Anishchenko Gennady chief sanitary doctor. Chief sanitary doctor

03.07.2019 Psychology

And now he will serve as assistant to the prime minister. It was under Onishchenko that Rospotrebnadzor seemed to combine the functions of both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense, standing as a shield in the path of foreign poison.

At different times they acted as poison Moldovan wines, Georgian mineral water, Belarusian sour cream and Ukrainian lard. A joke has already spread on the Internet: upon learning of Onishchenko’s departure, Latvian sprats announced an extraordinary spawning.

This was his mission. And he did it. From the list of enemies defeated by the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, we compiled a rating of those bans that most excited the public. And the first place was taken by the story of Gennady Onishchenko’s disappointment in Georgian wine.

And no matter how much Onishchenko was blamed for the fact that sanitation in Russia had become a political sphere, Gennady Grigorievich himself remained deaf to this and merciless towards alcohol. He started and won a beer war, in which all means were good, even the prize of the American Film Academy.

“I don’t know where you are looking, but he should be given an Oscar for the most genuine image of an alcoholic, located between the first and second degrees of alcoholism,” said Gennady Onishchenko.

In the fight for the health of the nation, the chief sanitary doctor of Russia called the New Year nothing less than a decade of horror.

"No alcoholic drinks Don't drink on New Year's Day! Because you will meet New Year in the family, and you, as the head of the family, will set a bad example for your loved ones, and your charisma with a negative accent will be transmitted to your loved ones,” warned Gennady Onishchenko.

An irreconcilable fighter for the health of citizens proposed that cigarettes should be erased from screens, taken away from the streets, and, ultimately, banned from production and sale altogether.

“If our Duma does not accept the law that has been introduced, I, as a citizen, will raise the question of its dissolution. I have the right as a voter to say so,” said Gennady Onishchenko.

The veteran of food wars was never afraid of scandals - the Ukrainian deputy persistently invites Onishchenko to try the cheese that has just been banned in Russia, thereby disrupting the Kyiv press conference of the Moscow official.

The head of Rospotrebnadzor also targeted crows, which he called feathered wolves, and wild boars that committed sabotage with the spread of African plague, and a man who, according to his calculations, was not far removed from the pig in his evolution, and other representatives of the animal world.

“Picasso presented it as a bird of the world. The sloppiest, one of the stupidest birds is the dove. They teach sanitary rules poorly, and I’m not even talking about compliance,” noted Gennady Onishchenko.

The country's chief health officer has created an insurmountable barrier to epidemics from vaccinations, checks and his own advice.

“Annoy others by having a mask on your face. Firstly, a woman’s eyes look more mysterious,” said Russia’s chief sanitary doctor.

Gennady Onishchenko warned against all sorts of things - traveling is harmful, going to rallies is contagious, melting yellow snow for tea is dangerous. It is better to come to work by 5 am and set aside a couple of hours for afternoon rest. These recommendations have already become part of the folk epic and made their author one of the most popular heroes on the Internet.

It seems that with his departure from Rospotrebnadzor, life will become, if not more dangerous, then certainly more boring. But who knows, maybe the new position of assistant to the prime minister will not deprive Gennady Onishchenko of inspiration and us of new bright aphorisms.

“There is no greater enemy for a citizen of the Russian Federation than himself,” noted Gennady Onishchenko.

A wonderful and sympathetic person, thanks to his intelligence and ability to work, became a truly significant political figure in the firmament of Russian politics. He became widely known in the mid-90s, when he received the position of chief doctor for sanitation in Russia.

Fascinating childhood...

The beginning of the fifties, a very difficult time in the biography of a common man on the territory of the Soviet state. Post-war years marked by numerous difficulties and various adversities. It was then that the boy Gena was born.

This event took place on October 21, 1950, in a small family of a simple Ukrainian and a Turkmen woman. The place of birth can be considered a tiny village on the endless expanses of the steppes of Kyrgyzstan, in the tiny village of Chargyn-Tash.

Gena spent his adolescence, like many of his peers, in numerous and exciting games, combining them with studies at a general education institution. Gennady Onishchenko’s mother worked as a medical worker, which gave a dramatic impetus to her future career as a politician and chief sanitary doctor of Russia. After all, it was precisely in those teenage years Gennady decided to follow the beaten path and footsteps of his mother. And throughout my entire life I never regretted my goals and the direction of my difficult life path.

He grew and studied, giving all his accumulated knowledge to the altar of his future profession. Not everyone knows that after graduating from an ordinary, by those standards, secondary school, Gena received another profession that had nothing to do with medicine. Like many schoolchildren of that time, Gennady became a third-class turner. And he still believes that labor education in schools is the key to a healthy lifestyle and the acquisition of additional knowledge for any student, or even just a child.

How did the personal life of Gennady Onishchenko develop?

Gennady Onishchenko met his current wife during courses at the institute, where he improved his qualifications and improved his medical knowledge. My wife's name is Smirnova Galina Anatolyevna. Now Gennady Grigorievich has three wonderful children - “two sons and a sweet daughter,” and he is also a wonderful grandfather and copes well with this role. Two sons chose the profession of a dentist, and daughter Maria works as a resident at the clinic. Onishchenko claims that he never drinks alcohol and has not suffered from any illness for more than a decade. In an interview in 2017, Gennady Grigorievich shared that he adopted a stray dog ​​from a shelter.

Hidden hobbies of Gennady Grigorievich.

During his student years, Onishchenko was seriously interested in weightlifting and even achieved such a serious title as candidate master of sports. He is interested in history.

Gennady Grigorievich leads a healthy lifestyle. He is a believer, so he initially shows care and understanding towards people. There was a terrible period in his life when he was kidnapped by militants. And at a time when, in such terrible moments, many people are thinking about how to save their lives, Gennady Onishchenko was not thinking about himself and asked the militants to release the driver of the car. This man has such wonderful qualities. Most He, of course, devotes his time to work and demands the same dedication from his subordinates, so everyone speaks of him as a very demanding leader.

What is the chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation doing today?

To this day, Onishchenko continues to fight such widespread and terrible diseases in our time as HIV and infectious diseases. Gennady Grigorievich pays attention to this a large number of time. At the All-Russian Congress on the Fight against Infectious Diseases, which is held annually in our country, he made a proposal to prevent measles in adults, and also raised the issue of vaccinating residents against hepatitis. Most experts share his opinion. Even while heading such responsible positions, Gennady Onishchenko still participated in the elimination of the majority natural disasters. Gennady Grigorievich is not going to stop there, and will continue to take measures to fight for the health of our population, because he devoted almost his entire life to this.

Onishchenko's career growth

In 1967, Gennady Grigorievich, after successfully passing the exams, entered the medical institute in the city of Donetsk. In 1973, he took the post of sanitation doctor at the Yasinovatsky sanitary-epidemiological station, where he successfully coped with his duties and showed all his skills. In 1976, in the city of Krasnoarmeysk, he received the position of chief physician of the sanitary and epidemiological station. Onishchenko devoted a lot of time to work. He improved his skills at the Institute of Doctors and showed himself only as a competent specialist.

Success in Onishchenko’s professional biography was facilitated by such rare qualities as consistency in putting everything in order and love for work. And the main breaking point in his successful career was the fact that typhoid fever was detected in the Donetsk region.

In 1983, he was invited to the post of Moscow Metro chief physician of the SES.

During the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Gennady Grigorievich was able to reduce the level of radiation for workers in the area of ​​the explosion, and thereby saved the people who eliminated the consequences of the accident on the railways from the terrible consequences.

In 1988, he took the post of deputy head of the Ministry of Health. In the dashing nineties, he already took the position of Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.

In 1996, Boris Yeltsin appointed Gennady Onishchenko to the post of chief state sanitary doctor of Russia. Residents of our country constantly saw it on our TV screens with notifications about the upcoming epidemic of the next flu. With his help, they were seized in gigantic sizes defective alcohol, as well as food. Gennady Onishchenko introduced a ban on selling tobacco products in cultural institutions.

Onishchenko also held the position of Head of Rospotrebnadzor for some time, and here his activities caused many different condemnations against him. First of all, many experts believed that he groundlessly introduced a ban on the import of Ukrainian sweets, Georgian wine, cheeses from Belarus, mineral water to our country.

Onishchenko received many awards for his work. But the most significant thing for him is the Order of Honor.

He was also awarded the “Person of the Year 2013” ​​award for activities aimed at protecting the health of residents of the Russian Federation.

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Gennady Grigorievich Onishchenko - Russian statesman, chief state sanitary doctor Russian Federation, head of Rospotrebnadzor in 1996-2013, assistant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev in 2013-2016, deputy of the State Duma from the Tushino district (since October 5, 2016).

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia and Kyrgyzstan, member of the presidium of the all-Russian public organization "League of National Health" Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class

In 1973 he graduated from the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty of the Donetsk State Medical Institute named after M. Gorky with a degree in hygiene, sanitation and epidemiology. Candidate for Master of Sports in weightlifting.

From 1973 to 1987 he worked in the system of the USSR Ministry of Railways, first as an epidemiologist, then in senior positions different levels. In 1982 he became the chief sanitary doctor of the Moscow Metro, and in 1983 - the head of the central sanitary-epidemiological station of the USSR Ministry of Railways.

In 1988, he was appointed deputy head of the Main Directorate of Quarantine Infections of the USSR Ministry of Health.

Participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In the fall of 1995, during the First Chechen war Onishchenko was kidnapped by militants on the road from Mozdok at the entrance to Grozny, and was held captive by Chechen militants.

In June 2009, Eduard Kokoity presented Gennady Onishchenko with a passport of a citizen of South Ossetia and an award of the republic - the Order of Honor.

Gennady Grigorievich Onishchenko is popularly known as the author catch phrases and expressions on almost all significant events.

From 1993 to 2002 - member of the Constructive-Ecological Movement of Russia "Cedar", transformed in 2002 into the environmental party "Greens".

Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation

Since January 11, 1993 - Deputy Chairman State Committee sanitary and epidemiological supervision - Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Since June 1, 1996 - Acting Chairman of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation.

Since October 25, 1996 - First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation - Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.

He gained fame in 2000 when he demanded stronger state control over the production and advertising of beer. In 2003, he spoke a lot in the media about the threat of the SARS pandemic, and since 2004, he has actively drawn public attention to the danger associated with the avian flu pandemic.

Head of Rospotrebnadzor

From March 12, 2004 to October 23, 2013 - head of the newly formed Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

Ban on supplies of wine from Georgia and Moldova, milk from Belarus

In March 2006, Rospotrebnadzor completely banned the import of Georgian and Moldavian wines to Russia, citing this step as a significant part of them not meeting sanitary standards. The Georgian leadership recognized the presence of a large mass of counterfeits on the Georgian wine market and opened criminal cases against the management of a number of wineries. According to a poll by VTsIOM, 71% of the Russian population supported the restrictions introduced by Gennady Onishchenko.

In October 2007, the ban on the import of Moldovan wines was lifted.

On June 6, 2009, Rospotrebnadzor banned the import of almost 500 types of dairy products from Belarus, and then another 800 due to the fact that Belarusian producers did not reissue documents in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations for milk. The Belarusian delegation did not come to the CSTO summit (June 15, 2009) in Moscow, explaining its step by “economic discrimination” on the part of one of the CSTO countries.

G. G. Onishchenko justified the expediency of Rospotrebnadzor’s application of the provisions of Article 1065 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which it is possible to file claims in arbitration courts to prohibit activities that create a risk of causing harm in the future. The article “Administrative suspension of activities as a type of punishment and prohibition of corresponding activities in order to prevent harm in the future” (magazine “Executive Law” No. 2, 2008), written by the head of the legal service of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the city of St. Petersburg, Igor Solomonis, has become a practical guide for employees of Rospotrebnadzor.

Proposal to ban the production and sale of tobacco products

In December 2008, Gennady Onishchenko proposed new radical measures to combat smoking. He stated that it is necessary to prohibit consumption in Russia, and not only on the street, but also the sale and production of cigarettes, Interfax reports.

Onishchenko explained that such measures should not be introduced immediately, but after a scientifically based transition period, based on the results of the implementation of a special program. It is in this context that the issue of combating smoking in the European Union is now being discussed, he added.

Later, discussing the proposed anti-tobacco law a ban on demonstrating the process of smoking in audiovisual works and programs intended for children, G. G. Onishchenko expressed in an interview with the radio station “Echo of Moscow” the opinion that negative characters in cartoons and films can smoke, and as examples of such characters he named the Wolf from the animated series “Well, wait a minute!" and James Bond.

Swine flu

In July-August 2009, Onishchenko recommended executive power regions to limit the holding of mass events, and the government to close international communications with countries where outbreaks of swine flu are observed. He recommended that the population of the Russian Federation go on vacation to Russian resorts to the detriment of vacations abroad.

2011 initiatives

In the summer of 2011, Rospotrebnadzor banned the import of vegetables from Egypt, as a source of development of certain intestinal infections; At the same time, the ban on the import of vegetables from Italy and Hungary that had undergone the appropriate certification procedure was lifted. In the fall of the same year, Gennady Onishchenko took the initiative to introduce surprise inspections at public catering establishments, which, in his opinion, would improve the quality and level of service in public catering establishments.

Conflict with the State Duma over the anti-tobacco law

On October 23, 2012, he spoke out about the draft new law against smoking, making sharp statements against the State Duma of the Russian Federation, saying in particular:

If our Duma does not accept the law that has been introduced, I, as a citizen, will raise the question of its dissolution. I have the right, as a voter, to say so.

In response to this, members of the Duma faction “United Russia” spoke out against the head of Rospotrebnadzor. Andrei Makarov, in particular, suggested “sending Mr. Onishchenko for a psychiatric examination.” Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin stated that:

I have known Gennady Grigorievich Onishchenko well for a long time, I treat him with great respect, I appreciate his efficiency, dedication and deep professional knowledge, but obviously Gennady Grigorievich has gaps in his understanding of what a rule-of-law state is, how its main institutions are formed and function. I will invite him and give the appropriate explanations.

On the same day that the conflict occurred, an article was published claiming that the Russian blogosphere supported Onishchenko and his position on the tobacco issue. It contains several quotes from which it follows that statements about the need to send the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation for a “psychiatric examination” were considered offensive by some Internet users.

Attitude towards GMOs

In June 2012, Rospotrebnadzor proposed to begin using genetically modified organisms in the cultivation of crops in Russia. Gennady Onishchenko signed this proposal, which was later sent to the State Duma and implemented in the form of a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Procedure state registration genetically engineered modified organisms intended for release into environment, as well as products obtained using such organisms or containing such organisms.”

In 2015, Gennady Onishchenko changed his position regarding GMOs, putting forward the idea that in Russia, at the level of ministries and departments, it is necessary to create a system for monitoring the circulation of GM products and a risk assessment methodology. Most media outlets, in particular, described this news in a mocking manner.

Conflict with Roshen

In July 2013, the head of Rospotrebnadzor announced a ban on the supply of confectionery products to Russia from the Ukrainian company Roshen. On July 29, Onishchenko said that the department’s suspicions were “justified,” that the Ukrainian company’s confectionery products did not meet the “declared parameters,” and there was also a claim about the “quality and safety” of the product.

On August 16, commenting on rumors of a “trade war” between Russia and Ukraine, Gennady Onishchenko said the following:

Russia has a list of claims against Ukraine in the field of consumer protection, but it is wrong to consider this a trade war.

Lithuanian milk ban

In October 2013, Russia introduced a set of measures to limit the supply of dairy products from Lithuania. This is stated in the official statement of Rospotrebnadzor:

... facts indicate a weakening of control in the Republic of Lithuania over the quality and safety of food products and the need to introduce restrictive measures on the import of food products of the Republic of Lithuania into the territory of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the above, Rospotrebnadzor has suspended the import into the territory of the Russian Federation of milk and dairy products produced in the Republic of Lithuania.


On October 22, 2013, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets, commenting on rumors about the resignation of G. G. Onishchenko, said:

Gennady Grigorievich Onishchenko's term as head of Rospotrebnadzor has expired, and therefore he is leaving this post. Deputy head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova will be appointed as the new head of the department.

Later that same day, Onishchenko refused to confirm his resignation, calling Olga Golodets a “strange character” who “is not one of the people making decisions.” Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said that Onishchenko “will not leave the system,” saying that he may be offered another post.

The press secretary of the head of the Government of the Russian Federation, Natalya Timakova, made an official statement that Onishchenko was not dismissed; the order on this was not signed by D. A. Medvedev.

On October 23, information appeared that Onishchenko would be fired by order of D. A. Medvedev after the Prime Minister returned from China. One of the reasons for Onishchenko’s resignation, according to one of the government officials, will be the “problem of controllability” of the head of Rospotrebnadzor.

On the evening of October 23, 2013, Gennady Onishchenko was officially dismissed from his post as head of Rospotrebnadzor and appointed assistant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev.

After resignation

In 2013-2016, assistant to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Immediately after his resignation from the post of Chief State Sanitary Doctor, Gennady Onishchenko made a statement regarding vaccines:

Through bribery and all sorts of unseemly actions... a number of transnational companies dealt with issues related to testing vaccines on our children...

On October 24, 2014, he made another statement, calling on people to stop drinking alcohol. In a statement, Onishchenko advised men, “if you feel bad,” to engage in physical activity, and women to listen to music and walk in the fresh air, “but in no case should alcohol be used - this is self-deception.”

On August 5, 2015, commenting on the expansion of the list of medical goods subject to restrictions in government procurement proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (which dealt, in particular, with possible restrictions on the purchase of foreign condoms), Gennady Onishchenko said that “rubber products” have nothing to do with health of citizens, and this restriction will force Russians to be “more disciplined, stricter and more selective in choosing a partner.” Also, the former chief sanitary doctor said that Russian manufacturers will be able to compete with Western ones in terms of products for which purchase restrictions are planned to be introduced. The statement regarding condoms caused a mixed reaction: on the one hand, the head of the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Academician Vadim Pokrovsky, agreed with Onishchenko, saying that there is no connection between the spread of HIV infection and the restrictions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and on the other hand, for example , Doctor of Medical Sciences Pavel Krotin “smirked” at his colleague’s statement, noting that the deterioration of the quality of condoms will lead to the spread of unwanted pregnancies and STDs.

On May 22, 2016, following the results of the primaries " United Russia» took first place in the fight for the place of candidate for the State Duma from this party according to Tushinsky single-mandate constituency No. 206 in Moscow. Two days later, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev lifted the reprimand imposed on Onishchenko in February “for violating the requirements of Article 18 of the federal law on the state civil service of the Russian Federation.” When submitting the declaration, the candidate did not declare a plot of land and a residential building in the Moscow region. Since the fall of 2016 - deputy of the State Duma of the 7th convocation, member of the Committee on Education and Science.

In February 2017, Onishchenko, in an interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel, stated that he considers it advisable to humanely euthanize unclaimed stray dogs kept in municipal shelters, and also that he considers it unacceptable for such animals to be on city streets, since they pose a threat to both sanitary standards , and the safety of citizens. This statement was condemned by the Russian animal protection community, which defends the rights of stray dogs and advocates for their freedom and integrity, but some animal rights activists supported Onishchenko, emphasizing that similar methods of treating stray animals are practiced in all developed countries of the world.


After the introduction of a ban on the supply of a number of Georgian and Moldovan goods to Russia, representatives of these countries and market participants accused the department headed by Onishchenko and him personally of being politically biased. A number of Russian journalists expressed the opinion that the ban on the import of products from Georgia and Moldova, introduced by Onishchenko, was dictated not by sanitary, but rather by foreign policy reasons.

Personal life

Married, has two sons and a daughter. He stated that he categorically does not drink alcohol, and claims that he has not been sick for several decades. In 2017, Onishchenko said that he had a dog at home, adopted from a shelter.

Education: Academic degree: Doctor of Medical Sciences Academic title: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor Profession: sanitary doctor Activity: statesman, politician. Military service Years of service: - Affiliation: Rospotrebnadzor Rank:
Acting State Councilor
RF 1st class Awards:

: Incorrect or missing image

Voice recording of G.G. Onishchenko
Recorded January 8, 2013
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Gennady Grigorievich Onishchenko(October 21, Changyr-Tash village, Suzak district, Osh region, Kirghiz SSR, USSR) - Russian statesman, chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, head of Rospotrebnadzor in 1996-2013, assistant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev in 2013-2016, State Duma deputy from the Tushino district (since October 5, 2016).


Gennady Grigorievich Onishchenko is popularly known as the author of catchphrases and expressions on almost all significant events.

Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation

Head of Rospotrebnadzor

Ban on supplies of wine from Georgia and Moldova, milk from Belarus

Later, discussing the proposed ban in the upcoming anti-tobacco law on demonstrating the smoking process in audiovisual works and programs intended for children, G. G. Onishchenko expressed in an interview with the radio station “Echo of Moscow” the opinion that negative characters in cartoons and films can smoke, and as examples of such the characters were named Wolf from the animated series “Well, wait a minute! "and James Bond.

Swine flu

2011 initiatives

In the summer of 2011, Rospotrebnadzor banned the import of vegetables from Egypt, as a source of development of certain intestinal infections; At the same time, the ban on the import of vegetables from Italy and Hungary, which had undergone the appropriate certification procedure, was lifted. In the fall of the same year, Gennady Onishchenko took the initiative to introduce surprise inspections at public catering establishments, which, in his opinion, would improve the quality and level of service in public catering establishments.

Conflict with the State Duma over the anti-tobacco law

Attitude towards GMOs

In June 2012, Rospotrebnadzor proposed to begin using genetically modified organisms in the cultivation of crops in Russia. Gennady Onishchenko signed this proposal, which was later sent to the State Duma and implemented in the form of a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Procedure for state registration of genetically modified organisms intended for release into the environment, as well as products obtained using such organisms or containing such organisms."

In 2015, Gennady Onishchenko changed his position regarding GMOs, putting forward the idea that in Russia, at the level of ministries and departments, it is necessary to create a system for monitoring the circulation of GM products and a risk assessment methodology. Most media outlets, in particular, described this news in a mocking manner.

Conflict with Roshen

On August 16, commenting on rumors of a “trade war” between Russia and Ukraine, Gennady Onishchenko said the following:
Russia has a list of claims against Ukraine in the field of consumer protection, but it is wrong to consider this a trade war .

Lithuanian milk ban

In October 2013, Russia introduced a set of measures to limit the supply of dairy products from Lithuania. This is stated in the official statement of Rospotrebnadzor:

...facts indicate a weakening of control in the Republic of Lithuania over the quality and safety of food products and the need to introduce restrictive measures on the import of food products of the Republic of Lithuania into the territory of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the above, Rospotrebnadzor has suspended the import into the territory of the Russian Federation of milk and dairy products produced in the Republic of Lithuania. .


The press secretary of the head of the Government of the Russian Federation, Natalya Timakova, made an official statement that Gennady Onishchenko was not dismissed, the order about this was not signed by D. A. Medvedev.

On the evening of October 23, 2013, Gennady Onishchenko was officially dismissed from his post as head of Rospotrebnadzor and appointed assistant to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

After resignation

In 2013-2016, assistant to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.


“Through bribery, all sorts of unseemly actions, perhaps even taking advantage of the liberality, or perhaps the worthlessness of our legislation in the field of immunobiology, a number of transnational companies dealt with issues related to testing, essentially, vaccines on our children.”


After the introduction of a ban on the supply of a number of Georgian and Moldovan goods to Russia, representatives of these countries and market participants accused the department headed by Onishchenko and him personally of being politically biased. A number of Russian journalists expressed the opinion that the ban on the import of products from Georgia and Moldova, introduced by Onishchenko, was dictated not by sanitary, but rather by foreign policy reasons.

Personal life

Married, has three children: two sons and a daughter. He stated that he categorically does not drink alcohol, and claims that he has not been sick for several decades.

Titles and awards

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  • Solomonis I. V. Administrative suspension of activities as a type of punishment and prohibition of relevant activities in order to prevent harm in the future // Executive law. - 2008. - No. 2. - pp. 12-14.


  • - article in Lentapedia. year 2012.

An excerpt characterizing Onishchenko, Gennady Grigorievich

“Whoop, whoop!” he shouted. When he saw the count, lightning flashed in his eyes.
“F...” he shouted, threatening the count with his raised arapnik.
-About...the wolf!...hunters! - And as if not deigning to deign the embarrassed, frightened count with further conversation, he, with all the anger he had prepared for the count, hit the sunken wet sides of the brown gelding and rushed after the hounds. The Count, as if punished, stood looking around and trying with a smile to make Semyon regret his situation. But Semyon was no longer there: he, taking a detour through the bushes, jumped the wolf from the abatis. Greyhounds also jumped over the beast from both sides. But the wolf walked through the bushes and not a single hunter intercepted him.

Nikolai Rostov, meanwhile, stood in his place, waiting for the beast. By the approach and distance of the rut, by the sounds of the voices of dogs known to him, by the approach, distance and elevation of the voices of those arriving, he felt what was happening on the island. He knew that there were arrived (young) and seasoned (old) wolves on the island; he knew that the hounds had split into two packs, that they were poisoning somewhere, and that something untoward had happened. Every second he waited for the beast to come to his side. He made thousands of different assumptions about how and from which side the animal would run and how it would poison it. Hope gave way to despair. Several times he turned to God with a prayer that the wolf would come out to him; he prayed with that passionate and conscientious feeling with which people pray in moments of great excitement, depending on an insignificant reason. “Well, what does it cost you,” he said to God, “to do this for me! I know that You are great, and that it is a sin to ask You for this; but for the sake of God, make sure that the seasoned one comes out on me, and that Karai, in front of the “uncle” who is watching from there, slams into his throat with a death grip.” A thousand times during these half-hours, with a persistent, tense and restless gaze, Rostov looked around the edge of the forest with two sparse oak trees over an aspen underhang, and the ravine with a worn edge, and the uncle’s hat, barely visible from behind a bush to the right.
“No, this happiness will not happen,” thought Rostov, but what would it cost? Will not be! I always have misfortune, both in cards and in war, in everything.” Austerlitz and Dolokhov flashed brightly, but quickly changing, in his imagination. “Only once in my life would I hunt down a seasoned wolf, I don’t want to do it again!” he thought, straining his hearing and vision, looking to the left and again to the right and listening to the slightest shades of the sounds of the rut. He looked again to the right and saw something running towards him across the deserted field. “No, this can’t be!” thought Rostov, sighing heavily, like a man sighs when he accomplishes something that has been long awaited by him. The greatest happiness happened - and so simply, without noise, without glitter, without commemoration. Rostov could not believe his eyes and this doubt lasted more than a second. The wolf ran forward and jumped heavily over the pothole that was on his road. It was an old beast, with a gray back and a full, reddish belly. He ran slowly, apparently convinced that no one could see him. Rostov, without breathing, looked back at the dogs. They lay and stood, not seeing the wolf and not understanding anything. Old Karai, turning his head and baring his yellow teeth, angrily looking for a flea, clicked them on his hind thighs.
- Hoot! – Rostov said in a whisper, his lips protruding. The dogs, trembling their glands, jumped up, ears pricked. Karai scratched his thigh and stood up, pricking his ears and lightly wagging his tail, on which felted wool hung.
– Let in or not let in? - Nikolai said to himself while the wolf moved towards him, separating from the forest. Suddenly the whole face of the wolf changed; he shuddered, seeing human eyes that he had probably never seen before, fixed on him, and slightly turning his head towards the hunter, he stopped - back or forward? Eh! anyway, forward!... obviously,” he seemed to say to himself, and set off forward, no longer looking back, with a soft, rare, free, but decisive leap.
“Whoops!...” Nikolai shouted in a voice that was not his own, and of its own accord his good horse rushed headlong down the hill, jumping over water holes and across the wolf; and the dogs rushed even faster, overtaking her. Nikolai did not hear his cry, did not feel that he was galloping, did not see either the dogs or the place where he was galloping; he saw only the wolf, who, intensifying his run, galloped, without changing direction, along the ravine. The first to appear near the beast was the black-spotted, wide-bottomed Milka and began to approach the beast. Closer, closer... now she came to him. But the wolf glanced slightly sideways at her, and instead of attacking her, as she always did, Milka suddenly raised her tail and began to rest on her front legs.
- Whoop! - Nikolai shouted.
Red Lyubim jumped out from behind Milka, quickly rushed at the wolf and grabbed him by the gachi (hips of his hind legs), but at that very second he jumped in fear to the other side. The wolf sat down, clicked his teeth and got up again and galloped forward, escorted a yard away by all the dogs that did not approach him.
- He will go away! No, It is Immpossible! – Nikolai thought, continuing to scream in a hoarse voice.
- Karai! Hoot!...” he shouted, looking with the eyes of the old dog, his only hope. Karai, with all his old strength, stretched out as much as he could, looking at the wolf, galloped heavily away from the beast, across it. But from the speed of the wolf’s leap and the slowness of the dog’s leap, it was clear that Karai’s calculation was wrong. Nikolai could no longer see the forest far ahead of him, which, having reached it, the wolf would probably leave. Dogs and a hunter appeared ahead, galloping almost towards them. There was still hope. Unknown to Nikolai, a dark, young, long male from someone else's pack quickly flew up to the wolf in front and almost knocked him over. The wolf quickly, as could not have been expected from him, stood up and rushed towards the dark dog, snapped his teeth - and the bloody dog, with a torn side, shrieked shrilly and stuck his head into the ground.
- Karayushka! Father!.. - Nikolai cried...
The old dog, with his tufts dangling on his thighs, thanks to the stop that had taken place, cutting off the wolf’s path, was already five steps away from him. As if sensing danger, the wolf glanced sideways at Karai, hid the log (tail) even further between his legs and increased his gallop. But here - Nikolai only saw that something had happened to Karai - he instantly found himself on the wolf and together with him fell head over heels into the waterhole that was in front of them.
The moment when Nikolai saw the dogs swarming with the wolf in the pond, from under which one could see the wolf’s gray fur, his outstretched back leg, and his frightened and choking head with his ears pressed back (Karai was holding him by the throat), the minute when Nikolai saw this was the happiest moment of his life. He had already taken hold of the pommel of the saddle to dismount and stab the wolf, when suddenly the animal’s head poked up from this mass of dogs, then its front legs stood on the edge of the waterhole. The wolf flashed his teeth (Karai was no longer holding him by the throat), jumped out of the pond with his hind legs and, tucking his tail, again separated from the dogs, moved forward. Karai with bristling fur, probably bruised or wounded, had difficulty crawling out of the waterhole.
- My God! For what?...” Nikolai shouted in despair.
The uncle's hunter, on the other side, galloped to cut off the wolf, and his dogs again stopped the beast. They surrounded him again.
Nikolai, his stirrup, his uncle and his hunter hovered over the beast, hooting, screaming, every minute getting ready to get down when the wolf sat on its backside and every time starting forward when the wolf shook itself and moved towards the notch that was supposed to save it. Even at the beginning of this persecution, Danila, hearing hooting, jumped out to the edge of the forest. He saw Karai take the wolf and stop the horse, believing that the matter was over. But when the hunters did not get down, the wolf shook himself and ran away again. Danila released his brown one not towards the wolf, but in a straight line towards the notch in the same way as Karai - to cut off the beast. Thanks to this direction, he jumped up to the wolf while the second time he was stopped by his uncle's dogs.
Danila galloped silently, holding the drawn dagger in his left hand and, like a flail, swinging his arapnik along the toned sides of the brown one.
Nikolai did not see or hear Danila until a brown one panted past him, panting heavily, and he heard the sound of a falling body and saw that Danila was already lying in the middle of the dogs on the back of the wolf, trying to catch him by the ears. It was obvious to the dogs, the hunters, and the wolf that it was all over now. The animal, with its ears flattened in fear, tried to get up, but the dogs surrounded it. Danila, standing up, took a falling step and with all his weight, as if lying down to rest, fell on the wolf, grabbing him by the ears. Nikolai wanted to stab, but Danila whispered: “No need, we’ll make a joke,” and changing position, he stepped on the wolf’s neck with his foot. They put a stick in the wolf's mouth, tied it, as if bridling it with a pack, tied its legs, and Danila rolled the wolf from one side to the other a couple of times.
With happy, exhausted faces, the living, seasoned wolf was loaded onto a darting and snorting horse and, accompanied by dogs squealing at him, was taken to the place where everyone was supposed to gather. Two young ones were taken by hounds and three by greyhounds. The hunters arrived with their prey and stories, and everyone came up to look at the seasoned wolf, who, hanging his forehead with a bitten stick in his mouth, looked at this whole crowd of dogs and people surrounding him with large, glassy eyes. When they touched him, he trembled with his bound legs, wildly and at the same time simply looked at everyone. Count Ilya Andreich also drove up and touched the wolf.
“Oh, what a swear word,” he said. - Seasoned, huh? – he asked Danila, who was standing next to him.
“He’s seasoned, your Excellency,” answered Danila, hastily taking off his hat.
The Count remembered his missed wolf and his encounter with Danila.
“However, brother, you are angry,” said the count. – Danila said nothing and only smiled shyly, a childishly meek and pleasant smile.

The old count went home; Natasha and Petya promised to come right away. The hunt went on, as it was still early. In the middle of the day, the hounds were released into a ravine overgrown with young, dense forest. Nikolai, standing in the stubble, saw all his hunters.
Opposite from Nikolai there were green fields and there stood his hunter, alone in a hole behind a prominent hazel bush. They had just brought in the hounds when Nikolai heard the rare rutting of a dog he knew, Volthorne; other dogs joined him, then falling silent, then starting to chase again. A minute later, a voice was heard from the island for the fox, and the whole flock, falling down, drove along the screwdriver, towards the greenery, away from Nikolai.
He saw horse-dwellers in red hats galloping along the edges of an overgrown ravine, he even saw dogs, and every second he expected a fox to appear on the other side, in the greenery.
The hunter standing in the hole moved and released the dogs, and Nikolai saw a red, low, strange fox, which, fluffing its pipe, hurriedly rushed through the greenery. The dogs began to sing to her. As they approached, the fox began to wag in circles between them, making these circles more and more often and circling its fluffy pipe (tail) around itself; and then someone’s white dog flew in, followed by a black one, and everything got mixed up, and the dogs became a star, with their butts apart, slightly hesitating. Two hunters galloped up to the dogs: one in a red hat, the other, a stranger, in a green caftan.
"What it is? thought Nikolai. Where did this hunter come from? This is not my uncle’s.”
The hunters fought off the fox and stood on foot for a long time, without rushing. Near them on chumburs stood horses with their saddles and dogs lay. The hunters waved their hands and did something with the fox. From there the sound of a horn was heard - the agreed signal of a fight.
“It’s the Ilaginsky hunter who is rebelling with our Ivan,” said the eager Nikolai.
Nikolai sent the groom to call his sister and Petya to him and walked at a walk to the place where the riders were collecting the hounds. Several hunters galloped to the scene of the fight.
Nikolai got off his horse and stopped next to the hounds with Natasha and Petya riding up, waiting for information about how the matter would end. A fighting hunter with a fox in torokas rode out from behind the edge of the forest and approached the young master. He took off his hat from afar and tried to speak respectfully; but he was pale, out of breath, and his face was angry. One of his eyes was black, but he probably didn’t know it.
-What did you have there? – Nikolai asked.
- Of course, he will poison from under our hounds! And my mousey bitch caught it. Go and sue! Enough for the fox! I'll give him a ride as a fox. Here she is, in Toroki. Do you want this?...” said the hunter, pointing to the dagger and probably imagining that he was still talking to his enemy.
Nikolai, without talking to the hunter, asked his sister and Petya to wait for him and went to the place where this hostile Ilaginskaya hunt was.
The victorious hunter rode into the crowd of hunters and there, surrounded by sympathetic curious people, told his exploit.
The fact was that Ilagin, with whom the Rostovs were in a quarrel and trial, was hunting in places that, according to custom, belonged to the Rostovs, and now, as if on purpose, he ordered to drive up to the island where the Rostovs were hunting, and allowed him to poison his hunter from under other people’s hounds.
Nikolai never saw Ilagin, but as always, in his judgments and feelings, not knowing the middle, according to rumors about the violence and willfulness of this landowner, he hated him with all his soul and considered him his worst enemy. He now rode towards him, embittered and agitated, tightly clutching the arapnik in his hand, in full readiness for the most decisive and dangerous actions against his enemy.
As soon as he left the ledge of the forest, he saw a fat gentleman in a beaver cap on a beautiful black horse, accompanied by two stirrups, moving towards him.
Instead of an enemy, Nikolai found in Ilagin a personable, courteous gentleman, who especially wanted to get to know the young count. Having approached Rostov, Ilagin lifted his beaver cap and said that he was very sorry for what happened; that he orders to punish the hunter who allowed himself to be poisoned by other people's dogs, asks the count to be acquainted and offers him his places for hunting.
Natasha, afraid that her brother would do something terrible, rode not far behind him in excitement. Seeing that the enemies were bowing in a friendly manner, she drove up to them. Ilagin raised his beaver cap even higher in front of Natasha and, smiling pleasantly, said that the Countess represented Diana both by her passion for hunting and by her beauty, about which he had heard a lot.
Ilagin, in order to make amends for the guilt of his hunter, urgently asked Rostov to go to his eel, which was a mile away, which he kept for himself and in which, according to him, there were hares. Nikolai agreed, and the hunt, having doubled in size, moved on.
It was necessary to walk to the Ilaginsky eel through fields. The hunters straightened out. The gentlemen rode together. Uncle, Rostov, Ilagin secretly glanced at other people's dogs, trying so that others would not notice, and anxiously looked for rivals for their dogs among these dogs.
Rostov was especially struck by her beauty by a small pure-dog, narrow, but with steel muscles, a thin muzzle and bulging black eyes, a red-spotted bitch in Ilagin’s pack. He had heard about the agility of the Ilagin dogs, and in this beautiful bitch he saw his Milka’s rival.
In the middle of a sedate conversation about this year's harvest, which Ilagin started, Nikolai pointed out to him his red-spotted bitch.
- This bitch is good! – he said in a casual tone. - Rezva?
- This? Yes, this is a good dog, it catches,” Ilagin said in an indifferent voice about his red-spotted Erza, for which a year ago he gave his neighbor three families of servants. “So you, Count, don’t boast about threshing?” – he continued the conversation he had started. And considering it polite to repay the young count in kind, Ilagin examined his dogs and chose Milka, who caught his eye with her width.
- This black-spotted one is good - okay! - he said.
“Yes, nothing, he’s jumping,” answered Nikolai. “If only a seasoned hare ran into the field, I would show you what kind of dog this is!” he thought, and turning to the stirrup, he said that he would give a ruble to anyone who suspected, that is, found a lying hare.
“I don’t understand,” Ilagin continued, “how other hunters are envious of the beast and the dogs.” I'll tell you about myself, Count. It makes me happy, you know, to take a ride; Now you’ll get together with such a company... what’s better (he again took off his beaver cap in front of Natasha); and this is to count the skins, how many I brought - I don’t care!
- Well, yes.
- Or so that I would be offended that someone else’s dog catches it, and not mine - I just want to admire the baiting, right, Count? Then I judge...
“Atu - him,” a drawn-out cry was heard at that time from one of the stopped Greyhounds. He stood on a half-mound of stubble, raising his arapnik, and once again repeated in a drawn-out manner: “A—tu—him!” (This sound and the raised arapnik meant that he saw a hare lying in front of him.)
“Oh, I suspected it,” Ilagin said casually. - Well, let's poison him, Count!
- Yes, we need to drive up... yes - well, together? - Nikolai answered, peering at Erza and the red Scolding uncle, two of his rivals with whom he had never managed to match his dogs. “Well, they’ll cut my Milka out of my ears!” he thought, moving towards the hare next to his uncle and Ilagin.
- Seasoned? - Ilagin asked, moving towards the suspicious hunter, and not without excitement, looking around and whistling to Erza...
- And you, Mikhail Nikanorych? - he turned to his uncle.
The uncle rode frowning.
- Why should I meddle, because yours are pure marching! - in the village they pay for the dog, your thousands. You try on yours, and I’ll take a look!
- Scold! On, on,” he shouted. - Swearing! - he added, involuntarily using this diminutive to express his tenderness and hope placed in this red dog. Natasha saw and felt the excitement hidden by these two old men and her brother and was worried herself.
The hunter stood on the half-hill with a raised arapnik, the gentlemen approached him at a step; the hounds, walking on the very horizon, turned away from the hare; the hunters, not the gentlemen, also drove away. Everything moved slowly and sedately.
-Where is your head lying? - Nikolai asked, approaching a hundred paces towards the suspicious hunter. But before the hunter had time to answer, the hare, sensing the frost by tomorrow morning, could not stand still and jumped up. A pack of hounds on bows, with a roar, rushed downhill after the hare; from all sides the greyhounds, who were not in the pack, rushed at the hounds and the hare. All these slowly moving hunters are screaming: stop! knocking down the dogs, the greyhounds shout: atu! guiding the dogs, they galloped across the field. Calm Ilagin, Nikolai, Natasha and uncle flew, not knowing how or where, seeing only dogs and a hare, and only fearing to lose sight of the course of the persecution even for a moment. The hare was seasoned and playful. Jumping up, he did not immediately gallop, but moved his ears, listening to the screaming and stomping that suddenly came from all sides. He jumped ten times slowly, allowing the dogs to approach him, and finally, having chosen the direction and realizing the danger, he put his ears to the ground and rushed at full speed. He was lying on the stubble, but in front there were green fields through which it was muddy. The two dogs of the suspicious hunter, who were closest, were the first to look and lay after the hare; but they had not yet moved far towards him, when the Ilaginskaya red-spotted Erza flew out from behind them, approached a dog's distance, with terrible speed attacked, aiming at the hare's tail and thinking that she had grabbed it, rolled head over heels. The hare arched his back and kicked even harder. Wide-bottomed, black-spotted Milka came out from behind Erza and quickly began to sing to the hare.
- Honey! mother! – Nikolai’s triumphant cry was heard. It seemed that Milka would strike and catch the hare, but she caught up and rushed past. The Rusak moved away. The beautiful Erza swooped in again and hung over the hare’s very tail, as if trying to grab him by the back thigh so as not to make a mistake now.
- Erzanka! sister! – Ilagin’s voice was heard crying, not his own. Erza did not heed his pleas. At the very moment when one should have expected her to grab the hare, he whirled and rolled out to the line between the greenery and the stubble. Again Erza and Milka, like a pair of drawbars, aligned themselves and began to sing to the hare; at the turn it was easier for the hare; the dogs did not approach him so quickly.
- Scold! Swearing! Pure march! - shouted at that time another new voice, and Rugai, his uncle’s red, humpbacked dog, stretching out and arching his back, caught up with the first two dogs, moved out from behind them, kicked with terrible selflessness right over the hare, knocked him off the line onto the green, Another time he pushed even harder through the dirty greens, drowning up to his knees, and you could only see how he rolled head over heels, getting his back dirty in the mud, with the hare. The star of dogs surrounded him. A minute later everyone was standing near the crowded dogs. One happy uncle got down and walked away. Shaking the hare so that the blood would drain, he looked around anxiously, running his eyes, unable to find a position for his arms and legs, and spoke, not knowing with whom or what.
“This is a matter of march... here is a dog... here he pulled out everyone, both thousandths and rubles - a pure matter of march!” he said, gasping and looking around angrily, as if scolding someone, as if everyone were his enemies, everyone had offended him, and only now he finally managed to justify himself. “Here are the thousandths for you - a pure march!”
- Scold me, fuck off! - he said, throwing the cut-off paw with the earth stuck on it; – deserved it – pure march!
“She pulled out all the stops, gave three runs on her own,” Nikolai said, also not listening to anyone, and not caring whether they listened to him or not.
- What the hell is this! - said Ilaginsky the stirrup.
“Yes, as soon as she stopped short, every mongrel will catch you from stealing,” said Ilagin at the same time, red-faced, barely catching his breath from the galloping and excitement. At the same time, Natasha, without taking a breath, squealed joyfully and enthusiastically so shrilly that her ears were ringing. With this screech she expressed everything that other hunters also expressed in their one-time conversation. And this squeal was so strange that she herself should have been ashamed of this wild squeal and everyone should have been surprised by it if it had been at another time.
The uncle himself pulled the hare back, deftly and smartly threw him over the back of the horse, as if reproaching everyone with this throwing, and with such an air that he didn’t even want to talk to anyone, sat on his kaurago and rode away. Everyone except him, sad and offended, left and only long after could they return to their former pretense of indifference. For a long time they looked at the red Rugay, who, with his hunchbacked back and dirt stained, rattling his iron, with the calm look of a winner, walked behind the legs of his uncle’s horse.
“Well, I’m the same as everyone else when it comes to bullying. Well, just hang in there!” It seemed to Nikolai that the appearance of this dog spoke.
When, long after, the uncle drove up to Nikolai and spoke to him, Nikolai was flattered that his uncle, after everything that had happened, still deigned to speak with him.

When Ilagin said goodbye to Nikolai in the evening, Nikolai found himself at such a far distance from home that he accepted his uncle’s offer to leave the hunt to spend the night with him (with his uncle), in his village of Mikhailovka.
- And if they came to see me, it would be a pure march! - said the uncle, even better; you see, the weather is wet, the uncle said, if we could rest, the countess would be taken in a droshky. “Uncle’s proposal was accepted, a hunter was sent to Otradnoye for the droshky; and Nikolai, Natasha and Petya went to see their uncle.
About five people, large and small, courtyard men ran out onto the front porch to meet the master. Dozens of women, old, big and small, leaned out from the back porch to watch the approaching hunters. The presence of Natasha, a woman, a lady on horseback, brought the curiosity of the uncle's servants to such limits that many, not embarrassed by her presence, came up to her, looked into her eyes and in her presence made their comments about her, as if about a miracle being shown, which is not a person, and cannot hear or understand what is said about him.
- Arinka, look, she’s sitting on her side! She sits herself, and the hem dangles... Look at the horn!
- Father of the world, that knife...
- Look, Tatar!
- How come you didn’t somersault? - said the bravest one, directly addressing Natasha.
The uncle got off his horse at the porch of his wooden house overgrown with a garden and, looking around at his household, shouted imperiously for the extra ones to leave and for everything necessary to be done for receiving guests and hunting.
Everything ran away. Uncle took Natasha off the horse and led her by the hand along the shaky plank steps of the porch. The house, unplastered, with log walls, was not very clean - it was not clear that the purpose of the people living was to keep it stain-free, but there was no noticeable neglect.
It smelled in the hallway fresh apples, and wolf and fox skins hung. Through the front hall, the uncle led his guests into a small hall with a folding table and red chairs, then into a living room with a birch round table and a sofa, then into an office with a torn sofa, a worn carpet and with portraits of Suvorov, the owner’s father and mother, and himself in a military uniform . There was a strong smell of tobacco and dogs in the office. In the office, the uncle asked the guests to sit down and make themselves at home, and he himself left. Scolding, his back not cleaned, entered the office and lay down on the sofa, cleaning himself with his tongue and teeth. From the office there was a corridor in which screens with torn curtains could be seen. Women's laughter and whispers could be heard from behind the screens. Natasha, Nikolai and Petya undressed and sat on the sofa. Petya leaned on his arm and immediately fell asleep; Natasha and Nikolai sat in silence. Their faces were burning, they were very hungry and very cheerful. They looked at each other (after the hunt, in the room, Nikolai no longer considered it necessary to show his male superiority in front of his sister); Natasha winked at her brother, and both did not hold back for long and laughed loudly, not yet having time to think of an excuse for their laughter.
A little later, the uncle came in wearing a Cossack jacket, blue trousers and small boots. And Natasha felt that this very suit, in which she had seen her uncle with surprise and mockery in Otradnoye, was a real suit, which was no worse than frock coats and tails. Uncle was also cheerful; Not only was he not offended by the laughter of his brother and sister (it could not enter his head that they could laugh at his life), but he himself joined in their causeless laughter.
- That’s how the young countess is - a pure march - I’ve never seen another like it! - he said, handing one pipe with a long shank to Rostov, and placing the other short, cut shank with the usual gesture between three fingers.
“I left for the day, at least on time for the man and as if nothing had happened!”
Soon after the uncle, the door opened; judging by the sound of her feet, a girl was obviously barefoot, and a fat, ruddy, beautiful woman 40 years old, with a double chin, and full, rosy lips. She, with hospitable presence and attractiveness in her eyes and every movement, looked around at the guests and bowed respectfully to them with a gentle smile. Despite her greater-than-usual thickness, which forced her to stick her chest and stomach forward and hold her head back, this woman (the uncle’s housekeeper) walked extremely lightly. She walked up to the table, put down the tray and deftly with her white, plump hands removed and placed bottles, snacks and treats on the table. Having finished this, she walked away and stood at the door with a smile on her face. - “Here I am!” Do you understand uncle now?” her appearance told Rostov. How not to understand: not only Rostov, but also Natasha understood her uncle and the meaning of the frowning eyebrows, and the happy, self-satisfied smile that slightly wrinkled his lips as Anisya Fedorovna entered. On the tray were herbalist, liqueurs, mushrooms, cakes of black flour on yuraga, comb honey, boiled and sparkling honey, apples, raw and roasted nuts and nuts in honey. Then Anisya Fedorovna brought jam with honey and sugar, and ham, and freshly fried chicken.
All this was Anisya Feodorovna’s farming, collecting and jamming. All this smelled and resonated and tasted like Anisya Fedorovna. Everything resonated with richness, purity, whiteness and a pleasant smile.

(b. October 21, 1950, Chargyn-Tash village, Suzak district, Osh region, Kirghiz SSR) - Russian statesman, chief state sanitary doctor of Russia (since 1996), Head of Rospotrebnadzor(since 2004). Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia and Kyrgyzstan, Honorary Railway Worker, Member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Public Organization “National Health League”.

In 1973 Gennady Onishchenko Graduated from the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty of the Donetsk State Medical Institute with a degree in sanitary doctor.
From 1973 to 1987 Onishchenko worked in the system of the USSR Ministry of Railways, first as an epidemiologist, then in leadership positions at various levels. In 1982 he became the chief sanitary doctor of the Moscow Metro, and in 1983 - the head of the central sanitary and epidemiological station of the USSR Ministry of Railways.

Onishchenko participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, during the First Chechen War, was kidnapped by militants.
In June 2009 Eduard Kokoity presented Gennady Onishchenko with a passport of a citizen of South Ossetia and the highest award of the republic - the Order of Honor

Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko

In the summer of 1996, Onishchenko became Acting Chairman of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, and in the fall - first deputy minister of health and Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia.

He gained fame in 2000 when he demanded strengthen state control over the production and advertising of beer. In 2003, he spoke a lot in the media about the threat of the SARS pandemic, and since 2004, he has actively drawn public attention to the danger associated with the bird flu pandemic.

Gennady Onishchenko as head of Rospotrebnadzor

Since March 2004, Onishchenko has headed Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor).

In March 2006, Rospotrebnadzor completely banned the import of Georgian and Moldavian wines to Russia, citing this step as a significant part of them not meeting sanitary standards. The Georgian leadership recognized the presence of a large mass of counterfeits on the Georgian wine market and opened criminal cases against the management of a number of wineries. According to a poll by VTsIOM, 71% of the Russian population supported the restrictions introduced Gennady Onishchenko.

In October 2007 Gennady Onishchenko The ban on the import of Moldovan wines was lifted.
On June 6, 2009, Rospotrebnadzor banned the import of almost 500 types of dairy products from Belarus, and then another 800 due to the fact that Belarusian producers did not reissue documents in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations for milk. The Belarusian delegation did not come to the CSTO summit (June 15, 2009) in Moscow, explaining its step by “economic discrimination” on the part of one of the CSTO countries.

G. G. Onishchenko substantiated the expediency of Rospotrebnadzor’s application of the provisions of Article 1065 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which it is possible to file claims in arbitration courts to prohibit activities that create a risk of causing harm in the future. Article “Administrative suspension of activities as a type of punishment and prohibition of relevant activities in order to prevent harm in the future” (magazine “Executive Law” No. 2, 2008), written by the head of the legal service Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the city of St. Petersburg by Igor Solomonis, became a practical guide for Rospotrebnadzor employees.

In December 2008 Gennady Onishchenko proposed new radical measures to combat smoking. He stated that it is necessary to prohibit consumption in Russia, and not only on the street, but also the sale and production of cigarettes.
Onishchenko explained that such measures should not be introduced immediately, but after a scientifically based transition period, based on the results of the implementation of a special program. It is in this context that the issue of combating smoking in the European Union is now being discussed, he added.