Cadet military. Conditions for admission to the cadet school. Profiles of military secondary education.

14.04.2019 State

History of military schools for preparing the younger generation for military service began more than 300 years ago. In those days, the great reformer of Russia Peter I, well aware of the degree of threats to the Russian state, decided to create the first Navigation school - with the aim of preparing young men for the renewed and reformed Russian army. The priority goals in training cadets were education in the spirit of devotion to the Fatherland, a sense of duty, the formation of a system of moral and spiritual values, civic responsibility and a patriotic-state worldview. Already under Anna Ioannovna, a whole network of cadet corps was opened, which served as a prototype for modern military educational institutions with the same name. During the Great Patriotic War to them were added the Suvorov schools created by decree of I.V. Stalin, and somewhat later the Nakhimov schools.

List of schools

To date, there are 22 educational institutions in the system of secondary military education, supervised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Among them are 7 presidential cadet schools, 8 Suvorov schools, 4 cadet corps, as well as 1 Nakhimov naval school, 1 military music school and 1 boarding school for girls of students of the Russian Defense Ministry.

Presidential Cadet Schools

(for children of military personnel and civilians serving in the RF Armed Forces, as well as children left without parental support and orphans)

Suvorov military schools

Cadet Corps

Boarding school for students of the Russian Defense Ministry- the only military corps for girls, created in 2008. Currently, it provides full and comprehensive training to 545 cadets from grades 5 to 11, including a wide range of additional education - music, art, sports education, dance, 3 foreign languages.

Nakhimovskoe naval– famous, created in 1944, military school for future sailors and a home harbor for many current admirals and rear admirals (including heroes of Russia). For Nakhimov students - already during the training period - sea voyages and ship practice are the norm, and constant participation in military parades on Red Square is due to the best drill training of cadets among all secondary educational institutions in Russia.

Moscow Military Musical(1981) is another unique and one-of-a-kind military school in Russia, transformed from the 2nd Moscow Military Music School (1937). The main advantage of the school is its fantastic teaching staff, including honored artists, winners of international music competitions, conductors, members of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, soloists of the best orchestras in the country, who at one time also studied within its walls.

Choosing a school

The choice of secondary school should be made based, first of all, on one’s willingness to devote one’s life to serving the Fatherland, regardless of the hardships of many years of military and garrison life. And only secondarily - focusing on the specifics of a particular school or building, as well as on the conditions of admission.

Unlike non-military schools and technical schools, students do not face the problem of housing and food - and therefore this question, which is important when entering other educational institutions, does not affect the choice.

Many parents who want their child to receive a prestigious, high-quality education would like to know how to enroll in a cadet school. Such an educational institution prepares a child for a future independent life, ensures his comprehensive development, and develops patriotism, composure, responsibility, and self-esteem.

How to get to the cadet school?

To secure a place for your child in a cadet school, you need to know what requirements apply to candidates. Boys and girls who are in good health can study there: groups 1 and 2. Also important It has physical training, she must be at her best. Therefore, a thorough medical examination is carried out before admission.

When entering the first grade of a cadet school, a child undergoes an interview with teachers and a psychologist. If a child is going to enter the fifth or higher grades, then in some schools additionally it is required to pass an interview in the Russian language and mathematics, and it will also be necessary to pass physical education standards. The competition for admission is very high. Only children with good health and the ability to learn quickly can get into such an educational institution.

Cadet school: at what age is it accepted?

Parents have the right to enroll their children in a cadet school from the age of 7, that is, as soon as the child is ready to go to first grade. If he enrolls, he will study the general education program and take additional classes in basic military training.

After finishing 9th grade, teenagers can try to enroll in cadet corps, upon completion of which they will have the opportunity to study at any higher military institutions.

When entering cadet schools, attention is paid to children of military personnel, combatants, children of single mothers and orphans. They have a better chance of being selected and starting training.

Documents for admission

When entering the cadet school, you must present the following documents:

  • Photocopy of birth certificate;
  • Written consent of parents for training;
  • Medical policy;
  • Vaccination card;
  • Photocopies of parents' passports;
  • Health certificate;
  • Information about classes in clubs or sections;
  • Document on education and characteristics from teachers, if you previously studied at another school;
  • Documents indicating family status for children admitted on preferential terms.

Absolutely every parent dreams that his son will grow up to be a real man, receive a decent education, have a patriotic upbringing, become responsible, reliable, a purposeful person. The best teachers and Russian military personnel working in the Cadet Corps help parents achieve this. Today we’ll talk about how to receive the proud title of Cadet.

How to enter a cadet school

Throughout the country, 62 cadet corps are actively working and recruiting new cadets every year. As you can see, very few educational institutions of this profile are allocated for all Russian boys and girls. It is for this reason that the future cadet will have to compete for his place after going through a tough selection process. You need to prepare responsibly for a difficult fight and start preparing six months, or even a year in advance, because, as a rule, 10 or even 15 people can apply for one place.

The state has provided benefits for certain categories of families whose children are enrolled without competition and entrance exams:

  • Child of a soldier.
  • Orphans officially deprived of parental care.
  • A military child removed from duty due to staff reduction.
  • A child of a serviceman who died while on duty.
  • Children of holders of the Order of Glory, Heroes Soviet Union and Russia.

To confirm the availability of any benefit, you must provide the relevant documents.

How to enter cadet school - age

Military schools, corps and colleges accept children of all ages. In some cadet boarding schools, it is possible to instill in a child a love of the Motherland from the 1st grade and teach him drill training. But basically, recruitment is carried out in all buildings in Russia upon graduation from the student primary school. It is advisable to enroll in cadet schools after grades 8-9, followed by transfer to a military institute.

How to enter cadet school - medical indicators

Since the Cadet Corps trains future officers, the pride and defenders of their Motherland, the health status of the applicant is first assessed. It may take more than two months to collect certificates, undergo diagnostic studies and take tests; take this factor into account so as not to be late in submitting documents. To begin with, the applicant needs to receive honey. certificate form 086-u, with conclusions:

  • Neurologist, ophthalmologist.
  • Surgeon, orthopedist.
  • Cardiologist, endocrinologist.
  • Dentist, psychiatrist, dermatologist.
  • Pediatrician, with the personal signature and seal of the head physician of the hospital.

In addition, the commission will require the results of diagnostic studies, such as:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and abdominal cavity.
  • ECG after physical activity and at rest.
  • Fluorography.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Detailed analysis for RW, hepatitis and HIV.
  • Examination of scrapings for enterobiasis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Examination of stool for the presence of helminth eggs and Giardia cysts.

You should know that there is a certain number of diseases for which a candidate will not pass the selection, solely for health reasons - moderate and severe bronchial asthma, diabetes, stage 4 obesity, tuberculosis, mental disorders, diseases nervous system, various eye diseases, liver cirrhosis, cancer, hernia, heart and blood diseases.

How to enter a cadet school - academic performance and exams

Secondly, the admissions committee closely examines the candidate’s final report card. The future cadet must be at least a good student and have an excellent grade in physical fitness. Upon admission after 4th grade, applicants take the following exams:

  • Russian language - dictation or presentation.
  • Mathematics - written test.
  • Physical education is taken by candidates entering after 9th grade - running, pull-ups and push-ups.

A conversation with a psychologist is carried out everywhere and always; this is a mandatory part of the entrance examination. The psychologist studies the child using his tests and confidential conversation.

How to enroll in cadet school - documents and time

The legislation establishes a single start and end date for the work of the admissions board in military institutions - from April 15 to June 1. You can find the most accurate information on the personal website of the selected cadet corps. The list of required documents is quite extensive; it also needs to be collected in advance:

  • A personal statement from the applicant and separate from the parents.
  • Birth certificate. For children over 14 years old, an original and a photocopy of the passport of all pages is required.
  • A report card signed by the director of the institution.
  • Medical certificate filled out according to form 086, information about prof. vaccinations according to form N 63, extract from personal card, a certificate from a phthisiatrician, a copy and original of the medical policy.
  • Originals and photocopies of passports of parents or guardians.
  • If the father and mother are officially employed, a certificate from the place of work will be required; for those who are unemployed, a copy of the work record book will be required.

The commission also identifies applicants who have copies of diplomas, certificates, certificates and awards received as a result of educational activities.

As you can see, having the proud title of Cadet is not at all difficult! Already on preparatory stage the future defender of his country understands the seriousness and importance of training in the Cadet Corps!

Raising a man and a true protector begins at an early age. Your entire future life depends on what is built into your character in childhood. It seems to many that it is too early to think about the future in the 4th year of study, especially if you take into account the advice of your neighbors, but this is not so. After cadet institutions, military training, endurance of the body and self-confidence appear - qualities that define a strong person.

In addition, the cadet school provides enormous prospects career growth, climbing the career ladder, which everyone strives for, and in the future - benefits and pensions. It is believed that military men are successful and wealthy people. After graduating from college, the child will receive a ticket to a bright future. If you enroll after 4th grade, the exam procedure it will be easier, and the cadets will have time to get used to the new environment.

A military career is a real challenge, but it provides many advantages, which is why entering a cadet school has always been considered quite prestigious. On the one hand, this is the path of a firm and self-confident person who will always be provided with a good salary and bonuses, on the other hand, from a young age, children are taught order, discipline and bearing. Not everyone can do this.

Therefore, before proceeding, you need to take into account all the circumstances. But many people want to make a brilliant military career, despite the difficulties. Therefore, representatives of the fairer sex often prepare for admission from the 4th grade. The difficulty is that you need to submit documents to the school while classes are still taking place. Thus, you should not delay resolving this issue, especially if you have firmly decided that your child should enter school at the end of the 4th grade.

The most important passing factor for the admissions committee is health. For a military employee cannot have a weakened body, and the training process itself will be a burden for an applicant with illnesses. When passing a medical commission, the doctor must certify compliance with the first or second health group. Children with chronic diseases or flat feet will not be able to receive education in such educational institutions. From the 4th grade you can already move on to vocational training, because it is at this age that a personality begins to form, and it is easiest for a child to instill discipline and punctuality. In addition, only specialized subjects that will be useful in practice, life and service will be taught here.

Who gets the preferential quota?

Since the competition for military institutions is very large, an applicant can take advantage of preferential benefits that exist primarily for:

  • orphans who were raised without both parents or without the participation of one;
  • children whose parents visited hot spots or war zones;
  • children whose parents are disabled in armed conflicts.

Children of combatants and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident are given preferential priority in the competition. The Cadet School is considered a very prestigious educational institution, so there is always high competition for places.

The procedure for starting admission to cadets involves taking into account first of all:

  1. Psychological attitude towards serious service and loyalty to one’s work. Studying at a prestigious institution is a state program and full support, which, for all its benefits, has a number of restrictions and rules. The child must realize that he will constantly be under control, fulfill obligations and tasks assigned to him, and also diligently pass tests, otherwise he will be expelled and the years spent at the cadet school will be in vain. After the 4th year at the desk, it is already clear whether the child is ready to experience such difficulties and whether he will not be drawn home every day. In addition, meetings with loved ones and visits throughout the entire period occur only on weekends.
  2. Mutual consent on all sides. Separate consent of the parents is also required, therefore the list of documents must include the passport of both the father and mother or guardians, which confirms that the child is entering a public school with their consent. Make this decision the easier it is families whose members are in military service and know its nuances.
  3. Choosing a school. As a rule, the place of residence itself determines the choice. You need to submit documents to the nearest school to your place of residence. This is done for the purpose of simplifying documentation and forming the composition of future cadets. But also, the closer you are to home, the easier it is to see your family. Extra convenience doesn't hurt anyone.
  4. Direct collection of documents. They must be submitted between April 15 and May 15, then it is not possible to enter the stream. The list of required copies for applicants after 4 years of study is posted on the websites of all government institutions, so there will definitely not be any difficulties with this. You can also choose online a conveniently located building where your child would like to go. It is important not to miss the moment of submitting applications, because from June 1 it is no longer possible. Also, you should not delay preparing copies until the last minute, since no one will violate the accepted order for the sake of one person. In addition, during admission you need to prepare for subsequent exams. A student after 4 years of school should be helped with this, since children during this period are still very distracted and not independent.

Procedure for submitting an application and preparing a package of documents

To avoid searching for documents at the last moment, you should prepare to submit your application in advance. The admission procedure usually looks like this:

  • First, parents must make a statement about their child’s desire to enroll in the chosen school. The application is written addressed to the boss;
  • an application is also submitted on behalf of the applicant himself;
  • after this, you need to compile an autobiography, in which it is desirable to fully reveal the child’s talents and abilities without any embellishment;
  • submission of copies of the parents’ passport and the child’s birth certificate, which must be certified by a notary;
  • certificate of successful completion of 4th grade (for the last three quarters);
  • drawing up characteristics from teachers;
  • obtaining a medical certificate from the military medical commission;
  • mandatory medical insurance;
  • transfer of information about the child’s registration and family composition, which can be obtained from local authorities;
  • photocopies of the passports of each parent, which are certified by a notary.
  • and, most importantly, submit 4 photographs measuring 3 × 4;
  • a certificate is submitted informing which of the parents and guardians is working.

After this comes the selection stage of applicants. There are no special requirements for primary school students, but it is important to have good health and good academic performance. Preference is given to preferential categories. After completing the stage of submitting documentation to the school, the period of entrance exams begins, of which there are usually two.

Their preparation must be taken seriously, since the competition for admission to the cadet school is very serious even for younger age. At the same time, it is better to do this at this time, since at an older age there are much more evaluation criteria. If the applicant is doing well with his grades and medical report, with the onset of June he will definitely be notified of admission to take the exams.

From the moment of successful admission, the child is provided with state benefits, so many parents send their children to study without hesitation. For this, the cadet must comply with the rules of conduct and correspond to the high rank of cadet. Nowadays, the defenders of the homeland need a special approach, since peace in the country in the future will be completely in their hands.

Cadets are a very bright and busy time. The guys cope with their tasks very well, learn order and mutual assistance. All that education in a prestigious cadet corps can give them is honor, dignity and responsibility. Even the army does not provide such education. After graduating from cadet school, you can either continue to follow the path of a military career or choose something that is more to the liking of your grown-up child.

Military education in Russia at all times had a special status and aroused respect from both the authorities and ordinary citizens. How are things going in military schools these days? What does it take to get there? What do graduates of such institutions do? And are girls accepted into cadets?

What kind of military schools are there in Russia?

Currently in Russia it is possible to obtain both secondary military education (cadet corps, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools) and higher professional education (military command school, academies, institutes).

Educational institutions themselves have different specifics and focuses. There are clearly oriented flight schools, naval academies, universities that graduate senior command personnel, military engineering schools and educational institutions rear.

Theoretical pre-flight training for cadets at the Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots. Photo: Yulia Rubtsova / TASS

For example, the Kachin Military Aviation School, located in Krasnodar, annually trains basic pilots, bombers, attack aircraft, and long-range and fighter aviation specialists. The Syzran Flight School is the only one in the whole country that produces professional helicopter pilots with the additional qualification of an engineer or military technician.

Cadets of the Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots during physical training classes. Photo: Yulia Rubtsova / TASS

Naval schools and academies are usually located in Russian port cities. Most of the institutes that graduate naval officers are concentrated in St. Petersburg. There are also worthy maritime universities in the most extreme points of the country: in Vladivostok - the Makarov Pacific Naval Institute, in Kaliningrad - the Ushakov Baltic Naval Institute.

During the graduation ceremony at the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School. Photo: Petr Kovalev / TASS

Perhaps the most recognized of the currently operating logistics schools is the Volsky Military Institute. Today, this educational institution graduates officers specializing in organizing food supplies for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Federal Border Service.

Higher military command schools, using the example of the Moscow (MVVKU) or Kazan tank (KVTKKU) schools, prepare leadership for the infantry, Ground Forces, tank platoon commanders, and so on.

Is it possible to enter a military school after 9th grade?

To build an army career from a young age, boys before and after 9th grade are offered education in cadet corps, Suvorov military and Nakhimov naval schools.

For example, without finishing 11th grade, you can go to the Military Space Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg or enter the Moscow Military Music School. Of course, before enrolling as a cadet, you will need to obtain parental consent, provide an impressive pile of documents and pass entrance exams.

How to enter a military school?

So, in order to become a student at a military university or school, all applicants (except for some categories of beneficiaries) need to pass entrance examinations. Only citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary general education or secondary education can apply for the title of cadet. vocational education, aged from 17 years to 21 years inclusive (for those who did not serve) and up to 23 years inclusive (for those who served in the army).

First-year students of the Makarov Pacific Naval Institute took the military oath. Photo: Vitaly Ankov / RIA Novosti

Before admission, it is important to carefully study the general requirements for candidates - they may vary depending on the specifics of the school. In addition, you will need to prepare a package of documents, including an application for admission and the applicant’s autobiography. The papers are submitted to the district military commissariat. In case of a positive verdict, a preliminary selection is carried out: a thorough check of documents, a medical examination and a professional psychological examination.

Applicants who successfully pass the test are admitted to professional selection. At this stage, an interview, professional psychological examination and testing take place. The candidate's physical fitness must be assessed: pull-ups, 100-meter and 3-kilometer running, swimming. In addition, the applicant takes exams in general education subjects. Usually this is mathematics, Russian language and an additional discipline depending on the focus of the institution. Exams are counted according to Unified State Exam results or submitted in the usual form.

The duration of training in military schools varies from 3 to 6 years. For example, gun defense specialists mass destruction and military doctors study for 6 years (with the exception of dentists and pharmacists - 5 years is enough for them). And Suvorov students of school age are only 3 years old. True, the latter do not receive a higher education, but only a preparatory education for entering a university.

Cadets of the Baltic Naval Institute named after Admiral Ushakov. Photo: Igor Zarembo / RIA Novosti

What do those who graduated from military school do?

After graduating from a military school, a graduate, in addition to lieutenant shoulder straps, receives ample employment opportunities. This is due to the fact that, in addition to the military specialty, students of such universities are also assigned a civilian profile. For example, qualification “Manager” or “Lawyer”.

Military academies annually graduate learned officers specializing in software, mathematics, linguistics, law, engineering. It also trains rocket scientists, pilots, military doctors, future ship commanders, paratroopers and other unique professionals.

Graduates of Suvorov and Presidential Cadet Schools often become statesmen, teachers, and army officers.

Military school for girls

Since 2008, the only boarding school in the entire country for students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has been operating in Moscow for school-age girls since 2008. It trains cadets from grades 5 to 11 and carefully prepares them for successful admission to a military university. The fact is that not only men, but also representatives of the fairer sex can master the military profession in Russia. And although there is no separate higher military school for girls, some universities still admit women to military specialties.

First-year girls at the Makarov Pacific Naval Institute took the military oath. Photo: Vitaly Ankov / RIA Novosti

According to data for 2015, girls are being recruited to the Budyonny Military Academy of Communications, the Kirov Military Medical Academy, the Military Academy Missile Forces strategic purpose named after Peter the Great, to the Volsky Military Institute of Material Support, the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Margelov, as well as to the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy in St. Petersburg and its branch in Yaroslavl.

Students of military schools master such professions as “Military cartography” or “Special purpose meteorology” at universities of the East Kazakhstan region, “Infocommunication technologies” at the St. Petersburg Academy of Communications and the Ryazan VVDKU, “General medicine” and other medical specialties at the military medical academy, and so on. . After graduating from one of these universities, girls can easily get a job both in the army and in civilian jobs related to their core specialty.

The most famous military schools in Russia

Despite the disbandment of many military schools, our country today offers a wide variety of worthy alma maters for future officers. Secondary military education can be obtained at one of 22 educational institutions. You can become a holder of a university diploma by graduating from a military academy, corresponding institute or higher military school.

Among the most popular secondary educational institutions, it is worth noting the elite Suvorov Military School in St. Petersburg, created in 1955 and graduating from its walls a colossal number of future scientists, statesmen, generals, doctors of science and outstanding athletes.

Along with it, the Nakhimov Naval School stands out, which has existed since 1944 and trains real sailors, admirals and ship captains. The school also allows you to get a specialized secondary education and is an excellent springboard before entering a higher institution.

During the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Nakhimov Naval School. Photo: Zamir Usmanov / TASS

The Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces is preparing to graduate even more influential figures. In particular, heads of state bodies and executive power, senior and senior officers of the Armed Forces, including for foreign armies, and other top-ranking specialists.

The Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy graduates Russian Air Force engineers and trains cosmonaut pilots. It is famous for the fact that all cosmonauts in modern Russia and in Soviet times they were its graduates.

In addition to the educational institutions indicated in the article, there is a whole list of other military schools no less worthy of attention. In order to become a student of one of them, an applicant will need good health, an impeccable reputation, good academic performance and excellent physical fitness.