How to call emergency services from tele2. How to call an ambulance from Tele2

13.03.2018 Cell phones

An emergency situation that urgently requires medical intervention can happen at any time. The fastest way is to call an ambulance mobile phone without wasting time searching for a stationary device. In order for help to arrive as quickly as possible, Tele2 has introduced uniform short numbers that you can call in case of an emergency, life threatening and the health of the situation. Short three-digit numbers work throughout Russia without failures or delays. So, how can you quickly call an ambulance from Tele2?

Emergency call

You can call the rescue service from your mobile phone if you have a zero or negative balance, no network signal or even no SIM card itself. To do this, just dial the same number for all cellular operators - 112, clearly explain the situation to the operator and wait for a connection with the emergency dispatch service. Combination 112 works in the same way in all countries of the European Union, as well as in Switzerland and South Africa.

How to reach doctors as soon as possible

There are several options for dialing an ambulance number for Tele2 subscribers:

  • Classic 03 - suitable for all subscribers, regardless of which operator they use. However, it is very difficult to reach him, since this is the only number available to those who seek help from a landline phone. Therefore, most often short beeps are heard in the handset.
  • If you can’t get through to 03, you should call 030 or 03*, they will answer much more quickly.
  • Combination 103 is an ambulance number specially designed for users of the services of the Tele2 communication provider; it is the same and valid for all regions of Russia.

All these numbers must be indicated at the beginning of the phone book; they must be available immediately, because in a critical situation there will be no time to remember them.

  • When answering a call, the dispatcher must introduce himself by giving his name or number. This information is worth remembering, or better yet, writing down; it can be useful in controversial situations. The dispatcher does not have the right to refuse medical help to a patient: it does not matter whether the patient is young or old, or whether he is under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. There is criminal liability for failure to provide assistance; in such situations, you should immediately call the police.
  • When talking with the operator, you must give the exact address where the sick or injured person is located, his name and age. Also answer questions honestly and as fully as possible about the possible use of drugs, alcohol or medications, and symptoms of the disease. This information is necessary to provide the best possible care to the patient.
  • Before the doctors arrive, you need to prepare the patient’s documents and collect things for possible hospitalization; sometimes even a minute delay is unacceptable.

From emergency situations no one is immune, and it is quite possible that your health and the health of other people will depend on the correctness of your actions. It is necessary to provide first aid to the sick or injured person, and also call an ambulance as quickly as possible. But how to call an ambulance from Tele2, since each operator has its own emergency numbers? Below we discuss in detail how to reach doctors from a mobile phone.

Numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile phone Tele 2

Calling emergency services from a mobile phone is much more convenient, because you can do it anywhere. To make a call, you must use the uniform short call formats introduced mobile operator. These are simple three-digit combinations that are valid throughout Russia.

Always call ambulance from a Tele2 mobile phone you can even if there are no funds in your account, and even if you don’t have a SIM card in your phone.

To contact doctors, you can use the following numbers:

  • 03 is a standard option that works for any operator. The problem is that this is a common number for landlines, so there may be problems with dialing.
  • 030 and 03* are a more efficient option, designed specifically for calls from mobile devices.
  • 103 – provides a call to doctors directly through the Tele operator. It is noteworthy that it is unchanged in all regions.

It is best to write down emergency information both on your phone and separately in a notebook, so as not to get confused if an emergency occurs.

Unified Rescue Service - 112

Provides access to any emergency situations. After explaining the reasons for the request, the person is automatically transferred to the specialized service. All conversations are recorded, and therefore there will be an appropriate response to any request. There are no problems with calling an ambulance from Tele2 - there is a general call format from which you will be redirected to specialists.

The single emergency number is 112. This dialing format is valid throughout Russia. If you are looking, you can use the same single number

Calling an ambulance from a Tele 2 mobile: how to communicate with the dispatcher

When calling doctors by phone, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Write down the information about the dispatcher that he should report first. Denial of medical care impossible, regardless of the category of the patient. If the dispatcher refuses to accept the application, this may become the basis for initiating a criminal case. Therefore, information about the dispatcher must always be recorded.
  • Provide the address where the patient is located. Answer the dispatcher’s questions as completely and reliably as possible, as this will help prepare the necessary assistance.
  • If possible, prepare the patient’s documents, as well as collect things needed during hospitalization.
    You can call an ambulance at any time; they have no lunch breaks or shift changes. The operator will always answer any call.

  • Tele2, being one of the largest and most popular operators in Russia, provides its customers with information about emergency numbers, which we will discuss in detail in this material. It is important to always remember the telephone numbers of services such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, gas service, and ambulance.

    In the event of an unforeseen situation, it is natural for a person to be confused, but, first of all, you need to know how to call an ambulance from Tele2 in order to call medical specialists.

    If you don’t know what to do before competent doctors arrive, call others for help or call someone who knows how to provide first aid.

    If someone nearby experiences a sudden deterioration in health, you should immediately dial an ambulance. To do this, you need to know exactly where to go: 03, 112, 003, 103, 030. All these combinations are somehow related to this service, and now we will tell you the details about each of them.

    Short number for calling an ambulance on TELE2

    Previously, during the period when the only method of communication was landline telephony, there was one number for an ambulance - 03. Also, other emergency combinations consisted of two characters.

    Since in all educational institutions, at home, in the media we were given this phone number to remember, many people dial it from their mobile phone when the person next to them becomes ill. However, the call does not occur because the number was dialed incorrectly.

    For calls from mobile device The minimum combination consists of 3 digits. When cellular affected every resident of the country, it was necessary to familiarize everyone with the new numbers. At a certain period of time, such emergency numbers as 030 and 003 were relevant.

    Previously it was possible to call Tele2 on 030, and from Beeline, for example, 003. Next on top level after the order of the country's Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, it was decided to create a universal phone number for each emergency service, so that when calling, the subscriber does not remember which SIM card he is making the call from.

    This number turned out to be 103. Information about the innovation is available on the official website of the Tele2 operator, and all available services are located at -

    Emergency communication on TELE2

    Emergency communications include 5 numbers: 104 – emergency gas service, 102 – police, 101 – Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire), 112 – rescue service, 103 – ambulance. Calls to all these phones are free and can occur even when the balance is zero or the SIM card is blocked or missing altogether.

    A single emergency telephone number was created as a result of the adoption of the Federal Law “On Communications”. Article 52 states that each operator is independently obliged to create an emergency support service so that anyone who calls can turn to specialists for help.

    Thus, when calling 112, your call will be switched to the desired service. A huge plus in the operation of telephone 112 is the ability to seek help in any life-threatening situation, even when the telephone does not receive network coverage.

    It should be summarized that from your mobile phone, to call an ambulance, call 103, and in case of an emergency, call 112, the rescue service.

    Sometimes there are situations when you urgently need to contact a qualified specialist to provide assistance. To do this, you need to know the numbers of those special services that can come to the rescue. This is exactly the information that will be provided in this article; study it carefully, and you will always know who exactly you can turn to in a given situation.
    Have you witnessed an unpleasant situation - a fire or a car accident? In this case, you need to urgently call the appropriate service and inform them about the incident. If you are a client mobile operator TELE2, then in this article you will find information on how to call a particular organization from a mobile phone.

    If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

    It is worth noting that calls to such services are absolutely free. You don't have to worry, cash your account will not be debited. You can also read more detailed information on how to call special services on the main website of this mobile operator. To do this, you just need to go to the website If you don't know exactly where to call in a particular situation, dial 112 and press call. You will be answered by a specialist who, after listening to you, will redirect the call to where it is needed.

    How to call special services from TELE2

    There are several services that can help. Below we will provide you with the most basic data that can help you.
    1. So, if you have witnessed an unpleasant story and do not know exactly where to turn, as we mentioned above, dial 112. The call is absolutely free.
    2. If you need to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, call the short number 101. You can make the call absolutely free from both a landline and a mobile phone.
    3. If you need to call the police, then dial the short number 102 on your phone and tell the operator what address you should go to and what exactly happened.
    4. Do you need to call an ambulance? In this situation, you will need to call 103.
    5. If you need to call gas service employees, dial 104.

    These are the most basic services whose phone numbers everyone should know. You can become a participant or witness to a certain incident at any time, do not panic - just call the appropriate authority and you will definitely receive prompt assistance.
    What numbers are planned to be used in the future?
    In the near future, TELE2 plans to add several more to the above list additional numbers. For example, if a child finds himself in a difficult situation and needs help, then you can call 121 or 123. It is also planned to introduce another number - 115, which allows people who need information from government or municipal services. We hope that the information we provided in this article will be useful to you in one way or another.

    IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.