To Greece on your own. How much will a vacation at the “savage” resort cost?

29.09.2019 Business

How to prepare for an independent trip to Greece? What are the prices in the country in 2019? What do you need to know when going on vacation? Useful tips and reviews from tourists.

Visa to Greece on your own in 2019

How to get to Greece inexpensively?

The easiest way, in our opinion, is to get into the country by plane, especially since tickets are not too expensive. The cheapest way to fly to Greece on holiday is in the off-season - flights from Moscow to Thessaloniki and Athens cost from 6 thousand rubles round trip. You can fly to Crete, Corfu and Rhodes in the low season from 9 thousand rubles. In summer, air tickets are more expensive - from 10-11 thousand rubles. Tickets from St. Petersburg cost from 12-14 thousand rubles.

(Photo © carlisle617 / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

How to book a hotel for a holiday in Greece?

If you have planned independent holiday in Greece in the summer of 2019, we strongly recommend booking a hotel in advance to avoid excruciating pain: good inexpensive rooms sell out very quickly. It is better to search for a hotel on the service, since it compares prices in several booking systems - no need to search manually.

Prices depend on where and when you are going on holiday in Greece. A double standard in a 1-3* hotel will cost 25-45 euros in low season (in high season the price can be twice as high). 4 and 5 star hotels cost from 70 euros and above. Do you want to save money and have unpretentious conditions? You can check into a hostel, where a bed costs from 10 to 35 euros.

Food prices in Greece - 2019

(Photo © cecilevanmeensel /


Public transport is quite well developed; in large cities you can get to almost anywhere. The most common are bus and tram; in Athens there is a metro.

Bus carrier- KTEL company. Tickets are inexpensive and depend on the distance (for intercity flights - approximately 5 euros per 100 km). A trip around the city costs from 1.10 euros, the ticket must be validated. Before stopping, press the special button, and if you want to get on the bus, wave your hand to the driver to stop. You can purchase tickets from special machines, kiosks and from the driver.

According to reviews from tourists, the schedule changes often, it is better to constantly check it. Arrive early to buy your ticket and grab a seat (open seating is common, even if the seats are listed on your tickets). By the way, buses have an unpleasant habit of leaving a little earlier than the appointed time.

If you plan to actively travel independently around Greece, for greater mobility we recommend taking rent a moped or automobile(just follow the traffic rules). You can rent a car online on the Skyscanner Car Hire website - this way you will not be dependent on the Greek bus schedule.

Taxi drivers, like everywhere else, they try to make money from tourists. The deception schemes are the most common: a “forgotten” counter, the longest path. Do not go to private owners, look for official companies. Landing costs about 3.20 euros, 1 km - about 0.80 euros. You can order a car online through the service (you can also order a transfer between cities or from/to the airport) - it’s convenient, reliable and safe.

Are you planning to travel between islands during your independent holiday in Greece? There is nothing simpler, because the country has an extensive network water transport: catamarans, high-speed and regular ferries, hydrofoils, taxi boats. Navigation is carried out from May to October. The schedule is unstable, check at or. The price range is wide, the cost depends on the type of vessel, distance, carrier, conditions. This type of transport cannot be called cheap: for example, a ferry from Athens to Rhodes costs from 47 euros, from Santorini - from 30 euros. You can save on ferries by booking tickets a couple of months in advance. It is also cheaper to cross at night - this way you will save not only on the ticket, but also on accommodation.

(Photo © lukasbieri /

The famous saying about almost does not exaggerate the number of its advantages - in a country familiar to everyone from history lessons Ancient world, there really is absolutely everything to make your vacation leave a pleasant mark. We are talking not only about a perfect tan, but also about a sea of ​​new experiences that await each of her guests during the trip.

Important points

  • Obtaining a Schengen visa to Greece, according to experienced travelers and travel companies, is much easier than to other EU countries.
  • The birthplace of Odysseus is a popular destination for a beach holiday, and therefore tours, air tickets and accommodation in Greek hotels should be booked in advance.
  • The weather in Greece is shaped by the Mediterranean climate, but the swimming season on its beaches does not begin at the same time and depends on the geographical location of the resort.
  • Don’t forget to fill out a special form for purchases over 120 euros in stores that support the Tax Free system. You can return from 16% to 21% of the tax paid upon departure at the airport.
  • There are ski resorts in Greece.
  • Women are not allowed to enter Holy Athos, but they can see the monastic republic from aboard a cruise ship.
  • You can and should rent a car in Greece. Many sights are much more comfortable to explore on your own, and the prices for renting a car will not make an independent excursion more expensive than an organized one. Especially if you are traveling with family or company.

Choosing wings

Russia and Greece are connected by many airlines and you can get directly from them to several cities and resorts:

  • Aegean Airlines, Ellinair, S7 and Aeroflot fly directly to popular destinations among tourists. The ticket price starts at 300 euros during the season, and the flight lasts just over 3 hours.
  • Connecting flights are traditionally cheaper and with a transfer in, for example, you can get to the Greek beaches near Thessaloniki for only 200 euros.
  • Both Aeroflot and Greek airlines regularly send their aircraft to. The flight time is 3.5 hours, and the ticket price starts from 320 euros. With the same connection you can get to the Greek capital for 200 euros. Transferring on board domestic airlines will allow you to get to almost any Greek island or resort.
  • Charter flights to Greek beaches in the summer are carried out by many airlines, and flights begin not only in, but also in St. Petersburg and other cities.

Hotel or apartment

Hotels in Greece have their own classification system and the deluxe category corresponds to the generally accepted five stars, C is equivalent to a two-star rating, B is equivalent to a three-star rating, and by checking into a class A hotel, you will receive the amenities of a 4* hotel. To be sure of your choice, you should study the reviews of previous guests.
A room in an Athens 3* hotel near a metro station and with free parking for guests will cost 35-40 euros. A hotel of the same category during the beach season will cost from 30 to 45 euros. In addition to standard amenities in the room, guests will have the opportunity to use the swimming pool, the Internet, and the road to the beach will only take a few minutes.
Greeks willingly rent out their own apartments and rooms in them for tourists. On specialized websites you can find enough advertisements and offers. An apartment for two in resorts, for example, will cost from 20-30 euros per night, a separate house with a swimming pool - from 70, and for a room in an apartment with the owner the guest will be asked from 10 to 15 euros.

Transport details

Traveling to Greece starts from the airport, and this type of transport is well developed and very convenient. Air routes connect the country's capital with all resorts, and many islands connect with each other. The only negative is that ticket prices are not the most affordable, but if your main goal is to save time, then aviation will make your vacation optimal from a logistics point of view.
Ferry crossings are another popular form of transport in Greece. Ferry ticket prices are very affordable and you can get from one island to another for 10–20 euros. Ferries also take buses on board, and therefore it is sometimes convenient to travel from the mainland to the islands using this type of transport.
In cities, the same buses and taxis serve as public transport. The capital has metro and trams. The price of one trip in Athens is 1.5 euros.
Greek taxi is an inexpensive and fairly common form of transport. However, at night the rates double. It is better to agree on the price of the trip during boarding, or insist on turning on the meter so that there are no misunderstandings.

Nightingales are not fed fables

Tourists who have traveled to Greece note that the prices for food in its restaurants and taverns are very affordable, and the portions are large, so one salad or hot dish can be safely shared between two. A dinner with a meat main course, Greek salad, wine and dessert in a restaurant will cost about 35-40 euros for a couple. Breakfasts with freshly squeezed juices and delicious fresh pastries can be found in any cafe for no more than 8-10 euros per person.
Many taverns offer a “lunch of the day”, which includes salad, main course and dessert. This pleasure costs about 15 euros, but you will have to pay extra for drinks.
If you rent an apartment, you can buy vegetables, fruits, cheeses and other products at the market. In this case, you are guaranteed fresh food from ingredients of ideal quality and significant savings.

Best trip to Greece

The beach season in the south of the Balkan Peninsula starts in late April, but the most comfortable conditions for relaxation still arrive a little later - in early May. On the island of Crete, the most impatient people jump into the sea already in mid-April, when the water on its southern coast warms up to +23°C.
Greece – perfect place for summer holidays. Even at the height of the season, the heat does not bother their guests, thanks to the freshness brought by the sea breezes.
It is better to plan an excursion and educational trip to Greece in early spring or late autumn. At this time, the sun is not too hot, precipitation is minimal and sightseeing will not seem tiresome.
Ski season in the resorts of Greece begins in November and ends in mid-spring. Modern equipment guarantees athletes a stable and stable artificial snow cover throughout the entire skiing period.

The idea of ​​traveling independently arises among tourists for various reasons: some are tired of standard, similar tours, some want to exclude communication with representatives of travel agencies and guides, and some simply want to save money. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a self-organized holiday in Greece? Let's try to figure it out.

Are there any savings?

When it comes to independent trip to Greece, most often we hear comments “Oh, this is very cool! You'll save a lot of money!" But in reality this is not entirely true. Whether you save money or not depends on the type of trip you're on.

If the main goal is a beach holiday in good hotel with food, animators and a lot of other entertainment - then it is more profitable to buy a tour from an operator. They most often buy places in such hotels in blocks, for which they receive a significant discount.

The second option is a vacation with local flavor. In Greece there are a lot of cozy hotels with rooms at affordable prices. Here you get a chance to get closer to local life without unnecessary tourist props, but you will be deprived of the benefits that hotel complexes promise: free swimming pools, discos, cocktails, etc.

And the third vacation option is traveling around the country, and this always costs money. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to save money so much that you end up paying less than the cheapest package tour.

My own director

So, what do we get by vacationing in Greece without a tour operator?

  • Responsibility for everything lies solely with you. What does this mean? Many tourists tend to blame the tour operator for all errors associated with their vacation, ultimately blaming him for the “ruined vacation.” Flight delay? It's TO's fault! Is the air conditioner in the room broken? It's TO's fault! It's raining at the resort - it's his tricks again! But when you organize the trip yourself, perhaps all the minor shortcomings will not look so terrible.
  • Free excursion program. You decide what and when to see, and hotel guides do not impose their services on you at inflated prices. You can find a good Russian-speaking guide on the Internet, and if it’s really “cheap and cheerful” - go sightseeing only with a guidebook!
  • Are you tired of Crete? Why not live for a couple of days in the famous Santorini? Has the weather turned bad in the Cyclades? Then let's go to the Peloponnese! By the way, we haven’t seen Olympia yet! Absolute freedom of movement - this is how a real vacation should be, and this is what it is if it is organized according to your scenario!

But, as you know, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. Let us list the main pitfalls in the field of independent tourism.

  • The main disadvantage of this type of vacation is lack of time. Not every working person has the luxury of spending precious hours on paperwork, bookings, confirmations, transfers, etc. It’s easier for busy people to pay money for a ready-made tour and calmly wait for the day of departure.
  • Anxiety, self-doubt. Many people, especially older people, will feel much more comfortable under the wing of a travel agency than if left to their own devices. If even the thought of organizing yourself makes you panic, it’s better not to torment yourself and feel free to go for a ready-made tour.
  • The language barrier. Let’s say you are not a polyglot, and you don’t know any language other than Russian. Constantly walking with an English dictionary in your hands makes you feel sad, and it’s impossible to learn Greek in a short time - then the journey will not be as easy for you as you would like.


And one moment…

In April, news sites and travel portals spread the news that the Greeks were going to issue Schengen visas to Russian citizens for a period of 5 years. To do this, you must have at least one Schengen visa in your passport, preferably multiple entries. In practice, this is not entirely true: you should not flatter yourself with hopes of a coveted 5-year multiple visa, especially if you are not an experienced traveler.

However, almost everyone can now get an annual Schengen visa. In 2014, the Greeks intend to attract at least 1.5 million Russians to the country's resorts, which means, among other things, the loyal attitude of the consulates.

  • Do not rush to make an advance payment for the hotel, since there are no guarantees that you will like the chosen room and the surrounding area in general. In this case, you will either have to lose the money that the hotel freezes on the card, or spend your entire vacation relaxing somewhere you don’t like.

On you can select options for hotels, hotels and apartments without prepayment or with free cancellation: such documents are also accepted at consulates.

  • Study customs regulations well. Organized groups of tourists always warn what and in what quantity they can buy, so that later there are no problems at the border. If you are vacationing on your own, there is a temptation to buy a lot of everything - and it is not a fact that all the souvenirs can be taken out of the country and transported to Russian territory.
  • The Internet is your main assistant when traveling around Greece. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance the question of which operator’s card you will buy. Compare prices and calculate what will be more profitable for you.

Greece is one of the best places in order to try your hand at organizing a holiday. Consequences of prolonged economic crisis tourists don’t feel it here: food prices in Greece are lower than ours, the quality of life is an order of magnitude higher. There is practically no question of security here, so tourists can easily travel around the country without worrying about the crime level. And in general, Greece with its numerous islands looks like a specially created scenery for bright vacation photos - an ideal place for travel!

Many travel companies offer a trip to Greece, but sometimes it is much more correct, cheaper and more interesting to organize your trip yourself. Let's find out how to do this and where to even start.

Getting ready for the trip

You need to start planning your independent trip to Greece in advance. This country is part of the Schengen zone, so you will need a visa to visit it. You can receive the document at the consulate by first preparing a package of documents and filling out a form. To simplify the procedure, it is better to use help visa center, where you will be spared all the formalities.

Next, you need to decide on the travel route and tickets. The optimal solution for independent travel There will be a fly&drive format, when you get to a designated point by plane, and then just rent a car. This will allow you to be as mobile and free as possible, as well as visit many interesting places in Greece.

When packing for the country, do not forget to take a first aid kit with you (usual medicines are sometimes difficult to find in Europe) and leave room in your suitcase for souvenirs and gifts that you will take home.

Traveling around Greece opens up many opportunities for tourists. By planning your route yourself, you can relax on the beach, stroll through museums, see the sights and generally discover your Greece. Here are some tips to help you choose a direction.

Green corners

Halkidiki is considered the most cozy and green area of ​​Greece. It's great to walk, swim and enjoy life here. Also for such a holiday you can consider the western part of Crete (the regions of Chania and Rethymno) and the island of Corfu. These places are perfect for families with children.

Historical places

In fact, Greece is an amazing country with something to see everywhere. But it's hard to imagine traveling around historical places Greece without Athens. If you like to wander around the city, be sure to leave yourself 2-3 days for walking around the capital and stock up on comfortable shoes.

Night life

If you are sick of a sleepy holiday by the sea and want a hot party, think about the town of Malia (Crete). Here you will find huge sandy beaches and non-stop night discos. In Northern Greece, stop by Paralia Katerina - the amount of entertainment and nightlife restaurants will pleasantly surprise you. And not far from Athens there is the resort of Loutraki, which will also be remembered for its fun parties.

Romantic getaway

You can also plan a trip to Greece on your own so that this trip is remembered as the most romantic event of your life. life together with a loved man. Corfu is considered one of the most picturesque islands for romance. Here you can endlessly walk and enjoy delicious food and be just the two of us. What could be better to strengthen relationships?

Why choose Greece

Planning a trip to Greece on your own is not a difficult task. This is a small, comfortable country, very loyal to tourists and visitors. It will be easy for you here even with minimal knowledge of English.

There are also a lot of hotels in Greece, both large chain hotels and small family hotels. So you can easily find a room for the night in any city and for any budget, even without prior reservation. By the way, hotels generally offer a system of serving breakfast or breakfast and dinner, since gastronomic pleasures in local restaurants are one of the obligatory parts of a trip to Greece.

In addition, a holiday in Greece can be very versatile. Here, young and active people, as well as families with children and older couples will find resorts and entertainment to suit their tastes. If you want to please your parents with a trip to Europe, Greece will be the best choice, and they will definitely be satisfied.

The amazing land of Greece has long gained fame as a place where a fertile climate, stunningly beautiful landscapes, and unique ancient monuments, impressive in their grandeur, come together at once. Here you can not only relax with pleasure, but also, looking out of the corner of your eye into history, glean the wisdom that is still carefully preserved on the shores of its many islands. That is why tourists from all over the world flock here, allowing it to gain fame as one of the most visited countries.

Let's try to calculate how much such a vacation will cost us. It is unlikely that those who want to save money should consider the most popular, and therefore one of the most expensive, islands of Greece – Crete – as their vacation destination. Therefore, as an example, we will take the slightly less popular (but quite visited) and less rich in historical attractions, but still quite pretty island of Rhodes.

The cost of a “savage” holiday


First, you will have to apply for a visa, unless, of course, you already have a Schengen visa. On the website of the Greek visa center you can find out what documents are required for a particular visa category, find application forms and other information, including information about the visa fee. At the moment it is 35-37.5 euros per person (short-term visa - long-term visa). Additionally, in a number of cities a service fee is charged, which costs 19.55 euros per person. Thus, for a regular tourist trip, a visa for two will cost you 109 euros.

You can apply for a visa 90 days before your trip; the consulate will process your application within 2 days. Here, on the visa center website, you can track your passport.


If you book tickets in advance, about two months in advance, they will cost you from about 665 euros for two, the average price in high season is 924 euros (again, when booking seats in advance). The flight is carried out with a transfer - usually to Athens, and then to the local airport. The cheapest tickets are if you fly to Athens with Aegeanair (it’s best to book tickets on the company’s website).


If you decide to stay in a hotel, then living for two in a three-star hotel will cost an average of 520 euros per week (including breakfast). However, many travelers prefer to rent apartments or rooms - as a rule, this is much cheaper. But at the same time, it is advisable to clarify some points - for example, how old the house is, whether there is air conditioning (this also happens sometimes), and finally, how far is it to the beach. So, if you decide to rent an apartment, it will cost you on average 225-500 euros (depending on the location, number of rooms, etc.).
If you eat on your own, then by renting an apartment you can cook breakfast and dinner yourself and dine in local taverns. Lunch for two costs an average of 25-30 euros, which means that in a week you will spend 175-210 euros. Breakfast and dinner prepared from products purchased at the market and in the store will cost about half as much - a little over 100 euros.
Don't forget about excursions - you can spend about 150 euros on them for two. You can book a sightseeing tour of the island of Rhodes, around the city, or separately visit ancient Lindos, ancient Kamir, Seven Springs, visit the Valley of the Butterflies, and, if desired, go to a water park where there are attractions for adults.
Considering that you will want to bring at least small souvenirs for friends and family, they will cost about 30 euros (magnets - from 1 euro, olive oil - on average 5 euros, etc.).


Transfer, as in any European country, is a must in many hotels in Greece. Individual transfers cost from 55 to 160 euros, depending on the distance. Rhodes, in principle, is a small island, so a very convenient option to explore everything you want is to rent a car. It costs about 30-35 euros per day during the season, plus the cost of gasoline (in the low season, in May, June and September, it is quite possible to rent a car for 15 euros). By the way, you can do this right at the airport - this will also allow you to get to your place of residence on your own and, in addition, save a little.

Cost of organized tour

The cost of the tour starts from 1,475 euros for a standard one-room room in a three-star hotel with all-inclusive meals, and from 1,490 euros in a four-star hotel. You can find last minute tours that cost an average of 1000 euros (meals - breakfast only).

If we calculate all the expenses that a couple who decides to go on holiday on their own will have to spend, such a trip will cost them a total of 1,400 euros - this is if you only take into account the visa, tickets and accommodation with meals, which are usually offered by travel agencies. And at the same time, they themselves will have to solve a number of issues, such as obtaining a visa, booking air tickets, finding a hotel or apartment. As you can see, the savings are not too big.

The charm of this amazing and mysterious country is great. It is not without reason that it is called the cradle of Western civilization, the birthplace of philosophy, culture, sciences and Olympic Games. In addition, in Greece everyone will find a place to their liking - from luxury hotels to uncrowded and secluded resorts. And no matter how you travel to this unique country - by choosing a tour or an independent holiday in Greece, you will certainly leave from there enchanted. Enchanted by its sun and sea. Her rich cultural heritage. Its hospitable and friendly residents. That's why it's Greece.