The most profitable telephone operator. Which mobile operator is better - MTS or Beeline

31.08.2019 Cell phones

When choosing a SIM card, everyone is faced with the question of which operator to choose so that it is comfortable to use its services without overpaying. The most common dilemma is “Beeline or MTS”? Since these companies are the undisputed leaders in the territory Russian Federation, and are also found in some other countries.

Operator overview

To fully answer the question of which is better - Beeline or MTS, it is necessary to clarify by what characteristic the assessment should be made. It is advisable to use the following parameters:

  1. Cost of calls and messages.
  2. Mobile Internet.
  3. Overall call quality.

It is advisable to take into account all the nuances together before purchasing a SIM card in order to avoid possible problems. However, do not be upset, since both of the operators in question have the option of switching to their company while maintaining your current number, which is very convenient.

Which operator is more suitable for communication?

The range of tariffs and services for both companies is approximately the same. Despite the fact that each region has its own peculiarities in tariff plans, payments for roaming, outgoing calls and SMS messages are practically at the same level.


Internet speed comparison

Beeline is a company that appeared in 1993 and currently has more than 60 million subscribers. Main advantages:

  • a huge range of options, convenient and profitable tariff plans;
  • regular competitions and promotions;
  • the operator constantly improves the quality of communications and services, increases Internet speed, updates equipment and increases the coverage area, which makes the network more accessible;
  • The service center employs impeccably polite professionals who competently answer all questions that arise.

Among the shortcomings are rare malfunctions associated with updating the equipment.


MTS is a multimillion-dollar peer of VimpelCom, providing a decent level of communication quality. It has a large number of different tariffs and services.

Main advantages:

  • almost uninterrupted operation throughout the entire coverage area;
  • frequent competitions, interesting promotions;
  • a large number of bonuses.

Negative properties:

  • the company is more inclined to connect paid options without the subscriber’s knowledge or transfer free services to the category of paid ones;
  • prices for some options are higher than those of Beeline;
  • the coverage area is smaller, that is, communication is not available in all parts of our vast country;
  • the need for a long wait for a response from technical support, average level competence of employees, high cost of services when connecting them through a call to the Contact Center.

Important: when choosing a SIM card and tariff for communication, you should take into account the characteristics of the region where the user lives, the presence or absence of the need for calls outside of it and to numbers of other operators, and the cost of these calls.

Which provider is better

Internet usage comparison chart

  1. Internet on a mobile device.
  2. Internet on a tablet is similar to the first type, but differs in tariff schedule and functionality; usually more “resource-intensive” tariffs are connected here, allowing you to watch videos, use online applications, and games.
  3. For a modem - suitable for areas where the Internet has not yet been installed or where it has low speed and quality. This is especially true for provincial small towns, villages and hamlets.

According to statistical surveys, Beeline is in slightly greater demand. This is not only a well-developed mobile network, but also a good provider.

Mobile Internet

Internet from Beeline has a number of advantages:

  • High speed.
  • Low number of problems.
  • Reasonable prices.

Among the shortcomings, we can note periodic “freezes” in the cheapest tariffs.

Access to the network from MTS is characterized by a high-speed transmission stream, but due to the smaller coverage area, the Internet does not work harmoniously everywhere. Many users note a decrease in speed underground, during rush hour, and simply when watching a video.

Internet on tablet

Both companies have developed specialized tariffs for tablet Internet.

  1. Beeline offers such convenient and advantageous tariffs as “Internet Forever”, “Simple Internet”, which allow you to fully use the tablet - communicate on social networks and conduct video conversations, read online books, view websites, GIF images, watch videos.
  2. MTS has developed a line of slightly more expensive tariffs for tablet devices - Mini, Maxi, Vip, which, given the smaller network coverage area, makes the company inferior to VimpelCom.

Both systems have tariff modifications, additional options for extending megabyte sizes or data transfer speeds.

Selecting an operator for the modem

Many people are interested in which modem should be chosen. Based on the above data, it is advisable to prefer a device from Beeline or use a SIM card from this company to connect. It is better to use them as a modem than MTS, since they provide high Internet speed at an affordable price.

For information: when choosing a company, it is advisable to take into account several parameters at once, since usually a SIM card is purchased simultaneously for calls, communication via SMS and Internet sessions.

Quality of service

Tariff comparison

The level of quality of service in Technical Support is higher in Beeline, which is proven by the manager’s quick response, his good communication skills, and the excellent competence of his employees. Sometimes you have to call MTS Service center several times before a specialist comes on line.

Anti-crisis tariffs are at the peak of popularity today, and both competitors under consideration are striving to make subscriber communications as profitable and high-quality as possible. It is difficult to imagine contemporaries without mobile communications.

After all, every day people make a large number of calls, an incredible number of messages are sent both via SMS and within the Internet space. MTS or Beeline – which should you prefer?

We will not give promotions to one operator or another, the purpose is only to review popular market companies and consider the pros and cons of each of them. In fact, making a rational choice is a costly and complex process, because you will have to choose based on subjective preferences, and not based on generally accepted opinion.

Moreover, when considering the question of which is better - the MTS or Beeline operator, it is worth paying attention to the fact that new types of tariffs appear on the market with enviable regularity, which cannot but attract the attention of customers.

Beeline and operator features

Beeline acts as a popular Russian operator. The company began its work in 1993 and still holds its position, quietly gaining trust among subscribers. If you believe unofficial statistics, the company's customer base reaches over 60,000,000 subscribers.

Advantages of operator services

It is worth considering the main worthy aspects that typical tariffs of this operator are equipped with:

  • a large number of payment plans and a variety of services: the operator is ready to choose current solution for almost every representative of the client audience;
  • the possibility of frequently “getting” into promotions, for which Beeline has become famous not only throughout the country, but also abroad; every Beeline tariff relates to this;
  • competent specialists working in the center: they do their job well and can quickly solve customer problems and difficulties.

Disadvantages of operator service

If you compare this opportunity with other tariff plans and networks, you should pay attention to several pitfalls:

  • There are malfunctions and malfunctions, accompanied by the inability to make a call and check the balance;
  • many connected subscribers complain about the unfavorable roaming mode when interacting with the operator;
  • Once you compare this option with others, you can immediately identify insufficient quality coverage outside the city.

Also among ordinary people the question arises about what to choose - Tele 2 or Beeline? In contrast to Beeline communications, the first company offers literally penny prices on tariffs, while taking over the lion's share of customers. However, glitches and communication problems are present in both cases.

Features of the MTS operator

When considering sources of good communications, one cannot help but pay attention to MTS. This company began operating on the market in 1993 and has been successful to this day. Its tariffs include the largest number of subscribers.

Advantages of a cellular operator

When choosing between Beeline or MTS, it is worth talking about the good aspects of the option under consideration:

  • decent quality parameter in terms of communication within the city limits and beyond;
  • Availability large quantity tariffs, allowing you to choose the best and most profitable option.

Does it have any disadvantages

Communication with such an operator is not without its drawbacks. Of course, it all depends on what tariff the subscriber uses.

  • the smallest coverage area that this link has;
  • communications are also characterized by high prices for services;
  • insufficient quality of technical support, although this problem is also relevant for other operators.

It is also worth considering the fact whether you want to connect a connection to a modem (for the Internet) or use not only the capabilities of a Beeline modem, but also communicate on the phone and write messages. Let's choose! Which mobile connection has more advantages, and which option is worth connecting? In fact, out of all the providers, you should choose the one that suits you

Choosing a profitable cellular operator today is a very difficult task. Even if we pay attention to the three most popular domestic operators, we may have a question: which is better: MTS or Beeline. Also, many potential subscribers compare the mobile Internet of these two companies, trying to choose the most profitable one. In this case, you should have a good idea of ​​how it differs from Beeline.

Let's try to compare operators based on reviews from other subscribers, as well as based on statistics and the results of independent research.

Beeline or MTS: which is better?

Most of the reviews we read testify in favor of the MTS operator. Subscribers talk about affordable and convenient tariffs, as well as the stability of communication and its good quality. Unlike MTS, Beeline offers more expensive prices. Users also note that MTS has the best roaming.

Beeline subscribers often complain that their operator has stopped investing cash in the quality of communication (although it was once at the proper level) and pays more attention to advertising.

If we want to understand who is better to choose, we should definitely take into account the region, and then motivate our choice by the optimality of certain tariffs directly for us. Also, do not forget about the ratio of parameters such as price and quality. In first place according to this criterion are MTS, and in second place is Beeline.

Interesting fact: after the abolition of “mobile slavery” at the beginning of 2014, a large number of Beeline subscribers switched to MTS. Their number is in the hundreds.

If we want to objectively evaluate which is better: MTS or Beeline, we must admit that each of the operators is good in its own way, since it offers good tariffs. In addition, it is possible that in some places Beeline can catch better than MTS, but finding recorded confirmation of this is extremely difficult. You should also keep in mind that it is no easier than on MTS.

MTS or Beeline: whose mobile Internet in Moscow is better?

Obviously, mobile Internet is much slower than a wireless Wi-Fi connection, but in some cases it is almost impossible to do without it. Which operator offers higher speeds? We present the results of independent testing in Moscow.

According to the results of the study, the palm went to MTS. The incoming average speed of the Beeline operator, as it turned out, lags behind MTS by a megabit; the same goes for outgoing speed.

Studies of speed levels in the metro have shown that 3G Internet is available only at one station and only at MTS. The Beeline company is twice as far behind. It is noteworthy that MTS receives signals between metro stations extremely rarely. Beeline provides a connection even underground, but it is slow, and on the surface it shows worse performance.

So, the highest speed mobile Internet was recorded at MTS (5,070 kilobits per second, Tverskaya), and the lowest was recorded at the Beeline operator (21 kilobits per second, Teatralnaya metro station). We did not study the issues of tariffs, level of service and quality of reception, since these are topics for completely different studies.

Beeline or MTS - which is better for subscribers to choose for certain cases? In fact, it is now very problematic to decide on a telephone operator. Each company has its pros and cons. Therefore, you have to study for a long time all the possible advantages and disadvantages in order to make the right choice. Each client has their own requests for cellular communication. This also leaves its mark. What can each company offer? What points should users pay attention to? What do customers think about Beeline and MTS?

Connection quality

The first parameter that is important is communication. The better and more stable a company operates, the more people look at it. Which one - MTS or Beeline?

Subscribers note that it is very difficult to decide. The quality of communication between these operators is approximately the same. MTS, however, is a little worse. For example, during bad times weather conditions Beeline works more stable. Also, in remote areas, the MTS signal disappears faster. But at the same time, the Internet works better for this company.

However, subscribers do not see a significant difference in the quality of communication between Beeline and MTS. Reviews indicate that the companies studied are operating consistently. And it pleases. You will have to choose an operator based on other indicators.


MTS? Beeline? It's quite difficult to choose. Customer reviews will help you decide here. After all, only they will be able to point out the real difference between these companies.

Mobile Internet works well for both operators. But if you believe the reviews, then MTS quite often has network breaks. However, Beeline has even more of them. In the first case, no significant damage is caused to the work, in the second, you have to endure some inconvenience.

The speed of the operators is also approximately the same. Which Internet is better - MTS or Beeline? If you evaluate by speed, it is recommended to go with the second option. Beeline has faster Internet. Yes, it works with some interruptions, but at the same time it allows you to instantly view pages and work on the World Wide Web directly from mobile device. You won't have to wait long.


Beeline or MTS - which is better? Quite often, subscribers pay attention to the cost of certain services. Therefore, price tags for communication services also play a role.

In Russia, as numerous reviews indicate, Beeline is the most expensive connection. Most of its services are too expensive. You won't be able to save money even if you want to.

But MTS, as subscribers say, on the contrary, is distinguished by its cheapness. And although this is far from the cheapest operator, it offers quite humane prices for its services. You can accept some of the company's shortcomings. After all, it still remains on top.

When choosing a mobile operator, taking into account the costs of mobile communications (including the Internet), it is recommended to focus on offers from MTS. With the right tariff plan, you can spend no more than 500 rubles on a phone per month. And this includes the Internet and SMS messages.

Beeline tariffs

What suggestions can each operator make? Beeline or MTS - which is better? Reviews from subscribers indicate that quite often you have to choose based on the offers of a particular company. Package rates deserve attention. They include payment for the Internet, as well as SMS messages.

What can Beeline offer its clients? Which offers are most often paid attention to? Now, as residents of different regions of Russia say, the offer “EVERYTHING!” is popular. This is a package tariff that pleases many with its capabilities.

Which ones exactly? You should specifically pay attention to the following proposals:

  1. “Everything for 300” - 10 GB of Internet, 400 minutes of free talk, 100 SMS are provided.
  2. “Everything for 500” - with prepayment allows you to use 18 GB of Internet traffic, 300 messages per month, 800 minutes of conversation, with postpayment the Internet is unlimited, messages and free dialogues are provided for 600 each.
  3. “Everything for 800” - prepayment: 22 GB of traffic, 500 SMS, 1,200 minutes; prepayment: unlimited Internet, 1,500 minutes and messages.

These rates are the most attractive. Suitable mainly for mobile communications. They are in great demand among those who mainly use Beeline in their surroundings.

Offers from MTS

You should also pay attention to the tariffs from MTS. Only after this will it be possible to really decide which is better. MTS offers its subscribers quite interesting package tariffs. They are somewhat similar to Beeline's offers.

Among the most common options are the following:

  1. Smart Mini - 2 GB Internet traffic, 200 minutes of calls within the region and to MTS numbers in Russia, 200 messages per month.
  2. Smart - 4 GB of Internet, 500 minutes and SMS. The tariff is valid throughout Russia.
  3. "Smart Unlimited" - 200 SMS, 200 minutes of calls within Russia. At the same time, unlimited Internet is provided, as well as no restrictions on calls in the country to MTS numbers.

As customers say, it is best to choose the latest offer. It is suitable for all active subscribers. It is this offer that is called the operator’s bestseller. So, Beeline or MTS - which is better?

Who's nearby

An important point is the person’s environment. Clients often advise each other to choose a company based not only on the previously listed components, but also taking into account what company their loved ones use. As practice shows, it is more profitable to call within the network.

That is why we constantly have to sort out the disagreements between MTS and Beeline. These are the two main competitors in Russia. Decide on a mobile operator in in this case difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to take into account all the nuances.


Beeline? MTS? The situation with home Internet is exactly the same as with telephone communications. It's hard to decide. Home Internet works equally well for both operators. And a significant difference is observed only in the cost of services.

Don't want to spend money? Then it is recommended to pay attention to MTS. If money is not a factor influencing the decision, you can purchase a Beeline modem. As customer reviews indicate, the home Internet of both cellular leaders is equally pleasing!