How to correctly draw up a wish list for your family. Wish card: rules for drawing up and reviews

24.06.2019 Animals

In Feng Shui, there are many symbols and tools that allow you to achieve what you want. The wish card is considered the most effective. This is a simple but effective tool that helps you realize your most cherished dreams and achieve your goals. Anyone can make it. How to make a wish card we'll talk in our article.

How does a wish card work?

Don’t think that a wish card is a magical thing. The action of the card is explainable from a psychological point of view. When a person clearly imagines what he wants, an image is formed in his head that characterizes the dream, for example, you can see the house you want, a car, a child, fans. If you constantly think about it, the image enters the subconscious and the person, without even realizing it, will take the steps necessary to make the dream come true. This effect is called visualization of desires.

Putting your goals on paper in the form of text or images helps enhance the effect. And if you arrange all this beautifully and look at the fruit of your labors every day, reminding yourself of what you need to achieve, what you want will not keep you waiting long. This technique in psychology is called a vision board. It is a wish card.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the action of the wish card is explained by the fact that we and our thoughts are firmly connected with the Universe and if a person sends formulated signals to it, it will react and help in their implementation.

How to make a wish card correctly

The main and important thing you need to do first is to formulate what you want most, and then imagine that it has come true, i.e. visualize desires.

Most people benefit from a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Choose a time when no one will disturb you, turn on a pleasant melody, get comfortable, close your eyes and imagine. For example, if your dream is a house, try to assemble an image of it in your imagination, imagine what it looks like on the outside, how you walk around it, what rooms it has, how you light a fireplace in it. Remember the sensations that you experienced.

When all the desires are formulated, write them down on a piece of paper. You need to write down your desires without using the particle “not”, specifically and in the present tense. For example - “I’m thin”, “I’m healthy”, “I’m rich”, “I have a red Mercedes” Now start making and drawing up a wish map.

Instructions for filling sectors

You need to make a vision board yourself, without involving relatives, friends, and especially strangers. Although some sources say that the board can also be a family board, so all family members can participate in the composition. You need to start manufacturing with only a positive attitude.

Stock up on a piece of Whatman paper, a stack of old magazines, a ruler, a pencil, glue, paints or colored paper and scissors.

The Feng Shui wish map should have nine sectors corresponding to the main areas of life. The ancient teaching correlates them with the cardinal directions, each of which has a certain tone. Therefore, we need to divide whatman paper into 9 equal parts.

Afterwards you need to paint or seal each part with a color corresponding to each light. You can skip this step, leaving the whatman paper as is or painting it in one tone.

Rules for drawing up a wish map

Now the most important part of the work begins - selecting pictures and filling in the sectors. You can select suitable images from old magazines or on the Internet, and then print them on a printer. Several rules must be followed:

  1. Select pictures for the wish card that will reflect your dreams as accurately as possible. For example, if you want a two-story house, the image should show a two-story house, not a cottage, or another building.
  2. Choose only positive pictures, with smiling faces and sunny landscapes.
  3. You should like the images; when you look at them, you should have pleasant feelings.
  4. Do not fill the sectors at the same time, do everything sequentially, paying attention to each zone. For example, when you fill out the wealth zone, fill only that one and don’t get distracted by the rest, even if you see a picture that fits another sector. This approach will allow you to concentrate on your desires and carefully analyze them, setting priorities.
  5. If you know how to draw, you can fill in the sectors with your own drawings. Such a vision vision board will work better.
  6. Desires must be precise and specific, especially if you write them on a card. Try to indicate deadlines for wishes where possible.
  7. All sectors must be filled with pictures.

Start drawing up a map from the center, then fill in the wealth sector, and then clockwise everything else.


The sector reflects your personality and health. You should place your photo in it. It is important that it reflects a good mood. Try to find a photo taken at a time when you were the happiest. In the center you can place several photographs, including mounted ones. For example, if you want to lose weight, cut out a picture of a slim girl and put your face next to it. If you wish, you can write your dream in the sector, but only the one that corresponds to it. For example, “I’m thin and slender” or “I’m happy.” The sector can be decorated with sparkles, hearts - anything that shows how much you love yourself.

Glory sector

It is recommended to place images related to self-realization, recognition and authority here. For example, you can paste images of cups and people who have achieved success into it, or you can correct the picture and place your photo instead of the person being awarded.

Love sector

The zone is responsible for relationships, marriage and love. If you already have a loved one, you can put an image of you and him in it and write something like “together forever” or “I am loved and love.” If you are just dreaming of meeting a man, find a picture of a man who best suits your requirements. You must accurately imagine his type, character, occupation and age. Place your photo next to the image. Any symbols associated with love can be placed here, such as wedding rings and a pair of doves.

Wealth sector

Desires regarding money and prosperity are placed here. This sector may contain everything that corresponds to the theme: stacks of bills, a stuffed wallet, a car, an apartment. It is desirable that the Feng Shui wish card in it has a corresponding talisman of wealth, for example it could be a Chinese coin or an image of a hotei.

We looked at the general rules for creating a wish map last time. Now let’s make a few clarifications: how best to fill out each sector of the wish map. The map is divided into 9 sectors. It is not at all necessary to draw squares on the prepared sheet of paper. There are no restrictions - one side of life smoothly intersects with the other, complementing it. The main thing here is to stick to the theme of the picture with the sector.
Pictures and photographs can be changed and supplemented. You may change your mind, or wish for something else.

How to correctly fill out each sector of the wish map

The central sector of the wish map is personality and health. (No. 5)
Here we post our photo. Find a captured moment in your life when you were especially happy. This photo should not show off your beauty, it should radiate happiness. Most often these are random shots when we are not posing. In principle, there is not much difference, but it will be better. Sometimes it is recommended to use photomontage: glue your face to the figure of an athlete, for example, but you need to love yourself in any way. Possible in central sector wish cards to place several personal photos. And sign it all with any positive phrases, such as: “I am the most beautiful, happiest... etc.” You can draw whatever you want - whatever you associate happiness with - the sun, smiley faces, butterflies...

Sector No. 1 Financial well-being.
You have the opportunity to test yourself how daring you are in your wishes. Don't be shy - order whatever you want from the Universe. Glue pictures with a yacht, car, diamonds, bags of money. Write any wishes, affirmations. Decorate this sector with symbols of wealth according to Feng Shui - Chinese coins, Hottei with a bag, a toad on a pile of coins, etc. Write the amounts of money specifically - “I earn 50,000 (rubles? Euros? Dollars?).” Listen to how ready your consciousness is for all this accept. If in doubt, start with training -

Sector No. 2 Self-realization
It all depends on your ambition. What would you like to achieve? Do you dream of becoming an Olympic champion in synchronized swimming, but never played sports. Is it possible?

I would like to warn you - dream about the real. For example, you don’t know how to swim, but want to learn. And, perhaps, win the regional competition among amateur swimmers. You can realize yourself in any field of activity and receive recognition, a bonus, an award, a promotion. You can't look up to celebrities in this matter. Your deepest desires are much more precious to you, and you don't have to walk the red carpet to be happy.

Perhaps all someone needs to be happy is to be an authoritative parent to their children. Why not an achievement? Glue cups, certificates, medals, your photo among successful people. In general, get your right hemisphere working. Do you feel the convolutions moving there?

Sector No. 3. Love and family.
If you are still searching, then paste pictures of happy couples. Choose so that the future groom (bride) would best suit the type you dream of. Sign with the following phrases: “I met my soul mate”, “My fiance is a very good person - kind, cheerful. He does... (what would you like?), he is a businessman... an athlete.” Glue rings, wedding processions, bouquets... everything related to the wedding. If you are a shy person, then write something like this: “I am attractive and brave, charming and desirable,” “I know how to meet people and build relationships.”

Be careful! There is no need to paste your photo instead of your friend and imagine yourself as her husband’s future wife. Or be the wife of a celebrity who has long been married to the same star. This is a topic for another article - why it is not advisable to do this. You can only wish for yourself a marriage as strong as theirs. BUT! You may not know how they really are. Public people often hide a lot. So don’t wish for other people’s happiness, and don’t envy them. Think for yourself – YOURS!

If you are in a couple and your union is dear to you, paste a photo of you together, supporting it with inscriptions such as: “Love is forever”, “We are happy together”, “We love each other”. If there are disagreements in the family, then write what you dream about. For example, “We always understand and respect each other.”

Sector No. 4 This is your home and everything connected with it
Life is good when everyone around you is happy. The house is cozy and beautiful, and Prosperity and Harmony dominates all this. Paste here a beautiful house, photos of your relatives, pets. A family is not only a husband and wife, it also includes all relatives on both sides. If you have a disagreement with your mother-in-law, write about how great your relationship is. Are you dreaming of a dog? The wish card is just waiting for a photo of your tailed pet. Come up with a nickname for him and write down how you won all the competitions with him, or how he makes you happy. Relationships with all friends are in the same sector.

Sector No. 6 Children and creativity.
This sector of the desire map is responsible for dreams associated with creative self-realization or personal fulfillment. For example, a woman sees herself only as a mother, and this is her calling. But there are no children yet. Place a photo of the Madonna and Child, photos of children, pregnant women. Or you dream of seeing your children successful, then post their photos among famous people. A Muse or a photo of a famous musician or artist who inspires your creativity looks great in this sector. If you want your hobby to generate income, write about it.

How to correctly describe your dreams in a wish map. You need to dream and wish correctly.

Sector No. 7 Training, wisdom and knowledge.
In principle, it’s understandable. Here you can write any of your wishes related to your own education or the education of your children. Perhaps you would like to learn the technique of speed reading, or study reiki. Everything that is not of interest to others can become a source of knowledge, wisdom and inspiration for you. The wish card is created to make your dreams come true. If you think that you lack intelligence or wisdom, ask the Universe to show you the path to knowledge that will help fill these gaps.

Sector No. 8 Career
For most people, work replaces family and all other benefits. And they have the right to live this way. You can write affirmations for professional growth in this sector of the wish map. Write what position you hold. If you are looking for a job, then place the logo of the company you are trying to get a job at. Post pictures with a schedule for completing your plans. Photos of celebrities from the same area professional activity, which can serve as an example for you, will fit very well in this sector next to your photo. Images of money, bank cards and checks can strengthen this sector of the wish map.

Sector No. 9 Travel and assistants
Post photos of the countries you dream of visiting. To make your travels as comfortable as possible, this is where you need help. These could be your Saints, Guardian Angels, or any people you can rely on in any matter.

How to activate a wish card?

Your treasure map is ready! How long do you have to wait for your dreams to start coming true? Want to speed up this process? Then think about which sector of the wish map you should place the picture with the fastest wish to come true. It can be anything. For example, go see a new movie. Place a picture of a cinema or a still from a film. Go yourself, without even waiting for an invitation. Or glue pictures of candies and chocolate. And then go and buy it! This way you can activate your wish card faster.

Where to store the wish card?

It is recommended to place the map in a place where you can look at it as often as possible, but at the same time, it would be inaccessible to others. Where can I find such a place? In the bedroom, on the back of the closet door, for example. Of course it would better map I want to hang it above my bed or desk so I can look at it more often. Every time you look at the map, your desires and intentions become more and more strengthened in the subconscious. Gradually you will get used to having everything you dream of, and the Universe will give it all to you. If you have made an electronic version of the treasure map, then the best place for it is on the computer screen. Can be made in the form of a large postcard (album - the format does not matter, the main thing is the power of thought). Let it stand on a shelf or table. When you need it, just close it.

Why is it undesirable for others to see your wish card? They may not understand your dreams or their true meaning for you. This will make some people smile, while others will not believe it and will try to sow doubts in your mind. Personal life is too intimate a concept, and it is not necessary for everyone to know what can make you truly happy.

You can write all your affirmations, wishes and dreams on the back of the picture. This way you will protect your most secret things from casual glance. And it’s easy to explain (if necessary) why you made such a cheerful collage.
So, the wish map with its magical sectors is one of the ways to turn your dreams into reality. But, do not forget about the saying: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” Visualization must be constant and supported by specific actions. If you make a wish card according to all the rules, investing a piece of your soul and energy, then everything will certainly come true! We wish you creativity and may all our dreams come true!

In Cancer, it lays the foundation of our life for several years to come. Therefore, it is very important to formulate and realize your true desires, to understand how you want to see yourself and your environment in the coming years. In this the most important task The Wish Map will help - one of the main visualization tools. Alina Gess, the author of the “Blog about the fulfillment of desires,” talks about how to do it correctly.

What is a Wish Card

Our reality is created by our subconscious. It is this that conveys our desires to the Universe. Often the subconscious interprets our desires in its own way and conveys something that is not at all what we need. But this process can be controlled. To do this, you need to learn how to correctly formulate your request.

Time after time, I am convinced that the Desire Map helps best with this. It represents a kind of basis with our “wants” in the form of pictures. With its help, visual images are created - the subconscious remembers them well.

“I have a wonderful life now. Husband and two Christmas kids. The daughter was born on January 7, 2009, and the son on December 25, 2014. Moreover, even the birth time of the children is the same! And this is not an accident. These are the wishes I made that came true. There are many such stories in my life, below I will tell you about some more.”

Alina Gess. Personal story

Things haven't always been smooth in my life. But it was the difficulties that pushed me to search for new knowledge that would help me correct the situation. The desire for self-development played a huge role. Since childhood, I adored books: I read everything I could get my hands on. This is how my first books on positive thinking came to me - I was 18 years old. I thought that perhaps this was the key to the solution. Therefore, I began to study new literature, tried on myself various techniques that allowed me to fulfill desires and change reality for the better. I was happy when it worked, and tried to figure it out if something didn’t work out. It was not easy to delve into this, but it was interesting.

Then, over the course of many years, I attended various seminars and trainings, plunging deeper and deeper into this knowledge. And in the end, I created my own step-by-step system for managing my desires.

The Wish Card has its own rules.

And I will tell you about them.

What wishes does the Card fulfill?

Take a very responsible approach to shaping your desires. On the Internet you can find a lot of “fashionable” cards with yachts and palaces pasted on them. Don't put it on your card just because you think it's pretty.

The wishes that you do not make from the heart will either not come true at all, or they will come true, but not for you or not in the way you wanted.

Therefore, always listen to your soul, make sure that your desires evoke exclusively pleasant emotions in you, and not a feeling of discomfort.

In this technique, a very important component is your energy, with which you fill and charge your desires. You radiate this energy in the moments when you select pictures, then place them, look at them. It is very important! Therefore, I do not recommend making an electronic map.

How to make a Wish Card

The Map of Desires includes 9 equal sectors.

Each sector relates to a specific area, so it is very important to respect boundaries.

I suggest choosing pictures on the Internet and printing them on photo paper, rather than cutting them out from magazines. It looks very neat and beautiful, it is possible to adjust all the pictures to the same scale, and also choose from the whole variety exactly what suits and resonates within you.

9 sectors of the Wish Card

Map Center - “Health Sector”

We place our photo in this sector right in the center.

The most important thing: the photo should evoke joyful emotions in you! Never take photos from sad events or moments when you felt unhappy.

Further in the same sector, along the perimeter of the photo, we place all the pictures related to health, sports, and beauty. Do you dream of a beautiful snow-white smile, a toned athletic body, and good health? Find the corresponding pictures and place them next to your photo. You can see what it should look like below.

My example. I always wanted to pay enough attention to sports, but Gym I was never attracted to, and group fitness did not bring the desired results. I wanted to try myself in yoga, but it was not clear where or who to go to. I posted my wish on the board. Less than a month later, I won a monthly yoga subscription. So I found a group that suited me and I still continue to study.

Upper right sector - “Love and Relationships Sector”

If you are looking:

  • Select pictures of happy couples in love, maybe just a photo (of a stranger!) of the person you would like your future companion to be like.
  • Do not paste photos into this sector real person someone you like, but you don't know if he likes you. And in general, if you insert someone real, then only with his consent, or if it is your spouse, with whom you have been married for a long time.
  • If in reality there is already a person for whom you feel sympathy, but for some reason you cannot say about it, then paste a photo of someone similar and, for example, from the back.

If you already have a significant other:

  • Add photos of happy moments together to this sector.
  • Also, any pictures symbolizing love and harmony are suitable for this sector: hearts, flowers, a pair of swans or doves.

Middle right sector - “Children and Creativity Sector”

An important rule: we paste pictures of children here only if you still want to have them. If you have a child and don’t plan to have any more children, you don’t need to label either your child or someone else’s child.

If, for example, you have a son and you dream of a daughter, then paste a picture of a little girl into this sector; you don’t need to paste your son there at all.

This sector also includes everything related to creativity.

Maybe you dream of learning to sew, knit, embroider. Or learn to take photographs. Or learn to play the guitar/dance/do origami/stand on your head. All these desires can be glued to this sector.

3 filled sectors of the Wish Card

Lower right sector - “Sector of assistants and travel”

In this sector you can break away and give free rein to your imagination. Stick here all the places you dream of visiting, even if they seem unattainable to you at the moment.

Since it is also called the “Helper Sector,” you can paste photos of your friends (for example, if you want to meet more often or dream of traveling somewhere together). If you don’t have friends and would like to have them, pictures of friendly companies, shared hobbies, and trips can help you.

You can also paste a photo of the band whose concert you dream of attending in this sector. Or a photo of a person who inspires you, your mentor. If you dream of moving to another country, then select a picture of the country you are interested in and paste it into this sector, signing something like this: I moved for permanent residence to the country I dream about.

My example. When I was making my first Wish Card, I came across a photo of a beautiful cruise ship in a magazine. This photo caught my attention so much that I decided to add it to the Travel Sector. I hid the map in an inaccessible place and forgot to think about the photo of the liner. A few months later, my husband and I received an invitation to go on a cruise!

The most amazing thing is that on my Map of Desires there, in the “Travel Sector,” the Roman Colosseum was pasted. And our cruise began in Rome!

Alina Gess with her husband on a trip

Lower central sector - “Career sector”

In this sector we place everything related to work or business. Career, sales growth, profit growth, salary increase - don’t be modest, turn all your dreams into real goals.

  • If you dream of opening your own business, decide on a theme and select pictures that symbolize this activity.
  • If you already have a business and want to develop it, select pictures that show the growth of customers and sales. For example, you have a clothing store. You can paste a picture of a store window, and next to it there is a queue. You can sign something like this: every day more and more clients come to me.

Lower left sector - “Knowledge sector”

This sector symbolizes any knowledge, be it getting an education, attending any courses, or simply personal growth, spiritual development.

If you are still studying or dream of enrolling, you can paste a picture with the desired diploma or a photo of the educational institution where you want to study.

Also, maybe you have long dreamed of learning a language, then you can safely paste a picture of language courses.

Maybe you want to learn to drive a car and get your license, this also applies to this sector.

If you don’t want any knowledge for yourself, maybe you have such wishes for your child? Then you select suitable pictures and sign them with the following wording: I am glad that my child is making progress in his studies; I am glad that my child successfully entered/defended his diploma/obtained his license.

6 filled sectors of the Wish Card

Middle left sector - “Family sector”

You can paste photos of your children, husband and other family members, including pets, into this sector.

Choose pictures that reflect happiness and harmony.

If you don’t have your own family yet, select pictures of the family you would like to have.

Also, everything related to housing for you and your family will fit here: an apartment, a house or a cottage; furniture, renovations, interior items, pets that you dream of - everything is here in the family sector.

Upper left sector - “Wealth sector”

I’ll say right away that there is no need to glue it here.

Please avoid all these enticing photos of suitcases of money, chests of gold, and so on. Don't take this sector so literally!

If you really want to stick on a wad of money or a hand with money, be sure to sign such pictures, because the interpretation can be ambiguous: both that they give you money and that you give it away.

You can paste here the desire to receive a bonus at work, a salary increase, or profit from business. As well as any material assets: cars, jewelry, phones, household appliances, electronics, wardrobe items and so on.

Upper central sector - "Glory Sector"

My example. My brother, who works as a chef, posted his desire to appear in a film in this sector, and through a short time Channel One invited him to film a series of documentaries.

One more example. Thanks to my brother, one day another wish of mine came true without my knowledge. He sent my photos in a swimsuit to a competition of a famous men's magazine. And I was one of the hundred whose photos were published in the magazine. Only after some time did I see a picture of a magazine in my Map.

9 filled sectors of the Wish Card

A few more important points

Make sure that not a single sector is empty. This disrupts harmony and creates an imbalance that will lead to problems in different areas.

Sectors should not overlap, and desires should not be placed in several sectors at the same time.

Hello, dear friends.

Have you ever thought that everything that surrounds us is saturated with desires and dreams? Each of us has a cherished goal. This is what drives us, for which we open our eyes in the morning and what unites the masses of people.

But we sometimes feel that we simply don’t know how or have forgotten how to do it. To the question: “What do you want?”, we can’t find a suitable answer for a long time. I want everything at once, something more, something less. There are a lot of options, a lot of desires, but the dream is completely lost. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

A lot of bad situations that occur in our lives are directly related to the formulation of wrong desires in the past.

Today, the modern day, in which almost everything is possible, many techniques and ways to achieve what is needed are practiced.

But specifically in this material, I want to tell you about an effective method. It's called the wish mapping process. This wonderful method perfectly illustrates the capabilities and magic of man.

With the help of the power of intention, as well as visualization, achieving what we dream about when we close our eyes before going to bed becomes real. How to make a wish card correctly?

What you need?

  • Free evening;
  • Whatman paper or a large sheet of paper, no smaller than A4 (white);
  • colorful pictures that embody your desires as accurately as possible. The brighter and more saturated they are, the better.
  • for everything to come true, you need your personal photographs in which you are happy;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pens, crayons, glitter, pencils and other writing paraphernalia;
  • a huge number of your innermost desires!


  • At the time of drawing up the map, you should have ;
  • A wish map can be made many times. But the maximum lifespan is 3 years. I will advise you to create a route for 12 months, for example, for 2017. This date can be recorded at the top and the collage can be supplemented with the necessary pictures.
    That is why you should not use “Super Glue”; if you change your mind with any desire, the picture can simply be removed. In addition, after such work you will not have the question: “ What to do with old map desires?».
  • The whole process should be carried out alone and with a pleasant company of musical compositions.
  • You should not show the card to your friends or family, these are only your dreams and your life!
  • You can place it in a closet or an intimate place convenient for you.
  • Don’t write the phrase “I want...” under every wish.
  • Sign all your wishes in the present tense, here and now. For example, instead of " I lost weight", use the phrase " I'm slim, I weigh 55 kg" etc.
  • Eliminate the particles " Not», « I don’t eat after 18.00», « I don't shout", etc. Just a statement! " I am calm!»
  • The cardinal directions on the collage must correspond to reality.
  • Your presence “inside the dream” on the collage is mandatory.
  • Find the perfect embodiment of your desire. If you want a white car, then spend a little more time, but find what you need!
  • The map understands the meaning of what is written and applied - literally, remember this. Formulate your thoughts as clearly and simply as possible.
  • Poor image quality can reduce the level and quality of wish fulfillment.
  • From each picture, you need to draw arrows to the photo so that the right thing comes knocking on your house.


I've read a lot of opinions about how to correctly place wishes in sectors on the map. Since it is believed that this is an ancient, eastern practice, the map must be drawn up correctly.

There are 2 stages of compilation:

  • By lunar calendar- choosing the most appropriate moment;
  • according to Fei Shui, this is the definition of the visual component of the map.

According to the lunar calendar

Remember, the best time to create is the new moon, as it fills the card with energy and strength.

According to feng shui

I have prepared for you step by step instructions with which you can create useful beauty.

First, I want to note that you can create an electronic version on your computer so that it is more often in front of your eyes. And at the same time, nothing can replace your personal energy, which will remain on the map at the moment of its creation with your hands!

So, in the middle of your sheet, record your joyful photo. This part of the leaf symbolizes health and is the center. Fill it with pictures of healthy and beautiful body. When signing pictures and sectors, follow the points that I emphasized in the “Important” paragraph.

From this point, in a circle, you can fill the rest of the space. To make it convenient, I will try to describe the name and characteristics of each block:

  • South means glory. In this zone you need to outline or outline bonuses, as well as merit for your work. The desired awards, as well as certificates of merit, all of this must live in this measured place.
  • Southwest - marriage, love. If your heart is free, then here you should let go of your imagination and describe the life partner who should soon enter your door. Romantic images will do. Eliminate grievances, worries and suffering. Only the brightest and best regards to yourself!
  • West - children and creativity. Do you want kids? Be sure to add happy and smiling babies to your collage! Also, increasing the level of skill is suitable for this sector. Do you want to improve your skills? Then you are at the right place!
  • North-west - , useful people, trips. Find photos of countries where you would like to visit and don’t forget about your friends.
  • North is your career. Here you have the right to write everything that you would like to change in your work. Or maybe you are ready for a new place? Then vividly describe the necessary requirements!
  • Northeast - knowledge and wisdom, self-development. Additional education, passing exams or complex tests. Do you want to defend your dissertation or take your license? Then go ahead! Draw your future!
  • East - family, home. Visualization is perfect in the context of repairs or improving the quality of life. Photos of happy families, desired interior, home purchase, etc., will help you create what you want with your own hands!
  • Southeast - wealth. This is where you need to sincerely rejoice and fill the canvas with money, large bills, jewelry and cars. Any associations with increased material wealth should be included in this sector.

How to activate the card?

You should place a quickly fulfilling wish on it. For example, a picture of a delicious apple! And then buy it and eat it! This way you will already know that the wish map works.

Friends, that's all.

Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us how your card works? Or at what stage is the creation process?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

“The cup of life is beautiful! What stupidity it is to be indignant at it just because you see its bottom.” Joseph Renan

Unfortunately, people are not always familiar with simple rules on how to improve their lives and fill this cup completely with their own hands. A wish map (also called a treasure board) is a unique tool for creating happy life, where dreams come true. Money, career, love, travel, health? Whatever you want, you just need to learn how to make a wish card.

By the way, they say that such a board was in the hands of many famous personalities(Isn’t that why they achieved prosperity and success?) It’s time for you to make yourself self-sufficient in different areas of life. How to make a wish map correctly? Our instructions and simple rules for visualization will help you with this.

The map and the drawings that are in it help the plans come to life. There is a call to the Cosmos to pay attention to you and take care of the fulfillment of all your hopes and wishes. It is a collection of pictures that embody all a person’s dreams. The map is divided into 9 parts. Each zone is responsible for achievements in a certain area of ​​life.

An example of how you can arrange photos and pictures on a wish map (for each area of ​​life you can place several thematic photos):

It is very important to create a wish map for all areas of your life, not just finances or personal life. After all, happiness is possible only when a person develops harmoniously in all directions.

In the collage of desires, place the types of things, objects, images that you like. Choose bright and colorful drawings. Beware of such pictures that cause rage, aggression, in gloomy sad tones. Add your wishes (thought forms) to each photo.

According to experts, in affirmations-thought forms it is better to write not “I want...”, but “I have...” (this is also evidenced by the reviews of those who have already used it). The vision board of wishes loves accuracy, so it would be correct to indicate specific amounts of money, dates of events, etc. in wishes. You can make a map for the current year, and make another one for the next.

Manufacturing instructions

We will need:

  • Large sheet of paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Colored markers or pencils
  • Magazines with colorful photographs
  • Believe in yourself

Divide a sheet of paper into 9 equal parts. It is not necessary to carefully measure and draw them. It is enough that you understand where each sector is located. The handmade card itself can be of any shape (even round). The next stage is to make a collage of wishes (we glue a specific drawing with wishes onto each sector).

Health (your photo).

This is where visualizations of your own health take place. We select the most successful photo on the card, where you radiate a good mood. You can make an applique from your face and the ideal figure of a dancer or model.

Tip: Decorate yourself with stars, sparkles, kisses or hearts. Any imagination is welcome here!

Example wishes: “I have an ideal body because I am passionate about sports,” “I am healthy, happy and feel great!” Write your favorite thoughts.


In this area, you formulate your wishes for financial prosperity. Place photos of money, cars you dream of, apartments, etc. You can make a wish collage by placing your own image in the interior of your new home and surrounding yourself with stacks of banknotes.

Tip: you can post here money talismans. For pictures, choose, for example, images of Hottei (the god of wealth) or attach a Chinese coin to the card if the teachings of Feng Shui are close to you.

Be specific in your affirmations. If it comes to money, indicate the amount you need. Precise wishes can be diluted with abstraction. Example: “I attract finances, they come to me all the time,” etc.


This is the sphere of visualizing your own ambitious aspirations. Here, select photos of awards, cups, successful and prosperous people. Draw the rays of glory as you see them yourself. For wishes, you can write: “I am famous and loved,” “I have achieved fame, recognition,” etc. You can make a collage of your image, placing it surrounded by successful people.


Area of ​​responsibility for stable, harmonious relationships, full of trust in each other. For girls who dream of marriage, it is better to post pictures of wedding accessories and wedding rings here.

Tip: you can make a collage on the visualization card by attaching your face to the bride’s face (for those dreaming of a wedding).

Just don’t use images of familiar couples. You can draw your own veil and wedding dress.
For family people, choose a photo together and add a sincere wish. Example: “We are together forever”, “He and I are a happy family”, etc.

Family and close circle

This zone on the map is responsible for harmonious relationships within your environment. The concept of family here includes both marital relationships and connections with all relatives (close and distant), as well as friends.

Tip: you can combine photos of all your family, friends and dear people, placing them together.

In affirmations, write wishes for strengthening relationships between family members. Example: “My loved ones are healthy and happy,” “My friends love me, we see each other often,” etc.

Children, hobbies, interests

The sphere of visualization for creating a full-fledged family, filled with children's laughter, for hobbies that fill your life with meaning. A childless couple can use this zone to encourage the appearance of a long-awaited baby (to do this, find a photo of a pregnant woman or mother with a child).

Advice: if you have several cherished dreams, you need to make a collage of all the pictures that embody your own aspirations. Don't forget to formulate your wish correctly.

To fulfill your creativity-related wishes, post pictures of your hobbies, hobbies, and collections.


Here is the zone of influence on the mind, intellect, worldview, outlook and learning. Photos of university graduates and emotions from successfully passing exams (if you are a student) will be relevant. Images of books, libraries, open pages of textbooks, etc. are welcome.

To fulfill your wishes for admission to a certain institute, you need to make a montage of you against the background of the chosen institution and write a corresponding wish. Example: “I am successfully gaining knowledge at my university,” “I came here to study,” etc.


This part of visualization influences success in your career and choice of profession. If you plan to look for a more decent job, post here photos of people working in the chosen field. To achieve the fulfillment of your desires to organize your own business, select an image of a thriving enterprise with certain specifics.

Advice: if you have not yet placed images of money or the god Hottei in the finance sector, you can do so here, then any undertakings in the field of work will be successful.

To fulfill your dream of prospering your own business, place here a comparative map with sales growth. Place logos of companies that will benefit you as partners or clients. Photos of famous entrepreneurs who have achieved success.


Here responsibility for obtaining new travel experiences and successful trips is controlled. Also, the card in this place awakens its patrons and defenders to more active actions (these could be Saints, teachers, guardians)
Advice: pick up photos of the places you dream of visiting and going to. To call and friendship with your patrons, place photos of Pleasers, Guardian Angels, etc. here.

How does it work

The wish board is effective from different points of view of magic, psychology, and visualization. Numerous reviews from people who have used it confirm the undeniable advantages of this method:

  1. Order. All hidden dreams acquire precise images and wording messages. As they say, everything is properly documented and recorded.
  2. Balance. All spheres of influence are involved in one balanced and harmonious call. Nothing is forgotten, everything is in balance.
  3. Programming. There is an awakening of one’s own subconscious, programming of the deep self to achieve all the goals set.
  4. Visualizations. A stable thought form is born, which immediately begins to work. appear in life necessary people, useful situations occur. After all, any thought is material!

The finished wish card should be in a visible place and always catch your eye (but only yours, it should be hidden from strangers). And as soon as you see her, mentally transport yourself to the images you created. It is recommended to do this every day. If you make a treasure board correctly, your wishes will begin to come true within a period of 3 days to 3 years (as people’s reviews say).

The ideal time to make a wish card with maximum benefit is New Year holidays. (About how to properly meet New Year 2017 — )