Why does the husband hug another? Signs that a man wants you. How to understand that a man wants to kiss you if he is married and hides it, signs that will give it away, body language

21.09.2018 Relationship

Every woman wants to know about the thoughts and hidden desires of her man. After all, understanding what the chosen one wants at the moment, you can easily manipulate and manage the situation. However, finding out the truth is quite difficult. A man is unlikely to reveal his real “wants”. Fortunately, psychologists have already identified the signs of male desire. And now we will tell you how to understand that a man wants you.

How to understand that a guy wants you by kiss, touch, look

Entire books have been and will be written on the topic of “what men want” - there is no clear answer to this old question. Because she doesn't have a penis. If she did, she would be him. Could you ask your plumber how to style your hair or your hair stylist how to fix your car?

How to understand that a guy wants to use you

No matter how cruel a person's advice may be, at least it is real. That's why you're here, because you want the truth about what men want, not some fairy-tale fantasy of what "expert therapists" hope, want, and assume men want. You want to know what men want, not just women or relationships, but in life.

Specific behavioral moments will help to declassify a man’s sexual interest. It will be enough for a girl to carefully observe her partner, analyze, and she will easily understand that the guy wants her at this moment.

Men rarely directly say “I want you.” They show this with their gestures.

Men rarely directly say “I want you.” They show this with their gestures. Body language never lies, says Alan Pease. In the book Body Language, he described in detail the obvious signs of male arousal.

Take the guesswork out of the equation and get the facts from the horse's mouth! We've brought you the "Ultimate" guide to what men want - written by the people. This article may make you very, very angry, and if it does, great! Deep down, you already know what men want.

You just can't reach it because of the negative social conditioning you have experienced with your girlfriends and society in general. The sooner you realize that you are doing this for your own benefit, the sooner you will have a more fulfilling love life. You are actually doing "good."

  • Hands inside pockets, only thumbs sticking out - this is how guys show that they want a partner.
  • Thumb of the hand/hands behind a belt or belt - rest assured, you have definitely hooked a man, he is experiencing sexual attraction and is giving signals of his intentions.
  • The guy hooked his hands, or rather his thumb, into his pockets, straps, belt and directed his palms to the inside of his thighs - as if he was naturally indicating his desire. This action relate to the signs of hidden attraction.
  • An unfolded body, open palms, located in the hip area - this position will make the lady understand that she wants to continue the date in a more intimate setting.
  • Involuntary touching of hair, tie, accessories - such preening shows that the guy wants to seem perfect and has sexual plans for his interlocutor.
  • The toes of the shoes are turned directly towards you - this is how a man singles out the most attractive person from the company, he is interested in you, psychologically and physically.
  • If a guy sits opposite a girl with his legs wide apart, he is absolutely relaxed. This position is a subconscious choice, a kind of demonstration of masculinity in order for a woman to appreciate a potential male.
  • If a man repeatedly talks and fixates on some expensive attribute (glasses, tie, cufflinks, watch), he emphasizes his wealth. A woman must understand that there is a respectable man next to her, and he demands to appreciate his attention.

If you want to really learn to understand your partners, to find complete mutual understanding with a man, it is worth studying the psychological foundations of arousal.

We don't judge, we simply give you answers to the question and suggest a "next step of action." No one is saying that you need to satisfy all of their wants or that their wants and desires are good, morally correct, or correct. What you do with this information is entirely up to you.

Just don't start complaining and making generalizations such as "all men are the same" or "all men are pigs" - this will imply that you have been with all people. First, understand that not all men are the same. And not all men are pigs. Most men have certain similar traits. We all want food, a place to sleep and shelter. These are basic human needs, not desires. A need is a necessity, something that a person cannot completely control or suppress. We're here for two reasons: to have sex and to eat.

2. Reading lips: signs that a man wants sex

Lips are one of the most sensual areas; they attract sexually, seduce and remind you of oral sex.

Lips are one of the most sensual areas; they attract sexually, seduce and remind you of oral sex. If a guy licks his lips in your presence, he says “I want you.” This is one of the main signs of excitement.

Since men have a constant need for food and sex, this gives you a very clear and realistic idea of ​​what can satisfy a person's needs - good nutrition and good sex, subconsciously, this is what almost all people primarily want and need.

It's hard to make generalizations about what men want. Not all men only want sex in a relationship. Not all men love football or are afraid of commitment. Some young guys want to quit, but some young guys also want a long-term relationship with a woman who really likes them.

Constantly touching your lips means hidden desire. If during a conversation a guy focuses his gaze on the lips of his interlocutor and at the same time repents of his lips, he definitely wants her. This behavior does not arise consciously and is practically uncontrollable.

A well-known flirting technique is when a partner intentionally creates a comfortable and natural situation to touch a girl’s lips. If he removes the crumb, wipes away a drop of drink, he strives to feel the chosen one “more closely” and openly invites her to have sexual contact. Touching a lady’s cheek, ears, chin and hair has the same meaning.

The list below contains at least 100 different things that men want in a woman, in a relationship, in bed, while dating and in life. Plus, it tells you a lot about what men don't want. To understand people better, you must unlearn what has always been believed to be true about men's desires. You will learn to understand the reasons for these desires.

Quick note. This article contains 4 main sections to make it easier for you to digest. To understand men in general, you must read all 4 parts.

  • Part 1: what men want from women and in relationships.
  • Part 2: what men want in bed.
  • Part 3: what men want when they date.
  • Part 4: what people want in life.
We will go from top to bottom, what men value in a woman and what qualities they look for, what they like and need in a relationship and in bed, finally, what men want during dating, and then what men usually want in life - this last part will help you better understand men on an emotional level.

3. Hypersexual “I want you” behavior

The uncontrollable desire to take possession of a girl and achieve sex forces men to unconsciously demonstrate their intentions even in everyday life.

The uncontrollable desire to take possession of a girl and achieve sex forces men to unconsciously demonstrate their intentions even in everyday life in the company of acquaintances. Guys are controlled by libido, these are signs of animal desire. The male tries to shield the object of his desires from those around him, supposedly hovering over his chosen one, and makes it clear that he wants to take possession of her. In other words, he hints at his arousal and suggests, “let’s have sex.”

What do men want in a woman and in a relationship?

If this article doesn't help you fully, then you should check out this amazing best-selling book dating expert James Bauer. Men are more visual in this sense than women. We get less visuals with more beer, but in the end we get sobered up.

Views are a more important factor for men than women. You may be with a guy who doesn't look good to everyone, but he's confident, successful, and makes you feel great about himself. This is the type of guy you would be with, regardless of his not so good look. You would definitely rather be with a guy who has an amazing personality and makes you feel beautiful than a guy who looks like a Greek God but is boring, dumb or both.

Eyes always tell the truth and reveal a man's intentions. It is important to read it correctly.

Every normal man First of all, he evaluates the girl visually. Examines the figure, clothes, chest, waist, hips. Eyes always tell the truth and reveal a man's intentions. It is important to read it correctly.

An intimate date is a direct hint

On the other hand, men place much more emphasis on appearance. Seriously, if you look stunning from top to bottom - you can get away with almost anything. Life is simpler. The problem, on the other hand, is that if you want to attract a high quality guy, your looks alone are not worth standing on your haunches! Decent men have a choice and prefer to find a psychologically attractive girlfriend than a physically attractive one.

Now some men are more visual and sexual than other men. For some men sex and appearance are a priority, for other men it is not of great importance, and it's more about how you feel about it. Good looks do not necessarily equal good gender. You might score a 10 in the looks department, but score a 3 in bed - so your looks are just "ahead of the curve" and you don't "deliver" what men expect and want from your looks. Then your average class using these two variables will be.

Know that a man can do anything with his gaze! To flirt with you, mentally undress you, want you, caress you, embarrass you and even make you feel sorry for you.

A sexually interested man carefully examines his chosen one from head to toe, focusing his gaze on intriguing details. In psychology, this look is called floating. If you catch your gaze focused on your neckline, you don’t need to think that “he only needs one thing.” This happens unconsciously and indicates that the guy regards you as a possible partner.

In this sense, not everything really looks like it. What really matters is what's on the inside. In conclusion: good looks help, and it is a fact that, other things being equal, a man would prefer to choose the best woman, if he can choose. There is nothing wrong. You would do the same, so don't complain like a hypocritical victim and get into the gym instead. You'll feel better about yourself, and you'll be more of what men want in a woman: Confident, sexy and passionate.

Why men want good looks: Good looks speaks volumes about you to him biologically. You know how to give birth to children, or he can show you off to his friends, or your good looks make him feel confident in himself and his masculinity. Social pressure and society may subconsciously force him to follow beautiful woman. A person has a certain perception of “how beautiful” it is according to his culture and his “taste” in women. Some men prefer curvier women, while others love anorexic chicks; some guys want a girl with a big booty, while other guys think a smaller butt is better.

5. An intimate date - a direct hint

If a guy makes an intimate date with you, it means he wants to have sex with you.

If a guy makes an intimate date with you, it means he wants to have sex with you. This is a way to let him know who you are to him. A potential partner, not a friend. You simply won't be invited to a meeting unless you are considered a sex object. Even if you are a doctor of science, a polyglot, have traveled all over the world, or just have a rich inner world, first of all he wants sex from you.

There's someone out there for everyone. How to give it to him: join gymnastics; work, eat healthy and take care of yourself. The "perfect" number is the ratio of 7 people at the waist, which is an hourglass figure. In today's world, with the right exercise routine and a good diet, anyone can look good. Men agree that there are no ugly women, only lazy ones.

In Part 2 we will look at this in detail. When you're a 10 in the looks department and a 10 in the bedroom, you're the bomb, so most men will tolerate you regardless of your personality. Good looks and sex are the two most basic things men want from a woman before being in a serious relationship. Once you are boyfriend and girlfriend, these two desires become less significant.

During a date, a man constantly evaluates his chances of success. You can talk about family, politics, movies, whatever, but the hidden question of sex worries him the most.

It is worth understanding that the vast majority of signs of attention reflect a man’s sexual interest. Such is the male psychology, spiritual and physical interest are inseparable from each other. On what date you can allow a love affair - it’s up to you to decide!

Why men want good sex: It's amazing. There's probably no explanation here. We need to decompose the genes and impose the nut. This is a desire, a biological need. God didn't give us enough blood to have a functioning manhood and a brain at the same time. This is why we stop talking and cannot think straight when we see a woman smoking pass by.

How to Give It to Him: Scroll down and read Part 2 of this post to find out what men want in bed. Let's go back here: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and his penis. Women become more like men, and men become more like women. After all, we both complain about how hard it is to find a “real” man or woman. Oh no, now men have to cook too.

And remember, ladies who have already succumbed to the charms of love do not always correctly understand the signals from a man. Therefore, you should not rely 100% on visual observations. Don't forget to listen to what your chosen one is saying. This will help you correctly assess your intentions, establish contact with the guy and avoid awkward situations.

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When communicating with a work colleague you like, a new acquaintance, an old friend, or your boyfriend with whom you have been together for quite a long time, it is not always clear what is on his mind. Perhaps he is making far-reaching plans for you, or perhaps he perceives you only as an object of sexual fantasies. Or, shyly, he is waiting for the cherished first step from you. Or he’s simply afraid of being rejected. To ensure that your conclusions do not turn out to be hasty and erroneous, thereby spoiling the existing state of affairs, pay closer attention to some features of the behavior of a potential or existing gentleman. Don't ignore his statements, pay closer attention to non-verbal signals.

Hell, most women in their 20s can't even boil an egg. Even making a sandwich is like rocket science. Look, no one expects you to become Jamie Oliver or win Masterchef; but cooking a good meal every now and then can really win your boyfriend's heart. We have a need, not a desire, to eat and then reproduce once we have enough energy to do so. If you can cook him a nice meal - you're on board to stay!

The effort you put into learning how to cook is more important than the taste of the food you make. Men know you're busy, but sometimes they'd rather have something nice waiting for them when they get home rather than hear you complain about how you have "nothing" to wear today. Maybe you stay home and enjoy each other's company instead of eating. This may not be a priority for most men; if you can’t, don’t have time or don’t want to cook, it doesn’t matter.

The fact that representatives of the fair sex, regardless of age, upbringing, character and social status, want to clearly understand what men want from them is absolutely normal. In women, the desire to be needed and loved is inherent in nature. And any ambiguity in a relationship, at any stage, fetters them, makes them doubt, and feel insecure. If you come across a man who, for some reason, does not talk about his sympathy or feelings, or you have doubts that this man really needs you, try to analyze his behavior, gestures, evaluate his words and actions. Only without bias and fiction. Study not what you would like to see and hear, but the facts - what is in reality. If the object of your sympathy every now and then uses gestures that somehow attract attention to him manhood

, then be sure that he more than likes you. In this way he unconsciously sends sexual signals. They can express themselves by frequently putting their hands in their trouser pockets, touching their belt, or spreading their legs wide apart while talking to you. The same thing is said by constant unobtrusive attempts to touch you. For example, when helping you convey something, he will not just take this object, but will definitely touch your hand, passing you forward - he will put his hand on your back or waist. A glance directed at your legs or chest is simply a signal of his sexual desire. This category includes unconscious attempts to loosen a tie, undo a button, or straighten clothes. If the guy who desires you has oblong objects in his hands, for example, a pencil or a telephone, he will begin to perform certain manipulations with them, reminiscent of movements in sex. Of course, if a man’s hints that he wouldn’t mind getting to know you better are too obvious, then count on serious relationship It's unlikely to be worth it in the future. Rather, we are talking here only about a passing hobby. But if a guy doesn’t rush things when it comes to intimacy, then this speaks of his respect for you and sincere sympathy not only as a sexual object. Although there are always exceptions to these rules. In the case when a man moves from talking to more decisive actions, for example, kissing and stroking, quite, but things don’t go further, this indicates that he is not confident in you, or is afraid of being rejected. If you are not against the further development of events, tell him about it, take the initiative into your own hands. Your actions will tell you that you are dear to your gentleman; he will show concern, be interested in your affairs, arrange pleasant surprises, help and support in everything, and spend a lot of time with you.

Relationships with a man higher in social status and older in age

Why men want you to know how to cook: We all have to eat; it can be tasty and delicious. It's simple math: new generations lack cooking skills, if you have them, you're rare and there's more demand for you. It's not a crime if you can't cook, but most men would like a woman to be able or at least willing to cook something from time to time. Don't worry, the kitchen won't kill you. Tell any guy you can cook well and you'll see a sparkle in his eye or a raised, skeptical eyebrow looking at you in disbelief.

If a young man in conversations increasingly says not “I”, but “we”, “our”, then he, at a minimum, considers you his soulmate, for him you are part of his life, and not a passing hobby. His desire to introduce his parents and friends to you will also indicate the seriousness of the relationship. He will not allow himself to offend you, ignore you, flirt with other ladies and compare you with someone. He will try not only to always be aware of your affairs and problems, but also to take part in solving them. A guy who has deep feelings for you will give you reasons to laugh and smile, and not to cry and worry. Such a person will want one thing in return - reciprocity, the same tenderness and tenderness, respect. Appreciate such relationships and do not take all his efforts for granted. Learn not only to accept, but also to give emotions, feelings, attention. And if your young man increasingly begins to look at the neighbor’s children, and prefers to spend his evenings not with friends, but at home with you, then his desire is to create his own strong family.

If you can’t figure out his feelings and desires on your own, take courage and talk to him frankly.