What kind of post is going on in August? What can you do during the Assumption Fast?

14.08.2019 Business

Dormition Fast in 2017, what date?

Always before important Orthodox holidays, believers fervently pray and fast. Some posts last more than a month, others a little less, but in any case they are all of great importance. These periods were created for people to purify their body, soul, and thoughts and at least get a little closer to God. Fasts vary not only in duration, but also in severity. So the Great and Dormition fasts are considered the strictest. The first lasts forty-eight days and precedes Easter, while the Assumption Fast is observed by the Orthodox in the summer, and it is one of the shortest. Let's consider when the Assumption Fast will take place in 2017, what date it will begin and what holiday it prepares believers for.

The duration of fasting, as well as the start and end dates, always depend on what holiday believers need to prepare for. This is how the Assumption Fast is dedicated. And this holiday has a specific date - the twenty-eighth of August. It follows that fasting begins at the same time every year.

The Assumption Fast lasts fourteen days, and thus it turns out that it begins on the fourteenth of August and ends on the twenty-seventh, that is, on the eve of the holiday.

The history of the origin of the Assumption Fast

The Dormition Fast is compared to Great Lent in terms of the number of restrictions. And to understand why fasting is so strict, it is enough to remember the holiday that it precedes.

The Assumption Fast is the only one that is dedicated to the Mother of God, that is, the mother of Jesus Christ. Religious books indicate that after Mary learned that she would soon leave the mortal world, she decided to fast. Although at that time she had already been canonized, Mary still constantly prayed and fasted.

The Mother of God, by her example, showed how true believers should live, therefore, in memory of the Mother of God and her deed, people also began to fast. During this two-week period, Orthodox Christians, following the example of the Mother of God, must cleanse themselves spiritually and physically.

By the way, the Assumption Fast intersects with another important Orthodox holiday - the Transfiguration of the Lord. And perhaps it is also dedicated to this day.

The meaning of the Assumption Fast

The Dormition of the Mother of God is considered a great holiday, but many people do not understand why believers celebrate the day of the death of the Mother of God. The fact is that the word “dormition” means “sleep”, moreover, Jesus defeated death forever and showed people that the spirit lives forever. That is why spiritual cleansing is very important during the Dormition Fast.

During fasting, believers should not have fun, take part in entertainment events and holidays. Also, at this time you cannot swear with anyone, harbor anger or use foul language. It is necessary to show kindness and mercy.

Nutrition rules during fasting

Dietary restrictions are less strict than during Lent. But there is still a clear schedule that must be adhered to. So, for example, on the first, third and fifth days of the week you can only eat raw food. You can eat vegetables, fruits and crackers. Snacking is allowed with dried fruits, nuts or a spoonful of honey. On Tuesdays and Thursdays you can cook, but only without vegetable oil. It is better to cook lean soups, porridges or compotes. On weekends, you can cook dishes with the addition of butter, and in addition you are allowed to take a few sips of church wine.

The only exception is August 19. Since the Transfiguration of the Lord is celebrated on this day, believers can eat fish and seafood.

However, people who have health problems can deviate from these rules and consume other products, however, it is better in this case to consult with a spiritual mentor.

Traditions of the Dormition Fast

If you remember when the Assumption Fast is in 2017, what date it is, it will become clear that at this time there is a lot of fruits and vegetables that can be eaten. And also at this time, people usually collect honey and celebrate the Honey Savior. Therefore, at the beginning of Lent, a rite of consecration of this product is performed.

Also, on the day the fast begins, people usually bathe in ponds to wash away their sins. After this date, usually no more believers swim in rivers and lakes until next summer.

Orthodox holidays in August 2017

August, last month summer, rich in Orthodox events. But do not forget that not only church holidays are celebrated in August 2017, there will also be an Assumption Fast this month.

Every day in the liturgical calendar Orthodox Church dedicated to one or another saint or sacred event. August is a particularly significant month for Christians with its festive events.

Orthodox church holidays in July 2017

- Finding relics St. Seraphim, Sarov miracle worker.
– Cathedral of Kursk Saints.
– Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness of Seraphim-Diveevskaya.

August 2, 2017 Wednesday

Fast day.

– Discovery of the relics of Athanasius of Brest.

– Icons of the Mother of God of Galich, “The Sign” Abalatskaya, Orsha.

– Day of the Prophet Elijah.

Day of Elijah the Prophet (Elijah's Day) Celebrated according to the new style on August 2. He is the most popular Saint among the common people. And therefore, it is natural that Elijah’s day is rich in traditions, customs, and signs. The people called Ilya the sir, the declarer of God's holy law. He justly punished sinners, striping their fields with hail; he showed fatherly care to the hardworking and pious peasants: he watered the crops with beneficial rain and exterminated pests of the fields.

Traditions and rituals on Elijah's day

All legends described Elijah the prophet as expressing God's wrath. His punishing, just right hand punished the spirits of darkness, and especially evil demons. According to people's belief, all


After three years of famine, Elijah again tried to reason with the Israelites, telling them about the true faith. The Prophet proposed to make sacrifices on Mount Carmel - to God and Baal, and to see on which altar the fire would descend from heaven. All day the idolaters hoped for a miracle, but no matter how much the priests of Baal prayed, they could not wait for the fire. In the evening Elijah made an altar to God, pouring water on the wood. The prophet began to pray, a rapid fire descended from the sky and struck not only the victim and the firewood, but also the stones and water. Soon it began to rain heavily, which saturated the parched land. The Israelis, amazed by what they saw, repented and again began to glorify the true God. Christians and Jews believe that the prophet was taken alive to Heaven. Elisha (Elijah's disciple) saw the saint ascend to Heaven in a chariot of fire.

Worship of Elijah in other religions

Elijah's Day - this is how the day of remembrance of the greatest of the prophets serving the one God is more often called. He is revered not only by Christians, but also by representatives of Islam, as well as Judaism. According to the Jewish religion, the prophet Elijah will descend to the sinful earth before the end of times, and more specifically, before the second coming of Jesus Christ.

This name is mentioned in holy book professing Islam - the Koran, and with respect. Translated from Hebrew, it means “the fortress of God.” Indeed, it is believed that it is the greatest of the prophets who, like an unbreakable wall, guards the fulfillment God's commandments and human laws. This saint is stern but fair.

August 3, 2017 Thursday
- Prophet Ezekiel.
- Venerable Simeon of Palestine and John.
– Hieromartyr Peter Golubev, presbyter.
Friday August 4, 2017
– Myrrh-Bearing Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene.
– Transfer of the relics of the holy martyr Phocas.
- Venerable Cornelius of Pereyaslavl.
August 5, 2017 Saturday
– Martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus and with them the 13 martyrs.
– Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God.
August 6, 2017 Sunday
- Martyr Christina.
– Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness of Seraphim-Diveevskaya.

- Blessed princes of the stratorpians Boris and Gleb, in Holy Baptism of Roman and David.
– Cathedral of Smolensk Saints.
– Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called Hodegetria (Guide).
– Cathedral of Tambov Saints.
– Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness of Seraphim-Diveevskaya.

August 11, 2017 Friday
- Martyr Callinicus of Cilicia.
- Martyrs Seraphim.
- Reverends Korstantin and Cosmas of Kosinsky.
August 12, 2017 Saturday
– Martyr John the Warrior.
– Finding the relics of St. Herman of Solovetsky. – Celebration of the Okonskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

August 13, 2017 Sunday
– Forefeast of the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.
- Hieromartyr Veniamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and those like him who were killed by the slain hieromartyrs Archimadrid Sergius and martyrs Yuri and John.
- Righteous Eudokim the Cappadocian. August 14, 2017 Monday
– Origin (wear and tear) of the honorable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.
– Honey Savior.
– The Assumption Fast begins.
From August 14 to August 28, 2017, the Assumption Fast continues.
August 15, 2017 Tuesday
– Transfer of the relics of the first primordial from Jerusalem to Constantinople. Archdeacon Stephen and the discovery of the relics of the righteous Nicodemus, Gamaliel and his son Aviv.

- Blessed Basil, Moscow Wonderworker.

– Achair Icon of the Mother of God.

Wednesday August 16, 2017

Venerable Anthony

The story of the Transfiguration of the Lord is described in the Gospel of Matthew, Luke and Mark. All three stories have similarities with each other. Jesus took three disciples with him, with whom he went to Mount Tabor to turn to God. While saying the prayer, the face of the Son of God brightened and was illuminated by the rays of the sun. The prophet Moses and Elijah also appeared at this time and talked with him about future suffering. It is this event that is called the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Let's figure out what the meaning of the Transfiguration of the Lord is: firstly, the appearance of the Holy Trinity took place. Previously, a similar event was observed on the day of the Baptism of Christ. Secondly, the Transfiguration personifies the union of all that is human and divine in the Son of God. Thirdly, it is also worth noting the appearance of two prophets, one of whom died naturally, and the other was taken up in the flesh to heaven. Thus, the Feast of the Transfiguration means that Jesus has power over both life and death.
– Apple Spas.
Sunday August 20, 2017
- After-feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
– Finding the relics of St. Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh.
- Venerable Anthony of Optina.
Monday August 21, 2017
- Saint Emilian the Confessor, Bishop of Cyzicus.
– Transfer of the relics of St. Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky – St. Myron the Wonderworker.
August 22, 2017 Tuesday
- Apostle Matthias.
– Cathedral of Solovetsky Saints.
Wednesday August 23, 2017
– Blessed Lawrence, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Kaluga.
– Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of Solovetsky.
August 24, 2017 Thursday
- Martyr Archdeacon Euplaus.
Friday August 25, 2017
- Martyrs Photius and Anicetas and many with them.
– Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Comana.

- Martyrs Pamphilus and Capito.

August 26, 2017 Saturday

Once, during a prayer on Olivet, Archangel Gabriel announced to the Mother of God about Her impending death in three days and presented a luminous branch of paradise - a symbol of victory over death and corruption: “Your Son and our God with the archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim, with all the heavenly spirits and with the souls of the righteous he will receive you, his mother, into heavenly kingdom, so that you may live and reign with him for an infinite time.”

Just before her death, at her bed she saw all the apostles and disciples of her Divine Son, whom the Holy Spirit had miraculously gathered in Jerusalem, who had previously dispersed different countries with the mission of preaching the Word of God.

Thus, the Virgin Mary was able to say goodbye to them. She asked them to rejoice and not to grieve. After all, “Her death is just a short dream, and she goes to her Divine Son.”

Suddenly an unspeakable light shone, darkening the lamps; The roof of the upper room opened, and Christ Himself descended with many angels. Holy Mother of God She turned to the Lord with a prayer of gratitude and asked to bless all those who honor Her memory. Then the Mother of God joyfully surrendered Her soul into the hands of the Lord.

For three days the apostles remained at the tomb of the Mother of God, chanting psalms. Angelic singing was constantly heard in the air. The body of the Mother of God was raptured into heaven.

Jesus' disciples came to the cave where the Virgin was buried. They moved the stone that blocked the entrance, but Mary’s body was no longer in the cave - only her funeral vestments lay there.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also called the “Easter of the Virgin Mary.” On this day in Orthodox churches they place an icon with the image of the deceased Virgin (shroud), and also decorate it with flowers.

Traditions of the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary

As a rule, on the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Orthodox Christians should think about their mother and help her. It is customary to celebrate the holiday among family and friends, certainly with parents, at a rich table and delicious dishes.

August 29, 2016 Tuesday
- After-feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. – Bread Savior, also called Nut Spas
or Savior on canvas.
– Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness of Seraphim-Diveevskaya.

– Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Wednesday August 30, 2017
- Venerable Pimen of Ugreshsky.

– Armatiya Icon of the Mother of God.

August 31, 2017 Thursday in August 2017 - Assumption Fast. The start of abstinence begins on August 14 and continues until August 27, 2017 -. A strict fast that begins with the celebration of the Honey Savior and continues until happy holiday Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Photo: Savva Yudin / VK Press.

In the last month of the current summer season of the year, all true Orthodox Christians will celebrate 84 significant holidays, which have been revered by the Holy Church for a long time. In addition, the strict 14-day Assumption Fast will take place in August. Believers will also have to go through a series of one-day abstinence from “worldly” food. They will traditionally take place on Wednesday and Friday.

In the Orthodox calendar church holidays collected the most significant dates for Orthodox believers. By studying it, you can find out not only the days of obligatory celebrations, but also the days of remembrance of saints, and the days of one-day and multi-day fasts. In our article we will look at the calendar for August.

Church holidays in August 2017, calendar for the Orthodox: Orthodox calendar by days of August

Every day of the month the Holy Church recalls the events of past years, on which everything was built after Orthodox holidays. Below is information from which you can find out what holiday is taking place on this or that day of the outgoing summer.

August 25, Friday – Venerable Martyrs of Belogorsk, Martyrs Photius, Anicetas and many with them;

August 26, Saturday – Commemoration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, St. Maximus Confessor, St. Tikhon, Wonderworker of Zadonsk, Bishop of Voronezh, Finding of the relics of Blessed Maxim, Christ for the Fool's sake, Moscow Wonderworker;

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August 27, Sunday - Forefeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, Prophet Micah (of the 12 prophets), Transfer of the relics of St. Theodosius, abbot of Kiev-Pechersk, St. Arkady of Vyazemsky and Novotorzhsky;

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August 29, Tuesday – Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ, Martyr Diomede the Doctor;

August 30, Wednesday – Hieromartyr Myron of Kizi, presbyter, Venerable Alypius, icon painter of Pechersk;

Church holidays in August 2017, calendar for the Orthodox: Watch VIDEO

Church holidays in August 2017, calendar for the Orthodox: We analyze each holiday more carefully by studying its history a little

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August 24 - The Holy Church remembers the Martyr Archdeacon Euplaus, who during his life fearlessly preached to the pagans about Christ, despite prohibitions and persecution, for which he was executed with the Gospel around his neck.

August 25 - the memory of the Holy Martyr Alexander, Bishop of Koman, who accepted the feat of foolishness and was engaged in the sale of coal in central square. Despite the ridicule of people, thanks to his wisdom, knowledge and humility, he was elected bishop by the people.

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August 26 - the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord ends. Resignation. The acts of Saint Tikhon, the Wonderworker of Zadonsk, come to mind.

August 27 - The Besednaya and Narva icons of the Mother of God are celebrated. The icon is called conversational because it depicts Mother of God, talking with sexton Georgy (nicknamed Yurysh). The Narva icon is a list (copy) Tikhvin icon Holy Mother of God. She became famous in 1558, when, during Livonian War the power of the icon thrown into the fire caused a fire in the house. The fire spread to the entire city, which gave time for Russian troops to regain power in the city.

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August 29 - Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Bread Spas, which is also called Nut Spas or Spas on canvas. Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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August 30 - Rev. Pimen of Ugreshsky is venerated, who, thanks to his humility and services to the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery of the Moscow Diocese, was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

August 31 - priests honor the memory of the Martyrs Florus and Laurus. Brothers in blood and spirit, working on the construction of a pagan temple, were able to guide people on the Orthodox path, for which they were executed.

Church holidays in August 2017, calendar for the Orthodox: Watch VIDEO

The Savior took her with him with the honor and glory that she truly deserved. The scripture says that her body was delivered to Heaven by all the apostles.

Mary took all the torment and death of her Son for granted, since the Archangel announced even before His birth that the Savior would sacrifice himself for all people, that his mission would be redemption original sin humanity.

The Mother of God knew what she was getting into. She endured everything, believed in the power of God and in the prophecy about which she spoke with the angel.

The Dormition Fast is dedicated to maternal love, so clergy recommend that these days you treat mothers with special respect, not only your own, but also those of others, for any mother is the personification of sacrifice. A mother always sacrifices something for her child.

Features of the Assumption Fast 2017

Every year the Assumption Fast begins on August 14, and ends on August 27. With the beginning of Lent, autumn begins to approach, gradually driving away summer. August 14 - Honey Savior, or the Feast of the Destruction of the Venerable Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. It has been celebrated in Rus' since the distant 14th century.

The fast ends with the Feast of the Assumption, which is dedicated to August 28th. In 2017, traditions will not change, so it will be important to abstain from certain types of food and pray intensely, live in humility and help mothers.

Be sure to visit the church for communion and confession. During such periods, the soul is cleansed very well, since the mood is always appropriate.

The Mother of God tirelessly prayed for the salvation of her soul during these two weeks. She knew about her approaching death and asked the Lord to find a place for her in his Kingdom.

Help your loved ones and care for the elderly these days. Visit the cemetery to tidy up the graves of loved ones.

As for food:

  • on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it is necessary to follow the rules of dry eating, that is, eat only plant foods without oil, honey, bread, vegetables, fruits;
  • on Tuesdays and Thursdays you can eat hot food, but also without oil;
  • Adding oil is allowed on weekends. On August 19, the Feast of the Transfiguration, it is allowed to eat fish;
  • During and throughout fasting, eating meat and food of animal origin is prohibited.

In 2017, all these rules will be as relevant as ever. Let's hope that the Lord will give us a warm end to summer, heralding the beginning of the autumn period. Pray that your plantings will grow and give you a good harvest.

Rest more during Lent and do not work in the gardens beyond the norm. Let the Lord himself decide how to reward you. The same applies to work in general - you should not go on long business trips or vacations during the Assumption Fast.

All Orthodox Christians adhere to the Dormition Fast in August. It is one of the strict fasts and is equivalent to Lent. Unlike others, it does not change its date and begins on the same day every year. Many Russians are interested in the question of how to eat properly during Lent and when it begins in 2017.

The Dormition Fast arose in honor of the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. According to beliefs, it is believed that the Most Holy Theotokos went to heaven, but before that she fasted for two weeks and, in the name of good, left behind a fast on Earth for all humanity. The church celebrates the Dormition of the Virgin Mary on August 28, but fasting begins on August 14 and continues until August 27. Let us note that on August 14, people celebrate the Honey Fast, and the church celebrates the Origin of the Trees of the Lord.

Dormition Fast 2017: nutrition calendar by day, when it begins and ends

The Assumption Fast resembles in severity Lent and Peter's Fast, but unlike them, the Assumption Fast still has some relaxations. During fasting you can eat once at 15-00, and on weekends twice. Oil and wine are allowed only on certain days, and fish only on August 19 on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Assumption Fast 2017: when it begins and ends

It is also worth remembering that the main thing during fasting is not only abstinence from food, but spiritual and physical abstinence. You should give up intimacy, weddings, celebrating holidays and often going to church and temples.