How to record the game process. How to burn a PS2 game to disc: step-by-step instructions, recommendations and features

11.09.2019 Computers

How to burn a game to disk?

Today, downloading a game from the Internet is not a problem for almost any gamer. However, games take up more and more space on your computer every year. Sometimes I really want to download new game, and there is no space on your hard drive, but you don’t want to delete anything.

In this case, regular discs can come in handy, on which you can record games, which will free up a lot of space on your computer. But not every gamer knows how to do this. You can read below about how to burn the game to disk.

How can I burn a game to disk?

Today, games with the extension .mdf, .iso and .nrg are usually downloaded from the Internet. These are so-called disk images, which are made using special programs. These files are an archive that contains all the game installation files, just like a regular disk. To open these files and install them, use programs which mount this disk image into a virtual drive and open it like a regular disk. It's similar to inserting a disc into a disk drive, only it happens in the virtual space of your computer.

But often gamers prefer to record these files on real discs, so that they can later pass them on to a friend or keep the game as a souvenir. For this you can use like software Windows, and all the same programs downloaded from the Internet. Moreover, the programs will be much more convenient to use and set up recording than standard tools.

Using the example of the popular Alcohol 120% program, let's look at how you can create a disc for the game.

Burning a game to disk using the example of the Alcohol 120% program

First you need to have the disk image itself in .mdf, .iso or .nrg format. The latter format is very rare, and .iso is almost always the standard for games Today. Then you need to download the Alcohol 120% program itself and install it on your computer. If the program freezes a little when you first start it, don’t be alarmed - it creates virtual drives for work.

After installation, you can start burning the game to disk. To do this, insert the blank into the drive and wait until it boots. In the Alcohol 120% program itself, in the toolbar, click “Burn images to disk.” A window will appear where you can specify the path to the game files. Afterwards, just click “Start”, and after a certain time, which can be seen on the recording timer, the game will be recorded to the disk. This disc can now be used to install and run the game on any other computer. But after successful recording, it is always worth checking the performance of the disk.

What to do if the game is not in disk image format

It happens that a game downloaded from the Internet simply looks like a bunch of files with different extensions that are not disk images. Burn this game to disk right away will not work. First you need to convert all the files into one - a disk image of the required format. This is also easily done through the Alcohol 120% program.

In the program, you need to click “create images”, and then point to the game files in the path. After some time, the files will be converted and saved on your computer as a disk image. Then it will be possible to record this image on a blank.

After installation, you can delete both regular game files and the disk image from your computer so that they do not take up precious space. And the disc with the game can be used in the same way as a regular installation disc.

How to burn to a blank from a regular disk

If you just want to make a copy from a regular disk, then all steps are repeated in the same way as if the files were on the computer. You insert the game disc, launch Alcohol 120% and create a disc image, and then burn this image to a disc.

The easiest way to perform this procedure is for those who have several drives. And if you want to record a PS2 game on a disc, then you can read about the intricacies of the procedure in our article.

The function of recording games from a computer to disk is very useful, as it allows you to significantly clear space on your hard drive. After recording to the media, the game can be deleted from the computer. True, the game should be sent to disk according to a certain algorithm.

To burn the game to disk, you will need a special program. There are several such software: Nero 7, Alcohol 120%, Daemon Tools and others. The most commonly used program is Alcohol 120%. It is freely available on the Internet. The program can be downloaded from the sites or If Alcohol 120% is not installed on your computer, download it from the Internet and install it. Don't forget to restart your computer. When you first launch the program, it can automatically create virtual drives. This will take some time.

The next step is to write the game image file to removable media. Note that the game must be in virtual image format, for example ISO. Place a blank CD or DVD in the drive. On the toolbar, find the “Burn images to disk” item. A window will open in which click on the “Browse” button. Select the game you planned to record. Click “Next” - “Start”. After this, the game recording will begin. The end of the process will be signaled by a notification that the recording was successful.

If the game was simply copied to a computer, you will not be able to record it using the method described above. Because first you will have to create a virtual image of the game. To do this, insert the game disc into the drive. After opening the Alcohol 120% program, select “Image Creation” from the menu. Next, click “Start”. Once recording is complete, a virtual image of the game will be saved on your computer. This format is suitable for recording the game on disk.

Insert a blank disc into the drive. After repeating all the steps described above, clicking “Browse”, go to the Alcohol 120% folder. This folder stores the virtual image file of the game that you created earlier.

After burning the virtual image of the game to disk, you can delete files from your computer. Games recorded this way can be installed on any PC using the standard method. To do this, insert the disc and wait until the “Setup Wizard” window appears.

Are you an avid gamer or just like to complete an interesting quest in your free time? In order not to lose the installation file of your favorite video game or to make a copy of it for friends, it is recommended to transfer the distribution kit to a disc. That is why we advise you to use the Russian-language one called “Disc Studio”. Now you will learn how to burn a game to disk in just a couple of mouse clicks. To do this, you need to follow five basic steps.

Step #1. Download the program

First you will need it from the site. The application weighs no more than 50 MB and will download in 3-5 minutes. Double-click to open the downloaded file, then follow the instructions of the Installation Wizard. For the most comfortable access to the Disk Studio program, create an icon on your desktop. Next, launch the software and proceed to step No. 2.

Step #2. Choosing a mode

So, how do you burn a game to disk? Since you only need to transfer the video development distribution to physical media, you should click the “Burn data to disk” button. Then you have to choose from three available modes: creating a new disc or disc with an autorun function, as well as the ability to re-write an old CD. When choosing the latter option, make sure there is free space on the disk to record new information.

Step #3. Adding a game file

If you have decided on the recording mode, proceed to adding the game file. In the column on the right you will see two ways to load data into the editor - the “Add Files” and “Add Folder” keys. With their help, you can load elements one by one or several at a time. Find them in your computer folders and transfer them to the program by double-clicking the mouse. In the same way, you can also music and any other information. In the lower right corner of the program there are hints about the type of disc - CD, DVD5, DVD9, Blu-ray. When adding files to the disk, keep track of how much free space is left (you can see this at the bottom of Disk Studio). Once you have added all the files, click the Next button.

Step #4. Setting up parameters

At this stage, make sure the drive is working correctly and insert a blank disc into it. In the window that appears, you will need to configure parameters such as drive type and writing speed. In addition, do not forget to write down the name of the future media and think about whether you need to verify the data upon completion of the recording. If verification is required, the PC will be automatically turned off after burning.

Step #5. Create a data disk

Now you know how to burn games to disc. Final step to create a blank with a distribution kit for a gaming application - this is checking and confirming the set parameters. Click the “Next” option and wait for the workflow to complete. It will not take more than 10 minutes - it all depends on the number of installation files and the quality of your computer’s burner drive.

Today, consoles have become extremely widespread, and the latest PlayStation and Xbox models successfully compete with the largest platform for full-scale games, personal computer. However, it is worth noting that now, for example, only the PlayStation 4 is on the market, that is, the fourth generation model. This is where you can enjoy all the latest projects. But what about the old ones good games, an immortal classic that you want to return to periodically? Unfortunately, consoles don't support older games, so you won't be able to play the games of your childhood on PS4. But if you have the second generation console itself, this becomes possible. Don't have a single complete licensed disc left? No problem! In this article, you will learn how to burn a PS2 game to disk so you don't have to pay for it and enjoy the project to the fullest.

In this material you will find detailed instructions, as well as some tips and tricks for effective and safe recording, which will save you from headaches and keep your savings safe. So, how do you burn a PS2 game to disc? It's actually quite simple, but there are a certain number of little things that you should definitely pay attention to if you want to succeed.

What will you need?

Before you figure out how to burn a PS2 game to disk, you need to be properly prepared. The fact is that you will need the disk itself on which to record. If you do not have such a device, then go to the nearest specialty store and purchase it. These discs are inexpensive, so you can buy a pack of ten or twenty pieces at once, so as not to go to the store every time you want to record a new game.

Which disk to choose?

Which disc should I get? To record games, it is recommended to purchase DVD-R discs. Why them? The fact is that CD format discs are not large enough, so almost no game will fit on them. What about DVD-RW? If you use a computer, then you will most likely have large quantities of this type of drive in your home. But this option will also not work (everything is a little more complicated here, so the details will be discussed later). Accordingly, you need to buy DVD-R discs. It goes without saying that you must also have a DVD-ROM drive with recording function, otherwise you will not be able to do anything. Returning to the issue of the discs themselves, you should pay attention to their quality. You should not take the cheapest models from an unknown manufacturer, as this may affect the quality of the recording and the final result. If you are not in the know, the most popular and reliable are Verbatim drives, but there are other reliable options. You can check with your consultant on the spot.

Rewritable discs

Well, it's time to turn to the issue of rewritable discs, that is, DVD-RW. Why shouldn't you use them? The fact is that their interaction with the PS2 console is still not fully defined, so this is worth doing for security reasons. Some people say this may cause errors in game playback, others say that games will glitch, and there are even those who believe that the features that distinguish DVD-RW from DVD-R may have a negative effect on the laser of the set-top box, which reads information from disk. It is unknown whether this is true or not, but you should still be careful and not use rewritable discs just in case.

So, it's time to learn how to burn a PS2 game to disc. This process does not take long, so pretty soon you will become real professionals and will be able to create your own collection of games.

Console chip

Another important point before considering the actual process of how to burn a game to a disc for PS2 is the chip. Many people don't think about it at all and then get frustrated when they have trouble burning their own game discs. This is why you should find out if your console is chipped. How to do it? Quite simple. If you bought the console from an official distributor, then it will not have a chip, that is, it will only support licensed discs. If you bought the console secondhand or from an unofficial store, there is a high probability that the former owner modified the console, and now it has become chipped. As a result of this modification, you can run unlicensed discs on it, and this is exactly what you need to start working on the question of how to burn a game to a PS2 disc.

Downloading the game

Now you will learn how to properly burn PS2 games to discs. The features of this process are not very numerous, so it will take you little time. So, the first step you need to take is to download the correct version of the game for your console. Make sure that you are downloading the game for PS2 and not for the first or third generation console. You should know that this game must be downloaded in "image" form. This term is familiar to all gamers, but if you don’t know it, then you should explain it.

Disk images

So, an image is a file that is an exact copy of the contents of a particular disk. By itself, it will not give you anything, since it is just a set of data. But if you burn it to a blank disk, then everything will fall into place, and you can use this disk to access the image data, that is, your game. It's also worth noting that images can be run from a virtual drive that can be installed on your computer, but this does not apply to consoles, so this topic There's no point in raising it now. It's better to concentrate on how to record a game on PS2. How to record, instructions and some tips and tricks - that's what you should be interested in now.

Required programs

Now it's time to talk about burning discs for PS2. This is another term that may be unfamiliar to you. What does it mean? Burning discs for PS2 or any other gaming platform is the process of recording the image onto physical media. And for this you will need special software. The most popular burning program is Alcohol 120%, but you can also use other programs such as Nero or ImgBurn. Once you have installed one of these programs on your computer, you can move on to the next step.


If you don’t know how to burn a PS2 game to a disc or flash drive, then you should carefully read the further instructions. First, it is necessary to clarify regarding the flash drive: unfortunately, on second-generation consoles there are no connectors for reading data from a flash drive, so you will have to limit yourself to disks. Secondly, any of the above programs has certain burning settings, which will be discussed now.

Specific points

First of all, you need to select the game image that you downloaded from the Internet, and then load it into the program. After this, you need to go to the settings stage. In most programs, you will not be able to skip this step, as it is necessary to begin burning. What do you need to do? Not much really. First, set the minimum available recording speed to get the best quality result without possible errors. 4X speed is the best choice, but you can change it to a little faster to speed up the process. However, 8X is the maximum you should consider. Secondly, you need to select a multi-session and also note that you want a recording and not a simulated recording. And of course, make sure that the number of copies is set to one, since you are unlikely to need two or three copies of the same game. Now you actually know how to burn a game on PS2 to disk, the instructions are already coming to an end.


Many gamers ask about how to record games on HDD PS2, but they are definitely out of touch with how things were 10-15 years ago. The fact is that hard disks, which are now available on modern consoles, were absent in the PS2. Of course, special models of set-top boxes with a connector for hard drive, however, not all options were suitable for this purpose, and the whole process was not very pleasant and extremely labor-intensive. Moreover, this article is about DVDs, not HDDs, so it’s worth returning to the topic.

Starting the process

So, you have made all the necessary settings and are ready to burn the game to disk. To do this, you will need to start burning. This is very easy to do; after making all the settings, you just need to press one button and monitor the process. Under no circumstances should you try to simply burn the image to a disc using the standard file copy and paste method as this will do nothing and you will only ruin the disc as it is not rewritable. You already know what discs to burn PS2 games to, so there shouldn't be any problems with this.


Now you know everything you need to know about burning discs for Playstation 1 or Playstation 2, so you can safely get down to business. But before that, you should pay attention to some details that were not listed above. For example, an important consideration is the file format you are going to use to burn the disc. The most popular format, in which ninety percent of images are posted on the Internet, is iso; it is recognized by absolutely all programs, both those described above and others, less well-known. However, there are other formats that you shouldn't be afraid of. These include mdf or mds - these are the formats that are used by the Alcochol 120% program, and nrg is intended for the Nero program.

Other details

Once burning is complete, you can remove the disc from the drive, sign it, and start using it on your console. Naturally, there is a possibility of failure, so don't be upset if something goes wrong. You can also follow one interesting advice. As you may remember, you should not use rewritable discs to play on your console. However, you can use such disks to check the functionality of the image that you download from the Internet. To do this, simply burn the game to DVD-RW and try to run the game once. If it works, this means that the image is working, and you can already delete the “draft” from the rewritable disk and write the “clean” version to a non-rewritable disk.

If the game does not work, then this may have a variety of reasons. Moreover, they can be hidden both in the drive of your computer and in the console drive, as well as in the disk itself or in some small mistake that you made during the entire process.

Nobody said it would be easy, so you have to be patient and perfect the process. If you don’t want to waste time and nerves, then your only option is to buy licensed products. This way you will receive guaranteed quality content, and will also support a developer who can work on new games for you and other gamers.

Anyway, now you are completely familiar with the entire process of burning games onto discs for later running on PS2 consoles, so you can start building your own collection of games. This is an ideal option for those gamers who like to be nostalgic, remember the glorious past, get acquainted with missed masterpieces, or once again replay one of your favorite games of your childhood. All this will now be available to you if you have a PS2 console. And you don’t need anything else (except joysticks, which are used as input devices).