Quotes about the body.  Body - aphorisms, catchphrases, phrases, sayings

12.07.2019 Psychology

In front of you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about soul and body. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the conversational genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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The main organ of the human body, the unshakable foundation on which the soul rests, is the wallet.
Thomas Carlyle.

There is a regime for the soul, just as there is a regime for the body: you must be able to obey it.
Peter Chadayev.

A person consists of a body, soul and passport.

Probably everyone would like to be resurrected at least one rank higher.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Just so that the flies don't find out about it.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Take care of your body! The soul is still immortal.

My soul is a convinced Catholic, but my stomach, alas, is a Protestant.
Erasmus of Rotterdam, in response to the reproach that he broke his fast during Lent.

Do you remember what happened to you in the first year of your life? “I don’t remember,” you say. - Well, what’s surprising is that you don’t remember what happened to you before you were born.
Peter Chadayev.

God, save me from physical torment, I can somehow cope with mental torment myself!
Alfred Capus.

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit living in you, which you have from God, and you are not your own.
Apostle Paul - 1st letter to the Corinthians, 6, 19.

Adam and Eve laid the foundation for the mass production of the human body, but Abel and Cain - souls.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

We need to live longer. And more often.
Kazimierz Slomiński.

Man is a soul burdened with a corpse.

To get started new life from Monday, we must live until the Resurrection.
Boris Krutier.

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but fear more than that, who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.
Gospel of Matthew, 10, 28.

We have so many words for states of the soul, and so few for states of the body.
Jeanne Moreau.

If you look for the soul of a woman first of all, then in some you will certainly find the body.
Jozef Maciejewski.

What is death? It's either the end or relocation. I'm not afraid to stop being - because it's the same as not being at all; I’m not afraid to move - after all, I won’t be in such cramped conditions anywhere.

All a person’s labors are for his mouth, but his soul is not satisfied.
Ecclesiastes, 6, 7.

When you read the epitaphs, it seems that you can save the world only by resurrecting the dead and burying the living.
Paul Eldridge.

Where does harmony come from between soul and body if the soul is always ready to save itself at the cost of the body?
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

I have gone through the samsara of many births. Being born again and again is sad.

Does it have astral body soul.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

: Action and inaction, both can be combined in you: may your body be in motion, your mind at rest, and your soul transparent and bright, like a mountain lake.

Benjamin Franklin :
A person lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This is equally true for the mind and the body.
Jean Paul Marat:
Every person owes the character of his psyche to the structure of his body.
Jan Amos Comenius:
The tree also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment with the help of winds, rains, and cold weather, otherwise it easily weakens and withers. In the same way, the human body generally requires strong movements, activities and serious exercise.
Mental anguish is difficult to endure if a person does not overcome physical weakness.
Marlene Dietrich :
Truly beautiful breasts are unshakable in their firmness.
Marlene Dietrich :
My legs are not that beautiful, I just know what to do with them.
He who is strong in body can endure both heat and cold. So, someone who is mentally healthy is able to endure anger, grief, joy and other feelings.
La Rochefoucauld:
Grace is to the body what common sense is to the mind.
Thales of Miletus:
The bliss of the body is health, the bliss of the mind is knowledge.
K.G. Paustovsky:
If people have a physique, then I have a body subtraction.
Irina Shayk:
What is valuable to the body is also valuable to the mind.
Marilyn Monroe :
The body is meant to be seen, not hidden.
Ignatius of Loyola:
We should always be suspicious of the explanations we hear from the body, because it is accustomed to justify its avoidance of working on itself through its weakness.
Natalie Portman :
It always seemed to me that hands are the most beautiful and expressive part of the body.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
The spirit has its own needs, just like the body.
The body is our veil in this world: we are like the sea hidden under a straw.
Doesn’t the soul grow with the body, doesn’t it mature and strengthen with it, doesn’t it wither and grow dull?
Richard Bach :
If your body exactly corresponds to your ideas, and your ideas boil down to the fact that the state of the body does not depend in any way on time and is determined internally, then you will never be embarrassed that you feel younger than your age, and will not be scared that you are too old
The brain is the most complex thing in the human body. But the brain would be imperfect if a person were missing at least one part of the body - for example, a foot. Just as the foot would be incomplete without the brain.

These days, beauty has become just a matter of putting on the right makeup.

Female beauty is selective and behaves differently with everyone: it kindles passion in a lover, but only instills fear in a husband.

How are ideas of beauty formed? Each of us subconsciously associates the features of a woman’s face with character traits that we love.

Physical beauty is insignificant; without spiritual charm, it can only awaken in us disgust and shame. At the same time, a pure, bright soul leaves even an inconspicuous body with an imprint of light, awakening the warmest feelings when looking at it.

In my opinion, calling a woman elegant is insulting her, because elegance and beauty are incompatible.

For men to chase a woman, she must be beautiful. To accept their attention is stupid.

In my life I have been surrounded by the love of the most beautiful ladies. Why the most? Because I never paid attention to the appearance of those who did not have tender feelings for me.

Beauty grants victory to a woman immediately, but to a man it only brings it closer by two weeks.

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

True beauty always has a flaw - Francis Bacon

What is beautiful is not always good. And I say this for those painters who are so in love with the beauty of colors that with great regret they give them the faintest and almost imperceptible shadows, underestimating their relief. In this mistake they are like those who use beautiful, but nothing speaking words– Leonardo da Vinci

There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight - Brigitte Bardot

There are such perfect forms of beauty and such brilliant dignity that people touched by it limit themselves to looking at it and talking about it. – J. Labruyère

Belladonna: in Italy - a beautiful woman, in England - a deadly poison. A striking example of the deep similarity of two languages.

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious - Francis Bacon

Beauty is the highest revelation because it expresses nothing - Oscar Wilde

Flattery is an urgent need of handsome men, whose specialty is that they handsome men– Heinrich Heine

Charm is beauty in motion - Gotthold Lessing

Beauty affects even those who do not notice it - Jean Cocteau

Some women are not beautiful at all, they just look that way. – Karl Kraus

Stupid beauty is not beauty. Look at the stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, her gaze - her beauty will little by little turn into astonishing ugliness - Ivan Goncharov

He who falls in love with an ugly woman falls in love with all the power of passion, because such love testifies either to the strange whim of his taste, or to the secret charms of his beloved, stronger than the charms of beauty - Jean La Bruyère

Beauty: the power with which a woman charms her lover and keeps her husband at bay. – Ambrose Bierce

As you get older, you learn that you have two hands: one to help yourself, the other to help your neighbor.

Looking at her, it is impossible to believe that her soul does not have such a magnificent bust - Stanislav Lec

A woman who cannot look ugly cannot be considered beautiful - Karl Kraus

A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive. – Sh Montesquieu

Beauty is the only quality of a woman that can awaken a feeling of pity in a man - Etienne Rey

By telling the truth to women who are truly beautiful, we learn to flatter others - William Gaslitt

It may be true that baldness is a sign of male potency, but it reduces your ability to prove it - Robert Orben

A pretty woman must be neat and flirtatious from the very morning and in household chores she must shine like a new coin among a heap of garbage - Jules Renard

They are wasted in vain: a moonlit night, if you are sleeping; Beautiful places, if you don’t admire them; wife of a young rake - Huang Yun Jiao

To make your lips beautiful, say only kind words.

A beautiful woman pleases the eyes, but a kind woman pleases the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure - Napoleon I

Even if we travel the whole world in search of beauty, we will not find it unless we take it with us - Ralph Emerson

Picking on a beautiful woman is not an easy task, because your words will not make her look bad.

Beauty is an eternity that lasts a moment - Albert Camus

Beauty is a queen who reigns for a very short time - Socrates

Beauty is one of the types of Genius, it is even higher than Genius, because it does not require understanding - Oscar Wilde

The young man wants a woman, a woman as such; the old man is looking for a beautiful woman. If a nation has taste, it means it has grown old - Denis Diderot

The contemplation of beauty of any kind, taking us beyond our own self, awakens in us the capacity for self-sacrifice - Benjamin Constant

He who chooses between intelligence and beauty must take the beautiful as his lady and the smart as his wife - Pedro Barca

People, more than things, need relationships with them to be restored, revived, corrected and never thrown away or forgotten.

To be loved, the best thing to do is to be beautiful. But to be beautiful, you need to be loved - Francoise Sagan

It is not the beauty of every woman that is gold, but intelligence and silence - Gregory the Theologian

True beauty is not that which you admire with pleasure, but that which is as difficult to look at as the sun - Etienne Rey

Not the one who is beautiful whose arm or leg is praised, but the one whose whole appearance does not allow one to admire individual features.

The only beauty I know is health - Heinrich Heine

Ugly people usually have more intelligence because they have fewer options for pleasure and more time for learning – Claude-Adrian Helvetius

What delights us in visible beauty is always only the invisible - Maria Ebner Eschenbach

Beautiful women's legs have turned more than one page of history.

They would rather forgive an ugly leg than an ugly stocking! – Karl Kraus

Beauty is a gift for several years - Oscar Wilde

Everything that is beautiful is moral - Gustave Flaubert

In the eyes of the world you will only be young and beautiful for a few years; and in the eyes of his husband - only a few months - Jonathan Swift

To create beauty, you yourself must be pure in soul - Mikhail Glinka

Ideal beauty, the most delightful appearance are worth nothing if no one admires them. – O. Balzac

Everyone has their own idea of ​​female attractiveness; beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments.

The radiant beauty of youth is diminished in its perfection by excessive and too refined ornaments - Leonardo da Vinci

The teacher said: “I have never met a person who loved virtue as they love a woman’s beauty” - Confucius

Beauty immersed in sorrow is most impressive - Edmund Burke

There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight. – Brigitte Bardot

There is nothing sadder than the life of women who only knew how to be beautiful - Bernard Fontenelle

Stupidity is the desire for Happiness and Beauty - George Shaw

Everyone has their own idea of ​​female attractiveness; beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments - Jean La Bruyère

Everyone has their own idea of ​​female attractiveness; beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments. – J. Labruyère

Young people do not know well what beauty is: they know only passion - Luc Vauvenargues

When we talk about love, it must be understood as the desire for beauty, for this is the definition of love for all philosophers - Marsilio Ficino

It’s not a sin to suffer for the sake of beauty - Hans Andersen

Biology surprises us a lot, proving statistically that beautiful women are not at all the stupidest - Jean Rostand

A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul, and purgatory for the pocket - Bernard Fontenelle

The woman who values ​​in herself not so much beauty as the qualities of her soul and mind is head and shoulders above other women; the one who values ​​beauty most of all is similar to all her sisters, and the one who values ​​her nobility or title more than even beauty is lower than other women, and, perhaps, not a woman at all. – N. Chamfort

Why do women devote so much time and money to their appearance, and not the development of intelligence? Because there are much fewer blind men than smart ones - Faina Ranevskaya

Beautiful birds sing worse than others. The same applies to people. You shouldn't look for deep thought in pretentious style - Georg Lichtenberg

Spiritual beauty is infinitely more beautiful than all others, and therefore bodies, being only shadows of existence, must have a charm that speaks of spiritual beauty. This type of beauty belongs to nature and is superior to man-made art - Jonathan Edwards

To have beautiful eyes, look only for the good in people.

Happiness and Beauty by-products – George Shaw

Beautiful women are rarely alone, but often lonely - Henryk Jagodzinski

The true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul. The beauty of a woman is manifested in her care and love.

Love is the desire to enjoy beauty. Beauty is a kind of radiance that attracts the human soul

There are many people with beautiful appearances who, however, have nothing to boast about on the inside - James Cooper

Beauty without grace can only please, but not captivate. It looks like a floating bait without a hook. – Kapiton

Beauty and a passion for knowledge cannot enter into legal marriage - Max Beerbohm

The more beautiful a woman is, the more honest she should be, because only with honesty can she counteract the harm that her beauty can cause - Gotthold Lessing

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry. – I. Turgenev

Next to beauty, the mind and heart always look like poor relatives - Etienne Rey

Beauty has as many meanings as a person has moods. Beauty is a symbol of symbols. Beauty reveals everything to us because it expresses nothing - Oscar Wilde

Looking at a beautiful woman, I can’t help but fall in love with her, I’m crazy about her. It's like a lightning strike and lasts just as long: a moment - Jules Renard

Ideal beauty, the most delightful appearance are worth nothing if no one admires them - Honore Balzac

Beauty is superior to genius because it does not require understanding.

Beautiful expressions decorate a beautiful thought and preserve it - Victor Hugo

There are people in the Baroque style: many beautiful details, but overall bad taste - Maria Ebner Eschenbach

Distance is the soul of beauty – Simone Weil

No wonder some sage said that women owe half of their beauty to dressmakers - Lope de Vega

Kindness will always prevail over beauty - Heinrich Heine

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, not in her figure, and not in her hairstyle. The beauty of a woman should be visible in her eyes, it is the door to her heart, the place where love lives.

The spring of poetry is beauty - Nikolai Gogol

Old age has its own beauty, spilling not passions, not impulses, but pacifying, calming - Alexander Herzen

People stopped being animals when a man began to appreciate beauty in a woman.

To make your hair beautiful, let your baby play with the strands every day.

Women are more beautiful than they look - Gabriel Laub

External beauty is even more precious when it covers the inner. A book whose golden clasps close its golden contents acquires special respect - William Shakespeare

He is stupid because he is so handsome, and would not be so handsome if he were less stupid - Vasily Klyuchevsky

What could be more beautiful than old friends, old books, old wine and young women? – Julien Falkenare

What seems disgraceful to the mind is pure beauty to the heart - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Beauty without kindness dies unclaimed - Samuel Johnson

Being beautiful is easy; It's hard to just look beautiful. – Frank O'Hara

It's better to be beautiful than to be virtuous. But, on the other hand, it is better to be virtuous than ugly - Oscar Wilde

A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive - Charles Montesquieu

Charm is beauty in motion.

There are few women in the world whose virtues outlive their beauty - Francois La Rochefoucauld

Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have two breasts! – Faina Ranevskaya

There is nothing uglier than a man who thinks he is handsome - Frederic Beigbeder

Beautiful women can be very stupid in old age only because they were very beautiful in their youth - Vasily Klyuchevsky

Whether she was virtuous, I don’t know; however, she was always ugly, and a woman’s ugliness is a good half of the road to virtue - Heinrich Heine

Is there anything more beautiful in the world? beautiful woman?! – Pierre Bourdey

A woman's beauty grows as the years pass...

Morality must appear in the form of beauty - Georg Hegel

Talent in a man is the same as beauty in a woman - just a promise. To be truly great, his heart and character must be equal to his talent - Honore Balzac

The beauty of a decent woman seems not quite complete. She lacks the mysterious charm of depravity - Etienne Rey

The character of a woman is usually determined by the beauty or ugliness of her face - Oliver Goldsmith