Whole pork butt baked in foil in the oven: baking process from A to Z. Baked pork butt (soft and juicy)

18.10.2019 Internet

1. Here are my products:

I also had this onion

2. Wash the meat, dry it... and put it aside, and in the meantime chop the garlic... A LOT

3. Now we take the meat and stuff it with garlic... making cuts in different places...this is what it looks like...

4. Stuffed... now you need to add pepper and salt...

5. Next... put all the mustard on the meat and rub it in... there should be a LOT of mustard!!! Then the mustard in the finished dish will be practically invisible... Almost all the mustard will be absorbed into the meat and give it softness and a piquant taste! TRY IT. Leave on the table for 30 minutes to marinate...

6. Spread the foil on the table - MANY LAYERS! like this...

7. Place a layer of onion in the middle of the foil (cut into rings - coarsely)... put the meat on the onion... and also put the onion on top...

8. Prepared everything... and wrap the meat in an envelope... and put it in a baking dish

9. I also pour a little water on the bottom of the pan... so that the foil does not stick to the pan...

10. In this form, I put it in a preheated oven at 220 degrees... The meat will bake for about 2.5 - 3 hours. The time depends on the mass of the piece - if the piece is larger, then it will definitely be at least 3 hours. As soon as this time has passed, I take out the meat, cut the foil, open it a little and back for 15 minutes - bake the crust a little.

11. Once it’s slightly fried, take it out, let it cool a little and cut into pieces...

12. See... All the mustard has been absorbed into the meat. And what a scent it is at home! MMMM! This is the dish I prepare for the New Year's table! My family always reminds me not to forget to prepare it :) Bon appetit everyone and be sure to prepare such a dish for the holiday! The meat is very tasty both hot and cold! Serve with potatoes, cabbage or just vegetables.

Cooking time: PT03H00M 3 hours

Pork ham in the oven is prepared in one piece, in portions, in spices, under different sauces. Baking in the oven, the meat retains its natural juiciness and is “enveloped” in a crispy crust. The meat is optionally supplemented with layers of dough and vegetables.

Pork ham baked in foil in the oven


  • ham – 0.7 kg;
  • sour cream, mayonnaise - 1 tbsp each;
  • mustard – 0.5 – 1 tbsp;
  • garlic – 8 - 10 cloves (1 head);
  • spices.

Cooking steps:

  1. A clean ham, wiped with napkins, is pierced with a long thin knife from all sides (to the middle of the piece).
  2. Put salt on your finger, rubbing the punctures from the inside, stuffing the salted areas with garlic (the latter should be evenly distributed inside the piece).
  3. A paste is prepared from garlic: the cloves are cut, ground with salt, pepper, and spices.
  4. Pour mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard into the crushed garlic, beat lightly with a fork.
  5. The meat is covered with the mixture and wrapped in cling film.
  6. In a warm (but not hot) room, the ham is soaked in sauce for 3 hours
  7. The next stage of marinating is 2 hours (without removing the film) in the refrigerator.
  8. After 5 hours of marinating, remove the cling film, place the pork on foil, and fold it into an envelope that will retain the juices.
  9. Bake the pork ham in 2 stages: the first 45 minutes. the meat is baked at 220°C.
  10. Second 45 min. meat is cooked at 180°C.
  11. Remove the foil from the finished meat and leave it at the same 180°C so that the crust “seizes” on top.
  12. The ham is not removed from the switched off cabinet for another 10 minutes.

If you bake a pork ham in foil in a solid piece, this will preserve its juices. Roasted garlic gives a light aroma and flavor to the meat. A rim of spicy meat complements the naturally flavored center. The dish is served straight from the oven, warm, chilled, or used as a preparation for other dishes.

Unusual recipe in dough


  • ham – 0.9 – 1.2 kg;
  • butter (in dough) – 170 g;
  • flour – 0.4 kg;
  • butter (for coating) – 40 g;
  • egg – 1 (yolk only);
  • salt, tarragon, other spices;
  • mustard (strong) – 1.5 tbsp.
  • warm water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Set the oven to 210°C.
  2. The pork is folded into a roll shape (a thin piece is rolled several times).
  3. To secure the resulting shape, wrap the piece with strong thread (rope).
  4. The oil is kneaded, the pork is covered with it, which is wrapped in foil (the latter should tightly cover all the meat so that the aromas and juices do not escape).
  5. To bake, leave the ham for 25 minutes until half cooked. in a hot oven.
  6. Flour with warm butter grind to fine grains, pour in heated (not hot) water, and knead. The dough should stand for at least an hour.
  7. The oven is turned off, but the meat is allowed to warm up for another 10 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle the workpiece with spices and salt, leave to cool, and remove the threads.
  9. Roll out a flatbread that is enough to cover all the meat.
  10. Cover the flatbread with mustard, leaving “clean” edges to seal.
  11. Tarragon leaves are placed in the center, pork is placed on top, which is covered with dough, sealing the edges.
  12. Make 5-6 punctures with a fork over the entire surface of the roll, brush with yolk.
  13. After 40 min. check - the dish is ready.
  14. Immediately from the oven, the dough is placed in foil or a towel so that it steams and is not hard.

This is the French way of cooking pork. The dough can be replaced with yeast or puff pastry. The meat can be wrapped raw, but in a thinner piece so that it has time to bake. Serve the baked goods straight from the oven.

Prepare in portions


  • pork – 2 kg;
  • pickled mushrooms – 0.25 kg;
  • starch – 30 g (1 full tablespoon);
  • wine (any) and broth - 0.2 l each;
  • cream – 0.2 l;
  • vegetable oil - by eye (for frying onions);
  • onion – 2 medium;
  • paprika, spices, salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. The washed, dry meat is cut into large chunks and fried until the crust “sets.”
  2. Add onion mixed with spices and paprika to the melted hot fat and fry for 30 seconds.
  3. Add salt and flour, cook over high heat for 1 minute, making sure that the frying does not burn.
  4. Add liquid (broth, wine) to the mixture after 3 – 5 minutes. - cream.
  5. The sauce is ready if it resembles liquid jelly (when stirring, a clean mark from the spatula is visible, which disappears after 1 - 2 seconds).
  6. The meat is sprinkled with mushrooms (without marinade) and poured with dressing.
  7. The meat should be cooked in the sauce for 40 minutes, the temperature should be medium - 170°C.

The ingredients of the dish are a classic addition to meat. Braising softens the pork, making it juicy and creamy. Creamy mushroom sauce and meat are combined with neutral cereals (rice, couscous) or noodles.

How to bake pork ham with potatoes in the sleeve


  • ham – 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • salt, garlic, herbs, paprika and other spices;
  • a couple of pinches of sugar;
  • kefir, tomato juice, water (strong broth) - 0.5 tbsp.
  1. Prepare the ham: cut it off excess fat, wash, dry.
  2. Peeled potatoes (new ones can be cooked unpeeled) are cut into several large pieces.
  3. Mix meat with potatoes, cover with spices, salt, herbs, garlic and sugar.
  4. Pour sauce made from tomato juice, water (broth), kefir over the potatoes and meat and mix.
  5. Fill the sleeve with the blank, tie it, leaving a little space on both sides (the sleeve will inflate).
  6. The sleeve can be pierced a couple of times so that the steam does not tear the film.
  7. In an hour (at 180°C) the dish will be ready.
  8. You can bake the crust by piercing and cutting the sleeve in 5 minutes. until the cabinet is turned off.

The sleeve is used to cook pork especially juicy. The potatoes will be as tender as butter, and the meat will be “filled” with sauce and spices. The dish is “refreshed” with juicy greens and served with salad.

Juicy meat in soy-mustard marinade


  • ham – 0.5 kg;

For the spicy sauce:

  • dried spices (garlic, savory, pepper, basil) - a pinch;
  • Cumin, paprika, oregano, marjoram are also suitable (optional);
  • ready-made mustard (beans) – 2 tbsp;
  • part 1 hot pepper (chopped, with or without seeds) - optional;
  • soy sauce - always 2 times more mustard.

Cooking steps:

  1. Mix the marinade: soy sauce, all the spices, mustard, sweeten (if necessary).
  2. In order for the ham to bake quickly, cut it into flat pieces (1 - 2 cm).
  3. The pork should be kept in the sauce for 1 hour.
  4. Cook in an oven heated to 200°C for 20 minutes. (can be wrapped in foil, sleeve).

This is a simple version of baked meat. The secret of the dish is in the spicy sauce with mustard peas that burst in your mouth. The marinade has a strong taste, but it does not overpower the special flavor of the pork. The marinade can be slightly sweetened with a few drops of fruit syrup, honey or just sugar. Serve the ham in sauce with rice, noodles, couscous or tomato salad.

In mayonnaise sauce


For 0.5 kg of ham (with a slight fat layer) you need:

  • ground pepper – 5 g (at the tip of a teaspoon);
  • salt – 10 g;
  • mayonnaise (low-fat) – 6 tbsp;
  • dry garlic, paprika - optional;
  • hard cheese (optional) – 50 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Set the oven to 170°C.
  2. Clean, moisture-dried pork is divided into plates (2 cm) and pierced several times (for better marinating).
  3. The pieces are mixed with pepper (spices) and mayonnaise, and allowed to stand in the room for 2 hours (preferably a day).
  4. Place the meat preparation in a baking tray (you can sprinkle cheese on top).
  5. After 40 min. After baking, the dish can be removed and served, sprinkled with herbs.

Pork ham baked in the oven in mayonnaise sauce, served with golden onion rings, baked potatoes, and fresh salad. Juicy meat breaks into fibers well. Thanks to mayonnaise, the texture becomes softer and the taste more piquant.

Breaded pork ham in the oven


For 1 kg of ham:

  • crackers – 0.2 kg;
  • liquid oil (melted butter or vegetable) – 150 ml;
  • herbs (basil, different types peppers, thyme) – 2 tbsp. (total weight).
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Set the oven temperature to 200°C.
  2. Washed, dry portioned slices of ham are seasoned with pepper and salt on all sides.
  3. For breading, add butter, herbs and salt to the breadcrumbs.
  4. The meat is evenly coated with a layer of breading and placed on a baking sheet in the oven.
  5. After 30 min. take out the finished ham, and after another 10 minutes. – it can be cut (a very hot crust is difficult to cut).
  6. Pink raw layers in pork are dangerous, so the meat must be cooked completely.
  7. The temperature inside the finished pork meat is above 75°C (check it with a kitchen thermometer).

A crispy, spiced rusk crust envelops juicy meat. In the oven, the product will marinate slightly, but the main taste of the spices will remain in the crust. The meat is eaten piping hot with various side dishes - vegetable purees, porridges, salads.

Baked pork is one of the fastest, proven dishes for meat lovers. By changing meat marinades, spices, and additives to your liking, you can improve recipes to suit your needs.

Step 1: Prepare the pork butt.

To prepare this dish, I specially purchased the meatiest pork ham from a young pig with a thin coating of fat and a large bone; they say that meat on the bone bakes better and is more tender. First, rinse the ham under running water to remove any dirt. Then place the meat in a deep bowl and pour into it 1 glass ordinary running water and 1 glass table vinegar 9% vinegar.
Soak the meat in the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. Then take it out of the bowl, rinse it again under running water and put it back in the same container in which it was previously located, although the bowl should be washed first.

Step 2: prepare the marinade.

Now prepare the marinade, it's easy. Arm yourself with a deep bowl, a tablespoon and a teaspoon. Place the amount of salt required according to the recipe into the bowl. It will seem to you that there is a lot of it, but do not forget that the ham is large, and in principle this ingredient can be adjusted to taste like all spices, the main thing is not to make the pork tasteless.
Then add ground black pepper, preferably fresh, but if you don’t have it in the house, you can use already ground pepper.
Now add spicy oregano, this spice will work more on aroma than taste.
Peel the garlic, squeeze it through a garlic press into a mortar and then grind it to the smallest particles so that the garlic gives more juice and dissolves its magnificent amber. Then add it to the bowl with spices.
Finally, rinse 2 limes under running water, dry them with paper kitchen towels, cut each fruit into 2 parts and squeeze the juice from them using a hand squeezer into a bowl with spices and garlic.
Take a fork and thoroughly mix all the ingredients of the marinade until smooth.

Step 3: marinate the pork ham.

Now return to the meat, place it on a cutting board and make frequent punctures in the ham with a knife, 5 to 6 centimeters deep.
Don’t be lazy, this step is very important before starting marinating, the more punctures, the better the meat is marinated.
Of course, you shouldn’t be too zealous and make a sieve out of the ham, 5 – 7 cuts on one side and the other and, of course, on the skin.
Transfer the ham back to the bowl and pour the marinade over it.
Rub the flavor mixture into the pork as lovingly as possible, making sure the liquid gets into the cuts, this is the best way to get maximum flavor.
Then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and put the ham in the refrigerator for 12 hours, or even better if you marinate the meat from evening to night, which is exactly what I did.

Step 4: bake the pork ham.

Through 12 hours turn on and preheat the oven up to 200 degrees Celsius. Remove the bowl of ham from the refrigerator and remove the plastic wrap from the container. Take a non-stick baking dish, place the pork in it and pour in the marinade that remains in the bowl.
Cover the top of the pan with foil so that there are no gaps and steam that will accumulate under the sheet of foil can bake the ham. Let the meat bake for 4 hours Believe me, I have cooked this dish many times and for such a large piece of meat it is perfect time.
After the required time has passed, using a kitchen towel, remove the pan from the oven, remove the foil and send the ham back to bake for another 25 – 30 minutes, so that the pork is covered with a beautiful golden brown crust.
Then turn off the oven, let the finished ham stand in it for another 10 – 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the oven and place on a cutting board.
Very carefully transfer the ham to a large, flat platter using tongs. Proceed with caution, the meat turns out very crumbly, tender, almost flaky. Cut the ham into the desired size pieces, serve yourself a portion and savor with pleasure.

Step 5: Serve the pork ham in the marinade.

Pork ham in marinade is served hot or chilled as the main meat dish. This kind of pork will go well with a non-fatty side dish, such as boiled rice, pasta, cereal or mashed potatoes. If you're serving pork butt to guests, you can garnish it with lime wedges, like I did, or fresh vegetable slicing. This dish brings satiety and a lot of pleasure with its taste and aroma!

- – The set of spices in this recipe can be supplemented, for example, if you like spicier meat, you can add ground red pepper, curry to the marinade, and if you want more flavor, you can add white pepper, allspice, ground mint and lemongrass. In principle, to bake a ham you can use any spices that are suitable for preparing pork dishes.

- – Don’t think that 4.5 hours of baking is a lot, for marinated meat this is the ideal time, since any marinated meat is baked much longer than stuffed or simply rubbed with spices.

- – When choosing a ham, be vigilant; it is advisable to set the piece you have chosen on fire to make sure that you do not get a knur. If the meat smells like urine, it is better to discard the piece, since such a ham cannot be rehabilitated.

Pork ham in the oven, cooked with spices - a real delicacy for festive table. But not every experienced cook can effectively cope with this task. We will tell you how to cook a baked ham according to the recipe, juicy and tasty.

How to cook pork ham in the oven and how many calories does it contain?

There are many recipes for cooking pork ham in the oven. But in fact, achieving the heights of culinary art in this case can be incredibly difficult. Capricious meat is quite easy to spoil. The large bone in the center requires quite a long heat treatment. This means there is a risk of drying out the pulp and making it indigestible. How to marinate pork before baking? Should I use vinegar? A novice cook has a lot of questions, but most often there is neither time nor energy to look for answers to them. Using time-tested recipes, properly selected meat and thoroughly marinating the product before putting it in the oven helps to avoid problems.

Choosing meat

Proper pork is tender meat Pink colour. The surface of the piece in the package or cut must have a clean, even cut without a rainbow tint. Excess moisture is an indicator of poor product quality. The meat cut must be dry and clean. The presence of foreign odors is a sign of a spoiled product.

Pork cannot be without fat - this is an axiom. Experienced cooks know that the amount of adipose tissue shows exactly how fattening took place. But you should not substitute concepts - the proportions must be observed in favor of meat, not lard. Marbling is welcomed, which is also highly valued in beef. If the fat content in the tissues is sufficient, there will be practically no chance of drying out the pork.

Ham belongs to the category of meat products that can be sold with skin and bone. This baking solution is considered optimal. In this case, the skin completely retains meat juices, preventing their loss. In addition, after coming out of the oven, the crispy shell itself will be a wonderful delicacy. The presence of bone is an important component in long and gradual cooking. It is responsible for proper heat removal in a piece of ham and guarantees its uniform distribution in the tissues.

Properly cooked meat on the bone should “rest” and finish. In this case, it will be much softer and juicier.

Marinate before baking

The need to marinate the pork butt is an important component proper preparation to the baking procedure. This stage is especially important in cases where you want to not only put meat on the bone in the oven, but also maintain softness. tender fillet. A classic marinade for baking should add juiciness to the meat, make it more piquant, but not detract from the natural taste of the product.

Let's consider the most popular options for marinating compositions in more detail.

  • Spicy. This mixture contains vegetable oil, a mixture of hop-suneli spices, and a large number of raw onions (about 0.5 kg). Pepper, salt and bay leaf are selected to taste. A kilogram of meat in pieces is immersed in a mixture of ingredients and sent for marinating for 5-8 hours. Baking marinated meat is recommended in a special cooking oven.
  • Soy/sherry based– an original solution for people with different culinary preferences. Depending on the occasion for the celebration and the composition of the guests, you can choose a non-alcoholic or alcoholic version of the marinade. In addition, the composition necessarily contains bay leaf, 0.5 kg of chopped onions, sugar, pepper, and dried garlic powder. Soy sauce or sherry is taken in a volume of 100 ml; In addition, it is worth adding half this volume of olive or soybean oil to the composition.
  • Cognac with lemon. Alcohol marinades are one of the most popular options when baking ham. In this case, even fairly dry pork can be saturated with juices and made more piquant. In addition to cognac and lemon, the composition includes ginger, bitter mustard, garlic and any suitable spices. Like most other alcoholic marinating compounds, this option can be considered an express solution for use. You need to keep the meat in it for at least 1 hour.
  • Berry. Lingonberries, cranberries, and blueberries not only add a slight sourness, but also make the meat much softer, juicier and more enjoyable. Sugar-free berries, crushed to a puree, are mixed with garlic, salt, and peppercorns in the desired proportions.

How to cook?

The opportunity to bake a pork ham in the oven is highly appreciated by both people who are far from cooking and true gourmets who know a lot about creating excellent meat dishes. Choice suitable recipe made based on the characteristics of the selected piece. The ham, which belongs to the anterior shoulder region, has a more fibrous structure and is suitable for preparing dietary dishes or rolls.

The bacon part of the ham is considered fattier and requires proper heat treatment. A piece of meat intended for baking, marinating, or processing in spices requires preliminary rinsing in cold running water. After this, it is dried and prepared for heat treatment. Next, you can choose absolutely any recipe you like and start cooking.

Pork ham in the oven with oranges

The simplest recipe for beginners, which can still ensure the complete delight of guests, is pork ham baked with oranges. Meat in 1-2 kg pieces for this dish is chosen with a significant amount of fat. The piece in the skin, which is baked in foil, must first be treated with a knife and cut crosswise over the entire surface for uniform heating. The outside of the ham is rolled in a mixture of spices and salt. Juicy oranges are cut into thin slices with the peel on.

Preparing a baking sheet involves lining its surface with plenty of foil - the edges of the sheets should hang down. Without greasing with oil, lay out a bed of orange slices and place the meat on top of it. The piece is also covered with citrus, everything is covered with foil, not too tightly. The meat is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1.5 hours.

How to cook juicy meat

Dry pork is not a myth, but it can be combated if you use the right recipe. A simple one will help step by step recipe, capable of conquering even an inexperienced cook. To prepare juicy and tasty meat, you will need to flavor it with apple sauce and stuff it with vegetables. From 5 sour apples and a glass of sweet red wine with the addition of lemon zest, a boiled puree is prepared, which is kneaded until smooth with a blender.

A piece of washed, dried meat, rolled in spices, is greased with vegetable oil, cuts are made on the surface of the ham, into which slices of carrots and garlic are placed. The resulting semi-finished product is immersed in a container and sent into the cold for 24 hours. The meat is baked in foil at medium temperature for 120 minutes. The finished dish is served, cut into portions and topped with sauce.

With potatoes and other vegetables

A ham baked with potatoes can be considered quite a filling and not necessarily a festive dish. It is better to bake meat and vegetables after preliminary marinating for a day - this way their cooking times will correspond to each other. Potatoes are medium-sized, dense, with thin skin. You can bake whole tubers, halves or quarters. Garlic cloves or small onions, sweet pepper slices will complement the flavor range.

The ham is always placed on top of the potatoes so that the juices from the meat flow down. When serving, it is better to divide the dish into portions.

Cooking on the bone

Cooking a piece of prime meat on the bone is not the easiest task. In this case, a whole cut with skin is usually taken for baking, then it is removed, preserving a small amount of fat around the edges of the flesh. It is recommended to coat the ham with glaze - honey-mustard compositions are most often used. The surface of the pulp is first covered with cross-shaped notches. You can also stuff the meat with garlic cloves and season it with your favorite spices. Before baking, the meat is tied with special twine. Bake the ham in the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Depending on the weight of the ham, you need to keep it at a given temperature for at least 3 hours.

Pork ham without salt

Is it possible to cook pork ham without salt? It is worth paying attention to the fact that if you follow a salt-free diet, this dish may well be a good solution for adherents of a healthy diet. You can avoid excess salt in a sleeve - a special culinary device. It is used to avoid drying out the meat and to provide it with the desired juiciness and softness. The absence of the usual salt can be easily compensated for by an accurate and correct selection of spices. A piece of boneless meat stuffed with garlic can also be added fresh vegetables. The broth rendered during the cooking process will be less fatty, and all the ingredients of the dish will be saturated with juices and spicy aromas.

The sleeve also reduces the cooking time of the ham somewhat. Depending on the weight and size of the piece, this can be 1-1.5 hours. If you choose a piece on the bone, it is recommended to select the minimum temperature setting and the length of the cooking process to be 5-7 hours.

Whole or portioned?

If roasting the meat whole doesn't seem like the best idea, you can prepare a portioned version by cutting it into pieces. In this case, meat from the thigh of a pig is best suited for baking. The presence of fatty layers will the best way Do not dry out the tenderloin cut into layers.

The meat is pre-fried, excess oil is removed using blotting paper. Shredded meat is fried in a deep frying pan. onion and paprika pieces, add flour and salt to taste, then add broth and a little white wine. The thickened mixture is flavored with cream. Pieces of meat should be layered with mushrooms, placed in a baking container, poured with the resulting sauce and baked for 30-40 minutes at low temperature (no more than 170 degrees).

Pork ham in dough

The ability to cook ham in dough will be appreciated by both true gourmets and experienced housewives. The skin and fat are first removed from the meat (you can choose a piece without skin). Next, it is boiled for 90 minutes in water with the addition of spices. The finished meat is removed from excess moisture in a colander; after this you need to prepare a stiff dough from mayonnaise, sour cream, flour and grated cheese, as well as eggs. They coat the meat with it and send it to bake in the oven. As soon as the crust has browned, the dish is ready.

Pork ham roll

The good quality of meat from the shoulder part allows you to make a roll from it. In this case, the piece of meat should be quite large - about 3 kg, in addition, you will need salt and sugar, garlic, black and allspice. The layer of meat is rubbed with prepared spices, rolled into a roll, tightly fixed and sent to a cold place for a day. After the allotted time, the ham is wrapped in foil and baked until cooked.

Calorie content of the dish

Meat dishes consist of protein, so they themselves are quite high in calories. But during the cooking process, other ingredients are added to the main ingredient and the final characteristics of the delicacy can change significantly. There are 261 kilocalories in a raw pork belly. But when using oil, honey, marinades, this figure can increase significantly. That is why, when choosing a cooking method and recipe, you should pay attention to the final calorie content of the finished dish. It is quite possible that it will be much higher than expected. Many recipes also list the number of calories per serving. This point is also worth considering, especially if you adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle or control your diet.

If you follow all the rules, a well-cooked, tender and satisfying pork ham will certainly delight you and your loved ones with its exquisite and delicate taste. Meat cooked in large pieces will retain all its juices and will delight even true gourmets with its refined taste.

Finding a recipe to suit your taste is also not difficult. And most importantly, this dish is so varied that you definitely won’t get bored with it, even if you cook it every week.

For a recipe for cooking spicy and juicy pork ham in the oven, see below.

It was one of the most common dishes in Europe. It was consumed by all classes and segments of the population. But just as in our days, not everyone could afford this meat. Therefore, cheap parts of the carcass were often purchased, from which various dishes were prepared. This is how pork ham baked in the oven became popular, which in some countries even became a national dish. It is worth noting that its taste can be significantly superior to those delicacies that use elite varieties of meat. However, to achieve such an effect, it is necessary to cook strictly according to the proposed technology, without violating the recipe.


For cooking meat

Pork ham - 1 kg;

Boiled carrots - 1 piece;

- ground black pepper;

Vegetable oil;

Garlic - 10 cloves;

To prepare the marinade

Honey - 1 tbsp;

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;

European mustard - 2 tbsp;

Onion - 3 pcs;


First of all, the meat is thoroughly washed. Then they make it in one piece different quantity punctures into which chopped garlic and boiled carrots are placed. However, it is worth considering that such cuts should go deep into the piece, and not along it. After this, so that the pork ham in the oven gets a good appearance and the special taste of the crust, it is cut across the entire area. At the same time, the depth of such a cut should not exceed 0.7 cm. Some cooks prefer to make such indentations in the form of a mesh, which allows the meat to be well soaked. Rub a mixture of salt, pepper and vegetable oil into these cuts, letting the pork sit for about 15 minutes before marinating.


In order for the pork ham to acquire an amazing taste in the oven, not only on top, but also on the inside, it must be thoroughly marinated. To do this, mix honey, mustard and vegetable oil, rub the meat on all sides with this mixture. After this, it is placed in a bowl, into which onions, cut into rings, are placed on top. Next, cover the container with a lid and place in a cool place for 12 hours. There is an opinion that pork ham in the oven does not require so much time for marinating, and this process can be reduced to two hours. However, with such a time period, the dish will have a completely different taste.


After the marinating period has expired, place a layer of onions on the foil, then meat, and then cover it completely with onions. In order for the pork ham to bake well in the oven, it must be wrapped very tightly. Some housewives prefer to wrap the meat in several layers, which is also suitable for this recipe. The ham should be baked in the oven at 200 degrees for about ninety minutes. It is also recommended to remove the meat from the foil 15 minutes before cooking so that the crust is well baked. To do this, you can simply make a cut at the top, opening the wrapper.


The ham can be served either hot or cold. At the same time, it can be laid out on a dish whole or as slices. Red wine or stronger drinks go well with it.