Fortune telling using a magic square. Fortune telling - Square of Love

16.08.2019 Jurisprudence

Fortune telling by square

With the help of this fortune telling, which came to Russia from the Netherlands back in mid-19th century c., you can find out what awaits you in the future.

To conduct fortune telling by a square, you need to take a coin of any denomination and throw it on the diagram 3 times. The numbers that appear must be written down - they will indicate what fate has in store for you in the near future.

After this, you need to throw a coin on the diagram three more times - the numbers that fall out will tell you what to avoid and be wary of.

Sector 1. In the near future you will have the opportunity to significantly improve your financial affairs. Circumstances will develop in such a way that profit will help make your life more comfortable. At this time, you need to be wary of new acquaintances - you should not be gullible, as people from your environment may turn out to be ill-wishers and envious people hiding behind the mask of friends.

Sector 2. Your personal life during this period will bring you a lot of disappointments and problems. You and your loved one will draw the wrong conclusions, which will lead to a serious quarrel. If you don't compromise, the relationship will end. If you manage to resolve the conflict, then your union will be strong and stable for a long time.

Sector 3. Intrigues related to large sums of money will weave around you. Don't let your emotions and feelings take precedence over your mind - this can lead to unpleasant consequences and serious conflict with loved ones. If you get the profit you expected, but ruin your relationships with others, ruin and loneliness await you in the future.

Sector 4. All your wishes and plans will come true only if you reconsider your life positions and views. Don’t neglect other people’s opinions – now there are people around you who sincerely want to help. Happiness awaits you if you listen to their advice.

Sector 5. The period is suitable for hard work, which will lead to improved financial condition and success. Be careful when you achieve the fulfillment of your desires - there will be ill-wishers in your environment who will begin to spread rumors. Try not to pay attention to the machinations of envious people, continue to work and go towards your goal.

Sector 6. Be prepared for a long-term and stable romantic relationship, in which, however, each partner will pursue his own interests. Try to find a compromise and think more about your loved one.

Sector 7. In the near future, you will set a goal for yourself and will work hard to achieve it. Stop and listen to your own intuition. If she tells you to take it easy, move on. Otherwise, you need to wait to implement your plans and accumulate strength before making a decisive breakthrough.

Sector 8. This period will bring you clean romantic relationship, which you, for a number of reasons and circumstances, will have to hide from others. You should not reveal secrets even to close people - rumors and gossip will destroy your love and bring disappointment.

Sector 9. You will have the opportunity to correct mistakes made in the past. Circumstances will develop in such a way that recent events will repeat themselves. You can only succeed if you reconsider your position in life and take action.

Sector 10. You will be in a good mood, believing that life circumstances depend only on you. Such a misconception can lead to serious trouble.

Sector 11. In your immediate circle there are hypocritical people who will weave intrigues. Try to bring them to light as quickly as possible, because your relationships with loved ones depend on this. Be patient, as it will be very difficult to restore connections. Listen to your intuition, think through all your actions and do not lose confidence in your own abilities.

Sector 12. Fate will put you in a position that will require repentance and recognition of all your mistakes. This is the only way you can mend damaged relationships with loved ones. If you give up negative thoughts, you will very soon find peace. Success awaits you if you are attentive to detail and prudent.

Sector 13. B During this period of time you will want to conquer new heights and achieve unprecedented success. It is recommended to moderate your ardor, since now the plans are not destined to come true. It is advisable to pay attention to current affairs and accumulated problems. Don't envy others. Learn to be happy with what you have.

Sector 14. Be prepared for serious obstacles: life circumstances will develop in such a way that you will have to resort to cunning and deception, as well as communicating with people you are not interested in.

Sector 15. A long-awaited period of peace has arrived in your life. While resting, do not forget that ill-wishers may appear in your environment, who will become a serious obstacle to achieving your goal.

Sector 16. In a difficult situation, a person from your inner circle whom you trust will help you. Contact him for help.

Sector 17. Your life will change for the better with the help of a successful combination of circumstances. Be careful and remember to be careful - your ex-partner can bring you trouble.

Sector 18. Be prepared for passionate and lasting love. You will meet the person you have been looking for for a long time. Try to maintain this relationship, because next time you may not have such a chance.

Sector 19. In the near future you will receive large profits. Don't be too trusting - this way you can avoid obstacles on your way.

Sector 20. B During this period you will make a business trip or travel. You will be able to meet interesting, influential people. With their help, you can change your life for the better and achieve previously unattainable career heights.

Sector 21. Get ready for the upcoming test of strength. You will find yourself in an uncomfortable position that can lead to despair. Try to prove your innocence without losing your composure.

Sector 22. Try not to leave unfinished matters - they can later lead to troubles with business partners or management. You should not give up in the face of difficulties, because once you overcome them, you will receive a serious reward.

Sector 23. In the near future, be especially careful - there are people around you who can confuse you with false promises and use you for their own purposes. When making important decisions, think them over carefully and listen to your inner voice.

Sector 24. This period will bring unexpected events, interesting travels and entertainment into your life. Be careful along the way, as dangers may await you.

Serious success awaits you, but only if you do not show excessive gullibility in money matters.

Sector 25. Listen to your inner voice - it will tell you a way out of any situation. Only in this way can you achieve success and change your life for the better.

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Numerology studies the influence of the vibration of numbers on a person’s character and life. Fortune telling by numbers was popular among ancient philosophers and mathematicians. The basic principles of modern numerology were laid down by Pythagoras and his students. One type of numbered fortune telling is fortune telling using the Pythagorean table.

Numerology is a science that studies the influence of the vibration of numbers on human life. Fortune telling using numbers has been popular since ancient times.

A person carries out various arithmetic manipulations with the numbers of his date of birth and writes the results in a square. Each square is responsible for one area of ​​a person’s life or ability. Fortune telling is relatively complex, but gives reliable results.

How to make a Pythagorean square

Numerology as a doctrine originates from Ancient Egypt. The priests caught a subtle thread between numbers and a person’s character. Ancient Greek philosopher and the mathematician Pythagoras supplemented and developed existing knowledge. He combined the mathematical harmony of the square, arithmetic calculation, and the magical vibration of numbers.

The date of birth is taken as the basis for fortune telling using the Pythagorean square.

It is this numerical set that predetermines the qualities of character, mental abilities, and life goals of a person. The Pythagorean square itself consists of three columns, each of which has three lines (a total of nine cells). Each cell is responsible for its own aspect.

How to create a Pythagorean table (take for example a hypothetical date of birth of 06/12/1986):

  1. The numbers of the day and month of birth are added up: 1+2+6=9.
  2. The numbers of the year of birth are added up: 1+9+8+6=24.
  3. By adding the results, the first working number is obtained: 9 + 24 = 33.
  4. The digits of the first working number 3+3=6 are added to form the second working number.
  5. The first digit of the birthday is multiplied by 2 and subtracted from the first working number. 1*2=2, 33-2=31, the third working number is obtained.
  6. The fourth working number is obtained by adding the digits of the third number 3+1=4.

The result is two number series 1261986 (date of birth) and 336314. Now you need to fill in the Pythagorean square. Enter all digits 1 into the first cell, 2 into the second, 3 into the third, etc. If any of the numbers in the row is missing, the word “No” is written in the cell or a dash is placed. The table for our hypothetical date of birth looks like this:

111 4 7 - no
2 5 - no 8
333 666 9

If you count the total number of numbers in two rows, you can find out the number of lives lived by a person on earth. The Pythagoreans believed that there could only be 15 earthly lives. After this, a person moves into a new quality and into a new world.

How to interpret the Pythagorean Square

In the Pythagorean square, each cell, column, row and diagonal has its own meaning and is responsible for its quality. Table cell values:

  • 1 – character;
  • 2 – energy;
  • 3 – interest and inclination towards science;
  • 4 – health;
  • 5 – logical thinking;
  • 6 – propensity for physical labor, down-to-earth;
  • 7 – luck;
  • 8 – responsibility, sense of duty;
  • 9 – memory.

Cell “7” in the Pythagorean table is responsible for memory

Fortune telling according to Pythagoras can be accurately interpreted using the meanings of the lines of the table.

Vertical lines:

  1. The first column is responsible for self-esteem.
  2. The second column shows the performance level.
  3. The third column makes it clear about talent.

Horizontal lines:

  1. The first line defines determination.
  2. The second line characterizes family, the desire to create and live in a family.
  3. The third line shows stability of character.

The table has two diagonals, which can be represented by an increasing and decreasing graph. Diagonal value:

  1. The descending diagonal (from cell 1 to cell 9) characterizes spirituality, the degree of human harmony with nature, God, firmness of judgment and faith.
  2. The ascending diagonal (3-7) is responsible for temperament in the intimate sphere.

In everyday fortune telling, interpretations of the lines of the Pythagorean square are rarely done. Usually limited to the main table.

Decoding the numerical values ​​of the Pythagorean square


The strength of human character is symbolized by the number 1. The indicator of character traits depends on the number of numbers:

  1. 1 – the person being guessed for has a selfish character. He doesn't care about other people. He wants to get out of any situation with maximum benefit for himself.
  2. 11 – a person’s egoistic traits are weakly expressed, he likes to praise himself.
  3. 111 – the coincidence of three units speaks of an agreeable character; anyone will get along with such a person.
  4. 1111 is a very strong and strong-willed person, does not tolerate lies and flattery. He’s ready to do anything for his family, but he doesn’t show it to anyone.
  5. 11111 – a large concentration of units describes a dictator. In the family and at work, this person is despotic, vindictive, and spares no expense for his whims. To achieve career growth ready to commit meanness.
  6. 111111 – a combination of six units is very rare and characterizes a cruel but extraordinary person.

111111 - a rare combination that characterizes a tough but extraordinary person


The word energy means the thirst for life in all its manifestations. This category is symbolized by the number 2:

  1. 2 – low level vitality, a person quickly succumbs to boredom and becomes depressed. One two often characterizes lonely introverts.
  2. 22 – the usual level of vital energy, sufficient to realize your ideas and plans.
  3. 222 – energy with good potential. Often 222 characterizes people with highly developed intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, and the ability to heal with the biofield.
  4. 2222 – a very high charge of vital energy. People with combination 2222 attract the attention of others, everyone wants to draw on their energy. Sometimes you have to be careful about this.

Interests and aptitudes for science

Cell number 3 is responsible for a person’s interests and his potential in the sciences. It is impossible to determine propensity only by the number of triples in the cells; other indicators must be taken into account.

Combination values:

  1. No – The word “no” in cell 3 does not mean there is no scientific potential. The person is very neat, well-mannered, knows how to express thoughts competently, knows a little about everything, and is unlikely to be able to clearly define the vector of development.
  2. 3 – characterizes a person of mood who rarely finishes the job he has started. You won’t be able to build a career as a successful scientist with this approach, but it’s always worth trying.
  3. 33 – a person has the potential for development in the exact sciences (mathematics, physics).
  4. 333 – if desired, a person can develop in any scientific field, his perseverance and self-exactingness will help him in this.
  5. 3333 – characteristic of a typical scientist.


The number 4 corresponds to the health indicator in the Pythagorean prediction table.

The combinations are very easy to interpret:

  1. No - a person has health problems, these can be congenital or acquired with age.
  2. 4 – average health indicator, you need to take extra care of yourself, toughen up, and play sports.
  3. 444, 4444 – characterize healthy person, with high love of life and activity.

444, 4444 - a combination that personifies a healthy person with an active lifestyle

Logical thinking and intuition

The way of thinking is characterized by the number 5. Logic and intuition are usually considered on different planes. You can say this, logical thinking is conscious intuition. The ability to do one and the other is again determined by the concentration of fives:

  1. No – I wouldn’t exactly call a fortuneteller logical; he’s more of a dreamer. Intuition will also not help you find a way out of the situation; you have to achieve everything through hard work. An object with 5-net is not inclined towards technical sciences, you need to look for yourself in another field.
  2. 5 – knows how to use logic, but does it rarely, intuition is poorly developed.
  3. 55 – often such people manage to get away from problems with the help of their strong intuition.
  4. 555 is a combination of almost clairvoyants; intuition never fails them.
  5. 5555 – occurs in exceptional cases, characterizes an object with the gift of clairvoyance.

Down-to-earth and propensity for physical labor

Some people like to work with their hands, while others like to work with their heads. Some are creators, others are artisans. This is neither good nor bad, all people are equally needed. Cell 6 is responsible for down-to-earthness and a penchant for physical labor:

  1. No - characterizes people who are absolutely not inclined to physical labor. They can only work well if you can admire the results later.
  2. 6 – one six indicates that the object of fortune telling may engage in physical work, but it is unlikely to be enjoyable.
  3. 66 – the combination indicates someone who likes to do physical labor, but only of his own free will.
  4. 666 - there is no need to be afraid of this combination; in the Pythagorean square it has nothing to do with the devil. 666 indicates someone who can easily cope with any physical work.
  5. 6666 - the fortuneteller works a lot and hard, for him this is a common thing. Likes to receive rewards for work.


The number 7 is responsible for luck in a person’s life:

  1. No - you shouldn’t rely on luck in life, only patience and work will bring you what you want.
  2. 7 – luck is very rare, you may win the lottery, but you shouldn’t count on more
  3. 77 – Fortune often turns its face.
  4. 777 is a successful combination both in slot machines and in the Pythagorean square. A person often receives gifts from fate without making much effort.
  5. 7777 – rare, characterizes an object with exceptional luck. Such people need to be wary of envious people.

7777 indicates that a person has rare luck

Call of Duty

A sense of duty and responsibility towards other people are characterized by combinations of the number 8:

  1. No - a sense of duty is absent from birth, but this does not mean that it cannot be cultivated in oneself.
  2. 8 – capable of being responsible for one’s actions and repaying debts (any), but this ability is poorly developed.
  3. 88 - always ready to help the weak and sick, serve for the good of the Motherland, will always be grateful to his parents.
  4. 888 – characterizes an exceptional person with a highly developed sense of duty; he can become a good manager, commander, etc.
  5. 8888 – occurs only in those born in 88. People with this combination have psychic abilities.

Memory and intelligence

The last cell of the Pythagorean table is responsible for a person’s intellectual abilities and memory. Nines meanings:

  1. No - he is not good at learning, since childhood he has not had intellectual potential. You need to try yourself in professions not related to brain activity.
  2. 9 – mediocre mental abilities, you need to study long and hard.
  3. 99 – good memory, sufficient intellectual potential. A person with two nines can try his hand at science.
  4. 999 – naturally high intelligence. Such people do not need to study in order to remember something; they only need to read once and understand everything; they are well versed in numbers and technology.
  5. 9999 - people with this combination are open to the truth, they also have high intuition, they can become cruel, arrogant and unpleasant in dealing with people.

Fortune telling by date of birth is the most reliable type of fortune telling.

In addition to the Pythagorean square, there is a Vanga chart, from 1 to 100. It is used for daily and long-term forecasts. The Nostradamus circle is not a numerological fortune-telling, although numbers are used there.

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For fortune telling you need to print this drawing.

Think about the person you want to tell fortunes about, concentrate. Take a pencil. Close your eyes and imagine it as vividly as possible and, without opening your eyes, place a pencil on the square. Open your eyes and see which cell it lands on. See the transcript below.

1. Loves him very much. Without a doubt.

2. Jealous. Maybe it's your own fault? Understand your relationships.

3. See you soon. Hope, wait and try to switch to something else.

4. There is no certainty that this is love. Maybe it’s worth breaking up for a while to check your feelings?

5. He wants to forget you, but he can’t.

6. In a month you will meet passionate love.

7. Indifferent to your feelings. Try to interest him in something.

8. He is not sure of his love. Wait, give him time to sort out his feelings.

9. You will be disappointed in your friend. But if he is real, don’t rush to draw conclusions.

10. Happiness doesn’t really smile on you. But everything will change soon.

11. Meet him at his party soon.

12. Happiness will come in a few months. Be patient and wait.

13. Luck passes you by, but the “black” streak is already ending.

14. He loves you, although he is not jealous. But this is not a reason to doubt his feelings.

15. Wants to get to know you better.

16. His principle is loyalty, what about yours?

17. Meet in 10 days, wait.

18. He does everything to please you, but this is probably not enough.

19. Be careful. He is very handsome, such people are often frivolous.

20. You will be happy, although it requires significant effort.

21. He’s not paying attention to you yet, but he’ll soon notice, and how!

22. Who knows, maybe this is your destiny? Take a closer look.

23. He is not the person you need. This is not love yet.

24. Real love will come in a year.

25. He laughs at you. Laugh too.

26. He wants to forget you, but he can’t.

27. Wants to confess his love to you, but doesn’t dare.

28. Loves passionately. And you?

29. See you very soon.

30. Expects attention and a smile from you.

31. Dreams only about you.

32. Loves with all his heart.

1. Can't stand you. Forget about him.

2. Doubts your love.

3. Hates. Don't pay any attention to him.

4. Wants to be friends with you, but is afraid to say so.

5. He will forget you very soon. Well, let!

6. Bullying. It's better not to have anything to do with him.

7. Thinks you don't love him. Maybe he should open up to him?

8. You can only be friends. You shouldn't pretend to be more.

9. You will fall in love with him when you get old. Do you need to wait that long?

10. You will love a smart man, but not a handsome man.

11. Meet at the disco. it will be fun!

12. You will have many children. Don't worry, not soon!

13. Expect trouble. And who doesn't have them?

14. He flirts with you, but it's not serious.

15. Betrayal. This cannot be forgiven.

16. Infidelity will tear you apart. But whose?

17. He dreams about you. Let him tell you his dreams.

18. Can’t live without you. And you?

19. Take care of your love together.

20. If you love, make sure that he loves you too.

21. Thinks that you don’t notice him.

22. Doesn't take you seriously. And do so!

23. Dreams of kissing you. Decide what to do.

24. He is offended by you. Do you know the reason? Clarify the relationship.

25. Wants to be your friend. How do you feel about this?

26. Regrets that you broke up. Maybe you can forgive me?

27. Unrequited love. He’s trying to stop loving you, but it’s a pity.

28. He doesn’t love you, but he respects you very much and will never betray you.

29. Plays with your feelings. Forget him.

30. Day and night Thinks about you. When does he sleep?

31. Loves someone else. And you will love another!

32. Fatal passion. Everyone must figure this out for themselves.

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The basis of fortune telling using the Pythagorean Square is the date of birth of a person and it is based on the idea of ​​reincarnation. With the help of simple manipulations with numbers, you can determine how many times the soul lives its next life (according to the philosophical system of Pythagoras, a soul has 15 lives) and the character of a person.

How to guess?

The first thing you need to do is write down all the numbers in a row.

We add the two received numbers to the existing ones like this:

Now, let’s sum up the result: 3+3=6 and add the resulting numbers to our bottom row:

The last thing we do is remove the zeros:

The first thing we learn is the number of lives lived by the soul of a person born on March 18, 1976. This is done by summing the numbers in the bottom row: 3+5+8+3+3+6=28=2+8=10. So, a person born on this day lives his 11th life and has 4 more attempts to correct his future destiny.

Character Definition

1. Its owner is a refined egoist. He does not pay attention to others and seeks to benefit from all situations only for himself. He has little interest in other people and how they live. The main thing is that only he lives and should live.

11. A character very close to selfish. Always seeking the approval of others, even if there are no prerequisites for this. Likes to praise himself. He seems to himself to be the smartest and most talented and is surprised that those around him do not notice this.

111. "Golden mean". The character is calm and flexible. A sociable person, he doesn’t really like to obey, but he doesn’t strive for leadership either. If you have a heart-to-heart talk with such a person, you can always find a compromise.

1111. A person of strong character, strong-willed. He does not tolerate lies and fawning, but sometimes he can do it for the sake of loved ones. Men with such a character choose the role of professional soldiers, women usually hold the family in their hands.

11111. Dictator and tyrant. For the sake of his idea or whim he can waste millions human lives. To achieve the goal, he walks, as they say, “over corpses.” If there is not enough data for more, he becomes a tyrant in the family, a hermit, otherwise he gets a mental disorder. Persistent in intentions, in revenge, adapts well. Almost always has some kind of mania. Feels affection for children (his own).

111111. A rare combination. A person is unusually cruel, but for loved ones or “for the sake of humanity” he is capable of doing the impossible. A man of one fanatical idea and very difficult to communicate with.

Definition of bioenergy

There are no twos. Bioenergy at its lowest level; a channel has been opened for its intensive recruitment. These people love antiques, old books, treat others well, trying to feed off them; educated and noble. Exceptions to the contrary are rare.

2. Ordinary people in terms of bioenergy. They avoid stressful situations and strong emotions. They simply need physical education and sports, and even better, yoga. Sensitive to changes in the atmosphere.

22. Relatively large reserve of bioenergy. People capable of becoming good doctors, nurses, orderlies. Their calling is medicine. Nervous stress is rare in their families.

222. Psychic sign. Perhaps he himself is not aware of such abilities, but he heals with his biofield, even with his presence. Such people have been waiting for a push for many years in order to reveal their abilities.

Determination of a person’s internal makeup

There are no triples. Clean and decent people, excellent owners, but somewhat obsessive in their constant desire for cleanliness. They are very punctual, love to look in the mirror, and explain themselves ornately. The painstaking work is carried out impeccably.

3. People of mood. They do not like to save money, they are broad-minded and often contradictory. The house is messy, but sometimes everything is immediately and unexpectedly brought into perfect order.

33. Science-minded people. They have a certain analytical mind.

333 or more. A penchant for science. The implementation of this inclination gives rise to pedantry, detachment, stinginess, and finally, a constant need for justice.

Definition of health

There are no fours. Health is very poor; a person has been susceptible to various diseases since childhood. Such a person will be sick the longer, the more twos in his mathematical forecast, because he gives his energy into the world.

4. Health is average, it needs to be tempered, otherwise in old age a person will turn into a wreck. The main sports are swimming and running.

44. Health is good. Such people do not advertise their sexual potency, but can be symbols of sexual attractiveness.

444. People with very good health, extremely rare. The sexual temperament of such people is incredibly attractive.

Definition of intuition

There are no fives. The channel of communication with the subtle world, with the Cosmos, is closed at birth. Such a person is busy with calculations, experiments and proofs, and intense thinking. These people make a lot of mistakes.

5. The communication channel is open. The number of mistakes of such people is reduced, life situations are under control in order to extract maximum benefit from them.

55. Strongly developed intuition. Availability " prophetic dreams", premonitions of events. Revelations in the presence of a single detail. The ability to predict the past as well as the future. Need for legal and investigative work.

555. Almost clairvoyant. Without any knowledge or tips, such people know how to act for themselves and their surroundings. In some cases, they accurately predict future events, but cannot indicate how to avoid trouble.

5555. Clairvoyants. They are clear and indifferent to everything that happens around them. They often exist outside of time and space, as if being included in some other system of existence.

Determining the degree of earthiness

There are no sixes. This man came to earth to acquire a craft. To develop and move up the ladder of life, he needs physical labor, which he does not like. Imagination, fantasy, artistic taste are the main engines of his development. However, despite distracting needs, he is capable of serious actions.

6. A grounded person, but spiritually capable of humane actions. He may struggle with creative or exact sciences, but physical labor is required to prolong his existence. There are quite often manifestations in artistic fields.

66. Grounded person. Strives for physical labor, which interferes with his development. Mental activity and art are the only things that can lift such people.

666. "The Mark of Satan", an ominous sign. Temperamental people who, due to their charm, strive to always be in the center of society. The person is unreliable, searching, and often changing random partners.

6666. A person who, in previous incarnations, had too much maliciousness and groundedness and is trying to get rid of it through work, mental activity, and self-improvement.

Determining the measure of talent

There are no sevens. A man born to understand what talent is. His life experience and actions help him gain talent, and suffering and religion push him to understand it. The main thing is to catch the moment when talent is sent from above.

7. Such people live an easy life, but luck comes to them as a result of creative work. The talent is not clearly expressed.

77. A gifted person with a subtle artistic and musical taste and a penchant for painting. The egoistic principle in his work has both bad and good sides. He is lucky in gambling and forgetful in virtue.

777. A special sign of people visiting the earth for a short time. If they linger on this path, they are expected serious illnesses. Sensitivity destroys them because of their heightened sense of justice.

7777. Angel sign. People who constantly care about others, but, as a rule, do not live to old age.

Definition of a sense of duty

There are no eights. A person who has no sense of duty at all. If, say, he borrows, he is in no hurry to repay and misses all payment deadlines.

8. These people are endowed with a sense of duty and are extremely conscientious.

88. Developed sense of duty. Amazing willingness to help others. This man is a wonderful family man, but he is dependent on dishonest people.

888. A sign of duty to the people who raised its owner. A symbol of chosen people leading nations. People who achieve outstanding results.

8888. The sign carries parapsychological abilities and immense sensitivity to the exact sciences. An amazing sign of people following supernatural paths.

Definition of Intelligence

9. Most mysterious sign. To comprehend it, a person must work all his life.

99. Smart from birth. They don’t like to study because they are used to getting knowledge easily. The main obstacle to this is the sense of irony. Independence.

999. Very smart people. Cognition does not present any difficulties for them. Excellent conversationalists.

9999. People to whom the truth is revealed. If at the same time they have developed intuition, then there is a complete guarantee against failure in any endeavor. These people are quite unpleasant, rude, unmerciful and cruel. It is difficult, sometimes impossible, to make them adequate in society.