are still talking about incriminating evidence (a topic that arose as suddenly as the confessions of certain or a certain SAS officer), then it should be assumed that it is of a personal nature and may be related to either the Queen or Prince Charles, or concern all the Windsors little by little . It is clear that the queen is a symbol and must be impeccable. But the entire British royal house is far from perfection! The family closet of this crowned family contains a mass of ancient rotten skeletons, each of which, if brought to light in time, could undermine the institution of the British monarchy.

Photos of the young Prince Philip, the future husband of Queen Elizabeth II, have already been publicly available. They show the Duke of Edinburgh in a real underground brothel. Before marrying Elizabeth, Prince Philip often hosted sex parties, and royal photographer Baron filmed everything. Judging by the dates of the photographs, the entertainment of friends in the company of naked girls continued even years after the marriage of Philip and Elizabeth and the birth of their first child, Prince Charles, Lady Diana's future husband. Who will behave almost the same as his dad, and will not be able to make his young wife, Princess Diana, in love with him, happy. And how could, and most importantly, did Elizabeth, once humiliated by her dissolute husband, want to help Dee when she came to her for advice?

Rumors about her husband's adventures reached Elizabeth, and a scandal broke out so enormous that even the British Parliament held three secret meetings on this ridiculously vile matter. The secret services intervened, and the secret brothel “Thursday Club” was destroyed, the prodigal Philip was isolated from the friends of his youth, and the photographer Baron, who had no complaints about his health, suddenly died of a heart attack.

Coat of arms of the House of Windsor

This is the law of those in power: everyone who knows a lot sooner or later suddenly leaves for another world... Wasn’t this the same fate that befell the unfortunate Diana, who was unable to properly protect herself?

After a scandal with compromising photographs, Prince Harry was sent to Afghanistan in order to improve the image of the royal family

The royal family has always had something to hide: both in past years and now. Even the younger generation of Windsors do not have an impeccable reputation. Again, in the open media there are photos of Prince Harry, in which the youngest son of Diana and Charles has a blast in nude style at a party in Las Vegas. They say that he was always distinguished by his love for a riotous lifestyle and did not hesitate to post candid photographs from private parties (well, how can one say: he looks like his grandfather). But Harry got away with both his naked royal bottom and his appearance in public in a Nazi uniform. “Queen Elizabeth’s granddaughter is mischievous,” shrug the servants of royal palaces and estates, accustomed to the selfish and unhealthy antics of the entire family. They joke, but they know: time will pass , and the “cute toys” will be put in their place by their highest royal relatives. Despite his wild behavior, Prince Harry served in the Royal Armed Forces in Afghanistan's Guilman province. Naturally, the decision about the service of the younger prince, a graduate of the Royal Military Academy, was made by the family. With the blessing of his grandmother, the “brave prince” set off to conquer this time not just another hotspot in London, but the remote steppes of Afghanistan. This was also captured on photo and film. In the footage, a couple of hundred meters from the front line, one of the eight thousand British soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, Lieutenant Wells, is firing at the Taliban - under this fictitious name and in such a modest rank, the third contender for the British crown served - twenty-four-year-old Prince Harry of Wales, son Lady Diana and Prince Charles. But all experts unanimously say: this was a PR campaign aimed at improving the image of a member of the royal family. And we see that the military career of the red-haired scion of the Windsor-Spencers was not hindered by “banter” in public, or disdain for public opinion, or even... experiments with marijuana. But because of his drug addiction, Harry had to undergo treatment at a drug treatment clinic. And, oddly enough, it is he, a regular at nightclubs, who will have to increase the prestige of the British monarchy, which has been greatly shaken after the death of Lady Diana. Him and his brother. And dear Kate, the daughter-in-law of the royal couple, who not long ago gave a new heir to the British Crown. They do because Prince Charles and his wife, Duchess of Cornwall Camilla, have no chance to raise the country’s prestige, and never will. The author cannot avoid the temptation to give the opinion of the people here, citing excerpts from the dialogue of forum members about this whole story with Lady Diana and the role of Camilla in the fate of Britain. But first, the news of 2011, which plunged the British into some shock and gave reason to mock the main characters of this information: “One of the most controversial persons of the English court, Camilla Parker-Bowles, again appears in the public eye not in the most positive way. According to the American tabloid The Globe, Camilla is threatening to file for divorce from Prince Charles. And all because the duchess despaired of becoming the owner of the English crown. According to the last will of Queen Elizabeth II, after her death, the throne will not be taken by her son Charles, as previously assumed, but by her grandson, 31-year-old Prince William. The British love the young and educated son of Princess Diana, and William is already preparing with all his might to become the future monarch of Britain. However, as the publication reports, this state of affairs plunges Charles’ wife into rage (is this why Camilla voiced her “suspicions” that Prince William’s wife Kate Middleton was cheating on her husband and even gave birth to a “bastard”? - Auto.). Camilla, who recently periodically begged Charles not to be a “weakling” and to fight for her legal right to the throne, despaired and decided to file for divorce. But due to the fact that over many years of living in Kensington Palace she learned many court secrets and intrigues, Camilla is not averse to receiving substantial compensation “for silence” from her husband. “There are 350 million dollars at stake!..As one of the close associates of the English court said in an interview with The Globe, out of nervousness Camilla makes scandals for Charles almost every day and abuses alcohol.”

According to the will of Queen Elizabeth II, after her death, the throne will not be taken by her son Charles, as previously assumed, but by her grandson, Prince William

Numerous users reacted to the news on the Internet.

Nonsense. Taking into account the fact that Camilla has been spinning this chick all her life as she wants, it is unknown who will rule there. Serves him right, the old goat.

And Diana was already married at the age of 19 and was a wonderful wife of the king, just as she was a cool princess. But Charles chose a different path, betrayed his wife and children. He paid with the love of the people and the crown. Who would want to see this creepy couple on the throne? And everything in him is endless complexes and rottenness of nature. It's so advantageous to be born and live so disgustingly.

From the very beginning, it was clear that Diana’s death was not just a fatal coincidence, but a targeted murder. The marriage of Charles and Camilla is based on blood!

They have nothing to do on the throne. And they do not enjoy respect in their country.

You can see from Camilla’s face that the woman is very cunning and smart. She needed this shabby Charles, she needed power!

The wife of a king who dreams of being her tampon can do whatever she wants with him and the kingdom to boot. It does not matter at all what her status will be called.

Yes, here the throne is not for anyone at all, except for Kate’s son. These queens are so long-lived; Charles was still waiting for the throne, the sand was already pouring in, but Mama would outlive everyone. After Louis XIV, his great-grandson ascended the throne, in the case of the current English, exactly the newborn son of William and Kate - George.

It would be better if the British grandmother Lisa gave the throne to the youngest, Garrick. If only this king would have honked his horn in a truly royal manner, on a grand scale. There is something medieval about it. And Willie is boring, boring, and his wife is some kind of dried up mummy.

Camilla wants to get a divorce because she realized that she does not have a husband-king, and she does not need the eternal old prince.

The British want to see William on the throne after Grandma Lisa. They can be understood: the young, handsome, educated son of Diana, whom they still adore...

People's Princess Diana

This text is an introductory fragment.

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