I dreamed of a beehive. Beehive: what is the dream about?

02.08.2019 Business

Among the people, there are two sharply different expressions associated with the wasp. These are “Stings Like a Wasp” and “Wasp Waist”.

The first expression applies to a person who is evil, bad, sarcastic and harmful.

The second expression is a compliment and any girl addressed to this folk wisdom, will be incredibly happy about this.

So the image of a wasp that appears in your dream may be caused by a meeting deposited in your subconscious with a rude person who makes tactless remarks or a miniature, fragile, possessive thin waist girl.

If you were stung by a wasp in a dream, then in real life you will seriously suffer from the evil machinations of your ill-wishers. Perhaps you will hear bad gossip that discredits you.

If you brush a wasp off your hand before it has time to bite you, then you will have time to guess about the evil machinations of your enemies and will be able to prevent them.

If you dreamed that you were killing a wasp, then in real life you will rely on an unfamiliar person, but he will have an evil and sarcastic character that will interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Finding a wasp hollow in a dream is a sign that you will soon discover that your work colleagues treat you unkindly and in every possible way interfere with the growth of your career.

Seeing a swarm of wasps in a dream is a sign that your superiors treat you with great respect and, despite the machinations of your colleagues, will contribute to your promotion and give you a bonus.

If in a dream you were surrounded by a swarm of wasps, then in real life such an unpleasant story will happen to you that will force you to leave your place of work. Perhaps even your own home.

If you watch in a dream how a cat brushes a wasp stinging it from its nose, then in real life you should be more careful with people close to you. Taking advantage of your kindness, they harm you.

If the cat fails to do this and jumps into the water, then your enemies are ready to do anything to cause you trouble.

Perhaps such a dream indicates that you should not react so sharply to the machinations of your enemies, because these people are not worth your worries, much less your life.

If in a dream a cat manages to brush a wasp off its nose, then in reality you will defeat your enemies without much effort.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Wasp

A wasp seen in a dream foretells good news about the defeat of your enemies. If you brush aside the wasps that have swooped down on the sweets, you will suffer from the machinations of envious people. If you were stung by a wasp in a dream, your pride will suffer in real life. If you run away from wasps chasing you, you will be stung by an unfair reproach. Kill a wasp - defend your property rights.

Finding a wasp's nest in a dream means you will be dejected because of a failed date with your loved one. A hornet's nest in the ground will remind you of your debt to creditors.

Trampling a wasp's nest means unexpected separation.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about a beehive? The dream book often calls this symbol a harbinger of prosperity, harmony, good profits, and profitable deals. But some details in a dream may indicate mistakes, disagreements, misunderstandings or the machinations of enemies.

Well-being, joyful events

A dreamed symbol often represents harmony, mutual understanding, well-being in family life dreamer

Have you seen a beehive in a dream? According to the dream book, you will earn a large sum of money, or a well-drafted plan will bring great benefits.

Why do you dream of a beehive full of honeycombs? Upcoming events will fill life with joy and bring variety to it.

Miller's Dream Book: profitable activities

Did you dream of a hive with bees? There are profitable activities ahead, the conclusion of profitable deals. For parents, the vision promises diligent children who will delight with their successes.

Good environment, profit growth

Did you see him with bees in a dream? Soon some joyful event will happen with a large crowd of people.

For an officer, a hive full of working bees portends disciplined subordinates and a good environment.

For a business person, a dream promises, according to the dream book, a successful increase in his turnover and reliable business partners.

Dream details

Remember what you did:

  • made a beehive - you will easily overcome the obstacles that arise;
  • looked at honeycombs - visiting new places, interesting communication;
  • repaired - you need to work hard to get a more profitable job;
  • destroyed - a gross mistake will lead to a reduction in salary or transfer to a lower position;
  • knocked on it - you will be drawn into a lawsuit;
  • turned over - disagreements with business partners.

Big ambitions, the machinations of spiteful critics

Seeing a beehive at home means: the dreamer strives for a luxurious life. He does not appreciate what he has - inflated ambitions require more. The sleeper is ready to spend a lot of time and effort to satisfy them. But this will only provide fleeting pleasure. It is better to pay more attention to selfless feelings.

Why does he dream about wasps? The dream book warns of caution: you will find yourself in a large crowd of people who are opposed to you and want to harm you.

A hive occupied by wasps in a dream foreshadows separation from someone close. Moreover, this could be a temporary separation or a complete break in relations.

You need to rest, you will defend your views

A dream about a bee house with wasps promises an unpleasant event, after which the sleeper will have to change his place of work.

The dream book also indicates: a beehive, the inhabitants of which were very fussed in a dream, warns: you need to rest for a while. It is better to stay away from everyday trifles and society that distract from important matters.

If you dreamed of a beehive, move away from society for a while and be completely alone. You are haunted by problems and minor troubles. In order to cope with them, you need to think carefully about everything, without being distracted by everyday trifles.

Walking between hives in a dream means that in reality you do not trust your friends, while they have done nothing to deserve such an attitude.

If you made bee hives - you will see changes in personal life. Now you will have to take care not only of yourself, but also of someone else.

Nostradamus interpreted dreams about a beehive as follows.

If you saw a beehive in a dream, you will be faced with a large number of intractable problems in the future.

If in a dream several people are watching a hive, then such a dream means that in the not too distant time a person will appear in your life who will methodically solve all your problems.

If you dreamed that you were making a beehive with your own hands, then you will easily overcome the obstacles that arise in your path.

To see someone making a beehive in a dream means that in the future you will meet with a very strong man, which will have a noticeable impact on your life.

If you put your hand into a beehive in a dream, you will soon be disappointed in the people close to you. It is possible that the one you currently consider to be your best friend will actually turn out to be an angry, envious person.

Dream about a hive in which there are no bees serious losses. Perhaps you will lose something very valuable and will be very worried about it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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bees as described - Dreaming of bees portends unpleasant news if they circle over flowers. Bees flying out of the hive promise big profits and the conclusion of successful contracts. A bee stinging you in a dream means tears from an insult inflicted by a person in whom you dote. A crushed bee is a sign of betrayal and betrayal. Running away from a swarm of bees - your hopes will not come true; fumigating a swarm of bees - strengthen your health in reality. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

hive as described - Seeing a beehive in a dream is a sign that in the future you will be faced with a large number of intractable problems. If in a dream several people are watching a hive, then such a dream means that in the not too distant time very people will come to power in the state in which you live. wise people, but it will take them a long time to bring the country out of the crisis. If you dreamed that you were making a beehive with your own hands, then you will easily overcome the obstacles that arise in your path. To see someone making a beehive in a dream means that in the future you will meet a very strong person who will have a significant impact on your life. Sticking your hand into a beehive in a dream means disappointment. Such a dream indicates that in the future you will be disappointed in people close to you. It is possible that the one you currently consider to be your best friend will actually turn out to be an angry, envious person. To dream of a hive in which there are no bees at all means serious losses. Perhaps you will lose something very valuable and will be very worried about it. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

beehive as described - If you dreamed of a beehive, remove yourself from society for a while and be completely alone. You are haunted by problems and minor troubles. In order to cope with them, you need to think carefully about everything, without being distracted by everyday trifles. Walking between hives in a dream means that in reality you do not trust your friends, while they have done nothing to deserve such an attitude. If you made bee hives - you are about to make changes in your personal life. Now you will have to take care not only of yourself, but also of someone else. Nostradamus interpreted dreams about a beehive as follows: If you saw a beehive in a dream, in the future you will encounter a large number of intractable problems. If in a dream several people are watching a hive, then such a dream means that in the not too distant time a person will appear in your life who will methodically solve all your problems. If you dreamed that you were making a beehive with your own hands, then you will easily overcome the obstacles that arise in your path. To see someone making a beehive in a dream means that in the future you will meet a very strong person who will have a significant impact on your life. If you stuck your hand into a beehive in a dream, you will soon be disappointed in the people close to you. It is possible that the one you currently consider to be your best friend will actually turn out to be an angry, envious person. A hive in which there are no bees dreams of serious losses. Perhaps you will lose something very valuable and will be very worried about it. Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

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The dream is a symbol happy events that will definitely happen to you. Sometimes it means the appearance of strangers who will bother you. This dream also symbolizes prosperity or making a profit.

A hive without bees is a significant loss, but with them it’s the opposite. Sometimes it means that in real life you strive for solitude, you need to move away from everyone and indulge in thinking about yourself and your affairs. Problems and troubles bother you and do not allow you to relax.

Installing hives for bees means quick happy changes in your personal life. You have to show concern for someone.


Seeing a beehive in a dream means that you need to be alone for a certain time. Various kinds minor troubles are slowly eroding your peace, despite all your efforts not to panic. And yet, in order to calm down, you will have to gather your strength and concentrate without being distracted by trifles. If in a dream you wander between hives, then in reality you stop trusting your friends, despite the fact that they gave you absolutely no reason for suspicion. Making beehives in a dream means imminent changes in your life; now you will have to take care of someone else besides yourself.


A dream in which several beekeepers appeared foreshadows the onset of a difficult period when wise rulers will come to power. Despite this, order in the state will not be established immediately, since it will take a lot of time and effort to bring the country out of the crisis situation.

If in a dream you built a hive yourself, then in reality you don’t have to worry that the difficulties that arise are within your reach. Also, such dreams predict that the dreamer will meet an extremely powerful person who will have a significant impact on his life.

Major misfortunes await the one who saw hives without bees in a dream - you are destined for experiences due to the loss of something that is of great value to you.

Serious disappointment is predicted by a dream in which you happened to stick your hand into a beehive. That person who pretended to be your closest friend for a long time will turn out to be a cruel and envious person.

Found in the following interpretations:


Interpretation depending on the day and hour:

Do you want to know whether your dream will come true today, how accurate is its interpretation on a given day of the week or month? Select the desired date and find out whether you should trust what you saw in your dream.

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