Getting rid of essences in a person. The settlement of essence in a person and signs of the presence of another in the body

In the body, those that cause diseases have purely utilitarian functions: they are responsible for the development of the disease, intensify it, and the disease itself is often a "house" for the essence. So, for example, on the subtle plane, many diseases look like animals living in houses: wounds, tumors, a diseased liver, inflamed veins, and so on.

How to get rid of entities? They need to be driven out of space. There are the simplest ways: all entities are afraid of water and fire, incense and lavender, and some other plants (aspen, St. John's wort, etc.). All these are rituals for clearing space, I talk about them in the article "", but the concept of essence is too diverse, and sometimes such creatures live in the subtle body of a person, which simple prayers you won't get kicked out. We need tuning to high frequency energies, we need the help of ancient egregors, special rituals for the expulsion of such creatures. This is a difficult and delicate work, which is not always obtained the first time. Entities are cunning, strong, independent, have a primitive, but still thinking. And they really do not want to leave their familiar space. Therefore, a certain time is required for reprimands, healing sessions in the channels, exorcism (in difficult situations when the soul was enslaved by strong high-level demons).

Who should clean up different kinds of entities. The concept of cleaning and reprimanding

A reprimand is a ritual, a reprimand according to a specially built list of prayers, a spectrum of energies that put a person into a special trance state. The vibrations literally create a new space with a different type of wave. Something similar happens, to make it clearer, when treating the body with ultrasound or laser. The entity cannot withstand these frequencies and leaves its space. But the healer must close the space, fill it, so that the essence has nowhere to return. In addition, it is necessary to put protection. That is why the “perforated” space with gaps will become open food for new settlers. And it’s not a fact that with the inept expulsion of entities, the same one, or even several of its clones or stronger alternative “guests”, will not return.

That is why a person with high level magic and personal energy, who owns special techniques and has an understanding of the processes by which the ritual of exorcism is carried out. If you have no idea how to get rid of the essence, you can not only not drive it away, but also make it angry, as a result, it will cause even more damage and easily bring new settlers. This will affect the physical plane in the form of a sharp deterioration in life circumstances, mood, health, personal life and financial success.

You can only trust a specialist who has repeatedly engaged in such work, who can clearly demonstrate how successful life is for his patients after the expulsion of alien energy.

Have questions about this article? Feel free to ask them in the comments, I will definitely answer.

Influencing human behavior, larvae suck out the vitality of the body, lead to serious illnesses. Changes often appearance the carrier of these, the face acquires an unhealthy color and becomes covered with wrinkles. The person stoops, complains of constant pain, reduces legs and arms.

Since each of us lives not only in our own energy world, but also experiences the influence of neighboring energy fields and the energy of the entire Universe, there may be several reasons why the larva “stuck” to you:

How to determine that a larva has settled in the astral body?

Larva affects a person from all sides. There are several signs, the presence of which indicates that there is a settler in the human biofield - the larva.

  • Addiction, bad habit or destructive passion. Several attempts to get rid of it not only do not bring a visible effect, but only make it worse, weakening and unnerving the person.
  • Phobias, panic attacks that appeared suddenly and for no apparent reason. An increased sense of anxiety, inexplicable danger and fear.
  • Recurring nightmares, talking and crying in sleep.
  • Chronic fatigue that does not go away after a long sleep or rest.
  • Unwillingness to get out of bed in the morning, long and painful awakening, lack of strength for the coming day. Mandatory use in the morning of various stimulants for cheerfulness.
  • Pain in the neck and spine in men and in the abdomen in women.
  • A sharp drop in visual acuity in the evening, which is usually restored in the morning.

There are three ways to get rid of the larva. Each of the beliefs and religious teachings calls the larva differently, explaining its origin by the appearance of demons and demons in human life. Mandatory will be a visit to the temple, participation in the Church Sacraments (Confession and Communion, Unction), life according to Christian commandments.

Also, many try to fight the larva on their own. For this, it is necessary to strengthen the willpower and spirit. All attempts should be based on the suppression of their passions, irresistible desires. Use various psychotechnics and meditations.

The third way is to turn to magicians and sorcerers. They read the necessary conspiracies, perform rituals of purification and cutting off the larvae from their carrier. In some cases, one session will be enough, in others the sorcerer simply will not be able to help. It is very important that the desire to get rid of the larva comes from the heart of their owner. Otherwise, success may not be achieved.

It may seem complicated, but this is due to the fact that it includes both elements of purification and some protective measures that guarantee the complete expulsion of the otherworldly entity. Here you can find some similarities with getting rid of a pest. First you need to track down the harmful creature and expel it from the territory, and then cover up any cracks and loopholes to protect yourself from re-entry.

Step 1. Set up magical protection by creating a magic circle

This necessary element ritual, especially if you are afraid of demon attacks. It is possible to draw a magic circle around the entire room where the banishing ritual will be performed, but this is not necessary.

Step 2. Balayage

Sweeping an area is a special type of cleansing. In contrast, designed to cleanse the room of negative energy with the help of a magical composition, sweeping is used to physically remove the negative entity and the energies associated with it. Even if the floors in the room are carpeted or the space is grassy, ​​you can lightly sweep the carpets or grass with a broom/broom. Before proceeding with this ritual, it is recommended to open all doors and windows in order to completely “sweep out” the negative energy from the house. Sweep the floors throughout the house three times counterclockwise. Some people also "sweep" the air in the middle of the room and above their head, as if they were filming an invisible web. See for yourself what suits you best. To be sure that the panicle itself does not contain negative energies, do not use the first broom that comes to hand for the ritual. Purchase or make your own special whisk, which is used only in magical rituals.

Step 3: Recite the Casting Prayer

If you are unable to concentrate on performing two actions at the same time - sweeping and reciting a prayer, then a banishing prayer can be read immediately after the ritual.

PRAYER CALL: Hail [God(s)/Goddess(s)/Spirit/Universe/Higher Self/etc.].

PRAISE: Praise you who [list three attributes]!

REQUEST FOR HELP: Thank you for banishing [insert entity] from [insert location] and for protecting this place.


SECURITY IMPERATIVE: Without harming anyone, but for the good of all. Let it be so.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: In return, I give you [praise/express my gratitude/love and devotion/other service].

HOLY/BLESSING: Be blessed! (Pause and feel the response.)

Step 4 Cleansing

Walk around the room three times counterclockwise, first with incense (white sage) and then with water to which a little salt has been added.

If you drew a magic circle before starting the ritual, you can use both incense and some salt water. These two magical compositions contain all four elements: Water and Earth in salt water, Air and Fire in a fragrant plant.

Step 5. Protection

Magical protection does not allow the expelled negative entity to return to the house. The exile is carried out during the reading of the prayer and the purification of the space (steps 3 and 4). Now it's time to set up protection. If you performed a ritual of exorcism indoors, I recommend hanging a clove of garlic over each window, over each door or mirror so that the entities do not enter the room through these "entrances". It is believed that unprotected mirrors can serve as gates to the subtle worlds, but this does not mean at all that mirrors cannot be hung in the house. On the contrary, in some cultures there is a tradition to place additional mirrors on the outside of doorways or opposite front door, as they reflect negative energy, preventing it from spreading throughout the room.

Step 6. Now, if desired, you can consecrate the room

The expulsion of the negative essence and the purification of space is a kind of consecration of the premises. However, the energy space of the room, cleared of negativity, is a kind of “empty place” and needs an influx new energy. Some people are convinced that the influx of positive energy into a cleared space increases the level of protection and attracts good entities into the room in accordance with the magical law of positive attraction. You can bless the place by reading another prayer.

Read about the types of negative entities

1. Diagnostics

Negative entities, penetrating a person's aura, distort his feelings, emotions, thoughts and behavior, destroy his personality and destiny, and create negative karma.

Some of them are deeply embedded and pass along with the Soul from life to life, some are superficial.

It depends on how quickly you can get rid of a particular entity.

We offer full program work to get rid of dark astral entities.

In some cases, it will be necessary to go through all the points of this program, in some cases its first stages will be enough - it depends on the degree of penetration of the essence into the shells of subtle bodies.

At the first stage of work, it is necessary to see the negative essence, identify it and recognize its presence in one's own aura.

Essences are rooted in the unconscious, so it is not easy to see them in oneself. Most often they disguise themselves as the character of a person, under his usual reactions.

It is easier to see the presence of entities from the side. They manifest themselves as reactions, inadequate situations: too much anger for an empty reason, violent hysteria “out of the blue”, when “they make an elephant out of a fly”. It is also uncontrollable suspicion, pathological greed, the desire to take someone else's, from which it is difficult to resist (kliptomania), unreasonable arrogance, arrogance and swagger, hypertrophied guilt and self-abasement, feeling unworthy.

There are other types of deviations associated with the desire for power and self-affirmation, with the sexual sphere, cruelty, resentment, self-doubt. We have described some of them in the chapters on lesions of the soul body.

At this stage, we “call a spade a spade”, determine the name, the exact vibration of the astral entities that have infiltrated the subtle plane. They have the same name as negative quality character.

Essences can be located in the area of ​​chakras, energy channels, on parts of the body and specifically in organs. By tuning in to search for a certain entity, you can even see its ethereal form.

Thus, the essences of power nest on the head and take the form of royal headdresses.

The essence of vice settles in a small cosmic orbit - a ring energy meridian, vertically covering the entire body in front and behind. This meridian controls conception, the essence provokes sexual interest and sexual arousal, and the etheric form of the essence resembles a snake body.

The essence of greed (“toad strangles”) is located on the surface of the sternum, prevents breathing and squeezes the heart.

A whole bunch of essences can sit on one energy center, strung like pieces of meat on a skewer, for a certain vibration. They will differ in semitones.

For example, the essence of cynicism can be surrounded by the essences of scoffing, sarcasm, mockery, ridicule, bullying, rudeness, hardness of heart, neglect, swagger, mockery, contempt, etc.

Suspicion is accompanied by wariness, distrust, hostility, anxiety, excessive foresight, fear of the future, rigidity, concern.

Self-blame "comes" with guilt, regret about decisions taken and missed opportunities, with disrespect for yourself, with self-punishment.

2. Final decision

Entities at first act as allies and helpers, offering protection for a person. For example, timidity and self-doubt often attract and hide behind cynicism, swagger, and rudeness. So teenagers, terribly afraid of being sexually incompetent, pretend that they are knowledgeable, skillful, behave cheekily, let go of cynical jokes.

The essence of power really helps its bearer break through power structures, she makes her owner fear, because she inflicts invisible astral blows on the disgruntled. These blows are very destructive, they affect the subtle bodies and health of people, and can even lead to death. The subconscious of others, punished in this way for disobedience, begins to reflexively fear the carrier of the essence, shun him and yield to him.

However, a person, "saddled" by the essence, subtly changes. His openness, kindness and sincerity disappear, he becomes unbearable for others, he loses the ability to love and be loved, and this is the essence of human happiness.
Essences are by no means harmless to their host for other reasons.

Their hidden goal is to strengthen the slightest negative character traits in order to destroy the personality of a person and his life, to cause as much suffering as possible around a person and in himself. The energy of suffering - "gavvah" - is the substance that they feed on.

If the entities do not meet resistance, they gradually take possession of their carrier, and from an ally they turn into its master. A person loses himself, his personality and Soul, independence of thinking, turning into a "shell" for the essence.

In working with astral "allies" the moment of making a decision is very important. You need to make sure that you really decide and are completely ready to let go of this ally, that his help is harmful to you, and the benefit from him is ephemeral. If the bearer of the essence still doubts whether he can live without his "ally", then the healing process will not be effective.

3. Leads

Now it is necessary to determine why the negative entity came, what internal vibration it is in tune with. This vibration, a negative character trait, a complex or resentment, is the “hook”, “hook”, on which the essence is attached to the subtle plane of a person. If these clinging problems are resolved, figuratively speaking, the hooks are unbent, then the essence will no longer be supported by anything.

However, entities lower astral are not attracted to everyone. There are people who are practically free from such a “neighborhood” - they are loving, open, honest people, those who can be called good people. These people are united by one thing - they have absolutely no vibration of hatred for anyone.

The central, primordial cause that attracts negative entities is the vibration of hate.if it is present in the character of a person even to the slightest degree.

Hatred is noticeable when it manifests itself vividly as rejection, anger, rage and anger, hysteria. However, there are also blurred, hidden forms of it: irritation, coldness, indifference, heartlessness.

Barely noticeable, but constant irritation is the most dangerous form of manifestation of hatred, because. she is almost unrecognizable. But at the same time, a person actively attracts the essences of the lower astral plane.

Hatred creates the very hooks that entities cling to. For example, self-hatred for some long-standing failures creates a feeling of self-doubt, which attracts the essence of self-blame, guilt, self-punishment.

Hatred of people gives rise to distrust of them, and this is a hook for suspicion, jealousy.

The initial hatred of God hidden in karma gives rise to distrust in the Universe, uncertainty in one's security, in tomorrow. It attracts the desire to protect oneself, to insure, to assert oneself, to capture as many benefits as possible. This is the ground for the essences of greed, lust for power, arrogance, etc.

Hatred of God, when a person hates Love, causes a desire to humiliate it, trample it into the mud, prove that it does not exist. This is fertile ground for all sorts of sexual permissiveness, swagger, debauchery, deviations and perversions.

Hatred of Life as such gives rise to distrust of life and unwillingness to live, and this is the basis for the essence of suicide. For others, hatred of life attracts essences of cruelty, sadism, the spirit of murder.
4. Resentment is the root of hatred

Hatred itself always arises in response to some initial offense. This may be an insult to a particular person who did not behave as expected of him. It may be resentment that the situation is not going the way you would like.

In fact, this is an insult to fate, to life, to God. Sometimes a person is offended by himself, for having made the wrong decision, for not coping with the situation.

If you try to better understand what really happened, to understand the situation, then you can forgive your offenders, understanding the true motives of their actions. Indeed, in most cases, people offend each other not intentionally, but out of awkwardness, or thoughtlessness. Understanding and forgiveness heal resentment against people.

Resentment can serve as a lesson in which a person learns from his mistakes, becomes wiser. Perceiving himself as a student of Life, a person learns to respect himself, without humiliating himself with guilt and self-criticism.

If a person always does the best he can in every moment of his life, he will not make any more mistakes. Resentments against oneself are healed by study and self-improvement.

Resentment against God arises from the fact that a person cannot know the underlying causes of events and their long-term, delayed consequences. From a human perspective, some events may look cruel and unfair. However, nothing is accidental, everything has underlying karmic causes.

When we lose loved ones or find ourselves in a tragic situation, we always at the level of Souls, even before our birth, agreed on this in advance. It was an agreement with God - the most loving and wise Beginning, so all decisions were correct. They included concern for the good of the Soul, other people and all of humanity. This means that even the most difficult and sad events, the greatest difficulties, people need in order to learn and become more and more perfect.

The time will come when people will become so developed that they will be able to understand the causes of all the situations that have taken place in each life they have lived and understand their wisdom and necessity. Already, many tools have come to people that help heal their past grievances and untie karmic knots. We recommend that you use the meditations in Living Without Fear to return to those first situations in which resentment arose. There are texts of meditations that will allow you to dive into the past in order to find the origins of today's problems, including past lives.

If a person does not yet understand the meaning of all negative events, but believes in the reasonableness of the world, this will help him not to be offended by fate and people even in the most difficult situations.
So, each person has a choice - to try to heal their offense through forgiveness or trust - or to continue to be offended.

Resentment is pain, inner tension. If this pain is not healed, there is hatred for the one who caused this pain.

And hatred attracts astral beings who are always ready to "help" - to punish the offender, to take revenge on him.

Revenge and punishment do not heal either mental or physical pain. But they balance, compensate for it with satisfaction, and sometimes even gloating.

We see that "allies" are attracted from the lower astral when a person does not heal his offense, but only tries to protect himself from offense and pain.

5. Alternative

If an “ally” has been protecting for many years, then the subconscious will not part with him unless he is offered other, alternative options that would help relieve tension.

So, for example, spiritual vulnerability is often covered by callousness. If a person wants to let go of his callousness in order to become soft, open, sympathetic again, then his spiritual body will remain bare, defenseless next to tactless, insensitive people.

The ally will not leave because the subconscious will not let him go. It will not want to expose itself to blows and injuries from people again. The situation seems hopeless, but in reality there are always ways out. The first thing to do is to understand the nature of your vulnerability. Often this is the inability to say “no” to a person, to express the truth about how we feel next to him.

Young man P. cannot refuse anything to his mother, who has already begun shamelessly using his time and services. He is a really good son and respects his mother, but, being afraid of offending her, he could never tell her that with her trifling requests she violates his plans, distracts him from important matters.

In an effort to prevent the same "custom" attitude towards himself from his beloved girl, he sometimes treats her inappropriately harshly, which hurts her painfully. So with callousness he tries to protect himself from being used by women, but this blow goes to an innocent person.

prospects life together these young people are doubtful. If a girl tolerates the callousness of P., then, most likely, she will grow a tyrant out of him. If he can’t stand it, then their union will go wrong.

The inadequacy of P.'s reaction is a sign of an astral entity that has already settled in the aura of this young man. If it is not removed, then, most likely, it family life will be destroyed, and possible happiness will not take place.

The situation is alarming and threatens suffering and great losses for all its participants. And its cause is the presence of an already uncontrollable entity and the unconscious complex underlying it that P. has developed in relation to his mother. Apparently, it arose in early childhood, and now it prevents P. from talking frankly with his mother. An open conversation would help break her stereotypes, inspire her with respect for her son, since he really deserves it.

Work with the unconscious is effectively done by means of depth psychology, and it does not take much time. Getting rid of the complex, P. will remove the cause, the "hook" that creates the need to be callous. The essence will leave, and then P. will no longer have to defend herself against all other women with the help of an astral "ally" and his injuring demonic power.

At the same time, P. will learn another way to protect herself from people who behave disrespectfully. This is sincerity, openness, this is the ability to tell the truth. The truth and the word “no”, spoken with love for oneself and for the interlocutor, with God in the Soul, have a completely different effect than the same truth, spoken in a state of malice and callousness. This truth never hurts, it does not cause pain and resentment, but it teaches, admonishes, opens eyes. It makes relationships respectful and removes tension between people.

This will save P. from losses and deep disappointment, which can ruin both his future life and the life of his chosen one.

In fact, "allies" point us to those problems, blocks and complexes that burden the personality. Having solved these problems, a person will cope with two tasks at once: get rid of the astral "ally", and at the same time become psychologically healthier.

6. Asking for help

Astral entities often leave when their roots are cut, and sometimes it is enough to do only the first stages of work to get rid of the aggravating quality.

But some of the entities are very deeply rooted and do not go away easily.

Higher Light Beings can cope with them.

Astral entities join the burdensome character traits, regardless of what religion a person belongs to. Naturally, it is better to turn to the Higher Light Beings for help within the framework of one's faith.

However, there are other Light Beings who can be called non-denominational.

The World of Light is boundless and saturated with life, and there are Beings in it who care about the future of all mankind, our entire planet. They work with a person's karma, with the fate of the Earth, with the probabilities of its development.

There are other beings that can help a person in his purification and spiritual growth.

Is it possible to be cleansed of entities only by a request to Higher powers? Yes, this is how prayers work if they are said sincerely. However, if a person does not consider it necessary to change his character and habitual ways of behavior, then the entities are attracted again. Imagine that you are cleaning your apartment from cockroaches. You can wash the house and kill all insects, and this will help. However, if all the cracks and holes leading to public risers are not sealed, the cockroach invasion will continue.

7. Overcoming pathological habits

This is a fixing stage of getting rid of negative astral beings. The “ally”, who left due to the previous stages, may return again if the person does not get rid of the already developed habitual behavioral reactions. This is especially true for older people whose thinking is difficult to rebuild or those who are embarrassed to rebuild, afraid of falling out of their usual company.

Habits such as condemnation, slander and gossip (discussion in the absence of a person), gloating, disrespectful or arrogant tone, interference in other people's affairs, teaching, the habit of lying - not telling, embellishing - this is a breeding ground for various kinds of negative entities, on which they flock again and again.

This habit needs to be recognized and stopped the next time it comes back. It is enough to stop a few times for a bad habit to go away forever. Now the negative astral entity will no longer have the opportunity to return.

8. Change environment

The people with whom we communicate every day are also carriers of essences, they are also not perfect. If we join them, support their point of view, we open a door between us, through which we exchange energies and information.

Perhaps your social circle will change as a result. Do not regret about it. Like attracts like, dirty attracts dirt, clean attracts purity. Together with those who strive for excellence just like you, you will become twice as strong, you will feel protected.

We are writing our book precisely so that as many people as possible on Earth could cleanse themselves and the surrounding space.

If you are worried about negative entities and you do not know how to deal with them, then this experience will be useful to you.

Why can't you be angry?

“Several decades ago, no one knew about astral entities and dark energies, they were called differently. My grandmother always said that being angry is bad, that the devil himself is pushing it.

Negative emotions attract various negative entities to us!

To refrain from anger and relieve internal tension, grandmother always recommended reading a prayer to yourself¹.

I asked her how she knew about this, to which in response she told an example from her personal life, after which she finally became convinced of the existence of negative entities.

From personal experience...

“During the war, people talked about death, hunger and disease all the time, they constantly lived in the negative. There was so much fear, anxiety and anger at the invaders around that even the air seemed extremely heavy.

In those war years, many refugees from other areas captured by the war came to our village. So opposite us lived those who came from Leningrad during its blockade. Their lives were especially hard...

Many villagers left their homes for the refugees and settled with their relatives in order to somehow help people.”

The war is over, but the negative energies remain...

“When the war ended, many returned, and the owners got their homes back.

And then one of the women, who also gave away her house, after returning began to notice that at night some people appeared in the house. They did not touch her, but their presence horrified her.

As a result, this woman returned to those who sheltered her during the war, telling them what happened. They believed her, because many also began to feel someone's invisible presence in their homes.

Negative entities have not disappeared!

“At night, when everyone was asleep, a terrible scream was heard throughout the house. This woman screamed. Everyone woke up, lit the lamp and saw a terrible picture: this woman had a rope around her neck, and the dark silhouettes of astral entities were dragging her along.

Then everything suddenly disappeared. The woman remained sitting on the floor with a half-mad look. Later, when she came to her senses, she said that those who came for her called her back.

The villagers called the priest to read a prayer, but the woman resolutely refused to return home.

A village council was set up in this dwelling. There was no permanent watchman; at the request of the chairman, the villagers themselves were on duty. Once my grandmother happened to be on duty ... "

What to do when negative entities appear?

“When it was my turn, I went into the house and started to kindle the stove, as it was winter, washed the floors, lit the lamp, sat until the middle of the night, knitted half a sock and decided to lie down, but could not fall asleep, lay silently.

Out of nowhere, two men appeared. I was barely breathing, but pretended to be asleep. Quietly, I began to examine these “visitors”, I recognized one immediately, this person had been dead for a long time, ”said my grandmother.

“The men were completely naked. I immediately realized that these were not people, but I could not move. When the men began to approach, I remembered the words of my mother that when evil spirits appear and you cannot move, you need to start moving your big toes and read a prayer. I did so, it allowed me to come to my senses.”

Until the roosters, she read the prayers that she knew, no one else came that night. After this experience, my grandmother realized what power prayer hides in itself. This is the fine line that can protect us from the entities of the other world².