Countries with atomic weapons. Nuclear weapons - Which countries have them? How the number of nuclear warheads changed

20.09.2019 Relationship

Reading time: 11 min.

On the list nuclear countries as of 2018 there are ten major powers. Data on how many nuclear warheads a particular country has are located in Stockholm at the International Peace Research Institute. The “Nuclear Club” includes 9 states that, according to official data, have weapons of mass destruction. Our Big Rating magazine has prepared a rating for you - nuclear countries for 2018.


Nuclear warheads - no information.
Date of first test: no information.
Date of last test: no information available.
Today everyone knows which states have nuclear capabilities. And according to official reports, Iran has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. But this country has never stopped experimenting with developing nuclear capabilities, and there are persistent rumors that this power has its own nuclear warheads. Iranian authorities claim that they can easily create for themselves nuclear weapon, but for now they have decided not to do this, since they only use uranium for scientific research. The IAEA monitors Iran's nuclear work; this agreement was concluded in 2015, but the situation may soon change. October 2017 - US President Donald Trump claims that the United States is no longer interested in this treaty. No one can predict how these words will change the overall political situation.


Nuclear warheads – 10-60.
Date of first test: 2006.
Date of last test: 2017.
The DPRK was included in the list of states that have nuclear weapons in 2018, which greatly frightened the entire Western world. North Korea began its first work on the atom in the middle of the last century, when the United States began to threaten Pyongyang with a nuclear attack. And then the frightened government began to seek support from the Soviet Union and China. Developments in the nuclear field started back in 1970 and were suspended in the nineties, with an improvement in the political climate. And as soon as the political situation cracked again, the development of nuclear weapons was resumed. Since 2004, the DPRK began preparing for its first nuclear test. The military department argued that the test would pass with only a harmless goal - space exploration. Intrigue surrounds the number of warheads North Korea has in its arsenal. Some sources claim that there are about twenty of them, others claim that the exact figure is sixty.


Nuclear warheads – 80.
Date of first test: 1979.
Date of last test: 1979.
Israel, in its best traditions, has never claimed that it has nuclear weapons, but it has never denied the opposite. Israel “added fuel to the fire” by not signing the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. In addition, Israel, without a twinge of conscience, monitors the development of nuclear potential in all its neighbors. And if he sees the point in this, then he bombs the nuclear centers of other powers. This is how he resolved the conflict with Iraq in 1981. If you believe unconfirmed data, then the “promised land” had the opportunity to create nuclear weapons back in 1979. That same year, flashes of light were observed in the South Atlantic that were very similar to a nuclear explosion. There is a version that either Israel, or South Africa, or these two countries at the same time, are responsible for these explosions.


Nuclear warheads – 120-130.
Date of first test: 1974.

India first tested nuclear weapons back in 1974, but it agreed to the status of a nuclear country only at the end of the last century. After India detonated as many as three shells on one day in May 1998, literally three days later it forever refused to engage in nuclear weapons.


Nuclear warheads – 130-140.
Date of first test: 1998.
Date of last test: 1998.
Pakistan, which is India's neighbor and often at odds with it, is also not lagging behind in developing nuclear capabilities. After India conducted its first nuclear test in 1974, Pakistan began to actively develop nuclear capabilities. According to the then government, they decided to work on the atom immediately after India, even if it would be necessary to eat only water. And they did make atomic weapons, albeit with a delay of two decades. After India conducted another nuclear test in 1998, Pakistan, determined not to be outdone, detonated a pair of nuclear warheads at Chagai (a military test site).

Great Britain

Nuclear warheads – 215.
Date of first test: 1952.
Date of last test: 1991.
The UK remains the only nuclear powered country that has not conducted a nuclear test at own land. Britain carried out every nuclear test in Australia or in the waters Pacific Ocean, but in 1991 they suddenly stopped their experiments. David Cameron in 2015 “added fuel to the fire” by saying that the British government could, if necessary, drop several nuclear warheads. But who he threatened still remains a mystery.


Nuclear warheads – 270.
Date of first test: 1964.
Date of last test: 1996.
China remains the only country that has promised not to bomb (or threaten to bomb) non-nuclear powers. In 2011, the Chinese government made public its decision that a minimum level of nuclear weapons would be maintained. But since that time, developers in the military sphere have come up with as many as four types of ballistic missiles that are capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Therefore, the minimum level of weapons remains an open question.


Nuclear warheads – 300.
Date of first test: 1960.
Date of last test: 1995.
During the entire period of their nuclear testing, the French carried out more than two hundred explosions, starting from tests in Algeria, which was then a colony of France, and ending with two atolls of French Polynesia. This country has never entered into negotiations with other powers on a peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue. France did not maintain a moratorium on nuclear testing in the 50s of the last century, and did not become a member of the treaty banning military experiments with nuclear weapons in the 60s. Only in the late nineties did it become a party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty


Nuclear warheads – 6800.
Date of first test: 1945.
Date of last test: 1992.
The state with the most fearsome army on the planet is also a pioneer in nuclear testing. The United States was the first to carry out a nuclear explosion, and was also the first to use nuclear warheads in a war with another state. Since that time, the United States has produced more than 66,500 atomic weapons, with more than a hundred different variations. The basis of the nuclear weapons of the United States is the ballistic missile, with a variety of modifications. The American government refused to participate in the negotiations on the unconditional renunciation of nuclear weapons that started in May of this year (by the way, like the Russian Federation). The military doctrine of the United States confirms that Americans will reserve the right to a certain amount of weapons that will guarantee their own security, as well as the security of countries friendly to them. In addition, America promised not to bomb non-nuclear countries, unless, of course, they comply with the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.


Nuclear warheads – 7000.
Date of first test: 1949.
Date of last test: 1990.
Russia received nuclear weapons from the USSR - all available nuclear warheads were collected from all military points of the former Soviet Union. According to official sources, the government Russian Federation, nuclear weapons will only be used in response to such military actions against their country. Or if Russia's very existence is threatened by military action without the use of nuclear warheads, it can still use them against the enemy, but this is the most extreme case.

Is military action possible between North Korea and the United States?

The end of the last century was marked by people's fear of hostilities between Pakistan and India, and now everyone is afraid of the possible nuclear conflict between North Korea and the USA. The United States first threatened North Korea in 1953, but once North Korea had its own atomic bomb, the conflict moved to a completely different level. Pyongyang and Washington respond to each other very aggressively and the question becomes urgent: will there be a nuclear battle between the United States and North Korea? This may well be the case if President Trump believes that the Koreans are very dangerous because they can make an intercontinental missile that can sink all of America.
Nuclear warheads have been located near the DPRK border since 1957, by order of the US government. Korean politicians say that almost the entire territory of America is within the reach of North Korea's nuclear warheads.

What position will Russia take in the conflict between North Korea and the United States?

The pact concluded between Russia and North Korea does not imply that Russia will take any side in the war. In general terms, this means that if hostilities begin, Russia can be neutral; naturally, it will only have to condemn the action of the attacking side. In the worst case scenario, Vladivostok could be covered in radioactive fallout from the destroyed North Korean facilities.

The 20th century entered the history of mankind not only with its round number. Many peoples had different chronology systems, and the numbering of centuries in them differed radically. The main thing is that after the 20th century Gregorian calendar every next century, and even year, may be the last for human civilization.

Nuclear weapons are the main invention not only of the 20th century, but of all human history. For the first time, people have a tool with which they can radically change the environment.

There is a very interesting story about the confusion of scientists and military personnel who, on October 30, 1960, watched the test explosion of a hydrogen bomb at a test site on the Novaya Zemlya islands. After the bomb, whose power was reduced from 100 to 50 megatons, successfully exploded, observers hastened to report this to Moscow. The hugs began, the champagne was opened...

In the festive bustle, someone noticed that at the epicenter of the explosion the reaction was still ongoing, although, in theory, the components of the bomb should have already burned out - the estimated time had expired. Atoms of ordinary substances could be involved in the chain reaction. Theoretically, the reaction could become self-sustaining - continue until the last atom on Earth enters into it. Scientists and military personnel breathed a sigh of relief only at the moment when they received a message about the attenuation of the reaction.

This, of course, is a story, most likely composed by one of the writers after a conversation with a test participant. But the fairy tale is a lie, and, as we know, there is a hint in it. With the help of atomic weapons it is possible to destroy, if not the entire Earth, then a very significant part of it. The project of one of the creators of the hydrogen bomb, Andrei Sakharov, is well known. The academician proposed detonating a high-power hydrogen bomb in Atlantic Ocean and send an artificial tsunami wave to the US coast. According to rough calculations, the wave could reach the middle of the continent with consequences that are now clear to everyone from disaster films. The dumbfounded military quickly sent the newly-minted strategist home, telling him that they preferred to fight an armed enemy rather than civilians.

In those years, it might well have seemed that the nuclear explosion on July 16, 1945 at the American Alamogordo test site opened Pandora's box. By the 1960s, no one could predict where the arms race would lead. During the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, when there were, if not minutes, then hours left before the use of atomic weapons, panic erupted in the United States - no one doubted that Russian barbarians could bomb American civilians. Twenty years earlier, the doubts of the Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as we know, did not interest anyone.

Weapons of Deterrence

And yet, humanity slowly, creakingly, managed to turn off the suicidal road. This was facilitated by the collapse of the USSR, which became a serious geopolitical victory for the United States and its allies. And after it turned out that the renewed Russia retained the nuclear potential of the USSR, the rattling of atomic weapons lost its meaning.

It may seem like a paradox, but nowadays nuclear weapons have become a means of mass destruction for any country as a guarantee against a full-scale enemy attack. This is well illustrated by the relations between the United States and the DPRK. Despite all the belligerence of the rhetoric, the United States does not risk starting a conflict, especially after the DPRK has acquired, albeit still rather hypothetical, means of delivering nuclear warheads to US territory. Thus, the most terrible weapon turned into the most effective guarantee of the integrity of the country.

Nuclear Club

At the end of 2017, 9 countries possessed nuclear weapons: the USA, Russia, France, Great Britain, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and the DPRK. Officially, according to international treaties, only the first five countries own atomic weapons. The disclaimer about the unconfirmation of data on Israel's possession of nuclear weapons can be omitted - the lack of material evidence is compensated by numerous testimony of witnesses. The United States was the first to develop a nuclear bomb; the DPRK was the last to join the nuclear club. According to experts, Russia has the most nuclear warheads (6,800), and the DPRK has the least (10–20).


The United States has a dubious lead in the combat use of atomic weapons against civilians. On August 6 and 9, 1945, American atomic bombs exploded over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing tens of thousands of mostly civilians.

The first American nuclear weapon test was dated July 16, 1945. The scientific part of the development of a promising type of weapon was led by Robert Oppenheimer, the technical leader was General Leslie Groves.

In total, the United States has produced more than 66,000 nuclear weapons since 1945. At its peak, in 1967, there were 31,225 charges in American arsenals. Now their number is estimated at 6,600. The Americans carried out 1,054 test explosions, the maximum yield was 15 megatons.


Soviet Union tested his first atomic bomb on August 26, 1949, although this was officially announced six months later. In 1953, the Soviet Union was the first in the world to test a thermonuclear bomb. In 1961, the hydrogen bomb was tested successfully for the first time.

Russia, which became the legal successor of the USSR, inherited not only the nuclear arsenals located on the territory of the RSFSR, but also received all the warheads located on the territory of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine. According to estimates in 1986, the USSR had about 45,000 nuclear warheads - Russia ended up with a very impressive arsenal.

After a series of arms reduction treaties, Russia is left with approximately 6,800 nuclear weapons.

Great Britain

The first British nuclear weapons test took place in 1952. The explosion, whose power was estimated at 25 kilotons, thundered over the waters of the Pacific Ocean northwest of Australia. Five years later, British thermonuclear weapons were successfully tested on Christmas Island.

For Great Britain, the issue of possessing nuclear weapons was rather a matter of prestige, because by the time of the first atomic test the USSR and the USA had accumulated impressive arsenals. The British Army had the most nuclear warheads in service in the mid-1970s – 450. Now Foggy Albion has 215 warheads.


For the French, as for the British, nuclear weapons were a ticket to becoming a great power, not a strengthening of the armed forces. They detonated the first atomic bomb in the Algerian desert in 1960, and carried out the first thermonuclear explosion on Mururoa Atoll in the summer of 1968.

In total, the French conducted 210 nuclear weapons tests. At the peak of the Cold War, the French had more than 400 warheads, but now their number has been reduced to 300.


The debut of Chinese nuclear weapons took place in 1964. Less than three years later, the Chinese became the owners of a thermonuclear bomb.

Due to the excellent secrecy regime in the PRC, there has never been reliable data on the country's nuclear potential. For example, in the early 2000s, representatives of China stated that their country’s nuclear potential was less than that of Great Britain (at that time approximately 200 warheads). At the same time, foreign experts and a number of Russian specialists estimated the number of nuclear warheads at the disposal of the PRC at several thousand. Modern estimates give a figure of 270 charges.


In 1974, India became a member of the nuclear club. The Smiling Buddha bomb, detonated on May 18, had a yield of 12 kilotons. Currently, the Indian army may have 120–130 nuclear warheads in its arsenal.


Pakistan announced its nuclear weapons quite loudly - within three days in May 1998, 6 charges were tested at once in the province of Balochistan. The current number of nuclear bombs is estimated at 130 – 140.

The small but proud Asian country conducted its first nuclear test, with a yield of up to 20 kilotons, on October 9, 2006. It is believed that since then the North Koreans may have accumulated 20 charges.


Israel has everything to produce nuclear weapons. There are witnesses who spoke about such production. However, all available figures are estimates. According to them, Israel may have from 80 to several hundred nuclear warheads.

Modern scientists, engineers and military personnel have managed to create a unique weapon that is much more powerful than the one used by America in the 1945 bombing of Japanese cities. After this incident, many countries began to develop nuclear weapons and accumulate them in large quantities. In modern conditions, for some countries, the presence of nuclear weapons is necessary element security.
It is interesting to know which countries have the greatest nuclear potential, because they can be considered superpowers. For this reason, a top has been formed the strongest and most powerful nuclear powers in the world 2015. Both official and unofficial information were used.

10. Iran

  • : Unofficial
  • Start of testing: absent
  • Completion of tests: absent
  • Nuclear potential: 2.4 tons of uranium
  • : ratified

This country is constantly accused of illegal storage and development of nuclear weapons. Iran has never conducted a test in its history. The government signed an agreement banning nuclear weapons tests.

There is a lot of information that Iran is capable of producing one unit of this weapon per year. At the same time, engineers must spend at least five years building a full-fledged bomb. There are constant conflicts between Western countries and the Iranian government on the nuclear issue. According to representatives of the country, developments are carried out exclusively for peaceful purposes to support the energy program.

When the first international review took place in 1979, the Iranian government froze its nuclear program. After 20 years, the program was resumed again. Later, the UN imposed sanctions to halt the development of the nuclear program and maintain peace in Asia.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Unofficial
  • Start of testing
  • Completion of tests: probably in 1979
  • Nuclear potential: up to 400 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): ratified

So far, Israel has unofficial status as the owner of nuclear weapons. Presumably the first and last tests were carried out in 1979. Israel has all the methods and technologies with which nuclear bombs can be delivered anywhere in the world. In 1950, engineers built the first reactor, and ten years later the first weapon.

So far, Israel has not developed a nuclear program, although many European countries actively support it. Previously there was information that mini-bombs had been created that could be installed even in small suitcases for transportation. According to some documents, neutron bombs are also available.

8. North Korea

  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: October 9, 2006
  • Completion of tests: January 6, 2016
  • Nuclear potential: approximately 20 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): not ratified

This country has the official status of a nuclear power. The test was carried out in 2006, and the last tests were carried out in 2009. What is noteworthy is that this country has not signed a corresponding agreement with the world community to curb the nuclear threat. Availability of a large arsenal of weapons mass destruction allows us to talk about this country as a strong nuclear power. There are several working nuclear reactors.
North Korea has several successful tests, information about which was obtained after careful seismic analysis. The peculiarity of North Korea is its aggressive foreign policy and failure to recognize a number of rules and international norms, which allows it to be considered one of the strongest nuclear countries in the world. In 2016, North Korea tested a medium-range ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, which raised serious concerns among world superpowers. After this, even tougher economic sanctions were applied to the country, designed to contain North Korea's nuclear program.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: May 28, 1998
  • Completion of tests: May 30, 1998
  • Nuclear potential: up to 90 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): not ratified

In the ranking of the strongest and most powerful nuclear powers in the world, Pakistan is in seventh position. The first tests were carried out in the late 90s. The government did not sign the corresponding agreement.
The country had to restart its nuclear program to respond to India's tests. It is this situation that is key in the decision of the Pakistani authorities to create nuclear weapons and thus protect themselves from possible military aggression from the outside. A considerable amount of time and money was spent on this program. Ultimately, the country justified all the costs and was able to achieve a positive effect.

Development first began in the middle of the last century, but later one of the presidents curtailed the nuclear program. It was reported that if the situation escalates, it will be possible to purchase weapons from other countries rather than create their own.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1974
  • Completion of tests: 1998
  • Nuclear potential: up to 95 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): not ratified

India tested nuclear weapons for the first time in 1974. The last time tests were carried out was in 1998. The country has a variety of warheads in its arsenal that can be delivered anywhere in the world. In addition, India has a submarine fleet capable of carrying nuclear weapons.
After the latest tests, sanctions were imposed against India by Japan, the United States, as well as many other countries in the Western world.

5. China

  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1964
  • Completion of tests: 1964
  • Nuclear potential: up to 240 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): ratified

The first tests were carried out in 1964. The last time a launch was carried out was in 1996. Several hundred units of deadly nuclear weapons are a guarantor of the country's security. The government has signed an international treaty on nuclear weapons. In 1964, the first nuclear bomb was tested. Three years later, in 1967, tests were carried out again, but this time a hydrogen bomb was used.
It is noteworthy that China is the only nuclear state that has given guarantees to those countries that do not have nuclear weapons. There is a special document in which all guarantees are confirmed and apply to many countries of the world.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1960
  • Completion of tests: 1995
  • Nuclear potential: more than 300 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): signed

France is definitely included in the ranking of the most powerful and powerful nuclear powers in the world. The first tests were made in 1960. The country has signed and fully ratified a treaty that prohibits any testing.

The first developments began after World War II, but the weapon was created only in 1958. Two years later, tests were carried out, which made it possible to verify the quality and reliability of the created arsenal. France has several hundred nuclear weapons.


  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1952
  • Completion of tests: 1991
  • Nuclear potential: at least 225 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): signed

The first tests were carried out in the middle of the last century. And the last test was in 1991. The arsenal contains more than two hundred nuclear weapons. The UK has signed and ratified the Nuclear Weapons Treaty. New technologies and developments allowed us to enter the top three among the most powerful nuclear powers in the world 2015 of the year.

They maintain mutual cooperation with many countries, including the United States, regarding defense and peace. Additionally, the secret services of both countries constantly exchange a large amount of classified information, which is used solely for security purposes.

2. Russia

  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1949
  • Completion of tests: 1990
  • Nuclear potential: 2,825 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): signed

The official launch of the first bomb took place in 1949. The last time tests were carried out was in 1990. There are slightly less than three thousand nuclear weapons in storage.
It was the Soviet Union that became the second country after the United States to launch nuclear weapons. After the first test, several hundred additional tests and checks were carried out using new developments and technologies. At the moment, Russia is in second position in the ranking, with the most powerful nuclear powers in the world. The correct budget allocation policy and the use of our own developments allowed us to occupy such a high position.

At the moment, one of the bombs is the heaviest of all existing ones. The charge was planned for one hundred thousand kilotons, but it was decided to use half as much because there was a possibility of a fallout large quantity precipitation. And it is worth considering the fact that Russia has the technology to produce hydrogen bombs.

1. USA

  • Status of the military nuclear program: Official
  • Start of testing: 1945
  • Completion of tests: 1992
  • Nuclear potential: 5,113 warheads
  • Test Ban Treaty (CTBT Resolution): ratified

Many people know that the first launch of nuclear weapons was carried out in 1945, and the last test in 1992. The total number of weapons in the arsenal is more than five thousand.
Over the course of its existence, more than a thousand different tests have been carried out. This allows us to say that the United States is the most powerful nuclear power in the world at this time. Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) are available that can deliver a nuclear weapon to a distance of 13,000 km. It is also worth noting that the United States of America has a year of surpassing its competitors in many quantitative and qualitative characteristics.
Information about several dozen facilities that are key to the development of the nuclear program is kept in the strictest secrecy.

The total number of nuclear warheads in the world today is over 20 thousand, according to data from the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). More than half of this amount - 11 thousand - is contained in the arsenal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

A report published today on the SIPRI website reveals that the world's eight nuclear powers have a total of 20,530 nuclear warheads. Of these, 5,027 are deployed. Russia also occupies a leading position here: at the disposal of the Missile Forces strategic purpose(Strategic Missile Forces) 2427 missiles with nuclear warheads. The United States is slightly inferior in this regard - it has 2,150 deployed nuclear warheads. France has almost 300 similar missiles, and Great Britain has almost half as many.

However, 5 thousand deployed warheads are just the tip of the global nuclear iceberg. The number of nuclear warheads mothballed in military warehouses exceeds this figure three times. The strategic nuclear stockpiles of the big five - Russia, the USA, France, Great Britain and China - as well as India, Pakistan and Israel that joined them, amount to 15,500 warheads.

Russia remains the undisputed leader here, capable of equipping 8,570 missiles with nuclear warheads. The United States is not far behind, with 6,350 warheads stored in its warehouses. Great Britain and France have 65 and 10 nuclear weapons, respectively. China's entire nuclear arsenal of 200 warheads is kept in an undeployed state. The military nuclear potential of Delhi and Karachi is estimated at approximate figures: 80 - 100 warheads for India and 90 - 100 for Pakistan. Israel, according to experts, has 80 nuclear warheads.

While major nuclear powers are making efforts towards global nuclear disarmament, analysts note the growth of military nuclear capabilities in Third World countries. Thus, within the framework of the agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States on the reduction of strategic and offensive arms (START-3), Russia reduced its arsenal by a thousand nuclear warheads. The United States cut its offensive reserves proportionately - by 900 units. But India and Pakistan, judging by expert calculations, have increased their combat power by about 20 nuclear warheads each.

Note that, according to the US State Department, which published its report on American strategic capabilities a few days ago, the United States has more warheads than Russia. The report states that the Americans have 882 deployed ballistic missiles, while Russia has only 521. Moreover, the United States has a total of 1,800 nuclear warheads, while the Russian Federation has 1,537.

The published information was the result of data exchange between nuclear powers under the START-3 agreement. Exchange of information, when the United States transferred its database to its Russian counterparts, without, however, indicating specific numbers.

Meanwhile, the implementation of START-3 remains under threat due to disagreements between Russia and the United States over the American missile defense system in Europe. In the middle of May Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs threatened to withdraw from the treaty if the Americans continued to place their weapons in European countries. Earlier, the Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Andrei Tretyak, said that the deployment of the American missile defense system near the Russian borders would benefit our nuclear deterrent forces (SNF). Research organizations of the Ministry of Defense came to these conclusions during an analysis of plans to modernize the US missile defense system.

The nuclear picture of the world is not limited to the Russian-US biumvirate (see: NVO 09/03/2010 “Nuclear Tandem as a Guarantee of Balance”). As the strategic nuclear forces of the two leading powers are reduced, the strategic potentials of the remaining nuclear states - permanent members of the UN Security Council and countries included in the NPT - become relatively more visible.

Meanwhile, beyond a series of unilateral commitments, data submissions and declarations, they still lack legally binding and verifiable restrictions on their nuclear assets and their development programs.

The “nuclear five” are complemented by four states that have nuclear weapons but are not parties to the NPT. It is with them, as well as with the “threshold” regimes (primarily Iran), that the danger of further nuclear proliferation is now associated, combat use Nuclear weapons in regional conflicts and nuclear materials or technologies falling into the hands of terrorists.


This country ranks third in the world in strategic nuclear weapons with its 108 carriers and approximately 300 warheads. France tested nuclear weapons in 1960 and is armed with thermonuclear warheads with a yield of 100–300 kt.

The basis of the French forces at present is 3 Triomphant-class SSBNs with 48 M45 missiles and 240 warheads and one boat of the previous Inflexible type project. One submarine is constantly under repair, and one is on maritime patrol. Interestingly, in order to save money, France supports a set of SLBMs only for operationally deployed missile submarines (i.e. in this case for three). Additionally, the French “Strike Force” includes 60 Mirage 2000N aircraft and 24 carrier-based Super Etandar fighter-bombers, capable of delivering a total of approximately 60 air-to-ground missiles to targets. France has no other nuclear weapons systems.

The modernization program involves the commissioning of the 4th Triomphane-class submarine (instead of the last Inflexible-class submarine being withdrawn from service) and the deployment of new M51.1 extended-range SLBMs on all submarine missile carriers, as well as the adoption of a new aircraft system - a Rafael-type fighter. The aviation component of the French strategic nuclear forces belongs to operational-tactical assets according to the Russian-American classification, but is part of the strategic “Strike Forces” of France. In 2009, Paris announced its intention to halve the aviation component, which would reduce the quantitative level of strategic nuclear forces to approximately 100 carriers and 250 warheads.

Having a relatively small nuclear potential, France openly emphasizes a very offensive, even “bully” type of nuclear strategy, which includes the concepts of the first use of nuclear weapons, massive and limited strikes against both traditional opponents and “rogue” countries, and, lastly, time and in China (for this, a new extended-range SLBM is being created).

At the same time, the level of combat readiness of the French “Strike Forces” has been reduced, although the details of this are unknown. France stopped producing uranium in 1992 and plutonium in 1994, dismantled fissile material production facilities for military purposes (inviting foreign officials to visit them), and closed a nuclear test site in Polynesia. It also announced an upcoming unilateral reduction of its nuclear weapons by a third.


The People's Republic of China conducted its first nuclear weapons test in 1964. Currently, China is the only one of the five great powers, permanent members of the UN Security Council and recognized five nuclear powers of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) that does not provide any official information about its military forces, including nuclear weapons.

The official justification for such secrecy is that Chinese nuclear forces are small in number and technically incomparable to those of other P5 powers, and therefore, in order to maintain its nuclear deterrent, China needs to maintain uncertainty regarding its strategic nuclear forces.

At the same time, China is the only great power that official level accepted a commitment not to be the first to use nuclear weapons, and without any reservations. This commitment is accompanied by some vague unofficial clarification (probably sanctioned by the government) that Chinese nuclear warheads are kept separate from missiles in peacetime. It is also indicated that in the event of a nuclear strike, the task is to deliver warheads to the carriers within two weeks and strike back at the aggressor.

It is generally believed that a nuclear power that has accepted a commitment not to be the first to use nuclear weapons relies on the concept and means of a retaliatory strike. However, according to generally accepted estimates, so far Chinese strategic nuclear forces, as well as missile attack warning systems (MAWS), and the infrastructure of combat command and control points are too vulnerable to provide the possibility of a retaliatory strike after a hypothetical disarming nuclear strike by the United States or Russia.

Therefore, the official doctrine of the PRC is interpreted as a predominantly political and propaganda tool (like the Soviet commitment on the no-first use of nuclear weapons from 1982), which does not reflect the real operational planning of strategic nuclear forces, which are actually aimed at a pre-emptive strike in the event of a direct threat of a nuclear attack. Due to the complete secrecy of official data, all assessments of China's nuclear weapons are based on information from foreign government and private sources. Thus, according to some of them, China has about 130 strategic ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. They include 37 old stationary ICBMs of the Dongfang-4/5A type and 17 old stationary medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) of the Dongfang-3A type. Also deployed are about 20 new ground-mobile ICBMs of the Dongfang-31A type (the Chinese analogue of the Russian Topol missile) and 60 new ground-mobile Dongfang-21 ICBMs. (According to other sources, China has 12 Dongfang-31/31A and 71 Dongfang-21/21A IRBMs.) All of these missiles have a monoblock warhead.

A new ICBM of the Dongfang-41 type with a multiple warhead (6–10 warheads) for ground-mobile and railway-mobile launchers (similar to the retired Russian RS-22 ICBM) is also being developed. China has periodically put to sea an experimental Xia-class nuclear submarine with 12 Julang-1 SLBM launchers and is building a second Jin-class submarine with longer-range Julang-2 missiles. The aviation component is represented by 20 obsolete Hong-6 type medium bombers, copied from Soviet Tu-16 aircraft produced in the 50s.

Although Beijing denies the presence of operational-tactical nuclear weapons, there are estimates that China has about 100 such weapons deployed.

In total, China's nuclear arsenal is estimated at approximately 180–240 warheads, making it the 4th or 3rd nuclear power behind the United States and Russia (and possibly France), depending on the accuracy of available unofficial estimates. Chinese nuclear warheads are mainly of the thermonuclear class with a power range of 200 kt - 3.3 Mt.

There is no doubt that the economic and technical potential of the PRC allows for the rapid build-up of nuclear missile weapons across the entire range of their classes. It is noteworthy that, apparently in the context of some cunning political line, in contrast to the extremely “modest” strategic declarations at the military parade on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 2009, China clearly sought to impress the whole world with a rapidly growing military power, including strategic nuclear weapons.


The UK is the most open about its nuclear capabilities. Its nuclear weapons were first tested in 1952, and currently British thermonuclear warheads have a yield of about 100 kt and, possibly, the sub-kiloton class.

The country's strategic forces consist of four Vanguard-class submarines, which deploy 48 Trident-2 SLBMs purchased from the United States and 144 British nuclear warheads. The SLBM set, like that of France, is designed for three submarines, since one is constantly under repair. An additional 10 spare missiles and 40 warheads are in storage. There are unofficial estimates that some SLBMs are equipped with a single low-yield warhead and are aimed at rogue states. Britain has no other nuclear forces.

After heated debate in the middle of this decade, it was decided to begin designing a new type of SSBN and planning the purchase of modified Trident 2 missiles from the United States, as well as developing a new type of nuclear warheads for the period after 2024, when the Vanguard submarines reach the end of their service life . It is likely that progress in nuclear disarmament by the United States and Russia (new and subsequent START treaties) will entail a revision of these plans.

Providing options for limited nuclear strikes against “rogue” countries, London (in contrast to Paris) does not emphasize reliance on nuclear weapons and adheres to the strategy of “minimum nuclear deterrence.” It has been officially announced that nuclear forces are in a state of reduced combat readiness and their use will require a long time (weeks) after the transmission of the order from senior management. However, no technical clarification was given in this regard. The United Kingdom has declared the full extent of its fissile material stockpile and has also placed fissile material no longer required for defense purposes under international IAEA safeguards. It made all enrichment and reprocessing facilities available for international inspection by the IAEA and began work on national historical reporting of fissile materials produced.

Pakistani medium-range nuclear missile "Ghauri"


Israel differs from other nuclear states in that it not only does not report official data on its nuclear potential, but also does not confirm its existence. Nevertheless, no one in the world, either in government or private expert circles, questions the presence of nuclear weapons in Israel, and Tel Aviv quite deliberately does not dispute this assessment. Similar to the American line regarding its nuclear weapons on ships and submarines based in Japan, Israel is pursuing a “neither confirm nor deny” nuclear deterrence strategy.

Israel's officially unrecognized nuclear potential, according to the country's leadership, has a very tangible deterrent effect on surrounding Islamic countries and at the same time does not aggravate the awkward position of the United States in providing military assistance and political security support to Israel. Open confession the fact of possession of nuclear weapons, as Israeli leaders apparently believe, could provoke surrounding Arab countries to withdraw from the NPT and create their own nuclear weapons.

Apparently, Israel developed nuclear weapons in the late 60s. Israeli nuclear warheads are designed on the basis of weapons-grade plutonium, and although they have never undergone full-scale testing, no one doubts their combat effectiveness due to the high scientific and technical level of Israeli nuclear scientists and those who assisted them abroad.

According to expert estimates, the Israeli nuclear arsenal currently numbers between 60 and 200 warheads. different types. Of these, about 50 are nuclear warheads for 50 medium-range Jericho-2 ballistic missiles (1500–1800 km). They cover almost all countries of the Middle East, including Iran, the Caucasus zone and the southern regions of Russia. In 2008, Israel tested the Jericho-2 missile with a range of 4,800–6,500 km, which corresponds to an intercontinental-class system. The remaining Israeli nuclear warheads appear to be aerial bombs and can be delivered by strike aircraft, primarily by more than 200 American-made F-16 aircraft. Additionally, Israel recently purchased three Dolphin-class diesel-electric submarines from Germany and has ordered two more. Probably, the torpedo tubes of these boats were adapted to launch tactical SLCMs of the Harpoon type (with a range of up to 600 km), purchased from the United States and capable of striking ground targets, including those with nuclear warheads.

Although Israel, for obvious reasons, does not explain its nuclear doctrine in any way, it is obvious that it provides for the first use of nuclear weapons (preventive or preemptive strike). After all, logically, it is designed to prevent a situation, to use the formula of the Russian Military Doctrine, “when the very existence of the state is threatened.” Until now, for 60 years, in all wars in the Middle East, Israel has won victories using only conventional armed forces and weapons. However, each time it was more difficult and cost Israel more and more losses. Apparently, Tel Aviv believes that such effectiveness of the use of the Israeli army cannot continue forever - taking into account the vulnerable geostrategic position of the state, the enormous superiority of the surrounding Islamic countries in terms of population, the size of the armed forces, with their volume purchases modern weapons and official declarations about the need to “erase Israel from the political map of the world.”

However, recent trends may call into question Israel's national security strategy. In the event of further proliferation of nuclear weapons, primarily through their acquisition by Iran and other Islamic countries, Israel's nuclear deterrence will be neutralized by the nuclear potential of other states in the region. Then there could be a catastrophic defeat for Israel in one of the future conventional wars, or an even greater catastrophe as a result of a regional nuclear war. At the same time, there is no doubt that Israel’s “anonymous” nuclear potential is a serious problem for strengthening the nuclear weapons non-proliferation regime in the Near and Middle East.


India, along with Pakistan and Israel, belongs to the category of states possessing nuclear weapons that do not have the legal status of a nuclear power under Article IX of the NPT. Delhi does not provide official data on its nuclear forces and programs. Most experts estimate India's potential at approximately 60–70 nuclear warheads based on weapons-grade plutonium with a yield of 15–200 kt. They can be placed on an appropriate number of monoblock tactical missiles (Prithvi-1 with a range of 150 km), operational-tactical missiles (Agni-1/2 - from 700 to 1000 km) and intermediate-range ballistic missiles undergoing testing (Agni -3" – 3000 km). India is also testing sea-launched short-range ballistic missiles such as Dhanush and K-15. Medium bombers such as the Mirage-1000 Vazhra and Jaguar IS Shamsher can probably serve as carriers of nuclear bombs, as can fighter-bombers such as the MiG-27 and Su-30MKI purchased from Russia, the latter being equipped for in-flight refueling from aircraft Il-78 is also Russian-made.

Having conducted the first test of a nuclear explosive device in 1974 (declared a test for peaceful purposes), India openly tested nuclear weapons in 1998 and declared its nuclear forces as a deterrent to the PRC. However, like China, India has accepted a commitment not to be the first to use nuclear weapons, making an exception for a nuclear retaliatory strike in the event of an attack on it using other types of WMD. Judging by the available information, India, like China, practices separate storage of missile launch vehicles and nuclear warheads.

Pakistan conducted its first nuclear weapons test in 1998, almost simultaneously with India and with the official goal of containing the latter. However, the very fact of an almost simultaneous test indicates that the development of nuclear weapons was carried out in Pakistan over a long preceding period, possibly starting with the Indian “peaceful” nuclear experiment of 1974. In the absence of any official information, Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is estimated at approximately 60-plus enriched uranium warheads with yields ranging from the sub-kiloton scale to 50 kt.

As carriers, Pakistan uses two types of operational-tactical ballistic missiles with a range of 400–450 km (type Haft-3 Ghaznavi and Haft-4 Shaheen-1), as well as MRBMs with a range of up to 2000 km (type Haft-5 Ghauri "). New medium-range ballistic missile systems (such as the Haft-6 Shaheen-2 and Ghauri-2) are being tested, as are ground-launched cruise missiles (such as the Haft-7 Babur), similar in technology to the Chinese Dongfang GLCM -10". All missiles are placed on ground-mobile launchers and have a monoblock warhead. Cruise missiles of the Haft-7 Babur type are also being tested in air- and sea-launched versions - in the latter case, apparently, to equip Agosta-class diesel-electric submarines.

Likely air delivery vehicles include American-made F-16 A/B fighter-bombers, as well as French Mirage-V fighters and Chinese A-5s.

Operational-tactical missiles have been deployed to positions within reach of Indian territory (as well as Indian missiles near Pakistani territory). Medium-range systems cover almost the entire territory of India, Central Asia and Russian Western Siberia.

Pakistan's official nuclear strategy openly relies on the concept of a first (preventive) nuclear strike - with reference to India's superiority in general-purpose forces (like Russia in the context of the superiority of the United States, NATO and, in the future, China). However, according to available information, Pakistani nuclear warheads are stored separately from their carriers, like Indian ones, which implies the dependence of Pakistani nuclear deterrence on timely warning of a possible war with India.

Separate storage in the case of Pakistan is of great importance due to the unstable internal political situation of the country, the great influence of Islamic fundamentalism there (including in the officer corps), and its involvement in the terrorist war in Afghanistan. We also cannot forget the experience of deliberate leakage of nuclear materials and technologies through the network of the “father of Pakistan.” atomic bomb» Nobel laureate Abdul Qadir Khan on the global black market.


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, in terms of its nuclear status, is a rather curious legal incident.

From the point of view of international law, the five great powers consist of legally recognized nuclear powers under the NPT - “nuclear weapon states” (Article IX). The three remaining de facto nuclear states (India, Pakistan and Israel) are recognized as such in political terms, but are not considered nuclear powers in the legal sense of this concept, since they have never been members of the NPT and cannot join it as nuclear powers according to the mentioned article.

North Korea has become another category - a state with an unrecognized nuclear status. The fact is that the DPRK took advantage of the fruits of peaceful nuclear cooperation with other countries within the framework of the NPT for military purposes, committed clear violations of its articles on IAEA safeguards, and ultimately withdrew from the NPT in 2003 with gross violations of its Article X, which determines the permitted procedure for withdrawal from the Agreement. Therefore, recognizing the DPRK's nuclear status would be tantamount to encouraging flagrant violations of international law and would set a dangerous example for other possible violating countries.

However, North Korea tested plutonium-based nuclear explosive devices in 2006 and 2009 and, according to expert estimates, has approximately 5-6 such warheads. It is assumed, however, that these warheads are not compact enough to be placed on missile or aircraft carriers. If these warheads were improved, North Korea could theoretically deploy them on several hundred Hwansong-type short-range ballistic missiles and several dozen Nodong-type MRBMs. Tests of Taepodong-class ICBMs in 2007–2009 were unsuccessful.

If equipped with nuclear warheads, the Hwangsong missiles could cover all of South Korea, adjacent areas of the PRC and Russian Primorye. In addition, Nodong medium-range missiles could reach Japan, central China, and Russian Siberia. A intercontinental missiles“Tepodong”, if their development is successfully completed, would gain reach to Alaska, Hawaii and the west coast of the main US territory, almost all regions of Asia, the European zone of Russia and even Central and Western Europe.