Is it harmful to take a dip at baptism? Swimming in an ice hole and winter swimming: benefits and harms

05.08.2019 Business

Every year the number of people who want to get rid of sins and diseases through the healing properties of Epiphany water is growing. Many of the desperate daredevils diving into ice hole and women. Find out from our material how safe it is for their health and what risks exist.

Everyone who has already tasted the euphoria of diving into Epiphany water claims that this pleasure cannot be expressed in words. But there are nuances that you need to know about before deciding to take such a bold step.

Tradition winter swimming has been revered by Russians for a long time. In addition to the fact that such a procedure strengthens the body, it also promotes rejuvenation (which may be of particular interest to women). But before you dive into the hole, you need long time temper yourself so that your first experience of Epiphany bathing does not become your last.

Who benefits from bathing at Epiphany:

 experienced walruses;
 people in good health;
 those who know and strictly follow the rules of winter swimming.

Many scientists claim that the baptismal tradition has a beneficial effect on human health. Under influence low temperatures beneficial hormones are released and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. People who devote themselves to winter swimming are less susceptible to colds, viral and cardiovascular diseases, and the blood pressure of such adherents of cold therapy is always normal.

For whom Epiphany bathing is contraindicated:

People with ENT diseases;
susceptible to diseases of the pulmonary system;
those with vision and cardiovascular problems;
those who have suffered head injuries;
those suffering from neuritis, epilepsy, diseases of the genitourinary tract;
with diagnoses: ulcer, hepatitis and cholecystitis;
women with gynecological problems.

To bathe in the baptismal font, follow the basic rules.

Epiphany bathing rules:

— Start to harden yourself in advance.
— Bring a swimsuit, warm slippers, clothes, a terry towel and a thermos with a hot drink.
- Do a warm-up to warm up.
- Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances.
— Take an accompanying person with you who will monitor your dive and insure against unforeseen situations.
— Enter the ice hole gradually, and not with a running start, so as not to harm the body.
“We don’t sit in the water for a long time, but get out immediately after taking a dip several times.”
— After swimming, be sure to dry yourself with a towel and dress warmly. Pre-prepared tea will come in handy.

As you can see, health swimming in an ice hole is quite extreme, but at the same time useful. The rejuvenation effect of low temperatures alone is worth it! At the same time, endorphin allows us to feel happy, joyful and cheerful, and for women such feelings are never superfluous. So, if your health and doctors allow it, then why not try? Forward to new emotions, youth and beauty!

Bathing or even swimming in ice water is a historically established and moderately popular method of winter pastime in some countries (Russia, USA, Czech Republic, Finland and others). Bathing is timed either to coincide with holidays, or on weekends, or is practiced without any special reason, just as fun. Both adherents of such entertainment and outsiders have questions: is it useful, is it harmful, how (safe) is it?

According to the swimmers themselves, diving into the ice hole brings positive emotions and a surge of strength. There are objective reasons for this: the release of endorphins in response to stress, activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, accompanied by the release of other biologically active substances such as dopamine and serotonin. They are often called “pleasure hormones,” so the emotions of extreme sports enthusiasts are understandable.

From a medical point of view, it is difficult to give unambiguous comments about the benefits and harms of such procedures. Medical speculation on this topic is that the signals that cold receptors receive in ice water are sent to the brain, and it instructs the blood vessels to “push” blood throughout the body and thereby ensures the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the organs and tissues. substances, and in addition promotes a more intensive removal of metabolic products from the muscles, in particular lactic acid.

This is what the theory and practice of bathing after physical activity- the body’s recovery supposedly occurs faster. Allegedly - because in the scientific and medical literature there is not a single intelligible explanation why immersion in ice water should be practiced after physical exercise, and not some other procedures (massage, walking or, in general, lying on the sofa with a tablet in hand) . How much worse will the blood deliver these nutrients and oxygen to your organs if you refuse to regularly jump into the ice hole? To find out, you need to conduct comparative studies, and no one has done this yet.

There are only a few scientific papers in which researchers have tried to identify the benefits or harms of ice baths. But most of them came to the following conclusion: in a relatively homogeneous population of volunteers, diving into an ice hole brings neither benefit nor harm. In other cases, scientists said the data was insufficient to draw a firm conclusion or that the data were simply contradictory.

One Australian study compared the effects of immersing oneself in a cold versus a warm bath after intense exercise on the leg muscles. There was no difference, except that those volunteers who immersed themselves in the cold after exercise experienced more soreness in their legs the next day.

However, unfortunately, scientists have identified not only the occurrence or intensification of pain in response to swimming in ice water, but also more harmful phenomena: for example, an increased risk of breathing problems and even heart attacks (including so-called “cardiovascular accidents”) "), due to the same stress that causes excess cold in the body.

Predict the onset of such side effects“icy” entertainment is impossible (unless in the presence of known risk factors - bronchial asthma, heart failure, previous heart attacks and strokes, and so on), and if it is impossible to predict, then it is hardly worth recommending. Especially if a person finds himself in such a far from his natural habitat.

25.01.2018 76392

Quite recently, the feast of the Epiphany took place, and most believers enjoyed plunging into the ice holes on this day. Such a procedure can undoubtedly increase immunity and strengthen, and with a positive attitude and belief that this is done with God's help- and completely heal from some ailments. But are you doing it right? Can swimming in an ice hole really benefit an unseasoned person? How to harden yourself correctly so as not to cause even more harm to your body? Let's take a closer look.

What do doctors say?

It should be admitted that general practitioners and immunologists argue that there can be no benefit from plunging into an ice hole once a year - only harm! Even on the holiday of Epiphany, water does not become healing, no matter how much one would like to believe in it. Many people think that health problems can be solved in one go - by taking a dip in “holy” water or eating a miraculous pill that will immediately cure ailments. In reality, everything is much more complicated. Any disease must be overcome comprehensively; for this you need not only to take medications, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle, and first of all, start by increasing the immunity and defenses of the body.

In this regard, cold douches and winter swimming can really help only if you start doing them gradually and do it regularly. And many people confuse a one-time dip in an ice hole with hardening, believing that this will benefit the body. Moreover, no major studies have been conducted on the topic of hardening at all. Since the days of Soviet medicine, short-term exposure to the cold has been considered beneficial for the immune system, and in some cases this may be true. Although, we repeat, there have been no global studies on this topic.

Is it worth swimming at Epiphany?

If it is important to you from a religious or other point of view, then yes, you can do it. But even here it is worth adhering to several important recommendations.

  • Firstly, you should not be sick with colds or any other diseases that could be aggravated by being in the cold.
  • Secondly, be sure to take with you a towel or bathrobe, dry warm clothes and think about how quickly you can get to a warm room after swimming.

  • You need to be in the water for no more than 10-20 seconds - plunge headlong three times, as is traditionally done, and get out of the hole.
  • Immediately pat your body dry with a towel, although you should not rub yourself - you can damage the skin.
  • The same applies to your feet: do not walk on snow or frozen ground, immediately put on socks and warm shoes.
  • The ideal option is to immediately go indoors, warm and heated, drink hot tea or eat something hot.
  • And no alcohol! It dilates blood vessels, while the cold ice hole narrows them. This can lead to heart and blood pressure problems.
  • Try not to be in a crowd for a long time, especially where there are crowds of people and people coughing around you. After severe cooling, the body will be weakened and more susceptible to various viruses and infections.
  • When should you not do this?

The first swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany arose as a tradition after the adoption of Christianity in Kievan Rus in 988. On January 19, the church holiday is the Epiphany of the Lord; during the Divine Liturgy, the great consecration of water, which has healing powers, is performed. It is generally accepted that everything water elements on this day they acquire miraculous properties that strengthen their physical and mental strength.

What does swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany mean?

The ice hole in which people swim is called the Jordan; people come to it after a solemn service; it is not customary to plunge into the water without the prayer of the priest. The priest blesses those who wish to perform the ritual of bathing at Epiphany - he reads a prayer before the wormwood and immerses the cross in it three times, only after completing the prayers can the ritual be performed. Prescribing to tradition the property of cleansing and washing away sins is wrong; in order to get rid of sins one must repent and...

Where did swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany come from?

The holiday to which the tradition is attached is the most ancient - the Epiphany of the Lord was introduced as a separate event in church service around 377. On this day, ancient Christians came to the Jordan, the place where Jesus Christ was baptized. Epiphany bathing ritual - folk tradition which a person performs according to personal desire, there are no church instructions for this issue No. Water blessed on this day has special properties, which has been proven by scientific research.

What benefits does swimming in an ice hole give at Epiphany?

If we consider the question of what bathing at Epiphany gives, we should understand what a person expects to receive from such actions. Taking a dip in the water in the Epiphany frosts is not so easy, even with a strong desire. The main thing is to have faith that water has the ability to heal ailments, and the procedure will not cause harm, the desire to pray - to entrust your needs into the hands of God.

Swimming in cold weather helps improve immunity - sudden changes in temperature activate the release of hormones into the blood that have a protective effect on negative changes in the functioning of the body, decreases arterial pressure, a surge of energy comes. Marking yourself with a cross three times before diving into the ice hole is a mandatory condition.

Epiphany bathing - pros and cons

The tradition of bathing at Epiphany is a test of a person's willpower. Doctors state the fact that the percentage of people who get sick after such “procedures” is insignificant. According to the stories of those who have swum, in the first few minutes a person is seized by euphoria, the body becomes unusually light, grace is felt in the soul, and a rush of special indescribable sensations comes.

Risking poor health for unforgettable dives is prohibited. The Church does not oblige or order believers to perform such a ritual; it is not part of the holiday. By skipping a swim, a person does not lose grace. On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, you need to come to church for prayer, you can confess and take communion, sprinkle yourself and your home with sacred water brought from the temple.

When do they swim in the ice hole at Epiphany?

January 18 – Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is generally accepted that after the consecration of water in churches on this day, it becomes healing in all water sources, and retains such properties for several subsequent days. The bathing itself at Epiphany does not begin without the blessings of the priest; the consecration of places for immersion occurs after the festive services on the morning of January 19.

How to prepare for swimming at Epiphany?

Some tips on how to prepare for Epiphany swimming in the ice hole. For an unseasoned person, such a dive is stressful; minimize the consequences of exposure cold water possible by pre-hardening the body. A few days before, it is advisable to take it, go outside or to the balcony for a few minutes in summer version clothes - shorts and a T-shirt, wipe with a damp towel dipped in cold water, practice dousing with low-temperature water.

Epiphany bathing - rules

The rules for bathing at Epiphany can be divided into parts. The first and most important point is that when performing such an act, a person must pray: for the salvation of the soul, for loved ones, ask for God’s help for healing from illnesses. Dipping into water for fun or under the influence of alcohol, to experience thrills is wrong; expecting healing of the body and soul as a result is unacceptable.

There are a lot of medical advantages that bathing at baptism is beneficial for - increased ability to work, allergic reactions in the body, depression, insomnia, pain in the joints and back. Attacks of bronchial asthma are significantly reduced, blood circulation is normalized. When diving, the body temperature approaches forty degrees; in a few minutes, numerous armies of viruses and bacteria die in the body - the functioning of the immune system increases.

Is it possible to get sick while swimming at Epiphany? Yes, because stressful immersion in water can cause a number of unpleasant consequences in a weakened body. Diabetics experience a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, heart patients experience attacks of arrhythmia and hypertension, and cancer patients experience unwanted suppression of the immune system. Swimming is prohibited for those suffering from flu and acute respiratory infections.

Is it dangerous to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany?

Discussions about the dangers of swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany are a serious issue. The organization of the venue is the main selection criterion for those wishing to take the plunge. Coming alone to unprepared, sparsely populated ice holes is undesirable, this is a direct threat to human health and life; in the event of an unexpected reaction of the body to cold water, there must be people ready to provide qualified assistance. Tips on how to properly swim in an ice hole at Epiphany:

  • undressing is carried out in several stages - remove outer clothing, allow the body to adapt, then undress to a swimsuit;
  • walk in the snow - give a signal to the body, through the receptors of the feet, to turn on a protective reaction to the cold;
  • after being in the water, change clothes; you cannot put dry clothes on top of wet ones;
  • Drinking alcohol to warm up after the procedure is not recommended.

Archpriest Sergius Vogulkin, rector of the temple in the name of the icon, answers Mother of God“Vsetsaritsa” of the city of Yekaterinburg, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor:

Probably, we should start not with swimming in the Epiphany frosts, but with the most blessed feast of Epiphany. By the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, all water, in all its forms, is sanctified, because for two thousand years the water of the Jordan River, which touched the blessed body of Christ, rose to the heavens millions of times, floated in the clouds and again returned as raindrops to the earth. What is it in - in trees, lakes, rivers, grass? Pieces of her are everywhere. And now the feast of Epiphany is approaching, when the Lord gives us an abundance of consecrated water. Concern awakens in every person: what about me? After all, this is my chance to cleanse myself! Don't miss it! And so people, without hesitation, even with some kind of despair, rush to the ice hole and, having plunged, then whole year talk about their “feat”. Did they partake of the grace of our Lord or did they gratify their pride?

An Orthodox man walks calmly from one church holiday to another, observing fasts, confessing and receiving communion. And he prepares for Epiphany slowly, deciding with his family who, after confession and communion, will be honored to plunge into the Jordan, according to the ancient Russian tradition, and who, due to being a child or indisposed, will wash their face with holy water, or take a bath at a holy spring, or simply take holy water with prayer as a spiritual medicine. Thank God, we have plenty to choose from, and we don’t need to take risks thoughtlessly if a person is weakened by illness. The Jordan is not a Pool of Sheep (see John 5:1-4), and must be approached with caution. An experienced priest will not bless everyone for a bath. He will take care of choosing a place, strengthening the ice, a gangway, a warm place to undress and dress, and the presence of one of the Orthodox medical workers. Here, mass baptism will be appropriate and beneficial.

Another thing is the mass of desperate people who decided, without a blessing or just basic thought, to swim “for company” in icy water. Here we are not talking about the strength of the spirit, but about the strength of the body. A strong spasm of skin vessels in response to the action of cold water leads to the fact that a mass of blood rushes into internal organs- heart, lungs, brain, stomach, liver, and for people with poor health this can end badly.

The danger especially increases for those who were preparing for “purification” in the ice hole by smoking and alcohol. The flow of blood to the lungs will only increase chronic inflammation of the bronchi, which always accompanies smoking, and can cause swelling of the bronchial wall and pneumonia. Long-term use of alcohol or acute intoxication in warm water always leads to misfortunes, to say nothing of swimming in an ice hole. The arterial vessels of an alcoholic or a domestic drunkard, even if he is relatively young, are not able to respond correctly to massive cold exposure; in these cases, paradoxical reactions can be expected, including cardiac and respiratory arrest. With such bad habits and in such a state, it is better not to approach the ice hole.