Smart alarm clock Smart Alarm Clock: Your “sleepy” assistant. Fitness bracelet with smart alarm clock.

19.03.2019 Style and fashion

Developers from Viaden Mobile.

Not everyone can boast of the ability to jump out of bed full of strength and energy at the first sound of the alarm clock and cheerfully walk to work or study after a morning shower and a light breakfast. Both on sunny summer mornings and in winter, we delay the moment of getting out of a cozy, warm bed until the last moment.

Naturally, our entire company, from developers to designers, is very familiar with the situation when you endlessly reset the alarm clock “well, for another 5 minutes” and in the end you come to work in no mood and half an hour late. From this experience the idea was born Smart Alarm Clock.

Of course, the idea of ​​an alarm clock that registers sleep phases and wakes up the user at the most appropriate moment is not new in the world. App Store. Therefore, we tried to include in our application as many useful and original functions as possible (such as recording sound at night - everyone is interested in hearing what they are chatting about in their sleep!). And most importantly, we decided to make a truly working alarm clock, and not just an application that draws beautiful, but completely arbitrary sleep charts.

Smart Alarm Clock is especially popular in the USA, Germany, Italy and of course Russia. Grateful user reviews delight and inspire further improvement of the product.

So, welcome to Smart Alarm Clock!

To briefly explain the principle of operation of the Smart Alarm Clock, the application, using the built-in accelerometer, analyzes the user’s movements during sleep and, based on them, determines the current sleep phase. It is known that shallow phases of sleep - the rapid eye movement phase and the light sleep phase - are optimal for awakening, while when waking up in the slow-wave sleep phase, a person feels a loss of strength and a general “weakness.” Therefore, the alarm clock will wake you up precisely in one of the shallow phases at a set period of time.

In addition, the main feature of our alarm clock is its ability to record noises during your sleep. This original feature will allow you not only to laugh at your incoherent muttering, but also to analyze what and when prevents you from sleeping, and how to deal with it.

But first things first.

The primary task for us was to create an alarm clock that would suit both owls and larks - that is, people with different habits, tastes and daily routines. Therefore, the Smart Alarm Clock offers a choice of 4 operating modes with a different set of functions.

By selecting the Optimal Wake mode, you set the time at which you would like to wake up. Smart Alarm Clock will track your sleep phases and wake you up in one of the optimal phases closest to the specified time.

The Sleep Quality Monitoring mode is one of the many reasons we are proud of the Smart Alarm Clock. This mode uses a sound recording feature that is unique among all alarm clocks in the App Store. Every sound stimulus, be it your muttering in your sleep or the screams of a noisy company on the street, will be recorded and reflected on the graph. Moreover, you can listen to all recorded sounds in the morning! This mode is best used on weekends and does not provide a wake-up signal.

In Precise Wake Up Time mode, the Smart Alarm Clock will track your sleep phases and record audio stimuli, but will wake you up exactly at the time you set.

And finally, Full mode: it combines sleep phase monitoring, sound recording, and the function of waking up at the optimal time for the body. We can say that this is the most popular mode among users!

Now let's look at the scheme for using the alarm clock in order.

First you need to go through the calibration stage. This is very important to set the sensitivity level of the accelerometer depending on your mattress, weight and other factors. Correct operation of the alarm clock and correct identification of sleep phases largely depends on calibration and sensitivity settings.

Calibration is very simple - you just need to put the device on the bed and turn around next to it. If every movement is detected by a signal, then the alarm clock is calibrated correctly. If the alarm clock misses movements or reacts to the slightest rustle, then you need to adjust the sensitivity in the Settings section.

Now comes the most enjoyable part of the program - choosing melodies for falling asleep and waking up. Whether you wake up to the singing of birds or the sounds of the metropolis and fall asleep to the sound of rain or the crackling fire in the fireplace - the choice is entirely yours. Volume and track duration settings allow you to ensure the most comfortable fall asleep and gentle awakening. It is possible to choose your favorite song from the iPod library!

So, all preparations are completed, the mode is selected, the device is lying on the bed, your favorite melody is playing... Good night, Sweet dreams! We can relax and fall asleep while the alarm clock begins its important work. All night long he will track our tossing and turning in bed, record our indistinct muttering, draw a sleep schedule and, after analyzing it, wake us up at the best time for the body.

Throughout the night, the alarm clock records your movements, identifying them with the phases of sleep. It is known that optimal awakening occurs in one of the phases not deep sleep. Therefore, the alarm will sound during the REM (rapid eye movement) or light sleep phase closest to the wake-up time you set.

That’s why, when you wake up and sweetly stretch, you will find that your body is already full of strength and energy for the new day, and not cowardly whispering to you, “Well, let’s lie around a little more!”

Now is the time to check your sleep schedule. Scientists have found that our sleep is cyclical, and each phase is repeated several times during the night. Accordingly, we move differently in each phase, most actively when we are closest to awakening. This explains the ups and downs of the graph, as well as the ability of the alarm clock to recognize sleep stages using the accelerometer.

This graph shows that during the night the sleeper went through the REM sleep phase 6 times, REM sleep 10 times and deep sleep 5 times. You may notice that the phases last for different amounts of time throughout sleep. For example, the deep sleep phase becomes significantly shorter as morning approaches.

We guarantee that our Smart Alarm Clock draws exactly your sleep graph, and not an arbitrary curve. Tested by the users themselves: if you cheat and place the device at night not on the bed, but, say, on the windowsill, in the morning the alarm clock will display a message stating that not a single movement was recorded during the night!

And finally, the most intriguing feature that our users love is recording sounds during sleep. Now, if you snore in your sleep, recite poetry, or give out secret addresses and passwords, all this can be listened to using the Smart Alarm Clock. More seriously, this feature, unique among all alarm clocks on the App Store, can help you make your night's rest more comfortable and efficient. By listening to night noises, you can figure out what was preventing you from sleeping, and how you can solve this problem.

Every person who is woken up at the wrong time will tell you that his greatest desire is to sleep a little more. So, now you have the opportunity not just to sleep, but to get quality sleep and restore your vitality reserves with the help of a Smart Alarm Clock!

We spend approximately 1/3 of our life sleeping. Sleep is the same necessary need of our body as nutrition, natural need, etc. Good, healthy sleep gives relaxation to our brain and body as a whole. Application Smart alarm clock Smart Alarm Clock will help you not only learn more about your sleep, but also select the optimal time to wake up.

Don't get enough sleep? And when you get out of bed, do you feel completely detached from what is happening? This happens to many and very often. When the alarm clock rings, you really don’t want to hear it at all - every now and then, you push the time back by 5-10 minutes, then again and again - and you won’t be late for work for long. Fortunately, there is already a solution to this problem.

As you may know, sleep consists of several stages (non-REM and REM sleep) and it is when we wake up at a certain moment that we either feel alert or vice versa. To determine your successful sleep phase for waking up, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Smart Alarm Clock application.

The principle of operation of this program is simple. Using an accelerometer and a special module built into the application, it analyzes all your movements during sleep. Based on the data received, the program determines the sleep phase in which you are. The alarm goes off when you are in the optimal phase for awakening (REM sleep).

Before you start working with the program, you need to calibrate it, which is done through the “Settings” section. The calibration process is very simple - you lie down on the bed, put your device next to you and start tossing and turning. If even the slightest movement causes a signal in the program, then it is necessary to adjust the sensitivity. The same applies to the complete absence of sound signals during your active tossing and turning.

Flexible program settings allow you to choose an individual schedule for both sleep-loving owls and nimble larks. There are 4 operating modes to choose from: full mode, optimal awakening, sleep quality monitoring and exact time awakening.

« Sleep quality monitoring"records all the sounds that are made by you or the environment around you while you sleep. This way, you can not only determine what is happening around you while you sleep, but also find out if you snore or talk in your sleep. However, this mode does not have a wake-up function.

« Optimal awakening» analyzes the phases of your sleep. You set the wake-up time, and the alarm clock will wake you up at the optimal phase closest to this time.

« Exact time to wake up»monitors sleep phases and records sounds. Wake you up at the time you specify.

« Full mode» combines monitoring, sound recording, and optimal wake-up.
In addition to all the settings, you can select melodies (in the corresponding section) for falling asleep and waking up from those built into the program, or from your music library.

Tested on iPhone 4S & iPod Touch 4.

Those who like to sleep in the morning and for whom the need to get up early becomes a real tragedy will come in handy with an excellent device that appeared on the market not so long ago. This is a smart alarm clock that makes waking up in the morning easy and comfortable. It is about this interesting invention of mankind and we'll talk in the article.

When is the best time to wake up?

Rest time does not pass monotonously. In a dream, one phase replaces another. The best option, according to scientists, is to wake up during the mild phase. If the alarm clock wakes you up during a period when sleep is deep, you may feel exhausted and as if there was no night's rest at all.

But there is also an option that, having slept just a little, a person is charged with a lot of energy and has a great time throughout his entire next day. This, as a rule, happens precisely because he woke up quickly. It’s good if a person can do it himself. Well, if this doesn’t work out, then an excellent modern device comes to the rescue.

Smart alarm clock for iPhone

An alarm clock can be made, for example, as a separate device connected to a gadget on Android or iPhone. But it can also be built into mobile device or special so-called fitness bracelets.

If we are talking about a smartphone, then you usually need to download special applications for it in order to activate a smart alarm clock. Android, for example, has an excellent option called Smart Alarm Clock.

Smart Sleep Time app

You can set Sleep Time on your iPhone. The application functions as follows: the alarm clock is set and placed next to the pillow. The screen should be facing down. The phone will read the person’s movements and thus determine the onset of the sleep phase. When the required time for awakening approaches, it becomes active. Thus, the owners say, a smart alarm clock with sleep phases guarantees a pleasant morning with a feeling of good spirits and good mood.

Smart app Pillow

Another great app is Pillow. Sleep tracking occurs using special sensors: a microphone and an accelerometer. In this way, movements during sleep and breathing are monitored. There are paid and free versions of the application. But the main function works in both of them. When the alarm goes off, the volume starts from zero and gradually reaches 70%. If you touch the screen with your hand at this time, the volume will decrease and after a few seconds the sound will disappear. But the mechanism will work again in ten minutes in the same mode.

Smart Alarm Clock app

For Android, as mentioned, you can download Smart Alarm Clock. The application works in much the same way as the options described above. The following functions are available for it:

  • you can independently choose in which phase of sleep you want to wake up;
  • all sounds are recorded;
  • statistics and their phases are kept;
  • special music is offered for falling asleep, as well as for waking up;
  • weather forecast available.

Smart app WakeUp OrDie! Alarm Clock

This application is also designed for Android. He is considered one of the most unsuccessful. Usually, a smart alarm clock with sleep phases, trying to wake up its owner, falls silent and lets you sleep a little more, and then announces itself again. But that definitely doesn't describe WakeUp OrDie! Alarm Clock. The device will ring until some green monster in it disappears. And to do this, you need to shake your smartphone thoroughly.

There are virtually no settings in this application, the owners note. All you can do is set the required time, turn on the vibrating function, and also select a gradually increasing melody.

Smart application "Buddhist"

This is an interesting application. When activated, it seems that it is not the electronic device that wakes you up in the morning, but a real man, just a stranger. To get this unusual opportunity, you first register in a special service, and then set the required time. Now you can go to bed.

When that “X” moment comes, another registered user of the same service will wake up “Sonya”. In almost all cases, calls for one and the other party are free. The only exceptions are calls for those who are in roaming.

Stationary alarm clocks

The most common of these types are alarm clocks from Axbo. The gadget has the shape of a box with a processor built inside. It comes with a special wristband that allows you to read your heart rate during sleep. Thus, the smart alarm clock seems to sense the sleep phase. The device operates from the network, and understanding its essence is not particularly difficult.

But those who still doubt the need to purchase this watch should first try downloading a free or paid application to their smartphone. Then a more accurate opinion about him may be formed. Users respond well to the device; it’s easy to figure out on your own.

Well, those who decide to purchase this smart alarm clock should prepare +/- twelve thousand rubles. This is the amount it will cost to purchase the device.

Fitness bracelet with smart alarm clock or watch?

Not so long ago, these small and convenient gadgets quickly burst into our lives. However, there is still no clear opinion as to how much the right thing they are. The device helps you actually keep your physical health under control. It can count the steps taken during the day, the meals eaten and the calories burned during exercise when playing sports.

By putting such a bracelet on your hand and going to the gym, you don’t have to worry about missing an important call that you find out about too late, or receiving an unnoticed SMS message. The gadget has many built-in sensors that allow you to perform a variety of functions.

So, your heartbeat will now be under control, thanks to which you can decide when the training should be intensified and when it is better to stop and complete it. But the main thing that interests us is a smart alarm clock. The bracelet uses it to track sleep phases in the same way as in other gadgets. It is placed on the arm and goes to bed. The ergonomic design makes the device almost invisible, which is very important when sleeping. You will hardly feel it on your hand. But for particularly susceptible natures, this need can be bypassed. After all, a gadget tablet can be easily attached to your night pajamas. And he will continue to just as easily read the necessary information in order to wake up his owner at the most appropriate time.

The price range for devices varies greatly depending on the functionality that is built into them. However, by now almost everyone, even the most simple devices have a smart alarm sensor. Devices can be purchased in different price ranges, the cost ranges from a thousand rubles to sixteen thousand and above.

A significant advantage is that the bracelet is waterproof, which makes it possible to wear it in the pool or while taking a shower.

A more serious device of this type is a watch with a smart alarm clock. They have impressive functionality and a spectacular, beautiful design. However, at the same time, the watch is more bulky. Therefore, sleeping with them may seem problematic and uncomfortable for some people. And the cost of these devices is much higher than bracelets. Thus, the price range ranges from two and a half thousand to sixty-five thousand rubles and above.


It only remains to add that thanks to this device you can normalize your sleep. Of course, you can achieve this without using even the best smart alarm clock, but on your own. But the device can help in mastering this technique. And if you go to bed on time, you can guarantee yourself a sound, healthy sleep and a soft awakening. After this, you will feel great all day, and you will be able to do much more.

The main task of a smart alarm clock is to bring a person out of sleep as comfortably as possible. Numerous scientific studies have proven that the human body, abruptly torn from sleep, is subjected to serious stress. Making the waking up procedure delicate and pleasant - this is exactly what smart alarm clocks do; you can buy such a gadget on the website of our store.

Smart alarm clocks may differ in appearance and have different specifications, smart alarm clocks from almost all manufacturers work on the principle of recording micro-movements using sensitive sensors. Actigraphy is widely used in professional polysomnography to diagnose and treat sleep problems. The method is based on the use of an accelerometer, which records human movements.

The main advantage of a smart alarm clock is that the device is able to determine the most optimal sleep phase for awakening. Thousands of people find relief from morning stress in a miniature gadget. How serious the problem of insomnia is is demonstrated by sales results. Smart alarm clocks work using a simple algorithm. In the settings, the user sets the rise time. Thirty minutes before the scheduled time, the smart alarm clock begins monitoring physiological activity. As soon as the device’s software determines that the owner has entered REM sleep, a “silent” bell is activated.

To the uninitiated user, even the thought of having to wake up half an hour earlier than necessary may seem blasphemous. However, in practice, gentle vibration at a physiologically favorable moment leads to natural awakening. A person wakes up lightly, cheerfully and in a good mood. For particularly “severe” cases, a function is provided to adjust the frequency of the vibration alert. The user can choose whether the alarm clock will vibrate once at the most convenient time or repeat the call every few minutes.

The software characteristics of smart alarm clocks are built on complex, multi-component algorithms, but this does not prevent them from fulfilling their main duty. If the device does not detect signs of REM sleep within the specified half hour, the alarm will go off at a strictly specified time.

Prices recommended by smart alarm clock manufacturers always include branded applications with the possibility of regular firmware updates. Smart alarm clocks are compatible with devices on the iOS and Android platforms.

Many smart alarm clocks can work as a standalone device, but more often they are connected to a mobile gadget. Alarm settings can be set directly in the device or in the application. In the user manual you can find a description of the settings and their detailed overview. The smart alarm clock will wake up the owner even when the paired smartphone is turned off. Due to the limited built-in memory, in devices with an autonomy option, the user can set the value of one, maximum two or three alarms.

Depending on the manufacturer, smart alarm clocks can be powered by different power elements. A rechargeable battery or non-rechargeable batteries provide from several hours to several days of operation of smart alarm clocks. Buy spare batteries, charging device, network adapters and other equipment can be found in the compatible accessories section.

The price of smart alarm clocks depends on many factors - form factor, brand recognition, hardware and software. In addition to the smart ring function, smart alarm clocks can transmit and analyze information. The user can see monitoring data in the form of bright charts and clear graphs in the application used by smart alarm clocks. The sale of a gadget from any manufacturer is accompanied by the provision of warranty and technical support.

Tandem with a smartphone makes smart alarm clocks even smarter and more functional. Reviews from real users will help you choose and buy a smart alarm clock and understand the software settings. Manufacturers of some models offer, in addition to the smart alarm function, a collection of ringtones, music and specially selected noises for playing before bed.