Clearances from the wall when installing a refrigerator. Guide to proper refrigerator installation

19.01.2018 Technique

It’s good if the kitchen is large, then a refrigerator can be installed in it according to all the rules. But it happens that the room is so microscopic in size that you could even hang a “cold friend” from the ceiling. In any case, in order for the refrigerator to work for a long time without breakdowns, it must be placed correctly. Now we will give you recommendations for installing a refrigerator in any kitchen.

Ergonomically convenient is the location of the main kitchen appliances in the 500 format. This means that the stove, sink and refrigerator should be no more than 50 centimeters from each other (even if the furniture is arranged straight, or if it is angled). Naturally, the refrigerator cannot be located in the middle, unless it is a huge kitchen, where you can organically fit the refrigerator in the most visible place.

If the kitchen is very small, then the refrigerator will have to be installed on the side, for example, near a door or window, and the furniture itself will have to be ordered in a corner configuration.

In order for the refrigerator to work smoothly, it is necessary to organize good circulation around it. The passport for any unit provides recommendations on what gap should be between the refrigerator and the side walls or furniture. Usually this is 5 cm, which will completely ensure air access to the outer walls of the device.

If you plan to hang cabinets or shelves above the refrigerator, then the same gap is left between the bottom of the hanging element and the top lid of the refrigerator. It happens that the refrigerator has to be installed next to the radiator (in a very small kitchen), then an aluminum reflective screen is mounted between it and the convector.

The place for installing the refrigerator has been chosen, and now some technical details of its installation. The socket into which the device is plugged in must be accessible for maintenance. This means that you should not place it behind the refrigerator. This is necessary so that if you need to disconnect from the network, you do not have to pull it out every time. It is better to install any refrigerator with a slight tilt back, 1-2 degrees is enough. This installation will ensure that the door closes securely thanks to the adjustable legs.

After your new refrigerator has been selected and purchased, you need to install it correctly. This process seems easy, but several nuances can affect the performance and durability of the unit.

Well, I thought, why would it take up useful space? Well, he stuck it right in the corner. And then I noticed that it didn’t refrigerate very well, the soup turned sour overnight. They called the master, and he already explained to my wife and me what we were wrong about: it turns out that we should have left the air “pocket” behind him. We moved it further away, cleaned it of dust, and it worked like new.

Vyacheslav, one of the service center clients

Correct installation of the refrigerator:

Most of these rules are described in the operating instructions, which you will find in the box with the refrigerator. Study it carefully and check whether the selected premises meets the requirements. Please note the recommended settings environment: indoor temperature and humidity.

Criteria that the selected placement must meet:

  • During operation, the refrigerator throws out the heat it removed from the internal environment. If the ambient temperature is high, it will be much more difficult for him to do this. Therefore, make sure that what you select the place was far from gas stoves, ovens and heating radiators. Consider placing it outside of the kitchen.
  • The condenser (the device that transfers heat outside) is usually located on the back wall of the refrigerator. To him You need a clearance of 7-10 cm to the wall so that the air has room to circulate. If you place it close to the wall, this will lead to a decrease in power, overheating of the motor-compressor, and wear of its parts.
  • Assess the temperature in the room. If you are going to operate the refrigerator in an unheated room in winter, take care of its operating conditions. Detailed recommendations can be found.
  • Install a refrigerator by level. Modern models are equipped with legs whose height is adjusted by screwing them into the thread. This allows for perfectly level placement. If there are none, you can place thin blocks under the front legs, adjusting the tilt in this way.
  • For convenience, it is allowed tilt the refrigerator slightly towards its back wall. Then the door will slowly close under its own weight. This will not affect work.
  • Most modern models are equipped with European standard electrical plugs, so it would be a good idea Make sure you have a reliable grounded outlet. Unfortunately, this rule is usually ignored, which leads to unnecessary breakdowns and other failures.

What problems might arise?

Incorrect installation of the refrigerator can make it difficult to operate, or even impossible. The above rules are quite simple to follow, but this will have a positive effect on the efficiency of the machine and its service life.

So, if you place it close to the wall, this will significantly complicate the heat exchange between the refrigerant that circulates through the condenser tubes and the outside air. It will heat up much faster than a new, cool one will fit. Increased condensing pressure will cause the compressor to work harder and wear out.

We live in an old house, the electrical wiring was installed a long time ago, during the union. And most of the sockets are also from that time. But we recently bought a new refrigerator, from a well-known company, and it has a European plug. Somehow I got lazy and decided not to install a new socket to match the plug. I bought an adapter and that was it. And everything worked fine until a thunderstorm happened. The electronic filling was all burnt out, and replacement cost a lot of money.

Semyon, participant of the thematic forum

Trouble can also be caused surges in the power supply system. Refrigerators controlled by an electronic controller are especially susceptible to them, despite protective devices. A strong current, resulting, for example, from a thunderstorm, will simply destroy delicate microcircuits. To protect against this, grounding and, if possible, a current rectifier are necessary.

Operation in conditions not provided for by the rules for a specific model will void the warranty. Before placing the refrigerator on an unglazed balcony or in country house, Think about it. Starting the compressor even at a temperature of +5° C is difficult because the oil has thickened from the cold. This is fraught with malfunctions in the operation of the electric motor and its windings. There are also a number of other reasons why this is not recommended.

Where to store a refrigerator that will not be used?

There are situations when there is no need for cold. When you have a long trip ahead, take conservation measures. To do this, defrost and wash it well, then return it to the original packaging made of polystyrene foam and cardboard. If it is not preserved, you can use simple film.

Of course, it is recommended to place a preserved refrigerator in a heated room, but in practice it will successfully survive frosts. The main thing is to let the condensation that forms in a warm room dry. To start a compressor that has not yet warmed up, it is necessary to create an artificial heat source.

How to properly install a refrigerator in the kitchen is the next concern for owners after purchasing a new household appliance. Have you ever wondered whether the unit in your home is installed correctly? If not yet, then it's better to worry about it late than never. Its service life, efficiency, and simply home safety depend on the proper placement of the refrigerator.

For absolutely all models of refrigerators, whether old or new, domestic or imported, the placement requirements are the same. The units that are fashionable today and operate using the No Frost system are no exception. Below we will describe in detail what to pay attention to when installing a refrigerator.

Where to start installing a refrigerator

Let's start with the fact that upon purchase, each household appliance is provided with a technical passport - a document that describes not only specifications technology, but also operational requirements. This is exactly what we need now.

The basic requirements are identical for all models and must be met. For clarity, here is a list of them:

  • do not allow exposure to an external source of heat - we are talking about the sun's rays, a kitchen stove, radiators or heating pipes; if the rule is not followed, the refrigerator will be less economical to operate;
  • constant humidity in the room - no higher than 70-80% - if for storing products of plant origin, humidity up to 95% is permissible, then for animal origin - no more than 50%; this is important when opening the refrigerator door particularly often;
  • room temperature - depends on the type of refrigerant in a particular refrigerator; the most common freon today (R134) thickens already at 0°C - it will not be possible to use a household appliance on an unheated balcony;
  • leave gaps between the walls of the refrigerator and the room - an “air pocket” between the back wall of the household appliance and the wall of the house of 7-10 cm is required;
  • Provide a safe power supply with grounding.

General recommendations for operating refrigerators: try to maintain a room temperature of 16-32°C and a humidity of no more than 80%.

How to install a refrigerator safely

Usually, problems do not arise with any of the above points, except for the last one, so we will explain about it separately. The issue of correct installation of the refrigerator is especially relevant for imported models, which were not originally intended for use in the CIS. Such units are designed for a 115V power supply; they easily break even with a slight voltage surge; grounding can easily prevent this.

The biggest threat from power surges is not fire or electric shock, but the possibility of failure of the refrigerator's fragile electronics. Expensive digital models are especially at risk.

Another way to protect your refrigerator from power surges is a special voltage stabilizer device; A 600V transformer is suitable for home use.

How to properly level a refrigerator

It is no less important to ensure that the household appliance is tilted correctly - to set it level. Almost every model is equipped with adjustable legs. By changing their height, we place the refrigerator with a slight slope back - so that the door closes itself under its own weight.

The maximum permissible constant tilt of the refrigerator is no more than 15°; and remember that the unit should never be tilted more than 40° - this can cause compressor damage.

There are several options for placing a refrigerator in the kitchen - in a row with the stove and sink (linear arrangement), in a corner, by the door, etc. In any case, make sure that the door opens easily; the surrounding environment will not interfere with opening it a little more than 90°.

As for installing built-in refrigerators in a closet, in a wall niche or under a work surface, custom-made furniture is usually used with them. If you are going to make a cabinet yourself, follow the following recommendations for its size (compared to a refrigerator):

  • height – 3 cm more;
  • depth – 4.5 cm more;
  • width – 1 cm more on each side.

The built-in refrigerator also requires ventilation to remove heat removed from the food. Possible options– a lattice back wall of a cabinet or a hole in the floor.

These are all tips for correct installation in the kitchen of a new refrigerator, which are important to know not only for its efficiency and safety, but also for significantly extending its service life. This is also a prerequisite for providing warranty repairs by the store in the event of a breakdown.

For long-term and safe operation of the refrigerator, it is not enough to simply purchase high-quality equipment from a reputable brand - in addition, you need to know how to install the refrigerator correctly. Correct installation is the key to long-term and comfortable operation of your equipment. When purchasing a refrigerator for serious money, you must be sure that it will serve you for many years and will not fail before completion. warranty period. And for this you need to follow some rules during installation.

Under no circumstances should you allow the refrigerator to be plugged into the mains immediately after delivery from the store, especially during the cold season.

You can turn on the device only after 6 hours (and, if possible, after 12 hours). No one knows what your purchase went through during transportation, so you need to wait a while for the oil in the compressor to flow back into its proper place. Equipment is often turned upside down during transportation, so such incidents are inevitable.

When your purchase is already unpacked in the kitchen, carefully examine the cord and the condition of the plug. If any damage is found, the device cannot be connected to the network. Then make sure the socket is also in good condition.

Don't forget about air circulation

Then you need to choose a suitable place in the kitchen. Even if you have limited space in your kitchen, you should not place the refrigerator next to furniture or other appliances without leaving gaps. Due to the fact that the refrigerator compressor gets very hot when cooling the air in the chamber, the walls of the refrigerator cabinet need free air circulation. If walls, furniture or Appliances will interfere with circulation, the life of the refrigerator will be significantly reduced, as well as its operating efficiency.

The optimal gap between the refrigerator body and other planes is 5 centimeters. Most units are equipped with ready-made stops on the body, which will not allow them to be moved close to the wall or furniture.

Installing a refrigerator at the building level is only necessary if you are an incorrigible perfectionist. There is no need for this, just adjust the adjustable legs. It is advisable to make a slight tilt back - then the door will close under its own weight. If your refrigerator is equipped with automatic door closers, you do not need to tilt it.

Avoid proximity to gas stoves and radiators

Installing a refrigerator in the kitchen always involves the risk that it will be installed in close proximity to a stove or radiator. In most cases, this is what happens, since not every kitchen has space for “creativity.” But it is advisable to avoid this, since such an installation will cause excessive overheating of the equipment.

If proximity to a hob or radiator cannot be avoided, make sure there is a protective barrier. It can be an ordinary sheet of plywood with a layer of foil, which perfectly reflects heat. In addition, it is not advisable to install the refrigerator under direct sunlight.

Make sure that the refrigerator compartment is located away from devices with natural grounding - such proximity will have a bad effect on the efficiency of the equipment, and also contradicts safety precautions when working with electrical appliances. If this cannot be avoided, enclose the naturally grounded device with a thin lattice of wood.

If a refrigerator is installed in a cramped kitchen, many owners seek to save space and integrate it into the furniture. This is quite acceptable, but only if there are gaps. There are refrigeration units in which the compressor and fan are located at the bottom - such devices are quite suitable for installation close to the walls.

A large number of consumers, after purchasing new household appliances, have to pay Additional services specialists in installation or installation of the device. Although some work can be done independently, without the help of qualified craftsmen. For example, installing a refrigerator, especially a freestanding one, does not require special experience. Even a built-in device can be installed without any skills; just read the general recommendations and advice from experts.

Installation of a freestanding refrigerator

Installing a regular refrigerator does not involve complex manipulations, so everyone can cope with this process on their own. The main rule is to ensure a regular supply of electricity. Therefore, first of all, it is better to connect a separate uninterruptible power supply to a regular outlet. It is better to spend an additional few hundred rubles and be confident in the safety of the device, since all refrigeration equipment is difficult to repair.

Before you go to the store, you need to measure the volume of space into which you plan to fit the device. It is important to understand that a new refrigerator should never be placed in close proximity to a stove or other heating elements. It is also recommended to avoid direct sunlight. This is because work efficiency may also be reduced.

Do not install the refrigerator close to the wall. The minimum distance from the device to the wall is at least 9 cm. The legs and other supporting elements must fit snugly to the floor, this will contribute to the high-quality operation of the compressor and minimize noise during operation of the device.

installation features

Such devices are becoming increasingly popular among buyers. Built-in equipment saves space, creates less noise during its operation, and with its help you can maintain the unity of the design. The quality and functionality of the built-in often outperforms traditional devices.

Built-in household appliances have their own characteristics that should be taken into account when installing the housing and the device itself. Self-installation of a built-in refrigerator must be carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. The front support (as a rule, it is made in the form of small legs) must be unscrewed a little so that the door closes tightly and the cold does not escape outside. The tilt should be about 1-2 degrees.
  2. If there is a hob or oven nearby, the built-in refrigerator should be installed at a distance of at least 7 cm. Closely located heating devices will interfere with the full operation of the compressor.
  3. The platform on which the device is installed must provide a flat surface horizontally and vertically, this will help to avoid strong noise and humming during operation.
  4. The niche into which the device is built must provide free air circulation to avoid overheating of the device. Therefore, when building a cabinet, it is necessary to have a margin of several centimeters in width, depth and height relative to the size of the refrigerator.
  5. In accordance with the instructions for installing the refrigerator, all wires must be grounded.
  6. It is best if the niche into which the device is built does not have a back wall.

Where to begin?

Before proceeding directly with installation, you must read the attached instructions. As a rule, some modern models may have additional requirements that must be met. Devices that support the latest features (such as smart refrigerators) require additional installation conditions to optimize their performance. Even before purchasing, it is worth studying the requirements for the place of their installation.

Before directly installing the refrigerator, you should definitely check the power cable for manufacturing defects and damage. If deep scratches or other defects are noticed, it is recommended not to use it but to replace it immediately. This will prevent a power failure that could cause serious damage. The refrigerator is installed in a pre-prepared place. The most important thing is that it is even (to avoid skew).

Rules for installing a refrigerator

If the device is freestanding, then connecting will not take much time. If the installation site has already been prepared, then immediately after delivery it can be put in place. Here it is necessary to adjust the horizontal level so that the door can slam shut without much effort. It is worth noting that the refrigerator must always remain in a stable position. It is necessary to double-check whether the ice maker and other components are connected correctly. Incorrect leveling of the refrigerator is the main cause of uncharacteristic noise during operation of the device. Therefore, experts recommend paying special attention to this moment.

Before connecting a new refrigerator to the network, let it stand in the room for at least 12 hours in order to adapt to the microclimate.

You can only add food after three hours have passed from the moment of connection.

Operating instructions for a new refrigerator

It includes five main stages:

  1. Proper transportation process. It is not recommended to tilt the device at 40 degrees to prevent the new refrigerator from malfunctioning. The device must only be transported in an upright position. If such transportation is not possible, the refrigerator must be transported on its side. After installing it in place, you should let it sit for at least a day to allow all the refrigerant to drain.
  2. Placement in a prepared space. The installation location must be selected in such a way that the distance from the heating elements is at least 7 cm. Also, do not place the refrigerator close to the back wall; air circulation must be free.
  3. Installation process. After the device has been unpacked, it is not recommended to immediately release the movers. First you need to check all components and the presence of manufacturing defects. If defects are found, the problem must be resolved on site.
  4. Cleaning the interior. Of course, before starting use, all shelves must be wiped with a solution containing soda or a special disinfectant.
  5. Timely defrosting. This process will help get rid of excess ice in the freezer compartment (in the case of a drip defrosting system) and normalize the operation of the compressor.


Only proper installation of the refrigerator can guarantee its comfortable use. It is worth understanding that in case of improper installation and connection of a household appliance, the consumer loses the right to carry out repairs under the warranty card.