Nadezhda Shevchenko ritual magic. Nadezhda Shevchenko - psychic, master of rituals and many-faced witch

24.06.2019 Career and Work

Nadezhda Shevchenko is a many-sided witch, a finalist in the 17th season of the show “Battle of Psychics.” She showed everyone that she knows more about magic than anyone else. Her rejuvenation ritual will help you regain your vitality and maintain your attractiveness.

The psychic reports that not only the process of physical rejuvenation is important, but also spiritual and energetic rejuvenation, so try not to focus only on physical exercises and various procedures. The clairvoyant offers her own special ritual that will help you tune your inner world to the desired wavelength. It will help you with energetic rejuvenation, which will not keep you waiting for renewal on the physical level.

Preparing for the ritual

The author of the ritual advises everyone to perform it, but it will have the greatest effect for those ladies who are over 30 years old. On the other hand, all health problems and appearance are consequences of energy problems. You can feel old even at 25 years old. This is of great importance for mood, health and sleep.

So, if you are over 30 or you feel that some negative transformations are taking place in your inner world, then this means that it is time to use this ritual. This can be indicated by depression, fatigue, irritability, despondency. There is nothing supernatural about this - every woman has periods when life seems gray.

To prepare for the ritual, you will need to find a stone, because they do not age and remain unchanged for tens or even hundreds of years. The stone can be any size. To choose the right one, you need to pick up the stones one by one. Hold each one and feel their energy. The right one will make itself known, and you just trust your intuition and sixth sense.

Once the personal stone has been found, you can begin the rejuvenation ritual. The ritual should be carried out alone and in complete silence, so that no one disturbs you.

Rejuvenation Ritual

First, you will need to find a photo in which you are happy and in which you like yourself. If she's in in electronic format, then you will have to print it. The ritual is carried out in several stages. The first begins early in the morning, when you just got out of bed. Take in left hand photo, and on the right is a stone. Close your eyes. The ritual is similar to simple meditation.

Think about the moment in your life that is depicted in the photo. Remember how good you felt and why you felt good. Replay this in your head. Then try to travel back in time. Slowly connect the photo and the stone by placing right hand to the left. Let the stone remember your emotions and be charged with this energy, and also give you some of its own.

Feel what time means to a stone. Feel its power. Imagine that a bright stream of light begins to burst out of the stone, trying to warm your body and soul. Give him this opportunity, open up to the energy.

Say the following lines: “Give me your strength so that I can be more beautiful. Like you, I don't want to get older. Give me your youth, give me strength of spirit. I beg you, don’t wish me feathers or down.”

Leave the stone in the photo on the windowsill so that sunlight falls on them for as long as possible. Do not put the entire stone in the photo if it is large. Repeat the ritual for three days. Then the stone can be used as a talisman and lucky mascot— you can carry it with you or leave it at home near your sleeping place.

Soon you should feel positivity arising within. You begin to glow and give joy to yourself and the people around you. After your energy allows your inner world to blossom, your body will blossom too - fatigue will go away, taking away depression and bad mood.

Nadezhda Shevchenko wishes that luck and youth will always be with you. Remember that words and thoughts are material - tell yourself that you are beautiful, independent and happy, and most importantly, young. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.01.2017 02:46

Every woman wants to enjoy dizzying success with the opposite sex, and modern world ready to provide many...

Nadezhda Shevchenko - psychic, real witch or fake... Find out more about her biography, magical practice, as well as reviews, rituals from a witch and the opportunity to study with Nadezhda Shevchenko.

In the article:

What do we know about the biography of psychic Nadezhda Shevchenko

Psychic Nadezhda Shevchenko comes from St. Petersburg. The witch loves her hometown and calls it a magical alphabet. The mystical atmosphere of St. Petersburg has been described more than once by both writers and modern psychics. This city became the birthplace of many famous magicians and sorcerers. Nadezhda Shevchenko's favorite places are Nevsky Prospekt and the Admiralty.

Nadezhda Shevchenko

Nadezhda refused to tell us about her age and intimate life. Like most women, she prefers to hide her age, and until the end of the Battle of Psychics it is dangerous to reveal details about her family. But, we managed to find out the date of birth of the many-faced witch - February 25, and that she got married early, in which she gave birth to a son - at 18 years old.

There was a very difficult period in Nadezhda’s life when she gave birth dead child, and my husband betrayed me. Unable to cope with her experiences, she became addicted to alcohol. Her marriage fell apart. In the heat of anger, she damaged her ex-husband, which she then removed. But still after the divorce ex-husband died soon after. Nadezhda has become a widow and does not want to tie the knot again. Her son helped her overcome her addiction to the green snake.

Participant in the Battle of Psychics - 17 Nadezhda Shevchenko inherited her gift from her grandmother. She was a famous clairvoyant in St. Petersburg. She had a rather difficult life - an infant, transporting goods along the road of life, and the blockade of the city cannot be called an easy test. It was thanks to supernatural abilities that Shevchenko’s grandmother survived the Leningrad blockade. Nadezhda’s mother told her that her grandmother enjoyed unprecedented popularity as a fortune teller and healer. The grandmother became an example for her granddaughter, who decided as a child that she would help people, just like her.

From early childhood, Nadezhda had psychic abilities. In the darkness, she saw bright pictures, and unusual stories formed in the girl’s head. As a child, the witch had a penchant for fantasizing, and in order to develop discipline, she was sent to violin courses. Nadezhda had a hearing, but no desire to make music. She skipped classes, spending time on the embankment. As a child, the many-faced witch was a real rebel, and her mother often punished her for missing or not learning lessons. The grandmother always stood up for her, and now Shevchenko knows the reason for this - the grandmother understood her granddaughter, who has the same gift, and the mother, who did not inherit strength from birth, could not find an explanation for her daughter’s strange behavior.

After clinical death the witch has the gift of communicating with the dead

At the age of 12, Nadezhda Eduardovna Shevchenko suffered clinical death. Interestingly, many clairvoyants and magicians have visited the afterlife. Some of them consider this experience to be the impetus for acquiring supernatural abilities. Shevchenko fell on the deck of her father's ship, and a heavy bag of sand landed on top. After this incident, she had a personal deck, and fortune tellers and clairvoyants began to meet around her. Communication with personalities that Nadezhda does not tell anyone about, bore fruit - the girl learned to use her abilities and fulfilled her old dream - to become like her grandmother, who died when her granddaughter was still a child. Thus, she confirmed the meaning of the name Nadezhda for a child, becoming an adventurous but organized witch.

Many fans of the many-faced witch are interested in the reason why she calls herself that. Nadezhda Shevchenko is tested in the Battle of Psychics with the help of shadows from the world of the dead. The faces of all the deceased, whom she calls for help, are imprinted on her face. In episode 11 of season 17, the witch stated that the dead give her knowledge and help her in magical work. In exchange for this, she allows them to leave a memory of themselves, their consciousness and skills in their face.

Official page of Nadezhda Shevchenko on VKontakte

Nadezhda Shevchenko (photo from VKontakte)

Like most participants in the Battle of Psychics, the many-faced witch is in in social networks. On Nadezhda Shevchenko's VKontakte page you can get to know the witch's interests and hobbies better in Everyday life. In addition, on its official page the witch shares sacred knowledge. On the wall you can find descriptions of witchcraft holidays, rituals and advice for novice sorcerers.

In one of the messages, Shevchenko announces that he is not engaged in remote provision of magical help. She invites people to either personally attend the receptions or use the rituals that she posts in the VK group, on the official website and other resources owned by the witch.

Nadezhda has school of magic, and everyone has the opportunity to study there. On the witch's page in contact you can find out about the course program and find phone numbers where you can sign up for training. The Many-Faced Witch has previously conducted training events that were very successful. At the end of the training, before issuing certificates, she conducts initiation ceremonies for students.

The witch's Facebook page contains rituals, media files and information about receptions from Nadezhda Shevchenko. Her Instagram account existed for some time, but it is now blocked.

Nadezhda Shevchenko - Battle of Psychics and other projects

Many viewers believe that at the Battle of Psychics, Nadezhda Shevchenko is an opponent of the psychics who were brought to the project by the winner of season 9. This season you can watch as many as two witches, who are in the coven of a famous sorceress, undergo trials. According to rumors, there was a third one, but it did not pass the test.

If you look at photographs of Nadezhda Shevchenko on VKontakte and posters for some of Natalia Banteeva’s seminars, you can see that these witches had joint projects. Certificates of the author's course on magic from Shevchenko indicate that her projects were created on the basis Center for Personal Development Natalia Banteeva. In most of the photographs from Nadezhda Shevchenko’s events and trainings, you can see the author’s sign of the same center, which belongs to the sorceress from season 9. For the most part, this applies to photographs from 2014-2013.

Most likely, Banteeva and Shevchenko collaborated in 2012-2015. The many-faced witch does not hide the fact that she works together with the witch. Perhaps their friendship continues to this day. But, with a high probability, it ceased to exist, and Nadezhda and Natalya parted ways. Interestingly, the winner of last season was considered a friend and protégé of Natalya Banteeva. However, the priestess of the ancestor cult herself clarified the situation - her cooperation and friendship with her had come to an end. Perhaps the situation with Nadezhda is similar to this, because it is known that Natalya Banteeva officially introduced completely different participants to the project - and.

Candles are Shevchenko’s favorite magical attribute

According to some sources, Nadezhda was part of Natalya Banteeva’s coven for some time, but is now practicing independently. As you can see from the episodes of the Battle of Psychics, the favorite magical tools of the many-faced witch are wax and fire. During the qualifying tests, she showed herself to be a strong magician and psychic.

While searching for the man in the trunk, Shevchenko proved that she knows how to work with the spirits of the dead. He summoned them with the help of special candles and pork liver. Despite the fact that she was unable to find the person, she told a lot about several car owners who were present at the test. The witch summoned the spirit of a famous woman who owned the car. After the trunk was opened, which the dead shadow was pointing at, she decided that the spirit had deceived her. One of Nadezhda’s candles fell right next to the car in which the man was. Recently, Nadezhda admitted that she failed the test through her own fault, not noticing the spirit’s prompting.

The test with Mr. X revealed many secrets of Anastasia Samburskaya. She described the childhood of the famous actress, naming those facts that outsiders could not find out about. Shevchenko managed to shock Anastasia Samburskaya, but her main goal is to help people, not to show. The witch proved this by trying to change the situation in the family of Anastasia Samburskaya, influencing the actress who was mortally offended by her mother.

During rituals, the many-faced witch uses special candles, which are supposed to be lit only if the spirits of the dead are invoked. Those present on the set of the Battle of Psychics noticed more than once that sometimes these candles made a strange sound, like a whistle. According to Nadezhda, such a sound can be present during the call of the spirit, and it means that the dead shadow has come to her call.

The clairvoyant keeps special candles for calling in a suitcase, which she almost never parts with. The bag is quite heavy, because it stores not only candles, but also other ritual instruments. In episode 11 of season 17, the witch agreed to open the bag in front of the cameras and talk about what was in it. Now viewers know that she has a black mirror, which is necessary to summon the dead shadows. Nadezhda has never used it before; it is new in her magical arsenal.

In addition, Nadezhda Shevchenko uses a ritual bowl in the shape of a skull. In her bag there is a wolf's paw. As a last resort, the witch keeps aspen pegs in a separate chest, which are used to carry out the most powerful summoning rites. During the test with the trunk, she hammered them into the pig's heart with the same aspen hammer, which is also always available in the trunk.

Hope's bag can be called almost bottomless. In addition to the above, several more ritual knives are stored in it. There was even an alligator tooth in the bag, which is used to destroy something, for example, unnecessary relationships. She uses parts of animal bodies quite often, while joking about Greenpeace, who clearly would not like it. The witch’s collection includes not only snake slithers, which are sold in every esoteric store, but also rare artifacts like the paws of the Tasmanian devil.

The Battle of Psychics is not the only project in which Nadezhda took part. Until recently, she considered herself a non-media person, but a few months ago the situation changed. The witch prefers not to reveal the reasons for such changes to reporters. Recently, she can be seen in glossy magazines and on various television shows. Thus, the magazine has a detailed horoscope from Nadezhda Shevchenko for April and June 2016. Reporters from the St. Petersburg TV channel also turned to her for an answer to the question about mysterious figures on the Murmansk Highway. The witch dismissed magical origin a phenomenon that reporters never expected.

Nadezhda Shevchenko - ritual magic from the many-faced witch

The many-faced witch Nadezhda Shevchenko is considered one of the most powerful among practitioners ritual magic. She assures that she is able to change the reality and future of any person. Judging by the reviews, of which there are many in her official group, this is true. The witch is sure that magic is an integral part of the 21st century. Modern man is not limited by the framework that was present several centuries ago. Shevchenko is sure that even an ardent skeptic will sooner or later encounter something that he cannot explain logically.

Participant and favorite of the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Nadezhda Shevchenko told how you can close the black streak in life.

It happens that failures rain down on us like from a cornucopia, destroying a good mood and the desire to do something. All attempts to somehow improve your condition and achieve harmony in life fail. In a series of small and large troubles, you don’t always have to blame only yourself: psychics believe that such a condition can be the result of damage or the evil eye.

In such a situation, one of the effective ways out of a hopeless situation may be a ritual from Nadezhda Shevchenko to get rid of a bad streak in life.

Who is Nadezhda Shevchenko

The 17th season of the mystical show “Battle of Psychics” revealed among its favorites the many-faced witch from St. Petersburg Nadezhda Shevchenko. Her biography immediately aroused the interest of many viewers. The witch gave the impression of being knowledgeable and strong man, and successfully proved this in the qualifying tests.

You can observe Nadezhda’s capabilities in the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” every Saturday at 20:00 on the TNT channel or online.

Ritual to close the black line

Rituals and traditions always accompany and surround us. By ritually interacting with nature and spirits, you can get answers to many questions and change your life. This ritual will help cut off the black streak in your life and overcome despair.

You will need: a yeast cake, which you need to knead and bake yourself eight identical silver coins a liter of fresh milk black wax candle matches

The day before the appointed ritual, bake bread. While kneading the dough, think and put your sorrows, failures and troubles into it. Negative emotions and thoughts will energetically transfer into the dough, which is sensitive to energy.

The next day at 12 noon you need to take everything you need and go to the cemetery. When approaching the gate, you need to stop and say: “The owner of this graveyard, she didn’t come/came to disturb, but for help!”

Enter the churchyard and find the abandoned grave of a person of your gender. Greet him by calling the name of the deceased and say: “I didn’t want to disturb your peace, but I came/came for help.” Place bread on the grave, place an open container of milk, place coins on the cake and place a candle next to it.

Light it and say the spell: “I light a black candle, all the troubles and sorrows that I have created and caused, everything that is superficial, grown in the heart, brought by the wind, set on fire, born of the earth, imbued with water - I leave everything here, I remember the forgotten soul! Take (name of the dead) all the troubles for yourself, you have to lie down, don’t get up, I have a long time to live, remember you! As I said/said, so be it!”

After that, sit for a while, think about what you are leaving here at the grave. You can clean up the grave a little, but don’t take anything with you.

Then read the following plot 3 times: “Remember the deceased (name of the deceased) from me (your name) everything bad, everything bad, everything bad for now, forever! Truly! After you read this plot 3 times, get up, leaving everything on the grave, and leave without looking back. Don't talk to anyone on the way home.

Rituals and rituals can help you change your life and achieve success and happiness. Some powerful prayers that change fate have similar power for believers. We wish you good luck and happiness, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

20.09.2016 03:07

Troubles happen in the life of every person, but weakened energy does not always allow one to cope with a series of...

Each of us dreams of improving our appearance and getting more money. The favorite of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, Nadezhda Shevchenko, believes that all this is possible if you perform a special ritual.

Nadezhda Shevchenko is one of the strongest psychics of the 17th season of the Battle. Her rituals, according to those who have tried them on themselves, are effective and understandable even to novice practitioners.

Rituals for beauty and wealth are based on changes in the human energy field. The best time for such changes and achieving the desired, the period of the waxing moon is considered.

Ritual for beauty and wealth

To achieve the greatest effect, you can perform this ritual on a Full Moon.

You will need:

Heat the milk and mix with honey. Run a bath and add aromatic oil to the water. Pour in the first portion of milk and honey, saying the words:

Milk with the Sun was taken for beauty, warmed and mixed with my hands, charmed and awakened with my words. Beauty fills me, it arrives every day! Just as milk and honey cannot be separated back, so my beauty cannot be reversed!

After this, stir the milk in the bath and wait until the water becomes still again. After this, pour a second portion of honey milk into it, while saying:

Milky water and honey banks are flaunted with gold, gold carries milk and honey into my hands, silver - in my bosom, copper - under the threshold! Just as milk and honey cannot be poured back, so my words cannot be reversed! Truly!

After this, take a bath with enchanted milk, visualizing attractiveness and financial success in your life. If you perform this ritual in accordance with lunar calendar, then the energy of the growing Moon can accelerate the effect and bring the fulfillment of your desire closer.

In addition to the ritual with honey and milk, there are several more money rituals that can also help you achieve financial success. We wish you to always remain beautiful and successful, smile more often, and do not forget to press the buttons and

15.10.2016 06:06

The full moon is an energetically powerful time. It is during the Full Moon that rituals are most effective. ...

Find out everything about the participants in the 17th meson of the “Battle of Psychics” show and look closely at their faces. Now...

It happens that failures rain down on us like from a cornucopia, destroying a good mood and the desire to do something. All attempts to somehow improve your condition and achieve harmony in life fail. In a series of small and large troubles, you don’t always have to blame only yourself: psychics believe that such a condition can be the result of damage or the evil eye.
In such a situation, one of the effective ways out of a hopeless situation may be a ritual from Nadezhda Shevchenko to get rid of a bad streak in life.

Who is Nadezhda Shevchenko

The 17th season of the mystical show “Battle of Psychics” revealed the many-faced witch from St. Petersburg, Nadezhda Shevchenko, among its favorites. Her biography immediately aroused the interest of many viewers. The witch gave the impression of a knowledgeable and strong person, and successfully proved this in the selection tests.
You can observe Nadezhda’s capabilities in the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” every Saturday at 20:00 on the TNT channel or online.

Ritual to close the black line

Rituals and traditions always accompany and surround us. By ritually interacting with nature and spirits, you can get answers to many questions and change your life. This ritual will help cut off the black streak in your life and overcome despair.
You will need: a yeast cake, which you need to knead and bake yourself eight identical silver coins a liter of fresh milk a black wax candle matches
The day before the appointed ritual, bake bread. While kneading the dough, think and put your sorrows, failures and troubles into it. Negative emotions and thoughts will energetically transfer into the dough, which is sensitive to energy.
The next day at 12 noon you need to take everything you need and go to the cemetery. Approaching the gate, you need to stop and say: “The owner of this graveyard, she didn’t come/came to disturb, but for help!”
Enter the churchyard and find the abandoned grave of a person of your gender. Greet him by calling the name of the deceased and say: “I don’t want to disturb your peace, but I came/came for help.” Place bread on the grave, place an open container of milk, place coins on the cake and place a candle next to it.
Light it and say the spell: “I light a black candle, all the troubles and sorrows that I have created and caused, everything that is superficial, grown in the heart, brought by the wind, ignited by fire, born of the earth, nourished with water - I leave everything here, I remember the forgotten soul! Take (name of the dead) all the troubles for yourself, you have to lie down, don’t get up, I have a long time to live, remember you! As I said/said, so be it!”

After that, sit for a while, think about what you are leaving here at the grave. You can clean up the grave a little, but don’t take anything with you.
Then read the following plot 3 times: “Remember the deceased (name of the deceased) from me (your name) everything bad, everything bad, everything bad for now, forever! Truly! After you read this plot 3 times, get up, leaving everything on the grave, and leave without looking back. Don't talk to anyone on the way home.