Homemade cheese made from goat's milk. How to make cheese from cow's milk at home

20.10.2019 Cell phones

Cheese cheese is a fairly rich fermented milk product, usually salty.

Making cheese at home is not difficult.

You just need to know a few simple rules.

And most importantly, you must know exactly what flavor you want to get.

Classic feta cheese is a salty cheese with a fairly pungent taste.

The high concentration of salt in the brine and in the cheese itself makes it possible for its long-term storage.

In addition, during this time the cheese ripens, acquires a specific taste and smell, “stands”, as they say.

But the recipe for young sweet cheese is more popular.

Freshly prepared, it has a delicate sweetish taste. Children usually like it very much.

Of course, it is better to take homemade milk.

If you are confident in the seller, we use it without preliminary preparation, if in doubt, pasteurize.

A mandatory requirement for milk is that it must be fresh, without the slightest sign of souring.

To make homemade cheese, you will need:

  • milk – 1 l
  • salt – 1 tbsp.
  • eggs – 3 pcs.
  • sour cream – 200 ml
  • kefir – 100 ml

How to make homemade cheese:

1. To prepare homemade cheese, be sure to use all the freshest ingredients. The milk must be the freshest; you can buy it at the bazaar from grandmothers or go to the village and buy it there. This will make it more likely that the milk is rich and fresh.

But if you do not have the opportunity to purchase homemade full-fat milk, you can replace it with pasteurized milk.

Of course, in this case the nutritional value of the product will be lower, and the taste will not be as creamy and delicate.

But this also has its advantages - such a low-fat product will result in a dietary and practically low-fat dish.

2. So, put the milk in a saucepan, add salt. Place the pan over high heat and bring the milk to a boil, stirring constantly.

If you like salted cheese, use 1 heaped tablespoon, and if moderately salty, use 1 heaped tablespoon.

3. Beat the eggs and add them to the milk after it boils. Mix well and continue cooking.

4. Then add sour cream (preferably with a fat content of more than 21%), mix, then kefir. Mix everything thoroughly and continue cooking over low heat for 5-7 minutes. The milk should curdle and the whey will be released.

5. Prepare clean gauze, fold it in four layers and place it in a colander, which we place on a bowl (saucepan).

6. Pour our mixture into a colander with gauze, let the whey drain into a bowl.

7. Then we cover the drained cottage cheese with the ends of gauze and place some kind of pressure on top, for example, a jar of water. The larger the jar, the faster all excess whey will drain.

8. Leave the cottage cheese under pressure for 2-3 hours, then remove the pressure, free the cheese from the gauze and put it in the refrigerator.

Our homemade cheese is ready!

From this amount of products you get about 350-400 grams of cheese.

You can accordingly increase the amount of ingredients by 2-3 times to get more finished product.

Brynza is one of the varieties of cheese that contains many useful substances and vitamins. Homemade cheese differs from store-bought cheese in its taste and the fact that it is truly made from natural products. And when the choice is between store-bought and home-made cheese, or any other food product, it is natural that people prefer the second option. Therefore, we suggest considering how feta cheese is prepared at home.

A few secrets for creating delicious cheese

Before we talk about how to prepare homemade cheese, let’s look at a few nuances of preparing this dairy product:

  1. To prepare feta cheese, classic recipe Full fat goat's milk is used. But in the absence of such, the recipe may include cow's milk.
  2. When preparing cheese from cow's milk, it is advisable to give preference to farm-made, home-made versions - such a product is fattier and, as is understandable, more natural. However, when purchasing milk from farmers, it is advisable to pasteurize it, which will get rid of pathogenic microflora and pathogens.
  3. It is also possible to make cheese at home from pasteurized store-bought milk. True, the end result will be cheese that is not so rich in taste.
  4. In the hot season at the pressing stage homemade cheese may peroxidize. Therefore, it is better to carry out this stage by placing the cheese in the refrigerator.
  5. When preparing homemade cheese, you can use not only classic ingredients, but also herbs, spices, herbs and even vegetables. The result is a homemade product that is original in taste and appearance.
  6. When preparing homemade cheese, it is recommended to give preference to glass or enamel dishes.

What are the benefits of homemade cheese?

Compared to other types of cheeses, feta cheese is more balanced in composition and its medicinal properties much higher for the human body. In the photo the product has white look, but the color of homemade cheese may differ, depending on the raw materials used.

Bryndza contains less fat than alternative varieties, but more protein. Such properties are largely associated with the presence of easily digestible calcium in it: literally 100 grams of cheese is enough to replenish the daily dose of this substance in the body.

In addition, cheese, especially homemade cheese, contains vitamins and beneficial microorganisms:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • minerals - calcium, potassium and fluorine salts.

Important! Bryndza, which is sold in stores, often contains preservatives that extend the shelf life of the finished product. Due to their availability beneficial features products are decreasing.

Selection of milk and tools

Making a homemade version of feta cheese is not that difficult. It is enough to have all the necessary products and kitchen utensils. And first of all, it’s worth understanding the raw materials.

The main ingredient of feta cheese is milk. As mentioned earlier, the classic version of making cheese involves using goat’s milk, but cow’s milk will also work. It's better if it's homemade. But in the absence of the opportunity to purchase raw materials from farmers, the use of store-bought pasteurized milk is allowed.

The softness of the structure is achieved due to the high fat content of milk, so it is worth giving preference to consumable raw materials with a high percentage of fat content. It is also worth noting that fresh milk is not suitable for making cheese.

It is better to put such a product in the refrigerator and let it sit for 2-3 hours. However, overly infused milk is not suitable for making homemade cheese - it should not be older than 3 days.

Now regarding equipment and tools. During the cooking process, a container with high sides is used. The capacity of the pans depends on the volume of milk used. The main thing is that the raw materials do not reach the edges of the container by 40-50 mm. Due to this, it will be possible to avoid spillage of consumables during the cheese preparation process.

In addition to the container, you will also need:

  • colander;
  • gauze;
  • bowl or saucepan with a lid;
  • oppression;
  • wooden spoon.

Of course, it is possible to replace the colander and cheesecloth with a special bag for cheese making. However, for beginning cheese makers, such a kind of sieve is quite enough, which will be used to separate the whey from the cheese curd.

Recipes for making cheese from cow's milk

As practice shows, many beginning cheese makers prefer cow's milk as a consumable raw material in the process of preparing a homemade product. Some people initially do not like goat’s milk, considering its taste to be quite specific.

We offer best recipes homemade cheese made with cow's milk.

Classic version

The classic cooking recipe involves using the following products:

  • high fat milk – 1000 ml;
  • sour cream, with a fat content of at least 20% - 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • purified water – 200 ml.

Stages of homemade cheese production:

  1. Pour the milk into a container with high sides and place it on the stove, setting the heat to maximum.
  2. Afterwards, add sour cream to the main raw material and mix the contents thoroughly using a wooden spoon.
  3. When the milk mixture is heated, it will gradually begin to ferment - separating into whey and cheese curd. As soon as the fermentation process begins, add lemon juice to the milk mixture and mix everything thoroughly. You need to cook the contents for another minute.
  4. Now we take gauze, fold it into 5-6 layers, moisten it with water and squeeze it out. Place wet gauze in a colander. Pour all the contents from the pan into the resulting sieve.

Advice! Do not rush to pour out the whey that has separated during the fermentation process. It can be used to make Ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, and even be used as a hair and skin care product.

  1. We wrap the cheese curd in gauze, tie its ends and put it under pressure. An ordinary plate and a jar filled with water will do as a press. The cheese should be under pressure for at least an hour.
  2. Now prepare the brine. To do this, just take purified water and salt in the amount specified in the recipe. Salt is poured into the water and cooked over a fire until it is completely dissolved. You don't even need to bring the solution to a boil.
  3. We cut the already compressed cheese into thick slices, put them in a container and fill them with brine. After half an hour, you can taste the homemade cheese.

From these products, homemade cheese is obtained healthy, with a rich milky taste and dense structure.

Original homemade cheese recipe

The classic recipe for making homemade cheese can be varied by introducing additional ingredients.

To prepare cheese at home according to the original recipe, take the following products:

  • milk – 2000 ml;
  • sour cream – 2 cups;
  • kefir – 1 glass;
  • chicken egg – 6 pieces;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons.

The process of preparing homemade cheese according to the original recipe includes the following steps:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Add salt there too. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. In a separate container, mix sour cream, kefir and eggs and mix them thoroughly. Add the milk-egg mixture to the hot milk. Afterwards, turn on the heat again and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. After 5-10 minutes, the first flakes of cottage cheese appear on the surface, which means the fermentation process has started.
  3. We take gauze, fold it into 5-6 words, moisten it in water and squeeze it out. Place the prepared gauze in a colander and pour the egg-milk mass here.
  4. After letting the whey separate from the curd mass and drain, we wrap the cheese curd in gauze and put it under pressure.

Reference! The heavier the load, the denser the structure of the product. Due to this, it is possible to regulate the density of homemade cheese.

  1. After 4-5 hours, without removing the cheesecloth, place the cheese in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours to cool. And only after that you can start tasting homemade cheese.

Bryndza recipe with herbs

As stated earlier, at home it is possible to prepare feta cheese according to the original recipe by introducing additional ingredients into its recipe.

We offer a recipe for homemade cheese with herbs. During the preparation process you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk – 3000 ml;
  • sour cream - 3 cups;
  • kefir – 1.5 cups;
  • chicken egg - 9 pieces;
  • salt – 3 tablespoons;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch.

Let's move on to cooking:

  1. Pour milk into a container with high sides, add salt to it and put on fire. Bring to a boil.
  2. Beat the eggs until foamy, which is best done using a mixer, and, stirring constantly, add the resulting mass into boiling milk.
  3. Next, mix sour cream and kefir and also add them to the egg-milk mass. Mix everything thoroughly and turn the heat to low, not allowing the liquid to evaporate.
  4. Now take the dill, wash it thoroughly under running water, dry it using paper towels, and chop it finely.
  5. Add dill to the milk mixture and cook for another 5-10 minutes. During this time, the milk base will begin to curdle and separate into curd and whey.
  6. After complete curdling, pour the milk mixture into a colander previously lined with damp gauze or linen cloth.
  7. After letting the whey drain from the curd mass, we tie the edges of the gauze and put it under pressure. After pressing, which takes about 2-3 hours, we move the cheese mass into the refrigerator. After 1-2 hours, the homemade cheese is ready for tasting.

Diet cheese with spices

Making homemade diet cheese is not difficult. First you need to prepare the appropriate products:

  • milk – 1000 ml;
  • kefir – 1000 ml;
  • chicken egg - 6 pieces;
  • salt - to taste;
  • red pepper and cumin - a small pinch each;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • greens - a small bunch.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Pour the milk and kefir into a saucepan and place on the stove.
  2. Beat the eggs with salt and add the resulting mixture to the milk base without waiting for it to boil.
  3. Stirring constantly, bring the milk mass to a boil. After this, we turn up the fire power a little.
  4. Immediately after the milk mixture boils, it will begin to curdle. When cottage cheese flakes appear, remove the container from the heat and let the contents cool.
  5. Add spices, crushed garlic and chopped herbs into the cooled egg-milk mass.
  6. Mix the cheese mixture thoroughly and pour it into a prepared colander lined with damp gauze. Let the whey completely separate from the cheese.

All that remains is to wrap the product in gauze and put it under a press for 6-8 hours. After the specified time, homemade cheese is ready for tasting.

How to cook feta cheese with pepsin

Few beginning cheese makers know what pepsin is. Pepsin is the name given to the main digestive enzyme found in gastric juice. It is due to its presence that proteins are digested by breaking them down into individual peptones.

Today it is possible to purchase pepsin in any supermarket and specialized cheese-making stores. And it is with his participation that it is possible to prepare delicious homemade cheese.

The ingredients you will need are the following:

  • homemade milk – 3000 ml;
  • pepsin - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • purified water – 1000 ml.

It is possible to prepare feta cheese with pepsin at home by following the following technology:

  1. First of all, we pour the main raw materials into a container with high sides and heat it to a temperature of 30°C.
  2. The existing pepsin must be dissolved in a small amount of water. Only after this do we add pepsin to the milk, remembering to stir constantly.
  3. After waiting for the fermentation process to begin, remove the container from the stove and let the contents cool.
  4. Pour the cooled milk mixture into a pre-prepared colander along with damp gauze.
  5. As soon as the whey has completely drained, wrap the cheese curd in gauze and put it under pressure.
  6. Now prepare the brine. Dissolve the salt in the specified amount of water, warm the solution a little and let it cool to a temperature of 15-20°C.
  7. Immerse the pre-cut cheese into slices in the brine. And after 2 hours the cheese is ready to eat.

Do-it-yourself cheese with a spicy-salty taste

Spicy-salted feta cheese, prepared at home, will appeal to fans of savory varieties of cheese.

We prepare spicy-salted homemade cheese from the following ingredients:

  • milk – 1000 ml;
  • kefir – 1000 ml;
  • chicken egg - 6 pieces;
  • salt - to taste;
  • chili pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • pepper mixture – 1-2 teaspoons.

Let's start making cheese:

  1. Pour the main milk raw material into a container and put it on fire.
  2. Beat the eggs with salt and pour them into the milk base without waiting for it to boil.
  3. Without forgetting to stir, bring the egg-milk mixture to a boil and immediately turn down the heat.
  4. As soon as the egg-milk mass boils, curd flakes will begin to appear on its surface, which is a sign of the beginning of the fermentation process. After curdling, remove the cheese mixture from the stove and let it cool to room temperature.
  5. Next, add spices to all the contents.
  6. Prepare the sieve. We take gauze, fold it into 5-6 layers, moisten it with water and squeeze it out. Place the gauze prepared in this way in a colander. Place the cheese mixture into the resulting sieve and let the whey drain completely.
  7. After completely separating the whey from the cheese, roll up the cheesecloth and place the product under pressure overnight. And in the morning you can already enjoy the piquant taste of homemade hot-salted cheese.

Goat cheese

According to the classic recipe, feta cheese is made from goat's milk. Thanks to its unique composition, the cheese is incredibly healthy. Cheese made from goat's milk has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, strengthens the teeth and the human skeletal system as a whole.

Recipe without sourdough

To prepare traditional cheese at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • goat milk – 2000 ml;
  • salt – 1.5-2 tablespoons;
  • sour cream – 2 cups;
  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces.

Stages of homemade cheese production from goat milk:

  1. Pour the milk into a container, add salt and put it on the fire, bringing the base to a boil. If you don’t like salty cheese, then adjust the amount of salt to your taste.
  2. While the milk is boiling, beat the eggs in a separate container.
  3. Add beaten eggs and sour cream to boiling milk. While introducing the ingredients, constantly stir the contents, preferably using a whisk. Boil the cheese mixture for 5-6 minutes. After the specified time, curd clots will begin to appear on the surface of the egg-milk mass - this indicates the beginning of the curdling process.
  4. Pour the contents into a prepared colander lined with damp gauze and let the serum drain completely.
  5. We fold the edges of the gauze and put the cheese under the press. Here it is possible to use either a plate with a jar filled with water, or place the cheese between 2 cutting boards, placing the same jar of water on the top.
  6. After 4-5 hours the cheese is compressed. Now we transfer it to the refrigerator. And after 2 hours you can taste the cheese.

As you can see, the recipe for making homemade cheese from goat’s milk is simple and quite feasible to implement on your own. And note, no preservatives, vinegar or citric acid.

Soft cheese with sourdough

To prepare sourdough cheese, take the following products:

  • goat milk – 2 liters;
  • sourdough – 10 drops;
  • unsweetened yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • purified water.

Cooking process:

  1. Heat the milk to 35°C and add yogurt to it. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Add the starter to the milk mass and again mix the components of the future cheese.
  3. Pour the contents from the container into a jar, wrap it in a warm blanket and place it near the radiator or any other warm place. Let the starter start the fermentation process.
  4. After an hour, mix the contents of the jar and let it brew for another 30 minutes.
  5. Pour the milk mixture from the jar into a colander through wet gauze, cover it with a thick layer of gauze and drain the whey.
  6. After 20-30 minutes, tie the edges of the gauze and put the cheese under the press overnight.
  7. Prepare the brine. Mix the whey and water, add salt to the liquid and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  8. Cut the cheese into slices and place in a container with brine. And after 18 hours the cheese is ready to eat.

Storing cheese

Freshly prepared cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. To prevent the cheese from chapping and becoming dry, it is placed in a saline solution. Without brine, cheese can be stored in the freezer. But it is worth considering the fact that after freezing the taste and structure of the cheese change somewhat.

If the brine in which the cheese is stored turns out to be too salty, then it is possible to get rid of the excessive saltiness of the cheese by soaking it in fresh water or milk.

Bottom line

Now you know how to prepare feta cheese at home. Using any of the above recipes, you can make delicious and very healthy homemade cheese. And if you wish, you can diversify the recipe with your favorite herbs, spices and even vegetables, getting a cheese that has a unique taste. Bon appetit!


What is feta cheese?

What this cheese is, how feta cheese is prepared at home, how it is useful, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health and are interested in how you can prepare certain dishes and food products with your own hands . So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Brynza is a type of brine cheese made from pasteurized cow, buffalo, sheep and goat milk or a mixture of them.

The cheese dough is white or light yellow in color, the consistency is similar to cottage cheese, and is moderately dense. Brynza has a salty taste and the smell of sour milk. Usually cheese dough uniform, but in some cases there are rare eyes of irregular shape. There is no rind, the surface of the cheese is smooth.

Nowadays, feta cheese is usually made from cow's milk. The ripening period for this cheese is 20 days. In some cases, cheese is made from unpasteurized milk from pastures.

To produce cheese, calcium chloride, rennet and bacterial ferment, which consists of flavor-forming and lactic acid strains of streptococci, are added to milk.

The finished curd is cut into cubes, left for 10–15 minutes, then gently mixed for 20–30 minutes and laid out on a table covered with sickle cloth in 2 layers. Next, the process of self-pressing occurs, which ends after the whey stops being released.

The pressed layer of cheese is cut into squares with a side of 15 cm and placed in 20–22% brine, where it is kept for five days at a temperature of 8–12 °C.

Benefits of feta cheese:

Since this type of cheese is not affected high temperatures, all useful substances in its composition are preserved. Cheese cheese is rich in the following vitamins and microelements:

B vitamins, necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system;

Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system;

Vitamin E, which supplies the brain with oxygen;

Calcium, which affects the strengthening of the skeletal system;

Fluoride, which stimulates the thyroid gland.

Cheese contains a large number of calcium and phosphorus, and together this is the best option for preventing bone fractures and joint dislocations. It is these two substances that give feta cheese its strengthening properties - consumption of feta cheese will be useful for osteoporosis, rickets and fractures, as well as for pregnant women.

Bryndza contains a complex of amino acids, B vitamins and lactic acid bacteria - this helps cope with the consequences of liver diseases, speeds up recovery after passing drug treatment, stabilizes the nervous system.

It is impossible to underestimate the benefits of cheese for the bones and teeth of every person, in this issue It is the cheese that leaves milk and cottage cheese far behind. Moreover, the calcium contained in feta cheese is completely absorbed by the human body, unlike the calcium contained in other dairy products. Just 100 grams of cheese allows a person to provide the necessary supply of calcium for the whole day.

Including feta cheese in the daily diet helps to significantly improve the body's digestion process, speed up metabolism, and suppress the development of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. It is believed that women who regularly consume cheese look much younger, their skin is more elastic and velvety. Ingredients included in cheese - milk sugar, proteins, fats, and minerals can easily supplement the missing necessary nutritional balance of the human body.

The benefits of feta cheese are undeniable for people of any age; it is especially important to include feta cheese in the diet of children and the elderly.

Recipes for making cheese:

Making this type of cheese at home is quite easy. Its taste is in no way inferior to its store-bought counterparts. Please note that it is best to use only natural products to prepare cheese. This will make homemade cheese as healthy as possible.

Bryndza in a slow cooker:

Unpasteurized milk – 3 l, eggs – 3 pcs., lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l., salt - 2 tbsp. l., boiled water - 2 cups.

Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl, add lemon juice, select the “Stew” mode and set the timer for 10 minutes.

Beat the eggs with a blender, pour into the curdled milk and cook the mixture in the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes.

Place the contents of the bowl in a colander lined with gauze and allow the whey to drain.

Place the cheese mass under pressure for 6–8 hours, then cut into slices, transfer to a container with brine prepared from boiled water and salt, and leave for at least 3 hours.

How to make cheese at home from goat milk?

Unpasteurized goat milk – 2 l, eggs – 6 pcs., sour cream (20%) – 500 g, sugar – 1 tbsp. l., salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour the milk into an enamel pan and bring to a boil over low heat with constant stirring. Beat eggs with sugar and salt until foam forms, combine with sour cream.

Pour the sour cream mixture into the boiled milk, stirring constantly, and keep on low heat for another 5-7 minutes.

After the curd mass and whey have formed in the pan, drain the contents into a colander lined with gauze.

As soon as the whey has drained, tie the loose ends of the gauze and put the clot under pressure, leaving it for 4–5 hours in a warm place. After this, place the cheese in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

How to make cheese at home from cow's milk?

Unpasteurized cow's milk - 3 l, table vinegar (9%) - 3 tbsp. l., salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour the milk into an enamel pan, bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar, add salt.

Boil the milk for two minutes while stirring constantly. After it has curled, place the mixture in a colander lined with gauze and let the whey drain.

Place the cheese mass under pressure or a press and leave for 2 hours.

How to make cheese at home from sheep's milk?

Unpasteurized sheep milk - 5 l, rennet powder - 0.1 g, salt to taste.

Mix rennet powder with an equal amount of salt, pour into an enamel container, pour in 20 ml of boiled water, the temperature of which is 30–35 °C.

Pour the rennet solution into milk heated to 30 °C, stir, cover the container with a lid and leave in a warm room until a curd forms. Place the finished curd in a colander lined with gauze and let the whey drain. Cut the curd into cubes. Place the cheese mass under pressure for 10–15 minutes, then cut large cubes into small pieces and place under pressure again for the same period of time.

Form a head of cheese, wrap it in gauze and keep under pressure for another 20 minutes. Cool the cheese by pouring it over cold water, then place in a container with 20% brine from table salt. After the head of cheese floats to the surface, sprinkle the top with salt.

Leave the cheese in the brine for 12 hours, then remove, salt again and store at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C.

Cheese cheese with lemon juice:

Unpasteurized milk - 1 l, sour cream - 3 tbsp. l., lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l., boiled water - 1/4 cup, salt - 1 tsp.

Pour milk into an enamel pan, put on fire, add sour cream, stir. Once the milk begins to curdle, add lemon juice and stir again.

Place the curd mass in a colander lined with gauze and allow the whey to drain.

Tie the loose ends of the gauze and place the cheese mass under pressure for 60 minutes. After this, cut the cheese into small pieces and place in a container with brine prepared from boiled water and salt.

Bryndza with eggs:

Unpasteurized milk – 1 l, sour cream – 200 g, eggs – 3 pcs., salt – 2 tbsp. l.

Pour the milk into an enamel pan, bring to a boil, add salt.

Break the eggs into a bowl, beat with sour cream using a blender, add the mixture to boiling milk and cook with constant stirring for 5 minutes.

After curdling the milk, place the contents of the pan in a colander lined with gauze and allow the whey to drain.

Tie the loose ends of the gauze and place the cheese mass under pressure for 1 hour.

Sourdough for cheese:

Brynza is prepared in several ways. With natural milk fermentation, for example with sour cream. Or using a ready-made starter enzyme. You can buy it in specialized stores or order it online.

Sourdough is also a natural bacterial component that helps to quickly ferment the milk component of feta cheese or cheese. There are several varieties of starter cultures: with preliminary activation in milk, and then adding it to the milk mixture to prepare feta cheese directly. And direct addition: this starter is added directly to the milk mixture when preparing feta cheese or cheese. The amount of starter needed to prepare feta cheese is small. Therefore, one sachet or bottle will last for quite a long time. There is sourdough in dry form (granules, powder), and in liquid form.

Brynza has been preparing for a long time at home. Every housewife who cares about the healthy nutrition of her family simply must be able to cook cheese. Yes, just cook, because feta cheese it's cooking, it's coagulation product, and not souring, as many people think, for it you do not need to pre-sour the milk.

Brynza The product is very tasty and incredibly healthy. Like any dairy product, it contains a lot of calcium and by consuming it, we take care of the strength of our bones for many years. It helps improve digestion. Eating cheese has no contraindications other than intolerance to dairy products.

Cheese cheese is an excellent snack during the day; it contains few calories and therefore is dietary product. By snacking on cheese, you do not risk ruining your figure.

It goes great with tea or coffee. Various baked goods are prepared with cheese. It goes well with many foods and is often used in salads.

How to make homemade cheese with vinegar

Brynza can be prepared in two ways. The first method is using vinegar, the second is using rennet.

Today we will talk about preparing feta cheese using vinegar. The advantage of this method is that this method is more accessible and convenient compared to preparation using an enzyme. It is convenient because you probably always have vinegar in your house, unlike rennet.

The enzyme is convenient only if you always have a lot of milk in the house and you will use it several times a week for a large amount of milk.

If you need to prepare a small amount of cheese, for example, from a three-liter bottle, then cheese with vinegar is exactly what you need and what will be convenient and economical for you.

Ingredients for making cheese with vinegar

To prepare cheese with vinegar you will need:

  • Homemade milk – 3 liters;
  • Vinegar 9% – 50 ml.

Homemade cheese recipe

To prepare feta cheese, you only need homemade natural milk. Milk from the store will not work, it is mostly powdered and nothing good will come out of it.

You need to buy good fat milk. It will need to be refrigerated to mature.

Step 1. The milk should stand until the top peels off well. Then you need to skim off all the cream. Now, of course, you have a question: why then buy full-fat milk? And it is necessary to buy full-fat milk in order for the cheese to turn out as tasty as possible, because not all of the cream rises to the top, some of the cream remains in the milk without rising to the top and it will give the milk exactly the fat content that you need. If the milk is not full-fat, the cheese will not be as tasty; it will be “rubbery,” so to speak. And from the skimmed cream you will get another delicious milk product, namely sour cream. This way, you will get the maximum benefit; from a bottle of milk you will have a jar of sour cream and a piece of cheese.

Step 2. Now that the cream has been skimmed, pour the milk into a 5 liter pan, remember that milk rises and it is better that the volume of the pan exceeds the volume of the milk. It is best to take a pan made of stainless steel or aluminum; in such a pan it will not stick to the bottom during cooking and the taste will not be spoiled by the taste of burnt milk.

Step 3. Put the milk on the fire.

Step 4: Prepare the vinegar immediately.

Important! You need to bring the milk almost to a boil. It should not start to boil, you need to “catch” the moment when it just starts to boil.

Step 5. As soon as this moment comes, immediately pour vinegar into the milk and stir quickly with a spoon or ladle.

Step 6. The milk will curdle instantly. As soon as you see whey, immediately remove the milk from the heat. If suddenly the milk does not curdle right away, immediately add another 50 g of vinegar, this happens when the quality of the vinegar is poor, this is not a problem and can be quickly corrected by adding more. Don’t worry, there won’t be any smell of vinegar in the cheese.

Step 7. As soon as you remove it from the heat, you immediately need to drain the whey. In order to drain the whey from the cheese, you need a colander lined with gauze; one layer of gauze is enough. Drain the cheese by placing a colander over a pan or bucket. The serum should be preserved, you will need it.

Step 8. Now roll the gauze into a bag. Leave this bag in a colander. Place a press on the cheese, if you don’t have a special press, just put a plate on top and a 1 liter jar of water on it, you can even put plastic bottle with water. The longer the press sits on the cheese, the denser it is.By making cheese at home, you will gradually determine the density you need and how long your cheese should spend under pressure. If you are making it for the first time, place the cheese under pressure for 30 minutes.

Then wait - let the cheese cool down. While the cheese is cooling, prepare the brine.

How to prepare brine for cheese?

For the brine, you will need exactly the same whey that is left. Per liter of whey you need to put 1 tablespoon of salt. Again, by doing it regularly, over time you will determine for yourself how much salt you need, more or less. But for the first time, we recommend this exact amount of salt, so you will get medium-salted cheese.

Dip the cooled cheese into the brine and place it in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning or just after 8-10 hours, remove the cheese from the brine.

Now your cheese is completely ready to eat.

Yield of cheese from 3 liters of milk

Three liters of milk yield 400-600 g of cheese as a final result after soaking in brine. Without soaking, you get 300-500 g of cheese. Weight does not depend on the preparation method, it depends on the quality of the milk, more precisely on its natural density.

If you buy milk at the market, it is better to note what weight of cheese you get from the milk purchased from this particular seller and choose for yourself a seller where you will have the maximum yield of cheese from milk in order to get not only the maximum benefit, but also economic benefits for your family budget.

How to diversify cheese

Bryndza is one of those products that can be consumed quite often. But sometimes you still want variety. Here you will be helped out by several variants of the same cheese.

Cheese cheese with paprika

Cheese cheese with paprika turns out very tasty, paprika gives it a piquant flavor. It couldn't be easier to prepare. No special skills are needed here at all.

You just need a couple of packs of ground sweet or hot paprika, depending on your taste.

When you have already prepared your cheese and kept it in brine, simply coat it generously with paprika on all sides. Place the cheese in paprika in the refrigerator for a few more hours, preferably 10 hours, so it will soak well and acquire an incredible taste.

Then just consume it as usual.

Cheese cheese with dill

Brynza with dill is just as easy to prepare. You just need dill, the amount to suit your taste.

Chop the dill as finely as possible.

Then, when you have almost completely drained the cheese, or rather, you should have a little bit of whey left in the pan, about a glass. Pour dill onto the drained cheese and quickly stir the mixture with a spoon. Then pour off the rest of the whey and while it is still not completely glass, stir again, so you can mix everything well.

Cheese cheese with garlic

Cheese cheese with garlic is already a cheese for garlic lovers. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. After all, the cheese is initially hot and trying to make it “more garlicky” can ruin the product. For cheese weighing 500 g, about 4 cloves (large) of garlic are enough.

Next again, as when preparing with dill. Drain the cheese and leave a glass of whey in the pan. Add crushed garlic to the cheese and stir quickly, then pour off the remaining whey and, while it is still wet, stir again well so that the garlic is well distributed.

Then put it under the press, and then into the brine.

Prepare delicious cheese at home! Experiment and have a lot of fun with it!

Enjoy your meal!

Great( 4 ) Badly( 0 )

Hello, friends!

Today I have a wonderful recipe for you. I'll show you how to easily prepare homemade cheese. Rather, this homemade cheese is not similar to the well-known salty feta cheese, but to a delicate Adyghe cheese, very, very tasty.

  • 2 liters of milk, I took 3.2% fat
  • 400-450 g sour cream, mine is rich. 15%, but I think it could be fatter
  • 5-6 eggs depending on size
  • salt

From this amount of products I got about 650 g of cheese.


Pour the milk into a pan, preferably non-stick or with a thick bottom. Place on medium heat and wait until it starts to boil.

Meanwhile, place eggs and sour cream in a whipping pan.

Beat with a mixer into a homogeneous mass.

When the milk starts to boil, add salt andreduce the heat to low.You should add salt according to your taste. Elena wrote that she puts in less than a tablespoon of regular rock salt. I thought that this was not enough for me and added 2 heaped tablespoons of fine salt. The cheese turned out to be medium salted, in my opinion, just what was needed.

After this, carefully pour the egg-sour cream mixture into the boiling milk, stirring all the time.

Keep the pan on low heat until there is just a hint of boiling. Stir all the time and wait until the milk begins to curdle. It takes about 10 minutes. It seems to me that to speed up this process you can add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

When the milk has completely curdled, turn it off and let it cool a little, about 15-20 minutes.

Place a colander on an empty pan, line it with 3-4 layers of gauze or just a clean cloth, and pour out the contents of the pan with the future cheese.

We level the surface, cover the cheese with the edges of the cloth and place a flat plate on top and a jar of water on it. Elena advises taking liter jar, I didn’t have one on hand, I put in a half-liter and it turned out to be enough. Maybe the larger the load, the drier the cheese will turn out.

In this position, leave the cheese to strain for 2.5 - 3 hours. Don’t rush to pour out the whey. It is tasty and very healthy to drink chilled; you can bake delicious pancakes with it, and make okroshka in the summer.

After 3 or more hours, put the cheese on a plate, cover it so as not to dry out and put it in the refrigerator. Well, then we offer the chilled homemade cheese to the household to try.

Now you know how to make homemade cheese. Elena also writes that you can add dill, bell peppers or olives to cheese, you can stuff bell peppers with feta cheese and herbs. I'll try this in the future too. To begin with, it is better to cook without additives and fully experience the wonderful taste of homemade cheese.

At home, you can prepare not only cheese, but also, for example. The recipe is very simple, and the ham turns out much tastier than store-bought. The site also has a good recipe, the products are affordable and there are no harmful additives!

I bid you farewell for today. Everyone good day and good mood.