Beautiful lettering tattoos. Beautiful and deeply meaningful inscriptions for your tattoos with translation

25.05.2019 beauty

In the world of tattoos, there are many areas that can be distinguished, which in turn are also divided into their own areas. The lettering tattoo is no exception. The inscription can be placed on absolutely any area of ​​the body. The most popular places: collarbone, wrist, foot, stomach, shoulder, back, neck.


Neat name tattoos look best on the wrists, shoulder, collarbone, inside of the finger, near the heel. This could be the name of the owner of the tattoo in his native or some other language, it could be the name of a loved one and loved one, child. Also, the inscription may contain several names, for example, the names of friends or brothers and sisters.


Almost all memorable tattoo inscriptions are individual and contain a meaning that is understandable only to their owners. Most often, such a tattoo contains a date and a short inscription, sometimes just a date. Also, a tattoo can consist of one word or phrase that is intended to remind the owner of the tattoo of something.


The most popular religious inscriptions are quotes from religious books, especially from the Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, Koran and so on. Religious themes extend not only to Catholicism, Islam and Christianity. This includes other recognized religions of the world, both popular and obscure.

Very often, religious inscriptions are decorated with a design also made in a religious style, for example, wings, angels, six-pointed stars, faces of saints, faces of gods of different pantheons, mythical creatures different religions, crescent and the like.

Motto or credo

Every person can have their own credo in life. Tattoo lovers often design their position in life as a tattoo inscription. The authorship of these inscriptions may belong to the owner of the tattoo, but often the mottos are derived from aphorisms and sayings famous people past and present. As a rule, these are recognizable, meaningful phrases.


The hieroglyph means one word. The most popular are Chinese, Egyptian and Japanese characters. The best places For them, the back (line along the spine), the area of ​​the shoulder blades, and the neck are considered. The most popular hieroglyphs include those that denote strength, love, determination, loyalty, health, beauty, prosperity, confidence, success, and wealth.

People have been decorating their bodies with various designs since ancient times. History has found a lot of evidence of this in ancient chronicles. The main reason for applying images to the skin was various beliefs and protective powers. In many tribes around the world, such drawings indicated some kind of belonging to a special clan or circle of selected individuals. Body inscriptions began to be found on ancient mummies dating back six thousand years, however, various sources speak of the appearance of the first drawings on the body back in Paleolithic times, that is, about sixty thousand years ago.

The geography of tattoos is widespread across all continents and arose independently of each other. It should be noted that for peoples with white skin color, images in the form of various patterns and ornaments were typical. For black people distinctive feature there was scarring. Certain cuts were made on the skin, which were formed into special symbols and designs, and the wounds themselves were emphasized with paint.

Some mystical meaning took place in body designs. Most symbols are designed to protect their wearer and give strength. There is a type of tattoo that tells about important life events of a person, telling about his special skills, knowledge and abilities. Roughly speaking, the body pattern was a kind of “life diary” of the person who wears it.

Methods of tattooing

On the Polynesian islands to this day, patterns are applied to the skin with soot using a bamboo stick. The craftsman dips the bamboo in agave juice and then dips it in the soot that remains in the fire. After applying the design, they take the shark's fangs, using them as a hammer, and drive the soot directly under the skin. Another way to apply a pattern is to make cuts into which the soot is carefully rubbed with massaging movements.

The Japanese technique of overlaying a pattern is very complex and labor-intensive. First, prepare the image by applying it to the skin with brushes. Next, the pattern is driven in with special needles. The technique required impeccable drawing skills. Refined movements and a clear determination of the depth of the injection were the key to an ideal image.

Over time, the art of tattooing began to be lost. Only at the beginning of the 18th century did tattooing become new life. However, the new perception of tattoos has lost its original deep meaning and began to serve more fashionable trends, devoid of any special meaning. In the 19th century, English sailors used images of large crucifixes on their backs, in the hope that the image would protect them from bodily torture, which was then a punishment for misconduct or disobedience. Such punishments were widespread in the English fleet.

The needle technology of injecting paint under the skin has reached modern times. Modern devices, various paints and advanced technologies make it possible today to create a real work of art on the body.

Types of inscriptions

IN modern world Particularly popular are special inscriptions for tattoos with translations, which can express and emphasize the individuality and philosophy of their wearer. Many people prefer the hidden meaning of the phrase, veiling it various languages. Let's consider the features of language inscriptions.

Inscription in Latin with translation

Latin is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world, which is of great interest among men and women. Unfortunately, the language has not survived to this day in its original form. Only a few remain greatest sayings, carrying deep meaning. Today it is quite difficult to find an exact translation of the meaning of such phrases, so it is necessary to carefully study this question. Having chosen a statement, try to translate it using various sources. Highlight the main meaning of the statement. The phrase will be able to take on its original meaning. For example, today there are already several translated sayings that are very popular.

We present examples of the most popular ones:

  • “He who triumphs over himself will defeat anyone” - “Ille vicit qui se vincit.”
  • “Be yourself” - “Qui estis”.
  • “Man is the master of his own destiny” - “Faber est quisque fortunae suae.”
  • “Your actions define you better than your words” - “Facta sunt potentiora verbis.”
  • “Only what you consider necessary for yourself is right” - “Rectum, quia honestum est.”

Phrases in Arabic with translation

Due to their beautiful writing, Arabic characters are becoming the most popular. To choose a beautiful font, you need to become familiar with the art of writing characters. Arabic calligraphy and culture is a whole science that requires special attention.

For clarity, let us present to you a few phrases in Arabic and their meanings:

  • عِش اليوم وإنس الغد - “tomorrow is unknown, live for today.”
  • كل شئ ممكن اذا تمنيت بشدة - “nothing is impossible if there is a desire.”
  • “Music appears when words disappear.”
  • لا تثق بأحد - “everyone lies.”
  • اعشق نفسك – “love and respect yourself.”

Most people who study languages ​​prefer tattoos in the languages ​​they are learning. Various English phrases are found everywhere, in French or Spanish. In any case, which language would not be chosen for the image internal state or worldview, each phrase must have meaning.

Features of a female tattoo

An important aspect of choosing a tattoo is to emphasize its essence, characteristic features of personality or character. Taking into account female beauty, artists create incredibly beautiful and amazing drawings.

The beautiful half of humanity chooses various ornaments, patterns or images of butterflies that can emphasize the romantic and dreamy nature. Masters recommend getting a tattoo on the arm for girls who want to constantly have visual contact with a symbol that has a special meaning.

For lovers and those who believe that their feeling has a fateful significance, there is an unlimited number of images or craftsmen can make any drawing to order. Perhaps the sketches presented in the salon can revive a unique idea for body symbol. A detailed study of ancient symbolism leads to the knowledge and wisdom of the ancestors.

Ancient sources store suitable symbols and phrases for girls about children who want to bless their child for good health.

Men's tattoos

Unlike women's tattoos, which are more intended to be a decoration, a man's tattoo is literally his passport. Before boys grow up, in most cases, for guys, tattoos are a fashion trend. Teenagers rarely understand the original meaning of body images.

Most often, young men stuff themselves with whatever they want, just to somehow express themselves. A mature man will want to get a tattoo that tells about life or family. Often the strong half of humanity chooses various symbols or images of animals, which can express their strength of character or determination. As many of us have come across, a popular place to apply a design for men is on the hand.

Location of tattoos on the body

Before you get ready to get a tattoo, you need to decide on its location.

  1. It is important to answer four basic questions for yourself:
  2. Do you need to hide the tattoo or do you want to show it off to others?
  3. If the tattoo should be hidden from view, then what part of the body will serve it?
  4. During movement, should the pattern change somehow?
  5. Is it possible to use certain properties of the body’s curves and its volume so that the drawing acquires, as it were, “life” and interesting modifications.

All these questions will help determine the location of the tattoo on your body. For those who want the pattern to remain “stationary” and not change its original shape, the smooth surfaces of the calf muscle, thighs, etc. are suitable. Many people choose the location of the lettering tattoo. This choice can be characterized by the desire to admire the image for yourself and to give the opportunity to see the credo of life to the people around you.

A tattoo on the collarbone can signify a person's endurance and tough character, since this place is one of the most painful to apply. In most cases, such tattoos are associated with meanings about love, applied from the heart.

Be that as it may, whether it’s a tattoo in Hebrew or about your mother, you must first realize the full responsibility for your future action to yourself. It is important to remember that such a drawing will accompany you throughout your life. He will characterize in the eyes of others.

It may happen that with a tattoo that has not been given due attention, you can offend a loved one or cause offense. It is also important to know if there is a desire to get rid of body art - this can be a very painful procedure, after which scars will remain in any case.

Tattooing is an art designed to highlight the unique and individual characteristics of a person, which will accompany him throughout his life.

Helpful information?

The new review collected several more tattoos that can safely be considered a real work of art. Even those who don’t really like drawings on the human body will definitely like them. Enjoy watching and good mood.

1. Lotus flower

A miniature black and white tattoo of a lotus flower in the hand, denoting femininity, fertility, love, passion and purity of heart.

2. "Family"

The word “family” enclosed in an infinity sign is a universal tattoo that will suit people who put family above all else.

3. "Dad"

Tattoo in memory of the departed dad.

4. Pine

Nature inspired tattoo. Images of pine or spruce on the body mean eternal life, hope, fertility.

5. Rings

Finger tattoo wedding rings- a wonderful way for lovers to cement their relationship.

6. Fox

A tiny fox tattoo done in a graphic style. The image of a fox is common and universal among young people. Tattoos depicting this animal mean beauty, dexterity, confidence and cunning.

7. Keyhole and key

Original, and most importantly discreet tattoos in the form keyhole on the neck and a key on the finger - a great idea for an unconventional, slightly reserved personality.

8. Flower

A charming tattoo of a flower, made in the popular watercolor technique, symbolizing beauty and tenderness.

9. "Believe"

A tiny image of a bird and an inscription on the wrist, denoting faith and hope.

10. Mountains

A tattoo depicting mountain peaks is a symbol of masculinity and strength.

11. "Oh yes I can"

A tiny inscription on the hand can have both humorous and serious meaning.

12. Bicycle

A tattoo with the image of a bicycle will appeal to fans of this type of transport. This pattern is universal and suitable for both women and men.

13. Mirror of Venus

A tiny tattoo of the mirror of Venus on a man's foot, apparently indicating the sexual preferences of its wearer.

14. Balloons

Colorful ligament tattoo balloons, made in watercolor technique, will suit light and cheerful people.

A miniature image of a camera on the body is an excellent choice for people whose lives are closely connected with the art of photography.

18. Laurel wreath

A small laurel wreath tattoo is an image that will never go out of style. As you know, this image is a symbol of leadership and victory.

19. Cactus

A miniature and funny image of a cactus will certainly appeal to people with a sense of humor and those with a prickly character.
turned this rusty junk into a cool muscle car for drifting, who now takes prizes in competitions.