Russian lotto how many barrels are left in the bag. Rules for playing lotto with kegs.

Russian lotto– one of the most exciting games that can be played by 2 or more people. Both adults and children enjoy playing it, and simple rules allow you to involve even kids in this entertainment. Lotto is ideal for a family evening, as it gives all players a lot of positive emotions.

In addition, this game is extremely useful. In young children, it develops reaction speed, memory and other skills that will help them in later life. In this article we will provide detailed rules for playing lotto with kegs at home or on the street, thanks to which even the smallest children can easily understand the intricacies of this fun.

How many barrels are there in lotto?

IN classic version of this game there are always 90 barrels, on each of which are written numbers from 1 to 90. In addition, the package includes 24 cards with 3 rows of numbers, an opaque bag, as well as 150-200 additional tokens designed to cover those numbers, the barrels with have already been used.

Meanwhile, today there are many varieties of this game - lotto for children and adults with wooden or plastic barrels and other elements that replace them. In such variations, the number of chips and cards may differ greatly from the traditional version. Particularly for children preschool age The most commonly used game is lotto, which comes with 48 barrels.

Rules of Russian lotto with kegs

You can play Russian lotto 3 different ways. The simplest and most understandable among them is the option “ simple game”, in which each participant is randomly given one card, after which the presenter takes out one barrel from a special bag.

Pulling out a particular chip, he loudly pronounces its value, and then each player checks whether this number is on his card. If the required number is found, the cell with it is filled with the pulled out keg or a special token. Otherwise, the player waits for the next move.

In the “simple game”, the winner is the one who managed to fill in all the cells on his card faster than others. It is possible that 2 or more participants win in this option. " Short game" proceeds in exactly the same way, however, to win it it is enough to fill only one row on any card.

Finally, the most popular lotto game option is three on three. In this case, each player receives 3 cards, randomly selected by the leader. At the same time, a certain amount is “paid” for receiving cards - if adults play, this can be real money. If children take part in the game, candy, candy wrappers, beads and much more can be used as currency.

The goal of each player in this case is to cover the bottom lines on their cards faster than others. The one who managed to do this before everyone else wins and takes the entire stake for himself. If during the game one of the players closed the top line on the card, other participants need to double their bets. The one who collects the middle line before other players takes a third of the total bet amount.

Of course, the “three on three” option is not intended for young children who are contraindicated for gambling. But teenagers with their parents and friends enjoy playing this exciting game, exchanging small objects accepted as game currency.

There are other variants of playing keg lotto, each of which requires an agreement to win between the participants. Try each one and you will definitely understand which one you like the most.

We also invite you to learn the rules of the game

How to win the Russian Lotto: chances of winning the lottery + 7 convenient ways to buy a ticket + 13 theories of winning + 5 ways to check a ticket.

The ancient Russian pastime of playing lotto has now reached a new level and allows you not only to have a good time, but also to excitedly expect to win.

Of course, most of the prizes are of a consolation nature, which, you see, is also nice. But still, everyone plays Russian Lotto for one reason -.

The essence of the modern television gambling game Russian Lotto is no different from the home version. On the cards (tickets) there is a table with numbers, the presenter randomly selects the barrels, if the number matches, it is crossed out - and so on until all are crossed out.

The one who runs out of numbers on the card the fastest wins.

How to play is clear. And here how to win Russian Lotto– we will tell you in our article.

Where to buy a lottery ticket to play Russian Lotto?

The lottery organizers made sure that purchasing a ticket was as simple and convenient as possible. Moreover, now in the Internet era this process takes a matter of minutes.

Places where you can buy a ticket for Russian Lotto:

Is it possible to win the Russian Lotto and how?

Many people believe that it is not random people who can win the Russian Lotto, but fake people or relatives of the organizers.

Actually this is not true. Of course, the lottery system is built in such a way that the organizers always remain in the black, and not by a small one.

However, there are lucky ones who actually win big cash prizes, apartments and cars, and this is absolutely different people, not related to each other in any way.

According to statistics, every fourth ticket in the Russian Lotto lottery is a winner!

13 tactics and tricks on how to win Russian Lotto

Millions, but not everyone takes the matter seriously, even when they wonder how to win the Russian Lotto.

We believe that in the game, just like in everything else, you need preparation and the right approach. Of course, the most important thing in Russian Lotto is luck and lucky chance.

But following our advice will definitely bring you closer to victory.

Tactics and techniques for winning Russian Lotto:

How to check a Russian Lotto ticket for winning?

You can find out if you were able to win the Russian Lotto immediately after the drawing on the NTV channel on Sundays!

There are several ways to check a lottery ticket:

  • Watch the live broadcast of the “Russian Lotto” program on the NTV channel next Sunday after purchasing a ticket. The broadcast starts at 8:15 Moscow time.
  • Watch a recording of a TV show on the Internet.
  • You can check your ticket on the official website To check, you need to know the ticket number and circulation number.
  • If the purchase of a lottery ticket was made through a Qiwi e-wallet, the results of the drawing can be received on the phone number linked to the wallet.
  • The results of the lottery are published in the newspapers: “Sportloto”, “Evening Moscow”, “Moskovskaya Pravda”, “Trud”, “Sudarushka”, “Work in Moscow”.

How much money can you win by buying 5 Russian Lotto tickets?

The answer to this question is in the following educational video:

Choose two or more methods at once how to win Russian Lotto which seemed most effective to you, believe in victory - and everything will definitely work out for you...

Marchenko Marina Anatolyevna - woman retirement age, who started making money online 1 year ago. She created a profitable technique called “Swallow”, or how can a beginner start earning 7,000 rubles a day from scratch?” Marina has step-by-step video tutorials where she shares her earning system in detail + gives a full report on the work done.

Rules board game Russian lotto

Russian Lotto is a game that has been loved by many since childhood. In the USSR, absolutely everyone played lotto, both for money and for the “winner.” In many ways, the rules of Russian lotto were quite simple, but it will be useful to study them before starting the game. Of course, every time you play con, it’s better to immediately decide on the rules and say them again in front of everyone.

The board game Russian Lotto, the rules for which were developed either by the people’s “savvy” or by the creator of the game himself, has remained virtually unchanged over the past 50 years. The essence of the game is to fill in a card with certain numbers with special chips. We cover the number with a chip when the presenter takes the corresponding number out of the bag.

Classic lotto cards have 3 rows of numbers - top, middle and bottom. By filling out each of these rows you can achieve a certain result. The game can be played by 2 to 8 people - the main thing is that there are enough cards for everyone. Of course, when combining cards from different Lotto sets, care is taken to ensure that they are not repeated. Most often, different sides of double-sided cards are used for these purposes. Then the number of players increases to 16-20 people. In general, lotto is a fairly democratic game, but it has its own basic rules.

When buying Russian lotto, you can decide for yourself or follow the rules we propose.

Rules of the game:

So, all players receive 3 cards with numbers - they themselves draw them from the common pile. A presenter is identified, who pulls the barrels out of an opaque bag and announces the number. The player with the number on the card closes it with a special barrel or a special chip, which is usually included in the game set.
I forgot to clarify that if the game is played “for fun,” then all players must deposit a penny, a ruble, a wish, or something else into the bank.

Now about the winnings. The winner of the lotto is the person who is the first to close the bottom row of numbers on any of his cards. If the top row is closed, then all players at the table, except the person who closed the row, raise their bank bet by 2 times. If the middle row is closed, then the person who closed it takes a third of the bank. Closing the bottom row of cards by one of the players means the end of the game and his automatic victory.

Of course, the lotto rules may change depending on your preferences. For example, to play longer, you can change the rules and make a win only by covering all the numbers on the card, or the bottom rows on 2 out of 3 cards. This increases the excitement of the game significantly.

Surprisingly, people have been gambling since ancient times; for example, people have been talking about the lottery ancient greek myths: a warrior was determined by drawing lots: he had to draw a pebble from a special golden helmet, white meant mercy, and black meant to fight in a duel with the Great Zeus and die with dignity. Lotteries are mentioned in the Bible, as well as in the history of Ancient China, Rome and other great empires. Interesting fact, what in Ancient China In the Han Dynasty, lotteries were not only gaming, but also strategic in nature: the emperor organized lotteries in order to build the Great Wall of China with the proceeds from players. Thus, residents did not mind donating money, and someone won really valuable prizes.

Lotto became known in Europe and Italy in the 16th century. In Russia, this game appeared much later, in the 18th century, and immediately caused a great stir among residents, but the upper strata of the population could play this game, and only in the 20th century absolutely everyone could play lotto. In the Soviet Union, “Russian Lotto” was positioned as a family and educational game, although it would be more correct to call it gambling.

Rules for playing Russian Lotto

The set includes several cards with lined tables and numbers, a total of 24 cards, 150-200 tokens.
An opaque rag bag and wooden barrels, on the top and bottom of which numbers are drawn: in the classic version there are always 90 of them, and the numbers vary from 1 to 90.
There are about three ways to play Russian lotto with kegs.

A simple and classic game of Russian Lotto

Each participant is given one card with a table, and the presenter takes out one barrel from the bag, respectively, than more numbers will match the barrels and numbers on the card, and the faster the participant fills in the empty fields, the greater the chance of winning. The field on the cards is filled with special tokens or barrels.

Short game of Russian Lotto

It is possible that several participants can win the game; winners can be selected using the second method called “Short Game”, in which you only need to fill in one row of numbers.

Russian Lotto “Three on Three”

This is the most popular method among players. The essence of this game is that the presenter gives each player three cards, which are chosen randomly by the presenter: each card costs a certain amount of money if adults play, while children bet buttons, candies, beads and other small things.

The goal is similar: you need to quickly fill out the fields of the bottom lines of each card. The one who fills the line of cards in the middle the fastest takes a third of the total bet amount. But you can also come up with your own methods, which will depend on the agreement between the presenters and participants.

How to play commercial Russian Lotto

There are also popular television lotteries in which a participant, with a successful combination of circumstances, can choose a good amount of money or an apartment: the chances are not great, but they are always there. To do this, you need to buy tickets at special stalls on which the numbers will be indicated.

Next, the participant waits for the release of a television program, where the presenter rotates the lottery drum and takes out balls with numbers marked on them; if, say, six numbers in a row match (it all depends on the rules of a particular game) with the numbers on the participant’s card, the participant becomes the winner, and The organizers contact him.

In general, to play lotto, you don’t have to be a gambling person, because you can buy kegs and play in a group, for example, for candy or purely symbolic things. Or you can test your luck by buying a special ticket, because they are often quite inexpensive, from 50 to 100 rubles.

LOTTO is a game of chance, very close to a lottery. Winning LOTTO, provided that experienced players play, is almost entirely determined by luck. The dependence on luck can be reduced by increasing the number of cards per participant, and then theoretically the possibility of an error due to inattention increases. But experienced players claim that this only works for beginners.

LOTTO first appeared in Genoa in the 16th century; the word Lotto itself translated from Italian means “fate” (everyone who watched the cartoon “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych” may be surprised by this circumstance, but this is so - in the 10th century in Kievan Rus in this couldn't play the game).

Soon LOTTO became widespread throughout Italy, and already in 1521 the first ban was issued - the Senate of the Venetian Republic banned this game as gambling. But the game quickly gained popularity in France. To this day, the custom of playing Le Lotto with excitement on Saturdays is part of the French way of life.

However, in the Soviet Union, LOTO was considered not a game of chance, but a developmental game along with chess and checkers. In some ways, the Soviet officials were undoubtedly right, Lotto develops attention and memory, but then why weren’t cards, for example, welcomed, since many card games develop these qualities to a much greater extent.

Now everything has fallen into place: Lotto, of course, is, first of all, a game of chance. An attempt to build your own business on the organization of such games, for example, to open a Lotto hall following the example of American bingo halls, will most likely end in problems with law enforcement agencies. But this does not mean that we cannot get together with friends to have fun playing our favorite game.

To play you need:

1. Barrels with numbers on the end faces – 90 pieces.

2. A bag for kegs, always made of opaque material.

3. Cards with three rows of numbers – 24 pieces.

4. Tokens or chips designed to cover numbers on cards; their number can range from 150 to 200 pieces.

The game can be played for fun, or it can have a bank. Here are the three main game options:

1. Simple LOTTO - the first one to cover all the numbers on one card wins. He takes the bank. Typically, when playing simple LOTTO, each player receives three cards.

2. Short LOTTO - the first one to cover all the numbers in any one line wins. Typically, when playing short LOTTO, each player receives one card.

3. LOTTO three by three. Here you also need to close the numbers in one line, but the result will depend on the location of this line:

– when one of the players fills any top line, the rest double their bets into the bank;

– when one of the players fills any middle line, he takes half of the bank;

– when one of the players fills out any bottom line, he is declared the winner and takes the entire bank.

In a three-on-three game, it is possible to create unequal conditions between players who have made unequal contributions to the bank. Any player can double or even triple his contribution and receive not one, but, accordingly, two or three cards. This is possible because it is considered that a “card is played” and each card has equal rights and responsibilities, regardless of how many cards the player has.

At the beginning of the game, the leader is chosen, he may receive cards and participate in the game on an equal basis with others, or he may not receive them, this is determined by an agreement between the players.

The presenter blindly takes one barrel from the bag at a time, after which he announces its number. There is a special terminology for announcing numbers in LOTTO:

1 - count
3 - three
10 - bull's eye
11 - drum sticks
12 - dozen
13 - damn dozen
18 - for the first time
22 - ducklings
25 - again 25
44 - chairs
50 - half a hundred
55 - gloves
66 - felt boots
69 - back and forth
77 - hatchets
88 - grandmother
89 - grandfather's neighbor
90 - grandfather

The player whose number on the card matches the number named by the leader covers this number with a special token or chip.

When playing simple LOTTO, a player whose card has one row completely closed must notify other players about this by saying “apartment”.

The winner is determined depending on the game variant.

In America this popular game got a different name. Initially, dried beans were used instead of chips (in English - beans), placing the winning bean on the card, the player exclaimed: “Bingo”, which is why the Lotto game itself in America began to be called Bingo.

Currently in the USA, for every one player in a casino there are ten players in Bingo halls; now this is already a whole subculture with its own customs, etiquette, and language. Here are just the most common terms:

Front of House – the table located closest to the entrance.

Early Bird - warm-up game before main game at Bingo.

Eyes Down (look down) - means that the game begins and the dealer will now begin to call numbers.

Flyer is a Bingo ticket that can be used for one game.

Market Bingo – refers to a game where the prize is in non-monetary form. In Basket Bingo, the prize is a basket filled with prize items.

Cash-In-Prize – refers to a game where the prize is in the form of cash.

Admission Packet - the minimum number of cards that you must take (purchase) to participate in the game.

Bingo Board is an electronic scoreboard on which the numbers pronounced by the dealer are duplicated.

Blackout (Full filling) is a game option when you need to cover the entire card to win.

Four corners - a game option where to win you need to cover the numbers in the corners of the card.

Pattern is a variant of the game when, in order to win, you need to cover numbers with chips according to a predetermined pattern (for example, a diagonal).

Catch-up ( Quick game) – in this game, the machine fills out the card for the player.

Jackpot – the main prize.

Money Ball - this ball is played before the start of the game, the player whose card it appears on receives a special prize.

Wait - the last number that the player must cover to complete the winning pattern, after which he shouts “Bingo!”

Wrap up is the latest game in the Bingo series.

TV game "Russian Lotto"

Created based on LOTTO great amount lotteries, currently the most popular of them in our country is the All-Russian state lottery “VGTL 1 “Victory” “Russian Lotto”, draws of which are held every Sunday at 8.15 on the NTV channel.

To participate in the lottery, as in a regular LOTTO, you will need cards with numbers. But, unlike classic game You don’t have to cover the numbers on the cards with chips or beans, you don’t even need to cross out anything, as the game organizers recommend. This is an ordinary lottery ticket and it does not need your help to win or lose.

At retail points of sale, you can purchase a colorful ticket equipped with the required degrees of protection; such a ticket will indicate the draw number and the date of the draw; the same ticket will be the basis for receiving your winnings.

If the draw number and date are not indicated on the ticket, then the seller is obliged to give you a receipt printed by the terminal on which this information is present, in which case the receipt will be the basis for receiving your winnings. You will be asked for a phone number (you don’t have to give it), which will also be printed on the receipt. In this case, using your phone number you can register on the website and you will find a virtual copy of your ticket there, in addition, if you win, you will receive an SMS.

In addition to purchasing at retail points of sale, there are many ways to take part in the game; you can place a bet on the website, via SMS, in the Euroset and Alt-Telecom communication stores, and in the BaltBet-Loto lottery stores. In all these cases, it is necessary to indicate a phone number, since its use is necessary to ensure security; after all, we are talking about money. An SMS with a secret code will be sent to the number you specified, which, together with the receipt number and the number mobile phone and will be the basis for receiving winnings.

On the site there are many ways to make it easier for a player to select tickets, each ticket manually, at once and a lot, with favorite numbers, with different numbers, etc. I will not dwell on their description, because this has nothing to do with the rules of the game.

It should be remembered that bets on the next draw are accepted until 12:00 Saturday (Moscow time).

Now the rules of the game. The drawing is divided into rounds, and a Jackpot is also drawn.

In the first round, the winners are the tickets in which the numbers in any horizontal line are closed before all the others, it doesn’t matter if it happened in the top or bottom table.

In the second round, the winners are the tickets in which all 15 numbers in the top or bottom table were closed before anyone else. In the third and subsequent rounds, the winners are tickets that have all 30 numbers on the card covered.

The jackpot is won by a ticket on which, after the first 15 barrels played, 15 numbers are closed. The jackpot does not necessarily go to one of the drawing participants; if this does not happen, it will accumulate until someone wins it.

In general, the rules are not complicated, the organizers tried to ensure that those wishing to take part in the lottery would not have problems buying a ticket, would have money, and your bet would definitely be accepted in any other way, the great popularity of the lottery leads to the formation of a large prize fund. These are the advantages.

But the classic game of LOTTO with friends also has its advantages. Firstly, such a game does not have an organizer, which means that 100% of the bets go into the bank, and not 50%, as in the lottery. Secondly, seeing your opponents and watching their reactions is much more interesting than playing while sitting on the couch in front of the TV or in front of a computer monitor against thousands of strangers.