How to draw summer vacation

27.03.2018 Education

The question of what to draw in a picture about the past holidays has many possible answers. After all, the most wonderful time in academic year- it's vacation. A drawing about them should convey the child’s mood.

Since such a task is usually presented to primary schoolchildren, it is best to advise the child to depict exactly what he remembers from all the events that happened to him during the holiday period.

Since vacations are summer, winter, autumn and spring (not much different from winter in our latitudes), the theme of the drawing will vary depending on the time of year set aside for relaxation from the hard everyday life of a student.

Younger schoolchildren, for the most part, are impressionable natures, reacting quickly to the world, if not by external manifestations, then by internal emotional experiences. Usually, trips leave the brightest mark on a child’s soul. If the child managed to visit a new country or city, then you can invite him to draw his impressions of what he saw. Unfortunately, it’s rare that a child is willing to come up with an original story on their own. Most often, children remember the sea, animators and children's parks with crazy rides that plunge adults into bouts of seasickness.

So, the sea. Or a lake. Or a river. They go to the sea in the summer or to a sea where you can swim in the winter. That is, this is definitely a summer sea. Therefore, the drawing will have three plans: sky, sea and sand (pebbles, grass or whatever else may be lying around or growing on the shore). It is more convenient to paint the background with watercolors. The sky will be blue, the sea will be blue-green or azure, the shore will be yellow-brown. The paint is applied in layers. Each background must dry before drawing the next one. If the sun is planned in the sky, it must be drawn in advance to avoid mixing of colors and the shine of an evergreen apple in the place of the luminary.

Next, individual details are drawn on the finished background. For a child who knows paint and a brush, after completing a pencil sketch, you can suggest drawing the details with paint, tracing the contours with felt-tip pens, and using them to apply shadows if necessary. You can put a flock of black dolphins and a cute pleasure boat or yacht into the sea in the background. Surfers also look good with their boards. Individual seagulls may be flying in the sky. On the beach there are umbrellas, sun beds, towels and cute children playing volleyball. It is better to refrain from drawing gamblers for pedagogical purposes. Sand castles and a couple of kids with a ball and bucket look cute. It is strictly forbidden to draw adult men blowing beer and German tourists. retirement age topless.

The next subject related to water is fishing. An excellent option for boys who have a good idea of ​​this process. The background is no different from marine theme. The only difference will be the presence of green contours of the forest at the junction of water and sky (horizon line). The obligatory pier, large stones and small bushes are drawn in the foreground.

The central part of the picture will be occupied by a boat. It is better to draw it closer to the shore, so that it can be enlarged and it is easier to draw the figures of the fishermen. The moment of cutting looks impressive large fish or its extraction from water. As a variation, you can leave the boat with a lone fisherman, and move the main action to the shore. In this case, in the foreground there will be a fire, a pot and fishermen satisfied with their catch, waiting for fish soup.

Forest is a very rewarding summer theme. Large pines, spruces or deciduous trees part and make way for a green meadow where children relax or pick berries or mushrooms (although this theme is more suitable for autumn holidays, in which case do not forget to add bright colors from yellow to ocher-red to the image forests) . For kids, it may be interesting to add figurines of animals (preferably squirrels, this is more reliable and will not cause any complaints from a teacher who stands firmly on the platform of classical realism in art). Birds (magpies, tits) also look great, and you can learn to draw them separately.

The children's park is another fertile ground for the implementation of the most fantastic ideas. The variety of attractions in modern cultural and recreation parks, striving to snatch the laurels of Disney Land, allows the talent of a young artist to develop. A painted bouncy castle with a slide for children to jump on and slide down would look great. A little sky, a little sun and a close-up foreground with a colorful inflatable structure and several figures of children.

To further celebrate a happy childhood, you can draw multi-colored Balloons. The same plot with the miracle slide shifted to the middle or background allows you to depict a cheerful clown or any other person next to the main character. fairy tale character, in which modern animators so willingly dress up. The same picture, complemented by a huge cake with candles, will turn into a visual report about the birthday of a friend or yourself. The main thing is not to forget the modest mountain of gifts in the background, which should not be inferior in size to its inflatable sister.

A budget option is a summer vacation with your grandmother in the village or at the dacha. Still the same sky, a forest in the distance and a log cabin or whitewashed hut. An indispensable vegetable garden, a booth with a Ball on a chain. Chickens and a couple of piglets lying on a green lawn are desirable. In the garden there are green tops of potatoes, carrots, beets and herbs. Trees look great in the garden with large apples silt pears. The country theme is complemented by a swing or a hammock between the trees and the inevitable barbecue with parents.

A bike ride is a perfect illustration of summer. Bicycle images can cause technical difficulties, but this can be overcome with pre-training. In such a drawing, you can take advantage of the perspective effect, which schoolchildren already master in the third grade. The road, wide at the beginning, gradually narrows away from the viewer. On the sides of the road there are fields or trees or houses. The horizon line separates the road and the sky. With this option, with the image of bicycles and figures of people, you don’t have to bother, because it will be a view from the back, and, therefore, it is enough to depict the frontal projection of the rear wheel and the back of the cyclist.

Having finished with your summer vacation, you can smoothly move on to the winter holidays, which, as you know, involve Merry Christmas, New Year, Christmas trees, poles, skis, sleds and other skates and snowboards. The main background of such pictures will be white or bluish, so that there is absolutely no impression of an empty sheet. The background is applied with watercolors. At the same time, it is remembered that most In winter in European latitudes, the sky has a grayish tint. The foreground will be occupied by a snowman with a carrot nose and two snow fortresses (see Surikov’s painting “The Capture of a Snow Town” with the only difference that in the foreground, instead of a lathered horse, it is worth depicting a neighbor, decorously returning to his place and caught in this snowy shootout).

Ski trip in the forest. Fir trees or other equally snow-covered trees in the background. The front part is given over to skiers with backpacks on their backs, overcoming the snowy forest.

Slide downhill. A huge sloping hill, from which stretches an ice path that occupies the entire sheet (draw the hill from the edge). Children with sleds and plywood. Bullfinch on a lonely branch. The jackets are bright. Red cheeks. Mass of snow.

Ice rink. The blue oval is in the center of the picture. Sky in clouds or night with stars. Snowdrifts along the edges of the skating rink. Lanterns on poles around the perimeter of the oval. Skating children. Tree, tit on a branch. Lots of snowflakes of all sizes and shapes.

Well, the central event. Christmas tree. Christmas tree to the center. She is tall and green. There are balls and toys on it. As well as garlands and other tinsel. As the classic wrote, “snow and lights.” Santa Claus is well-fed, bearded and has an obligatory bag with him, preferably a large one (with gifts). The Snow Maiden is sweet and simple-minded. The children are happy and in costumes. Variations are at the discretion of the author of the painting.

It is somewhat more difficult to depict spring or autumn holidays, which are extremely short, which is why most children spend them at home in front of the computer or TV. Here you can depict walks through the autumn forest, trips to the theater or museum, or even just an autumn city, its parks and streets. You can also draw the characters of the book you read during this time or the plot computer game. Many children go to clubs or play sports, this can also be reflected in the pictures.

Those lucky ones who manage to take a trip or go to the circus during this period should definitely draw exactly this. Pets (dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds and fish). Close-ups of a child's face and dog's muzzle, walking and training. Favorite parrot on the shoulder. An aquarium with all the algae, fish and a sunken ship. Possible illustrations with the names “Mom and I are baking pies”, “Grandma came to visit”, “Dad and I are playing Minecraft”, “My favorite younger brother painted on the wallpaper and is destroying my Lego.”

There are countless options and plenty to choose from. To begin with, it is worth asking the child himself what he especially remembered from the time spent.

It is better to entrust the drawing “How I spent my holidays” entirely and completely to the child. After all, a rare child’s imagination is not able to cope with the choice of plot on this topic. It makes sense to help with execution techniques and drawing details.

Draw a picture about summer vacation - this homework students receive primary classes from an art teacher. The task is not difficult, but there are so many impressions that the little artist himself cannot decide what to depict. Help him remember the brightest event of the summer holidays - this will be the plot of the drawing.

Drawing on the topic How I spent my summer at sea

Did you spend these summer holidays with your child at sea? Feel free to prepare a picture with marine motifs.

Visually divide the sheet of paper into two parts: top – sky, bottom – sea. Sketch clouds floating across the sky, screaming seagulls, low waves crashing against the side of a sailboat. In the foreground is the figure of a child. Here he stands, joyfully spreading his arms, as if he wants to embrace this boundless blue. Make a sketch with a pencil, then use watercolor, and outline the contours with felt-tip pens. The drawing is simpler - a blue-green sea, yellow sand on the shore and in the distance the silhouettes of swimming dolphins.

Drawing on the theme How I spent the summer in the village

An excellent option, as there is room to show your imagination. Most likely, you not only swam, sunbathed, went for berries and mushrooms, but also helped your grandmother with the housework - weeding and watering the beds, carrying water from the well, feeding the pets. Draw it like this and you will get an instructive drawing on a summer theme. Let the child draw himself in the center of the picture, around there are flowers, butterflies fluttering above them, behind, closer to the horizon - a small house with a porch, a chimney, open windows. Add to this a kitten that rubs against the legs of a cheerful guest, a flock of birds circling in the heights - and the sketch is ready.

Drawing on the theme How I spent my summer – a walk in the forest

The forest is a fascinating subject for painting, because when you go to your dacha, you probably go with your child to the nearby copse. And there are hundred-year-old trees, their tops rising skyward, anthills under branching fir trees, nimble squirrel, jumping from branch to branch and the bright orange sun peeking out from behind the prickly greenery of pine trees - all this is drawn simply and even a first grader can do.

Drawing on the topic How I spent the summer at a sports camp

If a child was on vacation at a children's summer camp, he also has something to remember, and therefore sketch. As a rule, children enjoy such camps - they participate in relay races, creative competitions, go on one-day hikes, look for treasures, and fight in the lightning of the night. And the rest of the time they run, play, communicate with peers. What's not a suitable subject for a picture?

Drawing on the topic How I spent the summer in the city

Due to circumstances, your child spent the whole summer in the city, but you went with him to the zoo, went to nature, caught minnows in a forest lake, watched amazing birds in the sparrow park, fed the animals at the ostrich farm. Recreate your memorable trip on paper, and the task will be completed.

There are many options for summer-themed pictures, what to draw - if possible, let the child decide, all you have to do is help with the execution technique and drawing complex details.

This is the situation. We had sex as a threesome, me, my husband and her. Actually, no one bonded or raped anyone)). Everything was by mutual consent (I’ll explain right away - I’m bisexual, my husband is of a standard orientation, but threesome sex is welcomed in different variations (2d+1m, 2m+1d))) My friend is also into this She went deliberately, she herself made it clear that she wanted this. The night was wonderful, but in the morning my friend began to feel terribly shy. Although we neither in word nor in deed reminded or told her about this. I was wondering, this is just...


It won’t go away on its own, just the first time. They told you correctly here, communicate as you communicated before, do not focus the conversation on this incident :) and God forbid everything will happen again :) and the night will be magical....

My friend liked it, but:
1) She is afraid to admit it to herself,
2) Wants repetition, but is afraid to admit it (your reaction)
3) And such nonsense, which is called “generally accepted moral standards”

Contest how I spent my summer. Blog of user Bomzh on 7

The competition on the topic “How I spent my summer” is ending, in which all potential participants are invited to tell about their vacation, which you spent in the summer of 2016. Hurry up, there's still time!

Share about new ones interesting places where were you. And here’s a bold proposal: let’s sort out children’s/family/adult vacations in Russia and abroad. It’s just that this summer we managed to master three new types of recreation at once (all really designed for children): a camp, a holiday home in the Moscow region and an active (relatively) recreation with children in Moscow. Well, the renovation is almost completed :))) for one thing...


My daughter has been traveling all summer: 2.5 weeks in Spain, private school in Benidorm, then a camp in Bulgaria in Primorsko, I went alone for the first time, I was bored for the first 2 days, then I got to know each other, got involved, in the end I really liked it, I said I’ll go again next year. Then I visited a friend outside the city and my grandmother in the village. My son and I rode around Europe - Paris, Milan, Venice and on Lake Como in Colico Piano. I liked everything very much, I wanted to write a report for the first time). Then my son goes home, and I run from Moscow to the borders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. We were in Bryansk (I really liked the city), Orel, Kaluga. It turned out to be an active summer)

My daughter is going to 7th grade, but my son is going to 1st grade. I would like to throw him a party. There are options, and it also depends on the weather. But I was just wondering, who is celebrating how? When I was a child, my parents bought a cake. My eldest and I went to the Polytechnic Museum. Now my daughter is planning an organized event with a tea party at school.


Most likely we will go for a walk with our classmates to the park. Go on rides, eat ice cream. That's all. But for us, September 1 is a holiday. My daughter really loves school.

tradition - a walk in Gorky Park and attractions - usually the weather is sunny... riding a boat and taking a walk is just good) There are not too many people there on September 1, so there are no crowds

Sights of Karelia: White Sea petroglyphs, shungite deposit

Unconventional drawing: techniques for children from 1 to 3 years old

We have begun preparations to send our son to his grandmother - we plan to take him for Easter and until mid-August. The measure is mostly forced - our kindergarten does not work in the summer, and keeping a child in Moscow in the summer is still a crime. But in the fall we are going to 1st grade and I am worried that all that my son studied in “preparatory” is writing, mathematics, etc. he will forget there. Grandma definitely won’t study with him using books. How to proceed?


Aren't you going on vacation to visit your grandmother and son? Mine, for example, is also at the dacha with my grandmother, but I come to them on vacation and study (at least for an hour a day).

04/03/2003 18:07:52, Dianna1

and just imagine how good it is for the child!!! the fact that he might forget something for school is such a small thing compared to how his health will improve!!! 4 months of fresh air, products from the garden, cow's milk! In my opinion, I can’t think of anything better for a child. And he will remember what he forgot in the half a month before September that he will be at home with you :)

Girls, since there has been a sports theme here since the morning and due to the fact that I can’t bring myself to start writing these damn reports (:-)) - I’ll tell you how I spent the holidays. The whole family went deep to the north of the region, one might say into the forests to a horse base. 3 days on horseback. For the first time I galloped and climbed a mountain on horseback. Real extreme, I'll tell you! In between we also went kayaking along Vetluga. Everyone is happy, including both dogs that were brought along. ;-) What did you do? :-)


But I don’t like horses or galloping *-(I tried to have fun in this way twice, the second time in the mountains. So on the second day I got off the horse and walked the entire route nearby. I don’t know how to negotiate with them. They tell me: “ I need to hit harder." I can’t.
No, it’s better either a car or own legs*-) Well, or a kayak *-))

Something we already have a second time. The first was “how I spent my summer”, now “how I spent my city day”. The child is tired. Me too :) for a couple of hours it beeps “I can’t, I don’t want to, I can’t” now it’s finally gone, it writes.


Ours have already written two:) Perov’s was “How I spent my summer”, the second was “Our Russian language”. I didn't watch either one. I know that mine writes small ones - a whole page, and some, he says, as much as 2-3...

We haven’t written yet, last year (3rd grade) we wrote only 3 times :-(

Let's share, how did your children spend the summer? For the youngest, everything is quite typical and expected. June - Olympiad school in computer science and matboy tournament; July - a couple of weeks in Ukraine in the village with my grandmother; August - lksh and then immediately Kombalg in the same Berendeyev meadows. Will return only on August 29th. That is, she ended up with 4 camps, three of which are in the BP.


June - intensive training courses at the university and a small part-time job, July - a camp from Moscow State University, where we have been going since we were children, August - Zubrenok in Belarus, went for the first time, I was very worried, and really liked it (at least for me), and he said that he had apparently outgrown the camp age . 16 years.

June - Bulgaria, bioschool in the Yaroslavl region; July - expedition to Baikal; it's all from school. And August is with me in Greece, they arrived yesterday. :)

Do they have the right to ask a child to bring home printouts of certain pictures from the Internet or similar clippings from a magazine? We don’t buy magazines, the color cartridge died, and I didn’t plan to buy a new one now (it costs more than a thousand). Moreover, bringing a book with illustrations will not help; you need to paste the pictures into a notebook. That is, this task requires financial costs. Do they have the right at school to demand its execution, and give two marks for non-compliance? This already happened to another teacher once...


Do you know how it all ended? The teacher did not check at all whether the children had brought still lifes, and in the end they all drew the same thing - from some sample, and poorly drawn one at that: (I was still right when I didn’t want to bother with these pictures.

music, what a word, brrrrrr.:((
I answer as a music teacher - we have. There is a textbook and a workbook for it, everything is legal, approved by the ministry, etc., etc. The task written in black and white in the notebook is to find pictures in magazines and paste them. True, I don’t resist; I allow the children to draw themselves. Indeed, not everyone has the opportunity to find ready-made pictures.

How do your children spend their holidays?

Continuation of our renovation. #drawingsonthewall Now not only my employees suffer from my ideas, but also my own child!!! Summer, warmth, holidays, and with such a mother, she only dreams of peace!)))

And are you helping the child? Something ours (6th grade completed) haven’t done this at all and have no idea. I gave the child a topic to see how he thinks, and is dissatisfied with the result. Has anyone had any experience of struggling for the quality of essays? How did they explain what they resorted to?


I’m very sorry (I use this word in this form on purpose), but why did you decide that everyone at the conference reads the same books as you? :))) no, I’m just curious. Do you know why? because I read popular psychology. And it would never have occurred to me to create a topic “what do you think about the book by Andrey Kurpatov so-and-so” or “what do you think about the book Transurfing Reality”, etc.
I understand questions about Chekhov, Nekrasov, Pushkin... But asking a question about a book by a little-known French writer on a Russian forum is at least strange. Or did you want to show off your erudition?

Can anyone explain what this is? More precisely, what it is, I can imagine. A folder in which certificates, drawings and all sorts of essays like “How I spent my summer” are collected. But how can this be assessed? By weight or something? Are there any hypotheses about this? So far I can’t even think of any reasonable criteria. But we need to start preparing... Is there something similar abroad and how do they take it into account?


Our portfolio consists of several chapters. 1.My life plans. 2. Participation in class life (theaters, museums, exhibitions, etc.) + text breakdown with photographs. 3. Academic performance (quarter grades, grades for the year, GIA, etc.) 4. Test sheet (the child is in a gymnasium class - attending special courses) - issued at school. 5. Participation in olympiads (formulated in a table: name of the olympiad, date, result, number of points, supervisor’s signature) + certificates. 6. Life outside of school (clubs, sections, etc.) More enthusiastic phrases, beautiful font, photographs and good design. Title page with a photo of the student and a mini story on the topic of my family. Boys need help; most girls can cope on their own.

06/15/2013 23:28:54, reading

By the way, yes. They can enter. I just thought that this summer it makes sense for children to take characteristics and reviews of work in all sorts of summer schools. So that in addition to the official certificate of completion of something (don’t forget to take it!) also the personal opinion of the teacher.

It also wouldn’t hurt to get feedback from the tutor if the child is not studying according to a specialized exam. For example, my son will take extra math classes in both grades 10 and 11, although he doesn’t really need it as a subject. And the Unified State Exam will be passed, because everyone passes it. Just to get my brain straightened out)

Girls, whose children are in second grade, do children write essays in class? Ours recently wrote based on the fairy tale “Hedgehog in the Fog.” With supporting questions. For the essay, two marks were given for content and for literacy... Somehow this is strange to me. It seems to me that we are in primary school They didn’t write any essays. Or have I already forgotten?


mine writes too. We started in 4th grade, the 1st was on the topic “how I spent my summer”

Hm. My little one is now in the 7th grade, at a school that is traditionally considered a very strong humanities school. At the meeting they told us that they won’t write essays in 7th grade because it’s too early, maybe they’ll start in 8th grade. Maybe everyone understands the word “essay” differently?

New country house where there is room for everyone

The Komus company together with Karo Film announces a children's creativity competition, dedicated to the Day Knowledge. The theme of the competition is “How I spent my summer”, the types of creativity are drawing, modeling, stained glass. We invite children under 18 years of age to take part in the competition. Each participant will receive a pleasant surprise from the Komus and Kores companies, and the winners will receive memorable gifts. During the competition, children will be able to watch the cartoon "Finding Nemo", which will be shown throughout the day in the halls...

Please advise how to organize reports for first-graders on the topic “how I spent my summer.” I'm afraid mine will freak out about the details, if it can "squeeze" anything out of itself at all.


We made such reports at the beginning of second grade. We prepared a speech in advance and made a photo report (several photos with captions). That’s why all these reports were posted on the wall and hung there for about a month. During one lesson, 5-7 people auditioned, no more. And a small essay in a notebook in Russian.

ABOUT! And we need to do it by Thursday. We first write a plan and select photographs, and then we will write the text itself in short pieces under each photograph. And if he gets hung up on the details, let him get away with it. This is his report on what he remembers most.

Active camp: this happens to today’s children too

It was a very cool shift!

We are very pleased to read on our VKontakte page the warm words of the guys who traveled with us “around the world in one summer” - 2014 OLECHKA IVANOVA: - Another little life has passed, the main thing is to remember the emotions over the edge, I miss you... We We'll definitely meet! YANA VALTAITE: - Guys, it was a great summer! I love and hope that we will meet again! Because I can’t live without you! It was a very cool shift (5)! I miss very much! ELIZAVETA BORISOVA: - My Muscovites! I love...

Cultural holidays. Enjoy your summer.

Summer holidays can be unforgettable for your children, even if they spend them in Moscow. The first session of the City Camp "CULTURAL HOLIDAYS" opens at the BUFF Creativity Center on June 3. This is a fascinating journey into the world of beauty and creativity. The program of events includes visits to the Museum of Theater Puppets, the Museum of Animation, and the Theater Museum. Bakhrushin, Pushkin Museum, Mosfilm Cinema Concern and so on. Join our friendly company and you will remember this summer forever...

We arrive first. The snow has just melted, and the grass is not bright, but still colorless, like onions that have sprouted in the refrigerator.
...And all our other wounds. We tried not to let our parents know the essence of our grief. Firstly, we didn’t want to upset them. Secondly, they still won’t help. Sharing the joy that we drove Leshka-Bazhan into the swamp, and he howled there all day until lunch and was afraid to go out, is also stupid. Moreover, Leshka’s mother later came to us to make trouble. That’s why we didn’t like him: as soon as he did anything, he ran to complain. The summer dragged on for a long, long time. The day began with sunrise and slowly, smoothly rolled towards sunset. We managed to do so much! Not like now, in our adult lives. Styopka is now a respectable manager of a respectable

American company . His luxurious red hair has lost its sunny shine, and he himself has become a little shabby. Sworn enemy Leshka-Ba... Greetings!!! Again we have an ambush, I decided to go through the SPR again (since new law for guardianship, one for adoption, another) I think I’ll go through right away and then when we decide to adopt, it will come in handy, I signed up... Yesterday they called, they say come and pick up the schedule. Today I arrived, picked it up, started studying, I’m in deep shock, it’s an understatement, here’s my schedule: 15.10 - from 13.00 to 18.00 (in two

different places

, i.e. until 15.30 at one address, and from 16.00 at another) 16.10 - from 18.00 to 20.00...

Work at a summer camp and a smoke blower in grandma's kitchen

Children's creativity competition “How I spent my summer”!

The Komus company together with Karo Film announces a children's creativity competition dedicated to the Day of Knowledge! Each participant will receive a pleasant present from the Komus and Kores companies, and the winners will receive memorable gifts. The theme of the competition is “How I spent my summer.” We invite children under 18 years of age to take part in the competition. During the competition, parents will be able to please their children by watching the new cartoon "Finding Nemo", which will be shown throughout the day in the halls of the Karo cinema...

At first, he expressed the emotions from a successful hunt with drawings, then the drawings somehow gradually began to fold into symbols, becoming more and more abstract: some wrote down entire words with hieroglyphic icons, others came up with a more cunning idea - they designated each sound with a special icon, and then combined the words from the icons. So they lived to see the alphabet, to chronicles, to books, to novels and poems, to solemn speeches and words on the fence. But this is if we talk about humanity as a whole.

But how does an individual person begin to write? What should...thanks for the information, very interesting and useful!

03/11/2007 21:44:10, yanost

Any workout is good for your fingers. Painting with a brush gives a good effect - the child learns not to rush, make movements smooth and relax the muscles of the hands. Helps improve handwriting and coloring pictures with colored pencils. Pencils, unlike felt-tip pens, provide an even color without sharp transitions. Be sure to give your child the direction of the shading: let different parts of the drawing be painted over with strokes in different directions. The main task of coloring is to ensure that the pencil strokes are even, equal in intensity and do not extend beyond the boundaries of the drawing. If your child can handle the linework, move on to the next stage - painting the pictures with curly shading, which includes elements of written letters and their connections. This is significant...

The first time in the garden we were given a task - Each person to prepare a wall newspaper on the topic “How I spent the summer” with photographs. Any format from A4 to A1. What do you think is the most important thing in preparing such assignments? In my understanding, the main thing is that the child HIMSELF participates in the production of the wall newspaper. But due to age, everyone understands that the main “business” will be on the shoulders of the parents. But at the same time, I wouldn’t want it to be purely “the fruit of the parent’s creativity.” Therefore, give advice to those who have already “been through this”. While...

Mommies, daddies! September 1 is coming soon and everyone will be writing these standard essays as usual. I started thinking about what my child will write about...? She will need to help her, but there is not a thought in her head. We didn’t go anywhere except to grandma’s, but there were only chickens, geese, and rabbits, and we grew out of it. The rest of the time was spent in the city, where I was at work all day, and she was at home on her own, occasionally going out to run in the yard with her friend. And our class is cool, everyone goes to Turkey, some to Europe... What’s wrong...


I have a fresh idea: write without any details. Something like: I had a wonderful summer. I visited various interesting places. The weather was warm and sunny. The sky was blue. The grass is green. I played a lot with my girlfriends. I read a lot of books. The proposals could be made more specific. Etc., all in a positive way. All children will envy such complete happiness. Not a word about Turkey and the village.

08/09/2007 21:12:39, there is an opinion

Help your daughter. You can start your essay with a statement like “I had a wonderful summer because I visited my grandmother in the village, played with my friends and wandered around the city with my mother on warm evenings (or to museums, or read books with my mother, or something else instead).” Develop each of the three points, describe what is good and fun there (5-6 sentences for each point) Finish with a sentence paraphrasing the initial statement like - “it’s a pity that my wonderful summer flew by so quickly, I remember both the trip to my grandmother and funny Games in the yard and "3rd point". An essay is not a list of cool places and things to do, it is a test of how competently a child can express his thoughts even regarding something simple and ordinary. And the form that I sketched out for you is the basic formula of any simple essay.

I thought that you would be pleased to read about your problems in this way :)) Especially the happy ending :))))))) Ultrasound, tests, doctors, And nine months of anxiety, And finally in the winter, in the night We came together with you roads And I can’t take my eyes off, And the feeling of happiness and unity, I wish I could fully experience the Holy joy of motherhood! We're home! God, he's screaming! Well, where are the books and cheat sheets?! Then he doesn’t he doesn’t sleep... My husband helps...from under pressure On the third day I went into the astral plane, I don’t notice calls or faces, But...