Fire department phone number from a mobile beeline. How to call an ambulance from Beeline

28.03.2019 Technique

Everyone knows how to call medical help from a landline phone, but many don’t even think about how to do it from a mobile phone. But situations are different and sometimes it becomes necessary to call an ambulance right from the street. The Beeline company has provided for everything in this case too and has created simple numbers that can be used in emergency situations.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

For several years now, a common system of emergency numbers has been in place for all operators. Now to call an ambulance from cell phone you can call the number back

which is relevant for all Russian mobile operators without exception.

Unified emergency phone numbers

  • – to contact the police;
  • – for communication with the fire department;
  • - to call an ambulance.
  • – to call the gas service.

Remember that promptly called service will help avoid serious consequences and even save a person’s life.

Calling an ambulance via 112

This number is useful in any emergency situation, not just for connecting to medical assistance. If the subscriber suddenly forgot the ambulance number or simply could not get through, they should dial , and the operator will redirect the call to the desired service.

You can call this number even when:

1. Zero balance;
2. Blocked or missing SIM card;
3. Stay anywhere in the Russian Federation.

Telephone numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile phone

The most efficient option for calling an ambulance is to call the service directly. For this, everyone mobile operator have their own numbers.

Information about how to call an ambulance from mobile MTS cannot help but come in handy, at any moment you or a person nearby may need first aid medical care. Considering that a mobile phone is always with its owner, you need to know how to use it correctly in emergency situations.

Making a call

Everyone knows that an ambulance can be called by dialing the combination 03. But this applies landlines. Nowadays, to know how to call an ambulance from an MTS mobile phone necessary, because cell phones are replacing landline telephones. Human life often depends on the speed of making the right decision.

It is important to know that regional operators in the territory Russian Federation establish special numbers used to dial emergency services. For example, from Beeline an ambulance is called by number 003, Skylink - 903. You can call an ambulance from a mobile MTS by dialing the combination on your phone 030.

A few years ago it was introduced new system emergency numbers, with its use a subscriber of any operator in Russia can call fire, gas, ambulance and other services. The single combination of numbers established for everyone requiring emergency medical assistance is 103. There is no charge for calls. If the SIM card is blocked or you are in a place located far from the operator’s tower, you can call an ambulance on an MTS mobile phone by dialing 112. You can call using these numbers even if there is no SIM card in the phone. When the phone has minimal signal cellular communication You can use the number 911. An answering machine will answer you, you will need to select option 3 and you will be connected to an operator to call an ambulance.

Basic Rules

How to call an ambulance through mobile phone MTS is clear, now it’s worth figuring out how to conduct a dialogue correctly. You must understand that the dispatcher receiving the call acts in accordance with a certain algorithm for receiving calls. The questions they are asked are predetermined; there is a real need to answer them. The task of the person receiving the call is to collect as much information as possible to determine the profile of the dispatched team. Giving the exact address, indicating from which street it is better to drive up, all this will save valuable time. An ambulance should be called when a person’s life is in danger.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any person located in the country has the right to free emergency medical care, which must be provided without presenting documents or even a medical insurance policy. In the right situation, you can call an ambulance and call a medical team. Phone 03 is known to everyone, but it is better to use it when you have a landline phone at hand. What is the correct way to call an ambulance from a mobile phone when, for example, you are in Moscow?


The numbers you need to call an ambulance from a mobile phone are different depending on the different operators cellular communications. To call an ambulance, MTS and Megafon subscribers need to dial 030, Beeline network subscribers - 003, Sky Link - 903. These numbers must be known to everyone, since calling an ambulance from a mobile phone at number 03 may not give desired result - some mobile phones do not support dialing numbers consisting of 2 digits.

Remember also that calls from mobile phones of any cellular operator to emergency service numbers (ambulance, police, fire and rescue, emergency gas service) are free. You can complete them even with a zero balance.

In addition to the above numbers, you can also use the single emergency number - 112. You can call this number if your SIM card is blocked, or if it is not there at all, as well as if you have a zero or negative balance.

Calling the right ambulance can reduce your wait time and possibly save the victim's life. Try to convey information to the operator as clearly and clearly as possible. You will definitely be asked certain questions that will take some time, so if the situation is really extreme and there are several victims, it is worth reporting this immediately, without waiting for the question. In addition, in the most serious cases, you can immediately call rescuers (01 from the city, 010 - MTS and Megafon, 001 - Beeline, 901 - Sky Link), they will call the ambulance themselves.

In large cities, the waiting time for an ambulance should not be more than 20 minutes. In small settlements there is no such exact figure, but assistance must be provided immediately. If you are suddenly unfairly denied an ambulance, immediately report it to the police.

Calling for help and other emergency services is carried out using numbers specially designed for this purpose. You can also use a single number, available for use anywhere in the country.


If you are in the area or any other place far from your mobile operator's tower, where the signal strength is low enough to call an ambulance from your mobile phone, use the single number 112. You can also use this number if your phone does not have a SIM card . Also, with a minimum signal level, you can call 911. In the automatic answering system, select option 3 - call an ambulance, after which you will be connected to an operator.

Use local numbers to call an ambulance when you are in the area. To do this, use dialing rules. First enter the plus sign, then write the code of your country and city (region). Enter your local emergency phone number and wait for the operator to respond. After that, indicate your location and provide information about the reason for the call.

When calling an ambulance in this way, you need to take into account the level of the received signal at your location, since these numbers are not emergency numbers for contacting the service using a mobile phone. Problems may also arise when entering a landline phone number in the region. In this case, please note that the city code may vary.

Helpful advice

It is best to use number 112.

In emergency situations, you cannot hesitate for a second, so you need to remember the numbers of the ambulance and rescue service by heart. Often people panic and cannot concentrate, forgetting a lot of important information that can save lives. loved one. Write down the ambulance numbers to call in Moscow so that you are always ready to quickly respond and call emergency service. In this article you will learn everything possible options calling an ambulance via mobile phone within Moscow.

Ambulance numbers in Moscow from different mobile operators

Some mobile operators They have their own numbers for calling an ambulance within the city, but a standard number will also call an ambulance.

  • Mobile operators MTS, Megafon and Tele2 provide additional number 030.
  • Beeline and Sky Link have a different number - 903.

By dialing these numbers, you too can get to the ambulance. Write them both down so you can call even from someone else's phone.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone in Moscow - unified rescue service

In Moscow, as throughout Russia, there are two general numbers:

Number 112 is considered the main number; you can call any service using it. You will be redirected to the correct number. This combination must be dialed on your phone if you have no money left in your account, there is no network signal, or there is no SIM card in your phone at all. You can always call 112.

The only downside to this service is that it is overloaded. Calls to 112 are made every second, so you will have to wait a while until the operator transfers you to an ambulance.

Ambulance number in Moscow

A few years ago, all numbers with the number “0” were initially replaced. Not all residents of the capital know about this, so they continue to use them.

How to call an ambulance in Moscow for mute people

Special video communication numbers have been created for the mute in the capital. Dial “1111” or “1112” in the video call section of your phone. The number is open from nine in the morning to seven in the evening, and is switched off on weekends. An operator will respond to you to interpret sign language.

You can also use the Skype number “mgohelp”.

All these services will help you translate sign language into speech.

When to call an ambulance and when to call a local police officer in Moscow

Remember that ambulance work, especially in the capital, is too busy. If you do not have acute pain and you are not sure of its source, then it is quite possible to wait for your local physician to be on call.

If you have a cold and need to get sick leave, then in severe cases they call a therapist, in mild cases they go to the clinic themselves.

If you have sharp pains, they do not allow you to breathe, move, and most importantly, they continue to intensify, then ambulance needed urgently.