What will happen after death is the proof. Life after death - myth or reality? Unknown

05.07.2019 Style and fashion

It is believed that the human soul is a bundle of energy. And if we consider energy from the point of view of physics, then it cannot appear out of nowhere and disappear without a trace. Energy must move to another state. It turns out that the soul does not disappear into nowhere. So maybe this law answers the question that has tormented humanity for many centuries: is there life after death?

The Hindu Vedas say that every living creature has two bodies: subtle and gross, and the interaction between them occurs only thanks to the soul. And so, when the gross (that is, physical) body wears out, the soul passes into the subtle, therefore the gross dies, and the subtle seeks something new for itself. Therefore, rebirth occurs.

But sometimes it happens that the physical body seems to have died, but some of its fragments continue to live. Visual illustration this phenomenon - the mummies of monks. Several of these exist in Tibet.

It's hard to believe, but, firstly, their bodies do not decompose, and, secondly, their hair and nails grow! Although, of course, there are no signs of breathing or heartbeat. It turns out that there is life in the mummy? But modern technology cannot capture these processes. But the energy-information field can be measured. And in such mummies it is many times higher than in an ordinary person. So the soul is still alive? How to explain this?

The rector of the International Institute of Social Ecology, Vyacheslav Gubanov, divides death into three types:

In his opinion, a person is a combination of three elements: Spirit, Personality and physical body. If everything is clear about the body, then questions arise about the first two components.

Spirit– a subtle material object, which is presented on the causal plane of the existence of matter. That is, it is a certain substance that moves the physical body in order to perform certain karmic tasks, gain the necessary experience.

Personality– formation on the mental plane of existence of matter, which realizes free will. In other words, this is a complex of psychological qualities of our character.

When the physical body dies, consciousness, according to the scientist, is simply transferred to a higher level of existence of matter. It turns out that this is life after death. People who managed to move to the level of the Spirit for some time and then returned to their physical body exist. These are the ones who survived " clinical death"or to whom.

Real facts: how do people feel after leaving for another world?

Sam Parnia, a doctor from an English hospital, decided to conduct an experiment to find out how a person feels after death. On his instructions, in some operating rooms, several boards with color pictures painted on them were hung from the ceiling. And every time a patient’s heart, breathing and pulse stopped, and then they managed to bring him back to life, the doctors recorded all his sensations.

One of the participants in this experiment, a housewife from Southampton, said the following:

“I lost consciousness in one of the stores and went there to buy groceries. I woke up during the operation, but realized that I was floating above my own body. Doctors were crowded there, doing something, talking among themselves.

I looked to the right and saw a hospital corridor. My cousin was standing there talking on the phone. I heard him telling someone that I had bought too many groceries and the bags were so heavy that my aching heart could not stand it. When I woke up and my brother came to me, I told him what I had heard. He immediately turned pale and confirmed that he had spoken about this while I was unconscious.”

In the first seconds, slightly less than half of the patients perfectly remembered what happened to them when they were unconscious. But what’s surprising is that none of them saw the drawings! But the patients said that during the “clinical death” there was no pain at all, but they were immersed in calm and bliss. At some point they would come to the end of a tunnel or a gate where they would have to decide whether to cross that line or go back.

But how do you understand where this line is? And when does the soul pass from the physical body to the spiritual? Our compatriot, Doctor of Technical Sciences Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov, tried to answer this question.

He conducted an incredible experiment. Its essence was to examine the bodies of recently deceased people using Kirlian photographs. The deceased's hand was photographed every hour in a gas-discharge flash. Then the data was transferred to a computer, and analysis was carried out there according to the necessary indicators. This shooting took place over three to five days. The age, gender of the deceased and the manner of death were very different. As a result, all data was divided into three types:

  • The amplitude of the oscillation was very small;
  • The same, only with a pronounced peak;
  • Large amplitude with long oscillations.

And oddly enough, each type of death was matched by only one type of data obtained. If we correlate the nature of death and the amplitude of oscillations of the curves, it turns out that:

  • the first type corresponds to the natural death of an elderly person;
  • the second is accidental death as a result of an accident;
  • the third is unexpected death or suicide.

But what struck Korotkov most of all was that he photographed dead people, but there were still hesitations for some time! But this corresponds only to a living organism! It turns out that instruments showed vital activity according to all physical data of the deceased person.

The oscillation time was also divided into three groups:

  • In case of natural death – from 16 to 55 hours;
  • In case of accidental death, a visible jump occurs either after eight hours or at the end of the first day, and after two days the fluctuations disappear.
  • In case of unexpected death, the amplitude becomes smaller only at the end of the first day, and completely disappears at the end of the second. In addition, it was noticed that the most intense surges are observed in the period from nine in the evening to two or three in the morning.

Summarizing Korotkov's experiment, we can conclude that, indeed, even a physically dead body without breathing and heartbeat is not dead - astrally.

It’s not for nothing that in many traditional religions there is a certain period of time. In Christianity, for example, these are nine and forty days. But what does the soul do at this time? Here we can only guess. Perhaps she is traveling between two worlds, or her future fate is being decided. It is probably not for nothing that there is a ritual of funeral service and prayer for the soul of the deceased. People believe that a dead person must be spoken of either well or not at all. Most likely, our kind words help the soul make the difficult transition from the physical to the spiritual body.

By the way, the same Korotkov tells several more amazing facts. Every night he went down to the morgue to take the necessary measurements. And the first time he came there, it immediately seemed to him that someone was watching him. The scientist looked around, but saw no one. He never considered himself a coward, but at that moment it became truly scary.

Konstantin Georgievich felt a gaze on him, but there was no one in the room except him and the deceased! Then he decided to find out where this invisible someone was. He took steps around the room, and finally determined that the entity was located not far from the body of the deceased. The following nights were also scary, but Korotkov still curbed his emotions. He also said that, surprisingly, he got tired quite quickly during such measurements. Although during the day this work was not tiring for him. It felt like someone was sucking the energy out of him.

But what happens to the soul after it finally leaves the physical body? It is worth citing the story of another eyewitness here. Sandra Ayling works as a nurse in Plymouth. One day she was watching TV at home and suddenly felt a squeezing pain in her chest. It later turned out that she had a blockage in her blood vessels and could have died. This is what Sandra said about her feelings at that moment:

“It seemed to me that I was flying at great speed through a vertical tunnel. Looking back, I saw great amount faces, only they were distorted into disgusting grimaces. I felt scared, but soon I flew past them, they were left behind. I flew towards the light, but still could not reach it. It was as if he was moving away from me more and more.

Suddenly, at one moment, it seemed to me that all the pain had gone away. I felt good and calm, a feeling of peace came over me. True, this did not last long. At one point, I suddenly felt my own body and returned to reality. I was taken to the hospital, but I kept thinking about the sensations that I experienced. The scary faces I saw were probably hell, but the light and feeling of bliss were heaven.”

But then how can one explain the theory of reincarnation? It has existed for many millennia.

Reincarnation is the rebirth of the soul in a new physical body. This process was described in detail by the famous psychiatrist Ian Stevenson.

He studied more than two thousand cases of reincarnation and came to the conclusion that a person in his new incarnation will have the same physical and physiological characteristics as in the past. For example, warts, scars, freckles. Even burring and stuttering can be carried through several reincarnations.

Stevenson chose hypnosis in order to find out what happened to his patients in past lives. One boy had a strange scar on his head. Thanks to hypnosis, he remembered that in a previous life his head was broken with an ax. Based on his descriptions, Stevenson went to look for people who might know about this boy in his past life. And luck smiled at him. But imagine the scientist’s surprise when he learned that, in fact, in the place that the boy pointed out to him, a man had previously lived. And he died precisely from an ax blow.

Another participant in the experiment was born with almost no fingers. Once again Stevenson put him under hypnosis. This is how he learned that in a previous incarnation a person was injured while working in the field. The psychiatrist found people who confirmed to him that there was a man who accidentally stuck his hand in a combine harvester and his fingers were cut off.

So how can you understand whether the soul, after the death of the physical body, will go to heaven or hell, or will be reborn? E. Barker proposes his theory in the book “Letters from a Living Deceased.” He compares the physical body of a person with a shitik (dragonfly larva), and the spiritual body with the dragonfly itself. According to the researcher, the physical body walks on the ground, like a larva along the bottom of a reservoir, and the subtle body hovers in the air like a dragonfly.

If a person has “worked out” all the necessary tasks in his physical body (shitik), then he “turns” into a dragonfly and receives a new list, only for more high level, level of matter. If he has not completed the previous tasks, then reincarnation occurs, and the person is reborn in another physical body.

At the same time, the soul retains memories of all its past lives and transfers mistakes to a new one. Therefore, in order to understand why certain failures occur, people go to hypnotists who help them remember what happened in those past lives. Thanks to this, people begin to take a more conscious approach to their actions and avoid old mistakes.

Perhaps, after death, one of us will go to the next, spiritual level, and there will solve some extraterrestrial problems. Others will be reborn and become human again. Only in a different time and physical body.

In any case, I want to believe that there is something else there, beyond the line. Some other life, about which we can now only build hypotheses and assumptions, explore it and conduct various experiments.

But still, the main thing is not to dwell on this issue, but to simply live. Here and now. And then death will no longer seem like a scary old woman with a scythe.

Death will come to everyone, it is impossible to escape from it, this is the law of nature. But we have the power to make this life bright, memorable and full of only positive memories.

Imagine that right now you were given evidence of life after death, how your reality could change... Read and think. There is enough information for thought.

In the article:

Religion's point of view on the afterlife

Life after death... It sounds like an oxymoron, death is the end of life. Humanity has been haunted by the idea that the biological death of the body is not the end of human existence. What remains after the death of the camp, different nations Different periods of history had their own views, which also had common features.

Representations of tribal peoples

We cannot say for sure what views our prehistoric ancestors held; anthropologists have collected a sufficient number of observations of modern tribes, whose way of life has changed since Neolithic times. It is worth drawing some conclusions. During the period of physical death, the soul of the deceased leaves the body and replenishes the host of ancestral spirits.

There were also spirits of animals, trees, and stones. Man was not fundamentally separated from the surrounding universe. There was no place for the eternal rest of the spirits - they continued to live in that harmony, observing the living, assisting them in their affairs and helping them with advice through shaman intermediaries.

The deceased ancestors provided assistance disinterestedly: the aborigines, ignorant of commodity-money relations, did not tolerate them in communicating with the world of spirits - the latter were content with respect.


Thanks to the missionary activities of its adherents, it swept the universe. The denominations agreed that after death a person goes either to Hell, where a loving God will punish him forever, or to Heaven, where there is constant happiness and grace. Christianity is an independent topic, you can read more about afterlife.


Judaism, from which Christianity “grew,” has no considerations about life after death, the facts are not presented, because no one returned back.

The Old Testament was interpreted by the Pharisees, that there is an afterlife and reward, and by the Sadducees, who were confident that everything ends with death. Quote from the Bible “...a living dog is better than a dead lion” Ek. 9.4. The book of Ecclesiastes was written by a Sadducee who did not believe in an afterlife.


Judaism is one of the Abrahamic religions. Whether there is life after death has been clearly defined - yes. Muslims go to Heaven, the rest go to Hell together. No appeals.


World religion on earth tells a lot about the afterlife. According to beliefs, after physical death, people go either to heavenly realms, where life is better and longer than on Earth, or to hellish planets, where everything is worse.

One thing is good: unlike Christianity, you can return to Earth from the hellish realms for exemplary behavior, and from the heavenly realms you can fall again if something goes wrong for you. There is no eternal sentence to hell.


Religion - from Hinduism. Buddhists believe that until you receive enlightenment on earth and merge with the Absolute, the series of births and deaths is endless and is called “”.

Life on earth is sheer suffering, man is overwhelmed by his endless desires, and failure to fulfill them makes him unhappy. Give up thirst and you are free. It's right.

Mummies of Eastern monks

“Living” 200-year-old mummy of a Tibetan monk from Ulaanbaatar

The phenomenon was discovered by scientists in southeast Asia, and today it is one of the proofs, indirectly, that a person still lives after turning off all functions of the camp.

The bodies of eastern monks were not buried, but mummified. Not like the pharaohs in Egypt, but in natural conditions, created thanks to moist air with above-zero temperatures. They still have hair and nails growing for some time. If in the corpse of an ordinary person this phenomenon is explained by the drying out of the shell and the visual lengthening of the nail plates, then in mummies they actually grow back.

The energy-information field, which is measured by a thermometer, thermal imager, UHF receiver and other modern devices, is three or four times greater in these mummies than in the average person. Scientists call this energy the noosphere, which allows mummies to remain intact and maintain contact with the earth's information field.

Scientific evidence of life after death

If religious fanatics or simply believers do not question what is written in the doctrine, modern people with critical thinking doubt the truth of the theories. When the hour of death approaches, a person is seized by a trembling fear of the unknown, and this stimulates curiosity and a desire to find out what awaits us beyond the boundaries of the material world.

Scientists have found that death is a phenomenon characterized by a number of obvious factors:

  • lack of heartbeat;
  • cessation of any mental processes in the brain;
  • stopping bleeding and blood clotting;
  • some time after death, the body begins to numb and decompose, and what remains of it is a light, empty and dry shell.

Duncan McDougall

An American researcher named Duncan McDougall carried out an experiment at the beginning of the 20th century where he found that the weight of the human body after death decreases by 21 grams. Calculations allowed him to conclude that the difference in mass - the weight of the soul leaves the body after death. The theory has been criticized, this is one of the works to find evidence for it.

Researchers have found that the soul has physical weight!

The idea of ​​what awaits us is surrounded by many myths and hoaxes that are created by charlatans posing as scientists. It is difficult to figure out what is fact or fiction; confident theories can be questioned due to lack of evidence.

Scientists continue their search and introduce people to new research and experiments.

Ian Stevenson

Canadian-American biochemist and psychiatrist, author of the work “Twenty Cases of Alleged Reincarnation,” Ian Stevenson conducted an experiment: he analyzed the stories of more than 2 thousand people who claimed to store memories from past lives.

The biochemist expressed the theory that a person simultaneously exists on two levels of existence - gross or physical, earthly, and subtle, that is, spiritual, immaterial. Leaving a body that is worn out and unsuitable for further existence, the soul goes in search of a new one. The end result of this journey is the birth of a person on Earth.

Ian Stevenson

Researchers have found that every life lived leaves imprints in the form of moles, scars discovered after the birth of a child, physical and mental deformations. The theory is reminiscent of the Buddhist one: when dying, the soul is reincarnated in another body, with already accumulated experience.

The psychiatrist worked with the subconscious of people: in the group they studied there were children who were born with defects. Putting his charges into a trance state, he tried to get any information proving that the soul living in this body had found refuge before. One of the boys, in a state of hypnosis, told Stevenson that he had been hacked to death with an ax and dictated the approximate address of his past family. Arriving at the indicated place, the scientist found people, one of the members of whose house was actually killed with an ax to the head. The wound was reflected on the new body in the form of a growth on the back of the head.

The materials of Professor Stevenson's work give many reasons to believe that the fact of reincarnation has indeed been scientifically proven, that the feeling of “déjà vu” is a memory from a past life, given to us by the subconscious.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

K. E. Tsiolkovsky

The first attempt by Russian researchers to determine such a component human life, like the soul, were the studies of the famous scientist K. E. Tsiolkovsky.

According to the theory, there cannot be absolute death in the universe by definition, and clots of energy called the soul consist of indivisible atoms endlessly wandering throughout the vast Universe.

Clinical death

Many consider the fact of clinical death to be modern evidence of life after death - a condition experienced by people, often on the operating table. This topic was popularized in the 70s of the 20th century by Dr. Raymond Moody, who published a book called “Life after Death.”

The descriptions of most of the respondents agree:

  • about 31% felt flying through the tunnel;
  • 29% - saw a starry landscape;
  • 24% observed their own body in an unconscious state, lying on the couch, described the real actions of doctors at this moment;
  • 23% of patients were attracted by the alluring bright light;
  • 13% of people during clinical death watched episodes from life like a movie;
  • another 8% saw the border between two worlds - the dead and the living, and some - their own deceased relatives.

Among the respondents were people who were blind from birth. And the testimony is similar to the stories of sighted people. Skeptics explain the visions as oxygen deprivation of the brain and fantasy.

Human nature will never be able to accept the fact that immortality is impossible. Moreover, the immortality of the soul is an indisputable fact for many. And more recently, scientists have discovered evidence that physical death is not the absolute end of human existence and that there is still something beyond the boundaries of life.

One can imagine how such a discovery delighted people. After all, death, like birth, is the most mysterious and unknown state of a person. There are a lot of questions associated with them. For example, why a person is born and starts life from scratch, why he dies, etc.

A person throughout his entire adult life has been trying to deceive fate in order to prolong his existence in this world. Humanity is trying to calculate the formula for immortality in order to understand whether the words “death” and “end” are synonymous.

However, recent research has brought science and religion into one: death is not the end. After all, only beyond life can a person discover new uniform being. Moreover, scientists are sure that every person can remember his past life. And this means that death is not the end, and there, beyond the line, there is another life. Unknown to humanity, but life.

However, if the transmigration of souls exists, it means that a person must remember not only all his previous lives, but also death, while not everyone can survive this experience.

The phenomenon of the transfer of consciousness from one physical shell to another has been exciting the minds of mankind for many centuries. The first mentions of reincarnation are found in the Vedas - the most ancient scriptures Hinduism.

According to the Vedas, any living being resides in two material bodies - the gross and the subtle. And they function only due to the presence of the soul in them. When the gross body finally wears out and becomes unusable, the soul leaves it in another - the subtle body. This is death. And when the soul finds a new physical body that is suitable for its mentality, the miracle of birth occurs.

The transition from one body to another, moreover, the transfer of the same physical defects from one life to another, was described in detail by the famous psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. He began studying the mysterious experience of reincarnation back in the sixties of the last century. Stevenson analyzed more than two thousand cases of unique reincarnation in different parts of the planet. While conducting research, the scientist came to a sensational conclusion. It turns out that those who have survived reincarnation will have the same defects in their new incarnations as they had in their previous life. These could be scars or moles, stuttering or another defect.

Incredibly, the scientist’s conclusions can only mean one thing: after death, everyone is destined to be born again, but in a different time. Moreover, a third of the children Stevenson studied had birth defects. Thus, a boy with a rough growth on the back of his head, under hypnosis, remembered that in a past life he was hacked to death with an ax. Stevenson found a family where a man who had been killed with an ax actually once lived. And the nature of his wound was like a pattern for a scar on the boy’s head.

Another child, who seemed to have been born with chopped off fingers, said that he was injured during field work. And again there were people who confirmed to Stevenson that one day a man died in a field from loss of blood when his fingers got caught in a threshing machine.

Thanks to the research of Professor Stevenson, supporters of the theory of transmigration of souls consider reincarnation to be a scientifically proven fact. Moreover, they claim that almost every person is able to view their past lives even in their sleep.

And the state of déjà vu, when suddenly there is a feeling that somewhere this has already happened to a person, may well be a flash of memory of previous lives.

First scientific explanation Tsiolkovsky gave the idea that life does not end with the physical death of a person. He argued that absolute death is impossible because the Universe is alive. And Tsiolkovsky described the souls that left their corruptible bodies as indivisible atoms wandering throughout the Universe. This was the first scientific theory about the immortality of the soul, according to which the death of the physical body does not mean the complete disappearance of the consciousness of the deceased person.

But modern science Mere belief in the immortality of the soul is, of course, not enough. Humanity still does not agree that physical death is invincible, and is strenuously looking for weapons against it.

Proof of life after death for some scientists is the unique experiment of cryonics, where the human body is frozen and kept in liquid nitrogen until techniques are found to restore any damaged cells and tissues in the body. And recent research by scientists proves that such technologies have already been found, although only a small part of these developments is publicly available. The results of the main studies are kept confidential. One could only dream of such technologies ten years ago.

Today, science can already freeze a person in order to revive him at the right moment, creates a controlled model of a robot-Avatar, but he still has no idea how to resettle a soul. This means that at one point humanity may face a huge problem - the creation of soulless machines that will never be able to replace humans. Therefore, today, scientists are sure, cryonics is the only method for the revival of the human race.

In Russia, only three people used it. They are frozen and awaiting the future, eighteen more have signed a contract for cryopreservation after death.

Scientists began to think that the death of a living organism can be prevented by freezing several centuries ago. The first scientific experiments on freezing animals were carried out back in the seventeenth century, but only three hundred years later, in 1962, the American physicist Robert Ettinger finally promised people what they had dreamed of throughout human history - immortality.

The professor proposed freezing people immediately after death and storing them in this state until science finds a way to resurrect the dead. Then the frozen ones can be thawed and revived. According to scientists, a person will retain absolutely everything, it will still be the same person who was before death. And the same thing will happen to his soul that happens to it in the hospital when the patient is resuscitated.

All that remains is to decide what age to enter in the new citizen’s passport. After all, resurrection can occur either after twenty or after a hundred or two hundred years.

The famous geneticist Gennady Berdyshev suggests that the development of such technologies will take another fifty years. But the scientist has no doubt that immortality is a reality.

Today Gennady Berdyshev has built a pyramid at his dacha, an exact copy of the Egyptian one, but from logs, in which he is going to lose his years. According to Berdyshev, the pyramid is a unique hospital where time stops. Its proportions are strictly calculated according to the ancient formula. Gennady Dmitrievich assures: it is enough to spend fifteen minutes a day inside such a pyramid, and the years will begin to count down.

But the pyramid is not the only ingredient in this eminent scientist’s recipe for longevity. He knows, if not everything, then almost everything about the secrets of youth. Back in 1977, he became one of the initiators of the opening of the Institute of Juvenology in Moscow. Gennady Dmitrievich led a group of Korean doctors who rejuvenated Kim Il Sung. He was even able to extend the life of the Korean leader to ninety-two years.

Just a few centuries ago, life expectancy on Earth, for example in Europe, did not exceed forty years. Modern man the average lifespan is sixty to seventy years, but even this time is catastrophically short. And recently, the opinions of scientists converge: the biological program for a person is to live at least one hundred and twenty years. In this case, it turns out that humanity simply does not live to reach its true old age.

Some experts are confident that the processes occurring in the body at the age of seventy are premature old age. Russian scientists were the first in the world to develop a unique medicine that prolongs life to one hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty years, which means it cures old age. The peptide bioregulators contained in the medicine restore damaged areas of cells, and biological age person increases.

As reincarnation psychologists and therapists say, a person’s lived life is connected with his death. For example, a person who does not believe in God and leads a completely “earthly” life, which means he is afraid of death, most of does not realize that he is dying, and after death he finds himself in a “gray space”.

At the same time, the soul retains the memory of all its past incarnations. And this experience leaves its mark on a new life. And training on memories from past lives helps to understand the causes of failures, problems and illnesses that people often cannot cope with on their own. Experts say that after seeing their mistakes in past lives, people in their present lives begin to be more conscious of their decisions.

Visions from a past life prove that there is a huge information field in the Universe. After all, the law of conservation of energy says that nothing in life disappears anywhere or appears from nothing, but only passes from one state to another.

This means that after death, each of us turns into something like a clot of energy, carrying all the information about past incarnations, which is then again embodied in a new form of life.

And it is quite possible that someday we will be born in another time and in another space. And remembering your past life is useful not only to remember past problems, but also to think about your purpose.

Death is still stronger than life, but under the pressure of scientific developments its defenses are weakening. And who knows, the time may come when death will open the way for us to another - eternal life.

Thanks to the progress of medicine, resuscitation of the dead has become almost standard procedure in many modern hospitals. Previously, it was almost never used.

In this article we will not cite real cases from the practice of resuscitators and stories of those who themselves experienced clinical death, since a lot of such descriptions can be found in books such as:

  • "Closer to the Light" (
  • Life after life (
  • "Memories of Death" (
  • "Life Near Death" (
  • "Beyond the threshold of death" (

The purpose of this material is to classify what people who visited the afterlife and a presentation of what they told in an understandable form as evidence of the existence of life after death.

What happens after a person dies

“He’s dying” is often the first thing a person hears at the moment of clinical death. What happens after a person dies? First, the patient feels that he is leaving the body and a second later he looks down at himself floating under the ceiling.

At this moment, a person sees himself from the outside for the first time and experiences a huge shock. In a panic, he tries to attract attention to himself, scream, touch the doctor, move objects, but as a rule, all his attempts are in vain. No one sees or hears him.

After some time, the person realizes that all his senses remain functional, despite the fact that his physical body is dead. Moreover, the patient experiences an indescribable lightness that he has never experienced before. This feeling is so wonderful that the dying person no longer wants to return back to the body.

Some, after the above, return to the body, and this is where their excursion into the afterlife ends; on the contrary, someone manages to get into a certain tunnel, at the end of which light is visible. Having passed through a kind of gate, they see a world of great beauty.

Some are met by family and friends, some meet a bright being from whom great love and understanding emanates. Some are sure that this is Jesus Christ, others claim that this is a guardian angel. But everyone agrees that he is full of kindness and compassion.

Of course, not everyone manages to admire the beauty and enjoy the bliss afterlife. Some people say that they found themselves in dark places and, upon returning, describe the disgusting and cruel creatures they saw.


Those who returned from the “other world” often say that at some point they saw their whole life in full view. Their every action, seemingly random phrase, and even thoughts flashed before them as if in reality. At this moment, the man reconsidered his entire life.

At that moment there were no such concepts as social status, hypocrisy, or pride. All the masks of the mortal world were dropped and the person was presented to the court as if naked. He couldn't hide anything. Each of his bad deeds was depicted in great detail and shown how he affected those around him and those who were caused pain and suffering by such behavior.

At this time, all the advantages achieved in life - social and economic status, diplomas, titles, etc. - lose their meaning. The only thing that can be assessed is the moral side of actions. At this moment, a person realizes that nothing is erased or passes without a trace, but everything, even every thought, has consequences.

For evil and cruel people, this will truly be the beginning of unbearable internal torment, so-called, from which it is impossible to escape. The consciousness of the evil done, the crippled souls of oneself and others, becomes for such people like an “unquenchable fire” from which there is no way out. It is this kind of trial of actions that is called ordeal in the Christian religion.


Having crossed the line, a person, despite the fact that all senses remain the same, begins to feel everything around him in a completely new way. It’s as if his sensations are starting to work one hundred percent. The range of feelings and experiences is so wide that those who returned simply cannot explain in words everything that they felt there.

From the more earthly and familiar to us in perception, this is time and distance, which, according to those who have visited the afterlife, flows there completely differently.

People who have experienced clinical death often find it difficult to answer how long their post-mortem state lasted. A few minutes, or a few thousand years, it made no difference to them.

As for the distance, it was completely absent. A person could be transported to any point, to any distance just by thinking about it, that is, by the power of thought!

Another surprising thing is that not all of those reanimated describe places similar to heaven and hell. The descriptions of the places of individual individuals are simply amazing. They are sure that they have been on other planets or in other dimensions and this seems to be true.

Judge for yourself word forms like hilly meadows; bright greenery of a color that does not exist on earth; fields bathed in a wonderful golden light; cities beyond words; animals that you will not find anywhere else - all this does not apply to the descriptions of hell and heaven. People who visited there did not find the right words to clearly convey their impressions.

What does the soul look like?

In what form do the dead appear to others and how do they look in their own eyes? This question interests many, and fortunately, those who have been abroad gave us the answer.

Those who were aware of their exit from the body say that at first it was not easy for them to recognize themselves. First of all, the imprint of age disappears: children see themselves as adults, and old people see themselves as young.

The body is also transformed. If a person had any injuries or injuries during life, then after death they disappear. Amputated limbs appear, hearing and vision return if it was previously absent from the physical body.

Meetings after death

Those who have been on the other side of the “veil” often say that they met there with their deceased relatives, friends and acquaintances. Most often, people see those with whom they were close during life or were related.

Such visions cannot be considered the rule; rather, they are exceptions that do not occur very often. Usually such meetings act as an edification to those who are too early to die and who must return to earth and change their lives.

Sometimes people see what they expected to see. Christians see angels, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, saints. Non-religious people see some temples, figures in white or young men, and sometimes they see nothing, but they feel a “presence”.

Communication of souls

Many reanimated people claim that something or someone communicated with them there. When they are asked to tell what the conversation was about, they find it difficult to answer. This happens due to a language unknown to them, or rather inarticulate speech.

For a long time, doctors could not explain why people did not remember or could not convey what they heard and considered it just hallucinations, but over time, some who returned were still able to explain the mechanism of communication.

It turned out that people communicate there mentally! Therefore, if in that world all thoughts are “audible,” then we need to learn here to control our thoughts so that there we are not ashamed of what we involuntarily thought.

Cross the line

Almost everyone who has experienced afterlife and remembers it, talks about a certain barrier that separates the world of the living and the dead. Having crossed to the other side, a person will never be able to return to life, and every soul knows this, even though no one told her about it.

This limit is different for everyone. Some see a fence or lattice on the border of a field, others see the shore of a lake or sea, and others see it as a gate, a stream or a cloud. The difference in descriptions arises, again, from subjective perception everyone.

Having read all of the above, only an inveterate skeptic and materialist can say that afterlife this is fiction. For a long time, many doctors and scientists denied not only the existence of hell and heaven, but also completely excluded the possibility of the existence of an afterlife.

The testimony of eyewitnesses who experienced this condition themselves drove into a dead end all scientific theories that denied life after death. Of course, today there are a number of scientists who still consider all the testimony of those reanimated to be hallucinations, but no evidence will help such a person until he himself begins the journey to eternity.

1.For 3 days after a person’s death, enzymes remaining in the body contribute to decomposition.

2. Abraham Lincoln's body was reburied 17 times after his death.

3. People who hanged themselves most often experience a post-mortem erection.

4. A person’s head continues to live for about 20 seconds after death.

5. In 1907, Dr. Duncan McDougal conducted an experiment in which he had to weigh a person “before” and “after” his death. After death, a person loses weight.

6. The real facts of life after death say that people with large fat deposits turn into soap after death.

7. Moritz Rawlings wrote the book “Beyond the Threshold of Death.”

8. According to scientists, a person who was buried alive will die after 5.5 hours.

9. After death, a person’s nails and hair do not grow.

10. Many people have visited another world when they were in a state of clinical death.

11.Children see only good things in clinical death.

12.Adults who experienced clinical death saw monsters and demons.

13. In Madagascar, after the death of a person, relatives dig up the remains of the deceased. This is necessary in order to dance with the deceased during a ritual ceremony called Famadikhana.

14.American scientist Michael Newton used hypnosis to awaken memories of a past life in people.

15. When a person dies, he is reborn in another body.

16.When a person dies, hearing is the last thing to go.

17. In the south-eastern part of Asia there are still mummies whose nails and hair continue to grow.

18. Reliable facts about life after death indicate that psychologist Raymond Moody managed to write the book “Life after Death.”

19. Many peoples have a ban on pronouncing the name of the deceased after his death.

20. Information in the human brain does not die after death, but is stored. This fact confirms life after death: what facts are known for sure remains a great mystery.

21.Residents of China believe that after death they go to the underworld.

22.After the death of a person, his body undergoes various changes in all parts.

23. Coconuts kill more people than sharks.

24. In France, if desired, people can officially marry the deceased. This is permitted by law.

25. Many animals can pretend to be dead to escape from a predator.

26.9 women out of 10 are able to remember their past lives within an hour.

27. In a Norwegian town called Longyearbyen, it is forbidden by law to die. If a person dies in this city, he will not be buried there.

28.Blind people are able to “see” what will happen to them after death.

29. On the territory of Ancient Rome, lemurs were the name of the dead who died and did not return to the world of the living.

30. South Koreans believe in the myth that a person dies while in a dark room with a fan.

31. It takes about 15 years for the decomposition of a dead human body.

32.After death, a person remains the same as he was before: his qualities, intelligence and abilities do not change.

33.After the death of a person, the cerebral cortex continues to receive blood from the vessels, which continue to work until biological death occurs.

34.During his earthly life, a person creates a bed for himself on which he will have to sleep after death.

35.After death, adults see themselves as children, and children, on the contrary, as adults.

36. If a person had any injuries or damage during life, then after death they disappear.

37.After death, a person’s consciousness takes on completely different forms, while maintaining its essence.

38.Professor Voino-Yasenetsky believes that inside the world we see, another world is hidden - the afterlife.

39. There is no longer a person in a deceased person. Life after death speaks about this. Facts about this philosophical theme you can read without stopping.

40. Archpriest Paul believes that earthly life is a preparation for life after death. The human body is destroyed, but the soul continues to live.

41.Life continues in a person’s body after his death, but consciousness has nothing to do with this.

42.After death, gas pressure in the body increases.

43. Vanga claimed that there is an afterlife. According to her assumptions, after death the dead begin new life, and their souls are among us.

44.N.P. Bekhtereva said that after the death of her husband, his ghost appeared not only at night, but also during the day.

45. The facts of life after death claim that after death only good souls return to Earth.

46.The Egyptians believed that the afterlife was almost identical to the real one.

47. Things were placed in the tomb of the dead pharaoh so that they would be useful in the afterlife.

48.Sometimes dead people come back to life.

49.After death, a person’s state does not become inactive and boring peace, but appears in the form of a harmonious and complete satisfaction of all needs. This once again proves life after death, the facts about which are interesting to everyone.

50. Suicides, when they commit suicide, believe that “they will end everything,” but in the afterlife for them everything is just beginning.