Sheikh Hamdan Instagram official. How the Crown Prince of Dubai Hamdan bin Mohammed al-Maktoum spends his time (10 photos)

26.06.2020 beauty

Dubai, one of the key emirates in the UAE, is in mourning. Sheikh Rashid ibn Mohammed al-Maktoum, the eldest son of Mohammed ibn Rashid al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, and concurrently the second most influential person in the United Arab Emirates, prime minister, vice president and minister of defense of the country, has died. Sheikh Rashid died of a heart attack, less than a month and a half shy of his 34th birthday. His younger brother and Crown Prince Hamdan wrote: “Today I lost my best friend and childhood companion, dear brother Rashid. We will miss you." tried to figure out what made the eldest son of the Dubai emir famous.

According to British standard

Little is known about Rashid’s childhood and youth: Instagram did not yet exist at that time, and Arab emirs and their heirs had not yet acquired the habit of posting scenes of a rich life with geotags for public viewing.

Rashid is the eldest son of the emir from his eldest and main wife Hind bint Maktoum and, accordingly, the stepson of the emir's second wife, the Jordanian princess Haya bint al-Hussein. The children of Mohammed and Hind, according to the memoirs of brother Rashid Hamdan, were brought up in the spirit of traditional values.

In Dubai, the heir graduated from a school for boys named after Sheikh Rashid - education there was conducted according to the English model. After which his father sent Rashid to the UK - to the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, where Arab sheikhs traditionally send their children (the current emir of Qatar, the king of Bahrain, the sultans of Brunei and Oman graduated from it).


Rashid ibn Mohammed was preparing to become his father's successor: the emir introduced him to state affairs and entrusted him with control over various economic projects. But on February 1, 2008, everything suddenly changed: Rashid’s younger brother, Sheikh Mohammed’s second son, Hamdan, was appointed Crown Prince of Dubai. His younger brother Maktoum received the post of Deputy Ruler of Dubai. The emir's eldest son officially abdicated the throne, and moreover, there was no place for him among the leadership of the emirate.

This step, however, can only be called unexpected: diplomats and Arabic experts, long before the emir’s decree, noticed that Hamdan was increasingly appearing in front of cameras next to his father and that the emirate’s press was writing about him more and more often. What happened, why was Rashid out of work?

The publication of WikiLeaks documents brought some clarity to this issue. Among the released cables is a telegram from the US Consul General in Dubai, David Williams, in which he reports on the change in the order of succession and the reasons for it. Without disclosing his sources, Williams reported that Rashid killed one of the workers in the emir's palace, this angered the sheikh, and he revised the line of succession.

Solace in sports

The PR campaign in the emirate and around the world bore fruit: the new Crown Prince Hamdan quickly became a darling of the press. A diver and paratrooper, a falconer who keeps a menagerie of lions and white tigers, a snowboarder and a poet who writes under the pseudonym Fazza. An excellent rider, multiple winner of equestrian competitions, owner expensive cars and yachts - Hamdan ibn Mohammed willingly demonstrates all this luxury on his Instagram account. Hamdan is known as a philanthropist and philanthropist, generously distributing donations to the disabled and sick children, and also as one of the most eligible bachelors in the world. Admiring fans gave him the nickname “Aladdin”.

Against this background, his older brother Rashid looked rather pale (especially considering the difference in their capital - less than two billion dollars for Rashid versus 18 billion for Hamdan), and he does not have an Instagram account. Although it cannot be said that the press did not spoil him with their attention. Since 2005, he has consistently been included in the list of “20 Sexiest Arab Men” for five years in a row; in 2010, Esquire magazine recognized him as “one of the 20 most enviable royals,” and a year later, Forbes included him in the top 20 “most desirable.” persons of royal blood."

Having lost his right to the throne, Rashid ibn Mohammed focused on sports. The entire Al Maktoum family is famous for its love of horses, and Rashid is no exception. He owned the Zabeel Racing International racing corporation and won numerous competitions both in the UAE and abroad. In total he won 428 medals. The pinnacle of Rashid ibn Mohammed's sporting achievements was two gold medals at the Asian Games in Doha in 2006. From 2008 to 2010, Rashid was even the president of the UAE Olympic Committee, but left this post, as he explained, due to lack of time.

Scandal in a noble family

Arab sheikhs try not to make their internal affairs public, but sometimes, when the traditional values ​​of oil emirs collide with European realities, leaks occur. This is what happened with Rashid.

In 2011, a black employee from the staff of the British palace of Emir Olantunji Faleye appealed to the British court. He claimed that he was discriminated against on racial and religious grounds: members of the sheikh's family addressed him as "al-abd al-aswad" - "black slave", and repeatedly insulted Christianity (Faleye is an Anglican), calling him "bad, low and disgusting faith,” convincing his “black slave” to convert to Islam.

During the hearings, another service employee, Ejil Mohammed Ali, was summoned as a witness to the court, who, among other things, stated under oath that Sheikh Rashid was a drug addict who had recently completed a rehabilitation course.

However, it is unlikely that such scandals can shake the reputation of the Royal House of Dubai, which invests millions of dollars in its PR in the media and social networks. Judging by the number of responses on Rashid's Facebook page, many people, including from the poorest countries in the world, perceive the death of the eldest son of the Dubai emir as a personal tragedy.

The love story of a simple girl and a prince is a classic plot for fairy tales and has been popular since time immemorial, so not only little girls, but also well-established adult women dream of marrying a handsome, rich and intelligent “prince on a white horse.” And miracles happen, the main thing is to know where to look for him, this prince. We present to your attention the five most beautiful and richest heirs of the Muslim world.

1. Crown Prince of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum Son of the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum and his wife sheikhs Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma al-Maktoum. Sheikh Hamdan- a very popular person in the United Arab Emirates. He received an excellent education in Great Britain, graduating military school the Army at Sandhurst, as well as the London College of Economics and the Dubai College of Administration. The sheikh gained popularity due to his charitable activities: the prince directly supervises a number of foundations that organize fundraising for the treatment of seriously ill children.

Sheikh Hamdan belongs to the al-Maktoum dynasty and officially holds the position of head of the Dubai Executive Council, that is, he heads the government of the emirate of Dubai, but he has time for numerous hobbies. Born on Valentine's Day, the prince is fond of romantic poetry, has the creative pseudonym Fazza, and even publishes collections of poetry. Sheikh Hamdan also loves horse riding, has a large collection of Arabian horses and regularly takes part in numerous equestrian competitions.

The Crown Prince is not married, but, alas, even before his birth he was engaged to a maternal relative. However, don’t be upset - no one can forbid a sheikh to have as many wives as he wants!

2. Crown Prince of Jordan Hussein bin Abdullah

Crown Prince of Jordan Hussein bin Abdullah The King's eldest child Abdullah II and queens Rania, 20-year-old crown prince Hussein bin Abdullah since 2009 he has been heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Jordan. Belongs to the Hashemite dynasty.

In 2007, the prince entered the Royal Academy in Madaba, then, as usual, went to study in the West, and is currently studying political science in Washington, at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. In addition to his native Arabic, the Prince of Jordan is fluent in three foreign languages: English, French and Hebrew.

Hussein bin Abdullah is involved in charity work, runs a foundation to support the development of science among youth, and also has a number of hobbies, including football and collecting motorcycles.

Although Jordan is a country with more high level openness and more “Western” values ​​than neighboring UAE and Saudi Arabia, no information about personal life the heir to the throne is not publicly available, it is only known that he is not yet married.

3. Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnun al-Nahyan

Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun al Nahyan Son of the President of the United United Arab Emirates Caliphs bin Zayed al-Nahyan, sheikh Sultan bin Tahnun al-Nahyan is a member of the oldest ruling dynasty of Abu Dhabi - al-Nahyan. He received a bachelor's degree from UAE University in engineering and architecture, then studied international relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, USA.

Sheikh Sultan oversees many issues of national importance. He is involved in investments in the development of sports, architecture, and also serves as the head of the Committee for the Development of the Eastern Region. In addition, the work of government agencies is under his control. charitable foundations, and large quantity organizations dealing with cultural heritage issues.

Among the sheikh's many hobbies are many sports, collecting art and traveling.

There is no information about the personal life of Sheikh Sultan either on the Internet or in the media.

4. Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Sixth son of the former ruling Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa and the fifth son of his second wife - sheikhs Mozy bint Nasser al-Misned, sheikh Mohammed is a representative of another major dynasty of the Arab world, ruling family Katara - al-Thani.

He studied at the Qatar Academy, received a bachelor's degree from the Diplomatic School of Georgetown University in Qatar, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard University. Sheikh Mohammed is fluent in Arabic, English and French.

According to the laws of Arab monarchies, the eldest son of the ruler of the state is considered the crown prince, so Mohammed, being the sixth son of the emir, will most likely never become the head of Qatar. But this does not mean that the younger children of rulers do not take part in managing the affairs of the state. Typically, the children of emirs occupy positions in the cabinet or head numerous committees overseeing issues of national importance. This happened with Sheikh Mohammed. A former captain of the Qatar equestrian team, he is very passionate about sports, and is therefore directly involved in the leadership of the Committee for the preparation of the FIFA World Cup, which is to be held in Qatar in 2022.

According to unconfirmed reports, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani is not married.

5. Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Brother of the Sheikh Mohammed al-Thani(not only by father, but also by mother), sheikh Jasim is definitely on the list of the most handsome Arab men. By the way, the appearance of two brothers in our rating today al-Thani not surprising. The fact is that their mother is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful women Muslim world. Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned- the second wife of the former emir of Qatar is known not only as a beauty and a style icon, but also as a very gifted politician, who takes a hidden, but quite significant part in many state issues. And therefore, it is not at all surprising that such a woman gave birth to such attractive and gifted children.

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani was Crown Prince of Qatar from 1996 to 2003, but subsequently, realizing that he was unfit to fulfill this role, renounced the status of heir apparent in favor of his younger brother, the current Emir of Qatar Tamima al-Thani.

He was educated at the British Royal Academy at Sandhurst, then returned to his homeland and became involved in charity work. He is now the honorary president of the Qatar National Cancer Society (QNCS) and is also involved in environmental issues.

Unfortunately, Sheikh Jasim has already chosen his first wife. She became a representative of the same dynasty, Sheikh Buthaina bint Ahmad al-Thani, daughter of the sheikh Hamada bin Ali al-Thani. The couple already have three children. But, as we know,

Officially, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Commander-in-Chief of the UAE Armed Forces.

In fact, the Emir of Abu Dhabi, the President of the UAE.

Third son of Sheikh Zayed. An interesting point is that he and Khalifa are half-brothers. Khalifa was born to his first wife, Hassa bint Mohammed ibn Khalifa. Sheikh Mohammed ibn Zayed was born to his third wife, Fatima bint Mubarak Al-Ketbi.

Sheikhin Fatima bint-Mubarak Al-Ketbi had only 6 sons: Muhammad, Hamdan, Hazza, Tanun, Mansur and Abdula. They are called “Bani Fatima” or “sons of Fatima”, they form the most influential bloc in the Al-Nahyan family.

Fatima's sons have always been influential; some political scientists even assign them a leading role in the changes in Abu Dhabi that have occurred since 2004. They received full power only in 2014, when Sheikh Khalifa suffered a stroke. Now it’s difficult to say whether the vector of their internal and foreign policy. Wait and see.

Mohammed ibn Zayed studied at school in Al Ain, then in Abu Dhabi. Entered Sandhurst Academy (UK) in 1979. Trained in military skills of helicopter piloting, driving armored vehicles, and parachute jumping. After returning from England, he underwent military training in Sharjah and became an officer in the UAE Armed Forces.

He was an officer in the Amiri Guards (an elite unit), a pilot in the UAE Air Force, and eventually became the Commander-in-Chief of the UAE Armed Forces.

In 2003, he was proclaimed the second Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. After the death of his father on November 2, 2004, he became crown prince. Since December 2004, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, member of the Supreme Petroleum Council.

For now, world leaders and political scientists are keeping an eye on Sheikh Mohammed. He is known to believe that the UAE should play a much larger role in world politics. He loves falconry, like his father. He is interested in poetry and writes poetry himself in the Nabati style.

Sheikhin Fatima bint Mubarak Al-Ketbi

Third wife of Sheikh Zayed, mother of six of his sons, including Crown Prince Mohammed (de facto ruler of Abu Dhabi and President of the UAE).

This woman played a large role in UAE politics during the reign of her husband Sheikh Zayed, and remains very influential to this day. She is called “Mother of the Nation”.

The exact date of her birth is unknown. She was probably born in the mid-40s in . In the 60s she married Zaid Al-Nahyan, becoming his third wife.

In 1973, she founded the Abu Dhabi Women's Awakening Society, the first women's social organization in the UAE. In 1975, she created and headed the UAE Women's Main Union. The main area of ​​interest of these organizations was education, because at that time girls in the UAE did not study at all. In 2004, Fatima facilitated the appointment of the first female minister.

Now she still heads the Main Women's Union, the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, the Family Development Foundation and several other organizations. And this despite his advanced age! Naturally, Fatima has a gigantic influence on the policies of Sheikh Mohammed and the affairs of Bani Fatima.


The Emirate of Dubai is ruled by the Al Muktoum family.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Muktum

Ruling Emir (officially since January 4, 2006, actually since January 3, 1995), Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE since February 11, 2006.

Sheikh Mohammed is called “The Architect of Modern Dubai”. He is a very well-rounded man and is now the most famous leader in the UAE.

Mohammed became the third son of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid ibn Saeed Al-Muktum. His mother Lafita was the daughter of the ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Hamadan ibn Zayed Al Nahyan. As a child, Muhammad received both secular and traditional Islamic education. In 1966 (at the age of 18) he studied in Great Britain in cadet corps Mons and in Italy to become a pilot.

In 1968, Mohammed attended his father's meeting with Sheikh Zayed at Argub al-Sedira, where the rulers of Dubai and Abu Dhabi agreed on the imminent creation of the UAE. After the formation of the UAE, he was Minister of Defense and head of the Dubai Police.

On October 7, 1990, Muhammad's father and ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid ibn Said, died. Power passed to the eldest son, Sheikh Muktum ibn Rashid, who was very fond of equestrian sports and was an excellent athlete, but was not drawn to politics and management.

On January 4, 1995, Muktum ibn Rashid appoints Mohammed as crown prince and, in fact, transfers power to him in the emirate of Dubai. On January 4, 2006, Muktum ibn Rashid died of a heart attack, Mohammed ibn Rashid became the official ruler of Dubai.

The list of achievements of Muhammad ibn Rashid is enormous. He diversified the economy of Dubai, now oil revenues account for only 4% of the emirate’s GDP, Dubai has become a shopping “mecca”, second only to London, the largest trading and financial center.

With his support or on his initiative, the following were created: Emirates airline, the artificial islands of Palm and World, the world's largest artificial harbor of Jebel Ali, the Dubai Internet City zone and hundreds of other projects.

He became famous for his raids on enterprises, where he personally checked whether employees were in their places and fired those who were absent. Sheikh Mohammed ibn Rashid is famous for his intolerance of corruption; during his rule, hundreds of officials caught in bribes and using their positions for personal gain were sent to prison.

Now (note: the article was updated in the fall of 2019) he is already 70 years old, but he is full of energy and is successfully implementing his Dubai development plan until 2021. He recently took part in the Arab Strategic Forum, and you can't tell he's 70.

9 August 2017, 18:36

Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum (born 14 November 1982) is a member of the royal family of the Emirate of Dubai, son of Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai.
He is the second in the family twenty-three!) children. "I enjoyed a peaceful childhood with my father, mother and brothers and sisters. I was raised in an environment that allowed me to realize the true meaning of life and reflect on the greatness of God."
After school, he continued his studies in the UK at the Royal Military Academy, along with Prince William and Harry. After which he graduated with honors from the London School of Economics.

Sheikh Hamdan is the Chairman of the Dubai City Council, President of the Sports Committee of the Emirate of Dubai, honorary patron of the Dubai Autism Research Center and the Youth Business Support League. Forbes magazine assessed the heir's fortune at 18 billion dollars.


Prince Hamdan leads an active lifestyle, his list of hobbies is huge - skydiving, diving, fishing, falconry, snowboarding, cycling and much more. His Highness has won several awards from prestigious competitions, including the gold medal of the World Equestrian Games held in France in 2014.


Travels a lot around the world, often piloting himself.


The prince is seriously interested in photography. On Instagram he also shares his work and gives advice.


Hamdan's pets include such exotic animals as white tigers and lions. Thoroughbred stallions are a particular passion for the prince; the prince indicated that he was born into a family where they adore horses; riding gives him a sense of freedom.


The heir supports and creates many charitable foundations and participates in events organized by them, and also regularly donates blood. Special attention pays attention to disabled and sick children.


The prince said that he simply adores children. His Instagram contains many photographs with the offspring of other members of the royal family and their close associates.


The prince is not married. Have no children. In gossip columns he appears as one of the most eligible bachelors on the planet, while his merits include not only a wealth of 18 billion, but also a good education, excellent external data, broad outlook, and most importantly kindness and many good qualities.


Hamdan inherited a love of poetry from his father. The prince writes poetry himself. Basically, these are philosophical, romantic and patriotic lyrics. He publishes poems under the pseudonym Fazza, which means "speed" and "success".

These are a little clumsy, but translations :)

The color and smell of your hair,
The sweetness of lips, the tenderness of graceful hands
I didn’t write it in poetry, I carried it in my soul
All times past and present...
Even future ones! Hearts beating
The sparkle of bottomless green eyes -
This is my life! The circle is closed
Where are we together in sleepless nights,
Enchanted by beauty
We enter the shadow along the lunar path...
Like death, separation from you.
Without you I'm a little different
A gloomy day without you, my light,
The night is dark and the moon is unable to
Light it up. In the world there is no
Better than the one I called cute.

This tired traveler sat down to rest
And he suddenly said thoughtfully: “Prisoner
You are your passions... How will you continue your path,
If your flesh and soul are perishable?
And I thought - as if I had accepted a reproach...
How high I used to fly!
I have become different now, I have changed since then -
I drank the water of truth from the source.
I frayed the horse's bridle on the roads,
Destroyed all the castles in the air,
I learned to forgive, and they forgave me,
I saved to save my soul...
How beautiful this precious day is,
He rejoices like a thunderstorm at sea!
Each one is dear, like a priceless stone,
He looks into the soul, squinting his eyes...
He grins - are you waiting for the end?
The day has come, the heat and wind reign,
The night of love is like a sheep to the slaughter,
He is in no hurry to let him land.
Only the evening will rush invisibly,
And the sun goes down into sunset,
Horses of time on a chariot
The night is coming - there is no turning back!
How painful is the moment of waiting...
Day and night, morning and evening, as of old,
I can't stand the night's breathing
And I’ll tear off the calendar again.
The night is priceless! Like the day, endless
The light of the moon, the marvelous stars of the carnival.
Life is long and, alas, fleeting...
Happy is the one who knows all this!

11 January 2016, 04:47

I was looking for this post and decided to create it myself. from the series I Can't Be Silent. Well, a lot of things have accumulated: ozone holes, everything... again, recently here the Arab princes were included in some kind of war... It immediately became clear that the one who was deprived of this title was called a prince...

Girls, the affairs of the Arab crown are not inferior in complexity to the intrigues of the Magnificent Century. Moreover, I am oriented only in the affairs of the Emirate of Dubai. and there are not one or two emirates in the UAE.

Why is this interesting to me (and to you) - because the sheikhs there are quite pie-in-the-sky. Because there really is a serpentarium - two. and because this information is not available ANYWHERE in Russian at all. Even in the family’s fan community on VKontakte (several tens of thousands of readers, by the way), completely false information has been posted.

Therefore, I consider myself practically a torch, amen. let's get started.

Sheikh of Dubai - Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum. He is many years old and a very popular man. He was born in 1949, which does not prevent him from having a youngest son, 3 years old. Well done? Well done. Dubai recently celebrated 10 years of his reign and everyone cried with happiness. But here, by the way, I have nothing to argue with - Mohammed is a great man who made oil work for people. Imagine, it turns out that with petrodollars it was possible to build an oasis of tourism and trade in the desert. We didn’t even know (#mohammed_where_you_used to be)!

Sheikh's eldest son - no one famous sheikh Marwan born in 1981. he lives in London and does not look like an Arab at all, because he was born of a German mother. but his children (as is expected with recessive inheritance) are Arabs, no matter what. Marwan is not even listed in the line of succession, although he is welcomed in the family. So he's a good person)

the second son of the sheikh is Sheikh Rashid, who tragically died in September 2015. He was 33. By the way, the emphasis is on the first syllable without variations, because in Arabic spelling there is only one vowel in this name) I found a way to unobtrusively show you that I know Arabic))))

The story with Sheikh Rashid is very dark and the truth will never be revealed to us. Officially, until 2011 (!), he was the heir to the throne. Sheikh Rashid was with his father everywhere and believe me - of all the sons, it was Rashid who succeeded the best. I would say this is the top of the “breed”, the brightest diamond, the most obvious leader. It was such power, such a magnet - you had to see it! But something terrible happened - Rashid turned out to be a “difficult passenger.” According to documents that are still on WikiLeaks, Sheikh Rashid was not only a drug addict, he also accidentally (?!) killed a servant in the palace. That “haram” means a terrible monstrous sin.

For me, this was the character to rule the country, it just had to be trimmed. But Sheikh Rashid literally disappears from everywhere after this story. For some time he still occupies minor commercial positions, however, he soon loses this too. It is not shown anywhere else, so that, God forbid, a carefully erased old case does not come to light. In September, according to the official version, Rashid dies of a heart attack (I believe), according to the sub-version (I’m sure it was allowed by the palace service) he was shot in the battles for his homeland. The second version is categorically excluded, because Rashid was not allowed anywhere at all, so as not to shine and remind. I think for him (with his obvious arch-ambitiousness) it was a colossal blow, and it is not yet known whether everything turned out so tragically precisely because of this.

By the way, for the whole family, the death of Rashid became a terrible tragedy; the healthy men and brothers shed tears without being embarrassed by anything. Hamdan, I was actually afraid he would lose consciousness, he was shaking so much. Then I remember how the Windsor boys didn’t shed a tear at Diana’s funeral. Not as a reproach. I just think how different temperaments are!

in 2011, Crown Prince Hamdan is introduced to the world. his image is so sterile that I don’t believe a single word. he is with the world light hand the palace service is known under the pseudonym Fazza (faz3) - I won’t translate from Arabic what Fazza means, otherwise I’ll get confused. Fazza as a person is a poet, philanthropist, a lover of children, a defender of animals... by the way, his poems are the same as the image, it is impossible to read.

Fazza is the sterile, perfect image of Hamdan, polished to a shine, and only he himself knows what he really is. if he remembers of course.

But if he doesn’t remember, it’s okay, I remember)))

(hamdan on the right, next to Rashid)

Before becoming the heir, Fazza was an overweight (all Al Maktoums are very prone to being overweight), an extremely pimply youth, who made facial expressions a la Tarkan in front of the camera. Now they have knocked it out of him - they explained that with a romantic look he looks like a m....k, so he needs to frown menacingly. Working it out.

how the palace erases Hamdan’s photos is just a fairy tale) it’s almost impossible to catch unphotoshopped frames online, they don’t eat their bread in vain, however, here are a couple of samples of what Superman-Hamdan really looks like)))

Hamdan has a fiancée (a cousin, of course - that’s how it is, it’s okay), however, there are persistent rumors that the engagement has been broken off and he supposedly has a girlfriend. Now get ready for a flood of sugar in honey.

This means, according to “rumours” kindly spread by the palace service, Hamdan’s bride is a refugee from hot spots, whom he met when he worked as a volunteer distributing lunches for the homeless. This is such a fucking profanity that I almost cried with happiness when I first read it. Oh, almighty palace service - to what other heights will you reach? I don’t know who this is intended for - 10th graders? I can only say that there is not even a word such as “girl” in Arabic. Dating is haram. If you like it, you'll get married. If you don't like it, move on. Here we all humbly remain silent about the famous parties with girls in the palace. keep quiet, I say! And we admire the glossy Hamdan with the approved skin tone “sexy number 6”.

The next son of the Sheikh (all from the same wife Hind - she, poor thing, gave him as many as 12 offspring) is Sheikh Maktoum. You can’t tell, but in general he’s only 32. He will be the vice-ruler of Dubai and seems to me the only sane member of the family. I like him very much, his English friend plays a significant role in this, who occasionally posts very touching photos with Maktoum, where he cuts a cake at a birthday party or goes skiing with friends. not a Superman look, not a poser look. It’s even strange - our man is right behind enemy lines.

Despite his very visible role in Dubai (and by the way, the father mostly goes everywhere with Maktoum, and not with Hamdan), Maktoum is very closed and uncommunicative with the press. It’s impossible to find a video with him even if you search in Arabic.

Sheikh Ahmed (emphasis is also on the first syllable because there are no more vowels) is the next son. local clown and my favorite. I look at him every time and can’t believe that one day they will trust him with something.

The palace's PR service carefully polishes his image and even came up with a nickname for him - Azzam. Something like "decisive" in Arabic. I’m laughing out loud now, because Ahmed seems to me to be the most natural stoner and hedonist. Like all his brothers, he was initially awesome handsome guy(the al-Maktums have the right genes), however, he gained weight. I wonder how much effort it takes Hamdan to stay in shape?

my favorite))

Ahmed performs the nominal functions of somewhere as a chairman, somewhere as a presenter... he does this with an invariably bored face, and the last thing that turned him on was the dancing of Arab actresses at some charity performance. Because of my studies, I constantly watch the news in their dialect and always eagerly wait for Ahmed to touch the Christmas tree? Touched. I was once again convinced that he is completely crazy and probably a pervert))) but in a series of sterile brothers, I find him extremely attractive.

The palace is diligently destroying all non-Photoshopped images online, so enjoy it while you can. In his youth, Ahmed loved to apply eyeliner. It's disco, baby)))

There is also Sheikh Said, born in 1988, however, he is a very strange character, fortunately, he hardly appears anywhere, because he has such a look... I would hide such a boy (which is what the palace does). I don't know anything about him. Either he did something wrong or he is not ambitious.

And finally, two more sons - from his wife from Morocco, although Russian-language sources mistakenly attribute the boys to different ladies. We probably won’t take our daughters, otherwise we won’t leave here (although the sheikh’s daughters are also wow!).

So, a wife from Morocco gave Sheikh Mohammed two rather prominent sons.

The first is Sheikh Majid. Let him appearance Don't deceive you, Prince William has thick hair in comparison. Just trust me.

Majid is 28 years old, and everything was in Swiss chocolate until he decided to marry a girl, Hesse, from, by the way, not the simplest family. The Al Maktums did not approve of this marriage to such an extent that a - they did not show up, b - after the wedding, Majid became a figurehead and moved to the second row at events, BEHIND all the other brothers and even his own younger brother. They didn't save the guy))

Majid is the only one of all the sheikh’s sons who is married and already has two children. he named his daughter Dubai (?!), which in the process finished off the palace, because no one congratulated him on the birth of his children on his social accounts. And they are all more than active online.

Sheikh Mansur - whom everyone here recently discussed on the main page, when he led the fire extinguishing of the Address Hotel. Mohammed's final work. Mansur is 26 years old, and since he was born from the same mother as Majid, he, too, is rapidly going bald.

photo proof. In this photo, Mansur is participating in a charity match with disabled people and coquettishly combs the rest of his hair forward. I need to tell him that this is also fashionable here.

although the Arabs generally don’t have much hair on their heads. It is, as it were, compensated by the vegetation on the body))) By the way, Mansur has an unearthly and mutual love with his body. He is practically Mr. Universe, which at least somehow compensates for his completely Bedouin appearance. Mansur is the only prince who travels to hot spots, but I assure you - only after they have cooled down)))

Mansur is the owner of some fabulous car park with Ferrari Lamborghini Bentley and whatever else. There is a report about this on YouTube, although in Arabic. but the picture is Speaks for Itself. The Sheikh's car number is D8. D - Dubai, 8 - the eighth man in the family (the first is Sam).

Another son, three-year-old Zayed, was born to the sheikh by the well-known Princess Haya. the one who fights for women's rights all over the world, while happily being in a polygamous marriage, and who insists on the fight against smoking, and then stealthily smokes at the races. I have no complaints about Princess Haya, I think she did everything right in life)

Last thing. Who is Sheikh Nasser? An outrageously playboy-looking sheikh of Bahrain, married to one of Mohammed's daughters. They have three children. I couldn’t help but include him here, because Sheikh Nasser was very successful.

I guess that's all. I have tired you out quite a bit with my libations, although believe me, it took me a lot of effort to restrain myself and I didn’t tell even a third of the story)

love you. I hope you won't be confused now)