Are you afraid to communicate? How to communicate with a girl correctly. How to learn to talk to a girl correctly: all the secrets of effective communication.

07.11.2018 Relationship

Millions of guys want to understand how to learn to communicate with girls.

There are dozens of ways, and you will learn about each of them right now!

But get ready for the fact that there are no magic methods for dating. You'll have to learn by trial and error!

At a certain age, it is already difficult for a man to approach girls on foot.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Let's start talking to the girl

How to start communicating with a girl? The secret is simple - you need to learn to flirt!

If the conversation turns out dull and not emotional, then you shouldn’t count on a productive relationship. Flirting seriously enlivens communication and can make it fun.

Remember the incidents in your life when some girl refused you. You may not be a sad man, but the woman thought so. It's all about what impression a person leaves about himself. In the very first minute of communication, it gives the girl the main idea about you. And the girl is forming specific attitude to the guy.

Forget forever about the unknown “magic phrases” that you need to say to your chosen one. They don't exist! All that is required is proper and unobtrusive flirting. Don't be afraid to show your own intentions. The girl is waiting for some sign from you. Otherwise, you will find yourself in the “friend zone” and are unlikely to get out of it.

In response to your flirting, the girl will begin to respond in a playful manner. Then the task becomes much easier for you. The most important thing is not to be afraid. Even if the girl reacts negatively, she will still create the impression of you as a cheerful guy.

Chatting with a girl on the Internet

How to communicate with a girl on VK and others in social networks? The problem plagues millions of guys.

Where to start a conversation online? The first thing that comes to mind is to simply add to beautiful girl as friends and immediately ask trivialities. Among them:

  • “How are you doing?”;
  • "What are you doing right now?";
  • "How are you?".
We want to learn as much as possible about our new acquaintance and stir up communication. I want the girl to start answering with interest. After that, in theory, you hope to take her phone number and ask her out on a date. However, the reality is harsher. Below you will learn how to properly communicate with a girl.

Cute and sweet girls receive dozens of similar questions every day. If a guy is more handsome than you, then it’s easy to lose in the competition. There is another strategy - to distance yourself from other men and act differently. There is only one solution - you have to develop your imagination.

The second problem with most guys is the lack social activity. Successful men are constantly dating someone, they have friends. They regularly party at parties and meet new people. These guys go to movie premieres. In other words, their lives are exciting and cool.

What happens to them is an excellent reason to meet and communicate with a girl on the Internet. The girl develops a certain interest in such a guy. After all, he has many connections and there is something to discuss with him. A person with versatile thinking attracts other people.

You can always cast a fishing rod. Let's take a common topic of conversation: music. Monitor the girl's page to see what she's listening to. For example, on her wall there are photos from a party dedicated to the Disco of the 80s. You can freely write to her in a message something like: “Wow, you were at this party! I like dance music too! I personally go to a section where I study modern dance. And in general I love parties like this!”

This is the only way you will know what the girl’s attitude is towards this. Moreover, you don’t get into her soul, but just talk about music.

The most important thing is to be “on the wave”. If you are not on it, then you are nowhere. Girls prefer promising guys. When a girl is interested in you, start “taking the bull by the horns.” There should be dynamics in the correspondence. Now you have every right to ask about personal things and hint at a meeting.

Topics for communicating with a girl on the Internet

There are 5 main topics on which you can develop a conversation now.

Ask her:

  • what she gets pleasure from in her life;
  • how she would feel if she started dancing with a new partner;
  • what kind of job she dreams of or where she wants to live (an understanding of the girl’s priorities arises);
  • what would she do if she won a million dollars (the question assumes an understanding of financial priorities);
  • how she sees her future life.
Next, take the phone number. Now you understand how to start communicating with a girl on the Internet and VK in particular.

How to communicate with a girl on the phone?

You have already met a girl and want to call her to invite her for a walk. Don't put things off for a long time.

After meeting each other a day, take out your phone and dial your new friend. A convenient time to call is during the day or evening, when she has already returned home from work and has not yet had time to do anything.

It is important to realize that every girl has her own daily routine. You should decide in advance where you will take your new crush on a date. Don't forget to think about where you will meet her. If you ask a girl: “Where would you like to go?”, she will name a place that is inconvenient for a guy. Moreover, this way you will flaunt your insecurity and disorganization.

How to talk to a girl on the phone when you're nervous?

There are many techniques in psychology on how to get rid of anxiety. But the best is regular communication practice. If this becomes a habit for you, then you will worry much less. Imagine that you are talking to one of your good friends - there is no excitement, right? We always talk to guys in a natural manner.

When you call a girl, imagine that she is standing next to you. Just communicate out loud. Imagine that the girl reacts wonderfully to your phrases and laughs sincerely. Then freely dial her number. Tune in to the dialogue and to speak positively and confidently.

One mistake that guys often make is that they speak more interrogatively. For example: “Maybe we can meet tomorrow? Shall we take a walk? Uncertainty is felt from the very first word.

Keep in mind the first phrase with which communication will begin. You can joke or come up with a personal signature “trick” in your own calls. Be sure to ask if the girl is comfortable talking now. The general attitude you should take is that she should take the time to talk to you. But you shouldn’t forget about politeness.

In the future, it will be easier to communicate with a girl on the phone if your brain has already compiled a list of topics that you can talk about.

You're a guy. It's up to you to achieve.
I'm a girl. I don't give a fuck...
author unknown

Among these topics:
  • girl's mood;
  • what cool thing happened to her;
  • what you yourself were doing right now (it will be better if you write everything in a light favorable to yourself);
  • any communities connecting you;
  • funny situations with you and your friends.

Now let's talk about how long it should last phone conversation. If you know how to flirt, communication can take more than five minutes. And this is great, because you give the girl additional emotions.

When you feel like the conversation is going on too long, you need to make a call to action. A striking example of this is the proposal for a meeting. Then end the phone call.

What to do if a girl doesn't want to communicate?

Do you remember situations when the girl you liked refused to go somewhere with you? Then know that you are not the only one asking the question: “What to do if a girl doesn’t want to communicate?” Psychologically weak guys will become depressed because of such a minor problem. The strong will continue to enjoy life.

But, if you have an urge to meet a specific girl, then there is still a way out. And personal growth will help you.

If you want to change the world, then you need to start with yourself. You need to strive for the ideal, and you will feel happiness. What do we have to do?

  • Read serious books;
  • Explore interesting ideas;
  • Exercise regularly;
  • Find other methods of self-improvement.
One day you will be surprised to discover that girls themselves begin to flirt with you. Perhaps your object of former attention will look at you differently.


Now you know everything about how to communicate with a girl. Using the tips, you will succeed constantly.

How do you talk to the girls you like? Share personal experience in comments!

In order to know exactly in which direction to communicate, you should determine in advance what type the chosen girl is. Conventionally, women can be divided into several types:

Cold, smart

These girls have a very high opinion of themselves. They are successful and self-confident. They treat guys with a degree of self-interest and commercialism, assessing what he can give them. In communication we are used to leading and manipulating. Cool and smart girls look down on guys, constantly testing their strength. Their goal is to determine what the young person is like and whether he can be useful to them.

How should you communicate with such a girl? During the dialogue, it is important to make it clear that in front of her is no less successful, high-status person than herself. And better - more successful, status and wealthy. In this case, it is necessary to demonstrate the presence of intelligence, as well as the ability to conduct a conversation. The main thing is to evoke true respect on her part. And one more thing - let her think that the guy may even be superior to her in some ways;

Warm, soulful

Such a girl is kind, emotional, sensual, gentle. She, like an actress, can be either a playful, defenseless girl or a real fury. Women belonging to this type often have a creative profession.

How to communicate with such a girl so that she falls in love? You need to be sincere, show her your inner world, open up. Be honest, don’t embellish or exaggerate anything - demonstrate yourself as you really are. She will certainly appreciate it. And also give her compliments not only about her wonderful appearance, but also about her rich inner world and moral qualities.

Hot, sexy

These ladies love sexual pleasures. They are easy to find in clubs, where they look for adventure and successfully find it. They only want to satisfy their sexual needs, so learning the intricacies of communicating with them is unnecessary. Everything here is too simple and accessible.

Starting communication: how to win a girl over

How to communicate with a girl correctly so that she feels genuine interest in you?

  1. Accept her as she is. Don’t evaluate, don’t label, but simply communicate with her, study her. Relax, enjoy the dialogue with the girl. This will cause a response on her part: she will feel comfortable, relax and simply enjoy communication. This is a wonderful foundation for future relationships.
  2. Find common interests with her. To do this, you need to find out what she is interested in. This is already an interesting topic of conversation - asking about her hobbies. After all, almost all people love it when people are interested in their lives, and a girl will be flattered by this. This way you can kill two birds with one stone - learn more about her and make a good impression. At the same time, you should not turn communication into interrogation. Phrases should not consist only of questions. It’s better to dilute the conversation with words like “I, too, have always dreamed of trying to do this,” “This is interesting,” “Great! I’m also interested in this,” etc. If among the hobbies she listed there is really something that attracts both of you, great, you have a common topic for conversation on future dates. Or maybe a general activity.
  3. Choose an interesting topic for conversation. This point logically follows from the previous one. Knowing the interests of a girl, communicating with her will be quite easy. During the process, it is advisable to ask her provocative questions, and the dialogue will be dynamic. Girls like interesting, unusual interlocutors.

Basic rules for communicating with a girl

  1. Establish a connection. To do this, during a dialogue you need to flirt with her: add humor to the conversation, look her in the eyes, make implicit compliments. The girl must understand that she is seen not only as a friend, but also as a desirable woman, a potential lover.
  2. Concentrate on your internal state. A person’s sense of self is extremely important. A guy should be in harmony with himself, radiating confidence and positive emotions. It is important to feel confident, successful, cool, and the girl will perceive the guy exactly like that.
  3. Don't underestimate your own value. Any information about yourself can be presented in different ways. For example, if you work in a small company where you occupy a low position for not very much money. At the same time, you rent a one-room car and drive a used Opel. You need to tell about yourself differently. You work in a promising company where you occupy a valuable position. You perform well in this position, and you will probably get a promotion. The rented apartment has a good location and a stylish interior that you have worked on. And you bought the car (which, by the way, is in perfect condition) is exactly the brand you always wanted.
  4. Be frank in dialogue. Don't be afraid to express your dissatisfaction with something or a negative opinion. This will help the girl take into account her mistakes and give her the opportunity to become even better.

How can you not offend her? You need to be extremely correct when choosing words and tone. For example, you are not satisfied with the way the girl dressed. Tell her that she has a great figure, but these jeans change her silhouette for the worse. Remember the items in her wardrobe that show off her stunning beauty and tell her about it. Or offer to buy her something that you both like.

How to behave when communicating with a woman

How should you communicate with a girl to gain her trust? The following rules must be adhered to:

  • be good listener. Don't interrupt, listen to the end. Women feel very subtly when they are listened to with interest, and when - indifferently;
  • show optimism and determination. Girls love men who never lose heart and can find a way out of any situation. You need to demonstrate to her that she will be like behind a stone wall with you, and this will be a serious help for your future relationship;
  • take the initiative. Women value responsible, active, confident men, so it is important to demonstrate your willingness to solve everything for two. For example, choose the time and place of the next date yourself, offering the girl this option.

What not to do when communicating with a woman!

  1. Talk about your problems and failures. It is important to give the impression of a successful, self-confident, strong man, and not a whiner and a weakling.
  2. “Test” a girl for the role of a wife. There is no need to turn into a boss looking for a multifunctional subordinate. You need to be delicate and just enjoy communicating with a woman you like.

A flood of questions related to children, plans to work/not work, and the ability to manage a household will be unnecessary on initial dates.

  1. On first dates, touch on topics related to politics, religion, work, and study. The most that can be told is a funny incident from student life. Talking about purely masculine topics (football, beer, war) is also prohibited unless you want the lady to get bored.
  2. Wasting time on empty chatter. To prevent a girl from perceiving a guy as a “girlfriend,” you don’t need to talk to her about purely feminine topics. IN It is important to immediately make your intentions clear and demonstrate your interest in her.

Remember: empty, aimless chatter is a real killer of relationships, which can destroy them in their infancy. Therefore, you should avoid such dialogues, presenting yourself as a real man.

If you really care about the impression you make on a girl, be sincere and as confident as possible. Think about what you say, but don't feel stressed. The state of the interlocutor is conveyed to the girl. In dialogue, avoid making mistakes such as:

  • filling pauses with stupid jokes and other nonsense. Don't be afraid of silence. Girls are embarrassed not so much by pauses in the dialogue as by the nervousness emanating from the guy. Behave calmly, do not engage in soul-searching, frantically looking for a topic for conversation. It’s better to honestly and sincerely admit: “Listen, I’m so embarrassed, I don’t even know what to talk about. I guess I'm speechless from... (insert cute compliment here)."
  • !

    How to interest a girl on the street?

    What should you do to get a girl to agree to meet you on the street? There are two things to note Special attention:

  1. Appearance. Take the time to look after yourself to look your best. Pay attention to every little detail: accessories, clothes, hairstyle, the smell of deodorant. All guys like well-groomed girls. Women are also attracted to men who take care of themselves and their appearance.
  2. Self confidence. Forget about complexes. There should be a welcoming smile on your face, your back straight, your shoulders back. Be confident in your attractiveness, and the girl will be infected with this idea even before communication begins.

How to change the subject or interrupt a conversation?

If you are tired of talking about a certain topic and want to ask a girl a question from a completely different area, do the following. Listen carefully to what she says and look for clues that can become a “bridge” from one topic to another.

For example, you want to talk to her about her family, but she is talking about fashion. You can insert a phrase that your sister is also into fashion, and tell some incident related to clothes, your sister, and also your family. After this, it would be appropriate to ask about her family.

If you need to interrupt the conversation completely, then first listen to the girl without interrupting her. Then politely say that it's time for you to go and that you were glad to talk to her.

Showing sensitivity and respect will ensure that communication ends on a positive note.

Chatting in Internet

How should you communicate with a girl in virtual reality? Just like in life. But there is one important point - you should not delay such communication. After a couple of days of emotional correspondence, which was pleasant for both of you, you need to take her number and call her on a first date. Take the initiative, demonstrate self-confidence and a desire to get to know her better, and she will definitely reciprocate.

To win a woman's affection, you need to communicate with her correctly. Study it, show open interest, be sensitive but unobtrusive. Show maximum respect, sincerity and self-confidence, because these are the qualities that are most attractive to the fair sex. How to cook corn on the cob so that it is tasty and juicy. How to cook rice so that it is crumbly. The right way

how to cook fluffy rice

Communication is a very important factor when meeting and further relationships with a girl. A lot depends on WHAT, and most importantly, HOW you say, so if you think that you already know how to do everything, then you are mistaken. Often all these compliments and tackles look stupid, terrible and ridiculous. The main goal of proper communication is to instill trust in your interlocutor, as well as to create a positive emotional state. Because often a girl is guided by emotions, not logic, so if she feels good and comfortable in communication with you, then she will consider you as a person with whom she can build a relationship. I’ll give you some sensible tips on how to talk to a girl that will help you not get confused and feel confident - and this is very important, as you probably already understand.

10 points on how to communicate with a girl correctly

1. When communicating with a girl, do not be boring.

Your speech should evoke certain emotions in the girl, and not the desire to fall asleep. Being around you shouldn't make her feel like she's sitting in a lecture with the most boring professor in the world. It doesn’t matter what exactly you say, if at the same time you try to tell everything emotionally and interestingly, consider that you have already done half the work. Of course, women love smart and erudite men, but at the same time we should not forget about the amount of excitement and interest that, in theory, you should arouse in her.

2. Speak slowly and quietly.

If you jabber too much, then at a minimum, she will not have time to understand anything, and at most, she will become uninterested, because your speech will have too little emotional content. Too much information will only make her feel tired and even irritated, and this is clearly not the effect you intended to achieve. As for the volume of your speech, it also plays an important role in communication. Of course, if this is your first date, then you can speak in your usual normal tone, but if it comes to some kind of intimacy, then too loud sounds may frighten her and turn her away from you. If you speak at least half a tone lower than usual, then she will have to listen to what you say, and, therefore, be closer to you. Not the worst response, right?

3. Talk little.

There is no need to immediately lay out to her the entire flow of information that is contained in your head. After all, you came on a date and the most important object on which you should concentrate all your attention is the girl. Therefore, even if you like to talk, then talk about her, ask questions, be interested in her life, and secretly say only what she asks you, and not everything at once. This will contain a certain moment of play and intrigue, and girls love this combination.

4. Use a chest voice.

A chest voice has a very cool effect on women and causes a special effect. But here it is very important to understand exactly when it will be appropriate. For example, if you just met, or this is your first date, then communicate with her normally, as you always do in life. But if everything has already moved from a dead point and you realized that she was clearly interested in you, and you in her, then a chesty voice will be just right.

5. Be original.

Although this advice is quite banal, many guys very often forget about this and begin to burden the girl with their conversations about home, work, pets and other nonsense. Remember, even if you tell her about your job, try to present it as if you have the coolest and most interesting job in the world. The same rule applies to other aspects of your life - surprise, don’t be like everyone else, make her want to meet you again, because you are more interesting than all her friends.

6. Ask the right questions.

If you ask questions that can be answered with a dry “yes” or “no,” you are unlikely to have an engaging conversation. Try to make her give you as many detailed answers as possible, then this will make her think about some things that she may not have thought about before. Namely, it is with you that she will understand or realize something new about herself. Believe me, girls appreciate it and remember such moments. But don’t turn your date into an interrogation; after all, she should be as comfortable as possible with you next to her.

7. Get to know each other.

Remember, you must inspire her trust, and this means that you will tell some facts about yourself as honestly as possible, but only those that you yourself consider necessary, appropriate and appropriate. Tell her something about your family, usually girls draw conclusions about a guy based on how he treats his mother, and his entire family in general. So you can tell a couple of cute stories, but try not to embellish them too much, otherwise it will turn out too stupid.

8. Turn on your imagination.

To prevent this from turning into banal chatter, ask her a few interesting questions where she could express herself. For example, ask her what she would do if she had a million dollars now? Or if suddenly at that moment three of her cherished wishes came true, what kind of wishes would they be? Come up with a couple more of these questions and you can find out a little more about your interlocutor.

9. Don't put pressure on her.

If suddenly the topic comes up about sex, then look first at her reaction, and only then continue the conversation. If she just stays quiet, smiles, and doesn't show any signs of objection or gently makes it clear that she doesn't like the topic, then move on calmly. But still, on the first date, I would not recommend you to immediately put pressure on her and talk about sex and similar topics.

10. Focus on her.

Girls love it when people show attention to them, and even more so in conversation. Therefore, you must remember that at the moment she is here, with you, and you must talk to HER as much as possible about HER. React to her jokes, show your interest in every possible way, ask her a lot of questions about her life, hobbies, plans - whatever. Then there is a great chance that she will like you and she will certainly want to continue communicating with such an interesting interlocutor like you - and this is exactly what you wanted, right?

The art of communicating with girls is the elusive ability, with the help of words, gestures, smiles and glances, to please the one you like. There is even a modern trend called “pickup”. Pick-up artists are men who can meet any beauty, start a conversation with her and “get” the coveted phone number as a trophy. Is this science of pickup so complicated? Is it really so difficult to please a girl when talking? Let's try to figure it out.

How to chat with a girl you know

Sometimes it happens that a classmate with whom you are friends likes you madly, but she treats you only as a friend. How to attract attention in this case?

First, start a conversation with her. Make a girl laugh, because if she laughs, she is already half conquered. You can chat about anything, as long as you find it interesting. Invite a friend for coffee, but playfully add, “Don’t think this is a date.” Subconsciously, she will begin to perceive the current situation as a date.
Communication should be easy and relaxed. You can casually ask her what type of guys she likes, and then jokingly ask the question “Am I not suitable?” The girl will perfectly understand all your hints and will begin to consider you as a man, and not a friend.

How to communicate with a stranger

Communication with a stranger is a completely different story, which has many pros and cons. On the one hand, you can show your good side, because the stranger doesn’t know you at all. On the other hand, you can fail without even starting communication. And don’t blame yourself or your abilities for this. The girl may simply not be in the mood for communication, or in general, she may have a jealous boyfriend.

  1. First you need to make eye contact. Look the girl straight in the eye with a confident look. Let her know that you like her. Catch each other and make eye contact several times.
  2. Look at her reaction. If she smiles, hides her eyes in embarrassment, or is nervous, celebrate - she's hooked. You can come over.
  3. If the person you love is sitting at the next table in a cafe, just walk up and ask, “Is it free here?” This one is simple and at the same time effective method as if asking the girl for approval to communicate with her. If she says yes, that means the green light has turned on for you.
  4. You can start the conversation by saying, “They make terrible coffee here, but there is this place that serves great coffee. Do you want me to show you?" The words should be spoken confidently and simply, as if you really think about the quality of the coffee.
  5. Don't forget to introduce yourself. Keep it simple and casual. Say “My name is Sasha, what’s yours?” The girl simply will not ignore such a question.
  6. Observe her words, manner of communication and facial expressions. Good sign, if she is flirtatious or even flirting with you. It’s bad if a girl crosses her arms over her chest and answers with rude, monosyllabic phrases - you haven’t won her over yet.
  7. Just kidding. You must win the girl over. The easiest way to do this is with laughter. However, do not joke about personal or sensitive topics. It's best to joke about something neutral, for example, “Yesterday I watched a movie about boxers, and in my dream I almost got knocked out.”
  8. Give her a subtle compliment. Tell her that she looks great and ask how she does it?
  9. Any girl loves to talk about herself. Ask her some question, for example, “Do you like to play sports?” While the girl is talking, show real interest in her words.
  10. It is very important to end the conversation on time. You can’t overload a girl during the first conversation, otherwise you will become too much for her. Half an hour will be enough to get acquainted. You should tell her that you really enjoyed the conversation and hint at continuing the conversation. For example, “My brother and I are going snowboarding this weekend, I’ll text you if I survive.” Such a casual joke will make her wait for your message. And further. Don't forget to exchange phone numbers, because if you don't, it will be difficult to find her, especially in a big city.

To “catch” a beautiful, stylish and elegant girl, you need to look the part. Even if you are a guy, you should not wear dirty, unkempt or wrinkled clothes. You should dress discreetly, but with taste. For example, stylish jeans, a fresh T-shirt and a fashionable sweatshirt. Clothes should not be pilled or washed out.

If you prefer a classic style, you need to be able to combine it. No sneakers with pants. If you are wearing a shirt and trousers, then you need to put your textbooks in your briefcase, and not carry them in your backpack out of habit.

It is very important to maintain hygiene. Girls always like well-groomed guys. You should not allow your nails to grow or grow. You can't get too much hair - get your hair cut on time. And further. You probably remember how the heroine of one of the Soviet films said that she couldn’t stand dirty shoes on men. I would like to note that few people like this - keep your shoes clean.

The right perfume can become a desirable aroma for a girl. It should be light and elusive. You shouldn’t pour a whole bottle on yourself – it’s vulgar. A few sprays will be enough.

Before you start communicating with a girl, you need to make sure whether there is attraction between you. And if you are attracted to each other, communication will begin by itself. And then you won’t have to choose topics for conversation and think about how you look from the outside. After all, natural communication between a man and a woman is inherent in us by nature. Let your interlocutor feel that she is safe, let her feel comfortable. And only after that you can start a long, interesting conversation.

Video: how to communicate with girls correctly

We guys are not taught to communicate with girls either at school or at university. But proper communication is important for getting to know each other and further developing relationships. What are the basic principles of talking to a girl?

How to communicate with a girl - topic features

When you don't know a girl well, she is not yet ready to open up to you. Therefore, you need to be very careful not to put yourself and her in an uncomfortable situation. The following topics are prohibited:

  • work, business and income;
  • health status;
  • personal life;
  • illness;
  • beliefs;
  • family problems.

Learn to change the topic smoothly. Use an open question. For example, you talked about flowers. Ask her: “Flowers - good gift. But perhaps you like other gifts? This way you can not only continue the conversation, but also decide on a present for her special day.

How to communicate with a girl - no testing

Just yesterday you met, and today you are considering her as a candidate for the vacancy of your future wife. Don't turn the conversation into an interview. The girl will not like to constantly talk about the peculiarities of preparing dishes, the regularity of washing clothes, or her own expenses for clothes and cosmetics. You could seriously offend her if you constantly treat her as a housewife. Perhaps she plans to become a successful lawyer or manager, and not cook you three meals a day.

If you both enjoy communication, this is the right conversation. If one of you is not comfortable, you need to change the topic, which we have already discussed.

Better think about what you can do to make her treat you better. You can do it in words, but better deal. Then you will get a good girlfriend or a faithful partner.

How to communicate with a girl - an interesting hobby

We only have one life, so we need to live it with pleasure. 3-5 original hobbies - and you already know what to talk about. Master snowboarding, travel, share your plans for the future, swim in the pool, go to the sauna, learn great photography, visit nightclubs or become a music lover. Take a closer look, there are a lot of interesting things around.
Try to find an activity that you can share with your girlfriend. A common hobby is not only a reason for conversation, but also good way get closer.

How to communicate with a girl - don't delay it

Many guys make the same mistake. They talk and talk until the girls get tired of it. Constant monologues about yourself should not take up the lion's share of the conversation. Don't forget that you have an interlocutor.

Try to end the conversation interesting place. When a girl looks at you enthusiastically. When he guesses your next word and you smile together. When she flirtatiously straightens her hair. Then she will look forward to the next meeting. The duration of the first conversation after meeting is no more than 1.5 hours.

How to communicate with a girl - compliments

New hairstyle stylish clothes, successful makeup is a good opportunity to praise the girl. Everyone is pleased if their efforts are noticed and appreciated.

It is much more important to learn about its advantages, which are invisible to the naked eye. Does she have special achievements in school or work, is she successful in learning a second language, or does she appreciate fiction? Just take an interest in what she does and you will get many tips for pleasant words addressed to her. Remember, if you don't give a compliment, someone else will.

Compliments must be sincere. Most girls can very easily determine where cheap words are and where real praise is. Therefore, look for what you really like in a girl. Then the words will come from the heart.

Read some classic books on communication and put what you learn into practice. Meet and talk to a wide variety of girls. Study their behavior by your words and actions. This way you will turn into a pleasant and confident interlocutor.