Why do you dream of a golden crown on your head? Gold Crown

01.07.2019 Computers

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing or wearing a crown in a dream is a sign of great worries and responsibilities. Desiring her in a dream is a sign of temptation or burden, the hardships of life. Much depends on your perception of this dream, on its context. In general, a gloomy dream cannot foretell amazing and wonderful pleasant events. For the rich, a dream about a crown predicts honors and wealth associated with their rise in society. For the poor, such a dream only portends an additional burden of worries. Sometimes such a dream can warn you that your deepest secrets may be revealed. For patients, such a dream predicts death. For criminals, such a dream predicts that their crimes will be revealed and they will suffer a well-deserved punishment.

Crowning a wife in a dream is a sign of her illness. Crowning a sick person means death. For lovers, such a dream predicts happiness, prosperity and an abundance of attention and gifts from a loved one.

A wreath made of flowers is a dream of joy, and one made of gold or silver is a gift. See diamond, metal, crown, gold, jewelry.

Why do you dream about a crown according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

A crown in a dream symbolizes power, success, authority. Having a crown on your head means that you will lead someone. Gold or silver crown - expect a pleasant surprise from your loved one. A crown entwined with flowers means a private date. Seeing a crown on someone's head means you are in danger of losing property. Putting a crown on someone's head is a sign of upcoming changes in your life. Coronation - prudent actions will help you achieve success in business and happiness in family life.

Why do you dream about a crown according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a crown on someone - honor and glory for the one on whom you saw it; wearing a crown means honor and glory for you; receiving a crown as a gift is a big and pleasant surprise; losing or breaking a crown in a dream means great dishonor.


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Many people take a crown in a dream as a symbol of wealth, but it has a completely different meaning. Some details are also important: what it is made of, who it was worn on.

In general, a dream symbolizes respect and approval from others. It is also possible to get a promotion or strengthen your authority.

If you dream about a headdress flying off someone’s head, expect illness and illness for yourself.

A gold crown is a symbol of great success and recognition at work or in business, and colleagues will help you in every possible way.

If you are wearing it, you should not expect respect and understanding from the people around you. It is possible that you will show yourself unworthy and your authority will fall.


This sign is a harbinger of a great temptation that you will face in the near future. Remember that your future well-being will depend only on your willpower.

It was made of precious metal - your loved one will prepare a pleasant surprise for you, which will make you very happy.

If you saw it on your own head, you will find it financial stability and earn the respect of others; on someone else - be extremely careful, as you risk being left without part of your property.

A dream in which you put a crown on someone symbolizes upcoming changes in your personal life and professional sphere. Perhaps you decide to go on a long trip, where you will meet interesting people.

Witnessed someone's coronation - you will have the opportunity to get to know each other closely famous personalities. For unmarried girl Such daydreams can turn into a quick marriage.

We were honored to be awarded the crown, however, this event was not very solemn and even a little chaotic - you will not be able to resist the temptation to have fun, which will entail a whole series of troubles.

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The symbol of royal power evokes positive emotions. Seeing a tiara in a dream, a person feels uplifted, energized, and hopes for the best. What do interpreters say about this? Deciphering what the crown means in dreams, many experience involuntary surprise. The image has several meanings, some of which are completely unexpected.

General cultural associations

Subconsciously, the crown is associated with a significant position, a high position, and great social weight. Power, might, the ability to subjugate one’s will - such qualities form the person of a monarch.

The tiara is both a public sign and a deeply personal item. Only kings or kings are allowed to hold it in their hands, much less wear it on their heads. The duality of the symbol is visible in the interpretations of the dream. As the dream book says, crown is not always a sign of good, positive events. It may portend disappointment. To understand the true meaning, you need to remember the details of the dream. But first, analyze the events of real life.

Possible real prerequisites

Despite the popularity and recognition of the image, it rarely appears in dreams. Sometimes the impetus for the formation of a plot is events, news that happened in objective reality: incidents associated with leadership positions, world rulers. The subconscious creates such dreams, trying to calm anxiety and internal experiences of the individual. Another one possible reason: trepidation, fear of superiors, desire to serve superiors, to prove oneself. Does the dreamer think he is underestimated? Quite expectedly, a crown comes in a dream.

General meaning

The main meaning of the seen attribute of power is patronage, prosperity, strengthening the status of the dream observer. Tiara is a positive sign, promising good things and news. Sometimes a crown in a dream means success and quick profit. Another common meaning is a long journey that brings great emotions and new friends.

Storyline options

To fully understand the meaning of the subliminal message, remember the smallest details dreams. Each turn concretizes the interpretation, clarifying the essence. Analyze the dream, rely on your own hunch. Main lines:

  • The dreamer wears a royal crown on his head;
  • Represents a sign of royalty on another person;
  • A tiara falls off someone;
  • The dream watcher holds it in his hands;
  • Present at the royal wedding ceremony;
  • Lost or broke a precious piece of jewelry;
  • It is the dreamer who is crowned.

There are many options for interpreting the symbol. The subconscious gives some clues right away. Remember with what feelings you woke up. They will guide you to the correct decoding.

Feeling after waking up

Any negative emotion indicates the bad consequences of a dreamed royal crown. On a subconscious level, a person feels: something unpleasant is happening or will happen, connected with management, a mentor, an older family member. Perhaps negative changes are coming in the workplace, a scandal is brewing with a significant person. Subconsciously, such experiences are transformed into a “crown” image that carries unpleasant emotions.

A state of joy, inspiration, and happy anticipation promises a positive course of affairs in reality. Perhaps you will get a promotion, strengthen your own position, and achieve what you want. Rely on your feelings, listen to your inner world - understanding of the dream will definitely come.

Interpretation based on the details of the dream

Based on the general symbolic meaning and emotions after awakening, one can already understand the meaning of the dream. Details will only help clarify the message and clarify some important points.


Remember what the dreamed crown was made of. Diamond - colleagues admire your bright head, value you for your intelligence, and respect you for your spiritual qualities. Pearl - expect the imminent appearance of an important mentor who will strengthen your authority and help you climb higher up the career ladder.

A paper or toy tiara placed on the head says: the dreamer has not yet achieved the desired status. Colleagues do not take the dream observer seriously. However, relatives love, appreciate, respect.

Gold and silver promise a surprise, good news from a loved one. If you have to sue someone, the decision will be made in your favor.

A wooden crown means peace of mind. The dreamer is in harmony with himself and does not experience internal worries or anxieties.

Is the tiara decorated with flowers? You will have a great rest in good, cheerful company. For lonely people, such a dream promises a quick meeting with their lover.

Icy - get ready to change your place of residence. Events will occur that will turn the usual course 180 degrees.

Actions with a crown

If the crown was on the dreamer’s head in a dream, expect career advancement. Anyone who tries on a tiara can prepare for career growth. Wanting to get it, but finding yourself without a crown is a symbol of a real desire for the desired goal. A found royal attribute promises a profitable acquisition, while a stolen one promises a great loss or disappointment. If the hero of a dream becomes a thief, it means that in reality you are enjoying the fruits of other people’s efforts.

When figuring out why you dream of a crown on your head, in your hands, as a separate object, appreciate the nuances of the dream. Rely on your own intuition, projecting it onto the proposed interpretations.

I dreamed about the Crown (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian Dream Book)

Crown - Gold on the head means the favor of the sovereign or the patronage of a strong nobleman, also the respect of fellow citizens, gifts, litigation and a profitable enterprise.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does Crown mean in a dream?

Crown - To be wearing a crown is stupidity; to see on another is a minor success.

The meaning of the dream about the Coronation (from the Kopalinsky encyclopedia)

Crown – Protection, reliability.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Crown in a dream?

Crown - Seeing in a dream means joy, wearing it means fame and wealth (sometimes illness).

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Corona, what does it mean?

Why did you dream about the Crown according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Corona – Life is full of fear.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Crown as an image in a dream

Crown - Seeing it in a dream means you will have a great temptation; to wear - wealth; a crown with flowers - joy; made of gold or silver - a gift, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Crown - If in a dream you have a crown decorated with pearls on your head, then you will soon achieve considerable honor and respect, your position in society will noticeably strengthen, but it is possible that you will be suspected of insufficient respect for religion. A woman's dream of a crown predicts a quick marriage. Her husband will hold a high position and have wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does a crown mean in a dream?

Crown - Seeing it in a dream - you will have a great temptation - wear it - wealth - with flowers - joy - made of gold or silver - a gift

To see or wear a Crown - A life full of fear

Coronation - Seeing in a dream means prudence and happiness.

See Corona

Coronation - Prudence and happiness.

What does it mean to see Corona

Crown in a dream - Be careful, think about your decisions. If the crown is fake, then expect failure. Corona is a warning. Be very careful when making decisions, especially in business. If it's a paper crown at a party, you'll fail. Coronation in a dream - you will earn a lot of money, but your increased fortune will impose even greater responsibility on you. Corona also portends drastic changes in your lifestyle. Perhaps you have a long journey ahead of you in the near future. Along the way you will make new friends and change your outlook on life. However, sleep can also predict illness. If you see yourself wearing a crown, then you are in danger of losing your property. Seeing a person with a crown on his head in a dream predicts that the time is approaching when both you and others around you will be able to appreciate you.

The meaning of the dream about the Coronation (interpretation by Georgy Ivanov)

Crown - Putting on and wearing a crown is a sign of love, which one sought to try on. Seeing a crown in a dream means your heart is open to great and true love.

Slavic dream book

What does a crown mean in a dream?

Wearing a crown in a dream means your distinction and high position. To see it on someone - his pride is exorbitant.

Dream book for the whole family / E. Danilova

Why do you dream about Crown?

The crown is the desire for success.

The meaning of the dream about the King (Jewish dream book)

I dreamed of a Crown - Trying on a crown - indulging in fruitless dreams. Putting a crown on a cow means trying to preserve your property, which someone else is claiming.

Erickson's Dream Book

If you see the Crown, what is it for?

Crown - dignity, pride, nobility. Dropping the crown means compromising yourself, losing your dignity. Seeing a crown on others is a desire for a better life. Buy or somehow find a crown - there will be a person who will help resolve the problem related to work. A crown made of gold or silver is a gift.

I dreamed about Corona - a life full of dignity. Seeing the crown on yourself is an honor and gratitude.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Crown in a dream

Crown - For a girl - imminent marriage to a very high-ranking person. For a woman - an influential admirer. For men - promotion. Imagine being crowned by a bishop and a bishop (see Bishop, Bishop).

English dream book

Why see the Crown in a dream

Dreamed of a Crown – Crowns and tiaras have been symbols of royal power and nobility for thousands of years. Wearing a crown can indicate a desire to be treated as a noble and worthy person, as a leader.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Crown

Crown - You saw a crown in a dream - some event will make you worry; this will lead to a change in your attitude towards some life values; By getting stronger on your feet, you will use new opportunities and greatly strengthen your financial situation; another interpretation of the dream: you will make a journey. It’s as if you are putting a crown on yourself - the dream foretells you the loss of part of your property; another interpretation of the dream: you will take responsibility for the actions of other people, for the fate of these people. You dream that a crown is being put on someone - the dream speaks of your lack of faith in your own strength; you prefer to always rely on someone's help; but this way you will never get out of need. You dream that a crown falls from someone’s head - the dream foreshadows: one of your relatives will be struck down by a serious illness; it is possible that it will lead to death. You are holding a crown decorated with diamonds in your hands - your high feelings will keep your soul pure, but your hopes will remain just hopes. A young woman dreams of a crown in diamonds - the dream suggests that this woman, as usual, has her soul wide open and her heart wide open; You shouldn't be so gullible.

I dreamed of a Coronation - In a dream you are crowned - a favorable dream; In reality, a promotion awaits you. You see the coronation as if from the outside - you are completely satisfied with your life; If something doesn’t work out as planned, it’s only in small things. You are participating in a coronation ceremony - you will actually get to know someone from famous people; you will be able to turn this acquaintance to your advantage. You are present at the coronation ceremony as an invitee, as a spectator - you will enjoy communicating with interesting influential people. A young woman dreams that she is taking part in a coronation ceremony - very influential people will favor this woman; she is at peace with her reputation. A young woman sees that there was some kind of confusion at the coronation ceremony - an unfavorable dream; This woman's entertainment could turn into disaster.

In real life, the crown is an invariable attribute of power, wealth and honor. The dream book identifies this object in a dream as a symbol of grandiose plans, plans and ideas. When interpreting dreams yourself, you need to take into account that the meanings of what a royal crown means in a dream depend on appearance, condition and material from which it is made.

In the Jewish interpreter, the crown has a peculiar meaning, foreshadowing a life full of fear. The Muslim dream book considers it a symbol of forbidden thoughts and a heavy burden.

Wearing a royal crown

Wearing a crown on your head, according to Miller's dream book, portends wealth, fame, success and prosperity. Seeing it on another person is a threat in real life to lose property.

The English interpreter has a slightly different explanation for why such a plot is dreamed. A tiara in a dream predicts a significant increase in the dreamer’s social status and the favor of authoritative and influential people.

However, if you had to see a crown on your head, then you shouldn’t count on great honors. Moreover, because of your unworthy act, you risk losing your current authority. Giving away a precious object voluntarily in a dream means that in reality you will be able to achieve an independent position in society.

The Muslim dream book explains a similar picture in a dream by the heavy burden of caring for one’s loved ones that will fall to the lot of the sleeping person.

Power attribute material

If you dreamed that you were the owner of a diamond crown, it means that in reality your efforts and merits will be appreciated by others.

A crown decorated with pearls in a dream promises favor and honor from influential people. As a result of this, your position in society will be significantly strengthened, but it is possible that your actions will arouse suspicions of insufficient respect for religion.

The dream of a paper tiara on your head should serve as a warning about the failure of the planned event.

A gold or silver crown in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, foreshadows a pleasant surprise from a loved one; if the tiara is entwined with flowers, you will spend an unforgettable time alone with your beloved. IN Muslim dream book, the dreamed picture has a slightly different meaning, predicting a quick meeting with your destiny.

A broken crown in a dream warns the dreamer of an assassination attempt or attack on him. To avoid this, Mayans are advised to carry a chicken bone broken in half in your pocket for a week.