The most effective ways to grow. How to speed up your growth

23.12.2017 Health

Many short people dream of becoming taller. But you need to think about this as early as possible, in childhood and adolescence, when you can still influence your growth. How to speed up your growth? Let's look at several effective methods and give useful tips.

Stretch out on the horizontal bar

To achieve serious results in accelerating growth, you need to be willing to work on yourself regularly and purposefully. It is recommended to hang on the horizontal bar so that the body is extended to its full length. This exercise should be performed several times throughout the day. Some physiologists even advise tying small (!) weights to the feet. The effect does not occur immediately, but after a long time.

Exercises: from stretching to jumping

  • Various stretching exercises, such as bending, help you grow faster. They stretch the skeleton and stimulate its growth in length. These exercises are especially effective early in the morning, when growth is maximum during the day.
  • Regular cycling helps to increase the length of the body in general and legs in particular.
  • Another favorite growth accelerator for many is active swimming, especially freestyle.
  • High jumps are also very useful for those who want to quickly become tall, so we recommend doing jumping, playing basketball and volleyball.
  • Kicking, like in martial arts training, is also good - it develops the cartilage tissue of the limbs and helps the legs grow. And even outside the gym, do not forget to constantly monitor your posture: sit and walk straight, do not slouch, and especially not hunch over. A straight spine and strong back muscles add several centimeters to your height.

A person sleeps - the body grows

You can accelerate your growth both through physical exercise and through physiological processes. One of the main conditions for this is healthy and complete sleep - at least 8 hours a day. Have you noticed how much babies sleep and how quickly they grow? Likewise, in adolescence, natural growth hormone is produced in sleep and the body actively grows. The main thing is not to forget about a comfortable pillow and mattress to properly support the spine.

Growing under the sun's rays

Another excellent growth stimulator is the sun. Under its influence, the body produces vitamin D and other biologically active substances necessary for human growth and development. Particularly useful in this sense is tanning under the morning rays of the sun, which, among other things, charge the body with the energy necessary, among other things, to perform the exercises mentioned above.

Vitamins and nutrients for growth

In addition to vitamin D, a teenager needs other substances and microelements to stimulate growth.

First of all, it is calcium, which strengthens bones and helps them grow. It can be found, for example, in dairy products or sesame seeds, as well as in calcium multivitamins. Zinc also helps you grow faster, which is abundant in oysters, pumpkin and zucchini seeds, and sprouted wheat.

Of course, for full development, a growing body also needs other vitamins, for which fruits, vegetables and nuts should always be on the menu of teenagers. But vitamin A is especially important; it is not without reason that it is called the growth vitamin. Therefore, you need to eat more carrots, spinach, apricots, and melon.

Of course, to grow muscles, you shouldn’t forget about protein foods. In general, it is advisable to eat natural foods and avoid junk foods (this includes foods that are too fatty, overly salty or sweet, and foods with a lot of chemical additives). Such food can be harmful to health and disrupt the growth process.

You drink more - you grow taller

To achieve the maximum effect from the recommended exercises and nutrition, you need to drink water - at least 1 liter. per day, not counting other drinks, because water is one of the most important components of the human body. Dehydration negatively affects all processes, including growth.

Human height is a trait that is inherited. Often, tall parents give birth to tall children. However, parents with short stature can also give birth to a child who will have a disposition to be taller.

Nowadays, the average height of a man is considered to be 176 cm, and that of a woman is 164 cm. Growth activity in girls continues until approximately 17-19 years, while in boys - until 19-22 years. The most rapid growth progress occurs at the beginning of puberty. The process of puberty in girls usually occurs between 10 and 16 years, in boys - from 11 to 17.

The period from 11 to 16 years is characterized by a significant growth spurt. Depending on the characteristics of the body, for someone a rapid change in growth can occur at 11 years old, and at 13 years old growth will already reach its final stage. Others can only begin to grow at the age of 13-14. Some may grow in just a couple of months, while others may take several years.

There is nothing wrong with this, because each person’s body is unique. Due to puberty, girls usually grow up earlier than boys. Often a change in height can be accompanied by an increase or decrease in weight. This is normal, you should not immediately fatten or put your child on a diet.

It also depends on the characteristics of the organism. Many people can first gain weight and then gradually stretch out, and the entire so-called excess weight, distributed throughout the body. Some, on the contrary, lose a lot of weight, which is due to the fact that the body simply did not have time to gain muscle mass.

Over time, the body will reach its optimal state. Under no circumstances should you force your body to starve or lose weight, since during puberty the body needs vitamins and resources for growth and development more than ever.

Increase in child height at 14 years of age.

And yet, if you want to increase the growth of a child, then you should follow some rules and techniques.

Of course, one of the main factors is proper nutrition. One of the important meals is breakfast, since after the night the body absorbs nutrients best. An excellent breakfast option is grain products, which are great for stimulating growth.

The daily diet should include plant and protein foods such as vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products and broths. You should also eat well a couple of hours before bed. In the evening, foods such as eggs, dairy products and fruit are recommended

To increase your height, you should also get rid of bad habits. Drinking large amounts of sweet carbonated drinks can slow down a person's growth, as they contain sodium glucomate, which is very harmful to the human body, especially during puberty.

Everyone also knows that fast food and various chips negatively affect the health of the body. Their large consumption in food can also contribute to a significant slowdown in growth development. And of course, smoking and alcohol have a very strong effect on a still fragile body.

At this age, children most often begin to try smoking and drinking alcohol. Protect them from this. This is the most dangerous thing that can cause a negative reaction in the body.

The use of vitamin and mineral complexes is also recommended. After all, we all know how and in what soils fruits and vegetables are now grown. Most food products now do not contain enough vitamins, so you should pay attention to vitamin-mineral complexes. They will help restore the balance of vitamins in the child’s body.

Physical exercise.

If you want your child to increase his height during adolescence, then you cannot do without physical exercise. There are many techniques for increasing height, developed by famous scientists.

Particular attention should be paid to the methods of Berg, Tranquillitati, Norbekov, as well as Lonsky’s exercises. All these methods have been tested over the years and have many positive reviews. However, Berg's technique is aimed at developing growth in people over the age of 25. Many exercises are aimed at stretching, and it is recommended that you have a horizontal bar, at least in the yard


To summarize, we can say that if you are unhappy with the height of your child and are wondering: “How to increase the height of a 14-year-old boy or girl,” then you should follow several rules. Get your child to sleep more. Everyone knows that when the body sleeps, it grows.

Let your child play some sport. Anyone, the main thing is that he likes it. However, you should not overload your body with training. At large quantities intensive training, the body will not have time to recover. You should also monitor your child’s diet and bad habits.

And no matter how strange it may sound, laughter can also help you grow. When you laugh, the level of growth hormone in your blood increases. Laughter can increase growth hormone by 87%! So laugh more and your growth will also increase.

A person's height largely depends on his genetics, so most often people have approximately the same height as their parents. Some of them want to accelerate their body growth and stretch out at least a little. This can be done using several methods.

If you are under 18 years old, body growth can be accelerated without problems. At this time, the bones are not yet fully developed. But at an older age, growth plates close, so even with maximum effort, the results will be minimal, if any. Many scientists agree that the human body grows until about 25 years of age. If you are around this age, you can also try to speed up your growth.

In order for body growth to develop well, it is necessary to provide the body with all the conditions. Your daily diet should contain a properly balanced amount of vitamins and complete protein nutrition. Be sure to include foods containing calcium in your diet. The body should receive 1200 mg of calcium per day. It is found in vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Also consume foods that contain vitamin A (700-1000 mcg per day), iron (20 mg), magnesium (750 mg), zinc (15 mg) and vitamin D (600 IU). Since you cannot know exactly in what dosages vitamins are present in foods, it is preferable to take them in the form of vitamin complexes.

Train yourself to go to bed early. It has been repeatedly proven that the fastest phase of growth of the body occurs during sleep - from 22.00 to 24.00. Try to sleep evenly and straight, without bending your spine. Be sure to stretch every morning. Drink a glass of warm milk or kefir at night.

Incorporate specific exercises into your weekly schedule. Hanging on a horizontal bar is very effective. Jump up, grab the bar and maintain this position for some time. You can ask a friend to grab your legs and hang onto you to stretch your spine even more. There are certain sports that promote body growth - basketball, swimming and gymnastics. Yoga classes are no less effective. They help stretch the spine and all the bones of the body.

It is worth noting that some exercises can slow down growth or cause it to stop. These include any exercise with a vertical load, e.g. deadlift, standing barbell press, squats, etc. Even if they are performed with light or medium weight, this can negatively affect the growth of a young body. Therefore, children under 17 years of age are not recommended to engage in such activities.

Growth hormone injections are given only if the child has growth retardation. There are operations that can increase height by 7-10 cm, but they are very painful. During the operation, the surface layer of the bone is cut in the hardest areas. Most often, surgery is performed in the upper third of the leg. The whole process takes about a year, and most The patient has to spend time on crutches.

If you want growth to accelerate as efficiently as possible, you will have to adhere to a certain lifestyle. Good nutrition, early sleep and special exercises should become your faithful companions.

Good afternoon, dear high school students, dissatisfied with their height! Everyone knows that adolescence coincides with a stage of intensive growth. But everyone grows and develops at different rates, because each organism is individual.

Some schoolchildren are already taller than all their peers by the age of 13, and some remain the shortest in the class for a long time.

There are several different methods to speed up a teenager's growth. Let's consider in this article simple exercises for the growth of a teenager. So, let's begin.

Everyone experiences a sharp growth spurt in adolescence at one time or another, so don’t worry if your children are a little behind or ahead of their peers in height.

But, there are approximate norms that differ for boys and girls. Doctors say that girls experience a growth spurt earlier than boys.

Thus, at about 11 years old, the average height of a girl is already 142-148, in rare cases - 150 and above.

Boys at the same age are about 5 centimeters shorter than girls. The same can be observed with the child’s weight - during the period of intensive growth it will increase, although only slightly.

Factors influencing the growth of a teenager

Every child is different in their developmental process. Some children already grow above 175 centimeters at the age of 14, and some remain short into adulthood.

Various factors influence a child’s growth, let’s look at what we are talking about.

  • The genetic factor is the main factor influencing the process of development and growth of the child. Hereditary factors determine not only the speed of growth and development, but also what the final value will be depends on the genes.
  • The environment also has important regarding the growth and development of the child. Ecological state environment means a lot and can slow down or speed up growth or development.
  • Lifestyle also has an impact on the process of child growth and development. Thus, if a child leads an inactive lifestyle, eats irregularly and disrupts sleep patterns, then there can be no talk of any stability in development.
  • Sports can also influence a teenager's growth rate. The fact is that children who practice professionally can remain short in stature for a very long time, with the exception of some sports.
  • Nutrition is also very important during the growth process of a teenager, since it is from food that the child draws all the necessary substances.
  • – if a teenager has any, they can also affect the teenager’s growth process. Smoking can not only slow down, but even stop growth altogether, since the harmful substances contained in cigarettes affect the area of ​​the brain responsible for growth.
  • Physical exercise can significantly help increase your height, if only you do it correctly and combine it with proper, enhanced nutrition and sleep patterns.

Simple exercises for teenager growth

It is possible to accelerate growth in adolescence with the help of a number of special exercises, but for maximum effect, regularity is important - otherwise the likelihood of success is very small. Let's look at some of the most effective exercises for the growth of a teenager.

A must have in every home!

  1. The horizontal bar is the most useful exercise machine for a teenager who wants to grow up. In order to speed up growth, simply hang on the horizontal bar for at least 15 minutes a day. It is unlikely that you will be able to hang on the horizontal bar for that long at one time, so you can do approaches. This exercise must be performed regularly for at least three months. In addition to the fact that a child can grow from hanging on a horizontal bar, this exercise will also improve noticeably.
  2. Swimming promotes the proper formation of the growing skeleton and also stimulates the growth process. In order to accelerate growth, it is enough for a teenager to visit the pool 2 times a week, devoting 1 hour to swimming each visit.
  3. Basketball is a sport for tall guys. Give up this stereotype, because everyone who is interested in it plays basketball. You can build a basketball hoop in your yard so that your teenager can have an interesting and useful time. Basketball stimulates growth and is also a useful general strengthening sport.
  4. Riding a bicycle also helps to accelerate the growth of a teenager. But, in order to grow noticeably, you need to regularly and daily devote time to cycling.

How to make exercises for a teenager’s growth as effective as possible?

In order for the effect of growth-enhancing exercises to be maximum, in addition to training, it is also necessary to take care of the teenager’s nutrition.

- read from the Stay-at-Home Neighbor.

– read from Neighbor Homebody.

The ideal option during this period would be to eat according to the clock, that is, according to the schedule.

There should be at least five meals. The main ingredient in a teenager's diet is foods with a high percentage of protein. Protein is necessary for the “building” of muscle tissue - it is the basis for full growth.

In the afternoon, the emphasis in nutrition is again on proteins, and at the very last meal you need to consume one milk product, which provide calcium.

As you know, the growth and restoration of bone tissue occurs at night, so calcium is supplied to the body in the evening.

It is also important to take care of proper rest - especially during periods of heavy physical and intellectual stress.

The fact is that a child’s body during adolescence undergoes numerous metamorphoses, so a teenager needs daily good sleep.

If long time If a teenager does not get enough sleep and is also exposed to various stress factors, his muscles are always tense, as a result of which the growth of bone and muscle tissue slows down.