There are many anomalous places on earth. Natural anomalies

19.09.2019 Technique

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has been haunting the minds of earthlings for several decades. But there are still many interesting anomalous places on our planet, the physical processes in which modern science cannot explain.

Preiser's zone. This place is located in the USA in the state of California in the city of Santa Cruz. The compass in this city behaves quite strangely. In close proximity to the ground, it accurately points to parts of the world, but as soon as you lift it, it seems to go crazy and the arrow begins to change its direction by 180 degrees.

Silver wells. Located in the town of Resof in Syria. There has been no water in these wells for a long time. No one knows the exact depth of these wells. If you take a bucket with dirty water and lower it into the well overnight, then by morning this water will become crystal clear.

Mount Jebel Naqoq. Located on the shores of the Red Sea. When travelers climb to the top of this mountain, the sand under their feet begins to “moan.” Scientists cannot explain why this happens.

Tonga Gate. Located in Polynesia. The Tonga Gate is made of stone blocks 5 meters high, arranged in the letter P. Each of these blocks weighs more than 40 tons. The time when these blocks were processed was more than 200 BC. To this day, it is a mystery to scientists how these blogs could be processed and, most importantly, compiled.

Tanzanian village of Letoli. During archaeological excavations in this village, human traces were found left on the ground more than 4 million years ago. Scientists cannot explain how human footprints could appear long after man himself appeared.


It would seem that by the beginning of the 21st century there were no unexplored places on our planet. Man looked everywhere possible and studied almost everything on the planet, but it turns out not everything. There are places on our planet where inexplicable phenomena occur. And so far our science is not able to understand what is happening there.

Robozero is the area where in August 1668 the monks of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery observed a “miracle”: maneuvers of a fireball with a diameter of about 40 arshins. It emitted rays to the surface of Robozer's water, whimsically changing its brightness, size and direction of flight.

The Bruzale site in the northern part of Vilnius is a clearing among tall spruce trees measuring 40 by 200 meters. The anomalous place here is considered to be two “spots” with a diameter of about three meters. In one of these spots people clearly feel an upward energy flow, in another they seem to be “pressed” to the ground.

Myasnoy Bor is a scary mystical forest. During the Great Patriotic War, many soldiers and civilians died here. To this day, tens of thousands of remains remain unburied in these remote swampy places. The very setting of a disastrous swamp, stuffed with corpses, creates a depressing atmosphere here. According to the head of the “Search” group from Engels, Galina Pavlova: “As soon as you are left alone, the forest begins to sound. The cries of “Hurray” are clearly audible, as if the restless souls of the dead are still going on the attack...”

The devil's swamp is a prodigal place. It's easy to get lost here, and the compass needle rotates like crazy, "until you say a prayer." One day, two women got lost in these places. One of them was found a month later in a state of mental insanity and soon died. The second was found by summer residents, and she claimed that in the swamp she came across some invisible wall that prevented her from going out to people.

A hill in the Volgograd region, Blue Mountain (293 m) constantly attracts thunderclouds and lightning strikes, affecting the well-being of people and the behavior of animals. There, sometimes the engines of passing cars and flying helicopters stall.

Heizhu Hollow in the Chinese province of Sichuan is notorious for the fact that not a year goes by without people disappearing from it without a trace. Instruments recorded spontaneous releases of toxic fumes from cracks in the earth.

Lake Elgygytgyn is a water-filled crater of a meteorite that fell 3.6 million years ago. A significant part of the ice that covers the surface of the lake during the cold period persists even throughout the summer, while grass and other vegetation grow along the shores. For this, the Chukchi nicknamed the lake Elgygytgyn - Non-melting. They say that the monster Kalilgu lives in the lake, and people sometimes disappear in the surrounding area.

About the island of Barsakalmes, located in the northwestern part of the Aral Sea, it is difficult a large number of legends and traditions that speak of strange incidents associated with changes in the normal course of physical Time. Local residents claim that in past centuries, fugitives, having spent only a few years on the island, ended up with their aged relatives after... decades!

The well of Goddess Bhairabi is considered a sacred place by everyone. If you look inside the well, you will not be able to see the bottom, since it is completely covered in darkness, thick fog hides everything that happens there from the prying human eye. Not a single scientist can really explain the appearance of this fog. Residents who live near this area claim that if you come close to the well, it will bring a curse, and you will not leave there alive; many animals and people find their death near this mysterious well of Bhairabi.

The Valley of Health and Longevity is the name of a small area in southern Ecuador, famous for its beneficial effects on human health. There is a fairly high percentage of centenarians aged 100-130 years. 628 residents of a local village were examined, all the inhabitants of which usually live more than a hundred years. They showed absolutely no heart disease, and only minor amounts of other diseases.

Lake Ertso in South Ossetia. The lake appears and disappears. Every three to five years the lake goes into the ground. Water from the lake is released into an underground storage facility for about a month. Sometimes this happens in winter. Then the ice that covered the surface of the lake becomes the ceiling of a giant reservoir. Ice often falls to the bottom of the lake. Only newts are found in the lake. Scientists explain the phenomenon of a disappearing lake by the presence of karst caves under the bottom of the lake, where and from where lake water periodically flows.

The world is full of mysteries and secrets. The miracles that happen in it have no boundaries, they are inaccessible to the understanding of an ordinary person and therefore extremely attractive. Despite a significant leap in the development of modern technology, there are still places on planet Earth that are called anomalous. Strange, mysterious and even dangerous things happen in many of them. Once in one of these places, a person risks saying goodbye forever to the people, events and things he knows. Some travelers are thrown into the past or future, while others lose their memory and cannot tell anything about the hours, days and even years spent in the anomalous zone.

In this article

Devil's Tower in Wyoming

Devil's Tower is a natural monument located in the US state of Wyoming in the center of the Great Plains. In reality, nothing abnormal happens on the 386-meter-high rock.

However, local residents claim that the surprisingly smooth fragment of ancient rock, tapering at the top, is a platform for the launch and landing of alien ships.

Devil's Tower during the day

Unusual climatic conditions help support the legend. Being one of the tallest structures, the Devil's Tower is often affected by lightning. The fog that covers it in the morning makes this place truly mysterious.

Naturally, scientists do not consider the version with aliens, which does not make the Devil’s Tower less popular. It is interesting that experts have different opinions about the origin of the rock; nothing is known about it reliably. Every year, 400 thousand tourists visit the surrounding areas.

They are attracted primarily by the unusual appearance of the rock structure. The slopes of the tower are steep and straight, which is why everyone who is lucky enough to see it in person seems as if it was hewn out of a huge mountain range by the hands of a person or an alien.

Devil's Tower– a reworked name of this amazing place. The Lakota Indians called the mountain plateau Mato Tipila, which translates as House of the Bear. The naming error occurred in 1875, when the new owners of the Great Plains first became interested in what a huge flat block represented, which for a long time had been impossible to climb. The new residents of America liked the incorrect translation more, which is why this name appears in all modern sources.

As mentioned above, scientists have not put forward a consensus on what was the impetus for the formation of the rock. The following theories are considered the most plausible.

  1. Marine theory. In the past, the land where the Great Plains are now located was covered by a sea or ocean, the bottom of which was covered with sedimentary rocks. As a result strong earthquake a crack formed in the earth's crust, from where volcanic magma penetrated into the sedimentary rocks. Layering on shale, limestone and sandstone, the magma gradually rose to the surface, solidifying in the form of a basalt column. After millions of years, the sea retreated, and bad weather began to grind the rock, which led to the formation of hexagonal pillars, as if specially carved from stone.
  2. Volcanic. Millions of years ago, on the site of the Devil's Tower there was a volcano, the eruption of which caused the formation of an unusual stone pillar.

For a long time it was not possible to fully explore the Devil's Tower. She remained unapproachable until late XIX century. Two local farmers were so curious that, using the stairs, they dared to take this mortally dangerous step.

In 1906, President Roosevelt designated Devil's Tower a national monument.

In 1938, the famous climber Jack Durance repeated this feat, and another 3 years later George Hopkins parachuted to the top of the mountain. He had to return to the mainland with the help of ropes, but bad weather and the daredevil's inability to handle climbing equipment ruined all his plans. Hopkins got stuck on the plateau and to save him they had to look for Durance, who helped the traveler go down.

White gods

50 km from Moscow, not far from the village of Radonezh, there is an ancient Slavic tract. According to legend, it is a semi-oval sacrificial altar made of large stones. The exact location of the sanctuary is unknown to anyone living today. The forests surrounding the village are quite extensive, and it is not easy to find in them a stone structure that is probably dilapidated and covered with moss.

Experts have no doubt about its existence, linking the name of the altar with the most famous pantheon Slavic gods, consisting of Belobog, Chernobog and Sventovit, who ruled people, heaven and the underworld.

White Gods

Currently, the search for the remains of the sanctuary does not stop, but the likelihood of finding it is minimal. Ancient stones seem to be hidden from human eyes by a divine hand, ready to appear only to those who are truly worthy of it.


The Atlantic Ocean is replete with anomalous zones. Cape Hatteras is considered one of them. Waves crashing against rocky ledges lift millions of grains of sand and small shells into the air. It would seem that this phenomenon is quite common, but its main secret lies in the extraordinary height to which grains of sand manage to rise. In some cases it exceeds 25–35 meters. The sand freezes in the air for a few moments, after which it smoothly descends. Scientists have not been able to find out the nature of this amazing phenomenon. The place is considered anomalous and extremely dangerous. Not everyone can decide to visit Cape Hatteras.

At Cape Hatteras

Cape Hatteras is located inside the Bermuda Triangle, which makes this place even more mysterious and unique.

Bermuda Triangle area

Czech catacombs

In the southeast of the Czech Republic, the small town of Jihlava is located; it has gained worldwide fame not because of its delicious beer. At a depth of several tens of meters under the city there are mysterious medieval catacombs 25 km long.

Ancient tunnel

The only thing that is known about them is that they are man-made. The construction of the catacombs dates back to the 13th–14th centuries. Exact reason, which prompted people to create extremely creepy underground structures, is not named. Perhaps the catacombs are the remains of miners, or local residents hid in them to escape robberies and fires.

The Czech catacombs are a world of ghosts and spirits. Anyone who dares to spend the night here can hear organ music echoing throughout the dungeons. At the same time, any psychological disorders and hallucinations are absolutely excluded, as scientists and psychologists have repeatedly been convinced of.

According to legend, the organ in the catacombs began to sound after the burial of a talented young musician there. His ability to handle musical instruments aroused suspicion among the Inquisition. The young man was accused of conspiring with the devil and was buried alive in one of the many halls. From now on, on the day of the organist’s death, an amazingly beautiful melody can be heard in the dungeons.

Signs for tourists on the walls of the catacombs

And if skeptics still don’t believe in the musician’s ghost, then in the catacombs there is something that will make any scientist doubt his own judgment. So, in one of the halls a staircase glowing with red light was discovered. They still cannot explain where it leads and why it glows.

Glowing tunnel

In addition, one of the subway tunnels passing through the catacombs emits green fluorescent light. The reason for the glow is the coating of the vault with zinc silicate. How this rather rare mineral got into the tunnel is also unknown.

Moleb triangle

Zone M located in Perm region. It is a whole complex of anomalous places, each of which has its own inexplicable phenomena: clock hands lag behind, the compass does not work, luminous balls are discovered.

Zones of anomalous origin inside the Moleb Triangle

Known since the late 1980s of the last century as a habitat for aliens. Eyewitnesses claim that in this place they were repeatedly able to see flying saucers and the aliens themselves. Some lucky ones even managed to establish telepathic contact with alien guests, which was written about in both local and foreign newspapers for a long time.

Pavel Globa believes, that it was in the Moleb triangle that the ancient prophet Zarathustra was born, therefore, even without aliens and unusual traces, this place can be considered holy.

Scientists do not undertake to refute fictions, but they do not confirm them either. It is reliably known that in these places there was a prayer stone, and the remains of pagan idols were also preserved.


In the colorful and legendary Mexican culture, there are many references to places where strange and terrible things begin to happen to a person. One of these places is called Chavinda. It is located far from big cities, but is the goal of many thrill seekers.

At Chavinda's

Local residents believe that the intersection of worlds is located on a small plateau. Inexplicable things really happen to visitors - cars break down, they see things that cannot be, they hear strange sounds. Naturally, no one died or disappeared here, but the place is really interesting and more than strange. Not everyone dares to spend the night in a tent on the plateau.

Akyrtas ancient settlement

The ancient city was once located on one of the busiest trade routes in the world - the Silk Road. The first mention of it is recorded in the diary of the Chinese monk Chang Chun, who traveled through these lands at the beginning of the 13th century. According to his notes, a red stone city with large burial grounds in the shape of the Big Dipper stood in the way.

Remains of an ancient city

The first studies of the settlement were carried out in the second half of the 19th century. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find traces of unknown medieval builders. The scale and technique of construction of houses and protective structures will amaze everyone. Some of the stones used in construction are so heavy that even modern technology can hardly lift them.

Dead Lake

Near the village of Gerasimovka (Kazakhstan) there is an amazing lake, nicknamed Dead by local residents. It is 100 meters long and 60 meters wide. Situated in a mountainous area, it has rightfully earned its notoriety. Not a single fish or plant can be found in this lake. The drowned bodies of people do not float to the surface and cannot be detected.

The surface of the Dead Lake

Local residents avoid the reservoir, believing that it is cursed. According to one legend, a jealous groom drowned his innocent bride in this lake, and from then on truly terrible things began to happen there.

You can swim in the lake, but the villagers never do it. A carefree vacationer can be dragged to the bottom by the dead. People walking along the shore of the lake often disappear, but they are always found, however, in places completely unexpected for them.

Ustyurt Plateau

A huge white stone plateau stretching across the territories of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Because of low temperatures in winter and destroying all living things summer heat The plateau is practically uninhabited. There are also few tourists, which is associated not with the lack of something worth seeing, but with the anomalous phenomena that occur here (spirits, voices and ghosts are just a few of the things that can be found on the absolutely lifeless white plain).

On the Ustyurt plateau

On the Ustyurt plateau there are many above-ground and underground structures, the nature of which could not be determined. No civilization known to scientists has left similar traces of its existence.

The remains of stone men dressed in military uniform were also discovered. A real army, although made of stone, still brings terror to those who decide to make a long and dangerous journey across the plateau.

Lake Kok-kol

Located in the mountainous area of ​​Kazakhstan, it is not easy to get to, and it is not necessary, because it is known as one of the most mystical places in this region. The reservoir never dries out; even in the hottest weather, the water in it remains cool and crystal clear.

Moreover, its level does not decrease, which contradicts all physical laws. Local residents call the reservoir the Living Lake, which is associated with the unexpected appearance of seething whirlpools on its surface, into which everything that is on the surface falls. It’s definitely not worth swimming in such a body of water; according to legend, it is guarded by the local spirit Idahora, who is extremely jealous of any newcomers.

Beauty and danger

Shepherds tell stories that the lake swallowed up birds and animals before their eyes, which suggests the existence of some prehistoric creature in the depths of the reservoir. Some ufologists claim to have seen an anaconda-like animal crawling out of the water.

The lake has no bottom, as divers had to verify, one of whom almost died. Dragged into a whirlpool, he was unable to get to the surface and swam through a network of underground caves, emerging from the water only a few kilometers from the dive site.

Devil's Trap

Mysterious and dangerous place located in the city of Tacona in Sicily. It is called the Devil's Snare because of a strange incident that happened to local resident Alberto Gordoni in 1753. Walking out into the courtyard of his house, this man disappeared into thin air in front of his friends and family. They searched for him for more than one year, but no traces could be found.

There are many devil's traps - places where people disappear and appear - on Earth. Previously, belief in legends and myths helped avoid them. In the age of rationalism, a person is deprived of such an opportunity, which is why cases of disappearances of people are recorded everywhere.

It is likely that the incident would have been forgotten, but 22 years later the missing person appeared out of nowhere in the same place where he disappeared. He had not aged a bit and was sure that he had been away for no more than a few hours.

Medieval manor – crossroads of times

The time traveler was placed in a psychiatric hospital, while within the walls of which he spoke about disembodied spirits, bodies without souls, eternally living people and funnels in space and time. The only one who believed him was Dr. Mario. The doctor decided to personally visit the place of disappearance along with the missing person. Imagine his horror when, barely stepping into his yard former home, Albert has disappeared again. This time he failed to return. The frightened doctor ordered the place to be surrounded by a high wall and ordered no one to approach it.

Yarlu Valley

An amazingly beautiful place located among the mountain peaks of Altai. The valley is considered by many to be a place of power; those who dream of connecting with nature, meditating, and feeling close to the divine come here.

In the center of the valley is the Stone of Wisdom, also known as the Shaman Stone, or the World Stone. The weather here changes every 5–10 minutes. Many people believe that UFOs fly into the valley, but they are invisible to ordinary people. There are also those who claim that by concentrating and standing on the Shaman’s stone, you can go through a portal to other countries and even changes.

Yarlu Valley

Even if nothing unusual happens during the trip, the Yarlu Valley is still worth visiting. This is a beautiful place that does not yet retain a trace of human civilization.

Anomalous zones of the Kaluga region

The Kaluga region is rich in anomalous zones. These are the Koltsovsky Caves, and the Popovsky Bridge, and the town of Kurgan, the Devil's Settlement. Many local residents will be happy to tell the legend about Kanishchensky Pond and the inexplicable phenomena that regularly occur in the villages of Verevka, Nikitskoye, Black Potok, Shchigry, Ogarkovo, Ostrozhnoe.

Directional sign to the Devil's Settlement

So, residents of the village of Verevka walking in the forest discovered that at the height of summer the leaves on the trees turned yellow and fell off, as if late autumn had come, the air temperature had dropped sharply. Having moved a few hundred meters away from the anomalous place, they were convinced that nothing had changed in the world around them, summer continued. The researchers who arrived at the scene walked at least 12 km in 40 minutes, completely unaware of how quickly they covered a path that required at least 2 hours.

The advertisement helps to attract tourists

Much more mysterious things are happening in the local forests - people are disappearing and are far from the place of disappearance, UFOs are flying, and aliens are walking around at home. Remote and sometimes abandoned villages are a reliable keeper of ancient legends and prophecies.

Mysticism of Sochi

The Krasnodar region is full of secrets and mysteries. It was near Sochi that stone houses of dwarfs were discovered, and the Valley of Witches in the Shapsug anomalous zone is famous for significant energy emissions that add or subtract the strength of random travelers.

Sochi is interesting not only for lovers of ancient and mysterious places, but also for those who dream of meeting a real ghost. According to ufologists, the spirit of Stalin appears in the Green Grove sanatorium, and the ghost of Yuri Gagarin appears in the Rodina Hotel.

The greatest interest among tourists is caused by dolmens - stone houses of dwarfs. According to legend, dwarfs lived high in the mountains, possessed magic, and were cunning but weak.

Ancient buildings

One day, having descended into the valley, they met stupid, but very strong giants. The dwarfs enslaved the giants and forced them to build strong stone houses where they could live comfortably.

Swamp of fear and wandering stones

At the rapids of the Manchu-Korean Mountains there is an anomalous zone known as Bilchu, or the Swamp of Fear. In the middle of the last century, over a hundred soldiers disappeared in these places, whose well-preserved corpses are still found by local residents, despite the fact that the climate here is humid. All the dead people found were lying on their backs, their hands were folded on their chests, there were no visible injuries on the body.

Horrible swamp

According to legend, a huge white worm, whose breath is so poisonous that people caught in the swamp die instantly. The worm drags the people it likes into the swamp and eats them, leaving the “unpalatable” ones on the surface.

Locals try not to enter the swamps, and if it is impossible, then do it as carefully as possible. The threat is posed not only by the poisonous water, but also by the nearby Segan Hill. Such a rare phenomenon as wandering stones has been repeatedly observed on this hill. The wind spirit who lives at the top of the hill does not like people and therefore moves large boulders to intimidate the newcomer and force him to leave his place.

Secrets of the Kolomna ravine

In the Kolomenskoye Nature Reserve there is a large Golosovoy ravine, at the bottom of which there are two large boulders - Devy and Gus. Each of them weighs at least 5 tons and, according to legend, the stones are the remains of a serpent destroyed by St. George the Victorious. Stone blocks are considered magical; a wish made from them will definitely come true. Some believe that stones can restore male strength.

Sitting by the stone

Despite the miraculous power of the stones, the ravine itself good place doesn't count. Travelers compass stops working Cell phones are discharged, and a trace of unknown objects is seen in the sky, and at night the UFO itself can be seen.

People disappear in Golosovo Ravine and time stops. There have been repeated cases of entire groups going missing, only to reappear in the same place decades later, claiming that only a few minutes had passed. Abnormal energy activity forces people to stay away from this place.

Where mutant trees grow

Residents and guests of Yakutsk who decide to wander through the forest near the third kilometer of the Magansky tract are faced with an amazing natural phenomenonunusual shape pine trees and other trees. All of them are located near a former military base, which was once a specially protected area. In the taiga you can often find twisted trees, but no one has ever found them in such numbers.

Twisted Trees

The shape of the trees is bizarre, and scientists are unable to explain the reason for it. Ufologists believe in aliens, skeptics claim that it’s all about radiation and experiments conducted at this military base. Nothing is known reliably about the experiments, but mushrooms in the abandoned part grow in large quantities even in a lean year.

The mystery of the Patom crater

The Patomsky crater is located in the Irkutsk region in the deep taiga. The Yakuts call this place the Nest of the Fire Eagle and consider it cursed. The reason for its formation, according to scientists, is a meteorite; alien guests here are not considered something rare. The last large meteorite, which fell in 2003, forced hundreds of animals and birds to leave the area. The places became uninhabited for a long time. Ufologists are trying to find a connection between the Patom crater and circles on Lake Baikal. According to one version, it crashed here at least 300 years ago. big ship aliens, which had an impact on all nearby territories.

Patomsky crater

In the crater itself, people died repeatedly and under mysterious circumstances. The place is considered extremely dangerous.

Gobi Desert and its inhabitants

It is one of the most extensive and sparsely populated deserts in the world. It is located in the southern part of Mongolia and occupies a vast territory within China. It is known thanks to ancient legends and tales, as well as modern events that suggest the anomalous origin of this place. Thus, according to one legend, the ancient worm Olgoy-Khorkhoi lives in the desert, capable of killing with a glance from a distance. Every year, dozens of expeditions are sent in search of this creature and not all of them return.

Those who were taken forever by the desert

In 1995, scientists conducting archaeological excavations discovered the skulls of horned people. The discovery was classified, but information leaked to the press that experts could not prove the existence of a fake. The skulls were genuine and, apparently, their presence means the existence in ancient times of a certain race whose heads were decorated with horns. After another 4 years, archaeologists discovered in the rock the skeleton of a gigantic man, whose external characteristics were similar to apes.

Around 1970, unusual UFO activity was reported in the Gobi Desert. There were no eyewitnesses to those events, but there was talk of some kind of war between aliens, the springboard for which was the Earth.

Medveditskaya Ridge - a mysterious training ground

One of the strongest. There are many tunnels under the ridge, the weather above the anomaly is unstable, thunderstorms with lightning and thunder are not considered a rare occurrence. At the same time, lightning striking the ground never hits the places where the tunnels are located.

The builders of these tunnels are unknown; they were last used in Civil War. During the Second World War, the passages in the tunnel were blown up, and since then no one has been able to find them. But even without the tunnels, this place is quite mysterious; here you can often find hundreds of trees burned on one side and tied in unusual knots.

Newspaper note

Scientists have not been able to find out the reason for lightning regularly striking the ground and twisted tree trunks. Ufologists suggest that the Medveditskaya Ridge is used as a space testing ground. Conjectures of this kind are supported by the presence of altered gravity in this place. Unfortunately, it has still not been possible to record a real UFO.

Kholat Syakhyl

The mysterious Mountain of the Dead, located in the Urals and is a place where extremely dangerous and destructive phenomena for humans occur. The local Mansi tribe claims that it is the mountain that kills all passers-by. There is a legend in the tribe that 9 of its members went through the pass and disappeared without a trace; their bodies were not found.

All that remains from the Dyatlov expedition

Kholat Syakhyl is the site of the death of the famous Dyatlov expedition. Nine tourists set out to conquer a mountain peak, but were found far from their overnight stay, half naked and in terrible condition. They were all dead, and their bodies were mutilated - gouged out eyes, broken bones, torn out tongues.

Tourists were found in different places, some of them were wearing completely alien clothes that did not belong to any of the expedition members. The story of the death of the Dyatlov expedition is told in the mystical film of the same name, “The Secret of the Dyatlov Pass.”

Damn cemetery

A plot of land with a diameter of up to 300 meters, located at the foot of the Cova River. It is a place with scorched areas of land. For many decades, nothing taller than grass grows on the scorched earth.

Birds flying over the Devil's Cemetery and animals running through immediately die.

Damn cemetery

Local residents bypass it and believe that whoever steps onto the black earth will face a quick and quick death. Ufologists believe that the unusual anomalous phenomenon associated with the Tunguska meteorite.

Yakut Death Valley

Mythical zone in the valley of the Vilyui River. Everyone who dared to spend the night in this seemingly safe place fell ill. If the person spent the night again, death awaited him. Death Valley is a kind of crater with a metal core.

Death Valley

There is talk of a giant iron cauldron that sank in this place, the bottom of which is the lowest point of the valley. The origin of the mysterious cauldron or several cauldrons is associated with:

  • fall spaceship;
  • the remains of an alien base;
  • the ruins of a city built by an ancient civilization;
  • geological formations of unknown nature;
  • hallucinations under the influence of methane;
  • nuclear tests.

Strange stones and objects are found at the bottom of local lakes.

Every year, the valley is visited by travelers interested in everything anomalous, but the local inhabitants avoid this place.

Death Valley in Sichuan Province

Death Valley, or Black Bamboo Hollow, is located in southwest China and has a bad reputation. Here, not only people but also animals disappear without a trace. Local residents are afraid of this place. You can only choose a guide among them for a lot of money. At the same time, it is not a fact that the valley will let the newcomer in.

Mysterious and scary place

Ufologists believe that the strange fog that sometimes covers the valley hides the ships of arriving aliens who are abducting people. Locals believe in spirits and a giant man-eating panda that destroys all life in the area. And since it is almost impossible to explain the inexplicable in scientific language, the Valley of Death deserves the attention of lovers of the mysterious. Over 100 people disappeared in its vastness.

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A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Anomalies are various kinds of phenomena whose existence does not exist. scientific evidence who don't have scientific explanation and are outside the modern scientific picture of the world.

In China there is a river with a waterfall that does not freeze in winter at minus 30 degrees Celsius. But in the middle of summer, the stream, for inexplicable reasons, begins to freeze.

A very tiny reservoir (100x60 m) in the Taldykurgan region of Kazakhstan does not dry out even in the midst of summer, and the water in it remains icy. There are no fish and no algae growing there. No precise studies have been carried out there, since divers, even with a full air tank, begin to suffocate after just three minutes.

The Valley of Falling Birds is located in the mountains of the Indian state of Assam. Every August, birds begin to fall from the sky in the middle of the night. At the same time, the birds are in a semi-conscious state and do not even try to escape when they are picked up.

Woolemi is a prehistoric plant, the very fact of whose existence has long been a state secret in Australia. These are pine trees, which are about 150 million years old.

While exploring the shapes and sizes of the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica, scientists were surprised to discover that their contours are almost identical. It was assumed that, as a result of the fall of the meteorite, the continent of Antarctica was, as it were, “squeezed out” from the other side of the planet. This fantastic hypothesis has many supporters today.

Cano spores are living microorganisms that were discovered in a piece of amber by microbiologist Raoul Cano. What's amazing is that the spores got into the resin 25 million years ago.

There is an iridium anomaly not far from Rome. The iridium content there is 300 times higher than the norm. The layer lies at a depth corresponding to the geological boundary between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic - the time when dinosaurs became extinct. The same anomalies were found in Denmark, Spain and on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Perhaps this is a trace of a meteorite fall.

There is a phenomenon called “thunder baldness”. This is a high voltage zone that occurs after a lightning discharge hits the ground. Trying to walk through this pestle, a person can die. Fortunately, the energy vortex at the site of a lightning strike only exists for a few minutes.

A mysterious phenomenon characteristic of all high-precision measuring instruments is zero drift. In fine metrological measurements, errors are repeated with constant consistency. The surrounding space continuously changes some of its parameters and affects the instrument needles. What exactly is changing is still not clear.

"Drossolides" translated from Greek means "droplets of moisture." This is the name of a phenomenon that is regularly observed on the coast of Crete in mid-summer, usually in the early morning hours, when droplets of fog condense in the air.

Numerous eyewitnesses describe how before their eyes a scene of a huge battle appears over the sea near the castle of Franca Castello. Screams and the clash of weapons are heard. The mirage slowly approaches from the sea and disappears into the castle walls. Historians say that in this place about 150 years ago there was a battle between the Greeks and the Turks: its image, lost in time, is allegedly observed on the shore near the Franca Castello castle.

There are many places on earth that are anomalous from a scientific point of view. One such place where electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena occur (which, as is known, can affect the space-time continuum) is located near the Mexican town of Ceballos. In this town, televisions do not work, and radios, even if they are turned on at full power, barely squeak.

If you drive into the desert 50 kilometers from this settlement, to the place where the states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila border, you will find that the radio there is completely turned off, the compass needle begins to dance, confusing the cardinal directions. But the most surprising thing, which perhaps sheds light on the very nature of the phenomenon, is the fact that all the clocks in this zone stop!

In terms of its mystery, as scientists assure, this area is comparable to the Bermuda Triangle, Egyptian pyramids and Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayas, and, remarkably, it is located at the same latitude as these world celebrities.

The first to discover the “Zone of Silence” (in some sources “Zone of Silence”) was chemical engineer Harry de la Pena, who carried out geophysical exploration of the area in 1964. Since then, discoveries in the Silence Zone have rained down one after another. It turned out that meteorites literally rain down here. Institute specialists scientific research The state of Coahuila once recorded the fall of 38 meteorites within three hours. Environmental scientists also discovered a lot of surprises, for example, the world's largest land turtle, and even with unusually yellow eyes. It is believed that the animal has thus adapted to solar radiation, which is 35% more powerful here than anywhere else in the world.

Travelers crossing the zone often see "strange lights" and "fireballs" moving above the ground at night. Sometimes, with the onset of dusk, a bright glow is seen here in the form of small rings that randomly rush over the desert.

And in 1969, a large meteorite fell into the Silence Zone, which had previously performed a maneuver in space that amazed the entire scientific world. A little over a year later, an American Athena rocket fell at the foot of the San Ignacio hill, which inexplicably deviated from its original route by 1.5 thousand kilometers. The American military arrived at the scene of the accident, along with rocket fragments, and removed several truckloads of soil, in which scientists suspect rich deposits of magnetite. A few years later, the top of the Saturn spacecraft used by the Americans in the Apollo project fell in the same place, causing a massive explosion.

Local residents report frequent UFO landings and even contacts with UFO nauts. In places of such landings, scientists have discovered areas of fire-scorched earth, particles of a flammable substance unknown to science, and incredibly high level radiation.

Scientists in this anomalous zone also discovered the ruins of a very ancient complex of gigantic stone structures, the age of which is estimated at several thousand years. At the same time, it is well known that ancient civilizations created their megalithic structures in places with anomalous natural energy.

The secrets of the Zone of Silence have not yet been fully solved, and it is quite possible that phenomena similar to those that occur from time to time in the Bermuda Triangle can appear in this zone. But it is possible that it is the presence of large deposits of magnetite that attracts metal objects and causes deformations of the Earth’s electromagnetic field.

The fall of a giant meteorite about 40 thousand years ago is also associated with the formation of a large crater in the state of Arizona (USA), which was called “Devil’s Canyon” for its anomalous properties. Gravimagnetic and chronal (temporal) anomalies are also observed here.

Another “meteor” phenomenon is associated with the surroundings of the village of Tabore, Daugavpils region of the Republic of Latvia. This zone also attracts meteorites, which can change their trajectories as they fly by. Local residents have already been able to verify the healing power of these “heavenly stones”. They are especially effective in curing the thyroid gland, as well as rheumatism and enuresis. Other phenomena characteristic of anomalous zones also occur here. Here is how researcher A. Cherevchenko describes them: “...Apparently, talk about some kind of anomaly in this zone is not idle chatter. It’s not for nothing that in an open field outside the village of Tabore, my voice recorder suddenly stopped working. Rumor has it that radios suddenly break down in this area, and Digital Watch they don't show the time. Perhaps it is here that some mysterious fracture in the earth’s crust passes, releasing an unknown energy from the depths, directed into outer space, along the rays of which meteorites rush down through the hole in the sky?

It is known that fault sites become a “favorite place” for UFOs and other inexplicable and little-studied phenomena. Now many experts also associate the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with its location at the intersection of two faults. In such places, “windows” to other realities can open due to the formation of certain “holes” in space and time. And then people who fall within the range of such a “window” can disappear from our world, and the essences of other worlds can “leak” into our world.

Numerous disappearances of people and aircraft occur in a trapezoidal area located from the southeastern border of the state of Alaska to the Brooks Mountain Range. The local residents are Eskimos. they say that missing people “go into Nothingness.”

Another anomalous zone is located in the Changbai Mountains of the northeastern Chinese province of Jilin. During the Second World War, more than a hundred Japanese soldiers disappeared here without a trace while searching for a weapons depot, and the planes sent to search for them crashed in the mountains. Until now, as soon as someone finds himself in one of the gorges, the mountains of which have the same outline, the compass needle begins to spin wildly, something happens to the person’s memory, and after some time the traveler is no longer able to find the right road.

Scientists, puzzling over the mysterious phenomenon of the Gorges of Death, believe that the “devil’s mountain labyrinth” was formed as a result of a massive fall of meteorites, which created a strong magnetic field in the area, in which a person’s biological clock and his memory completely fail. But, as is already known, a strong magnetic field affects not only the human biological clock. Why not assume that it is capable of deforming space and time, as well as moving biological objects in time and space, as happened during the “Philadelphia experiment”? Moreover, in the opposite part of China, in the inaccessible mountainous region of Sichuan province, at an altitude of 4 thousand meters above sea level, there is another such land-based “Bermuda Triangle”.

Here, in the Black Bamboo Hollow, in the summer of 1950, a hundred Kuomintang soldiers hiding from the communists perished, and then, for some unknown reason, an American plane crashed.

banker. In 1962, five geologists disappeared in the same place, and one of the few surviving eyewitnesses - a hunter-guide - said that as soon as the advanced detachment entered the gorge, it was enveloped in fog, unclear sounds were heard, and when the veil cleared, there was no one left did not have. A powerful magnetic field was also recorded at this location. It is possible that in exactly the same way, already in 1976, a group of forest inspectors almost completely disappeared in this area.

And in this case, a certain parallel can be drawn with the “Philadelphia experiment” - in both cases, a powerful electromagnetic field was affected and before disappearing, people and the objects that were with them were covered by a certain “fog”. Perhaps even now the missing people continue to be somewhere in another time and another space and therefore are “dropped out” of our time and space of our world.

Thus, according to Dr. J. Manson Valentine, during the Philadelphia experiment, the destroyer Elridge gradually became enveloped in “an impenetrable and green fog, similar to the green, luminous one that survivors of the Bermuda disasters talked about.” According to data provided by V. Chernobrov, candidate of technical sciences, in the Soviet Union a similar experiment was repeated on one of the Soviet cruisers of the Northern Fleet under the leadership of I. Kurchatov.

Own experiments with time, carried out by V. Chernobrov, candidate of technical sciences, revealed that the human eye perceives areas of space with different times (i.e., where the time flows of our and parallel worlds intersect) precisely as a “wall of white fog” or as glowing haze of various shades. Such areas of space can have a harmful effect on the body due to the difference in the speed of time in different parts of the body. Only initiates and magicians who have mastered special techniques can be in such points of space without harmful consequences to health.

Once, the author himself had to see this “greenish fog”, which passed along the border of a forest and a field near the village of Romashki, Priozersky district, Leningrad region. This happened in 1990 at night, when our unit was returning to its unit after night shooting at the tankodrome. We, still young officers at that time, were very interested in this phenomenon, since we had never seen anything like it before. Luckily for us, we didn't have time to explore it. At that time, we did not know the nature of this phenomenon, but having entered such a “fog”, you may no longer return either to your time or to your world at all. It should be added that the next night there was no repetition of this phenomenon. Apparently these “gates” operate strictly at certain times.

The presence of anomalous energy in these places was also evidenced by other incomprehensible phenomena, for example, bright white flashes at an altitude of five to twenty meters above the ground, which we also observed more than once. And one day they noticed a bright fireball hanging over the training ground, which apparently caused concern at the nearby Gromovo air base, since a pair of fighters flew towards the object, which diverged to the sides, bypassing the “ball” on both sides. Now it is difficult to say whether all these phenomena were a side effect of the influence of UFOs or, on the contrary, the activity of UFOs in this area was associated with the anomalous energy of the area? The answer to such questions can only be found after serious research.

In general, in subsequent years I repeatedly read about the presence of anomalous zones on the Karelian Isthmus and in particular in the Priozersky region. Yes, and with Ladozhsky

The lake is associated with many anomalous stories, including those related to the appearance of UFOs. For example, G. Fedorov describes one of these UFO appearances on March 24, 2006. in the period from 20.00 to 20.40 Moscow time. Observers saw the object simultaneously from the villages of Krotovo, Pochinok, Sinevo and Sudakovo, Priozersk district. This “object” also disappeared before the appearance of fighters from the Gromovo airbase.

Another anomalous zone, which the author had a chance to visit, is located near the village of Vasilyevo, Kolomensky district, Moscow region. The bed of the Oka River here runs along a geological fault. This is clearly visible, since the right bank here is quite high, about 30 - 40 meters. According to data collected by V. Chernobrov, candidate of technical sciences, UFO flights along the fault line have been repeatedly observed in these places.

The author observed one similar flight of a “fireball” in this area in the campaign of friends and relatives on the night of August 9-10, 2008. The "ball" appeared around 11:55 p.m. from a southwestern direction and silently flew along the Oka riverbed towards Kolomna, while keeping to the right high bank. Within 1-2 seconds it changed color from red to yellow and vice versa. The flight of the object was almost strictly horizontal, but not rectilinear: it made small zigzags. Visually, the size of the “ball” was comparable to a flare, but unlike the rocket, it was not going to go down at all.

The flight of this object was observed for about 3 - 4 minutes, during which time it flew about 140 of the observation sector. After that, somewhere above the right bank (approximately in the area of ​​the recreation center) it instantly “turned off,” like an electric light bulb turning off. It is possible that such instantaneous “switching off” of observed UFOs is associated with their transition to other space-time dimensions.

As for the appearance of the previously discussed anomalous “fog,” it is generally characteristic of space-time phenomena and is formed in places of transition from our world to other times and spaces. Fog, as a rule, can be of different shades. For example, greenish, crimson, blue. Scientists who studied the phenomenon of “blue fog” noted in the area where it was located an electric field strength exceeding that of a thunderstorm. For example, A. Guk notes that during the appearance of “blue fog,” car engines stall, and the image of the area seems to be “blurred.” Strong electrical charge was also noted by V. Polonsky, who encountered this phenomenon in 1998 on the Chilean-Paraguayan border.

V. Psalomshchikov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, who studied this phenomenon in the Urals, claims that the electric field strength in the area of ​​fog formation exceeds that of a thunderstorm, and a thin metal wire in silk insulation thrown into the fog zone instantly burns out. Similar phenomena are not uncommon in the Andes, the Himalayas, the Caucasus and other mountain systems, and scientists associate them with high-mountain electricity.

Such a strong electromagnetic field (natural or artificial) is capable of distorting space-time, creating a “hole” or “entrance” into another reality or another time.

Finding himself in such a fog, a person disappears from our space-time, and does not always have the opportunity to return back. Thus, many, emerging from a strip or wall of such “fog,” noted that much more time had passed in our world than their own watches showed, others inexplicably moved long distances.

P. Odintsov notes that “fog”, as a rule, appears unexpectedly and, unlike ordinary fog, it is completely opaque and more dense. It can occupy large spaces and has a clear boundary without a gradual transition. Radars are not able to detect objects falling inside the zone of such “fog”. People who have fallen into the “fog” claim that it is very difficult to leave its borders, because... it represents a kind of viscous and pressing medium.

In general, as many researchers note, anomalous zones often have a completely standard set of natural conditions, among which it should be noted: a change in the electrical conductivity of the air, the appearance of special clouds or the formation of fog, which can have different shades, the appearance of various glows in the sky or around objects, the appearance of various kind of unidentified flying objects.

Here is what the famous researcher M. Rechkin writes regarding the anomalous “fog”: “It must be said that in the area of ​​faults not only the glow of plasma flowing from the bowels of the planet is possible, but also the output of powerful plasmoids, which are often mistaken for UFOs, and also here a discovery takes place spatio-temporal channels into which both humans and animals may well fall. In the evenings, in such places there is a greenish or purple fog. These channels are a kind of “gateway” to parallel worlds.”

This is how V. Shapina describes such a “hole” in space-time while she and her husband were in one of the anomalous zones: “...Night. Light fog. We are walking along the road. The lights of Krasnoslobodsk are ahead. Closer, a little to the left, are the lights of the farm, to the right are the lights of the agricultural farm. Suddenly the fog begins to thicken sharply, all sounds and all external landmarks disappear. We stand with my husband as if in milk. Slowly we moved forward. Suddenly, a small area of ​​several meters opens, surrounded by fog. Completely different smells: for some reason it smells like potato tops; and the noise of the engines of rare cars is heard, as if the highway is nearby. In our area the smells are different: it smells like grass, a river, and closer to the forest - pine. On the left you can see a ravine, it is not in the AZ (anomalous zone - author). I got scared, clung to Volodya and didn’t understand anything. And when we went further, as we moved forward, the fog retreated several meters ahead, and thickened behind us. We turned back, entered the fog again and came out at the point where we started our movement ... "

Having passed further into the “fog” strip, they could move to a completely different area using a space-time “tunnel” (“holes”). But, in exactly the same way, using “holes” in our space-time, you can move to another continent or travel to the distant past or even the future, and perhaps to a completely different “parallel” reality. It is precisely such movements that can explain the large number of “defectors” - those who disappeared behind the wall of “fog” without a trace.

“Tunnels” formed by anomalous “clouds” pose no less danger to air travelers. The American pilot B. Jernon encountered a similar phenomenon when he took off on December 4, 1970 from an airport in the Bahamas. Having flown into a cloud, which was a “giant donut” about 20 - 30 miles long, he tried to leave it through a hole in the form of a “tunnel”. According to Gernon's description, the entire interior of this “tunnel” was dotted with small gray threads of clouds that were spinning counterclockwise right in front of and around the plane.

During the passage of the “tunnel,” all electronic and magnetic devices malfunctioned. Even though the plane was flying perfectly straight, the compass needle was moving slowly in a circle. At this time, the plane was completely invisible to the radars of Miami Airport. Having emerged 3 minutes later from this “electronic fog”, the pilot discovered that during these 3 minutes the plane had flown about 100 miles, i.e. twice as fast as expected.

Having become interested in such a “tunnel effect” of space-time deformations, Gernon began to study the nature of the formation of “tunnel clouds”. It turned out that the phenomenon of the formation of “tunnel vortices” in dense clouds in Bermuda is very common. He has repeatedly observed how such tunnels are formed: the clouds seem to begin to curl, forming tunnels five miles long, but with different diameters. Sometimes this diameter is 1 mile, and sometimes it reaches 3 miles.

Jernon flew through these “tunnels” inside the clouds many times after the first incident, and each time the plane covered a distance in 3 minutes of flight that it should have covered in half an hour. The pilot notes that high electrical activity and electromagnetic storms are not uncommon in these areas. Ball lightning is often observed here.

Another amazing phenomenon is the biconvex lens-shaped lens clouds. They have a strictly symmetrical shape and are associated with those areas of the ocean where the so-called “white water” is formed. Very often this “white water” occurs near the shallow waters of the Bahamas. All these phenomena are characteristic companions of space-time phenomena.

To explain the essence of these phenomena, many researchers adhere to the version of the existence in various parts of our world of points of transition to other realities - parallel worlds. These transition points are called “portals” or “gates”. Periodically, these points in space are activated (as evidenced, for example, by the presence of “fog”) and a person who finds himself in a given place at that moment unexpectedly “slips” into another reality, or into other times of our reality.

Similar “valleys of death” and “devil’s gorges” exist in almost every part of the world. For example, in the Devil's Canyon, located in the wilds of the Amazon, people still disappear without a trace. There is a similar “Valley of the Seven Deaths” in the northern part of India. Australia also has a similar anomalous zone and it is located in a labyrinth of huge rocks in the Black Mountain region (Queensland, 26 kilometers from Cooktown), which local aborigines call Death Mountain. Daredevils who dare to enter this natural labyrinth often disappear from our world without a trace.

Another anomalous feature of mountain systems is associated with the occult properties of mirrors to influence time. It is no coincidence that mirrors have long been used in clairvoyant practices. Using these properties of the mirror labyrinth, the well-known Count Cagliostro could move to other times and other (including parallel) spaces.

Professor E. Muldashev discovered in the mountain system of Tibet a whole system of “stone mirrors”, which is formed by mountain ranges covered with ice and snow - a kind of “mirror labyrinth”. He wrote: “The stone mirrors of Tibet can compress time...” Another participant in the trans-Himalayan expedition, S. Seliverstov, came to a similar conclusion, who called these stone complexes a “time machine.”

John the Theologian testified that concave mirrors are capable of “stretching” or “compressing” time. This ancient knowledge was confirmed by academician N. Kozyrev, who created mirrors capable of changing the course of time. However, their size did not exceed 2 - 3 meters. What properties then might Tibetan “stone mirrors” the size of an almost two-kilometer mountain have? As researcher L. Volodarsky notes: “Placed in a certain way in relation to each other, they create the desired effect of a “time machine”, which is capable of transporting the initiate not only to different time periods, but also to other worlds.”

This reveals to us the secret of a phenomenon that has been noted from time immemorial by mystics and researchers who were looking for a way to the magical land of Shambhala, located in another reality, the entrance to which, according to legend, is located in the Himalaya mountain system. The essence of this phenomenon is the distortion of space after crossing a certain line. Thus, the companions of Apollonius of Tyana, N. Roerich and some other people who visited this country noted that the path behind them became covered with haze and disappeared. It is possible that the “fog” that accompanies many space-time phenomena was again formed.

American and British scientists conducting research in Antarctica in 1995 also discovered a “whirling gray fog” in the sky above the South Pole, and a weather probe launched into this “streak of fog” after returning showed on the chronometer an even date thirty years ago - January 27, 1965 . This vortex funnel was called the “Gate of Time.” Currently, according to the statement of the American scientist Marianne McCline, the study of the discovered “gates” to other dimensions continues in the South Pole region. According to some scientists, similar gates exist in the North Pole area. How can one not recall the ancient legends of the Hyperboreans about the “Axis Mundi” - a colossal planetary space-time “tunnel” stretching from the North Pole to the South Pole and connecting all the parallel worlds of planet Earth.

In addition to the main tunnel on the planet, there are many other, more local “doors” and “windows” to other realities. Some of them are located on the surface, others underground, and others in the air.

According to the Danish physicist P. Heglund, from 1976 to 2001 alone, about 274 cases of spontaneous movements of people and technical objects are known. At the same time, according to statistics, airplanes are the most likely to end up in “time loops.”

But such gates can also be located on the surface of the earth. Walking in such a “fog” for thrill-seekers can end unpredictably: you never know what time and space you might find yourself in. And without certain knowledge of the nature of these phenomena, returning to your space-time will be very difficult.

But, nevertheless, some of these “travelers” manage to return back. Especially if they do not move far from the border separating the worlds. Here is how the vice-president of the Academy of Spiritual Development, A. Golubev, describes a similar incident: “On May 19, 1991, I went to another meeting with the unknown. As soon as the friends with whom I arrived were left behind, a certain “fog” floated behind me, gradually surrounding me from all sides. When we moved away to a decent distance, the “fog” began to dissipate, and I suddenly found myself in the center of some circle - 10-15 meters in diameter, then as if in a huge “cylinder”, at the top of which a clear sky could be seen, where the stars were clearly visible . There was some kind of unearthly beauty in all this... I realized that it was time to return. Seeing me emerge from the “fog,” my friends breathed a sigh of relief.”

In the same way, one of the workers managed to return to our time in 1995, located on the territory of one of the chemical plants in Florida. Footage captured by an impartial CCTV camera showed a worker approaching the warehouse being enveloped in a “band of whitish fog” that dissolved along with the man. At the same time, at the moment of disappearance, blinking of the image was noted. This blinking was repeated half an hour later, and suddenly the worker appeared in the frame again, but being in the “time loop” was not harmless to his health - he was vomiting heavily.

It ended well enough and independent travel into the underground labyrinths of the Reed Flute Cave of one arrogant Japanese tourist. He just “took a nap” in one of the caves and, instead of 1998, came to the surface in 2001. And such cases are not so rare. Thus, over the course of 20 years, English researcher Jenny Randles managed to find more than 300 people who were in a time “loop.”

The appearance of such “holes” and “loops” in our space-time is possible both with the help of special technical devices (the Philadelphia experiment, etc.), and with the help of volitional magical influence or as a result of the action of the energies of the Earth and space. It is with the latter that the existence of permanent “anomalous zones” is associated.

From the point of view of quantum physics, the ability of people and objects to move in time does not contradict the data modern science. Indeed, at the subatomic level, particles, and therefore the matter that makes up a person and the creatures and objects around him, have wave properties. Consequently, they can participate in energy processes, including instantaneous movements in space and time, regardless of mass and size.

If we consider time as an energy flow, then it is quite acceptable that its smooth flow at some points may be disrupted, as a result of which “temporary vortexes-funnels” or “time-turns” may form. These are the zones of space-time anomalies, of which there are a sufficient number on our planet.

In our country there are many so-called “enchanted places” where people can lose orientation in space or even in time. This is facilitated by all sorts of magnetic anomalies. Thus, A. Silvestrov notes: “Devil's patch” - this is how in the old days they called areas where the most incredible incidents were possible: first of all, a complete loss of spatial orientation. The size of such anomalies, as a rule, varies from 100 - 200 m to 1 - 2 km. They are well known to the peasants of the surrounding villages. In a rare village they won’t show something like this.”

One such place is located between the villages of Usadye and Bokovo on the banks of the Oka, where a well-trodden path passing through dense bushes bifurcates. Even local residents often confuse these paths. Perhaps some deposits of magnetic ores are confusing our internal “compass”?

The “Oka” anomalous zone measures three by ten kilometers and is crossed approximately in the middle by the Oka riverbed. Moreover, as the researchers determined, it is located not only at the site of a tectonic fault - in this place, in addition, there is a certain ring structure (an ancient volcano or meteorite crater). UFO sightings, as well as the phenomena of teleportation and space curvature, are not uncommon in this area.

Here, for example, is how one of the local residents describes this phenomenon: “Once I went with my children to meet my husband - he was supposed to arrive on a boat. The path from the village to the pier is straight, the walk is only a kilometer. I think we'll arrive early, we'll have to wait. But it was not there! We go, we go, and we come out to a completely different place - to a farm. And so on several times. This is in our native places, where we know every bump. The obsession disappeared when I saw my husband - he was walking towards us. And he noticed us even earlier, when we were walking in these strange circles.”

There are also frequent cases when local residents, going for mushrooms, unexpectedly moved a whole ten kilometers to a neighboring village. Something similar happened to N. Tsvetkov in one of the parks in Prague, when, walking along the path, he unexpectedly found himself in a completely different city, 50 kilometers from where he should be. In these cases, people completely did not notice how they fell through a certain “window” in space, which transported them to various distances in the blink of an eye.

However, in other similar cases, people clearly observe a certain “fog”, which, according to many researchers, is precisely characteristic feature an energy barrier separating our world from other times and spaces. So, in the Ulyanovsk region there is a city called Sengilei. On the road passing near the city, thick fog sometimes falls over a section of about 300 m. However, it is not so easy to overcome this short section - the traveler invariably returns to the starting point, although he walks along a straight road that has no branches.

It is possible that this “fog”, as in other cases, accompanies the phenomena of space-time curvature. This fact is supported, for example, by a phenomenon occurring near the village of Ogarkovo, Ferzikovsky district: a person, having passed along one of the sections of the road, suddenly finds himself several kilometers away. And there are quite a lot of such places in Russia and in the world.

The phenomena of curvature of space and time are also observed at the famous Devil's settlement near Kozelsk. Here people not only lose their orientation, but also, having moved close to each other, do not hear screams, and often the clocks of those who are lost are much slower.

A. Golubev expresses the following opinion on this matter: “The so-called anomalous zones can provide useful experience. They reveal a different – ​​dynamic – geometry of physical space, which includes different geometries, including the well-known ones: Lobachevsky, Riemann and Euclid. Anomalous zones form unified system life support of the planet and probably have a very definite connection with the so-called black holes of our Universe, or neutron stars, through which communication with many universes is carried out.”

Thus, anomalous zones are “entrances” to other realities - parallel worlds of the Earth and even, subject to the existence of a corresponding space-time “tunnel” - to other universes. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the study of anomalous zones.

Our planet is amazing. It keeps many mysteries and secrets, some of which scientists have not been able to solve for many decades. There are many places where the most mysterious phenomena occur, such “zones” are called anomalous: here you can often see UFOs, and often occur here natural disasters or industrial disasters.
For several decades before the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in Ukrainian print media there were small notes about certain “flying disks” that hovered over the station and remained motionless for some time. They noticed that this happened precisely at those moments when any problems arose at the enterprise, and only when the problems were eliminated did the UFO disappear.

In the Volgograd region there is the Medvedskaya Ridge, which local residents try to avoid. It is believed that this place is a “parking lot” for alien ships. In 1993, traces of the “protectors” of a flying saucer, which were in the form of an isosceles triangle, were discovered here. Plus, scientists have found mysterious tunnels - round or oval-shaped passages, the diameter of which ranges from 7 to 20 meters.

There are “talking” lakes on Earth that make incomprehensible sounds. One of them is located in our country - Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region. For several months, researchers recorded the “voice” of the lake using a hydrophone and came to the conclusion that they could not belong to any known biological creature. Many residents of nearby areas believe that the mysterious sounds are the voice of a sunken dead city.

In the USA, walking stones “live” in Death Valley. Each weighs at least 30 kilograms, and from time to time they move independently, leaving behind shallow furrows. It has not yet been possible to capture the direct movement of the stones, but there is no doubt that they do not stand still, because grooves stretch behind each of them.

The Chinese province of Shaanxi is famous for its waterfall. In winter, at a temperature of -30 °C, the water does not freeze at all, but as soon as summer comes, the powerful stream freezes for some incredible reason.

The second name of the Jatinga Valley, which is located in the Indian state of Assam, is “Valley of Falling Birds”. The fact is that every year on quiet August nights there is a real rain of birds here. Being in a semi-conscious state, the birds flying over the valley fall to the ground and do not even try to escape from the hands of the people trying to help them.

On the island of Crete there is an anomaly called “drossolides”, which means “moisture droplets”. In July, at dawn, when the air is filled with droplets of fog, a red cloud inexplicably appears near the castle of Frank Castello. Eyewitnesses claim that at that moment people’s screams and the sound of weapons can be heard. Battle cloud scenes slowly move towards the castle and disappear into its walls.

In one of the regions of Kazakhstan there is a small lake. Its dimensions are only 100x60 meters, and appearance not particularly beautiful. This is an extremely unusual place. Even on the hottest summer day, the water in the lake is very cold, and the reservoir never dries out. The lake is absolutely “clean”: there are no fish in it and no algae grows. Divers who tried many times to penetrate its secrets began to suffocate after just 3 minutes under water and were forced to curtail their activities due to lack of air. And all this despite the fact that their cylinders were full.