Magic squares is the Luo Shu table. Definition of trigrams according to Feng Shui

25.07.2019 Food and drink

The Loshu Square is the most important and basic tool in Feng Shui. This is an energy matrix in which the relationships between time and space are hidden. By understanding the laws of the Loshu square, you can get the key to understanding all the laws of the universe.

The Legend of the Luo River Turtle

Several thousand years ago, a giant turtle crawled onto the banks of the Luo River. On her back was a square of nine sectors with many dark and light dots.

The turtle was examined wisest people that time and redrawn this drawing. It got the name Luoshu square, which translated means “writings of the Lo River.”

It was called "magical" because the sum of the numbers in all its directions - horizontal, vertical and diagonal - equals 15.

And this magical property of the Luoshu square is widely used in Feng Shui.

Determining favorable directions

As you know, according to Feng Shui, the south is at the top and the north is at the bottom. By combining the Loshu square with the cardinal directions, we find out for each cardinal direction its number by .

Now we combine the Loshu square with 8 trigrams - Bagua

Using this scheme, we can determine favorable directions for any Gua number without using tables.

This is done in this way - we look at the personal Gua number, its trigram, and then compare it with the trigram of the cardinal direction we are interested in. If the lower and midline These two trigrams are synchronous, that is, they coincide or change simultaneously, then this is a harmonious interaction. This means that this direction is favorable. If the trigrams are asynchronous, that is, the lower or middle lines do not coincide, then this is a negative interaction, and this direction is unfavorable.

According to the laws of the Loshu square, the Map of Flying Stars is constructed

Let's lay out the path of numbers in the Loshu square. That is, a route in which they increase by one.

From the center (number 5) there is a movement to the lower right corner to the number 6, then one cell up, to the number 7. From there we move to the lower left corner to the number 8. And we follow this route until we go around all the numbers.

That's what it's called - " Luoshu way".

Let us now build, as an example, a map of flying stars for 2012.

  • We calculate the number of the year - just like the Gua number for a man
  • Add the last two digits of the year 1 +2 = 3
  • Subtract from 9 - 3 = 6
  • Place 6 in the center of the square
  • We let the stars “fly” along the path of Loshu
  • We get the map of flying stars 2012

The Eastern teaching, with the help of which you can find out the character and basic personality traits, is called Chinese numerology. It is accessible to everyone, even a beginner. To use it, you will need your date of birth and a simple calculation.

The essence of numerology

Numbers have a certain energy. Some symbols appear by chance, while others are born with them. They create qualities of character that, with the correct formation of personality, are only beneficial. For ordinary people, numerology is the science of their inner world. She will not only talk about personal qualities, but will also tell you who a person can work in the future.

In numerology, a personality map is drawn up, which identifies the basic qualities, temperament of a person, and important aspects of life.

These numbers are a kind of personality code and reflect its essence.

There are Eastern and European schools of numerology. They interpret numbers differently. So in angel numerology Random signs are important, and the Pythagorean square requires a consistent line of numbers consisting of date of birth and name.

What is numerology used for?

Numerology is used at any time and in all circumstances. This type of personal forecast does not change due to external factors. In what cases is numerology useful:

  • when a person cannot understand himself;
  • when identity is confused and lost; when a person cannot make the right choice (in any area of ​​life);
  • when there are psychological pressures.

This teaching helps you understand what qualities you need to develop in yourself and will show your hidden talents.

It reflects luck, the desire for better life, desires and ambitions. Everything that moves a man or a woman is revealed by simple calculation.

Features of Chinese numerology

This type of teaching is one of the oldest. It originated back in the days when people believed in the power of spirits and magic. Today it combines astrological theories, the foundations of Chinese philosophy, and classical numerology.

Chinese teaching about numbers takes into account the date of birth and the position of the stars. The number 12 has a special meaning. It symbolizes the beginning and end of everything that happens in the universe. In Chinese culture there are 12 totem animals, 12 main numbers. Ten occupies an important place. She depicts the earthly elements. Eastern numerology is intertwined with the practice of Feng Shui.

How to calculate the code

To obtain numbers for interpretation, the Lo Shu square is used - a combination of magic and astrology. He focuses on moon calendar. Consists of nine cells. The peculiarity of a square is that the sum of all the numbers horizontally, vertically and diagonally is 15.

To calculate the personality card, the date of birth is used, which is compared with the same date in the Chinese calendar.

The resulting values ​​are written in one of the cells of the square.

The numbers are analyzed by line: there are eight lines of strength, eight lines of weakness and four additional small lines. The result is a code based on the levels of the square (three rows and three columns). The top row speaks of the human mind, the middle row speaks of spiritual development, and the bottom row is responsible for the bodily shell. The sum of the numbers in each row corresponds to one code, which is converted to universal values.

General meaning of numbers

The meaning of each line is combined with how many specific numbers are in the line. With the help of directions, you can find out the abilities that allow an individual to succeed in business, the area where he can realize himself. It will show the degree of determination, success, and your creative inclinations.


This number symbolizes the beginning, the source of strength and inspiration. A basic characteristic of any personality. In Chinese numerology, one is subordinate to the element of Wood. This is the masculine principle. If its owner is a woman, then she is brave, persistent, and always achieves her goals. The unit is ruled by Mercury. He also describes strength. The season of the unit is winter.

For unit owners, communication with the people around them is important, but one in which they do not violate their personal space. The sign symbolizes the beginning of something important, non-trivial and significant. People with a unit strive to create, not destroy. These are innovators, people going against the system. The unit is supported by fortitude, which does not allow the personality to break.


Another sign protected by the element of Wood. This is a symbol of duality, internal and external struggle. Owners of this sign do not know how to make a final choice. They contain an internal contradiction. These are people of conflict, discord, constant doubt. Such traits are strengthened by the chaos of the feminine principle. It contains intuition that deprives a person of logic.

Even when doing the right thing, a person cannot justify his action; against such a background, conflicts are inevitable. Jupiter patronizes twos. It adds militancy to people who are always guided by their principles. At the same time, they strive to find harmony, feel internal discord, feel that what is happening is not for their benefit. It is very difficult to overcome the innate desire to confront.


The sign is protected by Fire. Three indicates readiness to begin new stage in life. People gifted with such a symbol try to move forward. No difficulties unsettle them. The masculine principle of the sign connects with the protective Jupiter, and if for the two such a combination is detrimental, then the three collects only the good from such a tandem. The time of year is spring, symbolizing restoration. After any problem, owners of Cs quickly come to their senses. such people are capable of creating. The more they observe, the more they understand how the world works. Such people combine both heavenly and earthly. Threes can dream and act a lot. They are not without ambition, but they never go against their moral principles. They always remain successful and humane, and can use daydreaming to make real plans. Three speaks of the connection of the physical and spiritual worlds. It is not difficult for such a person to find his place in society, and if he is lonely, it is only of his own free will.


One of the signs of harmony is four. It combines all the elements, the main one of which is the element of Fire. These people are quick-tempered, but loving and good-natured.

People with this sign strive for development. They are not satisfied with stability, either spiritual or physical. They are always looking for new knowledge.

Fours are associated with good luck and success in any field.

This sign speaks of honor. A person can become famous or in demand in his profession.

The quartet obeys Mars, so a person does not allow himself to suffer. He learns from his mistakes and avoids drama. These are people who value freedom and personal space, but create a strong family.


This figure represents the five elements, which, like the five senses, are capable of ruling the entire world. The patron of the sign is the Earth. It balances any negative meanings of the symbol. Fives always find their happiness. They are tenacious, persistent and share first and then ask for something in return. This sign has a masculine origin, but Saturn, the patron of the five, allows you to direct militant energy in the right direction. The season of the five is summer. The owners of the sign treat everything that happens in their lives with gratitude. They strive for excellence, but without harming their mental health.


Sign of the element of Water. Symbolizes calm, stability and harmony. Sixes have a feminine side: a soft energy that fills others. The time of year is winter, which does not prevent the sign from combining the best qualities. Owners of this number are self-confident, reliable and balanced. You can trust these people in any situation. Six represents the fluidity of water: people adapt to changing conditions. It gives its owner determination and confidence that he is following his destiny.


If in classical numerology such a number is responsible for good luck, then in Chinese teaching seven personifies imbalance. the influence of Mars enhances the most negative character traits. The owner of such a number strives for perfection, but cannot achieve it. He has serious dissonance between what he wants and what he can do. For them, the key to success is hard work. Only those who invest all their strength in future success can achieve their goals.


The number eight is patronized by metal. This number refers to perfection. The feminine principle, supported by strength, makes a person sensitive, but strong. The time of year for the eight is autumn. It's time to take stock. People of this number are incredibly wise. Such a person can both create and destroy, depending on his desire. Whatever path she chooses will lead to success.


The number nine is protected by water. She is fluid, able to overcome any difficulties. The elements give a person the opportunity to adapt and avoid danger. Nine symbolizes the end of the journey. A person has achieved his development or paid off his karmic debt. Healers or clairvoyants are born with this sign. People with nines become teachers or mentors. Such people can heal with one word, but these abilities need to be further developed.


The ten combines the masculine and feminine at once. This is a special sign. It is seen in combination with the lines on the square. Endowed with ten light energy. People born with it are constantly lucky. They always know what to do, how to correct a mistake. Dozens can manipulate people and act only in their own interests, but they rarely have such a desire. The sign speaks of the death of everything that has long outlived its usefulness. This is a symbol of liberation from vices. Ten ends the number series, which is always used in numerology. Mercury, which patronizes the sign, makes people strong and persistent, and winter symbolizes the beginning of a new stage. Even destruction will bring growth, necessary change. Ten shows only strong qualities personality.

Additional signs

Astrology is used in addition to Chinese numerology. For ease of use complex system 3 more characters are interpreted. These are 11, 12 and 13. They only clarify the main thing, but do not change the general meaning of the first ten characters. These figures are obtained through new calculations.

The meaning of the number eleven

Eleven is the number of passing life. In Chinese numerology, it describes death, both spiritual and physical. After a long period of stagnation, such a sign indicates a rapid recovery. Old life will not return, but the person does not need it. Symbolizes the 11th threat. It cannot be avoided, so you only need to take experience and life lessons from it. In a ten-digit cycle, such a sign speaks of age - a person will return to where he started.

You need to accept such changes calmly. There will be a lot in the new life positive points, if you don’t constantly regret the past. In the cycle of twelve signs, eleven is the symbol of destruction. This is a symbol of the decisive moment.

Meaning of the number twelve

The number of order and harmony is 12. This sign is the basis of all cycles. He talks about growth, natural movement forward. The process of achieving the goal is important. In numerology, the number symbolizes cause and effect. Everything that a person sows in one of his lives, he will definitely reap. Twelve, in further calculations, turns into three (1+2) and speaks of the presence of luck in a person’s life, but only if she works and honestly achieves success. In another calculation, out of 12, the result is five. This lucky sign, promising glory.

The meaning of the number thirteen

The last additional sign is 13. This is a rare symbol that has been abandoned in most teachings.

What does the symbol mean:

  • human number - it completely describes the personality as the main force for achieving success (everything a person needs is already inherent in him);
  • completion of certain processes - a person has completed his karmic debt and can create new life;
  • gain or growth.

The number 13 is unique. It describes a life in which there is no destiny or destiny.

This is something that a person can create with his own hands, for himself, without outside help. Speaks 13 about loss, if the person is nothing of himself. For her, the freedom given is worse than punishment.


The combination and sequence of numbers, astrology and philosophy is Chinese simple numerology. It describes personality through natural elements. Each number has its own patron and its own time of year. A man and a woman are the owners of a unique destiny, created from certain character traits. To describe a person, 10 regular characters and three additional ones are used.

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How to apply a Loshu square to the plan of an apartment, house or office

To determine the sectors that, according to Feng Shui, are responsible for well-being in one or another aspect of life, you must first of all learn how to correctly apply the “magic” Loshu square to the existing floor plan. It is very important to determine the location of the so-called “zones” correctly, since the harmonization of each sector occurs differently, and if you confuse the sector, the consequences of working on it may be completely different than you expected. In this article we will talk about how to apply a Loshu square to the plan of an apartment, house or office. This is quite easy to do.

How to determine the location of sectors?

In order to determine the location of the sectors, you will need a floor plan and a Loshu square - a magic square that is divided into 9 equal parts. It is shown in the figure on the right. You can save it to yourself using the right mouse button, clicking “save as” and selecting a location to save it, or in png format. If you do not have the skills to use Photoshop in order to stretch the Loshu grid on your plan, then, as an option, you can try dividing the plan into equal squares using a ruler. Read on to learn how exactly to do this.

Basic rules for applying the Loshu grid.

According to Feng Shui, houses of regular shape are square or rectangular, since in such rooms the favorable Qi energy is distributed evenly. It is clear that it will not be difficult to apply a Loshu square to such apartments, houses or plots - the external lines of the square will coincide with the external walls of the house, the load-bearing walls of the apartment or the boundaries of the plot so that your plan does not go beyond the grid. In this case, protrusions, beams, external non-residential premises or extensions, unglazed balconies.

Difficulties arise when the room has an “irregular” shape from the point of view of Feng Shui, that is, not square or rectangular, and some of its sectors “suffer.” In this case, the outer perimeter of the Loshu grid should also coincide with the outer perimeter of the walls or borders, but, in this case, it will be necessary to “complete” the missing piece of the grid along the outer borders (to a square or rectangle), as shown in the figure.

Which sectors go where.

After you have divided the Loshu square into nine equal sectors, it is time to mark the cardinal directions on them. To do this, it is necessary to make calculations at one of the external walls, as described in the article. It is better to take measurements strictly according to the recommendations from the article, since in some cases “inside” the room it is very difficult to accurately determine the boundaries of the sectors, they are often blurred, and sometimes a couple of degrees can depend correct assignment of their names to sectors.

Central sector the premises will be located in the central square. We designate other sectors depending on the cardinal directions relative to the room itself. So, if you correctly and evenly distribute the Loshu grid, then along each of the outer walls you will have three sectors. The direction in which the outer wall “looks” is assigned to the middle square. For example, at one of the outer walls you got a direction of 268 degrees, which corresponds to the Western direction. This means that the Western sector of the room will be the square of three that is located in the middle (if you look parallel to the wall where the measurements were taken), even if the wall ends and the following sectors are “cut”, see the figure.

It is worth noting that it is best to take measurements near the wall where there is the least external electromagnetic interference and large metal objects. If this direction does not coincide with the facade or “front” side, it’s okay, the other three directions are easy to calculate by adding 90 degrees to the original value, given that the circle has only 360 degrees. By some simple calculations, it turns out that if the original lateral direction is 268 degrees, then the other three clockwise directions will be 358, 88 and 178 degrees, respectively.

Thus, opposite the Western sector there will be the Eastern one, on the sides - the Southwestern and Northwestern ones, and so on, we find the location of all sectors on our plan. If you have difficulties with correctly determining the remaining cardinal directions, or you want to check the correctness, you can use the 24 mountains template, which can be If the template is placed on the plan of your room, taking into account the direction measured at the wall, then its directions should approximately coincide with the designation of the sectors on the Loshu square . Hint on directions for drawing on the map: opposite the North there will be South, opposite the Northeast - South-West, opposite the North-West - South-East, opposite the East - West, and vice versa.

As a result of all the work and measurements carried out, you should end up with 9 sectors of equal square or rectangular shape: 4 sectors according to the number of main cardinal directions (South, North, East, West), 4 sectors according to the number of intermediate ones (South-East, South-West, Northeast, Northwest), and 1 Central sector. Now, knowing the location of the sectors responsible for one or another aspect of your life, you can begin to study each of them in more detail. We wish you pleasant changes!

If a sector is missing.

If you find that you are missing any sector, that is, your apartment, house or plot is not square or rectangular in shape, read the article:

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In this article you will learn:

The Lo Shu square is a Feng Shui tool that helps to create an individual prediction and map of the energy of a room, depending on the cardinal directions. The figure is divided into 9 cells. The magic square allows you to maintain harmony, smooth out deficiencies and correctly use rooms in which there is a maximum concentration of Qi energy.

The history of the square of predictions

History of origin magic square described in Chinese legend. Maps were first used after 560 BC. During a flood, a turtle appeared on the banks of the Lo River, with an unusual pattern on its back. Emperor Yu managed to take a closer look at the animal. He saw that the pattern was a square with strange symbols. Since then, the Chinese began to use magical Lo-Shu cards, the name of which means “message of the Lo River.”

The main feature of the square was that the numbers in any row (including diagonally) added up to 15. This figure has great importance, because coincides with the number of days that form one lunar cycle in China. The peculiarity of the magic square attracted the attention of the ancient sages. They found out that the map can provide knowledge about the natural energy laws and rhythms of the Universe. Lo-Shu began to be used not only to determine the potential of premises, but also to make astrological predictions.

When determining the energy potential of premises, the position of the numbers is fixed. The central number of the square is 5. Even and odd numbers alternate around the middle. The latter form a cross and occupy northern, eastern, western and southern positions. Even numbers are in the corner sectors. In China, the south side is placed at the top, so the number 9, which is in the corresponding cell, symbolizes the energy of the southern room.

Each number in the magic square has its own properties. For example, the number 9 reflects the element of Fire, and 1 the element of Water. This helps determine favorable colors for decoration and the usability of the space. Additionally, an auxiliary element is identified. For proper use, the magic square is placed in accordance with the cardinal directions, but some Feng Shui schools suggest placing it so that the north side (sector with the number 1) corresponds to the entrance to the room.

What is the northern zone of Lo-Shu responsible for?

In indoor and personal predictions, which can be calculated by date of birth, the lower northern sector is responsible for career growth.

The corresponding number is 1. It is associated with the element of Water. Auxiliary element – ​​Metal. When decorating a room, it is recommended to use white, blue, blue and black shades to enhance energy. In the northern room you can place mirrors, aquariums and decorative fountains. It is advisable to prefer objects with a curved or wavy shape.

The northeast direction is associated with wisdom and knowledge. Proper interior design helps children achieve academic success.

The control number is 8. The main element is Earth, the feeding element is Fire. When decorating a north-eastern room, yellow, beige and orange shades are used. Black and blue items cannot be placed here, because... they will suppress the element of fire and cause the appearance of negative energy. The preferred shape of objects is a square. Various crystals help strengthen the energy of the zone. You can place a globe or map indoors.

The northwest sector is associated with travel and helpers. This is the zone of the head of the family.

Control number – 6. Predominant element – ​​Metal. The feeding element is the Earth. When decorating, it is advisable to use metallic shades: silver, gold, etc. The presence of red is not allowed. It is recommended to prefer rounded shapes. To enhance the effect, you can use metal bells. On the walls you should place photographs of mentors, teachers and the places you want to visit. This will help speed up your journey.

Eastern sector of the square

In the magic square of Lo Shu, the eastern zone represents mutual support, family and warm relationships between loved ones. With the right influence on energy, peace and harmony will reign in the house. When a conflict of elements occurs, discord in the family is possible.

The corresponding number is 3. The governing element is Wood. The feeding element is Water. Preferred colors are brown, green, black and blue. The presence of red tints should be kept to a minimum. They will help emphasize the Wood element, but if in excess they will cause the transformation of positive energy into negative.

To enhance the influence of the sector, you can place wooden furniture in the room. The element is symbolized by fish and a dragon, so it is recommended to place an aquarium or figurine indoors. You can grow indoor plants. It is advisable to prefer those flowers and dwarf trees that have rounded leaves. Among fruit-bearing plants, shrubs that bear sour berries will have a beneficial effect. It is better to avoid growing cacti.

Western Zone of Luo Shu Square

The western side is a symbol of childhood and creativity. Nearby there is a health and life zone according to Feng Shui (center), so this room can be used as a bedroom.

The governing number is 7. The predominant element is Metal, it is fueled by the element of Earth. When decorating a room, you should prefer silver and golden shades, as well as white, gray and yellow. Oval or square shaped decorative items have a beneficial effect. To activate the sector, you can place photographs of children or their drawings on the walls. If a new addition is planned to the family, it is recommended to place a figurine in the room, symbolizing the child.

What to expect from the southern zone of Lo Shu

The southern sector of the magic square Lo Shu symbolizes fame and glory. The direction allows you to realize your ambitions under favorable circumstances.

The control number is 9. The main element is Fire. It is fueled by the Earth element. When decorating, it is advisable to use green and red shades, as well as rectangular or triangular objects. Here you can place a fireplace, stove or stove. The lighting must be good.

The southeastern zone of the square is responsible for wealth and financial status. With the correct design of the room, circumstances develop in such a way that the family increases its well-being. If positive energy is transformed into negative energy, unplanned expenses regularly arise.

The associated number is 4. The predominant element is Wood, the auxiliary element is Water. Favorable shades are lilac, green and violet. The color red will help enhance the impact of the main element, but it must be used carefully so as not to provoke a conflict with the additional element. It is recommended to place decorative items and furniture in the room in a rectangular, cylindrical or wavy shape.

The southwest direction is associated with relationships and love. With the favorable influence of the sector, harmony and understanding reign in the family. If the energy has become negative, conflicts and betrayals are possible.

The control number is 2. The main element is Fire. It is fueled by the element of Earth. Favorable colors are red, pink and brown. When decorating, it is recommended to prefer decorative items of triangular or square shape. To enhance the energy, candles and lamps are placed in the room.

From this article, dear reader, you will learn what the Lo-SHU square is and how to correctly determine the zones in the apartment using it.

What is the Lo-Shu mesh?

The LO - SHU square is a square (or rectangle) divided into 9 sectors, which, like Bagua, serves as a means for analyzing the energy of rooms. There is a legend according to which, four thousand years ago, a large, divine turtle crawled ashore from the Lo River, on whose shell were numbers, the locations and order of these numbers, which form the basis of all Feng Shui formulas.
Both tools: Bagua and Lo-SHU - give almost the same result. And since Lo - SHU is easier to apply to the plan, we will use it. First, consider what the Lo-Shu square looks like:

How to correctly apply a Lo-SHU square to an apartment plan?

Well, let's begin. Take any compass, a tourist one will do too. Stand in the center of the apartment and take measurements. Of course, you define the center of the apartment approximately. To keep your measurements clean, take a step to the side and take more measurements. After all the measurements, apply the Lo-Shu square to the plan of your apartment, combining it with the compass directions. Now you have an energy map of your apartment, with the help of this map you can influence various aspects of your life. Correct form a house, according to Feng Shui practice, is a square or rectangle. It is in such rooms that the beneficial energy of Qi moves freely and is distributed evenly. And if you have just such an apartment, office or house, it will not be difficult for you to apply the Lo-Shu square to the house plan. If you have a two-story apartment or house, the floor plan must be drawn separately for each floor. So, we take the house plan, draw lines along the load-bearing walls, it should turn out to be a rectangle or square (it all depends on the shape of the building). Protrusions, balconies, non-residential premises, everything that fell overboard does not need to be taken into account. Then, we will draw, evenly distributing the floor plan into equal 9 squares or rectangles. Then mark the cardinal directions on the plan.
If your house or apartment plan has an irregular shape, being neither a square nor a rectangle, and for example your apartment may be in the shape of the letter “L”, do not despair, but simply complete the plan along the load-bearing walls to a square or rectangle. Look at the picture, in this plan some sectors are located outside the apartment, but this is not scary, determine what zones they are, apply the Lo Shu square to a separate room of your apartment or house and activate the missing zones in this room. For example, if the eastern sector, the family sector, falls into the missing zone, then most likely the residents of this apartment have certain troubles in the family. This is either disagreements with parents, or quarrels and misunderstandings with children. But, I repeat, everything can be fixed! Find the eastern sector in any room, activate it, and you will see how your relationships with your family will improve and the atmosphere in the house will become more peaceful and calm. Just do it!