Love horoscope for Aquarius woman and Taurus man. Compatibility between Taurus man and Aquarius woman

24.08.2019 Health

Taurus is a woman belonging to the element of Earth. She is reasonable, wise, hardworking and easily achieves her goals. Aquarius is a representative of the Air element.

He is like the wind - fast, impetuous and changeable. Despite different temperaments, two very different people can create a strong union. As a percentage, their compatibility is 86%.

Characteristics of a Taurus woman

She is beautiful in every way. A woman born under the sign of Taurus is smart, charming and nice to everyone around her. One can only envy her enthusiasm. He is always at the epicenter of events and strives to be the center of attention. It can be characterized as follows:

  • an excellent listener who will always give the necessary advice;
  • very active and strives to complete as many tasks as possible;
  • has a good sense of humor;
  • will never intentionally offend a person, has a soft and sympathetic character;
  • calm, rarely conflicts;
  • feminine and attractive;
  • values ​​stable relationships.

The Taurus woman is a balanced and strong personality. She will not complain about unfair fate and blame someone for her failures. Silently he will take and solve all his life problems. Taurus is the life of the party. She loves communication, so she is always surrounded by a lot of friends.

Taurus is an ideal companion for men who dream of creating a strong family. In relationships, she is tactful, kind to her chosen one, and will never commit treason. She is ready to do everything to make her loved ones feel confident and comfortable around her.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man

There is probably no person on planet Earth with whom Aquarius is not able to make friends. The representative of this zodiac sign is very sociable, well-read and wise beyond his years. No one will be bored in his company. He is like a ray of sunshine - he warms everyone with his warmth. This person has many friends and is extremely valued at work. The main thing is to give him a foothold, and this man will turn the whole world upside down. Characteristics of an Aquarius man:

  • a born adventurer, loves to take risks and come up with innovative solutions;
  • looking for the perfect relationship;
  • does not like monotony, craves change;
  • always ready to support loved one and give him good advice;
  • freedom-loving, loves to be in society;
  • has good taste;
  • he is a creative and unpredictable person;
  • loves active recreation and travel.

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes, there are no two identical Aquarius men. People of the Air element are strikingly different from each other. In life, Aquarius is unpredictable and headstrong. His behavior cannot be described in a couple of cliched phrases. He tends to constantly change his mind. He is in constant motion, searching for fresh ideas and inspiration.

How are they suitable for each other?

Taurus girl Aquarius guy are socially adapted people. They won't sit at home and waste time watching boring TV shows. They both need something more. Partners love to be in society and have a lot of interests and hobbies. They constantly think about how to diversify their leisure time.

Both are excellent conversationalists. There are no awkward pauses in the conversation between Taurus and Aquarius. This couple always finds topics for discussion. A woman and a man are always surrounded by many people. Taurus and Aquarius will happily introduce their significant other to friends and initiate joint walks.

Both partners value each other. The woman takes care of Aquarius like a mother, and he is delighted with her composure and thriftiness. The main thing is for both partners to be able to negotiate and be ready to make various compromises. Then the couple will have a long and happy relationship.

How they don't suit each other

According to astrology, it is quite difficult for representatives of both zodiac signs to coexist. They have different temperaments and outlooks on life. The first stumbling block is the financial issue.

The Taurus woman belongs to the element of Earth, and therefore she is practical, economical and easily solves all everyday problems. She was used to saving money, putting it aside to purchase something worthwhile. Whether it's a new car, a set of dishes or a wardrobe. Aquarius finds it extremely difficult to cope with money. He absolutely does not know how to manage them, spends what he earns on anything, and it is on this basis that frequent quarrels are possible in a couple.

The second difficulty that a couple may encounter is Aquarius’s reluctance to stay in the company of his chosen one for a long time. He is a representative of the Air element, which means he is windy and fickle. He easily finds new hobbies, gradually moving away from his companion. And here the Taurus woman has two options: either come to terms with the vicissitudes of fate, or let Aquarius go on a long and distant voyage, plow the oceans of unconquered women’s hearts.

Taurus is a faithful woman. She will remain faithful to her man under any circumstances. But Aquarius will not appreciate this noble impulse.

It’s as if he will feel constantly guilty in the company of this right lady. Taurus woman will be able to build strong relationships not right away. They need to get used to each other and better know the character of their companion.


Aquarius will most likely be the initiator of the relationship here. He is bright, interesting, sociable, romantic. And he’s used to pursuing the one he cares about. will not be able to resist such a man. He shows signs of attention in every possible way, ready to come to the rescue at any second. He will also present Taurus with various cute trinkets and large armfuls of flowers.

But Aquarius will not be able to quickly conquer a confident and intelligent woman. She carefully chooses her life partner and looks closely at representatives of the opposite sex for a long time. She will first check how reliable Aquarius is and only then will she dare to build a relationship with him.

Despite the many positive aspects of Aquarius, he is extremely irresponsible. He needs a companion who will take care of him and guide him in the right direction. This is what the Taurus woman is. She is overprotective of her man and she enjoys doing it. But she can get tired of such an activity very quickly. Therefore, Aquarius needs to pull himself together and learn to live independently.

The couple's relationship is intense and interesting. Every day will be special and different from the previous one. Aquarius constantly craves new emotions and impressions. And sometimes it seems to him that Taurus is too down-to-earth and does not understand him.


In love, not everything goes as smoothly as both partners would like. Taurus is a constant woman. If she falls in love, she dreams of long relationship"till death do us part" style. But the eccentric behavior of Aquarius puts an end to the dreams of a sensual woman. He simply cannot give her confidence in the future.

At the beginning of a relationship, both partners will look for qualities in their chosen one that they themselves lack. Therefore, Taurus and Aquarius will remain themselves. But over time the situation will change dramatically. The partner’s character traits that initially impressed you will begin to enrage and irritate you. They will seek companionship in the company of their own kind.

Taurus will begin to accuse Aquarius of constantly having his head in the clouds. The man will get the impression that his companion does not need anything other than material goods. Sooner or later, Taurus and Aquarius realize that their views on life are completely different. And either they will solve this problem, or they will break up.


The compatibility of the signs, thinking and emotionality of both raises many questions. This also applies to family life. Overall, Taurus and Aquarius are very comfortable with each other. They both know how to have a good time, they won't get bored. And it is precisely because of this that both partners decide to go to the registry office.

Marriage can happen quickly, literally within weeks of meeting each other. And Aquarius will become the initiator. It is he who will drag his beloved to the wedding palace in order to quickly legitimize the relationship.

But the scenario could be different. Both partners do not consider it necessary to burden themselves with marriage. The reason is simple and trivial: since lovers are already so happy together, why change anything. A lot depends on the woman here. Taurus is conservative and values ​​“everything like people do.” Therefore, several years of living together without a stamp in the passport can cause a real rebellion on her part.

Children of Taurus and Aquarius will be desired in marriage. A woman will do everything possible to provide for heirs. She will wash, cook, get the children ready for school, and take them to classes. Aquarius, although he dotes on his child, is in no hurry to take care of “fatherly” responsibilities. He believes that there is still so much unknown and interesting around. And doing everyday routine things is certainly not what he dreamed of.

Intimate relationships

The stars say that here the partners have observed good compatibility. Aquarius is bold, open and sexy. But in the initial stages of a relationship, he will not open up right away. The man acts carefully, methodically, so as not to frighten off his companion. He's rich sexual experience and he, like no one else, knows how to please his chosen one in bed.

The couple’s intimate relationship can be described as vibrant and harmonious. She will take care of comfort - place incense in the room, turn on relaxing music and buy beautiful bed linen from the store. He will be responsible for leisure time. He will choose a movie that they will watch first, give his woman a massage. And only after an extensive cultural program will the lovers move to the bedroom.

Living together

Before moving in together, partners need to get to know each other better from different angles. Is Taurus ready to tolerate the inconstancy of Aquarius? Is he ready to put up with the barrage of claims that have fallen upon him? Partners must weigh all the pros and cons of their upcoming life together and only then make a decision.

Taurus is a wonderful housewife. Her house always smells like baking, there is a warm dinner on the stove, and the house is perfectly clean. She tirelessly improves her home and buys new interior items. The house is a fortress for her, where she can retire and relax.

Aquarius is radically different from his companion in everyday matters. He is too enthusiastic and busy to cook dinner and clean the apartment. His home is constantly in creative disorder. And he doesn’t know at all how to put everything in order.

It is better if the Taurus woman manages the finances in this couple. It is economical and practical. Does not make impulsive purchases; before going to the store, she makes a list and strictly follows it. Aquarius does not understand how she handles finances so skillfully. After all, he himself can spend an impressive amount of money on an absolutely unnecessary thing.


In general, Aquarius and Taurus are compatible with each other from a business point of view. A man is a generator of new ideas. He will be constantly busy developing new projects. But the Taurus woman is assigned the role of “embodiment” of all the ideas of Aquarius. She is smart, hardworking, balanced, easily finds mutual language with business partners. If representatives of these zodiac signs decide to go into business together, they should pay attention to the following areas:

  • programming;
  • Newest technologies;
  • journalism;
  • art.

If Taurus is the boss in this couple, Aquarius' newest and sometimes crazy ideas may be ignored. An Aquarius boss, on the contrary, demands innovation from his employees. Taurus is not always able to cope with such demands. Therefore, Aquarius will most likely hand over to her the work that requires perseverance and attentiveness.

What to expect from a relationship

Taurus is reasonable and balanced. She knows how to earn money and is an excellent housewife. It is extremely important for her to know that she is loved and appreciated. And Aquarius will instill this confidence in her every day. He is an intellectual, which is why Taurus values ​​him.

It cannot be said that their relationship will be serene and calm. A breath of wind is enough for a storm to arise. At first, it will be difficult for both of them to get used to their partner. They have too different views on life. But as practice shows, over the years everything changes for the better in this couple.

The main thing is to be able to listen to each other, not bend your line and give your partner a little freedom. If Taurus begins to re-educate Aquarius, or vice versa, the relationship will only be a burden for the two. But love works wonders. And even people who are incompatible at first glance can live a long and happy life together.

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The compatibility of the union between a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man cannot be called ideal or even good. Their relationship is complicated. They cannot give each other anything except bright emotions that no other partner will give them. Therefore, the union of an Aquarius man and a Taurus woman occurs often, but their relationship will not last long.

They are both too different to be together. They have different goals, different values ​​and interests. They have little common ground, so their relationships usually end in separation.

Sometimes their union can be saved by the advice of astrologers. If both partners recognize the compatibility horoscope of their signs and try to change, then they will be able to maintain their relationship.

The Taurus girl is a bright and beautiful person with strong attractive energy. She has good taste, so her style is always impeccable. She never lacks fans. Such a girl will not be left without male attention.

She knows her worth and has self-esteem, so she never wastes money. The girl of this sign is reserved and calm. She can keep her cool in extreme situations.

The Taurus woman is goal-oriented. She always tries to get what she wants. The Taurus lady loves a luxurious life, so she needs a life partner who will provide for her. She chooses a partner who is financially independent. She loves expensive gifts and accepts them with pleasure.

The Taurus woman is jealous. She can throw a huge scandal out of jealousy, which not every man can endure.

In marriage, the Taurus woman is the ideal housewife. Her house is clean and orderly.

A woman of this sign is hospitable, but believes that everything needs to be done in moderation, so she does not like frequent guests. She loving mother and wife.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man

The Aquarius guy has a light character. It's nice to talk to him. He has extraordinary thinking. The guy of this sign always has his own opinion on everything. He is not used to sticking to standard methods of doing things. There are no stereotypes for him.

Since childhood, Aquarius has been breaking the rules. He likes to stand out and when people pay attention to him. This does not change with age and he still remains an eccentric, mischievous boy fighting stereotypes.

The Aquarius man strives to acquire new knowledge throughout his life. He likes to learn information that he does not yet possess. He loves visiting exhibitions, museums and theaters. A man of this sign loves to travel different countries and in them he tries to visit all the sights.

An Aquarius man does not put wealth and material values ​​first. It is much more important for him to enjoy his work than to receive payment for it.

The Aquarius man values ​​his freedom. It is difficult for him to part with his bachelor life, so he delays this moment. There are more bachelors among Aquarius men than other zodiac signs.

When he starts his family, he does not give up his old habits and friends. Next to him there should be an understanding woman who can accept him as he is and share his interests. Then the couple will be able to save their family.

Love compatibility between Taurus woman and Aquarius man

The union of a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man is very difficult. Both partners in such a relationship will be in constant emotional tension.

The Aquarius man is in constant search. He is full of new plans that he will try to bring to life. This doesn't sit well with the Taurus woman. Ladies of this sign strive for stability. They like a calm, measured life, which they want to spend in luxury. The Taurus woman will also miss attention and care from her lover.

An Aquarius man will not be satisfied with commercialism in the lady of his heart. Aquarius himself does not attach much importance to money, so his lady’s love for it is foreign to him, but still he will feel more comfortable in a relationship than she does. A man of this sign sometimes needs a calm haven in which he can relax, and the Taurus woman will provide him with comfort and peace.

She herself will experience constant stress because of all Aquarius’ friends and his constant absences. On this occasion, she will throw constant scenes of jealousy at him, which will exhaust the man. Therefore, in love they will not have a harmonious relationship.

The compatibility of a Taurus man and an Aquarius lady is also not ideal. Statistics say that their marriage ends in divorce more often than others. An Aquarius woman and a Taurus man are completely different people.

There is nothing in common between them and it is surprising to those around them that they decided to start a family. They can save their relationship only if there is a problem between them. real love. Then they will begin to complement each other with their differences.

Prospects for marriage and compatibility in it

The prospects for marriage between an Aquarius man and a Taurus woman are very doubtful, but sometimes they enter into such a union. This happens when a man understands how important this woman is to him and how much he misses female warmth. The lady herself must also understand what her lover means to her.

If they really love each other, then everything can work out. To do this, she needs to help build his career.

If Aquarius is interested in work, then very soon he can reach great heights. This will provide him with a good profit, which the Taurus woman so needs. She will provide him with comfort and tranquility, which Aquarius sometimes simply needs. Under these conditions, the Taurus woman and the Aquarius man will be happily married.

Positive features of the union

The union of a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man has positive features:

  • Partners respect each other's interests. They build relationships, but at the same time each of them has their own life. They do not put pressure on each other, so they can comfortably exist together.
  • They give each other emotions that no other zodiac sign gives them.
  • Each partner receives from the other what he needs most. The Aquarius man receives support in the person of his beloved. She pushes him forward to achieve his goals. A woman provides Aquarius with comfort and peace, so a man feels that he always has his own quiet refuge. Thanks to her lover, a woman becomes bolder in her desires. She receives emotions that she never even dreamed of.
  • They make each other stronger and more self-confident, although they don’t feel it.

Negative features of the union

The union of Taurus and Aquarius has negative traits:

  • Lack of common interests.
  • Different goals in life.
  • She does not understand Aquarius’s lack of interest in money; he does not accept her commercialism.

Compatibility in business and friendship

Compatibility of the union of an Aquarius man and a Taurus woman in business sphere not very successful. Each of them has a special way of thinking and different ways of doing things. They do not like to make concessions, and everyone tries to defend their opinion. Their business will not bear the expected fruits and they will eventually go their separate ways. As colleagues, they will also not be able to work without competent leadership.

Compatibility between Taurus lady and Aquarius man in friendship is rarely good. Usually they do not find common interests and common topics of conversation. The Aquarius man is unpredictable. He can call for no reason or show up for a visit at any time of the day. This may not please the Taurus woman.

A strong friendship can arise between them only if they share a common hobby. A joint hobby will unite them.

They look at hobbies differently and therefore arguments often arise between them about what they both like. If they become friends, then there can be no love connection between them, because they will not experience attraction.

Compatibility of signs has long been one of the main topics of research by astrologers. Now they can say with certainty that the Aquarius man will not be happy with the Taurus woman, just as she will be unhappy with him. Therefore, their love story will end quickly.

This union is both original, spontaneous and at the same time reliable and stable. We can definitely say that the two of them will not be bored.

Aquarius woman and Taurus man: compatibility as friends

The compatibility of a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman in friendship is very high. They have the same attitude towards friendship. They both know how to be friends, both are very faithful, devoted and reliable.
Very often, the friendship between a Taurus man and an Aquarius girl lasts a lifetime. The Aquarius woman is a very interesting conversationalist. Thanks to her sociability and curiosity, she always has many extraordinary stories in store. She captivates with stories about her many interests. He also shows a keen interest in his friends and family. He is interested not only in their lives, but also in their feelings and thoughts.

An Aquarius girl inspires a Taurus man, bringing excitement, lightness and a spirit of freedom into their communication. The Taurus man gives his girlfriend a state of peace and tranquility. They can conduct a large number of time together, enjoy attending various events, communicating and sharing impressions.

A couple does not always have enough common topics and interests. And this is perhaps the only negative friendly relations Taurus guy Aquarius girl.
Often, they have similar interests in work and personal life each other. A serious threat to their friendship can be the frivolity of the Aquarius woman in relation to material issues. Taurus finds it difficult to take money lightly, but the Aquarius woman does not share their attitude. So, for example, she may forget to repay a debt to Taurus or accidentally ruin something dear to her friend’s heart. Being a girl who is absolutely not attached to everything material, she most likely will not even understand that she hurt a Taurus man. But in such a delicate topic, everything will be resolved as soon as Taurus talks honestly and openly with her, talks about his feelings and sets limits in monetary and material matters. This will be much more effective than accumulating resentment in your heart.

The compatibility of the Taurus man and Aquarius woman in work depends on whether they act together or move in different directions. Their compatibility may simply be threatened by different visions ultimate goal. To resolve this issue, it is enough for them to thoroughly discuss all the key issues and only then begin to act. If they are united in their movement, their joint activities will be incredibly successful. At the same time, each of the signs will do what corresponds to its nature, what it likes most. The ideological content and work on the key points of their project should be left to the Aquarius woman. She will cope with this perfectly. And in financial matters A Taurus man is always on top.

Taurus is distinguished by meticulousness, attention to detail and a sober view of things. Therefore, Taurus will do everything to ensure that their joint project with Aquarius brings the greatest profit. The common activity in a Taurus man, Aquarius woman couple is the case when something incredibly necessary, valuable, ideological, and at the same time profitable is created.

Work compatibility between Taurus man and Aquarius woman:

  1. Colleagues and work partners.
    Taurus man and Aquarius woman are an alliance of opposites. The Taurus man is a conservative by nature; he resists any changes and innovations. The Aquarius woman always strives for change, loves to learn new things, improve, and modernize the old. Renewal is an integral part of its essence. If there is mutual respect and tact, they will become excellent partners. One will wonderfully complement the other. Setting goals, introducing innovations, and creative methods of work are the highest priority areas of activity for the Aquarius woman. And Taurus will be better able to focus on the technical aspects. A Taurus man will fulfill them perfectly, taking into account all the little details.
  2. The Aquarius woman is the boss, the Taurus man is the subordinate.
    This union is not very successful. As a boss, the Aquarius woman is always an innovator; she likes to set goals that are original. And it forces you to use innovations in your work. And it is difficult for a Taurus man to quickly accept new things. It takes him a considerable amount of time to adapt. He does many things better using old proven methods, but in the role of a subordinate it is difficult for him to convey his point of view to the Aquarius boss.
  3. The Aquarius woman is a subordinate, the Taurus man is the boss.
    This is an option business relations Taurus man Aquarius girl is also not very successful. The Taurus man in the role of a boss is too conservative, stubborn and adamant. This greatly limits the possibilities of the active, rule-free Aquarius woman. She is too freedom-loving and has a hard time accepting control. And the Taurus man, as a boss, demands from his subordinates the precise fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him, and in exactly the way he considers best. It is extremely difficult to convince him that a necessary and useful innovation should be introduced in some area. Moreover, if these proposals come from subordinates. The Taurus man perceives this as insubordination and disrespect. As a result, under his leadership, the endless talents of the Aquarius woman are unclaimed.

Compatibility: Taurus man, Aquarius woman. How to charm a Taurus man

An Aquarius woman, with her originality, sharp mind and incredible charm, can intrigue many men. Including a Taurus man, who will highly appreciate her sincerity, decency, and reliability. Taurus men are looking for someone who will be reliable, stable, but at the same time will give them the opportunity to conquer her repeatedly. This keeps you on your toes, makes you admire this woman and win her favor. These are the qualities that an Aquarius woman possesses. It skillfully combines reliability and lightness and mobility. It's definitely never boring with her. It’s exciting to conquer and unravel.

Taurus man, Aquarius woman: compatibility in love

The relationship between Aquarius woman and Taurus man is simultaneously filled with fidelity, stability, stability and, at the same time, liveliness, airiness, and variability. Constancy in the Taurus man-Aquarius woman couple is ensured, of course, by the Taurus man. And the ease and simplicity of relationships is the merit of the Aquarius woman.

Aquarius woman Taurus man, possessing originality themselves, looks for uniqueness and unusualness in a partner. The Aquarius woman is a dreamy idealist, slightly out of touch with reality. Therefore, she needs to choose a reliable, stable person as a companion. Such as a Taurus man.

An alluring and attractive Aquarius woman sometimes moves away, sometimes she becomes very close and completely absorbed by her loved one. And the Taurus man is madly in love with her variability, her inconstancy. He sees in her a deep personality, a woman of mystery. I want to solve it, to conquer it.

The Aquarius woman, for all her unpredictability, is faithful and reliable. She values ​​her independence and respects the independence of others. This quality appeals to the Taurus man. Moreover, such a woman knows how to properly manage her freedom. There is no talk of betrayal on her part, but the feeling of freedom is the basis of her personality, her inner core, strength and power.

Taurus man, Aquarius woman: love. Psychological compatibility

Their relationship is a clear example of a very interesting relationship in which opposites attract and successfully get used to each other. The Taurus man is material, he strives to accumulate property, money, and increase capital. But an airy Aquarius woman has little interest in money. The girl even seems to keep a constant distance from them. The Taurus man is earthly, he is unhurried, methodical, and the Aquarius woman, possessing the element of air, is very easy-going, fast and impetuous. Taurus men live more by sensations than by their heads. Aquarius women, on the contrary, feel little, but always think. The Taurus man is very tactile, he loves touch. The Aquarius woman considers this unnecessary.

By the way, Aquarius women are those who can keep their distance even from their beloved man for many years. A Taurus man should take this into account. Although very different, they are nevertheless often very happy in marriage. There is a mutual attraction between them, they are interesting to each other. Their couple has deep respect and the ability to respect the boundaries of their partner. They know how to adapt to their partner without changing themselves. Their love relationship different from those described in romance novels, but at the same time they are an example of trust, respect and freedom.

Sexual compatibility of Taurus man Aquarius woman is ideal. A man will bring consistency to their intimate life, and a woman will add variety. Sex for them is inseparable from love. Any romance will increase the desire of partners.

Taurus man, Aquarius woman: compatibility and relationship features

A Taurus man will find his ideal woman in an Aquarius woman. One that will give him a feeling of reliability and lightness, unpredictability. Most women can't do this. But for an Aquarius girl it’s simple and natural. The Taurus man is fascinated by the Aquarius woman already during their first meeting. Then, when they get tied up romantic relationship between them, he will very quickly fall in love with her completely and irrevocably.
For a Taurus man, despite the fact that he is in love and very serious, it is difficult to propose to his chosen one. It is extremely difficult for him to reach a new level of relationships. It’s better for a woman to push him towards this - to very unobtrusively hint to her lover that it’s time to change something in her lifestyle and try to start a family. This should be done easily, naturally, making it clear that the chance to be with the woman you love may be missed. In fact, mentally he had long since linked his life with his beloved. He just needs to be given the opportunity to realize it himself and voice it to the world.

Taurus man, Aquarius woman: marriage compatibility

The marriage of a Taurus man to an Aquarius woman is stable. And all because the basis of their relationship is mutual respect. Both the Taurus man and the Aquarius woman are well aware that they are very different. But they do not seek to remake each other, but try to understand. The preservation of the marriage between them is facilitated by their cautious and caring attitude towards each other. They have great respect for the other's freedom and personal boundaries. At the same time, over time, true intimacy appears between them, based on trust and admiration.

The Taurus man likes a quiet, measured life. He is very stable, everything new worries him. The Aquarius woman is always open to new things. Walking through life easily, she accepts everything with joy and enthusiasm.

A Taurus man should understand that Aquarius women cannot be forced to renounce spending time with numerous acquaintances and friends for the sake of comfort hearth and home. In this regard, she can make concessions, although not always. An Aquarius woman, deprived of the opportunity to express herself, becomes deeply unhappy.

An Aquarius woman, feeling happiness, balance, and success, always remembers her household duties and performs them perfectly, while not forgetting to bestow attention and love on her husband.

In a Taurus man Aquarius woman relationship, it is the husband who is the main breadwinner in the family. He is also responsible for material wealth and reliability. A woman brings joy, energy, novelty, and expression to the family.

These signs are sensitive, sincere, open, so it is easy for them to find mutual understanding. Of course, this is not achieved immediately, but over time. By showing awareness, love, and the desire to make concessions and make a loved one happy, they become wiser. By discovering their partner, they will show new facets of their personality, develop themselves and their character. Over time, their marriage can become a model of true partnerships. They will become not just lovers, but also friends, partners, mentors for each other.

This is one of those couples that is considered unsuccessful. In fact, what would seem to be common between the practical Taurus and the idealistic Aquarius? Meanwhile, they are able to complement each other perfectly, and in order to find a common language, they do not need much effort. But only if you know which direction to move.

Aquarius-Taurus compatibility: how to seduce a Taurus man?

The Taurus man is looking for a woman who will give him stability and at the same time not let him get bored. After all, he is a man, and therefore a conqueror. But he is a Taurus, which means he loves consistency. And who can embody both of these qualities better than the Aquarius woman, combining the features of a fixed (permanent) cross and the light, mobile element of Air? Therefore, initially Taurus will develop a craving for her on a subconscious level; he himself may not understand that he has seriously and for a long time fallen in love with the Aquarius woman. The biggest challenge is getting a Taurus in love to move from one stage of the relationship to another. He can get so carried away by his feelings and get so used to the fact that there is such an inexplicable craving for Aquarius in his life that he simply forgets to take the next step - to propose a relationship. Yes, a Taurus man can love an Aquarius for years and not tell her about his feelings! Therefore, a woman must take the development of relationships into her own hands. Pressure and pressure on Taurus will not lead to good things. He is afraid to change his life. But the ease of Aquarius, her contact and abundance of acquaintances is a good opportunity to hint to Taurus that he risks losing his chance. These changes will scare him much more than changes in the form of starting a relationship. After all, mentally he is already with Aquarius and cannot refuse her. Therefore, you should offer Taurus a relationship yourself, but at the same time make it clear that you will not insist.

What does an ideal couple look like: Aquarius woman – Taurus man?

The basis of the relationship in this couple is mutual respect. Taurus and Aquarius understand that they differ from each other in many ways, and a caring, reverent attitude towards their partner and a certain distance that they keep between themselves even after many years together help them maintain their union. This is expressed in emphasized politeness, an emphasis on the fact that each of them has the right to personal time, and frequent conversations and discussions of abstract topics. Aquarius and Taurus portray such a “well-mannered” couple before the first blow of fate. They are not playing, but really believe that only non-violation of each other’s personal space saves them from breaking off their relationship. At this stage, the couple is perceived by others as extremely pleasant and calm. At the same time, the couple’s material well-being increases. But as soon as life turns hard on Aquarius and Taurus and they face trials, they discover that they have long become the closest and most reliable people to each other and there is no need for distance between them. Having passed the test, they become more relaxed, calm internally, hidden tension and fear of losing each other disappear from the couple.

What are the difficulties in a union between an Aquarius woman and a Taurus man?

Despite the fact that Aquarius and Taurus are strongly attracted to each other, it is not easy for them to find a common language. This is especially true for young people, because in youth it is so important that a loved one has similar views! And the woman will very soon notice that the Taurus man does not understand her at all. He sees and perceives what exists in the material world. And the Aquarius woman often thinks about abstract things and new ideas that have not yet been embodied in the material world. Unfortunately, her Taurus will not be able to share conversations with her on such topics. He doesn’t understand how one can worry about something that doesn’t exist and is unlikely to happen. The idealism of Aquarius attracts Taurus; he is sure that such a woman does not encroach on his money and is not looking for profit. But idealism is alien to him. Therefore, the Aquarius woman will be faced with the fact that she cannot explain her thoughts, ideas, and worries to the Taurus man. This will manifest itself in ordinary everyday situations. For example, when gathering a birthday party, she will classify friends according to one principle known to her, based on it, she will think about how to seat the guests, and Taurus will only be interested in how many kilograms of meat should be bought and whether there will be enough sweets for everyone. Aquarius is quite capable of refusing to relax in nature, citing her personal theories of ecology, and will be very upset that Taurus is not ready to agree with her.

The Taurus man is well versed in the material world. And the Aquarius woman’s task is to help him see more. A Taurus who notices only what is next to him sooner or later finds himself in a dead end. Usually this crisis occurs in middle age and is experienced painfully by Taurus. By showing Taurus the connection between the material world and the world of ideas, the Aquarius woman will not only make her life easier and improve relationships in the couple, but will also provide an irreplaceable service to Taurus. All Air signs deal with ideas and abstract concepts, but neither the superficial sign of Gemini nor Libra, who need results beyond a short time, cannot solve the problem the way a patient Aquarius can do it. Try to ensure that your thoughts that you discuss with Taurus do not concern completely abstract things. Taurus will be more likely to understand you if you begin your search for mutual understanding with him from questions of the connection between the material and the ideal. In the given example about a birthday, explain to your beloved Taurus that people who do not agree with each other in interests and temperament will be bored sitting next to each other, they will be unhappy and will not appreciate the culinary efforts of the owners. Never criticize a Taurus for his pragmatism. Just think - many beautiful things would have remained fantasies if Taurus had not given them material form.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Taurus man at work

Both of these signs are stubborn. Therefore, the success of their collaboration depends on whether they look in the same direction or in different directions. Working for a common result, they will be able to move mountains, but if they start pulling the cart in different directions, the matter will freeze for a long time.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Taurus man - colleagues or partners

Taurus is a conservative and stable sign. He doesn't like innovations. Aquarius is constantly looking for new ways. They can help each other. To do this, Aquarius needs to take charge of setting goals and choosing methods, and Taurus needs to take charge of the technical support of the work. In the bad version, Taurus withdraws into himself and does the work in the usual ways, while Aquarius poorly understands what is happening and interferes with unnecessary reforms.

When an Aquarius woman is a boss and a Taurus man is a subordinate

Such a couple has few points of contact. Aquarius sets an original goal or demands to act with new methods, but Taurus finds it difficult to understand these goals, and he does not have such methods, he is used to working in familiar ways, and at the same time he cannot argue with his superiors. This arrangement of forces is rarely successful.

When an Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and a Taurus man is a boss

Taurus loves things to be familiar. Including the relationship between boss and subordinates. The Aquarius woman does not tolerate control well, she shows a love of freedom, and Taurus does not like this. He is not ready to give his subordinates more freedom.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Taurus man in friendship

There is no problem that Taurus and Aquarius are people of different genders. Aquarius is able to be friends with everyone. Taurus also does not feel male superiority over women. So friendship between them is possible. The downside is that there are very few general topics. Plus - both are constant in friendship, do not betray, and value reciprocal reliability. If, due to their personal horoscopes, they have common ground, then they will be friends all their lives. Most often, common interests lie in the area of ​​​​work and discussing each other's married life. They may quarrel because of Aquarius’s careless attitude towards Taurus’s money (Aquarius may not repay the debt on time or break something and see nothing wrong with it).

The statistics are unyielding - they say that the compatibility of a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman is poor, and most couples who get married end up in divorce. The Taurus man and the Aquarius woman have completely different temperaments, and their characters are very different. If this couple comes together, it may seem that they do not touch at any point in their lives. And yet this couple has a chance - if there is sincere love from both for each other. Then it is quite possible that the family and relationship will be preserved, and their fundamental differences will only captivate the spouses.

A Taurus man and an Aquarius woman are a very mysterious couple, because they are so different. Taurus is down-to-earth, practical, rational - it is important for him to have self-confidence and be persistent. He appreciates the state when he stands firmly on his feet and does not worry about his future. In this he is helped by hard work and constant exertion of mental and physical effort.

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The Aquarius woman is the complete opposite. She values ​​above all freedom, spirituality, diversity, and the ability to change plans literally on the fly. She will always want something new - new adventures, impressions and events. She will entertain her Taurus husband with unexpected surprises, and surprise will become an inapplicable attribute in such a love union. Imagination is what the Aquarius woman values, and she has it very well developed.

This couple can quickly accumulate a good fortune due to their hard work. It is important to understand that their distance from each other will last until a serious crisis arises or something bad happens. Then Taurus and Aquarius will join forces, and at that moment they will understand how kindred spirits they are and how dear they are to each other. After such “shock therapy”, this couple no longer behaves like distant relatives, and shows more warmth, care and openness. Rather, the Taurus-Aquarius compatibility after this becomes even extreme, since both begin to be very afraid of losing a loved one after everything they have experienced with him.

But nevertheless, the greater tension from maintaining distance in this couple disappears, and they become happier, and can more openly show their love and affection to their partner.

Negative compatibility - Taurus man and Aquarius woman

The physical and sexual attraction of this couple is great, and the Taurus man and the Aquarius woman attract each other physically, but this does not prevent them from experiencing a large number of difficulties in their personal lives. The main difficulty in such a pair is that the compatibility of the zodiac signs Taurus and Aquarius is such that it is difficult for them to find common topics for conversation and come to common conclusions on them. And in general, finding a common language, accepting and understanding a partner is sometimes not at all easy for this couple.

This is especially true for the Taurus-Aquarius union, when they are young and still full of strength. When you are young, you really want to have a person next to you who is very similar to you, understands you perfectly, and can help you in any situation from the point of view of emotional support. But in a Taurus-Aquarius couple, such relationships do not develop immediately, and only over the years. As a result, the Aquarius woman quickly realizes that the Taurus man does not really understand her aspirations and desires at all, and is not ready to communicate with her on topics that are interesting to her.