The richest among the vice-governors was Alexander Ganov. Former Voronezh Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Ganov became deputy head of the Tambov region

11.07.2019 Trips

The income statement for 2015 states that the first deputy governor of the region earned 5 million 333 thousand rubles. In addition, Alexander Ganov owns land plot for agricultural use with an area of ​​2,320,000 square meters and an apartment with an area of ​​150 square meters respectively. Another apartment, with an area of ​​37.3 square meters, is in his possession, but is not his personal property.

Alexander Ganov also has a Mercedes CL500 car and a BMW R 1200 RT motorcycle, and two parking spaces for them, each with an area of ​​22.4 square meters. Let us recall that Alexander Ganov was appointed to the post of first deputy head of the administration of the Tambov region in August last year. Previously, he was the Minister of Investment and Innovation of the Moscow Region.

Gleb Chulkov is in second place in terms of income among deputy heads of the regional administration. Let us remind you that he has served as deputy governor since 2008. Additionally, he also heads the region’s property management committee. Last year he earned 3 million 235 thousand 380 rubles. Gleb Igorevich owns two apartments with an area of ​​81.3 and 77.3 square meters. Also, an apartment with an area of ​​42.5 square meters is in use, but is not his property. A car the vice-governor has a Mercedes-Benz GLA 200 CD I. All real estate is located in Russia.

An honorable third place among the highest paid deputy governors is occupied by Tamara Frolova, who was appointed to this position in October last year. Her income for 2015, according to the declaration, amounted to 2 million 556 thousand 188 rubles. Tamara Frolova owns an apartment with an area of ​​53.3 square meters, and owns a plot of land for the construction of an individual residential building with an area of ​​990 square meters. As it turned out, the deputy governor does not have a personal car.

According to the income statement for 2015, not all deputy heads of the region had such high earnings. Here is the income of Igor Kulakov, who in 2015 came to work in the administration from the post of director of the Kotovsky Nonwoven Materials Plant, amounted to 1 million 622 thousand 867 rubles. He owns an apartment with an area of ​​37.8 square meters. Igor Kulakov also owns a residential building with an area of ​​253.9 square meters. The vice-governor has a personal car LAND CRUSER 150 and a Jamaran-A300 motor boat.

Igor Edel earned a little more than his previous colleague, but also ended up on the list with the lowest earnings. He has been in the Tambov administration not so long ago. He was appointed to the post of vice-governor last year; he previously headed the regional highway department. Igor Edel’s income for 2015 amounted to 1 million 665 thousand 990 rubles. He does not own a single apartment, but Igor Edel owns two living spaces. These are apartments with an area of ​​76.9 and 44.3 square meters. The vice-governor does not have personal transport.

Information about the income and property of deputy heads of the region is in the public domain and published on the official website of the regional administration. By the way, you can read about the income of Governor Alexander Nikitin.

"Connections / Partners"


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MOSCOW REGION, February 4, 2015, 00:17 - REGNUM Former deputy governor of the Voronezh region Alexander Ganov has been appointed to the post of Minister of Investment and Innovation of the Moscow Region, a REGNUM correspondent was told on February 3 in the press service of the Moscow Region government.

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— Our activities today are aimed at promoting business, with priority given to the real sector of the economy. We intend not only to support those 300 systemically important industrial enterprises that operate in the region, but also to promote the opening of new production facilities in every district of the Moscow region, including within industrial parks,” the message quotes the words of the new minister, a native of Voronezh.

Acting Governor of the Tambov Region Alexander Nikitin appointed acting vice-governor Alexander Ganov, a former top manager of Sberbank and first deputy prime minister of the Voronezh regional government. Mr. Ganov will oversee industry, consumer markets and entrepreneurship. He claims that he has known Mr. Nikitin for a long time and they are “100% like-minded.” The Tambov regional administration says that Alexander Ganov was selected “from a certain number of candidates based on KPI.” Mr. Ganov sees his main goal as diversifying the regional economy through “creating enterprises that generate high added value.”

Information on the appointment of Alexander Ganov as acting the vice-governor was disseminated yesterday by the press service of the Tambov regional administration. “We have known Alexander Nikitin for quite a long time, since he worked at Michurinsky Agrarian University, and I worked at Sberbank. I often communicated with him, for example, about projects in the Michurinsky agrotechnopark. We are 100% like-minded,” Mr. Ganov told Kommersant. He indicated that he came to Tambov at the invitation of the head of the region. Alexander Ganov’s last place of work was the post of Minister of Investment and Innovation of the Government of the Moscow Region, which he held from February to July 2015. He considers the diversification of the region’s economy to be his “strategic goal” in his new position. “The agro-industrial complex is developed in the Tambov region. But it has largely exhausted the potential for further increases in GRP without the use of intensive technologies and the development of deep processing. We need to build on the existing basis and develop food processing, not forgetting about industry,” says Mr. Ganov. According to Rosstat, in 2013 the GRP of the Tambov region amounted to 235.86 billion rubles, of which the agro-industrial complex accounted for 17.7%. This share has been growing steadily for ten years. Acting supervising political bloc Vice-Governor Oleg Ivanov told Kommersant that Alexander Ganov went through a “selection from a certain number of candidates” arranged by Alexander Nikitin and defeated them “based on KPI.”

For 41-year-old Voronezh native Alexander Ganov, the new position is not the first leadership position. Cutting career takeoff Mr. Ganov began in 2007, after he moved from the investment management of the Central Black Earth Bank of Sberbank of Russia (TsChB SB) to the top management of Lebedinsky GOK ( Belgorod region). In 2008, he returned to the Central Black Bank SB to the key position of deputy chairman for lending and became, in fact, the third person in the bank. Alexander Ganov was then considered as the successor to the ex-head of the Central Black Security Council Alexander Solovyov. But in 2009, after the appointment of Alexey Gordeev as Voronezh governor, Mr. Ganov moved to the regional government as his first deputy. “Gordeev asked me to provide someone for support in the region. I gave Ganov - a smart and talented guy. Alexander, like me, loves concrete work with investments. I really considered Ganov, along with four or five other people, as future top officials. These are my students,” Mr. Solovyov told Kommersant. The key projects that Alexander Ganov was involved in at Sberbank, Alexander Solovyov named the bank’s investments in the projects of the Belgorod agricultural holdings “Prioskolye” and “Agro-Belogorye” totaling almost 20 billion rubles. In the regional government, Mr. Ganov oversaw the launch of the Maslovsky industrial park, solving the problems of the Semiluksky refractory plant, as well as the recovery from bankruptcy of the Vodokanal Voronezh municipal unitary enterprise. Only the first project can be called unambiguously successful - the volume of investments in Maslovsky from more than a dozen current residents exceeded 24 billion rubles. The Semiluksky Refractory Plant changed management and owners, but did not completely emerge from the crisis. The situation with municipal unitary enterprise is even more complicated. To clear out its debts, another municipal enterprise, MCP Voronezhteploset, took out a loan of 1.2 billion rubles from Sberbank. Vodokanal was soon brought out of bankruptcy and given concession to the structures of Rosvodokanal, but Voronezhteploset, in addition to the debt on this loan, is constantly borrowed from banks to cover current debts. The total amount of debt exceeds 2 billion rubles. “My task was only to get out of bankruptcy and clear the debts of Vodokanal. The rest was done without me,” says Mr. Ganov.

He left the Voronezh regional government in mid-2010. After that, he worked for more than four years in the central office of Sberbank as head of the department for work with regional authorities. Officially, his departure from the regional government was explained by Mr. Ganov’s desire to further career growth. However, Kommersant’s sources claimed that another reason was the results of an audit of the activities of regional MFCs, carried out by the control department of the regional government. The auditors found a scheme for purchasing a building with an area of ​​4,461 square meters. m to accommodate a multifunctional center for 240 million rubles. from budget funds. The regional government estimated the loss from the transaction at 170.9 million rubles. “Then this deal was checked from different sides and no crime was found. However, Gordeev's trust was lost. They both realized this in time,” said a Kommersant source in the regional government. Mr. Ganov himself called these statements “complete nonsense”: “I have maintained a working relationship with Alexei Gordeev, I respect him as an accomplished great leader.” This is confirmed by Alexander Solovyov: “All these stories had nothing to do with Ganov’s departure. He really chose to pursue a career.”