State procurements. Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky

15.07.2019 Relationship

In July 1910, the rector of the St. Andrew of Crete Church of St. Petersburg, Philosopher Ornatsky, celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his pastoral ministry. To avoid lavish celebrations and celebrations, the archpriest, wise over the years, went to the Sarov Hermitage. There he spent several days in concentrated prayer, rejoicing at the opportunity to be in solitude and look back on his life.

The Philosopher's father and grandfather were rural priests. Prayerfully remembering his ancestors, the archpriest involuntarily compared their path with his own. He himself graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Academy with a candidate's degree in theology, headed the society for religious and moral education, and was a member of the city duma from the clergy. He held educational conversations every day, read a lot, and tried to respond in his sermons to the challenges of the time, which were increasingly alarming. Every day of the archpriest was eventful, but in the Sarov desert all important matters suddenly seemed like vanity to him. I thought - wouldn’t it be better, as a father, as a grandfather, to live in a provincial village, where the principles are simple and the relationships are sincere? And as if in response to these thoughts, my gaze caught the lines of the Apostolic Epistle in the open volume of the New Testament: “Serve each other with the gift that you have received, as good stewards of the grace of God.”

The philosopher Ornatsky was respected in St. Petersburg. He took care of the poor, set up shelters for the poor and shelters for orphans, and supervised the construction of temples. Significant sums of money passed through the hands of the priest, and at the same time his family lived very modestly. The priest gave private lessons to feed ten children. During the First World War, the Ornatskys gave their apartment as an infirmary, and they themselves huddled in government premises at the Kazan Cathedral, of which Father Philosopher became rector shortly before the outbreak of hostilities.

In October 1917, a political revolution took place in St. Petersburg. Priests began to die at the hands of the Red Army soldiers, and the new government encroached on temple shrines. The philosopher Ornatsky denounced atheists in conversations, sermons and public speeches.


The robbers control us. It is impossible to endure further, because the Holy of Holies of the Russian soul is affected - our Church. We should not go for conscious martyrdom, but if we need to suffer and even die for the truth, this will have to be done.

The Soviet government did not forgive the priest for his impudent speeches. On August 1, 1918, an armed sailor and two Red Army soldiers appeared at the Ornatskys’ house and ordered Father Philosopher to get ready. Together with the priest, his two sons were arrested - Nikolai, a military doctor and Boris, an artillery staff captain. The guards promised the household that the detainees would return soon, however, this did not happen. The archpriest's daughter, Lydia Filosofovna, went to the commissariat to find out the fate of her father and brothers. There they told her that “they don’t know any Ornatskys.” As she left the building, the girl heard a quiet voice behind her.


Sister Ornatskaya, go, listen and don’t turn around: your father and brothers were here, and now they were taken away and shot along with others arrested on one of the dams of the Gulf of Finland.

Later, eyewitnesses said that before the execution, Archpriest Philosopher consoled other people sentenced to death.


It’s okay, we’re going to the Lord. Accept my pastoral blessing and let's pray together!

Kneeling down, the priest in an even voice read prayers for the outcome of the soul. His face remained calm and bright, as if he saw in front of him not an executioner, but the road along which the soul would set off on the journey of the whole earth. And Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky sanctified this path with his fearless testimony of Christ.

In Petrograd, many valued Father Philosopher. Loved him and Fr. John of Kronstadt, they were united not only by spiritual mood and social-church temperament, but also by kinship in the ordinary everyday sense. At one time, the Kronstadt shepherd asked to find a groom for his niece Anna, a modest seminarian. So younger brother Father Philosopher, priest John of Ornatsky entered the family of the Kronstadt pastor. Father John of Kronstadt himself often visited the Ornatskys’ house. After lunch, Father John, rising from the table, said: “Well, Philosopher, let’s go, tell me...” During the celebration on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordination, more than 200 telegrams and congratulations arrived, noting the merits of Father Philosopher. During the revolution of 1905, when unrest began in the city, Father Philosopher persuaded his flock to remain faithful to the Emperor and not listen to “visiting preachers.” He himself preached in the most dangerous place in the city - the Narva region; subsequently, when the priest was arrested, it was not the security officers from the Kazan region who arrested him, but from the neighboring one - Narvsky; Apparently, the memory of his activities during the first revolution was alive in them.

During the arrest, he was completely calm and calm. The parishioners gathered in a crowd of thousands and walked along Nevsky Prospekt to Gorokhovaya to the Cheka, demanding the release of their shepherd. The security officers accepted the delegation of believers, insidiously promising to fulfill their demands. But that same night the priest was transported to the prison of the city of Kronstadt.

Archpriest Philosopher was shot along with his three sons. The exact time of execution has not been established. According to some information, this atrocity was committed during the Assumption Fast, between August 15 and 30 of the year. According to other sources, around October 30, 1918, together with other 30 imprisoned officers. The place of execution was, according to some assumptions, in Kronstadt, according to others, not far from the Gulf of Finland between Ligovo and Oranienbaum. The bodies of those shot were apparently thrown into the bay.

There are several versions of the martyrdom of Father Philosopher, based on oral traditions. These versions are similar in one thing: he died with a prayer to God. Whether he read the waste document or asked the Lord to forgive the murderers who did not know what they were doing is not known for certain. What is known is that he prayed on his knees.

In August of the year, at the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, Peter Balykov

  • Sergei (March 2, 1898 - 1924)
  • Elena (February 18, 1903 - not earlier than 1916)
  • Alexander (October 21, 1905 - 1940s, during the siege)
  • Konstantin (6 May 1908 - 1985)
  • Troparion, tone 5.

    Having loved the wisdom of God from your youth, O venerable Father Philosopher, / all the days of your life you followed the Chief Shepherd Christ, / who showed you to the city of St. Peter as a shepherd of good. / But you, having laid down your soul for the flock, / you yourself stood up to suffer from the lawless / with your children Nikolai and Boris, / we pray to you with the same thing now: / do not forsake through your intercession all those who honor your memory


    • pectoral cross (1895)
    • gold pectoral cross from the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty (27 March 1903)
    • Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd degree (May 1914, the order gave the right to receive nobility)
    • hereditary nobility


    1. Polsky M., protopres. New Russian martyrs. M., 1994. Rep. playback ed. 1949-1957 (Jordanville). Part 1. P.184.
    2. Tsypin V., prot. History of the Russian Church, 1917-1997. T.9. M., 1997. P.53.
    3. Synod of persecuted, martyred, innocently injured Orthodox clergy and laity of the St. Petersburg diocese. XX century. St. Petersburg, 1999. P.82.
    4. Antonov V.V., Kobak A.V. Shrines of St. Petersburg. Historical and church encyclopedia in three volumes. T.2. St. Petersburg: Chernyshev Publishing House, 1996. 328 p. P.278.
    5. Act of the Jubilee Consecrated Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church on the conciliar glorification of the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian 20th century. Moscow, August 12-16, 2000
    6. Khodakovskaya O. Archpriest Philosopher Nikolaevich Ornatsky // Vedi. Almaty, 1998. N4-5. P.24-30.
    7. Synodik of persecuted, martyred, innocent victims in bonds of Orthodox clergy and laity of the St. Petersburg diocese: 20th century. 2nd edition expanded. St. Petersburg, 2002. 280 p. P.12.
    8. St. Petersburg martyrology. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Mir", "Society of St. Basil the Great", 2002. 416 p.
    9. (only the icon is taken)
    10.* - troparion
    11. Orishchenko I. A. comp., “10th generation of the Ornatskys,” genealogical site “Rod of the Belolikovs”:
    12. MNE. Proceedings of the Highest Commission on the issue of improvement in secondary schools. Issue IV. Proceedings of the subcommittees. St. Petersburg, 1900. pp. 61-62.

      According to the information of the daughter of Lydia Filosofovna Ryumina. According to PSTGU, he was arrested on August 9, 1918.

    Archpriest John of Ornatsky
    (photo from the Ornatsky family archive)

    Already on October 31, a martyr for the faith of Christ, the first of the murdered Orthodox priests, was revealed to the Holy Church - Archpriest John Alexandrovich Kochurov was brutally murdered by the Bolsheviks in Tsarskoe Selo. The spiritual children of Father John sent Father Philosopher Ornatsky a letter with details of his martyrdom.

    The martyrdom of Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky.

    The terrible year 1917 arrived. Its beginning did not seem to foreshadow any sorrows or troubles. The Russian army, which numbered more than 8 million people, was on the verge of victory. It was abundantly provided with equipment, ammunition and equipment. There was a high morale among the officers and lower ranks. Everyone expected a speedy end to the war. In case of victory, Russia became the most powerful power in the world... It was then that its enemies carried out the February coup, as a result of which Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II, betrayed and deceived by everyone around him, abdicated the throne on March 2, 1917. By the time the Sovereign Emperor abdicated the throne, the spirit of Orthodoxy had so faded among the people and the living monarchical feeling had dried up that the very meaning of the existence of the Orthodox monarchy was lost. After all, it consists in the indestructible unity of the king with the people, based on mutual love. Theoretically, power could be retained with bayonets, creating something like the Gulag in Russia. But this would be a bloody dictator, and not a Christian Sovereign, who is loved and revered by the people. It is impossible to force a person to become an Orthodox Christian. Our Lord Jesus Christ does not call anyone to Himself by force. And is it possible to force a person to love someone by force? First of all, the Emperor did not want bloodshed. On the other side. The anointed one of God deeply understood in his heart that he was alone in his royal ministry. With true Christian humility, he surrendered himself into the hands of God's Providence, replacing the royal crown with a crown of thorns... The events that followed were reflected in the life of the church. The Holy Synod dismissed Metropolitan Pitirim (Oknov) of Petrograd, and on March 6, 1917, Bishop of Gdov Veniamin (Kazan) took over the temporary administration of the Petrograd diocese. Just like the divisions taking place in society, divisions also began in the church environment. In Petrograd, some of the participants in the “group of 32 priests” that existed in 1905 created the “Union of Church Renewal” (186, 187, 188). Other initiative groups created the “Union of Progressive Petrograd Clergy” (189) and the “Union of Democratic Clergy and Laity” (190). Soon these three groups united into the “Union of Democratic Orthodox Clergy and Laity.” The very name of this “union”, which contained two incompatible concepts - “democracy” and “Orthodoxy,” spoke volumes. Priest D. Popov was elected chairman of the “union”. The members of the “union” included archpriests I. Egorov, M. Popov, K. Ageev; priests A. Boyarsky, A. Vvedensky, S. Fokko, A. Meyer, V. Sokolov; Deacon T. Skobelev, Professor B. Titlinov and others. These were people who did not have the slightest authority in the Petrograd diocese. However, with the support of the Provisional Government, members of this liberal group preached the ideas of “Christian socialism”, the idea of ​​​​restructuring church life and reforming Orthodox doctrine. In 1917, the “union” was very small in number, and it could not have a noticeable influence on the course of events in the Petrograd diocese. But after a few years, its main participants stood at the head renovation schism. To counterbalance this group of renegades, the majority of Petrograd clergy and laity, led by Bishop Veniamin (Kazansky), created the “Union of Church Unity.” Its core consisted of members of the Society for Religious and Moral Education and the Society in Memory of Father John of Kronstadt - Archpriests F. Ornatsky, P. Mirtov, P. Lakhostsky, P. Kulbush, A. Stavrovsky, P. Skipetrov, I. Ornatsky, M. Prudnikov and a lot others. For Bishop Veniamin in his difficult ministry, in many ways, the main support was Father Philosopher Ornatsky, to whose advice and prayers the young Petrograd archpastor constantly resorted. Meetings of the “Union of Church Unity” were held in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education on Stremyannaya. At meetings on April 18 and 24, 1917, chaired by the governor of the Petrograd diocese, Bishop Veniamin (Kazan) of Gdov, the program of the “Union” was adopted and its main goals were defined: “Unification of the clergy and laity of the whole Orthodox Church based not on political platforms or trends of modern political life, but on the basis of a Christian task. Christ's work, which, first of all, requires freedom internal, and not external" (194, 195). At the same time, a committee was created, which was entrusted with entering into relations with all diocesan, district, deanery and other organizations and calling them to unity. In During that difficult time, the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education on Stremyannaya became the center of church and social life in the Russian capital. Here are just some of the stream of messages about the church events of that time: “In Palm Sunday At a crowded meeting of Petrograd clergy and laity in the hall of the Society for the Propagation of Religious and Moral Education, it was decided to form an organizing committee for the elections Metropolitan of Petrograd " (195). "Today, Wednesday, at 6 o'clock in the evening on Stremyannaya, in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education, a general meeting of the clergy and laity of the diocese will be held on the issue of organizing parish meetings" (197). "On Sunday, April 16, in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education, meetings of the Petrograd Diocesan Organizing Committee open, which includes representatives of the clergy and laity from the majority of the deanery of the diocese" (198). "On April 16 and 17, in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education, meetings of the organizational meeting for the election of the bishop will be held Petrograd department. The chairman is Archpriest P.N. Lakhostsky" (197). "The meeting of the Petrograd organizational group for the unification of learned monasticism will take place in the hall on Stremyannaya Street. Chairman of the organizing committee, Hieromonk Manuil (Lemeshevsky) (later - Metropolitan - Ed.) (200). “On May 4, a crowded meeting of pastors and laity took place in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education. The minutes of the organizational meeting for the election of the Petrograd bishop were heard” (201). The elections of the ruling bishop of the Petrograd diocese took place on May 24 in the Kazan Cathedral. By a free vote of clergy and laity, out of seven authoritative candidates, Bishop Veniamin (Kazansky) was elected by an overwhelming majority of votes. On May 25, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop with the title “Petrograd and Ladoga” (by the Synodal resolution of June 14-17, 1917, the diocesan title of the bishop was changed to “Petrograd and Gdov”). One of the first to congratulate the young saint was Father Philosopher of Ornatsky. The next day, the Petrograd Diocesan Council began its work. The message about him said: “On May 25, an extraordinary diocesan congress opened, renamed the Council. It was composed of all 1,600 delegates who took part in the election of the Petrograd bishop. The Chairman of the Council was mitred Archpriest F. N. Ornatsky. The Council was opened by the newly elected Petrograd archpastor, Archbishop Veniamin, who gave a warm opening speech. An extensive program of the Council was approved. The Council developed a special appeal regarding the difficult time the Motherland is going through, when the integrity and unity of Russia is in danger both from an external enemy and from disorder, violence and anarchy in the internal life of the state" ( 202). At that time, devastation began in the country: the front approached the capital; spontaneous rallies arose everywhere; Street riots continued, resulting in bloodshed; bitterness and discord reigned; thefts and robberies were committed. From the Appeal of the Petrograd Council to the citizens of Russia: “...The enemy broke into our country, desecrated our holy churches, robbed and burned our cities and villages, beat the inhabitants, raped women, tortured our inhumanly captive brethren... Among these grave trials and other disasters sent down to us, discord reigned among our people - brother went against brother. Our land was covered in the fire of fires. - the church alarm bell groans painfully, the cries of the robbed and perishing are heard... The first, freely elected Petrograd Diocesan Council, - we , laity and clergy, who have chosen their archpastor according to their hearts, we cry: “Madmen, stop! Forget feuds! The enemy is at the gates of the capital of our state. Under the noise of your mutual strife, he will rush at us, ruin, destroy our dear Motherland, destroy our freedom! You don’t know what you’re doing: blinded by malice, you attack each other, you criminally shed brotherly blood! ...Stop strife - repel the enemy! Liberate, save the Motherland! She's dying! Remember, there is strength in unity! Mother Church calls you to a holy feat!" (203) In this terrible time, Father Philosopher Ornatsky miraculously continues to provide assistance to the soldiers of the Russian army, virtually abandoned to the mercy of fate by the Provisional Government: "To the rector of the Kazan Cathedral, Archpriest F.N. Ornatsky Petrograd, Kazanskaya st. , 1 Commander of the 145th Infantry Novocherkassk Emperor Alexander III Regiment May 18, 1917 N 6787 Active Army Your High Blessing! I, gentlemen, officers and soldiers of the regiment entrusted to me sincerely thank you for the gifts you sent. They arrived at the regiment on May 12th and were distributed to the soldiers on the 13th. According to your expressed wishes, the gifts were distributed between us and the 147th Samara Regiment. Far from family and friends, it is gratifying to see that the rear takes care of us and does not forget the active army. Please accept the assurance of complete respect and deep respect for I. Stackelberg" (204). On May 28, the solemn entry of Archbishop Veniamin to the Petrograd See took place. Numerous religious processions from the capital's churches converged on the square in front of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, from where the religious procession led by Bishop Veniamin emerged The majestic procession headed along Nevsky Prospect to the Kazan Cathedral. Archbishop Veniamin venerated the miraculous Kazan Icon in the cathedral. Mother of God . Then the procession headed to St. Isaac's Cathedral, where a solemn prayer service was held with nationwide singing. Archbishop Benjamin read a prayer for the newly elected bishop to enter the cathedra, and then Archpriests Philosopher of Ornatsky and Sergius of Sollertinsky three times seated the Bishop in a high place while singing “Axios!” (205). In the following days, the Petrograd Diocesan Council continued its work. For the first time, a number of important resolutions were adopted at it: 1) on the Diocesan Council, spiritual consistory and relationships between diocesan government bodies; 2) about the parish council and its activities; 3) about the parochial school and religious education in schools of the Ministry of Public Education; 4) on the opening of church evening courses and secondary educational institutions with all the rights of secular educational institutions and a number of others (205, 206, 207, 208). The cathedral finished its work on June 20, and on June 23, in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education, a diocesan meeting of clergy and laity was held, at which delegates from Petrograd to the All-Russian Congress of Clergy and Laity in Moscow proposed reports related to the work of the congress. The most important event in the church life of Russia at that time was the upcoming All-Russian Local Council (All-Russian Church Council). Since July 9, in the hall on Stremyannaya, on the initiative of the Union of Church Unity, meetings were held at which issues related to the convening of the All-Russian Church Council were discussed. And soon the Provisional Government once again showed its true face - on July 14, it issued a Decree on Freedom of Conscience, according to which a 14-year-old child could adopt any religion or become an atheist without parental permission. This was a direct challenge posed to the Orthodox people... The question of the Church’s attitude to this action was to be discussed by the All-Russian Local Council. In connection with the upcoming Council, the Holy Synod moved its meetings to Moscow, and in Petrograd, in accordance with the Determination of the Synod, a Synodal Office was established: “From July 21-26, for N4652, it was decided: 1) in view of the upcoming opening in Moscow on August 15 of this year All-Russian Local Church Council, the meetings of the Holy Synod in Petrograd will end on August 2 of this year and open them in Moscow on August 9; 2) during the stay of the Holy Synod in Moscow, establish a Synodal Office in Petrograd consisting of His Grace Veniamin, Archbishop of Petrograd, with the title of first present, vicars Petrograd diocese of His Eminences of Narva and Luga, rector of the Kazan Cathedral, Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky and assistant protopresbyter of the military and naval clergy, Archpriest John Morev" (209). Members of the Synodal Office were authorized representatives the highest church authority in Petrograd. Due to the troubled times the country was going through, they had to solve many difficult practical issues. The difficult, now associated with many defeats, bloody war continued. Many Russian women took a heroic part in the battles - sisters of mercy, intelligence officers, employees of technical services. Many of them gave their lives in the name of saving the Fatherland. At the suggestion of Father Philosopher Ornatsky, on July 26, the bishop’s service held a memorial service for all the women warriors who fell in battle. A host of Petrograd clergy came out to this memorial service together with Vladyka Veniamin and Father Philosopher. “The huge cathedral was overcrowded with worshipers. The rector of the cathedral, Archpriest Philosopher Nikolayevich Ornatsky, said a heartfelt word in memory of those who died with honor for their Motherland and set their feat as an example to many. The moment of protodeacon’s proclamation of eternal memory to the women who laid down their lives in the struggle for the glory of Russia was touching. . Everyone knelt down, the vast church space was filled with sobs..." (210).

    Archpriest Ornatsky with John of Kronstadt

    As before, daily prayers were performed in the Kazan Cathedral before the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God for the granting of victory to the Russian Christ-loving army. They were now joined by prayers for an end to the internecine warfare. Father Philosopher devoted a lot of effort to helping disabled soldiers who were leaving the infirmary of the Kazan Cathedral after treatment. They were provided with clothes, warm underwear, shoes and cash benefit to return to their native places. The Lord helped the priest find benefactors for these purposes. On August 8, in the hall on Stremyannaya, elections of delegates to the All-Russian Local Council from the Petrograd clergy took place. By unanimous decision of the meeting, Archpriests Peter Mirtov and Pavel Lakhostsky were elected. Together with Archbishop Benjamin and Protopresbyter of the military and naval clergy Georgy Shavelsky, who were included in the Council ex officio, they left for Moscow. It may be noted here that all four named members of the Local Council from Petrograd were for many years active participants in the Society for the Propagation of Religious and Moral Education. Two days before the opening of the Council, the Holy Synod elevated Bishop Benjamin (Kazan) to the rank of metropolitan. The All-Russian Local Council opened in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on the Feast of the Dormition Holy Mother of God, August 15. This was the day that Orthodox Russia had been waiting for for more than 200 years. The first meeting of the Council took place the next day. Numerous greetings addressed to the Council were read out there. Among the first to speak was Archpriest Pavel Lakhostsky with a message from the Society for Religious and Moral Education in the spirit of the Orthodox Church. It ended with the words: “Let the innumerable host of saints and righteous fathers, who have previously departed from us to the Lord and now look at our deeds from the heavenly world, participate in the Council in its thoughts and deeds for the good of the Holy Church and for the glory of the One God glorified in the Trinity, to Him Let honor and worship continue from our generation forever" (211). The message was signed by the Chairman of the Society, Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky, and members of the Society Council. By the providence of God, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church was convened during one of the most difficult periods church history . At its meetings, the Council had to make a number of important decisions that would determine for many years the path of the Church in its march through the elements of this world. The helm of the church ship was in the hands of the One who said, “...I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). In August, another important event took place in the church life of Petrograd - for the first time in Russia, the Brotherhood of Parish Councils of the City of Petrograd and the Petrograd Diocese was established to unite the activities of all parish councils (212). One of the main initiators of the creation of this Brotherhood was Father Philosopher Ornatsky, a longtime supporter of the revival of cathedral principles in parish life. Subsequently, similar brotherhoods arose throughout the country. They contributed extraordinarily to the cause of unity between believers and the clergy during the years of open persecution for the faith. Already at the very beginning of its existence, the Petrograd Brotherhood of Parish Councils numbered several tens of thousands of people. Over time, the activities of the Brotherhood took on more and more importance in the life of the diocese. On the day of the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, September 14, by decision of the All-Russian Local Council, a nationwide prayer was held for the salvation of Russia, which was preceded by a three-day fast of repentance. The prayer in the Kazan Cathedral in Petrograd was particularly solemn, where the believers again did not hide their sincere tears after the inspired words of Father Philosopher Ornatsky. Back on July 20, immediately after the Decree on Freedom of Conscience, the Provisional Government issued a law transferring parochial schools to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Education, which actually meant the abolition of teaching the Law of God in schools. This decision of the Provisional Government, directed directly against Orthodoxy, did not affect confessional schools of other faiths located on the territory of Russia. On October 11, on behalf of the Provisional Government, Kerensky rejected the request of the delegation of the Local Council to repeal the law of July 20, citing the fact that the new political system should be non-confessional. Immediately in Petrograd, with the participation of Father Philosopher Ornatsky, the Union of Parents' Committees was created, which began to defend the principle of mandatory teaching of the Law of God in secondary school (213). The situation in Petrograd became more and more tense. The provisional government could no longer control the situation in the country. With the blessing of Metropolitan Veniamin, on October 22, the day of the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, a grand religious procession of the Cossack units located in the capital was to take place, with the participation of all the believers of Petrograd. Route procession passed along the main streets of the city, including along Suvorovsky Prospekt past Smolny, where the main nest of the conspirators preparing the October coup was located (214, 215). On the evening of October 21, on the instructions of Kerensky, the commander of the Petrograd Military District, Colonel Polkovnikov, categorically forbade representatives of the Union of Cossack Troops from holding the planned religious procession. Three days later, the Bolsheviks arrested the provisional rulers. As unnecessary. As having completed their part of the task of destroying the Russian Orthodox state . Kerensky prudently left Petrograd on the night of October 22. death of the Tsarskoye Selo shepherd. Father Philosopher immediately published this letter in the Church Bulletin, where he also published an announcement: “On Wednesday, November 8, the ninth day after the death of Archpriest John Kochurov, who was killed on October 31 in Tsarskoye Selo, a service will be held in the Kazan Cathedral at 3 o’clock in the afternoon The bishop's service is a memorial service for Archpriest John and all Orthodox Christians who were killed in internecine warfare. The parish clergy, free from official duties in the parish, are invited to the memorial service. The vestments are white" (216, 217). Father Philosopher often fondly remembered his disciple, student preacher Ivan Kochurov, who left after the Theological Academy to serve as a missionary in the distant Aleutian diocese. Now the priest accompanied Father John to the heavenly monasteries... And on November 5, in the Petrograd Kazan Cathedral, a citywide prayer was performed for the pacification of the Fatherland. The temple was crowded with worshipers. The Divine Liturgy was performed by the first vicar of the Petrograd diocese, Bishop Gennady (Tuberozov) of Narva, co-served by Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky and other Petrograd clergy. At the end of the liturgy, Father Philosopher spoke a deeply edifying word. Then the Kazan miraculous image of the Mother of God was brought to the middle of the temple and in front of it the congregation, with popular singing, served a prayer service for the cessation of internecine warfare (218). On the same day, at the All-Russian Local Council, Saint Tikhon (Bellavin), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, by the providence of God, was elected and named Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The election took place under the thunder of artillery cannonade. Metropolitan Benjamin wrote then from Moscow to Father Philosopher: “I sincerely ask you, upon receipt of this letter, to serve a thanksgiving prayer before the miraculous image of the Intercessor of Christians for saving me, a sinner, from mortal danger. Through the intercession of the Mother of God, and through someone’s fervent prayers, I remained alive ". I spent a whole week under fire in the besieged Kremlin. For the last two days, the inhabitants of the Chudov Monastery took refuge in the basement and underground church of St. Hermogenes, where the relics of St. Alexis were transferred from the cathedral church. The wall of the room I occupied was pierced by two heavy artillery shells, exploded and fired great destruction. I left my room a few minutes before... The cannonade intensified and Archbishop Mikhail of Grodno (remember him too) and I had to retire at full speed to the lower floor. .. We lived for two nights and a day in the cell of one hieromonk. We slept without undressing. For the all-night vigil and liturgy, under gunfire, they walked through the courtyard to the underground church. There was a constant service. The brethren confessed and partook of the Holy Mysteries; employees and non-employees were preparing for death... I was especially touched by the fact that at the prayer service for “Our Father” they sang the troparion “To the zealous Intercessor...” - I involuntarily fell to my knees and prayed with tears... I remained safe among the horrors. .. How not to thank the Lord and the Queen of Heaven!" (219). On the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, November 21, the Patriarch was enthroned in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. Fulfilling the will of God, the Local Council restored the patriarchate and canonical system of the Russian Orthodox Church, and This happened before the most difficult trials in its history. Thus, the Church was saved from complete defeat and ruin. Every day the new government more and more clearly revealed its essence. Having overthrown the Autocracy, the enemy of the human race fell upon Orthodoxy with unprecedented malice. Already in December, decrees of the new government, which were directly aimed at the destruction of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Decree on Land deprived churches and monasteries of land. The nationalization of private banks led to the loss of the deposits of the clergy stored there. The registration of acts was transferred to the jurisdiction of secular bodies civil status- births, marriages and deaths. The entire education system, including religious educational institutions, was subordinate to the Commissariat for Public Education... At this time, Father Philosopher Ornatsky speaks to the flock with calls for the unification of Russians Orthodox people around churches to defend the shrines of the Russian land. At a meeting of the Brotherhood of Parish Councils of Petrograd and the Petrograd Diocese, held in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education on Stremyannaya on December 11, Father Philosopher spoke about the obstacles that interfere with the normal life of the Church: “The main obstacle, according to the conditions of the current times, is interference in the life of parishes various kinds of organizations that have arrogated power to themselves! This is at a time when other confessions and sects enjoy complete freedom of religion. How can this not cause deep indignation among the Orthodox Russian people.." (220). At a meeting of the Union of Parental Committees that took place shortly, the priest ardently calls on those gathered to make every effort to ensure that the new authorities return the Law of God to the educational program for their children, because otherwise the centuries-old system of moral values ​​of the Russian nation will be shaken. Thus, from the first days of the seizure of power in Russia by the atheistic regime, Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky showed himself to be a fearless denouncer of the persecutors of the Church of Christ. Such was the will of God for him... On December 1, 1917, Archimandrite Platon Kulbush, a longtime associate of Father Philosopher who took monastic vows, was ordained Bishop of Revel, vicar of the Riga diocese, Archpriest Pavel Petrovich Kulbush (later a new martyr). The episcopal consecration was performed by Metropolitan Veniamin (Kazansky) of Petrograd and Gdov and other hierarchs. On the same day, a draft decree on the separation of the Church from the state and the school from the Church was published in the newspapers. For the Petrograd authorities, this served as a signal for the beginning of the violent appropriation of church property. And the decree itself, subsequently published under the name of the law on freedom of conscience, was an act of flagrant lawlessness, giving the atheists the unheard-of right to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church. The right of the strong to murder and open robbery... On the evening of January 2, 1918, the manager of the Petrograd Synodal Printing House was given the following paper: “This is to inform you that the Synodal Printing House will come under the jurisdiction of the Technical Council for the Management of State Printing Houses under the Commissariat for Public Education from January 1st ... Government Commissioner Lebedev-Polyansky" (221). Thus, the publication of the Synodal "Church Gazette" and the "Church and Public Bulletin" - periodicals of the Russian Orthodox Church - was stopped. The commissioner who arrived at the printing house said that the government would not hesitate to use armed force. .. On January 13, an armed detachment of sailors and soldiers arrived at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The vicar of the Lavra, Bishop Procopius (Titov) of Elisavetgrad, vicar of the Kherson diocese, was presented with the following paper: “Due to the decision of the People's Commissar on the requisition of all premises with all inventory and valuables belonging to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, you are hereby ordered to hand over all your files to Management of houses, property and capital of the Lavra to an authorized person... People's Commissar Kollontai" (222)... Already on January 10, Metropolitan Veniamin sent a detailed letter to the Council of People's Commissars, in which in a calm and good-natured form he warned the authorities about the undesirability of using drastic measures that offend religious feelings of the people. On January 11, under the chairmanship of Bishop Veniamin, a meeting of the Brotherhood of Parish Councils of Petrograd and the Petrograd Diocese took place. It passed a resolution of protest sent to the Council of People's Commissars. Representatives of parish councils stated that they consider the seizure of the Synodal Printing House, the closure of a number of churches and attempts to seize the premises of other religious institutions as a clear persecution of the Church (223). Another meeting in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education took place on January 14. Its resolution stated: “The most populous pastoral and lay meeting, having heard a report on the attempt to seize on January 13, by order of the Commissioner for Charity, Mrs. Kollontai, the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and take away its premises and property ... decided: to resist this in every possible way, and in general firmly declare to the commissars that the Orthodox Russian people will not allow the taking of property from monasteries and churches, which they decorated with their love and zeal, bringing their mites to monasteries thousands of miles away - they will not allow their cherished shrines to be desecrated, they will stand up for their defense from reproach on the part of those who, being neither Russian nor Orthodox, cannot understand and appreciate these shrines..." (224). On January 17, the commissioner again appeared at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and demanded the immediate transfer of the Lavra with all buildings, property and capital to him. On the same day, a crowded meeting of clergy and representatives of parishes took place in the hall on Stremyannaya: “The huge hall could not accommodate everyone who wanted to enter it, although it was overcrowded to the last possible... The rector of the Kazan Cathedral, Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky, makes a proposal: in the upcoming Sunday, organize religious processions from all the churches of the capital to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The meeting unanimously accepts this proposal" (225). Despite the protests of believers, on January 19, a detachment of sailors and Red Guards arrived at the Lavra. The governor of the Lavra, Bishop Procopius, and members of the Spiritual Council of the Lavra were arrested. Immediately, an alarm sound was heard from the cathedral bell tower, picked up by all the other churches of the Lavra. Crowds of people rushed to the monastery. The raiders were disarmed and escorted outside the Lavra. Meanwhile, reinforcements arrived from Smolny in trucks with machine guns. Shots were heard within the walls of the holy monastery. At the same time, the rector of the church in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” Archpriest Pyotr Ivanovich Skipetrov, a relative and close associate of Father Philosopher Ornatsky, was mortally wounded. Father Peter and Father Philosopher were married to sisters. Father Philosopher and Chairman of the Brotherhood of Parish Councils, Archpriest Nikolai Rudinsky, who were with Metropolitan Benjamin, took Father Father Peter to the Lavra Hospital. In the evening, Father Peter gave up his soul to the Lord. Meanwhile, believing people kept coming and coming to the Lavra. Deputations arrived from workers of a number of enterprises, including from the Glass and Porcelain factories, where Father Peter Skipetrov preached, and from the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers, who expressed their readiness to defend the Lavra to the last opportunity. According to Bishop Procopius, the mood of the masses was such that it took great effort to keep them from resisting the armed rapists. The attackers had to remove their machine guns and retreat. So simple believers, standing up in defense of the Mother Church, defended main shrine Petrograd. “Church Gazette”, the publication of which, at the suggestion of Father Philosopher Ornatsky, was resumed in the printing house of the Society for Religious and Moral Education, noted: “The Lavra and its churches began to be filled with crowds of pilgrims... Many worshipers have recently been spending all day and night in the Lavra, ready to always get up to protect the desecrated shrines... The feeling of endless indignation that the raids of the Red Guards on the Lavra on the orders of Mrs. Kollontai aroused among the masses, confused even the new despots from Smolny. Now they offer the governor of the Lavra to calm the agitated people and declare that they were misunderstood ..." (226). On Saturday, January 20, during evening service In the Kazan Cathedral, its rector, Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky, for the first time read out the appeal of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon of January 19: “We call you, believers and faithful children of the Church: stand up for the defense of your Holy Mother, who is now insulted and oppressed... And if you need to suffer for the cause of Christ, we call you to these sufferings with us..." (227). Father Philosopher managed to duplicate the message and send it to all churches in Petrograd for reading during the liturgy after the Gospel or the sacramental verse on Sunday, January 21. That day, from 11 o’clock in the morning, religious processions from all the capital’s churches reached the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The most numerous were sent from the Trinity Church of the Society for Religious and Moral Education on Stremyannaya, from the Kazan Cathedral, from the Spaso-Sennovskaya Church and from the Resurrection Church at the Warsaw Station, where tens of thousands of representatives of temperance brotherhoods gathered. Huge streams of pilgrims from the Moscow and Narva regions merged with them. Processions of the cross also took place from Ligovka, Pokrovka, and from the Vyborg side. Thousands of believers joined them. According to correspondents' estimates, the number of participants in the religious processions ranged from several hundred thousand to half a million people (228). Everyone knew about the events in the Lavra, they knew that shots could be fired again at any minute, but they were ready to suffer for the faith and the Holy Church. “Tears were visible here and there, but these were tears of joy, that unearthly indescribable joy that filled the hearts of Christian martyrs in the midst of severe suffering. In some churches, all those praying confessed on Saturday general confession, and the next day they partook of the Holy Mysteries. The mood of the participants in the religious procession is transmitted to the crowd passing along the street. Many kneel on wet snow and bow to the ground..." (229). The Bogomolnys carried, among many icons, all-Russian shrines - the icon of Christ the Savior from the house of Peter the Great, miraculous icons - the Kazan image of the Mother of God from the Kazan Cathedral and the Vladimir image - from the Vladimir Church. By one o'clock in the afternoon, around 200 processions merged into one religious procession. The Lavra Square could not accommodate all the believers, and they filled all the nearby streets. Banners, crosses, and icons rose above the heads of the people. In the second hour, to the sound of bells, a religious procession led by Metropolitan Benjamin left the Lavra. Bishop Veniamin ascended to a special platform built on the square. The Lavra protodeacon read the proclamation of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon in a thunderous voice, after which a prayer service was performed for the pacification and salvation of the God-protected Russian state. The whole people sang. Then the majestic religious procession headed along Nevsky Prospekt to the Kazan Cathedral at continuous nationwide singing. Prayerful exclamations were heard: “Most Holy Theotokos, save and preserve us,” “Holy Blessed Prince Alexander, pray to God for us.” Bright, joyful faces, Easter mood... The huge Kazan Square, the entire area adjacent to the cathedral and Nevsky Prospekt are filled with many people. After the prayer service, Metropolitan Veniamin, with extraordinary enthusiasm, delivered a short speech. "Christ is Risen!" - the archpastor exclaimed, and the square resounded with the thunderous response of hundreds of thousands of voices: “Truly he is risen!” Tears streamed down the faces of both women and men. Many knelt down. His. Death in prayer, freeing a person’s spirit from the bonds of the flesh, returns him to native element eternal bliss in the sight of the Divine, which constitutes the happiness of prayer itself. A dying person in prayer finds what he was looking for, what he ardently strived for. Thus, with prayer on his lips, our Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross, and with prayer for his enemies, Saint Stephen the First Martyr and many other righteous people also died. May the Lord God not deprive us, brothers, of this happiness!" (259). These words of the Petrograd shepherd turned out to be truly prophetic in relation to himself... Exact date and the place of martyrdom of Archpriest Philosopher Nikolaevich Ornatsky and his sons Nikolai and Boris, who were killed with him, are unknown. Based on the letter from Lunacharsky, who, of course, was well informed about what was happening, we can conclude that on August 15, 1918, Father Philosopher was still alive and was under arrest in Kronstadt. Uritsky, who personally signed the answer to the priest’s family, was killed on the morning of August 30, so he could have done this no later than August 29. Consequently, Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky and others like him murdered sons Nikolai and Boris gave up their souls to the Lord between August 15 and 29, 1918. Most likely this happened in Kronstadt. Eternal memory to them!

    “The fact that Christ has risen,” continued Metropolitan Benjamin, “is the basis of our faith. With it we will not perish! We will now stand in faith until we are ready to suffer until death, as Father Peter Skipetrov, who was killed at the threshold of his archpastor’s office, bequeathed to us.” (Father Peter was mortally wounded in the corridor of the Metropolitan building of the Lavra not far from the office of Metropolitan Veniamin).
    Everyone sang “Eternal Memory” to the deceased. Bishop Benjamin continued: “You must rally around your archpastor - this is our strength and victory.” The people sang: “May God rise again and His enemies be scattered…” and with this chant they began to disperse. Then, for several hours, Metropolitan Benjamin blessed the participants in this unprecedented religious procession in the Kazan Cathedral (230, 231).
    It was very uncomfortable that day in the city of St. Apostle Peter for the “despots from Smolny,” but this time everything went off without any incidents. Moreover, on the instructions of Bonch-Bruevich, notices from the Cheka were scattered throughout all the streets of the city the day before that the commissariats of the city of Petrograd, Red Guards, patrols and detachments were ordered to maintain strict order everywhere and immediately arrest anyone who discovered an intention to interfere with religious processions. Traffic was stopped.
    Thus, the wise proposal of Father Philosopher Ornatsky to hold a city-wide procession of the cross helped many believers to unite and feel their strength before new trials that later awaited the faithful children of the Mother Church.
    Father Philosopher himself left for Moscow that same evening at the head of a deputation of clergy and laity from Petrograd. The delegation was carrying a petition to the All-Russian Local Council for the restoration of Metropolitan Benjamin to the rank and rights of Hierarchimandrite of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, following the example of his predecessors.
    On January 22, the deputation was received His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church devoted an hour and a half to a conversation with members of the delegation. A warm, detailed conversation took place about all the latest events. His Holiness the Patriarch reacted very sympathetically to all the requests and statements of the Petrograd residents, to all their difficulties, and expressed confidence that all of them would be resolved.
    On January 23, Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky made reports at the Cathedral Council and at the Cathedral Department for Monasticism, to which the petition of the Petrograd deputation was transferred. At an emergency meeting, the department decided to satisfy the request of the clergy and laity of Petrograd. The Holy Local Council, having heard the opinion of the department expressed by its chairman, Archbishop of Tver and Kashin Seraphim (Chichagov), unanimously agreed with him. Vladyka Veniamin was restored to his rights as rector and holy archimandrite of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The sincere and ardent desire of the Petrograd believers - to see their chosen one, the meek but firm archpastor, Metropolitan Veniamin, the complete master in his residence, came true (232, 233, 234).
    On those same days, the Petrograd deputation met with a member of the All-Russian Local Council from monasticism, Hieroschemamonk Alexy (Soloviev), an elder recluse of the Smolensk Zosimova hermitage, who drew lots in the election of the Patriarch. As someone wise with great spiritual experience, the deputies asked Father Alexy to come to Petrograd. The elder ascetic was unable to do this due to severe illness hearts, but told his visitors:
    “It’s time to start telling the truth face to face, so that the people know everything and come to the defense of the faith and the Church” (235).
    On January 24, with the blessing of His Holiness, in the Cathedral Chamber, Archpriest Philosopher Nikolai Ornatsky gave a substantive, detailed report on the events in Petrograd on January 13-21, especially noting the violent attempt to seize the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and the grand procession of the cross.
    At the conclusion of his speech, Father Philosopher uttered significant words, as if foreshadowing his imminent martyrdom:
    “It’s time to say that the robbers have taken power and are ruling us. We have endured, but it is impossible to endure any longer, because the Holy of Holies of the Russian soul - the Holy Church - has been affected. We should not go to conscious martyrdom, but if we need to suffer and even die for the truth , this will have to be done. Processions of the cross will prove to everyone that the believing people are united. The clergy need to preach to the people not only on holidays, but always and wherever possible. Everyone should say that it is necessary to defend the holy faith, we need to shout about it on the trams, cinemas, on railways... It's time for the clergy to unite with the people. If the Lavra received protection, it was protected by its people. If we win back the Church, we will do this with the assistance of the people..." (286).
    The speech of Father Philosopher was listened to by the Holy Council of the Orthodox Russian Church with great attention. Following the example of Petrograd, it was decided to organize a nationwide religious procession in Moscow. Following this, processions of the cross took place throughout Russia.
    On January 26, the deputation returned to Petrograd, and that same evening, in the hall of the Society for the Propagation of Religious and Moral Education, a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Veniamin of Petrograd. The hall was again overcrowded; many were unable to attend the meeting. At the entrance to the hall, portraits of the Patriarch were instantly sold out.
    Metropolitan Benjamin was the first to speak with a brief speech about the high spiritual significance of religious processions, about the great spiritual joy that the Lord bestowed on the participants of the last religious procession. The people seem to have experienced Holy holiday Christ's Resurrection. “I am sure,” said Metropolitan Benjamin, “that if the faith is preserved, the people will expect other, greater consolations.”
    Then Father Philosopher Ornatsky, who had returned from Moscow, spoke in detail about the trip of the Petrograd deputation. After the announcement of the restoration of Metropolitan Benjamin to the rank and rights of Hierarchimandrite of the Lavra, the meeting participants enthusiastically sang many years to their beloved bishop.

    from left to right: Archpriest Ornatsky, Professor V.Z.Belolikov

    The persecution of the Church intensified. Already on January 20, a decree was issued on the separation of the Church from the state and the school from the Church (Officially it was called the “Law on Freedom of Conscience, Church and Religious Societies”).
    He trampled all truth, elevating persecution for faith to the rank of law. It said, in particular:
    “No church and religious societies have the right to own property. They do not have the rights of a legal entity. All the property of church and religious societies existing in Russia is the national property...
    Teaching religious doctrines in all state and public, as well as private educational institutions where general education subjects are taught, is not allowed..." (237).
    The Holy Council of the Orthodox Russian Church responded to this act of blatant arbitrariness with an appeal to all Orthodox Christians in Russia:
    “For centuries, something unheard of has been happening in our Holy Rus'. People who came to power and called themselves people’s commissars, themselves alien to the Christian, and some of them, to any faith, issued a decree (law) called “on freedom of conscience,” but in fact in fact establishing complete violence against the conscience of believers...
    Did we ever have anything like this after the Baptism of Rus'? Even the Tatars respected our holy faith more than the current legislators...
    ...And have you ever heard of church affairs being managed by godless people, not Russians and not Orthodox?
    ...Unite, Orthodox Christians, around your churches and pastors, unite, all of you, men and women, old and small, form alliances to protect cherished shrines...
    ...Take courage, Holy Rus'! Go to your Golgotha! The Holy Cross is with you, an invincible weapon..." (238).
    The Local Council adopted a special resolution regarding the decree of the atheists:
    "1. The decree on the separation of the Church and the state issued by the Council of People's Commissars represents, under the guise of a law on freedom of conscience, a malicious attempt on the entire structure of life of the Orthodox Church and an act of open persecution against it.
    2. Any participation both in the publication of this legislation hostile to the Church and in attempts to implement it is incompatible with belonging to the Orthodox Church and brings upon guilty persons of the Orthodox confession the heaviest church punishments, up to and including excommunication from the Church...” (239).
    And soon sad news was received from Kyiv. At the walls of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra on January 25 (February 7), 1918, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia Vladimir (Epiphany) was shot by the Bolsheviks. He gave up his soul to God, blessing the persecutors-murderers in the shape of a cross with both hands with the words: “May the Lord forgive you!”
    On February 2, a meeting was held in the hall on Stremyannaya dedicated to of blessed memory Saint Vladimir, who did so much for the Society led by Father Philosopher. Bishop Vladimir spoke in this hall more than once; his farewell to the Petrograd clergy and laity took place here after the saint’s appointment to the Kyiv See. On this day, February 2, under the arches of the hall, those gathered sang “Eternal Memory”...
    At the meeting, it was decided to develop a number of measures aimed at resisting the decree of the new government.
    Then Father Philosopher proposed to elect His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon as an honorary member of the Society for Religious and Moral Education, who during his years of study at the Theological Academy labored in the Society as a student preacher. The meeting unanimously responded to this call. Persistent voices were heard asking His Holiness to definitely visit Petrograd. Father Philosopher promised the meeting to make a most respectful request on this matter to His Holiness the Patriarch.
    February passed under the sign of resistance to the decree on the separation of Church and state. The God-fighters tried to seal the Society’s printing house at the Warsaw Station and the office on Stremyannaya, but, by the grace of God, Father Philosopher managed to defend these institutions. It must be said that the religious procession on January 21, 1918 was a lesson for many. He showed the city authorities the power of unity between the clergy and laity of Petrograd - a force that must be reckoned with. Believers were once again strengthened in the consciousness that they were right in the current situation in the country.
    On March 11, the Petrograd Diocesan Congress of Clergy and Laity opened in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education. Archpriest Philosopher Nikolaevich Ornatsky was unanimously elected chairman of the congress. First of all, he invited the congress to join the resolution of the All-Russian Local Council on the decree on the separation of Church and state, which was also unanimously accepted by those gathered.
    In full agreement with the decisions of the Local Council, measures were approved to protect shrines from desecration, the main of which were:
    1. At all parish churches, unions of parishioners and pilgrims are created, which must protect the shrines and church property from encroachment...
    2. In cases of attacks by robbers and invaders on church property, one should call Orthodox people to protect the church, ringing the alarm, sending out messengers...
    3. All who rebel against the Holy Church, cause desecration of the holy Orthodox faith and seize church property, are subject, regardless of person, to excommunication... (240).
    At the congress, a commissioner for general diocesan affairs was elected and then approved by Metropolitan Veniamin - the famous lawyer Ivan Mikhailovich Kovsharov (later Martyr John, shot on August 13 (July 31), 1922, together with the hieromartyr Metropolitan Veniamin). He helped Metropolitan Benjamin defend the material interests of the Church when resolving issues of such protection with the city authorities.
    As before, the closest associate of Bishop Veniamin was Father Philosopher of Ornatsky. They were connected by true love for Christ, both of them were always ready to lay down their souls for their neighbors. On all the main issues of the life of the diocese, Metropolitan Benjamin asked Archpriest Philosopher of Ornatsky, who was the most authoritative member of the Diocesan Council, to express his opinion. Vladyka Benjamin often visited the Kazan Cathedral in order to venerate the miraculous image of the Zealous Intercessor and ask Her for help.
    The thoughts of Father Philosopher were always aimed at creation. For creation, in the highest sense of the word. Once upon a time, during the years of the first revolutionary unrest, Father Philosopher erected a grandiose temple in honor of the Resurrection of Christ at the Warsaw Station. Now, during the years of persecution, his thought turns to the bright image of the holy martyr Patriarch Hermogenes, who wrote the troparion “The Zealous Intercessor...”, composed a service in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and united Rus' during the years of enemy invasion...
    During his stay in Moscow, Father Philosopher visited the cave church in the name of the holy martyr Patriarch Hermogenes in the Chudov Monastery, where Metropolitan Veniamin prayed during the storming of the Kremlin undertaken by the Bolsheviks; and the room from which the ruler miraculously emerged a few minutes before the start of a powerful bombardment. In it, the priest picked up a fragment of the front part of a six-inch (1 inch = 2.54 cm - Ed.) shell and brought it to Petrograd.

    Hieromartyr Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky 1915

    Having considered a new undertaking, Father Philosopher proposes to the parish council to build a cave church in the basement of the Kazan Cathedral in the name of the holy martyr Patriarch Hermogenes, whose name is inextricably linked with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In this temple it was planned to place the Kazan image of the Most Holy Theotokos and icons of saints, whose names were borne by the martyred Metropolitan of Kiev Vladimir and Archpriests John Kochurov and Peter Skipetrov, with appropriate inscriptions in memory of their death. A fragment of a shell, from which Metropolitan Benjamin miraculously escaped, was to serve as a lamp in front of the icon of the Zealous Intercessor.
    On the report of Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky dated March 24, 1918, Metropolitan Veniamin wrote:
    "May the Lord bless this good undertaking. Metropolitan Benjamin" (241).
    During the terrible time of open fight against God, many people constantly turned to Father Philosopher regarding various bewilderments. He always listened carefully to visitors and, with truly spiritual reasoning, answered pressing questions. Father, as in previous years, was always calm and calm. He was distinguished by an even, impartial attitude towards all people, even towards representatives of the new government. At that time, he preached tirelessly in various churches in Petrograd, especially in working-class areas, devoting all the power of his talent to the cause of saving the lost and doubting. At that time, Father Philosopher again and again advised many believers to turn to the Jesus Prayer as often as possible, recalling the behest of Father John of Kronstadt:
    “In order not to endure the continuous attacks of the evil spirit, you must constantly have the Jesus Prayer in your heart: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on the younger sinner!” Against the invisible (the devil) the Invisible God, against the strong - the Mightiest!” (242).
    The day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ was approaching. In 1918, Great Wednesday - namely, on Wednesday Judas betrayed the Savior to the rulers of the Jews - coincided with the Bolshevik holiday of May 1. Metropolitan Benjamin and Father Philosopher of Ornatsky prepared an appeal to Orthodox Christians, in which they called on believers not to take part in street processions and festivities. The Petrograd authorities regarded this appeal as a counter-revolutionary speech. During the celebration of Holy Easter, they created a special commission headed by Zinoviev, which conducted “operational surveillance of the churches through permanent duty officers from the responsible persons” (243).
    By the grace of God, nothing could darken the Easter joy of the believing Petrograd residents. The same joy illuminated the stay of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon in Petrograd.
    The first Petrograd delegation met His Holiness in Lyuban (a city and railway station on the border of the Petrograd province). It included Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky (244).
    The arrival of His Holiness the Patriarch shook up Petrograd. There was no limit to the rejoicing of the Orthodox. The distinguished and dear guest was accompanied everywhere by countless people. People ran after the Patriarch's carriage with the words: “You are our dear, you are our father! Pray for us!” Girls and children threw flowers and greenery at the feet of His Holiness. Church and public organizations presented icons and greeting addresses to His Holiness. Everyone wanted to receive the blessing of the High Priest.
    “Church Gazette” wrote: “The city, so recently and now still cruel, absurd, drugged, raging in the wild dance of the daughter of Herodias, showed a different face, showed itself blood welded with that Holy Russia, which has not died, which lives and will live, no matter what dirt they throw at her, no matter what torment, torture they pursue her with, no matter what satanic malice they spit in her face - the beautiful, tormented face of the Mother of the Motherland!” (245).
    Saint Tikhon was in Petrograd for only six days, from June 11 to June 16. During these six days, he completely communicated with the church people of Petrograd, who “only now could fully understand what cruelty the abolition of the patriarchate was towards the believing heart, what a living source of religious inspiration had been silent among us for 200 years... (246 His Holiness the Patriarch performed divine services in the Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals, in the St. John's Monastery, in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, at the Trinity Metochion, visited Kronstadt and visited the Theological Academy, received numerous deputations from the entire church of Petrograd in the hall of the Society for the Propagation of Religious and Moral Education in Stremyannaya.
    The service performed by the High Hierarch in the Kazan Cathedral on June 13 was unusually bright and solemn: “In the heart of Petrograd - the Kazan Cathedral. His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon prayed on the day of the Ascension of the Lord. His Holiness arrived together with Metropolitan Benjamin. The rector of the cathedral, Archpriest F. N. Ornatsky with great greeted the Patriarch with emotion. He spoke about the deep spiritual joy that the residents of Petrograd experienced when they saw the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church in their home...
    The service is solemnly underway. There are a lot of people. In the cathedral, on the square, on Nevsky, on the porticoes of the cathedral - there are people everywhere. Only a small part managed to get into the cathedral. A crowded religious procession from the Church of the Expedition for Procurement of State Papers, which arrived to greet the Patriarch, increased the number of pilgrims. People were praying right on the street...
    During the communion verse, Father Philosopher Ornatsky spoke a passionate, inspired word. He greeted everyone on the great feast of the Lord, the solemnity of which is now enhanced by the ministry of the Patriarch. At the end of his speech, Father Philosopher said:
    "...The 200-year widowhood of the Russian Orthodox Church has ended. The Patriarch is with us. He is the face of the visible Church, its heart, the focus of our hopes, the center that unites everyone. Today He offers a Bloodless Sacrifice for himself and for human ignorance. Great is this ignorance ours. But the light of the solemn communion of the people with their Father and High Hierarch is also dazzling. Let the atheists and blasphemers of our days, encroaching on the holy faith and the Church, thieves and robbers, tearing apart the Motherland and plundering the people's property, finally wake up, let the warm and cold wake up and stand up to protect our native shrines, it’s time for all of us to unite to awaken ancient Russian piety among the people..." After the liturgy, a majestic religious procession took place with the removal of cathedral shrines - the Miraculous Kazan Icon and the Ark with the Holy Relics of Patriarch Hermogenes, brought by His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon for the newly organized in the basement of the Kazan Cathedral of the cave temple. The picture of the religious procession was especially beautiful when it came out onto Nevsky Prospekt...
    After the religious procession, His Holiness, wearing a mantle and presenting the cross of Patriarch Philaret, walked with glory among thousands of people to the apartment of the rector of the cathedral. Here he went out onto the balcony and gave his blessing to the enthusiastic people, and his good wishes to his people were loudly repeated by the rector of the cathedral. The nationwide “long life” to the Patriarch resounded loudly across the square. The Patriarch's departure from the rector's apartment, after the meal offered to him, as well as the procession from the cathedral, recalled the times of Father John of Kronstadt. The same manifestations of enthusiastic veneration, oppression, kissing the cassock, running after the carriage, grabbing the wheels with disregard for danger..." (247, 248).
    The next day, Friday, June 14, a meeting was held in the hall on Stremyannaya, which, after prayer and the patriarchal blessing, was opened by Archpriest F.N. Ornatsky by reading out the text of the blessed letter given by His Holiness to the Society for the Propagation of Religious and Moral Education in the Spirit of the Orthodox Church.
    “The Patron of the Society, His Eminence Metropolitan Benjamin, addressed His Holiness the Patriarch with greetings, asking him to bless the Society and to consecrate with the word of the Gospel the pulpit from which many Orthodox church leaders taught the people, starting with Father John of Kronstadt, who made his first speech from it at the opening of the hall.
    His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon, ascending to the pulpit, declared in cordial terms that he knows and appreciates the activities of the Society from the days of his student, that he enters with special pleasure this pulpit, invisible in appearance, but which has attracted outstanding church teachers, that he is confident The fact is that the Society has fruitful work ahead both in our difficult times and in the future.
    After the Patriarch, the Chairman of the Council, Father Philosopher Ornatsky, on behalf of the Society, addressed His Holiness with words of warm gratitude for his acceptance of the title of honorary member of the Society, for the honor of arriving as a member of the Society at this Assembly, arranged in his honor, for ascending to the sacred preaching department of the Society for giving the holy blessing to the Society and pronouncing unforgettable invigorating words to its leaders, for the trust with which His Holiness blessed the printing of the Word of God in the printing house of the Society and, finally, for joint Holy Synod a proposal to the Council of the Society to take into storage all publications of the School Council, which is now expelled from its premises. Ahead of the Society, more than before, opens up broad horizons of activity. He will have a great role in the future... Further, Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky said:
    “Not only in words, not in the timely press, but by government decrees claiming the force of law, the holy faith and the Orthodox Church are recognized as obsolete institutions, and in place of the eternal principles of Christian life, the principles of socialism are proclaimed and put in place, which has the power to rebuild life in a new way. We do not hide our attitude towards socialism and openly preach from the church pulpit that it is ideologically justified naked robbery. Socialism is hostile to Christianity, it does not recognize heaven and wants to create heaven on earth. We know from experience what the stolen goods turn into in a socialist state. Christianity's holy principles: freedom, equality and brotherhood.Now more than ever, and in Russia more than anywhere else, it is clear that only on the foundations of true Christianity is it possible to return order to the people to continue a quiet life that has ultimate goal salvation in Christ. And the Society, having among its members the Great Lord and Father of our Holiness Patriarch Tikhon, will continue to work to spread religious and moral education among all segments of the population."
    The Chairman asked His Holiness to pray for the Society and to continue to give it his highest regard and strong support" (249).
    After the speech of Father Philosopher Ornatsky, Archpriest Pavel Lakhostsky addressed His Holiness the Patriarch with a welcoming speech. In his concluding remarks, His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon emphasized that “in the decision of the Council on the restoration of the patriarchate, the will of God for the Russian Church was clearly revealed...” and expressed confidence that this would serve to unite all believing Rus'.
    Then deputations from all of ecclesiastical Petrograd approached His Holiness with greetings and gifts. They were so numerous that it was suggested that they pass before the Holy One with a silent bow, accepting the blessing and leaving greetings in writing. Only some deputations sent by particularly large organizations were given the right to announce their addresses. WITH special attention a greeting was heard from the Brotherhood of Parish Councils of Petrograd and the Petrograd Diocese. In total, more than 150 deputations passed before His Holiness the Patriarch. After the blessing of the deputies was completed, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church blessed all the people who came and approached him for about an hour...
    Following the report on the meeting in the hall of the Society for Religious and Moral Education, the press published a story by Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky about the meeting of His Holiness with Father John of Kronstadt when Patriarch Tikhon was Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov: “... It was in 1908, shortly before his death father, then already sick. Father John received the bishop and, after a long conversation, during which they both sat side by side, the priest stood up and, turning to the bishop, said: “Now, Vladyka, you sit in my place, and I will go and rest.” and went out. So the All-Russian shepherd and prayer book Father John, foreseeing the future of Bishop Tikhon, predicted to him that he would lead the people to salvation along the same path of life in Christ that he, Father John, walked himself and led others, only he would lead them as the All-Russian Archpastor - Patriarch..." (250).
    On June 15, a fruitful business meeting took place between His Holiness the Patriarch and representatives of the Brotherhood of Parish Councils of Petrograd and the Petrograd Diocese, in which Metropolitan Benjamin and Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky took part.
    On Sunday, June 16, the believers of Petrograd saw off the High Hierarch with tears. By 8 o'clock in the evening the station was crowded with people.
    “At the carriage intended for the Patriarch are suffragan bishops, rectors of churches, members of the Brotherhood of Parish Councils, the Society for Religious and Moral Education and other representatives of the laity and clergy.
    At 8.30, His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon arrived together with Metropolitan Veniamin. The train's departure time is approaching...
    The kind, bright face of the Patriarch appears in the open window, and he lovingly blesses the people clinging to the carriage for the last time...
    Metropolitan Veniamin is leaving for Moscow with the Patriarch. Archpriest Philosopher of Ornatsky also went to see off His Holiness the Patriarch" (251).
    Upon returning from Moscow, Father Philosopher devoted a lot of energy to the creation of a cave church in the name of the holy martyr Patriarch Hermogenes in the Kazan Cathedral in Petrograd. According to the rector, this temple was supposed to perpetuate a significant, historical event - the restoration of the patriarchate in the Russian Church and remind the Russian people of the great feat of the holy martyr Patriarch Hermogenes, who saved the Fatherland in times of hardship both from internal disorder and from enemy invasion.
    Father Philosopher still gives fiery sermons in the working-class districts of the capital, calling on everyone to rally around the Mother Church in the years of the new, most difficult hard times. Father Philosopher spoke with sorrow about the past and present, with hope for the future, but his words sounded, as always, vividly and heartfeltly.
    July 28, 1918 marked the 33rd year of pastoral service of Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky - 33 years of tireless labor in the field of God with full dedication of strength in the name of saving others, with a constant readiness to lay down his soul “for his friends” (John 15, 13).
    The persecution of the Church intensified, and on July 29, “an extraordinary diocesan meeting was held, which discussed the issue “On measures to protect the faith and the Church in view of the circular of the Commissariat of the Northern Region on the removal of objects of religious veneration from schools.” The meeting unanimously decided: “to appeal to the appropriate Soviet authorities with a demand about the immediate cancellation of the illegally issued order of July 12, 1918 for N45 "(252) by the comrade of the regional commissioner for education Grinberg" (252). Father Philosopher Ornatsky spoke to the audience with a passionate speech. He recalled the religious procession that took place in January in defense of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and called clergy and laity of the diocese to hold another citywide religious procession in order to counter new anti-church actions by the authorities.
    Father Philosopher did not have to carry out his plan. On the day of remembrance of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon, August 9, 1918, Archpriest Philosopher Nikolaevich Ornatsky, together with his two eldest sons, Nikolai and Boris Ornatsky, were arrested by the atheistic authorities without bringing any charges (253).
    Without a doubt, Father Philosopher was prepared for such a turn of events. According to the recollections of the father’s daughters Vera Filosofovna Yavorskaya and Lydia Filosofovna Ryumina, at the time of his arrest he was completely unperturbed and calmly followed the security officers who came to the Ornatsky apartment.
    In the following days, the relatives of the Philosopher’s father and parishioners of the Kazan Cathedral contacted the Cheka more than once, but there was no intelligible answer from the Cheka about the fate of the priest and his sons. One day, many thousands of Orthodox Petrograders gathered in the park near the Kazan Cathedral and, singing prayers, with crosses, banners and icons, they all headed along Nevsky Prospekt to Gorokhovaya. The Cheka received a delegation of believers and assured them that Father Philosopher would soon be released.
    Days passed that seemed like years close to Father Philosopher. Through acquaintances at the Pedagogical Institute, Vera Filosofovna asked for help from the People's Commissar of Education Lunacharsky, who on August 15 turned to Zinoviev with a petition for the release of Archpriest Philosopher Ornatsky: “I am leaving without thoroughly finding out by whose orders and on what charges the priest is being held in Kronstadt under arrest Ornatsky. Since his arrest is causing a lot of talk, and I would consider it necessary to avoid anything like persecution against the Church, then perhaps you can do something for his release, if there are no serious charges against him." (254). This letter was clearly detained by someone in the corridors of power - incoming N15935 from Zinoviev’s office is dated August 23.
    The Brotherhood of Parish Councils also repeatedly turned to Zinoviev with statements about taking Father the Philosopher on bail. The answer was stubborn silence from the authorities. Finally, the relatives addressed Uritsky in writing. In response, the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka said that citizen Ornatsky was shot as an “ardent counter-revolutionary”...
    There are several versions of stories, based on oral tradition, about how Father Philosopher accepted martyrdom (255-258). All stories are characterized by one common detail - the ascetic met earthly death, kneeling and praying. Together with Father Philosopher and his sons Nikolai and Boris, another 30 Petrograd officers loyal to the Fatherland were then shot. On the way to the place of execution, the priest was an example of complete equanimity and, with unspeakable spiritual peace, consoled his agitated co-martyrs.
    Before the execution began, Father Philosopher meekly said: “Nothing, we are going to the Lord. Here, accept my pastoral blessing and listen to the holy prayers.” And, kneeling down, he began to read the waste document in a calm, even voice...
    In 1903 in Sarov, Father Philosopher, in his teaching about the righteous death of St. Seraphim, said amazing words:
    “What a wonderful, blessed death, the crown of a righteous ascetic life! To die in prayer is the highest happiness for a Christian. At prayer, a person, coming face to face with the Invisible God, experiences all the holy feelings, pours out his whole soul before Him, betrays take control of yourself

    Holy-but-mu-che-nick pro-i-e-ray Philosopher Nik-ko-la-e-vich Or-nat-sky was born on May 21, 1860 on -go-ste New Er-ga Che-re-po-vec-of the Nov-go-rod-government in the family of a rural priest -ka. One of his brothers was married to the nephew of the holy and great John of Kronstadt. The Philosopher studied at the Kirillovsky Spiritual School, and then at the New City Spiritual School -mi-na-rii. In 1885, he graduated from the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy with a degree in kan-di-da-ta bo-go-sloviya. In the summer of 1885, the Philosopher entered into marriage with Elena Za-ozerskaya, the former former ip-o-di-a-ko-at the mit-ro-po- Li-ta Is-i-do-ra, and soon accepted the priesthood. First of all, ba-tyush-ka served at-the-station in the temple of the Prince of Ol-den-burg, where before This is the pre-da-val Law of God.

    From 1892 to 1912, he served at the temple's headquarters at the Ex-pe-di-tion for the preparation of state paper-magazines. . For twenty-six years he appeared before the Society of Races -th pro-light in the spirit of the Right-glorious Church", successfully pro-ti-acting anti-church-those- no-yum.

    In 1893, the Philosopher was elected a member of the St. Petersburg City Duma from the clergy and carried his full powers until 1917. He took part in the construction of night houses, orphanages, god-de-lens, his old In St. Petersburg and the surrounding area there were 12 temples, the largest of which was the Church of the Resurrection The meeting of Christ at the Var-shav-skogo wok-za-la. In addition, you can name the church of Peter and Paul in Lesnoy, the Venerable Sergius Ra-do-tender on No-in-Siv-kov-skaya street, pre-extra-no-go Se-ra-fi-ma Sarov-skogo behind Narv-skaya za-sta-voy, Pre-te- Chen-sky temple on the Vy-borzh-skaya side, He-ra-si-mov-sky church, Is-i-do-ro-Yuryevsky temple.

    Father himself, having a large family (he had ten children), lived very modestly. All the many social titles and positions that he carried for the glory of God, he had no means of subsistence. when-but-si-li. Through his hands, as the Pre-se-da-te-la ko-mi-te-tov for the construction of temples, pro-ho-di-li-huge sums of de- neg, but he gave private lessons to feed his family.

    From-ve-walls he was a ba-tyush-ka and as an editor and censor of such hundred-personal spiritual journals as “St. Petersburg- Spiritual Bulletin" (from-da-val-sya since 1894), "Rest of Christ-a-ni-na" (since 1901), "Pra- vo-glorious-but-Russian word" (since 1902).

    Father Philosopher was one of the closest s-movers sacred to the mit-ro-li-ta Pe-ro-grad-sko -go and Gdov-go Ve-ni-a-mi-na (Ka-zan-sko-go) of someone, when he was a student of Du-khov- Noah Aka-de-mii, ba-tyush-ka active-tiv-but attracted to pro-led-no-che-de-ya-tel-no-sti in the work environment -de St. Petersburg. Ties of spiritual friendship would also connect him with the Holy Pat-ri-ar-kh Ti-kho-n.

    For almost twenty years, Father Philosopher was the spiritual son of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, someone He often visited him at home and blessed everything he did for the good of the Church. The holy shepherd trusted Father Philo-so-fu to be in the middle in his correspondence with Saint Fe-o- fa-nom, Vy-shen-sky for-creation.

    In 1913, ba-tyush-ka was appointed to the position of head of the Kazan-federal ka-bo-ra in St. Petersburg. During the First World War, Father Philosopher gave his apartment as a hospital for wounded soldiers, and he himself -myo moved to a small ka-zen-location. More than once, he himself went out to the paradise of divine actions, co-leading the trans-ports with the necessary ho-di-we- We give you things and produce them, trying to inspire and support Ote’s shields with all our strengths -che-stva.

    His son Niko-lai (born in 1886) is a military doctor who was part of the 9th Russian Army; son, Bo-ris (born in 1887), headquarters of the 23rd artillery brigade, graduated from Stan-ti-nov-skoe art-til-le-riy-schi-li-sche, hero-ski-fought on the Aus-st-ro-Hungarian front. Ba-tyush’s pro-know-no-thing gift attracted the living word, and he more than once called upon his flock not to -not-the-mother-of-la-ha-yu-shy ideas of more-she-viz-ma, not realizing that the Right-to-glory is the main Russian- of our native life, ba-tyush-ka called upon the in-tel-li-gen-tion to know this: “Our in-tel-li-gen-tion must become Russian “, he never tired of repeating.

    Before his eyes, during the revolution, the husband of his wife’s sister, sacred to the man about-and-e, was shot Ray Peter Ski-pet-rov (on January 20). Ba-tyush-ka, in front of his father-in-law, spoke pro-po-y, fearlessly about-li-chiv more-she-vi-kov. More than once he stepped in front of the flock with a call for the unity of the Russians around the temples for the protection of cabbage soup -You are holy to your land. In January 1918, when Father Peter Ski-pet-rov was killed in the Lavra, ba-tyush-ka or-ga-ni-zo-val for-shi-that shrine Alek-san-dro-Nevsky Lavra, arranging processions of the cross to it from all the temples of the capital.

    On August 9, 1918, he and his two elder sons, Niko-la-em and Bo-ri-s, are-sto-va -li. During his arrest, he was absolutely impos- sible and calm. At the time, the residents gathered in a crowd of thousands and walked along Nevsky Prospekt to Go-ro-kho-vuya in Che.K., demanding to free your shepherd. De-le-ga-tion of the believers of the che-ki-sty in-nya-li, co-var-but-promising you will fulfill their requirements. But that same night (presumably July 20, 1918), father was taken to the prison in the city of Kronstadt. Pre-resident about October 30, 1918, together with his sons and others 30 for-key-now- mi ofi-tse-ra-mi father Philo-so-fa was taken to execution. On the way, ba-tyush-ka read aloud from the walk-over of the pri-go-re-n-mi. The place of the kaz-n-ho-di-elk, according to some, in front of-the-same-holes in Kronstadt, according to others, not far from Fin -skogo za-li-va between Li-go-vo and Ora-nien-ba-u-mom. The bodies of those shot, apparently, were thrown into the bay.

    The number of saints No-vo-mu-che-ni-kov and Is-po-ved-ni-kov of Russia on the Jubilee Arch-hi- Priestly Co-re of the Russian Right-glorious Church in August 2000 for the general church .

    Complete Lives of the Hieromartyr Philosopher of Ornatsky and his sons, martyrs Boris and Nicholas

    Holy-no-mu-che-nick Philosopher born on May 21, 1860 in the city of New Er-ga, Che-re-vets district of the Nov-gorod-government in the family is sacred to Ni-ko-laya Iva-no-vi-cha Or-nat-sko-go. Philosopher Niko-la-e-vich graduated from the Ki-ri-lov-spiritual school, the New-Gorod-Spiritual Se-mi-na -riy and in 1885 with the step-pe-new kan-di-da-ta bo-go-slo-via of the St. Petersburg Spiritual Aka-de-mia. On July 17, 1885, Philosopher Niko-la-e-vich got married to the maiden Elena, the daughter of Ipo-di-a-ko-na Isa -a-ki-ev-sko-go ka-fed-ral-no-go so-bo-ra in St. Peter-burg-ge Ni-ko-laya Mi-hai-lo-vi-cha For- Ozersk-go.
    On July 26, 1885, the Philosopher Niko-la-e-vich was married to the dia-co-na, and on July 28 - to the priesthood. mu in honor of the icon of God Ma-te-ri “Soothe my sorrow” at the orphanage of Prince Peter Ge-or-gi-e-vi- cha Ol-den-burg-sko-go. Opened as an elementary school for children from poor families, the orphanage subsequently became a -va men's re-al-no-go teach with three from-de-le-ni-ya-mi and women's gym-na-zia with music-cal- nom from-de-le-ni-em. Here, Father Philosopher was appointed to teach.
    Immediately after the leadership, the young priest became a member of the Society of Races non-re-li-gi-oz-no-moral-no-go-light in the spirit of the Right-glorious Church, with which as a result, his whole life was connected. He wrote about that time and the reasons for the emergence of the Society: “The year 1881 will remain forever remembered not only in the life of St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia, the whole world. This year, at the hands of the fa-na-tich-evil-de-evs, he fell on the street of his capital, not only his own , but also other people’s nations, the Tsar-Osvo-bo-di-tel. But this crime was formidable not so much in itself, but as a sign of the times, as a heavenly warning. re-same-ness on-ro-du, inclined-niv-she-mu-sya in some part of its own with the path of is-tin-no-go. This is a deviation of the pre-eminent class of Russian people to the beginning of the 1880s -ru-lived with my own eyes. Ma-te-ri-a-li-sti-che-skie na-cha-la, on which Russian people built their lives with 50s of the hundredth century, we lived in the knowledge of God and His law, in alienation from the Church, in the dissolution of morals, in the theft of public sums, in frequent suicides , in appearance, according to the example of Za-pa-da, and in Russia we have no-gi-li-sti-che-sky for-from-no- progress towards the ever-living state system of Russian life. These and similar signs of a serious illness have never appeared so sharply anywhere as in St. Petersburg. ge. Here, among the in-tel-gent-no-go so-word, more than anywhere else in Russia, on the one hand, on the -ru-lived from someone else's-de-tion from the Church, with the other - the search for is-ti-na outside the Church, outside of purity and undamaged -but Evan-ge-lya, the overseas and our over-earth pro-scientists have false beliefs...
    With such sad circumstances, a hundred-personal re-li-gi-oz-but-moral life has become less frequent and energetic the greatest time to shepherd the Church, both during and outside of divine service the calls of the Russians people, Christians of the right-glorious, to the succession of Christ, according to the origin of the holy Right-glorious Church ... An idea arose among clergy and secular people to form a “Society of Races” in St. Petersburg -re-re-li-gi-oz-no-moral-no-go-light in the spirit of the Right-glorious Church” with the goal of unity -niya of a hundred personal shepherds for the re-li-gi-oz-no-pro-light-tel-de-i-tel-no-sti in the spirit of the Holy Pra- in the glorious Church...
    On April 4, 1881, the existence of the Society, the charter of which was reviewed and approved by the Holy See but the house was also approved by you and the Go-su-da-rya of Im-per-ra-to-ra power.
    After the opening of... the Society, in 1884, in the capital, a Brotherhood in the name of the Most Holy God was opened -tsy, and in 1888 - the St. Petersburg Diocese of the All-Russian Right-to-Slav-no-go Mis -si-o-ner-society. In the de-facto-ness of the Brotherhood, which has become its own for the opening and support of churches in the village but-parish schools and distribution of re-li-gi-oz-but-moral books and brochures in the nation, meaning hundred-personal spirit-ho-ven-ness and in-general blessings of ra-de-te-ley spirits-of-light you stand behind the heads of the hundred-faces of the entire St. Petersburg diocese; The Mis-si-o-ner-sky Ko-mi-tet spreads the meaning of a hundred-personal spirit not only beyond -ly of the St. Petersburg diocese, but even beyond the borders of European Russia - to Siberia, to non-Russian dominions , like China and especially Japan, since it is known that the purpose of the right-to-glorious mis-si-o-ner-go society serves to become aware of the right-to-glory of the village and to arouse in it a feeling for the mission -about-ner-skoy de-ya-tel-no-sti among the pagans."
    Events associated with the Tsa-re-murder on March 1, 1881, occurred during the young years of Father Philo-so-fa, and subsequently, reflecting on the issues of re-creation of children, on what is the most essential nym in memory, he had to admit that a share of the feeling of re-in-lu-tsi-o-ne-ram lived then in many hearts and, in particular, his. The experience of his youth and his subsequent comprehension led Father Philosopher to the firm conviction that the only The best opportunity to make society sane, and people to be kind to each other, is to establish a -ta-nie children on bo-go-po-chi-ta-nii. The center of the educational efforts of the ro-di-te-leys and society should be the education in the child before all go che-lo-ve-ka-hri-sti-a-ni-na.
    “A crime, when it succeeds after great difficulties and obstacles,” he wrote, “has an attraction - a strong character in the eyes of young people, especially when it justifies you for the same purpose. So we were caught in the network of people who feel crime, precisely because of our youth, and sometimes due to lack of av-to-ri-tet-no-go sober-la-yu-sche-go-lo-sa. We should be grateful to the Lord God that our hobbies did not go further than our feelings of nihilism. And we must testify to this gratitude to all of Russia, to our entire Fatherland. The future seems to be how-ki-mi pat-ri-o-ta-mi we came out of the terrible ordeal - now This evidence must be evidence of what saved us. And we, as we ourselves have experienced, testify that we were saved from a criminal society by God, -ra and devotion to Him. Some of us would like to sympathize, and often sympathize with the plans that some of us -whether in the future there are no-gi-li-sty, their courage and determination, their even transgress-le-ni-yama on the basis -I'm going to people who are in power, whom they're representing as enemies of their cause, but we're were spinning away from ni-gi-liz-ma, when we once thought that he re-tsa-et and God. Let's remember that in the mi-well-you're just thinking about this evil - something until March 1st on-ho -di-lo justified ourselves, and defended-no-cov, and in people there is a mature age - we remembered impressions of childhood: mother, who taught us to read Psalms and prayers from words, as well as impressions youth: father, who recognized in us a lot of intelligence, but even more madness - and we are under the influence of these impressions , for God's sake, the name of Somebody was firm, but we were turned away from ni-gi-liz from our very childhood -ma. And this saved us. You know from here that if you want to save the children, the family, the state, lead in the name of God, under the lu-cha-mi faith, under the leadership of our common ma-te-ri Church.”
    In 1888, Father Philosopher was appointed a member of the Committee of the Right-to-Glory Mis-si-o-ner-Society , in 1890 - elected a member of the Council of the Society of Ra-li-ge-oz-no-moral-pro-go consecration in the spirit of the Right-glorious Church; On May 4, 1892, Father Philosopher was elected chairman of this Society, and in this position he managed to work a lot until its much-needed end.
    In July 1891, he was invited to work on the commission for the construction of the church in the name of the Most Holy no An-drey of Crete at the Ex-pe-di-tion for the State Papers; On August 26, 1892, Father Philosopher, at the request of the employees of the Ex-pe-di-tion, was appointed to guard this ma.
    On April 22, 1893, Father Philosopher was elected de-pu-ta-tom from the clergy department to the St. Petersburg State family Duma. One of the first za-ko-da-tel-nyh ini-ti-a-tiv was sacred because of the need for ho-di-mo-sti-holiday-from-ho-day for trade-people, “something would be-possibility of trade-go- for all people, both to pray during the late tour until its end, and to sit in the spirit new be-se-du ve-che-rum; about the opening of shops and shops on holidays at two o'clock in the afternoon and the end of trade at five or six o'clock in the evening -ra".
    With the direct participation of Father Philosopher, the Trinity Church was built in 1893, and in 1895 - at our to the temple a building with a hall for spiritual conversations and meetings of the Society of Races of Re-li-gi-oz-no- moral knowledge. The Society Hall became the spiritual center of many churches of the capital. Over time, the Society's house was built, which housed a free spiritual library with reading room, Sunday and parish school, central book warehouse of the Society and store .
    In 1894, Father Philosopher was elected a member of the city commission on national education and pre-se-da. tele-analog-gic commission for the Narva part of St. Petersburg, where many large factories were located There were only two parish churches. In 1894, the priest approached the City Duma with a request to allocate land for the construction of a temple on five thousand people, staying with him for spiritual conversations and a free library with chi-tal -th crease. In the same year, a wooden temple in honor of the Resurrection of Christ was re-built and consecrated in this place, from the weekly journal "St. Petersburg Spiritual Bulletin", edited Somehow Father Philosopher was elected. One of the most co-laborers of the Jur-na-la was Father John of Kronstadt, who wrote his pro-histories in him. di and excerpts from the days.
    In 1898, at the Church of the Resurrection, the Aleksan-dro-Nevsky Sobriety Society was established, which “ in no way under sobriety is not one thing... the goodness of abstaining from alcoholic drinks, but integrity . the creation of all the creative powers of man and the protection of him from drunkenness and the suppression of the dark forces la-mi, and from the very first time I directed my activity towards eliminating the very causes and conditions for the birth of drunkenness -in-sti".
    In 1898, a temple was consecrated in the name of John the Baptist, built with the direct participation of Father Philosopher, becoming a spiritual-but-pro-light center on the Vy-Borg side.
    In 1895, Father Philosopher was awarded the cross. On November 14, 1898, for his diligent and useful work as chairman of the Society of Races, country of re-li-gi-oz-no-moral enlightenment in the spirit of the Right-glorious Church and works on the construction of three temples of the Society, he was elevated to the rank of pro-i-e-rei. In 1899, a free bib-lio-te-ka-chi-tal-nya named “M.V.” was opened. Lo-mo-no-so-va", or-ga-ni-za-to-rum and the first di-rek-to-rum of which was pro-to-i-e-ray Philo- sofa
    On the night of November 24, 1899, the Pre-te-chen church on the Vy-borg side burned down, but Father Philosopher did not lose heart. at the same time, the temporary temple was capable of accommodating up to a thousand people -century, and soon God's services began to emerge, and in the place of the heat, a new one began to move -men-ny temple.
    In 1900, the pro-i-e-rei Philosopher was appointed a member of the commission on the issue of the over-lying state -ke pre-po-da-va-niya for God in the secondary educational institutions of the Ministry of the Nation -lights. Relying on my personal experience for teaching and more extensive experience as a pastor, pro-to-e-rei Philosopher in the course of the work of the commission under the report “On the development and strengthening of the re-li-gi-oz- good and moral principles in the students.” It’s sacred to the whole devil, that, despite almost all the local pre-po-da-va-nie Za-ko-na God's in schools, all over the blue, there is almost a complete failure in the re-li-gi-oz-no-go of re-establishment. pi-ta-nia teaching na-ro-da. He saw one of the reasons for such a state of things being that by force of Now the Law of God has turned into one of the educational subjects on par with algebra, physics and chi-mi.
    “It is necessary for you to complete the program in order to get ready for your studies,” the priest wrote. , - and the following education frees-up little-by-ma-lu-for-to-teach-you from work before -me-tu of his pre-po-da-va-niya, and he turns into the current no-men-cla-tu-ru of the answer to every question indicated in the program... And the ab-surd: for-the-teacher before the teachings of the Holy Scripture, it says that it is necessary to read every - the word of God is not Christian, and at the same time - how to read it, but I myself have never read it with teaching - God’s word and did not make sure that he read “every book a book.” Unfortunately, this is the bitter truth that the textbook took too much power into its hands and drove us out of school not only -teach the work with teachings on the assimilation of the knowledge of the Divine truth in the mind and heart , even to life and goodness, but also the very source of this truth is the word of God. And the re-dry deposit of living water from the distance to our school - what to give to the thirsty spirits, how to oro -strive for the dried-out hearts of people? To revitalize re-li-gi-oz-no-moral education in school, it is necessary to free-up -but-teach-the-from-the-slave-following of the pro-gram, you-know-it-of-it from the pre-presence's position -for the purpose of grazing the word of God with the sword, alive and active. It’s time for us to borrow from foreigners the good custom of reading the Holy Bible in their homes, starting with its proper reading -a lot at school, attracting to this custom and vo-pi-ta-tel-sky per-so-nal... I wish we are also thinking about publishing a study Bible, which could be given into the hands of every student and student -tse".
    A man of broad views, pro-i-e-ray Philosopher lives in-the-re-with-sha-tsi-al-us and re-li-gi-oz-ny-mi ten-den-tsi-ya-mi, which were essential for society at the given moment. At this time, it began to become fashionable to discuss the issue of equal rights between men and women, from -those to the region of their equality in pro-fes-sio-nal-nyh for-nya-ti-yah. Father Philosopher wrote: “So, the holy Evan-ge-lie, and the secular li-te-ra-tu-ra, and the everyday reality of the there is a voice where the source of a woman’s renewal is, the source of her fruitful and great powers . This source is her believing, pure, loving heart. A woman who has faith and love is capable of making great moves, even if only a small one served in their arena the world called by my family. Small... But isn't it possible that out of these small worlds a great society can be created? And doesn’t the strength of the state also depend on the integrity and strength of the family? And in this regard, they are ordinary and, as you can see, small-movements, with-the-most-of-the-women in the family , receive enormous social significance. A woman is a mother, a teacher and a teacher of children, a moral-but-restraint-at-cha- lo for the husband, guarding the world and peace at the family hearth and the state de-ya-tel. Christian-sti-an-ski, by living your own life, according to Evan-Gel-sky, to influence your husband, to pray over sleeping and waking child, teach the child to pray and guide him with his will in the good direction, to sit at his bedside is more - not lower, but higher than to serve in the kan-tse-la-ri-yah and con-to-rah or for-no-mother - to study research and improve people's performance."
    With every day, the moral principles of the Russians become more and more society, and Father Philosopher, turning to his educational part, wrote in 1894: “Look -those: behold, the life of a Christian race is in its very foundations. Re-li-gia and faith are announced from the living of their century, in the place of God, people become something and they want to serve him instead of serving God. The spiritual world is declared to be present, and the angels are good and evil, about which we directly decide -tel-but-testifies the Holy Scripture, they only recognize it as good and evil. It’s true, such a teaching is talked about timidly, not out loud, sometimes even with the name of God in awe -y lips. Nevertheless, it entails many other origins, and above all the origin of the family, this grain -on, from the integrity of someone for-vis-sit the integrity of the state. There are people who don’t recognize marriage as moral, a key for both th-spa-se-niya of the husband and wife and the Christian-sti-an-sko-th raising of children, but they turn into a simple deal, for the sake of sensual desires and you. Children do not grow up in the is-ti-nah of faith and the prim-vi-lah of good-honor - on the contrary, ro-di-te- Are you going to give up on them as if they were an unnecessary burden? And if it weren’t for the Church in co-operation with the authorities, then many of the children of our time would have been raised directly without -gods, crimes, dangerous for people.
    But here are even more ominous signs of the times: in modern times, blasphemy against Sa-mo-go is heard Holy Spirit! The Russian people, forged by the right-glorious faith, were raised by it into a great and powerful people, and stand by it husband And we have not yet lived to see the discovery of Godlessness, to the point where it would be publicized, how it is -la-et-Xia is already in the countries that are ahead of us on the way to the great sorrow of the last days of the world. But lately, in different places and in our country, they live and live under -heretical teachings, akin to the revelation of the godless. They speak either on behalf of the super-high-quality position, or on behalf of the under-statistic. com of our man's use of faith. These teachings are often heard silently, but often loudly by parties who speak about them, and not only among people who are educated, but - which is especially bitter and scary - and among pro-ste-ts... Raz-food-u- This rationalism opens up faith from life, especially when it grows among the pro-ste-tsov, the danger is not only in the re-li-gi-oz-no-no-she-nii: he carries his re-ri-tsa-niya and in the sphere family life, under-the-ta-chi-va-et our state-organism, under-the-ry-va-et of the auto-ri-tet of power. ..
    While we were sleeping in spirit, some rushing to their villages, some to buy theirs, the enemy of the human race he caught the simple-hearted in his nets and, pointing out to them our weaknesses, inflamed them with hatred towards us. And here we are, face-to-face with the enemy, who, through our fellow brothers captive to sin, is working against us. us. We are faced with a genuine struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the authorities, against the authorities, against the world. see the darkness of this world, against the spirits of evil under the heavens].”
    In 1900, the pro-i-rei Philosopher was appointed a member of the commission on the issue of the opening of parishes under Ser. -Gi-ev-skaya and Po-krov-skaya churches and on the construction of the parish-hod-church in the village of Les-noe. In the same year, he was appointed before the construction department of the construction department. but the temple in the name of the Most Holy Sergius Ra-do-tenderly has a capacity of up to two thousand people per hundred -in the village industrial outskirts of St. Petersburg near the Narva outpost, where at that time there was not a single but the temple.
    In 1901, the construction of the de-re-vyan-no-go temple for a thousand people in honor of the saints was completed the first-highest apostles of Peter and Paul in the village of Lesnoye, located under the direct supervision de-ni-em father Philo-so-fa.
    In 1902, the pro-i-e-rei Philosopher was appointed a member of the commission to draw up the charter of the average society -ra-zo-va-tel-noy school, under-co-mission for the creation of programs of pre-da-va-niya for the Law of God in secondary school, commission for the creation of rules for cemeteries: Vol-kov-sko-go, Mit-ro-fa-ni-ev-sko-go and Smo-lensk, and before the commission, created for the precise determination of boundaries and composition le-niya maps of the right-glorious parishes of St. Petersburg.
    In 1903, Father Philosopher was co-man-di-ro-van in Sarov to participate in celebrations for the glorification of the pres-upon Se-ra-fi-ma of Sa-rov-skogo, here he co-served with the mit-ro-of St. Petersburg and La Doge An-to-niu (Vad-kov-sko-mu) and carried seven Words and teachings in various temples, which were Are you going to be a separate bro-shu-roy? Subsequently, in the hall of the Society of Ra-s-country of Re-li-gi-oz-but-moral pro-society on special qi-al-nom for-se-da-nii, in sacred pa-me-ti pre-po-do-no-go Se-ra-fi-ma and with-bra-sh a lot -stvo-sha-te-ley, about-and-e-rey Philosopher spoke in detail about Sa-rov's celebrations.
    On September 1, 1903, a technical school was opened at the Ex-pe-di-tion for the State Government - paper-magicians, and the pro-i-e-rei Philosopher was appointed to teach this school and at times used I am obligated to do so. In 1903, a building with a hall for spiritual conversations for a thousand people was built and consecrated, second the third floor of the building pla-ni-ro-va-los, after re-construction, will be given to a temple in honor of the venerable Se-ra-fi-ma Sa- ditch In the same year, the Society erected a building and opened a hall for conversations for a thousand people on Bolshaya Okh-te, there was a temple was built and consecrated in the name of John the Baptist on the Vyborg side. During all this time, members of the Society of Pro-di-los had a lot of re-li-gi-oz-but-pro-scientific conversations ; in 1903, there were 5,837 such conversations and there were two million listeners for two hundred thousand listeners -te-lay. On December 27, 1903, the pro-to-e-rei Philosopher was awarded a golden cross on his pectoral.
    In 1903, an annex was built to the temple of the Venerable Sergius Ra-do-tenderly in honor of the Venerable Sergius Ra-do-tender Se-ra-fi-ma of Sa-rov-skogo, which was consecrated on January 29, 1904 by Father John Kron- Stadt with the assistance of Father Philosopher.
    In 1904, the Russian-Japanese war began, and the Society began collecting funds for the needs of the army, which did not pre- was creeping in during the entire war.
    In 1904, at the Graf-skaya station, a temple was built in honor of the Venerable Se-ra-fi-ma of Sarov-skogo, on-station -the brother of Father Philosopher, priest John of Ornatsky, was appointed by someone; Was the Sunday school open at the church and the pro-education point of the Society for the Pro-country of Re-re-li-li -gi-oz-no-moral-no-go-light.
    In 1906, the Society celebrated the 25th anniversary of its existence. At a meeting held on April 4, 1906, under the chairmanship of the Moscow mit-ro-li-ta -go and Ko-lo-men-sko-go Vla-di-mir-ra (Bo-go-yav-len-sko-go), pro-to-e-rey Philosopher about-ra-til -sya to everyone present with a speech, in which there was a program of actions of the Society. “The arrivals of our Societies have an or-ga-ni-zo-van-blessedness,” he said, “with bo-ga-del-nya-mi for the pre-old-re-ly, at-yu-ta-mi and school-la-mi for si-roths, free-of-payments for hundred-lo-you-mi , bib-lio-te-ka-mi, de-she-you-mi kvar-ti-ra-mi. But imagine that the real life of the clergy and laity, united around their temple, let's talk about those ideas that have, in part, already been realized in life and in action. of the Society... This is the good thing, but the service of God is in the temple; behind him there is a silently living pastoral word, in it the lay people take an active part I eat and read, they keep a row in the temple; with him there is a Society of Sobriety, the most solid and zealous members of which are for about the sobering up of our weak brethren, our blessed wives and youths, the remembrance of our in the church spirit; from time to time, we all communicate with our pastures to discuss our spiritual and spiritual ski needs; the children are coming to the na-ro-chi-arranged for them by God-to-serve-them and ru-ko- The elders are involved in the good participation in public prayer; at the temple there is a church-but-native choir, a parish library with a reading room, its own publications, your journal. How, with the combination of these and other possible measures for raising the re-li-gi-oz-of life, the implementation for them in the fraternal unity of the clergy and laity, parish life would flourish and together they would grow and strengthen in the Holy Ru-si Kingdom of God!..”
    In 1906, the pro-i-e-rei Philosopher was appointed to the head of the committee for the construction of Ge-ra -Simov-sky church in the village of Kup-chi-no near St. Petersburg; in the same year the temple was built and consecrated.
    In 1908, the construction of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ near the Warsaw train station was completed . During the tour after the consecration of the temple, Father Philosopher was awarded a miter. In 1909, behind the Narvskaya out-of-town, the eighth church of the Society began to be built in honor of the Most Rev. but Se-ra-fi-ma Sa-rov-skogo, which was over a year later. On the night of July 29, 1912, a fire broke out in the church, and only part of the church utensils, icons, ob-la-che-nyi and an-ti were saved -min-sy. At the ex-training session of the Society's meeting, it was decided to begin the revival of the temple, and already On December 30, 1912, Bishop of Gdov Ve-ni-a-min (Kazansky) consecrated the birth of the church -ma.
    On July 28, 1910, twenty-five years of priestly service of Father Philosopher were completed, but on this day he re- shi-tel-but dodged from any kind of che-stvo-va-niy, leading him in prayer in the Sa-rov-skaya desert- not the relics of the Pre-po-dob-no-go Se-ra-fi-ma. However, the sacredness was too noticeable, and the institutions with which he was a co-worker , proposed to celebrate his anniversary on October 17, 1910, on the day of the most celebrated temple at Ex- pe-di-tions for the state-owned papers. The anniversary celebration was at the top of the Divine Li-tur-gy, which I headed Bishop of Gdov Ve-ni-a-min.
    In 1912, the pro-i-e-rei Philosopher was dismissed from his post at the technical school at Aix -pe-di-tions for the preparation of state-owned papers, in connection with which he lost most of the sting- niya, and his ma-te-ri-al-noe position with a large family has become very difficult; in 1913, he approached the Ministry of Finance with a request to com-pension for that part of the salary that he - was naughty along with duty. To this request, the mit-ro-po-lit of St. Petersburg and La Doga Vladimir (Bo- go-yav-len-sky); the ho-ta-ta-stvo would be s-satisfactory. In 1913, the mit-ro-po-lit Vla-di-mir named pro-i-e-rey Philo-so-fa at the-sto-i-te-lem of Kazan-sko -th so-bo-ra.
    In 1914, the First World War began. The pro-i-e-ray Philosopher immediately opened a la-za-ret for the wounded at Kazansky. The Or-nat-skih family re-da-la under the-need-to-sti la-za-re-ta their apartment, moving to a smaller one. La-za-ret at all times relies entirely on church funds and donations pri-ho-zhan. Since the very beginning of the war under the Kazan-so-bo-ra, they began to collect syllabuses for the soldiers, who -that co-leader was given to the front by the pro-and-e-ray Philosopher. In 1914, the St. Petersburg Alek-san-dro-Nev-society of Sobriety was re-named in the All-Union Russian Alek-san-dro-Nevsky brotherhood of sobriety.
    On March 2, 1917, im-per-ra-tor Nicholas II abdicated from the throne, and the entire state was replaced -but-what is the structure of Russia. On March 6, 1917, Bishop of Gdov Ve-ni-a-min (Ka-zan) became the temporary manager of the Petrograd diocese -sky), who headed the “Union of Churches of Unity”, establishing his own for-and-whose “unity” -the understanding of the clergy and laity of the entire Right-Glorious Church on the basis of non-platforms or modern modern life, but on the basis of Christ-an-skaya for-da-chi, Christ-of-la-niya, which was before all- he demands freedom internally, not externally.”
    On Palm Sunday, a meeting of the clergy and laity in the hall of the Society of Races of Re-li-gi -o-z-but-moral-of-the-knowledge of the-sta-no-vi-lo-of-taking the or-ga-ni-for-qi-on-ny co-mi-tet for you-bo-row of Pe-ro-grad-sko-go-mit-ro-po-li-ta. On May 24, 1917, in the Kazan so-bo-re, vy-bo-ry of the right-high arch-priest of the Petrograd diocese met hii. By the overwhelming majority of votes, the Bishop of Gdov, Ve-ni-a-min, was elected and the next day he den in san ar-hi-epi-sko-pa; On August 13, 1917, he was elevated to the rank of mit-ro-po-li-ta.
    On May 25, the Petrograd Diocese Council began its work, with someone taking part in the work you-sya-cha six-de-syat de-le-ga-tov. Before-se-da-the-lem So-bo-ra became the pro-i-e-rei Philosopher, for-se-da-niya So-bo-ra opened the arch-hi-bishop-scope Benjamin.
    The Petrograd Diocese Council con-ra-til-sya with an appeal to all citizens of Russia: “The enemy has broken in.” to the country of ours - he desecrated our holy temples, robbed and burned our cities and villages, killed the lives lei, the force of the women, the evil of our captive brethren... Among the grave of these torture and other disasters sent down to us, discord reigned among our people - the brother went to the sconce -ta. The earth is covered in fire, the church is groaning in torment, the screams of the robbed and gi-ba-yu-shih...
    The first free-but-from-branch Petrograd Diocese Council - we, the laity and the clergy, from the brave- who are after their own hearts, ar-hi-pas- ter their own, - we cry out: “Madmen, stay! Forget it! The enemy is at the gates of the capital of our state. To the noise of your mutual fights, he rushes at us, ra-zo-rits, gu-beats to our Ro-di-nu, gu-gu -beat svo-bo-doo na-shu! You don't know what you're doing: blinded by evil, you go at each other, you criminally pro-li-va-e- those brotherly blood! Throw away the enemy! Osvo-bo-di-te, spa-si-te Ro-di-nu! She's gi-ba-ing! Remember - there is strength in unity! Mother Church calls you to a holy deed!”
    On June 20, the Council finished its work, and on June 23, in the hall of the Society, a diocesan meeting of the economy and laity, on which the de-le-ga-you from Petro-grad were sent for a trip to the All-Russian this congress of the clergy and laity in Moscow.
    In August 1917, on the initiative of pro-to-i-e-rei Philo-so-fa, the Brotherhood of parishioners was established co-ve-tov of Petrograd and the Petrograd diocese.
    October 25, 1917, without God, under the leadership of Le-ni-na, seized power in Pet-ro -grad, and already on October 31 in Tsarskoe Selo the pro-i-e-ray John Ko-chu-rov was brutally killed. Father Philosopher published a detailed report about this murder in the Church News, inviting everyone la-yu-shchih come on the 9th day of the great end, November 8, to the Kazan Cathedral, where- la so-ver-she-na pa-ni-hi-da according to pro-to-i-e-rey John and everyone in the internecine bra-nor killed.
    On November 5, 1917, at the All-Russian Local Church, the So-bo-re was elected Pat-ri-ar-khom of the mit-ro-po- lit. Moskovsky Tikhon (Be-la-vin); On the 21st of November, his in-tro-ni-za-tion was finally achieved, and thus the restoration of the ka-but-no-che-Russian system of the Holy Right-glorious Church, destroyed two hundred years ago by Peter I, who then replaced the state system with the same re-shi-tel-no-stu, as more-she-vi-ki in 1917.
    Those who came to power without God in January 1918 tried to seize one of the main shrines of Pete. ro-gra-da - Alek-san-dro-Nev-sky Lav-ru. January 17th in the hall of the Society of Ra-s-pro-stra-non-re-li-gi-oz-but-moral-pro-scientific-society- hundred-I-elk meeting of the spirit-ho-ven-stvo and representatives of the hundred-vi-te-lei parishes, and the hundred-I-tel-tel of the Kazan-so- bo-ra pro-i-e-ray The philosopher made a proposal to organize processions of the cross from all the churches of a hundred on the coming Sunday -faces to the Alek-san-dro-Nevsky Lavra.
    On January 19, in the Lavra, the pro-i-e-ray Peter Ski-pet-rov, who came from a relative, was fatally wounded. com about-to-i-e-ray Philo-so-fu - their wives, An-to-ni-na Ni-ko-la-ev-na and Elena Ni-ko-la-ev-na , would we have sisters? Pro-to-i-e-rei Philosopher Or-nat-sky and Ni-ko-lay Ru-din-sky, at the time in the Lavra mit-ro-po-li-ta Ve-ni-a-mi-na, to-sta-vi-li ra-not-no-go sacred in the hospital, where he is died that same evening.
    On Saturday, January 20, during the all-night prayer, the Philosopher read a call in the Kazan So-bo-re -the message of the Holy Pat-ri-ar-ha Ti-ho-na from January 19, which Father Philosopher multiplied and sent to all churches -vyam Pet-ro-grad-da for reading for li-tur-gi-ey on Sunday, January 21st.
    On Sunday, from 11 o'clock in the morning, the processions of the cross of the Petrograd churches went to the Alec-san-dro-Nevsky Lavra , and then, after that, at the second hour of the day, a procession of the cross led by the mit-ro-po-li-t Ve-ni-a-mi-n you walked from the gates of the Lavra and the mit-ro-po-lit read the calling of Pat-ri-ar-ha and was completely mo-le-ben, the general godfather the course of all the city churches went straight along Nevsky Prospekt to Kazansky So-bo-ru, where after the ra- the mit-ro-po-li-ta Ve-ni-a-mi-na to the believers, the religious procession was completed.
    That same evening, pro-i-e-rey Philosopher left for Moscow at the head of the de-pu-ta-tion of the clergy and the laity of Pet-ro -city, pro-siv-shih Local Council to restore mit-ro-po-li-ta Ve-ni-a-mi-na in rank and right- wah sacred-but-ar-hi-mand-ri-ta Alek-san-dro-Nev-Skaya Lavra. 22 Jan-va-rya de-pu-ta-tsiya was-la pri-nya-ta Pat-ri-ar-hom, and the next day pro-to-e-rey Philo- sof you-stu-drank with do-kla-da-mi according to the given question in So-bor-nom so-ve-te and So-bor-nom from-de-le according to mo- on-she-st-tu, and the-possession of Ve-ni-a-mi-well, would-have-been-assimilated the-name-but-va-nie-on-the-sto-I-te-la and sacred- schen-no-ar-hi-mand-ri-ta Alek-san-dro-Nevsky Lavra.
    24 Jan-va-rya according to the bla-go-slo-ve-niy Pat-ri-ar-ha Ti-ho-na pro-to-i-e-ray Philosopher you-stepped on the-local- Mr. So-bo-re with a fractional do-kla-dom, ka-sa-yu-sha-m-sya trying to grab the Lav-ry more-she-vi-ka-mi and a common cross-road. Concluding the story, the pro-i-e-rei Philosopher said: “It’s time to say that the robbers took power and governed ut na-mi. We have endured, but it is impossible to endure any longer, because of what the Holy of Saints of the Russian soul is - the Holy Church -kov... There is no need to go to co-conscious pain, but if we need to suffer even in our minds - to be fair, this will have to be done. The processions of the cross bring joy to everyone that the believing people unite. The spirit must be promoted not only on holidays, but always and wherever possible. Everyone should say that it is necessary to defend the holy faith, we should shout about it on the trams, ki-ne-ma -that-gra-fah, on the iron-roads... In the spirit of uniting with the people. If Lav-ra defended her, it was her people who defended her. If we are from the Church, this will be done with the assistance of the people..."
    After the appearance of Pro-i-e-ray Philo-so-fa, the Council decided to organize a procession of the cross in Moscow, and then the cross New passages passed through many cities of Russia. On January 26, the de-pu-ta-tion returned to Petrograd, and in the hall of the Society of the Pro-country re-li- gi-oz-but-moral-no-th pro-mind of the so-sto-elk meeting under the pre-sidence of the mit-ro-po-li- that Ve-ni-a-mi-na with the participation of pro-to-i-e-reya Philo-so-fa.
    On February 2, 1918, in the hall of the Society there was a pro-ve-de-but meeting, sacred to the murdered 25 Jan-va-rya (February 7-ra-la) 1918 mit-ro-po-li-tu Ki-ev-sko-mu and Ga-lits-ko-mu Vla-di-mi-ru (Bo -go-to-len-sko-mu), and the pro-and-e-rei Philosopher proposed to be elected as an even-numbered member of the Pat-ri-Society ar-ha Ti-ho-na.
    On March 11, in the hall of the Society, a congress of the clergy and laity of the Petrograd diocese opened, pre- ceded some one voice was elected as a pro-i-e-ray Philosopher. Move-out house, ed-no-mys-len-but with re-she-ni-i-mi In the place-no-go So-bo-ra, would you-work-ta-us me- ry to protect the shrines from the po-ru-ga-niya and in-sta-nov-le-but: “At all the parish churches they are creating - from the parishioners and worshippers, who must protect the saints and church heritage from the -sya-ga-telstvo... In cases of gra-bi-te-ley and seizure of the church-building one should call upon the right-glorious people to defend the church, striking the baton, sending out messengers... All , who have risen to the Holy Church, who have re-established the holy right-glorious faith and who have praised you-you-have-a-church-to-st-of-the-station, under-ly-zhat, regardless of the faces, from-the-lu-che-church-no-mu.. ."
    The pro-i-e-rei Philosopher thought of arranging an underground temple in the name of St. -shchen-no-mu-che-ni-ka Er-mo-ge-na, Pat-ri-ar-kha Mos-kov-skogo. In this temple it was intended to place the Kazan image of God Ma-te-ri and icons of saints named after to-ry but-si-li mu-che-ni-che-ski in-suffering mit-ro-po-lit Vla-di-mir (Bo-go-yav-len-sky) and pro- then-and-e-rei Ioann Ko-chu-rov and Peter Ski-pet-rov, with their correspondence above the pi-sya, according to the news -talk about their demise, as well as the fragment of a dream scolded by Father Philosopher in that room in the Kremlin, where did you go during the So-bo-ra mit-ro-po-lit Ve-ni-a-min, - Oskolok was supposed to serve lam-pa-doi in front of the image of Kazan.
    In 1918, the Bolshevik holiday of May 1 fell on Great Wednesday and the mit-ro-po-lit Ve-ni-a-min together with the pro- then-and-e-re-em Philosopher under-go-vi-li and you-pu-sti-on this occasion an appeal, a call-to-va- The majority of believers are reluctant to participate in street marches and festivities on this day; by the Bol-she-vist-government this would have been considered a counter-re-action.
    From June 11 to June 16, Pat-ri-arch Tikhon, who performed divine services, was in Pet-ro-gra-de. in many churches of the city, and in particular on June 13, on the holiday of the Ascension of the Lord, in the Kazan so-bo re. There were a lot of people coming to the Divine Li-tur-gy, so that only a small part managed to fall inside the co-bo-ra. During the participatory verse of the pro-to-e-ray, the Philosopher turned to the believers with a word. “The 200-year widowhood of the Russian Orthodox Church is wonderful,” he said. - Pat-ri-arch - with us. He is the face of my Church, its heart, the middle of our hopes, the unifying center of all. Today he makes a Bloodless Sacrifice about himself and about human ignorance. The greatness of these ignorances is ours. But the light of the solemn community of the people with their father and the First-holy is also left behind. Let us finally wake up to the godless and blasphemous days of our days, those who still believe in the holy faith and the Church, the thiefs and the gra-bi-te-li, the di-ra-yu-shchie Ro-di-nu and the ras-hi-sha-yu-sha-yushchih on-native to-sto- I-nie, let the warm-cold ones wake up and stand up for the defense of their dear shrines, it’s time for all of us to unite for the awakening niya in the nation of ancient Russian goodness..."
    After the tour, a procession of the cross was completed with the Kazan icon of the God Ma-te-ri and the ark with the saints the mighty sacred-but-mu-che-ni-ka of Er-mo-gen-na, brought-by Pat-ri-ar-khom from Moscow for re-installation and-va-e-mo-go underground temple.
    The next day in the hall of the Society of Ra-s-country of Re-li-gi-oz-but-moral pro-scientific niya co-sto-i-elk meeting with the participation of Pat-ri-ar-ha Ti-ho-na, on which pro-to-e-rei Philosopher bla-go-da-ril Pat-ri-ar-ha for receiving the title of an even-th member of the Society, and also said: “Not in words only, not in timely print, but in de-crea-ta-mi of government, pre-ten-du-yu-schi-mi on si-lu for-ko-na, the holy faith and the Church of the Right-glorious are recognized from the living of their century, established -mi and in the place of the hundred eternal beginnings of Christian life about -tsi-a-liz-ma, I have-to-re-build life in a new way. We do not hide our from-no-she-ness to so-ci-a-liz-mu and from the church-of-the-department from-the-cover of pro-po-ve -we think that this is an idea-but-basically-van-gra-beige. Socialism is hostile to Christianity, it does not recognize heaven and wants to create a paradise on earth. We know from experience what money stolen from Christ turns into in the social state -an-stva saints na-cha-la: freedom, equality and brotherhood. Nowadays more than ever before, and in Russia more than anywhere else, it is clear that only on the basis of sub-lin-but- it is possible to return the Christian faith in order for the continuation of a calm life that has for a certain purpose - salvation in Christ. And the Society, having among its members the Great State and the Father of our Holy Pat- ri-ar-ha na, will continue to work for the development of the re-li-gi-oz-but-moral pro-sve -shche-di-among all the layers of the village."
    On July 29, in Petro-gra-de, an extraordinary diocesan meeting was held to discuss the issue - what actions are necessary to be taken in order to protect the Church, in view of the council's government authorities? -ku-la-ra about the removal from schools of re-li-gi-oz-no-go po-chi-ta-niya. I remember how I gathered about the procession of the Cross in the defense of Alek-san-dro in January 1918 Nev-Skaya Lavra, the pro-i-e-rei Philosopher called upon the clergy to carry out another community-wide procession of the cross. But he was no longer able to implement this.
    Pro-i-e-rey Philosopher and his wife Elena Ni-ko-la-ev-na-re-pi-ta-li ten children, and eldest sons -but-vyam, Ni-ko-bark and Bo-ri-su, the Lord judged to share a painful death with his father. Yes, giving instructions to children, the priest said: “We must always tell the truth, for lying is the main evil, with a real person. We can always help those who find it difficult, regardless of their background, age, or gender. Always respect elders and old age. It’s important to learn, to improve yourself. The main thing is to be a person who is not ashamed, but not only in front of those around him, but also in front of himself -fight, in front of your own conscience, in front of the State House...”

    Mu-che-nick Ni-ko-lay Or-nat-sky born on May 4, 1886 in St. Petersburg. Having received his first education at the 10th St. Petersburg Gymnasium, he entered the -pe-ra-tor-sky Vo-en-no-Me-di-tsin-sky aka-de-mia. While studying at the Academy of Sciences, Niko-lai joined the Society of Ra-s-countries of Re-li-gi-oz-no-moral-stations but-the-light, headed by-my father, and took active part in the creation of churches-but- at the choir at the temple of the pre-excellent Se-ra-fi-ma of Sarov-skogo at the Graf-skaya station.
    In 1910, Niko-lai graduated from the Academy of Sciences and in 1911 he was appointed to serve as a junior doctor in the 197th Infantry Forest -th regiment In the same year he was with-ko-man-di-ro-van to Sve-a-borg-sko-mu la-za-re-tu for study -th improvement. From 1911 to 1914, he served as a doctor in the 199th Kronstadt Infantry Regiment. In 1913, Ni-ko-lai got married with the girl Se-ra-fi-my, before the pro-i-e-rei Ioan-na Uspen- skogo, half sacred to the Life Guards of the Finnish Regiment. Since 1914, Ni-ko-lay took part in military operations in the 6th Av-to-mobil-noy company 9th Army and was awarded three ord-de-na-mi. After the end of the World War, he returned home, took up private medical practice and sang in the temple in the church choir.

    Mu-che-nick Bo-ris Or-nat-sky born on May 30, 1887 in St. Petersburg. Having graduated from the 10th St. Petersburg Gymnasium, in 1908 he entered the Kon-stan-ti-nov-skoe art-til-le-riy- skoe school. After graduating from school, he was promoted to the sub-ru-chi-ki and in 1911 he was assigned to serve in the 49th Army. til-le-riy-skaya bri-ga-du, fulfilled the obligation to teach the bri-bad educational team, to-the-power for the training team and for the brigade official skim so-bra-ni-em. In 1913, Bo-ris was promoted to po-ru-chi-ki and in the same year he was assigned to serve in the 3rd battalion 23- th Ar-til-le-riy brigade, with which he took part in combat actions against the Germans in co-hundred -ve of the 9th Army. In 1916, Bo-ris was promoted to headquarters. During the First World War, Bo-ris Ornatsky was awarded a citizenship of five -de-na-mi. After returning from the front, he lived with his family, helping in his father’s temple.
    July 19 (August 1), 1918, on the eve of the feast of the holy prophet Elijah, pro-to-e -Reya Philo-so-fa when-gla-si-li-to-serve all-nightly on Okh-te in the Ilyinsky Temple at the po-ro-ho-vo-vo-de. Upon returning home, he sat down to dinner with his family - his wife Elena Ni-ko-la-ev-na, son-no-vya Ni -ko-la-em, Bo-ri-som and Vla-di-mi-rum, before-che-ryu Li-di-ey and Elena’s sister Ni-ko-la-ev-ny, inspired howl of the kill-th-pro-i-e-ray Peter Ski-pet-ro-va. Suddenly the bell rang, and armed mat-ros and two red-armed soldiers appeared at the door. Mat-ros ordered to conduct a search, then ordered the priest to go with them, promising that he would be back soon. Niko-bark invited you to co-lead your father, and then the mat-ros came to the hall and Bo-ri-su followed with them, and they would have been imprisoned in the Cheka prison.
    At the time of the Kazan council, having learned about the arrest of the pro-i-e-rey Philo-so-fa, several authorities -ko de-le-ga-tion, but the authorities did not accept them. “Finally, on... Sunday, after lunch, a crowd of thousands gathered in the park in front of the gathering a crowd, mainly women, who, with pen-no prayers, walked around and ik-on-mi moved along Nev-sko-mu-spekt-tu on Go-ro-ho-vaya street will be cleared...father Philo-so-fa. A de-le-ga-tion came out of the crowd, whom they received and assured that they were the father of Or-nat-sko- they'll let you out soon and that he's going to Go-ro-ho-voy in his cell in complete safety. The crowd, calmed down, dispersed."
    That same night, all those doomed to death were taken to the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Before the execution of the pro-i-e-ray Philosopher, calming the officers about to die, who There were more than thirty in number, he said calmly and meekly: “Never mind, we’re going to the Lord. Here, accept my shepherd’s blessing and listen to the holy prayers.” And, getting down on his knees, he read prayers for the outcome of his soul in a calm and even voice.

    Priest Philosopher Ornatsky. About the Christian image of women. St. Petersburg, 1892. pp. 17-18.
    Priest Philosopher Ornatsky. A word about the Angels. St. Petersburg, 1894. pp. 10-13.
    Fili-mo-nov V.P. Cross from the sky. St. Petersburg, 2000. pp. 78-79.
    Right there. P. 176.
    Right there. pp. 178-179.
    Right there. pp. 199-200.
    Right there. P. 204.
    Right there. P. 210.
    Right there. pp. 212-213.
    Right there. P. 120.
    Gas. "Right-glorious Rus'." Jordanville, 1983. No. 23. P. 5.


    Memorial Day May 31 (June 13); Cathedral of St. Petersburg Saints - third week of Pentecost Temples Kazan Cathedral

    Hieromartyr Archpriest Philosopher Nikolaevich Ornatsky was born on May 21, 1860 in the Novaya Erga churchyard, Cherepovets district, Novgorod province, into the family of a rural priest. One of his brothers was married to the niece of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt. The Philosopher studied first at the Kirillov Theological School, and then at the Novgorod Theological Seminary. In 1885, he graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Academy with a candidate of theology degree. In the summer of 1885, the Philosopher married Elena Zaozerskaya, the daughter of the former subdeacon Metropolitan Isidore, and soon accepted the priesthood. Initially, the priest served as rector in the church of the Prince of Oldenburg Shelter, where he had previously taught the Law of God.

    From 1892 to 1912 he served as rector of the temple during the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers. For twenty-six years he was chairman of the “Society for the Propagation of Religious and Moral Education in the Spirit of the Orthodox Church,” successfully counteracting anti-church movements.

    In 1893, the Philosopher was elected as a member of the St. Petersburg City Duma from the clergy and held his powers until 1917. He took part in the establishment of shelters, orphanages, and almshouses in the city; through his efforts, 12 churches were erected in St. Petersburg and the surrounding area, the largest of which was the Church of the Resurrection of Christ at the Warsaw Station. In addition, one can name the churches of Peter and Paul in Lesnoy, St. Sergius Radonezhsky on Novosivkovskaya Street, St. Seraphim of Sarov behind the Narva Gate, the Baptist Church on the Vyborg Side, the Gerasimov Church, the Isidoro-Yuryevsky Church.

    The priest himself, having a large family (he had ten children), lived very modestly. All the many public titles and positions that he carried for the glory of God did not bring any means of livelihood. Huge sums of money passed through his hands as Chairman of the temple construction committees, and he gave private lessons to feed his family.

    For almost twenty years, Father Philosopher was the spiritual son of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, who often visited him at home and blessed all his endeavors for the good of the Church. The holy shepherd entrusted Father Philosopher to be a mediator in his correspondence with Saint Theophan, the Vyshensky recluse.

    In 1913, the priest was appointed to the position of rector of Kazan cathedral in St. Petersburg. During World War I, Father Philosopher gave his apartment as a hospital for wounded soldiers, and he and his family moved to a small government premises. Repeatedly, he himself traveled to combat areas, accompanying transports with things and products necessary for soldiers, trying with all his might to inspire and support the defenders of the Fatherland.

    His son Nikolai (born in 1886) was a military doctor and was part of the 9th Russian Army; son, Boris (born in 1887), staff captain of the 23rd artillery brigade, who graduated from the Konstantinovsky Artillery School, fought heroically on the Austro-Hungarian front. The priest’s preaching gift attracted those who were looking for a living word, and he more than once called on his flock not to accept the corrupting ideas of Bolshevism, understanding that Orthodoxy is the basis of Russian native life, the priest called on the intelligentsia to know this: “Our intelligentsia must become Russian,” he never tired of repeating.

    On August 9, 1918, he and his two eldest sons, Nikolai and Boris, were arrested. During the arrest, he was completely calm and calm. The parishioners gathered in a crowd of thousands and walked along Nevsky Prospekt to Gorokhovaya in Cheka, demanding the release of their shepherd. The security officers accepted the delegation of believers, insidiously promising to fulfill their demands. But on the same night (presumably July 20, 1918), the priest was transported to the prison of the city of Kronstadt. Presumably around October 30, 1918, along with his sons and other 30 imprisoned officers, the Philosopher’s father was taken to be shot. On the way, the priest read aloud the death notice over the condemned. The place of execution was, according to some assumptions, in Kronstadt, according to others, not far from the Gulf of Finland between Ligovo and Oranienbaum. The bodies of those shot were apparently thrown into the bay.

    Canonized as New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia at the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000 for church-wide veneration.

    Troparion, tone 5.

    Having loved the wisdom of God from youth, O venerable Father Philosopher,/
    all the days of your life you followed Christ the Chief Shepherd,/
    who will show you to the city of St. Peter as a shepherd of goodness./
    You, having laid down your soul for the flock,/
    You yourself have stood up to suffer from the lawless/
    with your children Nikolai and Boris, /
    We pray to you the same way now:/
    do not forsake all those who honor your memory through your intercession/

    Twenty-six years old Fr. The philosopher was the chairman of the “Society for the Propagation of Religious and Moral Education in the Spirit of the Orthodox Church,” successfully counteracting anti-church movements.

    He took part in the establishment of shelters, orphanages, and almshouses in the city; through his efforts, 12 churches were erected in St. Petersburg and the surrounding area, the largest of them being the Church of the Resurrection of Christ at the Warsaw Station. In addition, one can name the churches of Peter and Paul in Lesnoy, St. Sergius of Radonezh on Novosivkovskaya Street, St. Seraphim of Sarov behind the Narva Gate, the Baptist Church on the Vyborgskaya Side, the Gerasimovskaya Church, the Isidoro-Yuryevsky Church.

    All the many public titles and positions that he carried for the glory of God did not bring any means of livelihood. Huge sums of money passed through his hands as Chairman of the temple construction committees, and he gave private lessons to feed his family.

    Archpriest Philosopher and his wife Elena Nikolaevna raised ten children, and the Lord destined for their eldest sons, Nikolai and Boris, to share martyrdom together with his father. According to the recollections of the priest’s daughter, Vera Filosofovna, his instructions to children are known: “We must always tell the truth, for lying is the main evil inherent in man. Always help those who find it difficult, regardless of origin, age and position. Always respect elders and old age. Constantly learn and improve yourself. The main thing is to be a person who is not ashamed not only in front of others, but also in front of himself, before his conscience, before the Lord...”

    Filimonov V.P. The sky opens with a cross. St. Petersburg, 2000. P. 120.

    Father was also known as the editor and censor of such metropolitan spiritual magazines as “St. Petersburg Spiritual Messenger” (published since 1894), “Christian’s Rest” (since 1901), “Orthodox Russian Word” (since 1902).

    Father Philosopher was one of the closest associates of the Hieromartyr Metropolitan Veniamin (Kazan) of Petrograd and Gdov, whom, when he was a student at the Theological Academy, the priest actively involved him in preaching activities in the working environment of St. Petersburg. Bonds of spiritual friendship also connected him with His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon.

    For almost twenty years Fr. The philosopher was the spiritual son of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, who often visited him at home and blessed all his endeavors for the good of the Church. The holy shepherd entrusted Father Philosopher to be a mediator in his correspondence with Saint Theophan, the Vyshensky recluse.

    During the 1st World War, Fr. The philosopher gave his apartment as a hospital for wounded soldiers, and he and his family moved to a small government premises. Repeatedly, he himself traveled to combat areas, accompanying transports with things and products necessary for soldiers, trying with all his might to inspire and support the defenders of the Fatherland.

    The priest’s preaching gift attracted those who were looking for a living word, and he more than once called on his flock not to accept the corrupting ideas of Bolshevism, understanding that Orthodoxy is the basis of Russian native life, the priest called on the intelligentsia to know this: “Our intelligentsia must become Russian,” he never tired of repeating.

    Before his eyes, during the revolution, the husband of his wife’s sister, the holy martyr Archpriest Pyotr Skipetrov (January 20), was shot. During his funeral service, the priest preached a sermon, fearlessly denouncing the Bolsheviks. He repeatedly spoke to his flock with calls for the unification of Russians around churches to protect the shrines of their land. In January 1918, when Father Pyotr Skipetrov was killed in the Lavra, the priest organized the protection of the shrines of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, organizing religious processions to it from all the churches of the capital.

    Father Philosopher was arrested on the day of remembrance of St. Seraphim of Sarov and was awarded martyrdom.

    1885 - graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Academy with a candidate of theology degree. In the summer of 1885, the Philosopher married Elena Zaozerskaya, the daughter of the former subdeacon Metropolitan Isidore, and soon accepted the priesthood. Initially, the priest served as rector in the church of the Prince of Oldenburg Shelter, where he had previously taught the Law of God.

    1892-912 - rector of the temple during the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers.

    1893 - elected as a member of the St. Petersburg City Duma from the clergy and carried his powers until 1917.

    1913 - appointed to the position of rector of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

    August 1, 1918 - together with his two eldest sons, Nikolai and Boris, he was arrested and then shot. The place of execution is unknown.

    August 2000 - canonized as Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia at the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church for church-wide veneration.

    About love for the Mother Church, who gave birth to her beloved child - Saint Seraphim
    Teaching on the same day and in the same cathedral, during the late liturgy

    Today is the day of remembrance of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. With this name comes to mind the beginning of Christianity in Rus', the position of the first stone of the Church of God in our fatherland. Running in thought from the beginning of the Holy Church in Rus' to the present day, what wondrous ways of God’s Providence we see in the destinies of our people!
    And, first of all, the Holy Church brought our people out of historical oblivion, forged an organic whole out of them, strengthened power, humbled the people, helped them endure the heavy blows of fate, poured a lot of foreign blood into the vessel of national life, transforming it into the blood of the Russian tribe, and united scattered tribes into one mighty, numerous, glorious Russian people. Faith in Rus' makes everyone related, even people alien to each other by blood and language: whether a Jew, a Tatar or a Yakut, or another foreigner, but if he is Orthodox, he is already Russian. The church became the soul of the people in Rus', the cement that unites multilingual tribes. Our people understood this well and, when they repelled the enemy’s onslaught, they always brought before them a banner on which the first word was “for the faith.” “This Orthodox faith, this apostolic faith, this fatherly faith, this faith establish the universe” - it, our faith, also established our dear fatherland.
    Even greater is the importance of the Holy Church and the Orthodox faith for the inner, spiritual life of our people. Inspired by faith, the Russian people were reborn, became new people, charitable, sympathetic to the grief of others, receptive to everything high and good: “not to think evil against a Tatar” became a common character trait of the Russian people; Russian monasticism, combining the features of Eastern ascetic and practical Western monasticism, was of great importance for the education of the people's character - pious without hypocrisy, active without fanaticism. The Russian Church has brought forth from the depths of the people a great many ascetics, pearls of spiritual purity and holiness, who, like bright stars in the sky, shine with the purity of their lives, humility and faith and serve as an example for the living, indicators of the entire path of life’s salvation, prayer books and intercessors for us before By God. On them, as on the pillars of indestructible firmness, stands unshakably holy Rus', growing among the best part of the people, according to the Apostle, “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy language” (1 Pet. 2:9).
    Among these glorious sons of the fatherland is the newly-minted Pleasant of God, Saint Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov. He is a true child of the Orthodox Church, begotten, nourished and nourished by it; he is a fragrant flower in the church pasture, the glory and adornment of his Mother Church. The child of pious parents Isidore and Agathia, he was raised from childhood according to the leadership of the holy Church; miraculously saved by God in childhood from death when falling from a high bell tower and miraculously healed from a serious illness during a religious procession, with his childish heart he loved the holy temple, worship, holy sacraments and church rites; having early renounced the world and its delights for the sake of monasticism, he went through, with the blessing of the elders, all the most difficult obediences, seclusion, silence, thousand-night prayer on a stone, and he had such humility that only in the 66th year, at the command of the Mother of God, he began to accept pilgrims for blessings, advice, instructions and consolations. The Lord Jesus Christ himself appeared to him, the humble servant of God, and I cannot help but remind you, brethren, of one such appearance of the Lord St. Seraphim, who was at that time in the rank of hierodeacon, in the temple of God, during the Liturgy. He himself later told his elders about this phenomenon.
    “I have just proclaimed, poor one, “Lord, save the pious and hear us!” (he participated in the service of the Liturgy) and, pointing his orar at the people, he finished: and forever and ever, suddenly a ray of sunshine illuminated me, and I saw our Lord and God Jesus Christ, in the form of the Son of Man, in glory, shining indescribable light, surrounded by heavenly powers, angels, archangels, cherubim and seraphim, as if by a swarm of bees, and from the western church gates coming in the air. Approaching the pulpit in this form and raising His most pure hands, the Lord blessed those serving and those present. Therefore, having entered into His holy local image, which according to right hand The Royal Doors, was transformed, surrounded by angelic faces, shining with an indescribable light throughout the entire church. But I, earth and ashes, meeting the Lord Jesus Christ then, received a special blessing from Him. My heart rejoiced purely, enlightened, in the sweetness of love for the Lord.”
    Saint Seraphim considered himself to owe everything to the Holy Church. It is not surprising that special warmth emanates from his decisive instructions about love and obedience to the Holy Church, about fidelity to her covenants. “I ask and pray you,” he once told the Old Believers, “go to the Greek-Russian Church: it is in all the glory and power of God. Like a ship with many riggings, sails and a great helm, she is guided by the Holy Spirit. Its good helmsmen are the teachers of the Church, the archpastors are the successors of the apostles. And your chapel is like a small boat without a helm or oars; she is moored with a rope to the ship of our Church; floats after him, flooded by the waves, and would certainly drown if she were not tied to the ship.”
    Another time he taught: “What the Holy Church kissed and accepted, everything should be kind to the heart of a Christian. Do not forget holidays. Be abstinent, go to church, unless you are weak. Pray for everyone: you will do a lot of good with this. Bring candles, wine and oil to church. Alms will do you a lot of good.” The holy elder’s instruction on church fasts is also decisive: “bread and water are not harmful to anyone. How did people live for a hundred years? Man will not live on bread alone... And what the Church laid down at the seven Ecumenical Councils, then fulfill. Woe to the one who adds one word”; about the sign of the cross and the veneration of holy icons.
    Saint Seraphim gave us, the shepherds of the Church and mentors in the faith, the following instruction, in the person of the ascetic elder Father Timon: “This, Father Timon, this, this wheat given to you everywhere. This one is on the good ground, this one is on the sand, this one is on the stones, this one is along the way, this one is also in the thorns. Everything will vegetate somewhere and grow, and bear fruit, although not soon.”
    These, brethren, are the covenants of Saint Seraphim about the Church. With them he addresses us all even now from the heights of heaven. We are going through difficult times: many have broken away from the Church and blaspheme it, even more cold believers who have forgotten their Mother and are only considered her sons. The Holy Church equally pities all the lost and calls them into her arms. Now Saint Seraphim, whom we came to worship in Sarov, speaks in her voice. Let us listen, let us listen to the voice of the Reverend and love our Mother, the Orthodox Church, let us cling closer to her loving breast and drink the milk of her teachings from the Holy Gospel, the instructions of the fathers, liturgical prayers and chants, from the lips of pastors. Let us love our parish church - it contains the soul of the Church, we will visit it without laziness and decorate it, so that, standing in the temple, we stand in heaven to think and see with the eyes of faith and a pure heart the Most Unapproachable and Ever-Everlasting Light - our Lord Jesus Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • Act of the Jubilee Consecrated Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church on the conciliar glorification of the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian 20th century. Moscow, August 12-16, 2000
  • Khodakovskaya O. Archpriest Philosopher Nikolaevich Ornatsky // Vedi. Almaty, 1998. N4-5. P.24-30.
  • Synodik of persecuted, martyred, innocent victims in bonds of Orthodox clergy and laity of the St. Petersburg diocese: 20th century. 2nd edition expanded. St. Petersburg, 2002. 280 p. P.12.
  • New Russian martyrs. M., 1994. Rep. playback ed. 1949-1957 (Jordanville). Part 1. P.184.
  • St. Petersburg martyrology. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Mir", "Society of St. Basil the Great", 2002. 416 p.