Sultry southwest wind. Names of the winds. Names of winds and wind systems

04.10.2018 Education

We, residents of city apartments, have no idea how important the wind played in the life of our distant ancestors. The lives of sea and land travelers sometimes depended on which side of the world they blew from and what weather they brought with them. In ancient and ancient times, people did not yet know the natural reasons why sandstorms suddenly arise and hurricanes destroy everything in their path. Therefore, the name of the winds among the Greeks and Romans was anthropomorphic. They were depicted as winged powerful deities. The elements do not know pity or mercy, therefore the wind brothers, born, according to the beliefs of the Greeks, from the lord of the starry sky Astraeus and the goddess of the dawn Eos, were cruel and self-willed.

When it brings cold and heavy air, it finds its way to the sea through mountain peaks and canyons. It's important to note that bora is what makes it uncomfortable and unpredictable. If you are inexperienced, you will definitely find shelter at the nearest port.

Areas subject to severe bora are: Trieste Bay, Velebit Canal, Vinodolski Canal, Novigrad Bay, the area around Šibenik, around Split, Makarska - at the foot of Biokovo, Zuljana Bay on Pelesak, the mouth of the Neretva River, the Bay of Rizana and the mouth of Kotor.

On the other hand, the areas where bora is weak are the western coast of Istria, the area south of Biograd to Trogir, then from the Polje coast to Dugi Rat, as well as the coast of Montenegro. In short, we can say that the bora is the lowest where the mountain peaks are less than 600 meters and where the distance from the coast exceeds 4 kilometers.

Greek sailors were especially afraid of gusty squalls from Thrace. Boreas was the name of this north wind. The name of the long-haired and bearded ferocious deity appears already in the works of Homer “Iliad” and “Odyssey” (8th century BC). Boreas' temper was not at all the same as that of his brothers Nota and Zephyr. He kidnapped the daughter of the Athenian king Orithia, who gave birth to the “Boreads” - Kalaid and Zeta. And the ancient Romans tried to appease the god of the cold wind Aquilon, blowing from the snow-capped Alps, with sacrifices.

South - hot Adriatic wind

South-southeast wind. It blows along the entire coast as cyclones approach the Adriatic Sea, bringing cloudy and rainy weather, developing slowly and can be seen arriving two or three days ago. much longer than bora, 5 to 7 days or more during the winter.

Maestro is the “good” wind of the Adriatic, a friend of boatmen and all those who enjoy the sea in summer, because it softens summer heat. This is the daily thermal wind of the northwestern zone due to the difference in the cooling rate of land and sea. It often occurs from spring to autumn and blows most often in July and August. It usually rises around 9-10 am, peaks in the afternoon, and suddenly dies at sunset. North of the Adriatic the maestro is usually weaker than in the south.

The name of the northern winds also appears among other peoples. A little north of Greece and Rome, the deity Boreas gradually transformed into Bora. Now we can give an explanation for this sudden ice storm that lasted for several days to a week. In autumn, when the sea still retains the summer warmth, and the mountain peaks are already frozen, a big difference V atmospheric pressure. Cold ones roll down to the sea like an avalanche, bringing squalls, hurricanes and such cold temperatures that ships on the windward side are covered with a three-meter crust of ice. Bora blows on the Adriatic and Black Sea. She is especially fierce in Novorossiysk.

This is the common name for the north winds in many parts of the Mediterranean Sea, cold wind medium intensity, which most often blows on a sunny day. His appearance is a sign of improving times. Levatate refers to the winds coming from the east, and its name comes from the Latin levara: rising, straightening. It is a moderate wind that blows when the weather is cloudy, humid and rainy. If it hits hard, it is called levantara.

The southwesterly winds in the Adriatic usually have two names: lebic and garbine. This usually doesn't last very long, but can hit very hard. It's especially dangerous when waves are crossing and due to rising sea levels in the shallow creeks exposed to the southwest.

But not only sailors know the name of the northern winds. Shepherds in Switzerland and France drive their herds to shelters before the approach of the biza. It is a cold and dry wind blowing down from the snow-capped peaks. The nature of its origin is the same as that of bora. Mistral is also similar to biza, which is sung about in a romantic song. However, when this wind blows, people are not at all in the mood to go “into the distant distance.” It is cold, gusty, and brings dry and frosty weather. Residents of the Cote d'Azur much prefer its opposite: the warm and also dry breeze from Arabia - the sirocco. Sers brings cold and rain to Occitania, while Tramontana brings winter storms to the Mediterranean.

South wind khamsin

This can disturb the sea where the shore is sandy or dirty. They were also used by Christopher Columbus for his voyages to India, which led to the discovery of America. In modern English language they are called trade winds, that is, winds of trade, but the word comes from the tread, the "path." always in a very precise direction, almost drawing a path in the sea that led the sailing boats of time.

See what “Local winds” are in other dictionaries

The most famous Bora is Trieste, where, due to its frequency, local time changes in a repetitive and characteristic manner. In winter, Grekale enters the Mediterranean basin through one of the Balkan gates, like a cold and dry wind. During the summer season there is a breeze along the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea and a sea breeze on the Adriatic coast, which contributes to significantly lower temperatures.

What is the Russian name for the northern winds? Yes, in the Baikal region alone there are five of them. Also mentioned in the song, the Barguzin, which is called to “turn the shaft,” is a powerful and smooth northwestern whirlwind. It is favorable for shipping. But Sarma is a real hurricane, which at a speed of 80 m/s brings icy Arctic air masses straight from Yakutia. There are also the northern eagles, the night owls, the chistyaks, and the khviuss. However, we should not forget that the name of the northern winds does not mean the arrival of frost among all peoples. For example, the harmattan, which blows directly from the Sahara, brings dry heat and clouds of red dust to the Guinea coast.

It is also called Euro, a wind which the ancients confused with Libeccio. The Levant is a generally light wind that starts in the center of the Mediterranean from the Balearic Islands and blows westward to reach its maximum through the Strait of Gibraltar. These are cool and damp winds, fog and precipitation that can cause rough sea and sea pipes. Wind is usually used between July and October, and winter is often accompanied by heavy rainfall.

Its name comes from Libya, the ancient name of the African continent: on the island of Zante, taken as the starting point for the name of the winds, Libeccio is from Libya, but linguists claim that it comes from the Arabian voyage. In southern Italy it is known for the heat it brings with it, causing a significant increase in temperature. During the summer season, the wind usually blows as a sea breeze along the western shores of the Italian peninsula and as a land wind along the eastern ones.

The wind from the south can have several names depending on the region where it blows and how it affects people's lives. It is not always easy to guess what is hidden behind unusual and sonorous names. A scorching whirlwind, a gentle breeze or a storm with downpours?

South wind sheet music

IN Ancient Greece the god who commanded the south wind was called Not. He was considered a messenger of Helios, but was not as famous and revered as his brothers Boreas and Zephyr. Despite the constant epithets of “fast and hot,” Noth brought with him rain and fog. Among the Romans, Auster corresponded to him. On the famous Tower of the Winds in Athens, Noth is depicted with jugs in his hands. Today, not, as well as notia, notos, is a humid wind in the Mediterranean, Azov and Black Seas, the nature of which varies depending on the territory.

The wind may take on the characteristics of cold and wet winds, leading to deterioration weather conditions and a progressive and sharp decrease in temperature. During the winter season, this can result in snowfall at very low altitudes and plains. According to the myth, the melts occurred after the murder of Icario. The killers took refuge on the island of Tseo, which developed a harsh channel during the time of Sirius, the star of the constellation of the Canadian major representing Myra, the dog of Icarius. Interviewed, the oracle of Apollo declared that in order to overcome the excessive and destructive drought, Icario's killers had to be punished.

South wind south

In navigation and meteorology, the south wind is called south. The word comes from Dutch zuiden, which means “south, southern,” and applies not only to the wind, but also to direction in general. For example, head south. In Russian, this name was first recorded in the Naval Charter of 1720.

Once killed, Meltemi began to blow. The denomination is assigned by the cardinal point from which it blows. The westerly wind usually blows as a sea breeze during the summer season, mitigating the effects of the heat somewhat while maintaining a mild, moderate humidity from the sea.

The syrup dries out the air and raises dust on the North African coast, causing storms in the Mediterranean and cold, wet weather in Europe, sometimes lasting from noon to many days. Many people attribute this wind to adverse effects on health and mood due to the heat and dust caused by the coasts of Africa and the drop in temperatures in Europe.

South wind sirocco

Despite the Japanese flavor of the word, sirocco- the name of the sultry southern and southeastern wind blowing in the south of Italy, as well as throughout the Mediterranean basin. Emerges sirocco in African and Arabian deserts. Hence the Arabic roots in the name: the Italian scirocco is an adapted Arabic word schoruk, in turn coming from schark - “east”. Very dusty, dry and suffocating sirocco has a negative effect on plants, animals, and mechanical devices. Its influence on humans is no less destructive. It is interesting that a similar wind on the coasts of the Black and Azov seas called wide, the word is a distorted version sirocco.

Another tradition connects it instead to the village of Traminti in the maritime republic of Amalfi: the name would have been common with the compasses that the Amalfi people used to use in the West. There were no cardinal points in the compass except the winds, from where the name of the wind rose to the index star in the center of the quadrant.

According to others, finally, given the traditional point of reference of the Wind Rose, that is, the island of Zakynthos, in the Ionian Sea, the term "tramontana" means the mountains of Albania and northern Greece in the direction from which it flows the wind. Feel the "sun and wind with the greatest possible skin and minimal clothing, for the breath of life is in the radiance of the sun and the hands of life are in the wind." Get to know the most famous winds in Dalmatia so you can fall in love with them!

South wind khamsin

African deserts are not only beautiful sunrises and sunsets, the vastness of sand dunes, but also a haven for swelteringly hot winds that give rise to sandstorms. Khamsin or hamasin- a hot, dry storm wind that blows from approximately April to July in the Egyptian and Sudanese lands, as well as in the Middle East. During khamsina The air temperature rises very quickly and can reach over 40 degrees, while the air humidity does not exceed 10%. The name comes from the Arabic hamsin, which means “fifty” - approximately how many days it blows khamsin. Pentecostal is sometimes called the “brother” of Sirocco, since both of them were born from the hot African desert.

Bora - strong wind, which blows especially during the coldest periods of the year in the northern part of the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. It usually lasts three days and blows gusts. It has a great influence on the lives of people, organisms and the growth of vegetation. It comes from the mainland and blows towards the sea. He is born when cold air from the continental hinterland rushes down the steep mountain slopes and thus reaches significant speeds, that is, up to 250 km per hour. From there there are heavy gusts of heavy snow on the highway.

With its splashes, snow begins and sea water rises, creating a shaky sea and dispersing it in tiny drops, from which a foggy cloud is formed on the sea, and on the surface of the soil and vegetation, salt is a layer of sea salt, destroying the vegetation and creating exposed karst stone. Bora is a cold, dry wind that lowers temperature and humidity, preventing the formation of clouds and the possibility of rain falling. Therapeutic - physiological - bathing is considered a favorable factor, since the abundance of clean mountain air, and its strong mixture with warmer sea breezes as the temperature drops, refreshes the body, and the dryness of the air increases sweating.

Southern winds of the Russian north

In the north, the south wind has always been associated with warmth and the time when this warmth is especially noticeable. Therefore, the names indicate the following periods: afternoon tea, warmer, afternoon snack, letnik, summer. The amazing polynomy of this same natural phenomenon is observed in the language of the indigenous inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula, the Sami. So, depending on the dialect, the southern wind is called kess-pink, sauy, owl, nerty.

Gusts of wind provide favorable physiological stimuli that influence the content of sea salt and iodine dispersed in the air and, to some extent, also its ionization. Bora's influence is reflected in social life in the way of building houses with strong low roofs, building settlements in protected areas, growing sustainable crops, developing the sense of sailors to recognize the changes of time, and in the character of people and their living character, and in resisting struggle with an unfavorable natural element.

According to legend, Bora was a young, very beautiful young woman of noble rank who, due to her frequent elopements and her pride, rejected all suitors. He laughed and boasted of his beauty and one day declared that he was even more beautiful than the immortal fairies themselves. Because of this arrogance, God struck him with lightning and threw him into hell. Whenever a woman commits the same sin, pride, she sighs bitterly, thinking about happy life that time. From him gemstone A strong and cold wind of snow is born.

European winds

In Tyrol, popular among lovers of outdoor activities and clean air, the south wind blowing at midday is called mittagswind, in German mittagswind, where mittags means “at noon, at lunchtime”, and wind means “wind”.

Visits Poland via Tartu from Hungary and Slovenia almwind. The air temperature during which usually rises by 10-15 degrees. It becomes especially strong in spring and autumn.

Although snow can be dangerous for movement, its presence means that there will be dry and crystalline weather, during which the beauty of the Dalmatian landscapes is brought to its utmost expression. Syrup is a warm and moist wind that appears in cloudy and rainy weather or with subdued weather. It is accompanied by high waves and objective biometeorological conditions. It is interesting to note that during the Republic of Ragusa, crimes committed by burning sirocco were punished less seriously due to the negative impact of the wind on people's moods.

The name of the wind comes from the Latin word austellus (south breeze). aust-er blowing in the Mediterranean basin. In French Verno really likes it when it comes dry and soft bleh, which has a good effect on the growth of cereals. Gharbiy, sea ​​wind , observed in the coastal areas of Italy, as well as in the Azov and Black Seas.

Maestral is a refreshing wind from the northwest, which on hot days blows from the sea to the mainland. It appears mainly in summer and blows only along the coast up to 20 meters from the sea. It swims from 10 am to 6 pm, softer around the clock. It accompanies good weather and softens the hot summer heat. In Lovista the snow is not too heavy, confirmed by the evergreens that surround us. The syrup is typical of southern Dalmatia, but Lovište Bay protects itself from strong gusts of sirocco. The typical wind of Lovište is a maestro that represents a real relaxation on hot summer days.

It turns out that it’s common a natural phenomenon may have a surprisingly romantic name. And not just one. Now, when the wind seems especially bothersome, it’s enough to remember a couple of beautiful names, and waiting for one of the sons of Astraeus to calm down will not become a burden.

You are immersed in the beauty of nature around us and do not forget that “the earth delights in your bare feet and the wind gives you the joy of playing with your hair.” Cold dog, stormy wind blowing from the mountains of Central Europe to Mediterranean Sea. A warm, sometimes dry, but often wet wind blows from the Sahara Desert, passing through North Africa towards Italy. It can be very strong, especially in late winter.

South wind sheet music

Dry and cold veto in the north, which blows into Italy from the Alps. Scarlet Usually in winter. The first snow falls on the highest peaks of the Siblinini Mountains between mid-October and the end of the month. At least some snow will be visible on the mountains from now through the end of May and a few years even into June. Scirocco in November and December can cause a layer of clouds due to a mixture of hot and cold air. layering can occur at very low, sometimes enveloping levels. It is unusual to see villages perched on hilltops in the sun, seemingly on islands in the cloud of the sea.