Krasnaya Polyana. Sanatorium "Krasnaya Polyana" in the Belgorod region

01.08.2019 Trips

Sanatorium "Krasnaya Polyana" is a balneological and climatic resort with medical specialization in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurology, and endocrinology.
The Krasnaya Polyana sanatorium is intended for those who want to restore their well-being, and for those who simply need a few weeks of solitude and tranquility. Therapeutic procedures prescribed by a doctor individually will raise the overall tone of the body and help restore harmony.
It's time to take care of yourself and your loved ones by giving your health a few days of healing spa relaxation.
The resort is suitable for all ages.
On the territory of the sanatorium for children's recreation during the autumn, winter, spring and summer holidays valid Kid `s camp"Krasnaya Polyana".
Price per day: Location:

The sanatorium is located on the banks of the Oskol River, in one of the picturesque corners of the Belgorod region, surrounded by beautiful forests, in an ecologically clean area.

Number of rooms in the sanatorium:

108: double, triple, superior rooms.

Natural factors:

Mineral waters for drinking purposes, climate, silt-clay medicinal mud of Lake Tambukan, clay from the Khvorostyanovsky deposit.

Sanatorium services:

Availability of a pond / Internet / Parking / Gym / Children's room

What is included in the price of the tour:

Accommodation, food, treatment


Residential building; medical building; buildings for a summer children's health camp; dining room; buffet; gym; Gym; cinema; summer dance floor; outdoor sports grounds for playing volleyball, basketball, football; bicycle rides; equipped sandy beach; Wi-Fi zone; playground; children's room; recreation area (barbecue area); excursions: visits to museums, historical places and attractions; parking.

Accommodation and treatment of children:

Accommodation and treatment for children from 0 years are provided. The sanatorium has a pediatrician. The “Healthy Child” treatment program has been developed. During the autumn, winter, spring and summer holidays, the Krasnaya Polyana children's camp operates. children playground; children's playroom; mother and child room; cinema; library.

Required documents:

Sanatorium-resort card


Pediatrician Neurologist Endocrinologist Therapist Chiropractor Dentist

Medical services:

General magnetic therapy "Hummingbird". Local magnetic therapy "Polymag". KUF. Drug ultrasound therapy. Electrosome therapy Electrophoresis with drugs of currents D, Arsonval hardware inhalation Treatment with mud lakes Treatment with clay of the Hvorostyansky field Paraffin Media Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical Physics and Enterprise Physical Group Physical Physical Physics and Environmental Physics and Enterprise Subteum Phytobochok (Salt Room) Aerotherapy (Ozonovois) Tubel with Mineral Mineral Water Balneo treatment: iodine-bromine baths, baths with sea salt, turpentine, hydrogen sulfide, mineral carbon dioxide, with selenium and essential oils.

Cosmetology and SPA:

Massage with aromatic oil Facial massage with aromatic oil Hydromassage bath Balneotherapy: iodine-bromine baths, baths with sea salt, turpentine, hydrogen sulfide, mineral carbon dioxide, with selenium and essential oils. Phytobarrel

Leisure: Sports complex:

A gym where training can be conducted in the following sports: mini-football; volleyball; basketball; badminton; table tennis.


Comprehensive meals 5 times a day, vitamin table.

How can I get to:

The sanatorium is located 140 km. from Belgorod. The Valuiki-Kharkov international highway passes near us, as well as the Valuiki-Belgorod highway, making it easy to get to us with your own vehicle. You can also use our transfer - a comfortable bus is at your service, meeting our guests at the railway and bus station in the city of Valuiki and delivering directly to the sanatorium. There is also a developed bus service to nearby settlements - you can choose the option that suits you best.

brief information

The village of Krasnaya Polyana is located in the Adler district of the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory. Krasnaya Polyana is located in the middle reaches of the picturesque mountain river Mzymta, 39 km from the Black Sea coast. And although the nature here is significantly different from the nature of Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana is an amazingly picturesque area.

Here, the most beautiful panoramas open up from everywhere: alpine meadows, alpine lakes, rocks, snow... After all, the village of Krasnaya Polyana is surrounded on all sides by the majestic mountains of the Main Caucasus Range, which rise 2000 m above sea level. And even for those tourists who come on vacation directly to the resort city of Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana becomes a must-see destination excursion route. They are attracted by fabulous mountain landscapes, snowy slopes for skiing, crystal clear waters, unique forests, air, mineral springs, breathtaking vistas... as well as magnificent hotels and hotels in Krasnaya Polyana.

Just like in Sochi, you can relax in Krasnaya Polyana all year round! From the beginning of winter until the beginning of May, tours to Krasnaya Polyana are a journey into the world of snow-capped mountain peaks and glaciers, which are of particular interest to lovers of active recreation: skiing and snowboarding.

In summer Krasnaya Polyana ( Krasnodar region) - a paradise for lovers of mountain biking, caving, jeeping, rafting on high-mountain rivers and hiking in the mountains. And avid fishermen can fish here in mountain lakes and reservoirs, the water in which warms up to a comfortable temperature for swimming.

Currently, tens of thousands of people come to Krasnaya Polyana hotels every year to relax, and the village itself claims to become the most respectable, modern and popular ski resort in Russia. Today, large-scale construction of new hotels, cable cars, ski slopes, tourist infrastructure and recreation facilities has begun here.

If you are wondering where to spend your vacation: on the seashore or in the mountains, this fashionable resort will give you a unique opportunity to make both dreams come true. Today it is possible to combine a holiday in Krasnaya Polyana and Sochi, and such tours are very popular.

You can find out more about holidays in Krasnaya Polyana and Sochi, attractions and accommodation options, as well as read reviews about Krasnaya Polyana hotels on the Resort Store website or by calling us by phone. Our managers are always happy to answer your questions.


The Krasnaya Polyana ski resort is located in the Adler district of Sochi, 75 km from the city at an altitude of 800 m above sea level.


The climate of the places where it is located ski resort"Krasnoy Polyana", soft and relatively warm. In summer it can be hot, up to 38 degrees in the shade, in winter it is frosty, up to - 22.5 ° C, snow cover up to one and a half meters. The combination of mountains and sea creates a rare, unique mountain-sea climate, which is not inferior in its merits to the mountain climatic resorts of Switzerland, Italy, and France. Holidays in Krasnaya Polyana are unique! And its uniqueness lies in the abundance of forest, which affects the microclimate and in which the village simply drowns.Krasnaya Polyana - perfect place for relaxation at any time of the year. Both summer and winter holidays in Krasnaya Polyana will leave a lasting impression.

Main healing factors

An important natural healing factor on vacation in Krasnaya Polyana, along with the mountain-sea climate, is mineral waters. In the vicinity of the Krasnaya Polyana resort there are many mineral springs. In their composition, some of them (springs Pslukh, Engelmanova Polyana and others) are very similar to the mineral waters of Borzhom, Essentuki and Narzan. In the upper reaches of the Mzymta there is the “Valley of Narzans”. Thus, tours to Krasnaya Polyana are not only an opportunity to relax, but also to improve your health.

Additional Information

Alpine skiing in Krasnaya Polyana, as mentioned above, is the most popular entertainment. At the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort, 4 stages of a chairlift with a length of 3.2 km were built. At an altitude of 3200 m above sea level, there is snow even in summer, and therefore holidays in the warm season are no less popular than winter holidays in Krasnaya Polyana. Fans of snowmobiling will find spacious clearings with gentle slopes here. The unique and very interesting terrain allows you to satisfy the needs of riders of any level, from beginner to extreme. Skiing takes place on the slopes of the Aibga and Turya mountains.

Already today, the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort is turning into a popular holiday destination. Qualified guides and trainers provide tourist and mountaineering sports trips and events. Recreation, Krasnaya Polyana is exclusive and adventure tourism, water sports and alpine skiing. Krasnaya Polyana is also a traditional venue for large-scale training camps, competitions and other events.

Rest, Krasnaya Polyana are also comfortable hotels that have everything you need for a pleasant and comfortable stay.

Alpine skiing, Krasnaya Polyana, a sea of ​​entertainment and delightful landscapes - this is just a dream that can come true for you!

Sanatorium "Krasnaya Polyana" is located on the right bank of the Oskol River, the Valuiki-Kharkov highway runs nearby, the regional center, the railway, and the Valuiki-Belgorod highway are 17 km away, which is convenient for visitors.

The area where the sanatorium is located "Krasnaya Polyana"(Valuysky district), located in favorable natural and climatic conditions: in the forest-steppe zone, in a temperate continental climate, in the valley of the Oskol River, the south-eastern part of the Belgorod region.

Description of the sanatorium

Sanatorium "Krasnaya Polyana" invites you to relax in one of the most picturesque corners of nature in the Belgorod region. Surrounded by greenery and located on the banks of the Oskol River, the health resort has been providing unforgettable holiday experiences for many years.

All the necessary conditions for comprehensive healing of the body have been created here (magnetic therapy, mud and clay therapy and much more).

The main natural medicinal factors that are used for medicinal and health purposes are drinking mineral waters, climate, silt-clay medicinal mud of Lake Tambukan, clay from the Khvorostyanovsky deposit.

Comfortable rooms, excursions to picturesque natural places and the caring attention of the staff.


The sanatorium is a balneological and climatic resort, with medical specialization in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurology, and endocrinology.

The sanatorium has physiotherapeutic treatment rooms equipped with the following devices: magnetic therapy (Polimag, Kolibri-Expert), laser, ultrasound therapy, amplipulse, electrosleep, UHF therapy, DDT, KUV, inhalations, oxygen cocktail.

There are mud therapy rooms, clay therapy rooms, paraffin therapy rooms, hydrotherapy rooms (pine baths, iodine-bromine baths, turpentine baths, bergamot baths, yarrow baths, nettle baths, hydromassage baths), massage rooms, and an exercise therapy room.

To improve the health of vacationers, drinking treatment with mineral waters and a soothing collection of “Phyto tea” are used.

Treatment methods

  • Mud therapy. Applications with a thickness of 4-6 cm and a temperature of 38-40° C are wrapped in film, covered with a warm blanket and kept for 10-15 minutes.
  • Clay treatment. Applications with a thickness of 2-4 cm and a temperature of 40-45° C are applied to the areas of the body to be treated, wrapped in film and wrapped in a warm blanket. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.
  • Paraphonotherapy. We use the napkin-application method of paraffin treatment. Gauze napkins with molten paraffin 52-53° are applied to the area of ​​the body to be treated, wrapped in film and wrapped in a blanket for 15 minutes.
  • Electrophoresis- introduction of ions of various medicinal substances into the body using galvanic current.
  • Electroson. The mechanism of action of electrosleep is based on the reflexive and immediate, direct influence of current on brain formations. As a result, a special psychophysiological state of the body develops, in which emotional, vegetative and humoral balance is restored.
  • DDT. Under the influence of diadynamic therapy, edema is reabsorbed, trophic processes and blood circulation are normalized, and hypoxia is reduced. DDT reduces increased muscle tone and breaks the vicious circle: pain - increased muscle tone - pain.
  • Amplipulsetherapy- leads to normalization of central and peripheral hemodynamics, as well as lymphatic drainage. Depending on the localization of the effect, activation of blood circulation can be achieved in any organs and tissues.
  • Currents d'Arsonval- these are high-frequency currents of 100-200 kHz and high voltage (tens of thousands of volts) at low current strength (hundredths and thousandths of an ampere). When exposed to d'Arsonval currents, an analgesic and antipruritic effect is observed. One of the most characteristic effects is a vegetative-vascular reaction, which is accompanied by increased microcirculation, dilation of arterioles and capillaries, elimination of vascular spasms, and a decrease in vascular permeability.
  • UHF. The body's absorption of UHF electric field energy is characterized by the formation of heat. In this case, heat generation occurs in a unique way, since dielectrics or non-conductors (nerve fiber tissue, bone, fat) heat up in the UHF field more strongly than conductors (lymph, blood, muscles).
  • Magnetotherapy. Magnetic fields in small (therapeutic) dosages have, although not as pronounced as other physical factors, a diverse effect on the body. Highest value have their sedative, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antispastic and trophic-regenerative effects.
  • Ultrasound therapy. Three factors act on the human body during ultrasound therapy: mechanical – vibration “micro-massage” of cells and tissues. Thermal – an increase in tissue temperature and cell membrane permeability. Physico-chemical - stimulation of tissue metabolism and regeneration processes.
  • Inhalations is a method of introducing various medicinal substances into the patient’s body in the form of aerosols through the respiratory tract .
  • Laser therapy– this is the effect on the patient of low-energy laser radiation. Laser irradiation leads to the activation of enzymes, stimulates reparative and metabolic processes in various tissues, accelerates wound healing, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and activates the immune system.
  • Hydrotherapy. Baths with sea salt enhance metabolism and improve peripheral blood circulation. These baths are used for neuritis, stage 1 hypertension, initial symptoms of cardiosclerosis, and also in children's practice as restorative procedures. The water temperature used is 35-38°.
  • Phytobarrel
  • Cedar phyto-barrel - the new kind balneological device. Steam heating has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Improves blood supply to the skin, muscles, joints, internal organs; the intensity of metabolic processes increases, general cleansing and rapid removal of toxins from the body occurs.
  • Massage
  • Relaxation room


For accommodation, vacationers are provided with single, double, and triple rooms with shower, toilet, TV, and refrigerator in a five-story residential building; Deluxe rooms are available.


An interesting program is provided for vacationers, including thematic excursions around historical places Valuysky district (N.F. Vatutin Museum, Assumption Monastery, St. Nicholas Church), quizzes, competitions, concerts of vocal and instrumental groups and amateur performances.

Unique treatment methods, high skill of medical staff, fresh air, a calm, peaceful environment will improve the health of you and your children.

On the territory of the sanatorium there is a cinema (DC), a sauna, sports grounds, a summer dance floor, and well-maintained sandy beaches. Various entertainment programs, competitions, discos.

Cost of a trip to the sanatorium for the 2017 season

Cost per person per day in rubles

room category 2017
with treatment without treatment
2.3-seater standard 1 900 1 450
1-seat standard 2 750 2 200
PC number 3 550 3 000
PC room (with air conditioning) 3 900 3 350
Suite" 4 650 4 100

Included in cost:

  • Accommodation in a room of the selected category
  • 3 meals a day
  • treatment (for a program with treatment)

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Sanatorium and Resort Complex "Sochi"

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


The recreation center "Krasnaya Polyana" is located 50 kilometers from the resort city of Sochi, at the foot of the Main Caucasus Range, at an altitude of 730 meters above sea level. The unique mountain-sea climate of the Krasnaya Polyana village area puts it among best resorts Europe.

Fascinating, easy one-day hikes for tourists with children. Excursions to the State Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. You will see alpine meadows, panoramas of the peaks of the Main Caucasus Range, mountain lakes and waterfalls.

Krasnaya Polyana is the most promising Russian ski resort! Winter here is sunny and snowy. The air temperature in the winter months fluctuates: at night from -2 to -10 °C; during the day from -0 to +5 oC. Stable snow cover forms from December 20-25 and lasts until April 10-15. The average snow depth reaches 2 - 3.5 meters.

List of services included in the price of the tour

  • Accommodation in a room of the appropriate category
  • Meals, 3 times a day according to the “Custom menu” system
  • Swimming pool
  • Library
  • Summer solarium with swimming pool "Laguna" (open from June 1 to September 30)
  • Organized hiking tours along the routes (from June 1 to October 31)
  • Sports grounds (badminton, volleyball)
  • Equipped children's playground
  • Tennis court
  • Transfer for arrivals: Krasnaya Polyana village - Recreation center "Krasnaya Polyana"
  • Transfer for departing travelers: Recreation center "Krasnaya Polyana" - Krasnaya Polyana village
  • Transfer to the cable cars (from December 19 to March 31)
  • Sports equipment rental
  • Board games
  • Evenings of rest

List of services provided for an additional fee

· Sauna

· Billiards

· Excursions

· Gym

· Transfer to the Sochi Center

· Rental of ski and tourist equipment

· Renting a deposit box


Children are accepted accompanied by adults of any age.