Walkthrough homefront the. Meet Crawford at his apartment

29.07.2019 Education

It was destined to break away from its creators in the person of THQ, and go under the wing of Deep Silver, where they stated that, they say, they didn’t particularly like the first part, but now they will do everything right and fans of first-person shooters will get real fun with crafts, an open world and a non-linear plot. In general, game makers began to praise themselves a long time ago.

However, some facts gave rise to concern. Firstly, the game was given to the development of some British Dambuster Studios, established specifically for this game in 2014. The company has no other projects in its portfolio. Here you need to understand one subtle but important thing: studios like id Software, which has several world hits to its credit, were created by lifelong friends, and simply talented guys with great imagination and good knowledge. A talented person is one who cannot keep some knowledge within himself, and presents it to people in an interesting way. Here the studio was assembled specifically for the Home Front. They took individual specialists and made Frankenstein out of them. As a result, the randomly gathered people gave reason to remember Krylov’s fable about the swan, the crayfish and the pike: everyone has ambitions, everyone has their own ideas, and there are few common points of contact. Information about the dissatisfaction of individual team members leaked out during the work on the project.

Secondly, Homefront: The Revolution itself is terribly politicized. It seems that this project is an order of the US State Department, which cares not so much about the game itself as about its ideology, where bad North Koreans oppress good Americans, who, of course, ultimately win. It's too sad for gamers to believe. All this looks like a stellar, but already old rock band, whose members are no longer interested in anything except money, and they, shaking their bellies and gray hair, go on stage, singing something like “Teenagers against the system.” In general, in our opinion, Deep Silver wants money too openly. This is normal, but it may not appeal to everyone, because this game turned out to be too commercial and lifeless.

But, we digress.

So, Home Front: Revolution. Brief preface: North Korea has developed so incredibly that, having staged a zerg rush, it captured the United States. A puppet government has been installed in America, and the streets are filled with soldiers equipped to the teeth, who do nothing but expose themselves in an unfavorable light, oppressing everyone. In general, animals, not people. We are offered to choose a male or female character (no difference at all), and begin to carry out guerrilla work, organizing the activities of resistance cells in the way that seems correct to the developers.
Then the game begins to evoke strong associations, first with Half-Life 2, then with Far Cry 3 and Dying Light, and finally with Watch Dogs. Let's explain now.

The beginning of Homefront: The Revolution is very similar to City 17 from Half-Life 2

When the developers said that they had created something very similar to Half-Life, they were not lying: the beginning is indeed very, very reminiscent of a similar beginning in City 17, where Gordon Freeman was chased by police ghouls. It is clear that a lot of money was invested in the starting minutes: a lot of attention was paid to details, NPCs show all sorts of activity, scripted scenes work as expected. But after a few minutes, the positive impressions gradually fade away.

The first thing that unpleasantly surprised me was the not at all modern graphics and the constantly sagging frame rate. In some places the picture looks okay, but only in some places. And, although it cannot be said that we were given downright archaic graphics, it is quite possible to say that a game with such a picture belongs somewhere in 2013. Actually, if you can remember the graphics of Watch Dogs, then everything about the graphics of the Revolution will become clear to you.

By the way, the crooked animation is also sad, especially for the faces of the characters when they are talking about something: the movement of the jaws and the position of the lips does not at all coincide with speech. It's a small thing, but unpleasant.

It is also clear that the creators of this action game played Far Cry 3, because in Revolution there are a lot of borrowings from the Ubisoft project, starting from the indecent similarity of the minimap, and ending with the general approach to the gameplay, where the hero, it seems, began to develop some kind of plot idea, gradually slips into grinding and crafting, completely forgetting about his own purpose.

Well, as for Dying Light, it is very likely that parkour and the approach to traveling around the city within open world, namely, on the roofs.

By the way, about the open world. The world is really open and huge, though there’s little point in it, and it will only make you happy at the beginning, and after playing a little, you might want a smaller world, maybe even with loading locations, just to get rid of the sagging frame rate that plagues even on low settings (we are, of course, talking about the PC version).

Homefront: The Revolution consists of a huge city with very monotonous missions

After running around a bit and acquiring some equipment, you will be given the opportunity to shoot for the first time. And if before there were still any doubts about the quality of the game, then after this they should disappear, because the enemy’s artificial intelligence is somewhere at the level of games from 10 years ago, if not worse. We, of course, understand that they are Koreans, but even Koreans want to live, and when you see that the bots don’t even make attempts to hide behind cover or simply start maneuvering in open areas, you reach for a handkerchief to wipe away a stingy tear. Against this background, the shootouts in Watch Dogs are simply top-notch action. As for stealth, it is not represented by any special mechanics. Everything is quite banal and relies mainly on the blind guards who do not notice your presence at point-blank range.

Let's move on. If the main story missions are played even more or less, then the side missions are completely monotonous. Most of these missions involve us wandering unarmed through the streets, around locked buildings that cannot be entered, and doing first-person parkour platforming a la Dying Light. We run to the nearest intermediate goal, after which we activate the hint, and again run to the next hint. All this happens in the so-called Yellow Zones - areas of the city (the entire city is divided into 8 districts), where there are many civilians, among whom Korean soldiers roam. Stealth and parkour reign here, while in the Red Zones the main thing you have to do is participate in shootouts, which are a bit reminiscent of those in Fallout 4, also differing in a little clumsiness, which is why we can say that Revolution is not a straight shooter, but mediated. However, there are a lot of weapons here, and you can have some fun with their customization.

The abundance of weapons and wealth of crafts are spoiled by stupid enemies who do not want to live at all

The main message of the secondary quests is to lure the population to your side. Unfortunately, quite stupid tasks are proposed for this. For example, in one mission you will be asked to give $10 to a homeless person, in another you will be asked to turn on the radio, and in the third you will be asked to blow up a military truck, scaring and maybe killing many civilians peacefully walking along the street at that time. At the same time, in a successful rebellion, some absurd arguments and such idealized phrases will be used that anyone who does not know anything about subversive, ideological work will suspect falsehood, and, not being Stanislavsky, will also not believe it.

However, if you abandon secondary tasks and devote time only to the main ones, then your character will not be pumped up well enough, and the further you go, the stronger this will be felt. As a motivation for completing additional missions, you will be given new skills, weapons and items. Some of them, by the way, will be quite original. For example, you can learn remote control car, or gain the ability to hack various electronics. This will not help much in passing, but it will become more interesting to play, because you will still want to add variety to the gameplay, which will consist of you traveling from area to area, where you inspire citizens in the style of “Stop putting up with this.” After which they rebel, and the North Korean interventionists can no longer do anything. The uprising in the area ends with a skirmish with the enemy, after which euphoria and democracy sets in with the hanging of American flags. So you defeat area after area, after which the game ends. All this, it should be noted, is woven from monotonous missions, which, after 2-3 hours of play, are quite tiring.

It’s strange, but if you notice that you didn’t complete a task correctly, or simply didn’t complete it, accidentally missing it, you can’t go back after everything.

Well, and, of course, we must not forget about the presence of a cooperative mode, which means that Homefront: The Revolution can be played by two or even three. This, in our opinion, is one of the undeniable advantages of the game.


Homefront: The Revolution did have a quality foundation on which to build something special, which sometimes broke through early on. It seemed that a little more and it would sparkle with all its facets, but an hour passed, another, and you were offered the same monotonous missions, stupid enemies not adapted to firefights, clumsy animation and pathetic-naive speeches and actions of heroes in the spirit patriotic American military action films of the 90s.

Among the advantages, we note a large and open city, weapon crafting and a touch of the atmosphere of Half-Life 2. Among the disadvantages: an unclear, faceless plot, monotonous missions with repeating goals and not the highest quality optimization of the PC version.

Our rating is 5 points: play a couple of evenings and forget.

After the motivational video, cut scenes will follow, from which it will become clear general position business

After completing all cutscenes, familiarize yourself with the game interface:

You can find all useful information on your smartphone, for example, in a notepad you can find information about mobile applications.

Find the Resistance's cache

Get out of the apartment through the window, and then go along the streets to the main task marker. You can identify a shelter by the presence of blue paint, this is how the resistance marks secret passages and access points. Having gone up to the second floor of the apartment, you will find yourself in a hiding place.

Take a bolt cutter on the table; you can use it to cut through locks. Also, do not forget to pick up a flashlight that lies on the mattress.

Find your nearest KNA transceiver

After examining the cache, exit the building and go to the marker. Cross the road and go into the house, after passing it, you will find yourself near retail outlets - in them you can sell the valuables you find for game currency. Go further along the street and go into the alley, here you will have a break at the fence locks.

First, you need to get into the house; to do this, follow the path marked with blue paint. You will find a transmitter on the wall, by hacking network transmitters, the map will show you nearby points of interest. To hack the transmitter, open the panel - key [E] and, by moving the mouse, decipher the KNA access code.

After the cutscene, the task will be completed.

Philadelphia's New Resident

Find the entrance to the Resistance tunnel

After unlocking the receiver, you can use the application - “ Beacon" As a result of the hack, you will discover the entrance to the tunnel, and it will be marked with a marker on the map. Get out of the house and run along the street to the marker, go around the building and run to the entrance.

Clear the rubble blocking the entrance to the tunnel, go through the tunnel

Turn on the flashlight and search the house, then go down below. To destroy the boxes, hit them with a knife.

Climb through the hole and then go down into the tunnel. Once in the subway, turn on the generator and enter the train car.

Run along the destroyed train cars until you see a hole in the wall on the right. Go through the tunnel.

Welcome to the Resistance

After completing all cutscenes, follow Jack Parrish. He'll give you a tour of the resistance base and bring you up to speed, and you'll also receive your first weapon - it can be immediately modified if you have the necessary components. After the weapon is issued, you will be sent on your first combat mission.

But before you leave the shelter, take the components on the table and connect them - you will succeed Molotov cocktail. Now you can move out.

Risky venture

Meet Dana Moore's Squad

Once you understand the game's crafting system, follow the tunnel to the marker. Climb to the roof of the building and talk to Dana.

After talking with her, go with your partner to the indicated place:

Wait for the right moment to surprise the PRC patrol. When Dana gives the signal, drop the barrels and shoot at them to destroy the enemy armored personnel carrier.

Join Dana Moore

Go down and clear the street of enemies, then go to the place where the marker points. Since you don't have good weapons, it's best to avoid enemy patrols. Having reached the right place, you will receive $500 as a reward.

Robot for a hacker

Get to the KPA transceiver in Elmtree

After receiving the coordinates from Dana on your smartphone, get on the bike that is in the van. Or you can go on foot, but it will be much longer and more dangerous.

Near the container you can find useful items (first aid kit and ammunition). While driving, try to avoid open areas and patrols. In an open place, you are an easy target for any enemies, and patrols can deprive you of your vehicle (explode you, knock you off it).

Having arrived at the indicated location, climb the containers above and go into the warehouse. There will be a transmitter in front of you, you are already familiar with the principle of hacking it, so there should be no problems. By hacking the transmitter, you will learn about the local system for capturing territories. After that, you should have enough for a machine ($600), you can buy it in a locker nearby.

Go to Ned's armory

Now you need to fight your way through the KPA outposts to your goal. You can do this in several ways:

  • take a bike and rush through armed patrols - there is a risk of being killed.
  • planting explosives in a vulnerable place (they will tell you) and follow that path is a less fun way.

Go to the marker and go through the carriage, in the building you need to talk to Ned. The mission will end here.


Find the missing patrol

After talking to Ned, go to the top floor and pick up the bombs on the table. Such bombs will be useful in battle against armored vehicles.

Armed, go to the marker on the map. Along the way you will come across outposts, transmitters, etc. Be sure to grab them and hack them. You will have to do something like this to progress further in the story. Your main goal is a hangar, which is filled with Chinese soldiers.

It is better to avoid a frontal attack here, as an armored vehicle is patrolling the area. Find good cover and ambush your opponents. After you've dealt with everyone, talk to the wounded resistance fighter.

City in chains

Meet Ned in the Earleston Yellow Zone

On the way to the goal you will have to pass by several outposts, do not miss the opportunity and capture them on the way to the underground parking. Having reached the right place, go down below and follow the tunnel to Ned.

After talking with the commander, go up to the second floor and take from the table firecrackers– they are needed to distract attention.

Hack the KNA transceiver

Now you need to walk along the yellow zone towards your goal. The yellow zone has a number of differences; in such zones it is important to act covertly and try to avoid open clashes. You will not be able to go to the indicated point with a weapon in your hands, shooting all the patrolmen; sooner or later you will be killed. Therefore, hide your weapons away and avoid patrols, try to move further through nooks and dark places. Also, don’t forget about secondary tasks like: hacking a radio or capturing something.

The transmitter you need is located on the second floor of the shelter; to get to it, climb through the second floor window. By hacking the radio transmitter, the mission will be completed.

Hearts and Minds

All you need to do is carry out various acts of sabotage (destroy equipment, transmitters) and help people. If you have done this before, then most likely the scale will already be filled, but if not, then open the map and do everything.

This task will not be difficult if you proceed carefully. When the gauge is full, go to the indicated shelter.

Here you need to go to the table and activate the radio. After this, the task will be completed and you will receive a small reward.

Peace loving man

Talk to Burnett at the hospital

Get out of the shelter and head to the indicated marker. Barnett will send you to the KPA warehouse for medical supplies, it is located at the other end of the zone.

Once you reach the right place, you will find yourself at a gate that can be hacked using a special hacking device. This device can be found nearby, in an abandoned apartment. Once you have the required device, return to the locked gate.

Destroy KPA fighters and get medical supplies

Throw it into the castle, after that try to act secretly, there are a lot of enemies here, and they can easily get around you. After neutralizing all opponents, go inside and search the truck.

15th precinct

Infiltrate the police station

Run to the indicated point on the map, along the way you can take care of secondary tasks. There will be a crowd of rioting people near the police station; to the left of the crowd there will be a passage to the station.

Focus your attention on eliminating the stormtroopers from a safe distance. After eliminating them, you can go inside, but be careful. Inside you will encounter strong resistance from the Koreans, and there will also be two armored soldiers there; it is advisable to eliminate them as quickly as possible. After clearing the area, go to the ventilation and blow it up to move on.

Inside, hack the computer to open the interrogation room. After the cutscene, return to the resistance base, this will complete the task.

Zero hour

Enter Ned's Arsenal

Before heading to the meeting point, grab the RPG, it can be found on the table near the exit.

Once you reach the arsenal, take a comfortable and advantageous position. You need to hold back the attack of the infantry that is storming the arsenal. You also need to destroy armored vehicles, an RPG will help you with this.

Protect trucks while they're loading

Having fought off the Koreans, go to the other side and take a convenient position for defense.

Using an RPG, clear the area (it is better to use a shotgun or machine gun). If you run out of ammo, you can refill it near the barricades. After some time it will seem " Goliath"This is a very powerful armored vehicle, but it is vulnerable to grenade launchers. If you run out of rockets, you can go up to one of the buildings and throw explosive barrels, exploding them, you will cause huge damage to the car. After neutralizing the machine, approach it and remove the “brain”, then leave the area. Having broken away from your pursuers, talk to Barnett in the subway. When the cutscenes end, you will receive a large reward and complete the task.

The Man from Ashgate

Get to the Red Zone Holloway

Before you go on a mission, be sure to stop by the gunsmith and buy supplies and weapon attachments. On the way to the marker, do side quests (hacking, capture). At the indicated location you will talk to Crawford.

After finishing the conversation with him, the task will be completed, and you will receive $1200 as a reward.


Reach the railway leading to Fir Hill

The place you need will be at the other end of the zone, it is quite far away and the path will not be very safe. The best way out of this situation would be a moped, but you may not find one nearby, so take the opportunity to complete side quests along the way.

You don't need to look for a lift onto the railway; you need to climb onto the roof of the building. You can climb to the roof using scaffolding that is adjacent to the wall of the house.

Stop the train with a hacking device and leak security codes

Pick up a hacking device and throw it at the train as it passes by. If he stops far from the roof, approach him and wait for the files to finish loading.

Hack scanners

Now you need to hack the KPA security scanners, all three are in different parts cards:

  1. It is located in the middle of the zone and will be closest to you. The scanner itself is located on a tower, guarded by drones and cameras. Try to avoid unnecessary attention and climb onto the roof of the building that is located next to the tower. From the roof of the building you can jump onto the tower and get to the scanner, all you have to do is hack it.
  2. It is located in the south of the zone and this time under the protection of a detachment of enemies who took refuge in the building. Near this building, you can climb onto the roof of another and cross the platform to the desired building. Deal with the Koreans and hack the scanner.
  3. Located in the northern part of the zone, this time it will be unguarded. Climb onto the building and, moving along the left side, climb to the scanner and hack it.

If you can't get to the scanners or you get stuck in some building on the way to it, look for places marked with blue paint, following such signs, you will easily reach your goal.

Turn on the maintenance system

After hacking all the scanners, go to the goal marker.

Take the elevator. Unfortunately, it will be faulty, so go to the forklift and throw the hacking device at it, now you can climb higher and activate the terminal. After the cutscene, follow Crawford, you will be taken to a new area and the mission will be completed.

Brains of the cell

Get to the resistance hideout

After arriving in the yellow zone Ashgate, do not rush into battle. It is not advisable to engage in open conflict; hide your weapons and try to avoid patrols. Using the mini-map as your guide, go to the nearest shelter. Here you need to find Wiley and give him the brain of "Goliath".

After a short cutscene, the task will be completed. You will receive $900 as a reward.

Who seeks will always find

Attention! Before you go on this mission, buy a silencer for your weapon or crossbow. If you don't have money for them, it's better to do side missions and earn the required amount. Otherwise, you will have to fight off patrols that will come at the sound of gunfire.

It will be difficult to find these “snoops”, but you will be marked with places where they may appear. The first location will be near the shelter, go there and find a flying drone there, try not to attract attention while destroying it. Although this will be a very long and difficult task, it is an excellent chance to free the zone by completing side missions.

Also pay attention to the minimap, drones are highlighted in red. After you have collected all the parts, return to Heather. As a reward you will receive $1200.


Meet Crawford at his apartment

Your goal will be near the shelter; the entrance to the apartment will be through the red door. Crawford will be waiting for you on the third floor, after talking with him, go to Sunderland. Having reached the desired house, go up to the third floor using fire escape, destroy the cameras first to avoid detection.

The necessary documents are stored in a safe under the table; after collecting them, go to the marker on the mini-map.

Discreetly identify Sunderland using your phone camera

Once in the restricted area, destroy the cameras and patrolling soldiers. After this, you can safely find your target.

Attention! If you are spotted, the mission will fail. You also can't kill innocent people.

After discovery the right person(in the screenshot above) wait for positive identification. Kill him silently and return to Crawford.

Power to the people!

Achieve 100% reading on the Hearts and Minds scale

All you need to do is carry out various acts of sabotage (destroy equipment, transmitters) and help people. If you have done this before, then most likely the scale will already be filled, but if not, then open the map and do everything in a row.

This task will not be difficult if you proceed carefully. When the gauge is full, go to the indicated shelter. Here you need to go to the table and activate the radio. After this, the task will be completed and you will receive $1650 as a reward.

Identity theft

Get to the police station

Chaos reigns on the streets, this is a great opportunity for resistance forces. You need to get to the nearest police station; to do this, go to the yellow marker on the mini-map. Getting into the building will not be difficult, the main entrance is open to you, and there is very little security in the courtyard.

After fighting off the guards, go up the stairs and enter the building where the marker points. Here you need to destroy the fan using explosives.

Hack the console to get the list of shipyard workers

Once inside, go down the stairs and go to room No. 3. Here, go to one of the servers and hack it to get the data.

Afterwards, meet Parrish at the hideout.

Working undercover

Meet with Crawford's agent and find your equipment

After watching all the cutscenes, follow Parrish. When you approach the checkpoint, you will need to show your pass.

Once inside military base, go to the yellow marker. After talking with the agent, you need to find a way to get to “zone A”, where your equipment is located. To do this, go to the yellow marker, and once at the locked gate, you need to collect the components for the hacking device. First, climb onto the scaffolding (will be on your right), there will be “Chemical Reagents” in the container, then follow the signs on the walls in the form of arrows and an “X” or a chest.

Thus, you will have to collect all the “Chemical Reagents”, and you can find the “battery” in the process, or if you follow the signs (in the trash container or in the basement). After collecting the hacking device, go to the yellow marker and throw the device on the control panel near the gate to open the gate. Search the box behind the gate to get your equipment.

Find the disabled Goliath

Your ally triggered the alarm so you can run to the Goliath, don’t ruin such an easy opportunity, it’s better to hide your weapon here and run to the marker. If you arouse suspicion among the KPA fighters, you will have to fight a larger force. Having reached the indicated location, insert the modified brain into the Goliath. After this, you will need to take a comfortable position and fend off the advancing enemies for some time. When the new firmware is installed, you will need to escort the armored vehicles to the exit. After the cutscene, the mission will be completed and you will receive your reward.

Aggressive expansion

Get to the main staging point

After the cutscene, go to the entrance to the tunnel, which will lead you to the red zone. But before you enter it, be sure to take a gas mask, which will be on the shelf to your right.

When you reach the surface, put on a gas mask to avoid death from the poisoned air. You will see a yellow marker on the surface, which is where you need to move. This territory is full of enemy units, including armored vehicles. That's why best option passing this place will be - secrecy. Do not engage in open combat, make your way through abandoned buildings to the indicated location. A good tactical decision would be to capture a strike point that is located near your target.

The marker will lead you to a fortified KPA base; your task is to get inside and commit sabotage. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Destroy the ventilation grill in one of the walls and get into the base - it’s better to deal with the enemy convoy that is patrolling the area around the base.
  2. Taking a motorcycle and finding a springboard, fly over the walls of the base - before doing this, it is advisable to remove the snipers from the walls.

Once inside, deal with the main enemy forces, then find the valve. It is located in the center of the base on the second tier, you can climb there by stairs.

By turning the valve, you will increase the pressure in the pipes, which will lead to the destruction of the base. At this point the task will be completed and you will receive a reward of $2000.

Goliath has earned!

Destroy the Dusters

After talking with Heather at the resistance base, go outside. Your task is to destroy installations that spray poisonous gas. There are five installations in total, their locations will be updated on the map. And on top of that, you will have “Goliath” as your assistant.

Before you go on a mission, make sure you have enough weapon ammo, missiles and explosives. During the mission, try not to move too far away from the “Goliath”. Having arrived at the indicated places, deal with the security guards and destroy the installations, this must be done five times.

Glitchy technology

Find Goliath's blueprints

After completing the previous task, return to the shelter and talk to Heather. After the conversation, head to the indicated location, it will be marked on your mini-map. The building you need will be surrounded by enemy KPA troops, so you'll have to deal with them first. After clearing the area, you need to find documents that are hidden in the ceiling.

Once you find them, take a photo of them with your phone and forward them to Heather. After that, return to Parrish. When you arrive at the place, the task " Forced volunteer", after the cutscene, this task will be completed and you will receive a new one.

The rescue

Open the perimeter gate without being noticed

Once you have received the Level 2 access card on your phone, open the cell door and exit. The entire area is well protected, and you are deprived of your weapons. Therefore, it is extremely important to act secretly and carefully, if you are detected, the mission will fail.

After eliminating the first guard, turn left and move towards the marker. Take the bolt cutter from one of the containers (see screenshot). After this, move towards the control panel, while you need to hide in the shadows to avoid detection. After eliminating the guard, press the button to open the gate to your allies.

Survive a KPA trap

Once you have your equipment, go to the courthouse. After the cutscene, you will have to fight off a large number of opponents. Take a comfortable position and shoot back from enemies until your reinforcements arrive. When the pickup truck arrives, jump in and drive away.

KPA strikes back

Help the resistance fighters

After the cutscene, run to the red zone of the Pawnshop. Make sure you have enough supplies and medications before heading out. In this task you will have to help your allies who are pinned down by enemy fighters. In total you will need to visit three places, each will be marked with a yellow marker on the mini-map. Having reached the indicated place, try to go behind the enemies and eliminate them from a position convenient for you. Also, don’t forget about enemy snipers who can hide in buildings and conduct aimed fire at you.

After you visit three places where your help is needed, you will be sent to the subway. Here it will not be possible to stop the onslaught of enemy equipment, so you will receive an order to retreat. Return to the resistance base and talk to Parrish.

The Great Escape

Find the entrance to the tunnel

After talking with the leaders of the resistance, go to the Old Town. Here you need to find a tunnel that leads to the prison. On the way you may meet a large number of technique, it is best to avoid it. But don’t hesitate to capture impact points, at least this will bring you money and various materials. Closer to the prison you will encounter enemy patrols, you should also avoid them. Your priority task will be to kill the snipers who are sitting on the roofs of buildings, after which you can go on patrols and calmly look for the desired tunnel.

The entrance to the tunnel will be in one of the buildings through a hole in the floor. If you try to open the door, you will not succeed, but the task will be completed.

Not the best escape

Hack the KNA transceiver

Having received a new task, go to the yellow marker. Having arrived at the indicated location, you need to climb to the second floor of the building. To do this, find a building to which scaffolding is attached.

Having climbed this building, go to the next one using the air conditioning ducts. After that, climb into the building by knocking out the boards in the window.

Find the prisoners

After you hack the transmitter, you will receive information about the possible location of escaped prisoners. The far marker will lead you to the prisoner. After talking with him, find the others, they will be at the docks, not far from you. You will find them in one of the white containers in the eastern part of the docks. After talking with the fugitives, you need to find a work boat. It is located in the northern part of the docks, but there are enemy units patrolling there. After clearing the area, go to the marker. To get to the boat, you need to start the generator, this can be done by rising higher, use a moped to start the engine. Having obtained a boat, you will receive an access code to the tunnel, go there. By opening the door, the task will be completed and you will receive a reward.

Small, but daring...

Find shelter

Follow the tunnel until you find the prisoner's corpse. Dress in his uniform to enter the prison grounds. Once in the restricted area, go to the yellow marker on the mini-map. He will lead you to the shelter, which can be accessed in this place:

Once in the shelter, follow the instructions of your interlocutor, otherwise he will kill you. After the conversation, the mission will be completed and you will receive $2000.
In this task you can play TimeSplitters 2.

Free creativity / Weapons of the crowd

Get list of prisoners

After the cutscene, you will need to obtain information about the prisoners, which is located in one of the fortified KPA positions. The area in which the mission will take place is well guarded, both by regular guards and armored vehicles. Therefore, before departure, check your equipment, replenish ammunition and buy first aid kits. Even if you are well armed, you should not engage in an open and protracted battle; it is better to act covertly.

Follow the marker and grab the data. After this, you need to rescue the prisoners. In total you will need to visit three places, each of them is practically unguarded, but when you start lowering the cameras, the alarm will be raised. If you are playing on high complexity, it would be best to clear the area of ​​soldiers and deactivate the alarm; on other difficulty levels, the fastest way would be to simply kill the arriving units. When the last prisoner is rescued, the mission will be completed and you will receive $3,500 as a reward.

After the cutscene, a new task will begin " Weapons of the crowd", which is similar to the task "".

Fourth Horseman

Infiltrate a maximum security prison

Your task is to free a prisoner who is in a maximum security prison. Go to the indicated location, following the marker, on the spot you will not encounter strong resistance from the KPA, but closer to your target there will be heavily armed soldiers and armored vehicles, a grenade launcher will be useful against them. After clearing the area from enemies, climb the stairs higher. Go to the sign and go through the pipe, after destroying the fan.

Once inside the building, open the red doors and hack the panel right behind them to free your target. After this, return to Parrish, when you talk to him, the task will be completed.

Roll of the dice

Use the window cradle to climb onto the roof of the television center

Attention! Starting with this quest, you will not be able to complete side quests or explore other areas. Before you go on a mission, be sure to replenish your ammo and buy a new weapon, as this will be one of your last opportunities to purchase or upgrade your weapon.

After talking with Parrish, go to the elevator doors and go up to the roof. When you are on the roof, run towards the marker. Along the way, you will need to use a topper to open the door. After that, run to the marker and wait there until the cradle is lowered to you.

Having risen higher, go to the panel and hack it, having first dealt with the guards.

Infiltrate the Town Hall

Now run to the edge of the building, where the cable is stretched, along it you will get into the building. Once on the roof of the town hall, take a comfortable position and kill enemy fighters while the hack is in progress. When the hack is over, go with Parrish to the mayor's office and capture him. After the cutscene, the task will be completed.

Consequences / Drone too far

The uprising has begun, rioting people have filled the streets, and they are ready to overthrow the KPA government. All this is your merit, but this is not the end. Go to the shelter and discuss the further plan of action with the leaders of the resistance.

After the cutscene, the mission will be completed and you will receive a new task - “ Drone too far».

Use the SAM

Your help is needed in the Ashgate zone; the main forces of the KPA are attacking your calculation installations. Run to the marker, you will come across KPA soldiers on the way, but you don’t have to be distracted by them. Upon arrival, take a defensive position. You need to fight off advancing enemy soldiers for a minute. When the time runs out, activate the SAM.


Trap for the traitor

Meet Parrish at Crawford's apartment, it's very close. Climb the stairs above and knock down the door.

After talking with the traitor, you will decide his fate. You can kill him or give him life. What to do with the traitor is up to you; your choice will not affect the end of the game in any way.

SAM defense

Go to the red zone Lombard, there you need to escort the air defense system to the deployment sites, there are two of them. During the mission, try not to move far from the vehicles and eliminate armored vehicles during the battle. Snipers will also be dangerous opponents; they shoot from the roofs of buildings, you can kill them, or hide behind cover during the battle.


After escort, go to the Palace of Independence. At the Palace, talk to Parrish and go storm the building.

After the cutscene, you will have a minute to get to the main drone control tower and a pistol. Shoot back from the enemies and climb the stairs to the control panel.

That's it for the walkthrough Homefront: TheRevolution completed, all you have to do is watch the final cutscene and the game's credits.


After you have completed your military practice, your superiors place you in civilian life. Tired of the journey home, it's time to think about how to earn some money to spend your life somehow, you decide to find a job. Aha announcement! The advertisement states that the Corporation is in need of new employees in the Service Department. Well... let's go to work!
The taxi took you to the entrance of the Corporation building. Before you enter, you must talk to the guard. After he verifies your identity, you are allowed to enter. Walk up the stairs and march to the table. The door will open in front of you. Now you can go directly to the Viewing Room.

MAIN HALL A corridor and an open door at the end of it. You are now in the Main Hall of the Corporation. Go to the desk and pick up your EDR (Electronic Device Recorder). This device will help you receive messages from the Corporation and from the Service Department and other useful information, such as mission goals or environmental facts. Note that if you don't collect EDR, you won't know how to proceed.

ECONAISSANCE You are now in one of the Internal Halls of the Corporation. Up the stairs you found the Hall. Wow, here you meet Juana, your first friend. After making small talk with her, go to your apartment, located on the lower courtyard level. In the locker is your personal Eco-suit! Dress up and announce yourself to the Training Center. You must complete the training session to enter the service rank
Service Center.
MAINTENANCE, TRAINING Before you start training, my advice is to save often. Remember? This is a training mission! There are three sections that you must complete to complete the training stage. The first two are similar, but the obstacles you face will be different.
To complete the first section, you must learn some useful movements in different conditions. Jumping or crouching under pipes, climbing stairs or other similar things will be the tasks of this training section.
The second section is building in a similar way as the first, but this time you must combine what you learned in the first section with a new task: environmental hazards. Steam, hot water, electricity and emptiness are what you will encounter in this training section. Here the rooms have no water, only floors and bars. If you take the wrong step, you are almost guaranteed to suffer fall damage. Your health depends on the length of the run-up before the jump!
The last section will introduce you to the use of conveyors. Completing the third section concludes your training course. You are now ready to begin your work. Get into the elevator and head to the Service Center.

SERVICE CENTER This is where you will work from now on. The large room in the middle is the Main Room. This is the place where information from all service departments is processed. For any failure appearing in one of these areas, a maintenance worker is sent immediately to resolve the problem. Go to the Main Room to find out your assignments.

SERVICE CENTER Let's go, choose your new destination. Who knows what kind of birds are stuck in the Corporation's Ventilation System, and your mission is to clear them from the ventilation.

Ventilation. Take the shotgun and kill one of the chickens! There's more there! In the first area there are no creatures except birds. After passing the first Control Room you will reach the Ventilation Pit. Watch, keep your guns ready, you have your eyes open, especially on the ventilation streams. Enter the second Control Room using the ventilation shaft. The doors won't open, so you'll have to find another way. Continue with your normal test raid. Through the third Control Room you will enter the last open area. Around the corner you will find the entrance to the Main Ventilation Shaft. The bird is stuck here too. Do not poke your nose into this exit; use the ventilation shaft located in the upper part of the room. You will be taken to one of the Premium Corporations. Here you will receive a new assignment.
DIORAMA Your usual raid is much more difficult this time.
An error by Diorama's maintenance workers allowed the invisible dogs to escape from their habitat and spread throughout the entire Diorama, becoming a threat. Not only are they dangerous due to their poison, but they are also almost invisible. You must see them. Maybe they are hanging around somewhere, in rooms or along corridors. Some of them may still be in their usual habitat, the centerpiece of the Diorama complex. Access to the invisible pawl block is blocked, and you must use one of the ceiling air holes to get inside. After you clear the entire block, the soldiers will open the doors.

SERVICE CENTER You have received a new assignment! Unknown problems have appeared in the Garbage Chute Area. Because of this fact, the elevator was stopped until the block was cleared. You will have to go there using the service shaft from the inside of the elevator.
A service shaft opening above one of the many courtyards. Jump onto the pile of garbage; if you choose to jump down from the edge of the platform, you will not collect any bones! because high voltage will tear you apart!.
Walk through the courtyards of garbage, being careful of those angry Creatures that will attack you without asking your name. Spare clips for the shotgun lie along the route until you reach the Hangar. In the farthest corner, you will find more ammunition and a shield. Continue your check and go to the Incinerator.
In the control room of the Waste Incinerator, turn on both crushers. Continue forward until your path is blocked by a broken podium. There seems to be no way to get through and you will have to go back to the last control room (the one you left behind on your way to the broken catwalk). Here you must switch the direction in which the conveyor belts rotate. Pull the button and ride up the conveyor. If switched to the proper direction, you will be rolled to the last courtyard. Kill the last of the Beasts that stand in your way and use the local terrain to climb up the other side of the catwalk. Walk into the room and ride the elevator to the SERVICE CENTER, having proven your skills as a cool maintenance worker, you will receive a special assignment.

Steel Panthers. Scientists couldn't prevent what they didn't know. The panthers became smarter and stronger and escaped. The scientists were forced to retreat to safety, leaving the panthers to wander around in search of tasty treats in the laboratory rooms.
You must clear this place of panthers. Not a single one should remain alive. Check the rooms one by one. As the doors have closed behind you, the only way is to look behind the consoles in the last room to find the exit. Use the maintenance shaft to enter the Test Room, inaccessible due to the locked door. Enter the Test Room, kill the last of the panthers that dart nearby, and walk to the small room at the end of the sloped floor. Upon entering, you will notice a ventilation hole on the left wall. Jump onto the table and climb into the shaft. The shaft ends in the corridor near the elevator
If you killed all the panthers, the elevator will take you to the Center, otherwise you will have to go through it again to shred all the panthers.

MERGER POINT Your new destination is hardware. These robots are very dangerous, so you must kill them with the first shot. Their powerful weapons can send you to your forefathers. Take the Freight Elevator in the middle of the level and go to the Fusion Point. Follow the platform rail and at the end of it you will notice a locked door. Turn right on the corridor that leads to a room where you will find a command console. Activate this and wait until the platform gets close and jump into open doors. You now enter the Storage Area.

WE ARE ROBOTS, the mission is as simple as three rubles: kill all the robots. In this Storage Area, no obstacles will stand in your way except crazy robots. Make your way to opposite side from where you left this place using the monorail.
BIODOME 1 The monorail will take you to the entrance to the first biodome. Go through the main hall, and from here to the biodome dome. Water has flooded the entire biodom complex and you must drain the water. The maintenance room is located below the biodome floor, but it did not flood because the door closed when the water level began to rise.

To date Homefront: The Revolution is one of best games in the quality of graphics and gameplay. However, there is a possibility that you long time You will be in Philadelphia, which is occupied by the Koreans, and try in every possible way to start a revolution.

In this guide you will find a number of important tips that every new revolutionary needs to know.

Try not to stick your head out

In HomefrontYou will have to carefully monitor your health indicator, since there is no regeneration in the game. Game AIs are not overly intelligent and will not smoke you out, so direct hits can be avoided by using cover behind strong walls. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to regroup and wait for the enemy to reach a position convenient for you.

Also, with the help of waist-high barriers, you can reduce the recoil of homemade weapons, which will allow you to commit numerous kills.

Decide on your favorite weapon

Although there are only a few basic ones in the game types of weapons, with the help of customization you can modify it. For example, a crossbow makes a flamethrower, and a pistol makes a semi-automatic weapon. And since in Homefront There is a limit on the number of weapons you can carry, then you need to decide on your 2 favorite guns as early as possible. Having found the ideal combination at the beginning of the game, you will spend less resources on unnecessary upgrades, and the savings will go towards important items and equipment.

Many players use a selection consisting of a semi-automatic pistol and a standard assault rifle. You can take a grenade launcher as your main secondary weapon. Buy things that increase damage and allow you to quickly deal with the enemy. Each weapon must be upgraded to three stars, and as early as possible.

Buy a tactical vest

By spending only $5,000, you will receive an item that will all damage from enemy bullets will be reduced by 50%. As mentioned earlier, to health in Homefront you need to treat it with special trepidation, this item will become simply irreplaceable. The amount is not small, so complete the main tasks and quests from the bulletin board, and also pick up valuable items.

Don't ignore the selection of values

The game's collectibles fill out the alternate world quite a bit. If you don’t want to get involved in the game so much, these items can be sold at a profit.

“God forbid we see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless!”

Alexander “Our everything” Pushkin

We've been waiting for this game. They hoped for her. It was expected as a revolution in the genre and throughout the gaming industry. Although its name did not appear so often in the headlines of announcements in magazines and on websites, but every time they made us understand that something stunning was expected. They say, just wait, and they ( Elixir Studios) will be shown to you. They say they can’t do otherwise, because they have a stunning engine in their hands Totality and myself Demis Hassabis, frog nest chick, comes from the company Bullfrog. At one time, this company was famous for its fantasy flight sims (Magic Carpet), cyber special forces simulators (Syndicate) and exciting “tycoons” (Theme Park). Demis Hassabis is an old-school game designer, a chess prodigy, a soulful guy; he can’t let you down, so don’t worry. We didn't bother waiting brilliant game for granted. We waited for her for five years - from the autumn of 1998 to the autumn of 2003.

And you know what I’ll tell you after watching the game with my own eyes? Not everyone here did as they promised, not everyone at all. The final product contains at most thirty percent of what the developers and Demis personally promised us. Now that the game is already on the shelves, I can’t understand how anyone could believe in the promises made by the developers left and right on early stages development of the game - even then it looked bordering on science fiction. But don’t blame Elixir Studios for deliberately, quietly chuckling, misleading us. Everything is much simpler: the guys worked hard. They took on a burden that was beyond their strength. Gradually falling into panic, they cut off everything from the game that they could not really implement - scale, AI, cities, freedom of play - until, figuratively speaking, only ears were left of the cat.

It was these “ears” that went into print under the title Republic: The Revolution. If everything had been implemented as expected, then she would have been entitled to an unconditional crown, but now, chopped off on all sides, she is only looking for a medal. Trying to be liked externally, it, alas, is not very captivating with its content. Maybe it's because of the octopus interface. Maybe due to the lack of pause in the game. Of course, fans of the genre will like the game in this form, because it has practically no competitors in the field of political games.

So in this guide you will find:

General information about the game and its basic principles.

Opening the role-playing system of the game.

Principles of conducting different types political actions.

So, take heed - the revolution is beginning.

In the early nineties of the last century, the great empire - Soviet Union- broke up into many small republics, one of which is your native Novistrana. She was definitely unlucky with her leader - Vasily Karasev, a former KGB officer, became the president of Novostrania. Almost immediately after coming to power, he began to show the habits of a dictator. There are only a few weeks left before he decides to become a sovereign and permanent leader. The people are silent and waiting.

You are a young Name with the face of a complete scoundrel. You have been sharpening your grudge against Karasev for a long time: when he served Where It Should Be, he took your parents Where It Should Be, namely in an unknown direction. Now all you have left in your soul is revenge, you decided to create your own party and lead it with an iron fist to victory over Karasev. Today a revolution is born (celebratory clay music plays)!

Game concepts

First difficulties

Throwing seventy percent of a design document into the trash has never worked for any game. But that’s not so bad: in the end, it was possible to make a popular product from what was left. Unfortunately, we have to admit that it was not worth putting a chess genius in charge of Republic, because the game’s interface (following the well-known Interplay motto) can be briefly described as follows: “From geeks to geeks.” It is very difficult for ordinary people to get involved in it - it is anything but intuitive. It is almost impossible to understand his flight. Even with time, it’s hard to get used to it, and for a long time at night you will remember it in dark, heavy dreams. You can't figure out the interface by pausing the game - there is no pause in the game.

The physics of the game allows such situations.

But that's not all. Surprise surprise: the game lacks a tutorial mode entirely. Every modern strategy that wants to have big sales must have a training mode. But in Republic: The Revolution it is not there. Instead, those who want to learn are thrust under their noses with several static pictures that describe the purpose of the controls. The most interesting thing is that these pictures were not originally planned by the developers - in order to add them to the game, its release had to be delayed again. Happy owners of boxed versions - don't rejoice ahead of time. According to the latest intelligence, even the paper manual included with the boxes has many holes and omissions.

So anyone who wants to play politics will have to play brave interface tamers first. So that you do not suffer too much during taming, I will try to describe its elements and not let you step on the rake that I collected on myself when I started playing.

Game time and political actions

The key concept of the game that you need to know about from the very beginning is political action. Essentially, this is any action that you (the person with the sly face - your “avatar”) or your teammates do at the player’s command. Moreover, an action is not necessarily a demonstration or rally. This could be a bribe, persuading a neutral or enemy character to join your party, or even reconnaissance. Besides you, the party can consist of up to five members - all of them have different actions available. Moreover, their set for each person depends on his class and level, political and life preferences: for example, a street bandit is prone to criminal acts - blackmail, attack, organizing riots. A journalist can organize attacks on an enemy in the press, and a priest can give an impassioned sermon denouncing a rival party. As the level increases, the number of actions available to the character increases, and each successfully completed action gives you and party members precious experience and a path to growth.

When you give an order to someone in your party, it goes on the schedule. Here we need to talk about the time in the game. It is divided into days, but the basic division here is time of day. The game takes place in real time, but each day is very clearly divided into three time periods: before lunch, after lunch and at night. Any action takes one time period, during which time the party member is busy with his work and is unavailable. In this case, one feature should be noted. Your game avatar (the head of the party) can perform up to three actions per day - according to the number of time intervals in the day, but your party members can only perform two actions per day, since one time period is spent on rest. Promotions are not free, they require resources, but more on that below.

Now we need to talk about the schedule. A schedule is a diagram of planned and currently ongoing actions. In theory, they can be planned at least a week in advance, but in practice this will not be necessary due to the constantly changing situation in the game.

Let's summarize:

The game is based on political actions.

Each day in the game is clearly divided into morning, afternoon and night.

Every day, the head of the party can hold up to three actions, and subordinates - up to two.

Promotions can be planned in advance.

Regions, people, resources and the principle of rock-paper-scissors

Each game city (Ekaterina, Pugachev, Berezina) is clearly divided into a number of districts (from a dozen to two dozen). A district is the basic unit by which your electoral support is determined. Each promotion applies to only one area. You can only get your hands on an action that would influence support throughout the city towards the end of the game, and it is expensive. For most of the game you will use “single-district” actions, take control of a specific district and only then take on another.

The propensity of area residents towards a particular party is displayed in the form of a pie chart with sectors. Gray sectors indicate the percentage of neutral residents.

It is very important to have an idea of ​​the basic idea of ​​​​the interaction of political forces in the game, because this idea is most directly related to regions. There are three political ideas (concepts, ideologies) in play - power, influence and money. The “rock-paper-scissors” principle works: power suppresses influence, influence suppresses money, and money suppresses power. In this case, power is indicated in the game by red, influence by blue, and money by yellow.

Each area in the game corresponds to a specific direction. Working-class areas, colored red on the map, are the domain of power. Middle class neighborhoods are impact oriented and are marked in blue. Rich areas ( yellow) are responsible for money. This must be taken into account when planning promotions. How? The principle is simple: knowing that organizing an attack by vandals is a forceful action, you must understand that this measure will work most effectively in middle-class neighborhoods (influence). If you organize an attack by vandals in a working-class district, then there will be no modifiers to efficiency - efficiency remains at an average level. In turn, attacks by vandals will have very little effect on residents of wealthy areas.

Understanding this effect is the key to effectively allocating resources and taking the right actions. The modifier to efficiency is small - twenty percent. That is, an action in a suitable area will give plus twenty percent efficiency, in a neutral area - average efficiency, and in an unsuitable area - minus twenty percent. This means that, if necessary, no one will stop you from holding a promotion in an inappropriate place and receiving your own (even if not particularly large) dividends.

Some actions can be carried out not in relation to regions, but only to individual people. This is true in relation to bribes, threats, luring other party members, attacks, gifts. Each person also has his own “color” based on his class. Financiers and celebrities are one, the military is another, journalists are the third. But here modifiers do not affect the effectiveness of the influence, but the likelihood of its success or failure and the possibility of persuading a person in a discussion (a whole subsection below is devoted to the discussion).

Each party also has its own focus. But here it may not be so rigid, but exist in the form of a wind rose, a kind of pie chart - on it all three forces can be at the same level, one of them can protrude forward or, conversely, lag behind the others.

As you may have guessed, each stock also has its own element at its core. Thus, the formation of gangs, threats and other dark deeds are “red” power actions. Bribes, intelligence and gifts are “yellow” money shares. Finally, rallies and attacks in the press are actions of influence, “blue”.

Your party has three types of resources at its disposal, and they look familiar: again, power, influence and money. Each action requires a certain amount of resources, sometimes different, and most of all profiling ones (that is, exploration will require money, and demonstration will require a lot of influence and a little money). In turn, areas in which you have some kind of influence bring you resources (and again, profiling ones). This is how the game's economy works - you make efforts to get support in the areas, from there you receive resources with which you continue to make your efforts - the flywheel starts spinning. If you waste your resources and are left without resources and support, you will lose. But if you plan your political career and conquer most of the city, then the passage of the plot will be very much easier for you.

You will have to remember which color acts against which and memorize: “red versus blue,” “blue versus yellow,” “yellow versus red.” If you get lost in the eternal rush of the game, then it’s okay - when planning an action, you will be reminded whether it is profitable or unprofitable to use this action against a given area/person.


And I’m telling you - there is such a party!

The game operates on the principle of three driving forces - power, influence and money, each of which is strong in relation to one and weak in relation to the other. Districts, people and actions are focused on them.

Resources in the game are spent on promotions and are gradually transferred to your account from the areas in which you have influence.

People, squares and secret benches

Intelligence campaigns are needed to find out a whole bunch of things: the political preferences of the population of the area (without intelligence you will not see the diagram), the habitats of neutral key characters or political rivals, the location of secret places. The first one is clear: a diagram is just that: a diagram. You need to find characters in order to gain access to them and the ability to apply actions to them - recruit, beat, etc. If you don't find the character you need, you won't be able to do anything with him - so don't neglect exploration. Fortunately, you don’t need to look for plot characters - they appear on their own.

The discovery of “small places” in the area falls into the category of secrecy. Most of actions should be carried out not just in the area, but in some place thereof. For example, for business negotiations you can choose a street cafe, a bench in a park or on the street. For the rally, you can choose a convenient yard, park, street, etc. A secluded place is necessary for force or intimidation.

Based on what criteria should you choose a place for an action? Based on privacy criteria. Each place in the area has its own privacy level (this is the level of the white bar on the place mark on the map). If there is almost no secrecy, then the place is clearly visible and open to all winds and curious glances. If secrecy is high, then the bench is well camouflaged, the cafe is not known to anyone, and the wasteland is not visited by anyone. Need to look for places with high secrecy? Yes, if we are talking about negotiations, a bribe or a quiet tap on the head with a bat. If open actions like rallies or distribution of leaflets are meant, you need to choose the most open and accessible place, where there is no secrecy at all. In a secret location, a member of the rival party will be more willing to accept a bribe, and in an open square, you will attract more people to the rally (and gain more fans).

But remember - you won't necessarily discover everything at once during reconnaissance. If reconnaissance is done by an inexperienced person, and he does it ineptly, then he may miss important characters or not find secluded places. Repeated reconnaissance is often not only necessary, but necessary. If you want to help your character in his search, you can use the “god poke” tactic. About her - below.


When exploring, you will learn the political views in the area, you can discover NPCs and places for events.

Places for holding events are more or less secret. More secret places are needed for secret actions, and unclassified ones are needed for open ones, in which it is important to communicate with residents of the area.

How to play it

Now that you know the basics of the world of Republic, I will try to tell you how to get started playing this game with the least amount of difficulty.

Political platform

At the beginning of the game, you will be asked to choose your preference profile for power, influence and money through a few questions. At the same time, your role profile will be formed (look for information about the game’s role-playing system in the corresponding section). Unfortunately, you won't be able to create a character yourself, so when they show you who you answered and what slogan is suitable for your party, you may be in for a surprise. But in reality, all this introduction is practically irrelevant - the focus of your party will quickly change as the game progresses. In just two in-game weeks, if you hire military men and bandits and start terrorizing the city, your party can turn from liberal to fascist. But in reality, it is important to maintain balance, using all forces equally. You will also understand this over time, and on your preference chart all three forces will be on the same level.

I would advise you to be much more careful when choosing a name for yourself and your party - you will constantly encounter these words in the game. If you can’t think of anything, don’t worry and name your party “Gamers”.

After all the formalities with party lines, you found yourself in the city. First of all, save the game. Now remember: you don't have to start right away. Spend a few in-game days getting comfortable with the interface, learning how to control the turbulent camera and give commands. Then you can download the game and start playing in earnest. This way you can make your progress through the story much easier - especially in combination with the easy game mode. I don’t recommend trying medium and hard modes right away - you’ll almost certainly lose.

3D city view

The game has two main views - a three-dimensional camera view of the city and a two-dimensional view of a schematic map of the city. First, let's talk about the 3D view and how to work with it.

The camera hangs at the level of the roofs of houses and looks out onto the streets. First, learn how to quickly move the camera around the city, rotate it, zoom in and out, quickly move in the desired direction, and navigate areas. The camera controls are implemented rather clumsily. Rotation is carried out by holding down the right mouse button. You can go down and look at a specific person or object by double-clicking on it. Clicking on a person once will bring up the magnifying glass and paper icons. A magnifying glass is an opportunity to bring the camera closer to a person and “hook” on him. If you click on the paper, the person under your cursor will send you a message, say whatever comes into his head, or comment on the political situation. I’ll say right away that interviewing people on the street is completely useless, since all the necessary information is available from the map.

Don't be alarmed. After a couple of days of training, you will get used to this interface. Real game happens right here on the map.

By double-clicking on the action icon, you will switch to a cinematic view, in which the camera will “illuminate” the action and independently change its position and viewing angle. Often the angles are not the best, so I recommend leaving the cinematic mode, lowering the camera to the ground, moving it to the location of the action and looking at the action up close, operating the camera with your own hands.

You can zoom the camera closer to buildings, cars, kiosks, and even tombs near the temple. At the same time, information about what you have brought the camera closer to will appear at the bottom right of the screen. As a rule, it does not carry a payload, but serves only entertainment purposes. If you bring the camera closer to the clothes hanging on the clothesline in the yard, the game will say: “Hey, you have a whole country that needs to be liberated, you don’t have time to rummage through someone else’s laundry.”

Regarding “no time” - this is said very correctly. Game periods (three periods - one day) replace each other every four minutes of real time, the clock runs continuously, and you won’t be able to just walk around the city admiring it. The game flows, and you constantly need to analyze information, make decisions and give commands. Paradox: theoretically, it is possible to lower the camera to the level of the head of its resident and wander the streets, but in practice you will not be able to do this - there is no time. With the ability to stop the endless cycle of days and just walk around the city, the game would be much better. That's why I advise you to save the game in advance, wander around the city to your heart's content, admire it, and then load the game from the very beginning, go to map mode and start the game. Why exactly there? Because the camera view of the city is not really needed. It is only used in discussions, when tuning promotions and for “god pokes” - and these are very clumsy concepts designed to force the player out of the map and force him to do at least something in the city itself.


Game card

You will have to do “at least something,” but the rest of the time (three quarters of the total game time) you will spend looking at the game map. On it you will give commands, on it you will look for signs of your victory or the heresy emerging among your followers in order to nip it in the bud. On it you will monitor the movements of your own and other party workers around the city. Here you will plan an event and choose a location for it. You will do everything on it. There are only three things you won’t be able to do - tune the action, hold a discussion, or poke your “God’s cursor” on the roofs of houses, telling your scouts where to look for pheasants. But, to be honest, the first two actions could easily fit on the map, and “God’s pokes” for the game are an unnecessary arcade element. I will tell you about all this below.

The easiest way to switch to the map and back is to use... the mouse wheel. Yes, it sounds strange, but it's true. Logically, the mouse wheel should be responsible for zooming, but here it’s a switch between the map and three-dimensional view. The entire map won’t fit on the screen, and you won’t learn how to move around the map right away either. In games with classic, time-tested controls, for such movement you just need to move the mouse to the edge of the screen. In Republic, created by the crazy imagination of a chess prodigy, for this you need either use the cursor keys (up-down-right-left), or press the right mouse button at the edge of the screen.

Only on the map you can create a schedule of promotions. To do this, you need to select a character, click on one of the promotions available to him and select the location. This is where the differences begin. If the action is aimed at a person, then you will need to select the person on the map, then the area and place where you will meet him (in order for the action to “go into action”, do not forget to click on the checkmark at the bottom left of the screen). If the action is aimed at the area as a whole (putting up posters), then you simply click on the area (don’t forget about the checkbox, don’t forget!). If you are going to organize a demonstration, then you will also have to choose a place in the area. The planned action will appear on the map as a pale green square with an icon. By clicking on the square, you can view information about the promotion or remove it from the schedule (pictogram of a film box). A successful promotion turns bright green, and after a while the promotion icon on the map disappears. If the action is ineffective, then it will be displayed in a poisonous pink color, and if it failed (the person being frightened was not afraid, the person being seduced was not tempted, the person being bribed did not take the bribe), then the icon will be bright red.

All enemy actions are reflected on the map as very small and almost invisible diamonds (the color of the diamond is the color of the party carrying out the action). Seeing such a diamond, you must immediately be wary, find out what the party wants, and organize counteraction.

The faces on the map are characters. At the bottom left of each muzzle there is a square. Either it is empty (the character is neutral), or it contains an icon of the party to which he belongs. If the face moves, the character either goes to the action or returns from it. If it moves fast, don't be alarmed, it's a subway. If two faces are nearby, then they are either doing something together (fighting or talking), or simply by the will of fate they ended up nearby and do not know anything about each other.

Pie charts reflect the political sentiments of area residents. If the circle is not visible, it means that the area has not been explored - send a scout there.

Despite the fact that the map in the game is implemented, in general, well, after a while it becomes difficult to navigate the diversity of events happening on it. There are buttons on the minimap that turn off the display of individual symbols on the map, but you don’t have to use them - each symbol is important, and without them you can miss important information (for example, about the enemy’s movements or his actions). You'll have to get used to the colorful map. Console yourself that politics is a complicated thing.

Game screen

On the game clock at the top left of the screen there are several more controls - a clock and several buttons.

The game clock is ticking even when you are reading a newspaper or information on the game plot, looking at the scheme of your party, or wondering what characteristic to improve for your political worker, who has increased in level. This unforgiving clock is one of the most frustrating elements of the game. In regular games, when the player reads a mission or levels up, time pauses. Here the clock goes on and on: reading a stack of newspapers and a story quest can easily kill an entire gaming day. This leads to the fact that the plot simply flies past the player, because reading plot information as time flies by is pure masochism.

If you want to quickly skip a game day (for example, while leveling up your characters at the end of the first city story), then you can speed up the game time. Acceleration only works on the map and when the mouse pointer is removed from the clock.

To the right of the clock are several buttons. One of them is calling the party screen (on it you can view the status of your party, the characteristics of its members, the amount of experience required to move each party member to the next level). Here you will find all available information about other parties and their members. While on the party screen, you will also be able to transfer the party headquarters from one house to another (for example, if the house has greater privacy parameters or accommodates a larger number of party members).

Next to the button for calling up the games screen is a list of text information: newspapers read, notes viewed, and story tasks. If you don’t know exactly what is required of you (and this is a common thing when there is not enough time to read information about the plot), then you can always read short assignment, which you need to complete to advance in the story - it is always higher than all the others on the list.

Tuning and why it is not needed

Another unsuccessful game concept is the fine tuning of shares - tuning. When you push a speech, you have the opportunity to shift the emphasis towards arguments or emotions. When you write different words on the fence using spray cans, you have the opportunity to focus attention on the overthrow of the existing system or on nationalism. By putting up posters, you can use them to convey messages about freedom, solidarity or prosperity. You can implement all this during the promotion by simply moving the slider at the bottom of the screen.

It would seem that what's wrong with this? The fact is that the opportunity for tuning is presented only for five to seven seconds in the very middle of the action. So a person called the posters, so they went out into the streets, approached the pedestals, looked around, laid out their things (three hours had already passed since the start of the action) - and then a slider appeared on the screen for a few seconds.

If you do not have time to perform several actions in these short five seconds, the slider will disappear from the screen, remaining at the item it was. And the actions are:

1. Remember in which area the event is being held.

2. Look at the ideological affiliation of this area on the map, find the icon of the action on it.