Where do you need to go to become a prosecutor. The profession of a prosecutor: duties, important qualities, where to study - Descriptions of Professions.rf.

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Is it mandatory for those who have held managerial positions and management positions in the companies of persons registered as an agent in the financial business? Personal registration is only required by law if the company uses these organizations for public relations.

Can I request a refund of my exam fee? It is possible to request a refund of the deposit made for an exam only if and only if the user has canceled within the relevant exams or has not made a reservation of the exam itself through the portal. Also, you cannot change your booking for a session that is now closed with any other sessions.


    National Research University Higher School of Economics

  • IGSU

    Institute of Public Service and Management


    Higher School of Finance and Management RANEPA

  • IBDA

    Institute of Business and Business Administration

  • B&D

    Institute of Business and Design


    Moscow Technological University (MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT)

    Are those who passed the exam to support the assessment test? Subjects who pass the exam are exempted from the assessment test. Can entities performing administrative or managerial duties in the companies of the company be exempted from the test by requiring entry as individuals on the List of Financial Agents?

    Is a training course reviewed to examine an entry in the list of agents in financial activities? Attestation of participation in the training course does not have a deadline for the end of the exam. Each of the subjects required for professional development must attend at least sixty hours of training every two years, of which at least thirty hours must be in the classroom or equivalent. The two-year period referred to in the previous period begins for the first time on 1 January of the year following the listing on the List, or from the establishment of an administration connection, referral, dependency or cooperation with the subscriber.


    Russian State University of Tourism and Service

  • Moscow Polytechnic

    Moscow Polytechnic University

  • RSSU

    Russian State Social University

  • MGRI-RGGRU them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze

    Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze

    The use of the course should be monitored and students should be able, during the course specified in the course, to contact the teacher who appears on the video on the phone, asking for clarification and clarification. How long can an individual agent of a financial business remain "inactive" on the relevant list? What are the consequences of a "non-working" item outside of the allowable time?

    The administrator of a public relations company, which is required to register personally in the list of financial agents, must have a civil liability insurance policy for damages caused as a result of civil liability, activities?

  • MFUA

    Moscow Finance and Law University

  • MIP

    Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

  • IGUMO and IT

    Institute for Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies

  • GSCU

    Graduate School of Corporate Management

  • IEAU

    Institute of Economics and Crisis Management

  • MGEU

    Moscow University for the Humanities and Economics

    Business partners. Will Financial Affairs Agents who are also not on the Financial Agents List as individuals be required to take out a public liability insurance policy for business damage? An employee of the Agent or a company of persons engaged in financial activities, which, therefore, must also be entered as an individual on the List of Financial Agents, must take out a civil liability insurance policy for damages incurred during fiscal year Business?

  • MIPT

    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)


    Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA of Russia


    National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"


    Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Russian Federation

    An employee must have an insurance policy that "covers" his entire business, even if he or she decides to do it outside of the company. Does an agent in the financial business restructure and recover receivables? Does it provide credit recovery activities under a single-mandate structure?

    If an application for a financial agent is suspended, the reference to the mandate received for this activity must be removed. A commercial distribution agreement between a financial intermediary, financial agent, and a bank or lending institution is permitted under legislation that expects the Bank to report possible operation leasing to a financial intermediary through the Agent, and the latter is responsible for the presentation, promotion and placement of the product with payment, if the conclusion, of the appropriate commission?

  • WAVT

    All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

  • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

    Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

  • MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

    Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Lomonosov Moscow State University

    In fact, in the face of the receipt received, the financial agent will be responsible for the presentation, promotion, placement and, if necessary, the conclusion of the product itself, and no compensation will be received from the financial intermediary before the Bank. Any compensation that the agent will be able to recognize in the Bank itself for the received notice is also part of the free determination of the parties and, nevertheless, is permitted by the principles of legislative reform.

    More brokers belonging to the same group can assign additional mandates in addition to the mandate already granted by the affiliate to the same agent in the financial activity? In the case of a group ticket limited to one or more specific products, the single-member rules require that an agent be able to obtain an additional two rights permitted by law from intermediaries outside the group. No longer can brokers belonging to the same group assign additional credentials, in addition to the ticket granted by the member group, to the same agent.

  • State. IRA them. A. S. Pushkin

    State Institute of the Russian Language. A. S. Pushkin

  • MGMSU them. A.I. Evdokimova

    Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A. I. Evdokimov

  • MGUA them. O.E. Kutafina

    Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin


    Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

    Yes, only if the capitals have one client. Can an employee of an employee of a capital company in financial or credit intermediation participate in the capital of another capital company in financial or credit intermediation? Is the agent in the financial branch like individual simultaneously cooperate with a capital company in financial activities? Yes, provided that he receives as an individual agent as a natural person on the list of agents the only direct mandate of banks or intermediaries; as an employee, receives up to two mandates from one agency company for a total of up to three mandates.

  • Financial University

    Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


    Moscow State Linguistic University

  • REU them. G. V. Plekhanova

    Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

  • PMGMU them. I.M. Sechenov

    First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenova

    What rules are needed to monitor companies involved in financial and credit intermediation in order to carry out the change process? Changes in social network, head office and share capital data must be accompanied by an updated audit or minutes of the meeting confirming its completion.

    Define tasks in practice. Training and changing procedures. A couple more weeks, and the figure of the prosecutor will become part of the football world. Without much regret, with a few unknowns. Liberalization or deregulation depends on points of view. The bottom line is the disappearance of the FIFA agent, who from this spring will be renamed the intermediary. The tasks will be the same as before: Contact the player and the company to enable, renew or extinguish a work contract. Currently, minimum requirements are required to obtain a profession, from a diploma to a criminal record without change, in addition to obtaining a license.

  • RTA

    Russian Customs Academy

  • RGUNG them. I.M. Gubkina

    Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I. M. Gubkin

  • VGUYu (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

    All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

  • RSUH

    Russian State University for the Humanities

    Overcoming sophisticated litigation by the national federation, a valid certificate is issued to operate in all FIFA countries. Only sibling athletes and lawyers can practice without a card. Now they risk becoming a card to be pocketed and out of competition. Among the recommendations published by the Zurich-based organization is the rental fee for the agent, which should be 3% of a successful transaction. How gross or net is still unclear.

    Another important novelty is the abolition of the dual mandate ban: the mediator is subject to the condition of simultaneously assisting the player and the company during negotiations. Only one of the two parties pays. There are chaotic risk deals, the opposite ones are the most critical, and worse include unskilled frontier characters. The risk of fraud would be great.

  • MISiS

    National Research Technological University "MISiS"


    State Academic University for the Humanities under the Russian Academy of Sciences

  • RAM them. Gnesins

    Gnessin Russian Academy of Music

  • MGAVMiB them. K.I.Skryabina

    Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K. I. Skryabin

    In addition, the new FIFA regulation provides that the role of an intermediary can be played not only by an individual, but also by legal entities. Of course, they made mistakes and caused damage, but it would be better to qualify their figure rather than erase it. Their number must be reduced and a reliable control system has been put in place.

    Blacks grew up in last years and no one interfered. Instead of having ambiguous rules that no one follows, FIFA has legalized the jungle. If you are a lover and your dream is to work in the industry, as you become a gamblers advocate today.

  • RUDN University

    Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

  • IPCC

    Moscow State Institute of Culture

  • RCTU them. DI. Mendeleev

    Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D. I. Mendeleev

  • SUM

    State University of Management

  • MGK im. P. I. Tchaikovsky

    Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory

    Lawyer's Advocate: A Handbook

    The most significant novelty, which has important implications for the profession and for those who are interested in it, is the abolition of the profession examination. However, even though the exam is no longer needed, you do need in-depth knowledge of the industry and the skills required to fulfill this profession.

    How to become a confidant

    In order to gain the knowledge needed to work as a lawyer for players, specific professional training courses are available on the market with variable costs and hours depending on the qualifications of the candidate. But we see concrete steps provided by the Transition Rules to become an attorney's agent.

  • MGPU

    Moscow City Pedagogical University

  • MIET

    National Research University "MIET"

  • MGAHI them. IN AND. Surikov

    Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov at the Russian Academy of Arts


    National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

    To be able to register, you must have the following requirements. Being legally resident in Italy. Enjoy civil rights and have not been declared disqualified, handicapped, failed. Not reported as part of the sports ruling on the recovery of the penalty.

    This is then provided for in the Representation Agreement between the football player or the sports company that is represented. This document must indicate the amount due to the sports lawyer: the agent's salary is usually around 3% of the player's rate.

The prosecutor is not a profession, but a state position. This service is dangerous, difficult, but not without some romance.

Who is a prosecutor

The prosecutor is a person who acts on behalf of and in the interests of the state, represents the prosecution in court. The first principles of trials with the participation of the accuser and the defender were laid down in ancient Rome. IN tsarist Russia a similar profession was introduced in 1708 by Peter the Great.

What conditions must be met to become a judge?

But my dream in these years, since it has always been to become a judge and judges wear clothes. So, now let's consider the procedure for selecting judges, prosecutors and investigators. In order to be appointed as a junior judge, a junior prosecutor or junior investigator must go through several stages.

First step: You must answer directly as provided in the law. Second step: You must compete for junior judges, junior prosecutors, and junior investigators. Step three: You must complete the mandatory elementary education at the National Institute of Justice, as you have successfully passed the exams for it. The training period is nine months.

What does a prosecutor do in the Russian judicial system

The activities and powers of the prosecutor's office are regulated by the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" and Art. 129 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The prosecutor not only directly participates in the hearing of the case, but also carries out supervisory and investigative activities. The main functions of the prosecutor are as follows:

How is the competition for junior judges, junior prosecutors and junior investigators?

Answer according to the conditions set out in the first step. The next step is to appear in the competition for junior judges, junior prosecutors and junior investigators. The competition for the selection of junior judges, junior prosecutors and junior investigators is organized and held by the Supreme Judicial Council once a year and announced in January and continues until April.

How are the candidates selected?

The GAK is determined by vacancies for each competition. To participate in the competition, you must submit an application for participation in the form attached to it, the documents provided for by law. Lists of eligible and non-admitted to participate are announced on the SAC website at least 7 days before the start of the competition. The competition includes a written and oral exam and marks are on a six-point scale. It must be held no earlier than seven days after the announcement of the results of the written examination. To support Vivat, they must receive a score no lower than the benefit of "00". . Our rating is done on the ball as the sum of the scores of the written and oral exams.

  • Control over the adoption and implementation of regulatory legal acts.
  • Consideration of complaints and appeals on violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  • Appeal of illegal judicial decisions, sentences, definitions.
  • Accepts the materials of the investigation, processes them and submits them to the court, or sends them for additional investigation if there is insufficient evidence and there is no sufficient evidence base.

How to Become a Prosecutor - Education

You will not find the specialty "Prosecutor" in any educational institution. You will need to get a higher legal education in one of the universities of the country. In Moscow, this could be the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, MGIMO or RUDN University. Graduates of St. Petersburg State University and Novosibirsk State University are also valued. Employees of the military prosecutor's office are graduates of military universities.

How to become a prosecutor - personal qualities, knowledge and skills

A person who applies for the position of public prosecutor must provide a certificate of good conduct, not have diseases that may interfere with the performance of official duties. It is forbidden to have close relatives in subordination or among the direct management.
A true professional has a number of qualities and skills:

  • knowledge of the legal framework;
  • analytical thinking;
  • conflict avoidance and emotional stability;
  • the gift of persuasion;
  • integrity and honesty.

How to become a prosecutor - career development

Immediately after the university bench, it is hardly possible to become a prosecutor. First, it will be necessary to gain experience within 3-5 years in the position of an assistant prosecutor, and maybe an ordinary investigator. Upon appointment, the rank of 3rd class lawyer will be assigned. Be prepared for irregular working hours, contacts with the underworld, and possibly threats.

A prestigious profession is made by the people who practice it, no matter how dangerous it may be.