The wisest statuses are smart statements with meaning! Wise thoughts of great people.

19.10.2019 Trips

Every year I feel the delight of how much I have changed, how much I have learned and how little I know at the same time. It helps me to question what I previously thought was irrefutable. And this is an occasion to reflect on how I became better and what contributed to this.

I am sure that in a few years I will look back on today and wonder what I was thinking about. Nevertheless, I want to highlight a number of things that I currently consider to be life truths.

Mental and physical health is paramount. Everything else is not so important.

Most stamps have a much deeper background than you might think. Review them.

Less is always more. Simplicity is almost always the answer to everything.

You can't help but empathize with a person after hearing their story.

To be successful, you must be lucky, but .

Everything starts and ends in your head. The most important thing is your way of thinking.

The essence of happiness is not to be constantly in high spirits, but to be satisfied with life.

Every person is a hypocrite, but often it doesn't matter.

People are having a hard time. But if you are kind, you can make the best of even the worst.

People are capable of inspiring. The path chosen by one person can be very difficult for another.

Perfection exists only in the minds of people. It is unreal. Imagine, create, improve.

Reading is telepathy. The book is the most powerful technology ever invented by man.

Much of what seems real to us is a figment of our collective imagination.

The accuracy of any science other than physics, chemistry and biology is questionable.

However, the scientific method is still the most powerful weapon we have.

The essence of philosophy is not in the understanding of life, but in the clarity of thinking.

The beauty of art lies in its ability to take you beyond self-awareness.

There is a fine line between optimism and naivety.

Before the world can humiliate you, it must get your permission to do so.

Develop the habit of courage. This is how you overcome all obstacles.

The more you value success, the less likely you are to experience it.

Maximum honesty can sometimes hurt, but creates a stronger bond between people.

The most important decision is who you want to take care of.

The more things you care about, the less important that concern becomes.

Justice does not exist. If you rely on it, then you will be disappointed.

Just as reality has many facets, so your thinking should not be limited to one area of ​​\u200b\u200binterest.

It is true that some people have more innate talents than others. But talent alone is not enough.

Self-esteem and confidence in one's own intelligence are of paramount importance. Work on them.

If you constantly look for flaws in something, you will eventually find them.

If you want to constantly absorb knowledge, then it will happen.

Don't be too proud of your accomplishments. Not all of them belong exclusively to you.

Be kind to yourself in the face of failure. They don't define you.

Life is long. If you use your time correctly, you can achieve anything.

Life is short. Don't put up with any bullshit. Don't wait until it's too late.

We ourselves choose our thoughts that build our future life. 100

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, one must learn to tell it to oneself. 125

The surest way to a person's heart is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all. 119

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself its cause - and your soul will feel better. 61

The world is boring for boring people. 111

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. 127

If our life paths diverge from someone, then this person has completed his task in our life, and we have completed his. In their place come new people to teach us something else. 159

The most difficult thing for a person is given that which is not given to him. 61 - phrases and quotes about life

You only live once, and you can't even be sure of that. Marcel Achard 61

If once you regret that you did not say, then you will regret a hundred times that you did not keep silent. 59

I want to live better, but I have to have more fun ... Mikhail Mamchich 27

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify. 4

No person can leave us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves. 68

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not expected 61

Let me not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life. 44

Life only has a value because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American writer) 24

Life is more like a novel than our novels are like life. J. Sand 14

If you don’t have time to do something, then you shouldn’t be able to do it, so you need to spend time on something else. 54

You can’t forbid to live merrily, but you can make it so that you don’t want to laugh. 27

A life devoid of illusions is fruitless. Albert Camus, philosopher, writer 21

Life is hard, but fortunately short (p.s. v. well-known phrase) 13

Nowadays, people are not tortured with red-hot irons. There are noble metals. 29

It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues. 33

Wise quotes about life fill it with a certain meaning. When you read them, you feel how the brain begins to stir. 40

To understand is to feel. 83

It's so simple: you have to live until you die 17

Philosophy does not answer the question of the meaning of life, but only complicates it. 32

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. 42

Death is not terrible, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, mortuaries is the height of idiocy. It is necessary not to be afraid of the dead, but to feel sorry for them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, not allowing something important to be done, and those who remained forever mourning the departed. Oleg Roy. web of lies 39

We do not know what to do with our short life, but still we want to live forever. (p.s. oh so true!) A. France 23

The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward. 57

In the tears that each of the women shed at the mercy of men, any of them can be drowned. Oleg Roy, novel: The Man in the Window Opposite 31 (1)

Man always strives to be the owner. People need to have houses registered in their name, cars with the right of ownership, their own companies and spouses chained with a stamp in their passport. Oleg Roy. web of lies 29

Now everyone has the Internet, but there is still no happiness ... 46

Life is something that exists, which each time starts over and goes on its own, it is flowering and growth, withering and death, it is wealth and poverty, love and hate, through tears and laughter ...

Short, wise phrases affect the widest range of facets of human existence, make you think.

It doesn't matter how you were born - think about how you will die.

Short-term failure is not terrible - short-term luck is much more unpleasant. (Faraj).

Memories are like islands in a sea of ​​emptiness. (Shishkin).

The soup is not eaten as hot as it was cooked. (French proverb).

Anger is short-term insanity. (Horace).

In the morning you start to envy the unemployed.

There are more lucky ones than truly talented ones. (L. Vovenarg).

Luck is incompatible with indecision! (Bernard Werber).

We strive for a brighter future, which means that real life is not particularly beautiful.

If you don't decide today, you'll be late tomorrow.

Days fly by instantly: just woke up, already late for work.

The thoughts that come during the day are our life. (Miller).

Beautiful and wise sayings about Life and Love

  1. Envy is sadness for the well-being of another person. (Knyaznin).
  2. Cactus is a disappointed cucumber.
  3. Desire is the father of thought. (William Shakespeare).
  4. Lucky is the one who is confident in his own fortune. (Goebbel).
  5. You feel - it's yours, feel free to take risks!
  6. Hatred is nobler than indifference.
  7. Time is the most unknown parameter in the natural environment.
  8. Eternity is just a unit of time. (Stanislav Lets).
  9. In the dark, all cats are black. (F. Bacon).
  10. The longer you live, the more you will see.
  11. Trouble is like luck, it doesn't come alone. (Romain Rolland).

Short sayings about life

It is difficult for a person who has decided to agitate the tsar for the monarchy. (D. Salvador).

Usually behind the refusal is an offer to increase the price. (E. Georges).

Stupidity is invincible even by the gods. (Sh. Friedrich).

A snake won't bite a snake. (Pliny).

No matter how the rake teaches, the heart wants a miracle ...

Talk to the person about himself. He will agree to listen for days. (Benjamin).

Of course, happiness is not measured by money, but it's better to cry in a Mercedes than in the subway.

The thief of opportunity is indecision.

You can predict the future by looking at what a person spends time on.

If you sow thorns, you will not reap grapes.

The one who delays the decision has already accepted it: do not change anything.

What do they say about Happiness and Life?

  1. People seem to want the truth. Having learned the truth, they want to forget about many things. (Dm. Grinberg).
  2. Talk about troubles: “I can’t change this, I’d rather benefit.” (Schopenhauer).
  3. Change happens when you go against your habits. (P. Coelho).
  4. When a person approaches, a wounded animal behaves unpredictably. A person with an emotional wound does the same. (Gangor).
  5. Don't believe people who say bad things about others but good things about you. (L. Tolstoy).

Sayings of great people

Life is a direct consequence of human thoughts. (Buddha).

Who lived, not as they wanted, lost. (D. Schomberg).

Giving a man a fish, you satiate him only once. Having learned to fish, he will always be full. (Chinese proverb).

Without changing anything, plans will remain only dreams. (Zacchaeus).

Looking at things differently will change the future. (Yukio Mishima).

Life is a wheel: what recently was at the bottom, tomorrow will be at the top. (N. Garin).

Life is meaningless. The purpose of man is to give meaning to it. (Osho).

A person who consciously follows the path of creation, and not thoughtless consumption, fills existence with meaning. (Gudovich).

Read serious books - life will change. (F. Dostoevsky).

Human life is a box of matches. Treating him seriously is funny, not serious is dangerous. (Ryunosuke).

A life lived with mistakes is better, more useful than time spent doing nothing. (B. Shaw).

Any illness should be considered as a signal: you have something wrong with the world. If you do not hear the signals, Life will intensify the impact. (Sviyash).

Success lies in mastering the ability to control pain and pleasure. Once you achieve this, you will be in control of your life. (E. Robbins).

A banal step - to choose a goal and follow it, can change everything! (S. Reid).

Life is tragic when you see it up close. Watch from a distance - it will seem like a comedy! (Charlie Chaplin).

Life is not a zebra with black and white stripes, but a chessboard. Your move is decisive. A person has several opportunities for change during the day. Success loves the one who uses them effectively. (André Maurois).

Sayings about life in English with translation

Truths differ little among different peoples of the world - this can be seen by reading quotes in English:

Politics are come from the words poly (a lot of) & the word ticks (bloodsucking parasites).

The word "politics" comes from the words poly (a lot), ticks (bloodsuckers). Means "blood-sucking insects".

Love is conflict between reflections and dreams.

Love is a contradiction between reflexes and reflections.

Every human like an angel with one wing. We can only fly in embracing one another.

Man is a one-winged angel. We can fly by hugging each other.

Quite often in Everyday life we mention the quotes of the wisest without even thinking about their meaning. We will try to analyze interesting phrases, to understand their deep meaning.

Thoughts of writers

Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote: "One of the most amazing delusions is the delusion that a person's happiness lies in doing nothing." Such quotes from the wisest people are filled with inner content. The author explains that a person who does not work will never be happy.

"Wisdom is only in truth," - argued J. W. Goethe. He was convinced that it is necessary to think over your thoughts when making an important decision.

Quotes from the wisest people help modern man make decisions in difficult life situations. Of course, they cannot become a “universal guide to action”, but they often help to avoid disappointment.

catch phrases

We often use quotes from the wisest philosophers without even thinking about what their origin is. For example, the phrase "gifts of the Danaans" is associated with the Trojan War. Of course, it is impossible to remember all the quotes of the wisest sages, but some of them eventually became real. catchphrases.

For example, the phrase “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” we remember when we are going to play sports. Many quotes from the wisest have already become a guide to action for researchers, psychologists, and educators. Thus, Aristotle's words "knowledge begins with wonder" use school teachers when organizing project and research activities with the children.

The wisest quotes about the meaning of life, love, understanding between men and women have long been used as advertising slogans, used in television films.

Quotes from the wisest help to describe life situations without using additional words. For example, the expression "scapegoat" has interesting story. The ancient Jews used a special ceremony for the remission of sins. The clergyman folded his hands on the goat's head, as if shifting the sin of all the Jews onto it. Then the animal was driven into the desert. Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, the meaning of the expression has not changed, it was transferred to a person.

Catch phrases in our life

The phrase "Balzac's age" also has an unusual origin. An expression arose after the publication of the novel by Honore de Balzac, called "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman", which dealt with a woman of 30-40 years of age. And today this expression is used to describe the age of the fair sex.

"White crow" consider those people who are not like others. This phrase was voiced in the 7th satire of Juvenal, an ancient Roman poet who lived in the middle of the 1st century AD. e.

The expression "put a pig" was invented by peoples who are not allowed by religion to eat pork meat. If pig meat was put on someone, then religious beliefs were defiled. At present, this expression indicates the commission of a dishonorable act in relation to another person.

The phrase "money doesn't smell" was uttered by the Roman emperor Vespasian (69 - 79 AD). It was about the money received as a tax on public latrines. The son of the emperor tried to shame his father for this, noting that they were from urine, but Vespasian said that they had no smell.

Tryn-grass is not a herbal drug used to relieve increased anxiety. In fact, earlier "tyn" was called a fence. Therefore, the expression means a weed that no one needs, that is, it grows under a fence.

"Draconian measures" called the harsh laws invented by the first legislator African Republic Dragon (7th century BC). Even a person who stole vegetables was subjected to the death penalty. According to legend, these laws were written in blood. And today, "draconian measures" are called cruel laws, harsh orders of the authorities.

The expression "retired goat drummer" also has an interesting origin story. At the old fairs, it was customary to breed trained bears. They were accompanied by a boy dressed up as a goat and a drummer who accompanied him. In our time, such an expression is attributed to a frivolous, worthless person.


In the Russian language, there are many interesting expressions, catchphrases, quotations uttered in different historical eras by philosophers, writers, cultural and art figures. For example, at the end of the 19th century, artist Richard Outcoult published frivolous drawings with humorous texts in the issue of The World newspaper. Among the pictures was a child in a yellow shirt, who uttered various funny statements. The New York Journal published similar drawings. The editors started a dispute about the right of primacy to publish the "yellow boy". And so the contemptuous expression "yellow press" appeared. Some expressions have long been considered "folk", people have forgotten about their true origin.

Aphorisms are short sayings that have a certain form and expressiveness. In a word, an aphorism is a well-aimed and clever thought in which the message reaches its maximum concentration. WITH Greek word"aphorism" (αφορισμός) is translated as "definition". This term was first used in a treatise by the great Greek scientist, physician Hippocrates. Gradually, collections of aphorisms began to be created, and they were mainly thematic. And when Erasmus of Rotterdam's Adagio was published, they became traditional.

History of aphorisms

Throughout the whole inquisitive minds wanted to comprehend the essence of being at all costs, and then pass on to subsequent generations their discoveries in the form of aphorisms. In ancient times, such brief wise sayings were especially valued. The thoughts of smart people were necessarily recorded either by the author of the aphorism, or by one of his close associates. The creators of these sayings were mainly philosophers, poets, scientists who most devoted their time to the study of being and understanding of the phenomena occurring in the world. In all periods of human development, there were so-called collectors of aphorisms who created entire collections of wise sayings. They contain wisdom accumulated over many centuries. Clever thought serves as an occasion for reflection, and in many cases provides answers to controversial issues.

The use of aphorisms in everyday life

Thanks to these wise sayings that certain people once came up with, you can diversify your speech, attract the attention of those who listen, impress, win them over. Aphorisms are also called "winged" phrases. After all, once spoken flies from one person to another and remains in the vocabulary of many of them for a long time. Recently, there has been a general fascination with aphorisms. Many people buy special collection books containing clever thoughts and sayings of great people. By the way, in some of them these sayings are systematized, that is, sorted by topic. For example, there are smart thoughts about life, about love, about jealousy, etc. Some people specifically memorize aphorisms in order to impress others. So, for example, some orators, political and public figures, while speaking to the masses, operate with various aphorisms, specially selected for the occasion. These clever thoughts and statements are used in their speech by university professors and high school teachers in order to win the sympathy of students. Sometimes these idioms give figurativeness to this or that phenomenon, because with the help of them it is much easier to remember this or that educational material.

Smart thoughts of great people and their meaning

Clever phrases, once expressed by the greatest people on our planet, are a kind of historical legacy. If we analyze some aphorisms invented by the wisest people on Earth, then it can be noted that for each era, for each new stage of time, some common features, which are reflected in the subtext of each of the quotes. However, on the other hand, a clever thought relating to certain phenomena, regardless of time and place, of the nationality and social status of the one who came up with this aphorism, contains the truth. Here it is clothed in phrases, and through them we are given a great opportunity to join the greatest achievements of mankind, even after many centuries.

How to comprehend the words of great people?

They say that if an explanation from the outside is needed to comprehend the meaning of an aphorism, then it means that it failed. The whole value of these short apt sayings lies in the fact that they are understandable without any explanation. The only thing to do is to read aphorisms, smart thoughts slowly, trying to comprehend each word, stress, observing, where necessary, pauses. And then you will feel all the charm of the aftertaste. A good aphorism, a well-aimed and intelligent thought, like fine wine, pleases the taste, caresses our consciousness, exalting the state of mind.

Ways of comprehension

However, the thoughts of smart people are sometimes difficult to understand from the first reading, just as it is difficult for a very hungry person to feel full from eating. So, in contact with the great, we cannot immediately appreciate the full value of the thoughts expressed by great minds. This takes time: one second, a minute, or even an eternity, the main thing is that awareness comes by itself, without explanation from anyone from outside. Each time returning to the source of knowledge and saying out loud quotes, smart thoughts and sayings the greatest people, we also become spiritually richer, being charged with the semantic energy emanating from them. But even the strongest statement read in a hurry, like a piece swallowed on the go, will not bring any benefit. Our ability to comprehend and evaluate smart thoughts and statements is a great blessing that is bestowed upon us by the mind and the entire Universe.

Aphorisms about aphorisms

Life science and aphorisms

There is no science in the world that would be called "life", but life, nevertheless, is the most complex and completely incomprehensible science in the world. Here is such a paradox! This subject cannot be studied either at school or at the university. To do this, you need to go your own way and gain experience. There are aphorisms that in their totality can be called a textbook, or rather, a dictionary of our life. Not knowing many things can lead to committing many mistakes. Of course, it is impossible to know everything about everything, but basic knowledge still needs to be obtained by attending school or university classes. However, some things can only be understood on the basis of one's own or someone else's experience. Aphorisms consist of thoughts that are a description of this experience, and they help to understand all the versatility and complexity of life.

Smart thoughts about life and the purpose of life

  • Life is the most positive kind of death.
  • The purpose of life is not to try to find its purpose.
  • People can be divided into two categories: those who make interesting for themselves what is interesting for others, and those who make interesting for others what is interesting to themselves.
  • If you want to survive in a difficult situation, then become a weed.
  • Life is an intermediate between pre-death, that is, old age, and after death, childhood.
  • Life is so dull without sin that you involuntarily begin to sin, falling into despondency.
  • Everything that does not kill us makes us strong, and everything that kills makes us eternal.
  • Life is like a mill, in the millstone of which every grain is ground.
  • He who wants to find death knows perfectly well the whereabouts of life.
  • And among the piles of sand there is always a pebble.
  • Life is prudent: what it throws up yesterday may come in handy tomorrow.
  • If at least once a rusty nail is driven into the frame of life, then corrosion can destroy it to the very foundation.
  • Life is like a sponge that absorbs smoke but leaves behind only ashes.
  • Life is like a joke in which the Essence jokes, the Personality laughs at the joke, and in the end Nature wins.
  • Depriving a person of the opportunity to live, you give him death.
  • There is an hour of joy in everyone's life.
  • Life is not priceless because it is paid for with death.

Great sayings about life

  • How nice, the doctor promised me 14 days of life. That would be great if in August. ( Ronnie Shakes)
  • In life, we begin to perform difficult tasks immediately, and impossible ones - a little later. ( United States Air Force motto)
  • Life goes on while we make plans. ( John Lennon)
  • When you're sober, try to keep all the promises you made while drunk, and this will help you keep your mouth shut. ( Ernest Hemingway)
  • I couldn't wait that long for success, so I set out on my journey without it. ( Jonathan Winters)
  • In life, a pessimist, at every opportunity, sees difficulties in everything, and an optimist, on the contrary, looks for a new opportunity in every difficulty. ( Winston Churchill)

Smart thoughts about the beautiful half of humanity

Many poets and writers, as well as philosophers, have come up with many aphorisms that include humorous or clever thoughts about a woman. Here are some of them:

  • Women and thoughts do not come together. ( M. Zhvanetsky)
  • I like Mickey Mouse more than any woman I've ever known. ( Walt Disney)
  • A woman needs a reason to have sex, a man needs a place. ( Billy Crystal)
  • If a woman wants to learn how to drive a car, don't stand in her way. ( Stan Levinson)
  • In order to sleep with a woman, admit to her that you are impotent. She will definitely want to check it out. ( Cary Grant)
  • A woman should be like a good horror movie: the more freedom for the imagination, the more success is guaranteed. ( Al. Hitchcock)
  • Well, women! First they drive a man crazy, and then they demand prudence from him.
  • If you don't want to look like a fool, don't barge in on the woman yelling "I know everything!", good luck, she'll ask you when the Battle of Trafalgar took place.
  • A woman, like a good thing, must have a right ending.
  • A woman belonging to another is five times more desirable than one who is easy to get. ( E. M. Remarque)
  • The female realm is life in tenderness, tolerance and subtlety.
  • There are no cold women: they simply have not yet met those who would awaken love and warmth in them.
  • You love a beautiful woman with your eyes, a kind woman with your heart. The first can become a beautiful thing, and the second - a real treasure. ( Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • If a woman gets together without love, she will definitely demand to pay for it, but if she still loves, then you will have to pay twice.
  • A woman either loves or hates. There can be no third option.
  • If the robber demands either life or a purse, then the woman needs both at once. ( S. Butler)
  • Any woman is a rebel, but she rebels more with herself. ( O. Wilde)
  • A good woman, before getting married, dreams of giving happiness to a man, and a bad woman is waiting to be given happiness.

Aphorisms about love

The most beautiful and painful feeling is love. There is hardly a person who has not experienced this feeling at least once in his life. Clever thoughts about love just arose precisely when a person was in a state of love or was disappointed. We present to your attention some of these aphorisms.

Smart thoughts about the strong half

There are much fewer aphorisms about the strong half of humanity. Why? Yes, because the authors of aphorisms are mostly men themselves. However, if you search, you can find clever thoughts about men in collections. Here are some of those that were found:

Aphorisms and we

Today there is a general fascination with aphorisms, while they are read mainly on the Internet. In this article, we have covered aphorisms about life, about love, about women and about men. These are the topics that people are most interested in. Quotes, aphorisms and smart thoughts people endure as statuses on their social pages. With this, they want to briefly describe to everyone, friends and acquaintances, about the state of their soul or about their vision of life in general. Some make the clever thoughts of great men their slogan. Well, at least at some point in your life. In addition to textual aphorisms, smart thoughts in pictures are also popular today. They clearly show the meaning contained in the quote. Sometimes text messages are also placed on the drawings, and sometimes they themselves, without further ado, reveal the meaning of a particular thought.