A natural, fast-acting stimulant for women. Is it possible to excite yourself? How can a woman get aroused and achieve orgasm faster? Infusions and decoctions

25.02.2019 Relationship

Each of us wants to have a high-quality sex life, regularly receiving pleasure and new sensations. However, for intimate life to become rich, a woman must make some efforts and master certain wisdom, learn all the ways of temptation that will be impossible for the stronger sex to resist. How to look, what to say and do to excite a man?

The more a woman feels her attractiveness, her body and sexual energy, the more actively men are attracted to her. Therefore, the first piece of advice is to love sex and engage in it regularly. The stronger sex are very simple creatures in terms of love games; even light touches will help to excite a man. These touches, contrary to the ideas of some ladies, should not only be with the hands. For example, accidentally touching your breasts when you decide to tell a man something in his ear. It excites them and makes them think and dream about you. Practice these techniques more often if you want to seduce your partner and have a wild night of love.

Erotic behavior is very seductive. Flirtatiously, with a chuckle, you can say some funny little thing in a man’s ear. It is known that the stronger sex loves it when a woman laughs at his jokes. For him, this is a sign of her good disposition towards him.

Touch during danger also has an exciting effect on a guy. For example, when crossing the street, take his hand. Playing as a defenseless and gentle creature that requires protection, attention and affection often works. Touching a man's back between the shoulder blades, his hair, and gentle stroking will bring him closer and make him feel more comfortable with you.

During passionate kisses, you should strive to reach the sky - this is a sensitive area that will help excite a man even more. Avoid monotony: move from a passionate kiss to a gentle, cutesy one. Another secret: while kissing, slightly pull your partner’s lower lip, biting it, but without aggression. Always watch your partner's reaction, whether he likes it or not.

Talking about sexual topics can help create desire and arousal. It doesn't matter what you say, it matters how. A man just needs to understand that you are excited, because then he feels like a wonderful lover. Say nice things, including those that relate to your intimate life. Words can give a special zest and add color to your sex life.

State what you are doing now and what you are going to do. Talk about the feelings you feel when your partner touches you. It will not be superfluous to talk about your pleasant impressions after sex.

For couples who have been together for a long time, the following method of excitement is suitable. Remember the most vivid, piquant moments of your sexual games, the pleasant emotions you experienced then. Most likely, your partner will remember how to please you and will want to do it all again.

Appearance women will also tell a man a lot. They are excited by heels, cleavage, open back, beautiful underwear, panties that are visible through the skirt. Clothes should be inviting and at the same time accessible, so that a man can easily stroke a leg or something else. Men are aroused by women in skirts and dresses, but in no case in pants. Of course, it’s not worth saying that a girl’s hairstyle and manicure should be in order and attract, not repel.

You can also excite a man during a conversation by throwing flirtatious glances and smiles in his direction. A proven method: meet a man's eyes and shyly look away, looking down, then look at him again boldly and openly. At the same time, it is important to smile mysteriously, as if beckoning him to come over. A man will probably want to reveal such a secret.

Turning a guy on is not an easy task, but if you are not afraid to practice and experiment, you will easily achieve your goal. The art of seduction needs to be improved all the time, but do everything confidently and sincerely - and you will succeed!

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Good sex has more to do with your mindset. So, if you want to increase your partner's interest, you need to keep your mind on the winning side. It just means you're more aware of what's right in front of you and how sexy those things are. It's all about the power of suggestion.

It's not about being serious. In fact, we are talking about the complete opposite. It's about being silly and keeping it light and taking the weight off sex every now and then. After all, it's supposed to be fun. Having a secret or a secret language can be part of sexuality. If you're quiet about it, no one else will have to be any wiser about what you and your partner are doing.

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So here are 11 things that will help you sort out your mood - and you'll find them right in your own home. Pepper mill. Remember that “episode” when the waiter comes to the table with coarse ground pepper and the girls discuss the size of one of their lovers’ bags? Why not offer your partner a grind or two of hot stuff with a wink and a smile? Trust me, they will get the message loud and clear.

Aphrodisiac plants to excite women

And make serious eye contact. Your partner may giggle or shake their head. But they will still understand what you are doing. Dishwashing Liquid - Warm, dry water can be very sexy, especially when hands meet underneath it before dirty dishes hit the pool. Ask your partner to check the temperature for you and then meet your hand below. A brief hand massage served with a devious look and you will have your partner in no time.

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How can you experience maximum pleasure from intimacy with your loved one?

Column. You don't have to step up and down. But by leaning your back against it and grabbing it on both sides behind you, and then slowly lowering your arms to your side, you will conjure all sorts of images out of you, revealing that pillar that is the boss. The look at you is sure to make your partner want to join you, and the movement will likely inspire a little rocking in the bedroom later.

Wooden spoon or ruler - Slap it lightly on your palm and give your partner a stern but playful look. Perhaps even whisper a promise of punishment later so as not to help with the work. He or she will be in position before you know it. Music. Play songs where you've had sex in the past or songs that have double touches. Even if the children are nearby, they will not understand what you are doing. But your partner will surely know what the rhythm of that night will be.

To become aroused by intimacy and achieve pleasure, men and women require different amounts of time. In the stronger sex this happens much faster than in the weaker sex. In order for the partners to warm up at approximately the same rate, you should pay attention to the following facts.

Tie - Leave it hanging on your bedroom doorknob as your private code for what's to come later. Then use it to tie your partner to the bed. Do this once and every time she sees you reach for that tie - or any other tie for that matter - she's sure to have some seriously fun memories.

Unusual proximity of the house

But they don't have to be when you and your lover play them together. No one will ask when you will buy it. Just keep it where your mother-in-law can't see it when she comes to visit. Pen and paper. These could be the sexiest items in your home. Leave her notes in your briefcase. Drop a note on the driver's seat of your car. Gather your wicked wishes on paper and keep them in a small box that your partner can go to for inspiration. Sometimes it can be difficult to talk about words.

To begin with, if you don’t know each other well, ask your partner what exactly excites him. If you have necessary knowledge, take advantage of them.

You don't need to take off all your clothes at once. Beautiful women's underwear and men's swimming trunks should be discarded only in the middle of the period of affection, because it is known that for 80% of the stronger sex, underwear is considered a particularly stimulating item. By the way, stockings can remain on a woman during intimacy. They will help you tune in to intimacy, loosen up, provide some kind of secret, and encourage you to engage in sexual activity using blindfolds.

But pen and paper make it easy to know your needs! It all has to do with what you're hiding in plain sight in your home and how comfortable you are with what it might mean in a different context. Many elements can create duplicate code that will only be your partner. Leave the wooden spoon on the counter. Make hot baked goods for dessert. Suggest that you make dishes together tonight. You will have a whole new meaning.

And sex toys certainly have their place. But it takes nothing but imagination to heat things up for your family. Jenny Block is a freelance writer based in Dallas. She is the author of Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage. Her work appears in One Big Happy Family, edited by Rebecca Walker, and It's a Girl: Women Writers Raising Daughters, edited by Andrea Buchanan.

Sexual literature can also be useful. Many women are turned on by reading such books.

Dancing for excitement

TV can distract partners from making love. Therefore, it is better to prefer light erotic music. Turn on some romantic tunes, light some candles and dance a little. A pleasant touch to each other and caresses will help you quickly desire your partner. By the way, dancing encourages intimacy while standing.

Your lady wants sex as much as you do, but sometimes she may be hesitant to make the first move. At the same time, she also feels that she may be rejected or cannot please you. But there is nothing to worry about, you can always fix it. Here are tips to get her in the mood.

The thing about seduction is that he must begin the journey before the tissues appear. It takes time for women to warm up, so start working on this before you start and you'll get better results later. Start foreplay before heading to work. Do this throughout the day, send her a short text, call her, set her mood and by the time you are home, she will already be looking forward to seeing you.

Unusual proximity of the house

In order to create unusual intimacy at home, it is necessary to develop the sensuality of the body. Pieces of ice, syrup, ice cream, chocolate, etc. will help with this. About erogenous zones each partner should know. Their location can be in the most unpredictable places of the body. Use exotic massages to discover each other's secret areas.

Causes of decreased libido in women

Women always feel they have to be perfect to please you in bed. Creating an atmosphere makes her realize that you love her just the way she is and you won't need anything else. If she is under a lot of pressure, it is not easy for her to tune in. Women are designed in such a way that if they are under pressure, they do not seek pleasure. The only thing they want to do is fix what's wrong.

There are things on her list that take priority, cleaning the kitchen, the bathroom, someday it might hurt. It's less about cleaning the house, and more about helping her see that a clean house shouldn't take precedence over the relationship. Tell her that you would be happy to help her with chores while spending quality time with her.

To arouse interest, a woman can put herself under the power of a man. Offer him role-playing game, in which the partner will be the master, and you will be his slave. A man can be offered the opposite situation if he is interested in such a game.

An unusual closeness to the house can be achieved when the lights are on. During such lovemaking, you can enjoy the reaction of your partner’s body to the slightest touches and movements.

Arguments and fights can never create a good atmosphere for sex. In fact, it just pushes her away from you. If you have an important argument regarding your relationship, then that's a completely different story. Open your eyes and pick up your lines. . You want her to start, then don't shut her down or ignore her when she tries. Give, even if her attempt is rather half-hearted. Initially, she might be nervous that you might turn her down.

Using pheromones for seduction

In general, women are not used to being rejected when it comes to sex, so it is very important that you do not do this. When she starts, be confident about it, let her feel this vibration and she will do it more often. Her pleasure should be your priority. . It's all about generosity. Be in bed and you will enjoy your sex life more than you can imagine.

Try having intimacy in the bathroom. Water procedures They help very well to get in the mood for intimacy. To enhance the effect, you can add foam or essential oils.

There are many ways to get excited before intimacy, look for them together with your partner to achieve maximum mutual pleasure.

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Many men are interested in how to excite a girl. Moreover, this applies not only to young, inexperienced guys, but also to men who have been married for more than a year. As you know, over time, many couples have intimate problems when “he wants it, but she doesn’t.” In this article we will look at the question of how to excite a girl with kisses, caresses, words and more.

She wants to feel good and wants in bed, if you manage to do that, she will also return the favor. She will make it her priority to please you and have more sex. Find out what she likes and does it more often. If you think she likes something and she's not open, ask her, talk her into it when you're not in bed with her.

This may seem too easy for you, but there are certain nuances that will help you achieve success in this matter. Girls know how to excite a person unnoticed and ignite a person's cravings with the help of telephone conversation or Skype. They are well trained in some areas of sex.

Women love with their ears!

This truth, beaten down by generations, will always be relevant. Therefore, before thinking about sex, you need to talk to the girl and make a few unobtrusive compliments. It is very important that they are sincere. When listening to your chosen one, you need to show interest, and not indifferently assent. Gradually, during the conversation, you need to go on the attack. Sit closer, take her hand, unobtrusively, as if by chance, touch her shoulder, stroke her back.

But many of us do not want to consider the absence of such an important contact as visual, both in correspondence and in virtual communication. You can have intelligent conversations, construct a dialogue correctly, respond quickly to the interlocutor's proposal, but communication will not be complete without personal contact. The moment of truth comes at this moment.

A person may be disappointed if he sees in real life a vulgar dressed lady or "blue stockings" instead of a good girl and beautiful girl. What does a person do in such cases? He tries to reduce contact and quickly leave. He was excited to meet quite stranger, perhaps thinking about sex and how it would be done more elegantly. But the real appearance contradicts his imagination. He tries to save face and be polite, but most of all he wants to stop this rendezvous.

They can do no less excite a girl and smells. But here it is important to follow two basic rules: take care of impeccable hygiene and do not overdo it with perfume. You can generally do without perfumery delights; in order to excite a girl with a smell, it is enough to take a shower with a good shampoo and shower gel and shaving cream with a persistent masculine scent.

This is the behavior of an educated person with a good upbringing. He doesn't want to insult the girl. You can imagine a person who doesn't care about your feelings and he does everything right. Such a meeting can end in stress for the girl. The main reason for failure in both cases is the incorrect introduction of yourself. It is necessary to present yourself correctly in order to excite a man or in other words, a man must show his instincts. No one has yet canceled visual perception. Great-grandmothers knew well that a person loves with the help of his eyes.

Video " How to excite a girl and make sex exciting (video tutorial)»:

With all this, do not rush and do not pretend that you want something more. Keep talking, you can even sit back a little further. The forbidden fruit is sweet, and a woman will subconsciously think that you don’t want her. “How so? He stroked his hand and left! “I’m so cool and sexy,” she’ll think. After sitting away from the woman, stand up. The reason could be a trip to the kitchen, for example, to buy wine. Don’t stay too long and, when you return, sit as close to your chosen one as possible. If you really went for wine, pour it into glasses. By the way, it is advisable to choose red wine. It has special components that increase tone and more.
Focus on more intimate erogenous zones. Try more intimate areas using light touches and gentle, slow kisses.

Exciting a man over the phone

But we have no such secrets. A miniskirt and cozy clothes are the most primitive answer to the question of how to excite a man. Sometimes this does not give a positive result. It will be more effective if you don't use your charms overtly, but subtly. A person may be excited by a fleeting glance, a faint smile, and seductive but not vulgar clothing. He will only think about you and sex with you.

The girl makes a big mistake by showing off all parts of her body. We are not calling for puritanism, but any psychologist will explain to you that a person is agitated by thoughts about your body if it is hidden by clothing. He becomes excited at the hint of a secret that is to be revealed by him.

Neck, throat, collarbones and shoulders
Feet and ankles
Low back (towards the bottom of the spine)
Inner side of knees
Inner thighs
Inner side of the hand

Touching, stroking, tactile caresses - all this can excite a girl only if you have already successfully used the first three senses: vision, smell and hearing. Since it is touch that excites a girl the most, it is important to use touch gradually. At first, you can, as if by accident, during a conversation, cover her hand with your palm, lightly hug her shoulders or waist. By her reaction, you will immediately understand how the girl feels about closer contact. If she does not resist your touch, it means that you managed to excite the girl, she liked you, and she is ready to move on to more intimate communication.

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Don't try to stun or speed things up. You will achieve success in seduction. There are many ways to solve the problem of fascinating people at a distance. For example, shoes with high heels. This makes a woman's gait smooth and expressive. She becomes a little defenseless. It attracts the eyes of men and makes them want.

Erotic ease can be demonstrated with the help of rims that are slightly lowered by a short skirt. This can lead to sexual euphoria comparable to “long-distance sex.” Such emotions can be caused by a bare stomach or a piercing navel.

And finally, the taste. Of course, if you are going to excite a girl with a kiss, you should not eat hot and spicy food before the meeting, which will leave you in the mouth. unpleasant odors. The strong smell of alcohol also repels women, so don’t drink too much before a date. But the light taste of good wine or fruit will give your kiss a special, piquant taste that can excite a girl and be remembered for a long time.
As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to excite a girl. If you simultaneously influence all five senses of your chosen one, the question “” will forever cease to worry you, because all your actions will be initially aimed at winning.

Most women try to figure out how to excite their husband at home, since there are no other places for intimacy. And the most important thing in this matter is to create the right mood. Especially if there are children in the house.

Of course, it would be great how to quickly get aroused at home if every sex always ended in orgasm. ... In addition, in order to excite a girl, a man must know how to learn how to quickly become aroused himself.

What can turn a girl on? In some cases, a man strives to properly prepare for upcoming intimacy. ... How to learn to dance at home? What is needed for full training? Who really built the Chinese Wall? We tease a man to increase his arousal. " Smishock.com. How to prepare your skin for the New Year in just 10 days? - Men Expert. ... - Charm Lady Magazine. How you can excite yourself - Sergts.Ru. Parents are at home and what do you think - Era.

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How can a girl excite herself at home? The combination of Cialis or any other drug with large amounts of alcohol is highly not recommended. How to excite. Exciting a girl is not the easiest task. take care of yourself. . ... If you study yourself. everything to do in the yard of your house? . how to excite yourself. For centuries of caresses, before making love.