The best zodiac sign for an Aquarius woman. Zodiac signs that suit Aquarius

10.10.2019 Business

Those representatives of the zodiac signs who like everything about her and who are ready to sing her praises day and night are suitable. Aries will be the most successful; under their sensitive attention, representatives of the sign of Aquarius open up and their wings “grow”.

Gemini men have slightly different approaches. Aquarius will not have to pretend to be prudent; she can show her recklessness. This couple is capable of any extreme situations; they can break loose at any moment and drive off to hot countries, or leave together for permanent residence in some exotic country. You can start doing an unusual business.

But the Leo man is too jealous, he is possessive towards his lady, so it is difficult for the weaker half of the tandem to understand how emotional he is. Leos in such a pair, on the contrary, grow wings. Such couples are long-lasting, and their relationship is much stronger than in other relationships.

And if the future husband is Libra, then Aquarius will not have to remember pressing problems. In addition, a man will not require a woman to swear assurances of love, and he himself will not swear either. That's why they allow themselves to enjoy life even outside family hearth. Lovers and mistresses - this is quite possible, it is even considered a rule.

How will a relationship be built between an Aquarius woman and the sign of Sagittarius? This is a couple of bright dreamers who can make all sorts of plans in the evening, but in the morning they won’t even remember them. Sagittarius likes that people pay attention to his attractive companion; he is even, to some extent, flattered by it. The Aquarius woman likes that her companion does not ask about anything, does not interfere in her life, but will help her in any case.

The pairing of two Aquarius is the basis of a wonderful, friendly family. But, unfortunately, in in this case, kids are a rare occurrence. Representatives of the tandem are so passionate about each other and the coziness and comfort they create that children can only be a hindrance.

But with a man who is a representative of the sign of Pisces, life together is quite possible, but it will not always have prospects. A woman will not be happy with many things. You can evaluate your Pisces spouse if you have already been married before and have known life with other representatives of the signs, such as Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Only in this case will Aquarius be able to understand how lucky she is with her husband.

All men who belong to the earthly zodiac signs are not suitable for Aquarius women. Although at first everything may be wonderful, even rosy, the end result is divorce. Moreover, everything happens quietly: there are fights, the dishes remain “alive”, no one divides the property. And what can be divided if there were no connecting threads.

The compatibility of an Aquarius man with other signs can be very difficult. Not everyone is able to understand the original type of thinking or accept extravagant behavior. This air sign constantly changes his hobbies and activities, and passionately loves to travel. He does not accept restrictions on freedom, his attachments are very short-lived. The Aquarius man is in no hurry to tie the knot, but family life It can be very difficult with him.

Aquarius character

The characteristics of an Aquarius man are very complex and contradictory. This person prefers to live like in a fairy tale, and a new one every time. He has highly developed Creative skills, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Aquarius always wants to learn something new. His intellect works at high speed, his thinking is non-standard and original. Not everyone is able to understand the ideas of an air sign. The scope of his thoughts is directed to the future.

Many Aquarians are creative people; they do not accept any restrictions. Men often choose the professions of artists, musicians, writers, and journalists. In this field they can achieve great results. But failures are also common, because representatives of this sign do not like to work on the same thing for a long time. Their interests and hobbies change quickly. That’s why there are a lot of losers among Aquarius men. It seems that a person has very great potential, but in the end it turns out that behind him there are continuous beginnings and not a single completed project.

At first glance, the Aquarius man finds compatibility with other zodiac signs very easily. He is very sociable, he has many friends, but few real friends. Aquarius easily breaks old connections for the sake of new acquaintances, not paying attention to other people's feelings. Who can hold the air? He is capable of empathy, is ready to help the whole world, and often participates in volunteer organizations. Although it happens that the closest people remain without his attention. A man pays more attention to his friends than to his family.

Aquarius is in no hurry to get married, even when he is ideally compatible with his chosen one according to the horoscope. He's afraid that family bonds will restrict his freedom too much. Most often, such men get married in adulthood, viewing the wedding as another adventure that has not yet happened in their lives. They make surprisingly good fathers. They love children and don't let them get bored. A dad can teach his child many things, and never tires of coming up with games and fun. At the same time, the Aquarius husband often disappears from home. He has too many friends, interests, and little time left for his family.

Fire element compatibility

Fire rules the following representatives of the Zodiac:

  • Sagittarius

Air and fire are quite compatible. These elements perfectly support each other, because the combustion of fire is impossible without air. According to the horoscope, these are active, freedom-loving and independent people. Their union is bright and fruitful. A man will direct the energy of his fiery partner in the right direction and nourish the connection intellectually. His girlfriend will become a powerful engine, turning his partner’s ideas into completed projects. The main thing is that spouses do not argue about which of them is more important and smarter.

Partnership between an Aquarius man and an Aries woman

Compatibility of the Zodiac signs Aquarius man and Aries woman is very contradictory. It could be like perfect couple, and a completely impossible union. Often a guy and a girl fall in love with each other unexpectedly, they are completely overwhelmed by passion, and they do not notice the contradictions. The woman initiates marriage; she often thinks about starting a family. The main problem is the lack of ambition in Aquarius, which is completely unacceptable for Aries. The family is never without scandals. Peace can only come when husband and wife learn to give in and respect each other's opinions.

Compatibility of Lioness and Aquarius

These two signs are on opposite ends of the zodiac spectrum. Between them it is possible as real love for life, and hatred. The union of the fiery Lioness and the independent Aquarius can be very strong and fruitful. They respect each other's taste and creativity. Both partners love society; they shine in the company of friends, at receptions and parties. Conflicts between a man and a woman can arise due to finances. Aquarius is not at all interested in the financial situation of the family; for Leo, money is important, because his demands are very high.

Compatibility of Aquarius with Sagittarius

Aquarius and Sagittarius are compatible very well; this pair is the best in the combination of fire and air. Two freedom-loving and creative people understand each other perfectly. They will travel the whole world together, come up with more than one stunning project (sometimes they will successfully fail it together). Everyone envy this couple, because their life is so interesting and exciting, full of emotions, adventures, adventures. Unfortunately, partners rarely marry. They can remain lovers for years and be absolutely happy because of it, no matter what anyone tells them. They are forced to create a real family by external circumstances - pressure from authoritarian relatives, pregnancy and the birth of a baby.

Partnership with the Earth Elements

The elements of Earth include:

  • Taurus
  • Capricorn

Near earthly woman An Aquarius man can forget about all material worries. She organizes her life perfectly and sets aside an impressive amount for a rainy day. But not everything is so rosy in this union. The free air sign feels next to such a partner as if in a cage. He cannot realize his creative potential, his girlfriend can never understand his ideas and aspirations. Therefore, compatibility between Aquarius and earth signs is weak, happy marriages are rare, and there are a lot of them in the percentage of divorces.

Compatibility of Aquarius with Taurus woman

A Taurus woman may fall in love with an Aquarius, seeing in him a child who needs to be looked after. But for her, such a marriage will result in continuous difficulties. She will have to do all the household chores alone, and her husband will never be there. The financial situation of the family is often deplorable if the wife does not earn money herself. This situation brings many benefits to a man, but it is he who initiates the breakup. Independence and freedom are more important to him than home comfort. Therefore, the husband easily leaves, however, the wife will sooner or later understand that it is better for both of them. After all, the compatibility of the signs Aquarius man and Taurus woman is very weak. It is better for them to seek happiness with other partners.

Compatibility of Aquarius with Virgo

An Aquarius man has very little chance of meeting a Virgo woman. He leads a bohemian lifestyle, constantly goes to parties, where Virgo rarely visits. Most often, a couple meets while visiting relatives. At first, they may be interested in being together, because both are quite smart. But everything ends with communication; beyond that, there is too little in common between the air and earth signs. It is difficult for a man to withstand the constant pressure, criticism and restrictions that a woman puts on him. He feels in front of his girlfriend like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor. Virgo gets tired of the disorder that her partner brings into her organized world. She is unable to understand his strange ideas. Therefore, marriage between these people is extremely rare; the couple breaks up already in the first months of dating.

Compatibility of an Aquarius guy with a Capricorn girl

Such an alliance quite often arises between a young guy and a girl. Both partners see in each other those traits that they so lack. A girl likes a guy's spontaneity, initiative, and independence. A man is attracted to the Capricorn woman’s determination and organization. At first, there is a clear distribution of responsibilities in the family, but soon the husband begins to be burdened by the narrow framework within which his wife places him. After several years life together Aquarius is trying to break free, and Capricorn is tired of unsuccessful attempts to somehow accustom his soulmate to order. Often a couple breaks up on the initiative of the air sign, but it happens that both partners strive to end the relationship that is painful for them.

Compatibility with air signs

The air signs of the zodiac are:

  • Twins
  • Aquarius

With whom is an Aquarius man compatible better than with representatives of his element? They have similar views on life and relationships. Air signs of the Zodiac love independence, intellectual communication, they rarely build strong connections. It is the last point that causes problems in such couples. The connection between a man and a woman is easy to form and easily destroyed. None of the partners will suffer from the breakup, but this may have a negative impact on children and close relatives, who are much more worried about the divorce.

Aquarius man partnership with Gemini

Already on the first evening of meeting a guy and a girl understand each other perfectly. They are so interested in being together that they don’t want to part. The Aquarius man's compatibility with Gemini is very high. This couple may seem strange from the outside. A man and a woman are rarely at home, they travel together and separately, and spend a lot of time with friends. There will be much more intellectual communication in such a union than passionate sex, and both are quite happy with this. If partners suddenly become bored together, they will break up without any special regrets. Fortunately, this doesn't happen often.

Compatibility of Aquarius with Libra

Compatibility between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman is good. There will be more romance in this couple than in the previous one. The Libra woman will bring sensuality to the union; she knows a lot about love and bodily pleasures. Their romance is very similar to the book; it’s as if the couple came to us from past centuries. At the intellectual level, there is complete harmony between the partners. They are creative people, often interested in mysticism and philosophy. The house of such a family is always furnished with taste and no frills. Conflicts arise between two air signs, and quite often, the couple is not at all ideal. But spouses never hold a grudge for long, so they live together for many years.

Partnership of two Aquarius

It would seem that with whom a man could be better compatible than with a woman of the same zodiac constellation. But in most cases it is difficult for such people to get involved strong relationships. Aquarians are very selfish; their own interests, freedom and independence are more valuable to them than love and friendship. It can be very easy and pleasant for a guy and a girl to communicate, but they rarely go beyond intellectual conversations. More often such people are friends than lovers. Sexual compatibility between two identical signs is weak; they are in no hurry to end up in bed together. Marriage is also not among their priorities. If, by a coincidence of incredible circumstances, such people start a family, there will be no harmony in the house. In terms of divorce rates, couples of two Aquarians are quite common.

Water compatibility

Water rules the following zodiac signs:

  • Scorpion

The one thing an Aquarius man is not compatible with at all is water partners. If the “earthlings” limit his will, but in return take on many responsibilities, then the water draws the air into a quagmire of melancholy and sadness. It is difficult for him to understand the emotional, subconscious, intuitive type of thinking that representatives of the element of Water possess. Attempts to penetrate the partner’s inner world are unsuccessful and quickly bore the man. Women will also be disappointed, because they are used to building strong, sensual connections. Although there are exceptions in any situation, much depends on the mutual desire to build relationships.

Relationship between Aquarius man and Cancer woman

These two people are attracted to each other on a subconscious level. A woman sees in a man both a brave knight and a defenseless child. At first, she is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth; the air sign awakens Cancer’s thirst for travel and makes him more courageous. A woman is fascinated by a man, like a rabbit by a boa constrictor. In addition, there is excellent sexual compatibility between the partners. But very soon the couple will be disappointed; they are too different to be together. The woman gets tired of Aquarius’s constant change of hobbies, and she is malnourished by frequent travel. Cancer loves his home, is attached to relatives, and dragging Aquarius to a family dinner is simply unrealistic. An airy man perceives his partner’s traditionalism and her guardianship as a limitation and quickly runs away. It is not uncommon for a couple to break up peacefully by mutual agreement; both find happiness with other partners.

Union of Aquarius and Scorpio

The relationship in this couple is very unpredictable. Nobody knows how two people with the most complex and contradictory characters in the entire Zodiac will behave. From the first meeting they feel that they just have to be together. Sex between Scorpio and Aquarius is enchanting; a woman is able to awaken passion, sensuality in a man and take him to the peak of pleasure. But over time, the man notices that he is not so compatible with his partner. Her constant desire to control his actions begins to bother him. For a woman, an air partner seems too superficial. If they are able to overcome the difference in their views, pass all the tests and truly fall in love, the union can be very strong. But this is the exception rather than the rule.

Compatibility of Aquarius with Pisces

Often Aquarius and Pisces find mutual language in the creative field. They can meet at a bohemian party, a writing course, or an exhibition of a famous artist. The connection between them will be sensual, filled with emotions, sex and very interesting intellectual communication. But such an alliance is rarely strong; the difference in the perception of reality becomes obvious too quickly. A man looks through the eyes of an intellectual, a woman is guided by intuition and feelings. If the partners get married, they will face everyday difficulties. No one knows how to earn money or solve everyday problems. Conflicts in such a family are inevitable, and divorces are very frequent.

Horoscope of sex compatibility of Aquarius with other signs of the Zodiac Partners of Aquarius Horoscope of Aquarius

Compatibility of Aquarius with the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Cancer woman

Oriental or chinese horoscope. The Rat, Dragon and Monkey find a common language with each other very quickly. These are open years that seek contacts and do not like secrets and understatement. Ox, Snake and Rooster are closed, but they go well together. The Tiger, Dog and Horse are strong-willed, stubbornly pursuing their goal. Together they can change the whole world. Rabbit-Cat, Goat-Sheep and Pig-Pig are creators; they are best suited in character for Aquarius.

Compatibility Aquarius love men with other representatives of the Zodiac cannot be the only criterion when choosing a soul mate. A lot depends on the mutual desire of the partners to build relationships. A horoscope can tell you what difficulties await a couple and how they can be solved. Real, sincere feelings can arise even between those who bear little resemblance to each other and whose sign compatibility is very low.

When you are young, you are likely to find your ideal in the air signs Gemini and Libra! Only Gemini should not demonstrate his boundless love; he needs you to constantly feel a little uneasy. And Libra will win you over from the first minute if they begin to admire your unearthly beauty - you need this delight like air. In the second half of life, there is a chance to build an ideal marriage with representatives of the signs of Sagittarius or Aries. The first one will awaken your African passion and prolong your youth! And the second will make you feel absolutely protected from all adversity and will give you a feeling of complete security.

Best Couple for Aquarius

Sagittarius: Many will call this couple ideal. They inspire each other, and the absence of jealousy helps to save each other nerve cells and good mood. These are two flighty people who cannot live without each other and are even ready to recognize the right to have a long-term relationship. They respect each other’s independence, and this is the secret of the success of this relationship; the compatibility horoscope for Aquarius Sagittarius speaks about this.

Scales: A delightful romance awaits this couple, based on equality, which both of them value extremely. The harmony of Libra has a positive influence on the unpredictable Aquarius, and his passion for experimentation pleases Libra. When they meet, Libra and Aquarius turn on the “Take the best from life” program, which they subsequently work on successfully. The relationship of this couple can reach the point of marriage, which can become successful if at least someone takes on a little more responsibility, this is reported by the Aquarius Libra compatibility horoscope.

Twins: These zodiac signs make an extremely successful couple. Gemini will inspire the creative Aquarius, and Aquarius will admire Gemini's witty irony. This couple can be absolutely happy in each other’s company, never ceasing to be amazed at the pleasantness of their interlocutor. They will both respect each other's independence, which will eliminate jealousy-related conflicts from this delightful romance. The marriage can be successful, this is the forecast given by the Aquarius Gemini compatibility horoscope.

Worst Match for Aquarius

Virgo: As the compatibility horoscope says, Aquarius and Virgo can become an interesting couple who complement each other and see in their companion something that they themselves do not and will never have. The optimism of Aquarius inspires Virgo, and her logic somewhat disciplines the flighty Aquarius. However, the main stumbling block is the unjustified expectations of Virgo, who wants to see the responsibility of her other half, which Aquarius is rarely capable of. Conflicts too often spoil this unusual romance, the Aquarius Virgo compatibility horoscope warns about this.

Fish: According to the compatibility horoscope, Aquarius and Pisces attract each other's attention at first sight. Mysterious Pisces Aquarius is in awe, and he, in turn, intrigues Pisces. However, problems in relationships cannot be avoided for this couple. Aquarius is not ready to give Pisces as much attention as they persistently demand from him, and when the nagging reaches a critical mass, he prefers to simply retreat. If Pisces does not agree to make concessions, the relationship is in danger of collapse, the Aquarius Pisces compatibility horoscope warns about this.

Scorpion: Aquarius' fantasy inspires Scorpio, and Scorpio's restlessness in turn entertains Aquarius. They will enjoy each other's company until Scorpio begins to be jealous of their overly fickle companion. Aquarius does not tolerate routine, and Scorpio's desire to make him his property forces Aquarius to turn on the countdown to the end of this novel. If Scorpio does not want to recognize Aquarius’ love of freedom, then the relationship will sooner or later end in complete failure, the Aquarius Scorpio compatibility horoscope portends.

Strained relations

Aquarius: As the compatibility horoscope confirms, Aquarius can find his ideal life partner only in a frivolous hunter of new experiences like himself. Two Aquarians will enthusiastically enjoy their refined wit, without worrying too much about the depth of their feelings. As the compatibility horoscope says, the Aquarius man is more inclined to be jealous of his companion, although this will not ruin their relationship.

a lion: The beginning of this couple’s romance promises to be enchanting, and the continuation – exciting. However, too different interests prevent this bright couple from achieving the desired harmony. Leo wants to be the permanent leader and demands admiration and admiration from Aquarius, which this independent sign is not ready for. Aquarius is annoyed by Leo's obsession with himself, and Leo does not understand Aquarius' desire for endless experiments. This brilliant relationship can quickly come to naught without compromises and mutual concessions, this is the forecast given by the Aquarius Leo compatibility horoscope.

It’s hard not to notice her in company – she’s smart, sarcastic, beautiful and doesn’t hesitate to show attention to young men who seem interesting. She is an Aquarius young lady, an eternal victim of her own ambitions and complexes, who wants to prove her ability to achieve her goal with less effort, that is, through her own attractiveness and sexuality.

Aquarius women are quite dangerous in love games. The biggest ambush a man can get into is refusing former family or the woman he loves, having succumbed to the provocation of Aquarius, who is playing at love, and is currently practicing the art of “stealing a man.” As an individual and a spouse for many years, she does not need him at all; satisfied with the effect produced, she will simply disappear from his life, leaving him alone with the consequences of sudden decisions.

The Aquarius lady lives here and now. She is quite prepared for the fact that tomorrow may simply not come, and therefore there is not the slightest rational sense in thinking about it. Her powerful energy makes it possible to “love” several men in one period of time, although rather not the individuals themselves, but some pleasantries associated with them.

Aquarius women talk about love extremely easily, and can admit it without even experiencing it at all, but to truly love, it takes them a long time.

Every Aquarius femme fatale hides a little girl inside her who really desires care, understanding and a stable relationship. It is she who emerges from the image of a broken girl and becomes a devoted wife and good mother. True, not every man can find the button to make the Aquarius lady’s feigned dashing clothes fall off.

Compatibility in love

Aquarius gets along best with gentlemen who love her for who she is and are ready to sing and, most importantly, praise their sweetheart every day. This is best achieved by Aries, who in their adoration give Aquarius the opportunity to open up and gain wings.

Gemini operates with different schemes, with them the Aquarius woman can not hide her recklessness, this couple is always ready for extreme sports and bold proposals, be it a trip for permanent residence in Ecuador, or a business of catching dogs with their subsequent training as guide dogs.

In tandem with a Leo man, although the Aquarius lady feels a little constrained by his jealousy and possessive manners, she is even amused by this, since she cannot understand the depth of his emotions. Leo in such a union begins to look at life more broadly and recognize its intrinsic value. These partners have a stranglehold on each other because they get hundreds of times more out of the relationship than they put in.

Love and family with a Libra man for an Aquarius woman often becomes a refuge from earthly problems. He himself is not of the world, and therefore does not require any classical proof of love, even fidelity. This couple suits each other perfectly in their desire to enjoy life without exerting any effort, but for wealth they go in one direction, “to the left,” but each on their own.

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man can be interesting. They both love to dream, talk about possible bright prospects and forget about this heated conversation in the morning. The Sagittarius man admires Aquarius’s ability to create a sensation around herself, and he is flattered by the attractiveness of his lady. Aquarius is quite happy that her Sagittarius husband does not ask unnecessary questions, and always helps as best he can, even with a minimum of information.

Aquarius and Aquarius can create a quite decent and happy family. However, such a tandem rarely has children. Aquarius creatures of different sexes are so cozy and comfortable together that there will always be a third one.

Not particularly promising, but an alliance with a Pisces man is quite possible. However, for this it is simply necessary that the spouses have a considerable amount of trial and error behind them. Only after living a little with a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn man will an Aquarius woman be able to appreciate all the charm of fishy tenderness.

The absolute antagonists of Aquarius women are men of the Earth element. Relationships with them may begin and even seem attractive, but the result is almost always a quiet divorce - without breaking dishes or dividing property, because there is nothing to divide when nothing binds.

Approximately the same situation is observed in relations with Scorpios and Cancers. True, Aquarius runs away from the former very quickly, since they cannot stand their oppression, while the latter themselves try not to creep up to the airy ladies, for Cancers they are too noisy, smart and in great demand!

Yes, she is a little out of this world. Friends, family, work colleagues, and all her countless fans know about this. But this is precisely why they love and, without exaggeration, respect the unusual, original and at the same time incredibly understanding Aquarius woman. It seems that this is a psychotherapist from God. One word from her - and her despondent friends are inspired again, filled with the desire to live and rush to new heights.

But few people manage to find the key to it. Moreover, even among friends this lady feels like a lonely person. So how to win her heart, and what kind of man does she ultimately need? First things first.

There is one ancient legend. Like all legends, she is beautiful and sad. In ancient times, ancient Greek Olympus was inhabited by gods who, of course, sometimes loved to feast and enjoy wine. Once they saw in the field the son of the local king - a magnificent, slender young man. He was so good-looking that the gods brought him straight to Olympus so that he could serve them and pour wine at feasts. The young man took it with enthusiasm - he poured it generously and always gave the holiday a unique atmosphere.

How much time passed, but one day that young man passed away. The gods were sad. They decided to perpetuate the memory of their best servant and created the constellation Aquarius (Latin “Aquaris”). That's why symbol of this eleventh sign of the zodiac A young man appears, pouring water from his jug to help people in their difficult lives. Aquarius is adjacent to mysterious fish on the right and the hardworking Capricorn on the left.

Aquarius is an air sign of the zodiac. These are sincere, open people who easily make contact with anyone, regardless of their oddities. Yes, Aquarius is a preacher of humanity, a person with principles and high concepts of honor. Colors of luck– all shades of blue: from classic ultramarine to violet. Talisman stones– jade, obsidian, amethyst.

I wonder what this unusual sign The zodiac is ruled by two planets at once - Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is a majestic planet with rings, symbolizing limitations, boundaries. It is its influence that explains the Aquarius blues, which can really arise out of the blue. But Uranus is the planet of geniuses. Indeed, this planet is the only one in the whole solar system, which rotates against the movement of everyone else. Moreover, it lies on its side (the axis of rotation is strongly inclined). Uranus is responsible for insights, brilliant breakthroughs, real revolutionary leaps that change the course of all future events for a long time.

That is why representatives of the fair sex, born under the sign of Aquarius, always differ from their surroundings. We talk about them: strange, out of this world. And at the same time, it is with such people that we strive to establish the closest friendships. These are Vera Brezhneva and Shakira, Isla Fisher and Yulia Mikhailchik, Rachelle Lefevre and Vera Glagoleva, Gia Carangi and Oprah Winfrey. Bright, extraordinary and at the same time incredibly humane girls. Stars with human face- these are the true Aquarians.


Who is she, the Aquarius woman: character description

Every Aquarius girl deserves to have a separate article written about her. Yes, she is unusual, and that's putting it mildly. Aquarius, even with all his desire, cannot be like everyone else - and these are not just words. Surely, every Aquarius tried to somehow adjust, format, download the necessary files and become an ordinary person. But no - very quickly he realized that this was not for him.

Endless originality

Do you know what the typical Aquarius girl hates? Not gray weather at all. She doesn't like to repeat herself. And this means only one thing: Aquarius is an original sign that constantly sets itself an invisible bar for creativity. She literally confirmed to herself: you have no right to be like everyone else. That's why many people consider this girl harmful. In fact, he simply goes his own way because he does not like the beaten path.

Yes, you will never get the usual birthday greetings from an Aquarius girl. New Year. And she won’t even read other people’s poems - after all, what’s stopping her from writing her own. Aquarius is an artist of an original genre. He is in an eternal search for a better, more interesting idea that should conquer and improve our sinful world.

Vera Glagoleva, actress and director

Deep humanity

Do you want a lover and a psychologist rolled into one? Then you need to choose the Aquarius woman. These ladies look at our world a little naively. They love rose-colored glasses. And even though they have repeatedly encountered examples of obvious human dishonesty, no one and nothing will make them believe that the world is cruel and evil.

Yes, the girl of this zodiac sign tries to bestow her attention on everyone who turns to her for help. That's why she devotes so much time to her countless friends. Aquarius just loves to be needed, useful, valuable. But to put on airs, turn up his nose, suffer from delusions of grandeur - no, this is completely not his thing.

World peace

It’s hard to imagine a more peaceful creature than the Aquarius girl. This lady doesn’t like to raise a scandal, throw tantrums, or scream throughout the street. Although sometimes she behaves eccentrically, this is either from a lack of attention or from an excess of it. Yes, this lady is concerned about the problems of the whole humanity. Believe me, she really cares where the world is going and what place our society occupies on this stage.

It is impossible to communicate with an Aquarius if you do not know how to support any topics. Moreover, the interlocutor must be ready for any turns. Abruptly changing the topic of conversation, and even seeing your own logic in it, is in the spirit of Aquarius.

Freedom without borders

All air signs Zodiac signs do not tolerate pressure and suppress such attempts literally immediately. But in the case of our heroine, the love of freedom is simply off the charts. She herself does not put pressure on anyone, but she will not allow others to communicate with her, not just in an orderly, but even in a teacher’s style.

For an Aquarius girl there is no concept of boundaries. The whole point is that she will never do anything that directly contradicts her internal constitution. And she trusts her completely. That's why all other actions are completely normal for her. And what others think - believe me, this really does not interest Aquarius.

Attitude to work and money

Aquarius is a bad accountant. A person interested in heavenly things rarely descends to earth. Therefore, some financial difficulties quite often accompany representatives of this zodiac sign. But they have learned to deftly overcome such difficulties, and besides, they have loyal friends for this.

In fairness, the stars bring to your attention that Aquarius hates borrowing, as well as lending. But be that as it may, this lady’s friends are always ready to come to her aid, just as she is to them.

As for work, a typical Aquarius woman masters several professions during her life. It’s just that this lady has been looking for herself for quite a long time, she wants more recognition and true pleasure from work than monetary wealth and career growth. Aquarius is an almost disappearing person who sincerely believes that money is nothing compared to eternal spiritual values.

What kind of man does an Aquarius woman need?

A typical Aquarius woman can spend hours talking about what she values ​​in people, regardless of their gender. In her mouth, the word “man” sounds much more often than “guy” or “man”. Yes, at times Aquarius generally resembles an asexual being who views his companion as a friend.

And in this approach lies the answer to the question posed. The Aquarius girl does not have a standard approach to representatives of the opposite sex. An original woman needs an equally interesting man. Moreover, for her he must first become her best Friend, and then everything else. Aquarius is far from traditional games into a lady and a knight, she doesn’t care whether you have a car or what your bank account is. This selfless woman in every sense is deeply concerned about the personality of her soul mate, namely, how much you can trust her with the most intimate things.

Therefore, the star portrait of the chosen one of Aquarius can be painted with the following colors:

  1. He is a Person. For Aquarius, you don’t have to comment on this phrase, because each lady will put her own, unique meaning into it.
  2. He is a Like-Minded Man. For an Aquarius, a relationship with a person whose psychological portrait is not interesting to her is unthinkable.
  3. He is selflessly devoted to her. It must be said that this lady has very peculiar ideas about men’s, and indeed about human fidelity in general. Under certain conditions, she will turn a blind eye even to physical betrayal. But never spiritually.
  4. She is always sure that he needs him. Moreover, that is all that is needed. Aquarius is a fan of the exclusivity of the moment; she is turned on by the mere thought of “no one but me.”
  5. Finally, he must respect and understand her infinitely. Aquarius will not be able to share a roof with a stranger; she does not enter into marriage as a transaction or some kind of game where everyone has their own role.

How not to behave with an Aquarius

The Aquarius girl is a delicate, sentimental nature. But you can’t tell it from the outside. A joker, a bright star, a talented actress, almost a clown who knows how to make you laugh even in the darkest situations.

You might think that you can behave just as frivolously with her, and in many ways this is true. You just need to take into account a few important points that you definitely shouldn’t violate:

  1. Don’t even think about laughing at the views of Aquarius or, God forbid, criticizing them. This person gives his beliefs, that very inner constitution, an almost sacred character, so a disdainful attitude towards the ideas of Aquarius is a sure way to losing him forever.
  2. Further, you should not criticize the friends of this lovely lady. And also be jealous of them. Yes, she has many friends among the stronger sex. And this can be very annoying for almost any man. But don’t be dramatic – Aquarius is truly one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac.
  3. Finally, never push an Aquarius. Otherwise, you have a real chance of meeting another version of this person.

Who is suitable for Aquarius and who is not so good

Remember one important truth: if an Aquarius is friends with everyone, this does not mean that such a lady will be able to get along with almost any man. Not at all. In fact, finding a mate for an Aquarius is a thankless task. After all, this will take years, and the result is truly unpredictable. Here's what the stars say:

  1. Aquarius has a very good chance of compatibility with representatives of its own air element. She will find understanding with and. And although the everyday side of their union will be in question, in spiritual terms the tandem has very solid chances.
  2. Aquarius gets along well with fire signs. A favorable alliance is with a progressive-minded, changeable person who, like Aquarius, is always busy thinking about the future. It’s just that his assertiveness may harm things a little, but everything can be fixed, right? An Aquarius girl will also be interested in him, but she may be annoyed by his narcissism. And the stubborn one will probably try to reforge our heroine in his own way, but will receive an uncompromising rebuff. The stars remind you once again - this approach in the case of Aquarius guarantees failure.
  3. Water representatives (, and) can give Aquarius family comfort. But ensuring mutual understanding is an impossible task.
  4. Finally, earth signs ( , and ) are the worst combination. It’s just that these men, rather, need a virtuoso housewife who works as a mistress at night according to the approved tariff rate. And the Aquarius woman will quickly begin to be annoyed by their overly correct and predictable rules of the game.

Aquarius in bed

Let's be honest: Aquarius doesn't go crazy about sex, doesn't read romance novels, and doesn't dream about wild nights all day long. But of course, nothing human is alien to our heroine. Moreover, we must not forget that she is a master of the original genre. Easy improvisation, an unexpected change of rhythm and logic, coupled with her mystery - this is her Aquarius answer to the question of what men want.

An Aquarius woman is a real gift for a man who wants to get a lover and friend in one.