Characteristics of fish by year of birth. Pisces zodiac sign child year of the dog

09.07.2019 Cell phones

Compatibility horoscope: Pisces zodiac sign child year of the dog - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Pisces Man – Dog

The Pisces-Dog man is decisive, pleasant to talk to and fair. He is always ready to lend a friendly shoulder and come to the rescue in difficult times.

If a Pisces-Dog man falls in love, it is already difficult for him to give up the relationship. By nature, he is a monogamist who is very worried about breakups.

Pisces Woman – Dog

The Pisces Dog is a good-natured, feminine and calm woman. She knows how to listen and give good advice. Such a lady always loves to be in cheerful company. At work, she is always content with what she has and does not strive to take a high position.

Pisces-Dog are tactful people who know how to correctly express their opinions. Thanks to diplomacy, they are able to resolve any conflict situations. Such people need to stop worrying about little things and become more self-confident.

Pisces Child

Pisces is perhaps the most mystical symbol of the zodiac. It completes the zodiac cycle, so its representatives can display both all the positive and negative qualities of the previous signs. But Pisces has its own characteristics that are not inherent in any other symbol. Even Cancer is inferior to them in mystery and mystery. Children born under this constellation are often endowed with the gift of prophecy. They have excellent intuition, a pure and vulnerable soul.

The Pisces child has a rich imagination and asks his parents difficult, sometimes strange questions early on. He cares about who he was in past life, where you will end up when this one ends. These kids start dreaming early prophetic dreams. Do not be afraid of the child’s unusual abilities, because in the future his intuition will help him accept right decisions and avoid danger. Pisces instantly absorb the mood of those around them, so it is important that they communicate only with kind and calm people.

Pisces Child Girl

A girl of this sign can be an example of childish innocence and purity. Now she smiles sweetly, and it seems that her smile makes the world brighter. But within five minutes a cloud of sadness will float across the little face, the child will withdraw and it will be extremely difficult to reach him. Baby Pisces has a very fickle mood, it changes without any reason. Her heightened emotionality has not changed over the years. The girl is just learning to control it.

Pisces girls love mysterious stories and are interested in paranormal phenomena. It is unacceptable for children to engage in mysticism, so keep an eye on your daughter’s hobbies. Such things can harm the fragile, unformed psyche of a child. Find her safer hobbies, switch her attention to earthly interests. If your little one is embarrassed to meet children, find her friends yourself. For Pisces, constant communication is important; loneliness does not benefit them.

Pisces Child Boy

Boys of this sign are endowed with feminine character traits. They are soft, sensitive, sentimental. But sometimes Pisces can show selfishness and even cruelty. This is very dangerous, because Pisces is already a closed and complex sign. Get your son a pet, teach him to feel sorry for animals and take care of the weak and disadvantaged. At the same time, develop firmness and determination in him. Despite the fact that Pisces is a feminine and weak symbol, a boy can be raised to be strong-willed and responsible if you take it seriously.

The Pisces boy is full of contradictions. The heart says one thing, but the mind says another. Help him understand himself, find out what will be useful for him at the moment and what he can refuse. It is easy to offend such a boy; he is very worried if one of his relatives gets sick. Quarrels and conflicts in the family are also a big stress for him. Family disharmony is extremely dangerous for Pisces. It is extremely difficult for them to cope with their experiences on their own. Always support your son with wise and warm words, because boys of this sign become independent a little later than other children.

Pisces Child - Characteristics

People of this sign go with the flow. They sit on the shore and wait for the tide. If he brings them to success and wealth, they will not resist. But it happens that the wave carries Pisces towards poverty and decline, and in this case they also do not interfere with fate. Therefore, the Pisces child must be guided and taught to achieve goals no matter what. Another disadvantage of this sign is suspiciousness. Such children worry about trifles and cry over the slightest insult.

Pisces is a symbol of eternity. For a typical representative of this sign, money is not important; he is guided by higher aspects and looks at the world with spiritual vision. It may seem that Pisces children are not at all interested in how they will get along in life. However, they have goals, but they are not related to the material side of life. Pisces are good friends. They will always come to the rescue, listen to a person and console him. Their generosity and mercy are evident from the first years of life.

Pisces need the understanding of loved ones, although they are in no hurry to open up to them. Many teenagers of this sign cannot decide on a profession and understand what they want from life. If Pisces are not helped to choose their path, they can become sociopaths and even criminals. In general, they tend to be spiritually reborn, but if at the right time there is no support from loved ones, the transformation may not happen for the better.

Health of the Pisces Baby

The weak points of Pisces are the abdominal cavity, endocrine and nervous system, heart and skin. By nature they have rather poor health. While Pisces is in its world of fantasies and dreams, it feels good and is not sick. But as soon as she has to face the realities of a cruel world, hidden health problems immediately make themselves felt. Children of this sign should not be overtired, nervous or worried. They are prone to neuroses and more serious mental disorders.

In Pisces children, the body quickly becomes clogged, so it is necessary to periodically cleanse it of toxins and waste. Due to obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia and chronic stress, psoriasis can develop. Many Pisces have problems with their feet - deformed feet, cracked heels, nail fungus. Treatment of diseases is complicated by drug intolerance, so it is difficult to cure Pisces. Her illnesses must not be allowed to become chronic.

Hobbies of Pisces Children

The kids of this constellation are endowed with multifaceted talents. Many of them excel in theater arts. If you help a child reach his potential, he will get rid of his inhibitions and shine on stage. Music lessons are ideal for Pisces. Send your child to different creative clubs; he simply needs spiritual self-realization. Pisces boys are often interested in physics and technology; they can become excellent theoretical scientists.

Children of this sign often show passivity and do not want to attend any classes outside of school. In this case, it is necessary to interest them and push them to action. It’s rare that a Pisces chooses to become a person on its own. To realize her talent, she needs a competent mentor and a strong patron. Therefore, instill in your child independence and determination from early childhood.

Pisces Child studying at school

In general, children of this sign study like all ordinary schoolchildren. They are attracted to everything unidentified and mysterious, so they give preference to history, mythology, and astronomy. Pisces does not strive to be an excellent student, to earn medals and certificates. Vanity is not inherent in her. She absorbs knowledge for spiritual satisfaction, not for glory. It is unlikely that she will be able to become an activist and the soul of the company. She is a loner in class.

Many Pisces remain mediocre schoolchildren and do not stand out in any way. They grow up to be typical gray mice. To awaken individuality in a child and develop talents, you need to notice his slightest successes, feel the subtle vibrations emanating from his soul. Only real and experienced teachers are capable of this. The sad thing is that many teachers ignore the amazing abilities of Pisces and do not recognize their hidden capabilities.

How to Raise a Pisces Child

Little Pisces can be capricious and restless children. They fall into melancholy every now and then, their mood changes quickly. Teach Pisces not to suppress emotions, but to control them. Let the child not dwell on his fears and imaginary problems. Teach him to enjoy life, communicate and meet peers. Read him only good fairy tales, avoid cartoons and films that are cruel or have horror scenes.

In adolescence, Pisces can get involved in dubious spiritual practices and join antisocial youth groups. Very high risk of teenage suicide. Monitor your child’s pastime, do not allow him to be influenced by intruders in social networks. Girls often join groups that promote anorexia. Protect your child from the influence of false values.

Develop strong-willed qualities in Pisces. They must be able to stand up for themselves and learn to say no. If parents fail to become a friend and support for a child, he will definitely find dubious friends who can ruin his life, involve him in drug addiction and other dangerous phenomena. Parents need to identify the child’s hidden problems and solve them together.

Pisces Combined Horoscope

All Dogs constantly doubt themselves, and the Pisces-Dog combination only enhances this quality. However, they are endowed with the gift of foresight and are able to give good advice. Representatives of the sign have fast and creative thinking and a friendly character. Cheerful people have a flair for organizing things. They are very polite and useful people who like to please others.

Pisces-Dogs have compassion for other people. And in love, they need a partner who can understand this desire and will be useful to him. Moreover, it is quite difficult to refuse them a relationship. They are not very shy, but at the same time they are insecure people. They will always be devoted to their other half. Representatives of the sign great importance give loyalty and fidelity. They make good teachers who can raise bright children.

This person is able to achieve what he wants through loud behavior or pressure. He likes to constantly expand his knowledge; books are most often used for this. He is attracted to everything new that can teach him something. For this reason, he enjoys talking about different events. For his friends and colleagues, the Pisces Dog will become a reliable partner and friend who respects their feelings.

Pisces born in the year of the dog

The Pisces Dog has a keen sense of justice, but they implement it only in a mild form. They can help any person who asks. At the same time, they do not know tiredness. Thanks to diplomacy, they can reconcile opponents by presenting convincing arguments and finding an approach to each of them. A strong feature of the representatives of the sign is the ability to understand others and find the optimal compromise solution. Their weakness lies in excessive worry about trifles or constant seriousness. Pisces Dogs often give advice, while forgetting about themselves.

Pisces in the Year of the Dog (Dog-Pisces)

The dog in Chinese astrology is considered an extremely loyal symbol.

People in the Dog-Pisces combination are friendly and creative. They are quick thinkers and care about nature.

These are cheerful people who know how to organize any event. They like to please. They are helpful and polite.

Their character has natural compassion. They need someone who can understand their desire to help and will participate in this. They find it difficult to say NO.

They are not too confident, but you can’t call them shy either. They achieve their goals not through pressure or loud behavior. They are passionate about reading and use it as a way to expand their knowledge. They love everything new, especially if it can teach them something or give them important information. They enjoy discussing current events.

With your friends and loved ones you are always reliable and loyal. Respect their feelings. If someone betrayed them, it will be very difficult to regain trust. In the long term, they will be deeply devoted to their loved one.

These people place great importance on fidelity and loyalty. How parents become excellent teachers who raise very bright children.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they can worry too much about small things or be very serious. They give advice and support, but may forget about their own needs. Check another combination

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Pisces, born in the year of the Dog

Both zodiac sign and eastern sign The year of birth of a person has individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the character of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes for a person the conditions and laws of the external environment, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth assigns a person one of twelve levels for self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Pisces is the fifth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign are by nature impulsive, intuitive and emotional.

The specialty of the Zodiac sign Pisces is “ statistician, lawyer, judge" A person of this zodiac sign is able to effectively calculate information flows taking into account negative and positive extreme criteria. Pisces live according to the principle: “ There are no barriers in life" They continuously process large amounts of information in various statistical directions, exhausting their senses to the point of laziness. Pisces from the right or left positions influence people in relationships and work; they defeat competitors with suddenness and cruel insensitivity. With each new amount of information, Pisces tend to change their views on life. They accept new information for their development, but because of profit they easily abandon their previous positions and agreements. Zodiac sign Pisces, when necessary, possible or forced, resorts to violence. Pisces are slippery people in their words, manipulating other people's quotes and opinions.

Eastern sign Year of the Dog – 1910, 1922, 1934,1946,1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, 2054.

The Year of the Dog forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the fourth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Dog are surrounded by relationships with people who absorb a lot of attention into their ongoing processes of thinking and imagination. Regardless of the Zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Dog has to participate in work processes in which interacting people are engaged in “ accounting activities" Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Dog, in order to extract something interesting or useful, more related to finances. The people around you, regardless of their zodiac signs and Eastern years in the presence of a person born in the year of the Dog, they show increased intuition and emotional mood in their behavior. People interacting with a person born in the year of the Dog conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Cancer: “ You are everything! ».

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Pisces, born in the year of the Dog.

This combination of signs manifests itself in a person through intuitive abilities and hidden irony, in relationships with financial interested people. This person is emotional due to weak internal self-control. Pisces manipulate words, creating fuss in communication, thus influencing the mood of the people around them. Pisces are prone to leadership in a pack, and sometimes lead the policy of a lone wolf. The Year of the Dog, through the possibilities of interacting people, creates the conditions for financial calculations and relationships in circumstances. The Zodiac sign Pisces, born in the year of the Dog, finds itself in circumstances in which it has to compete with people with a pack instinct. This person overcomes the irony of those around him, impulsively displaying it himself. Interacting people tend to obey a given person due to his status, experience, professional abilities and financial earnings.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by zodiac sign and year of birth in the programs “ Individual scanner" And " Crown of Education" In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person, which is called “ Psychonomy ».

Dog - Pisces

French writer Victor Hugo. Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev. American actress Sharon Stone. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Soviet and Russian actor Vladimir Govorukhin. Russian actress Olga Arntgolts.

Pisces born in the year of the Dog become less self-centered, they are concerned about the problems of the world and society, this is a very empathetic sign. Such people have good creative thinking and a friendly character, and skillfully cope with organizing any business and event.

Dog-Pisces is a calm, feminine, pleasant woman. Thanks to her ability to listen and give advice, such a lady is always surrounded by friends. At work, she is not the brightest employee who does not strive to pluck a star from the sky and is ready to be content with what she has. In relationships with the opposite sex, the Pisces-Dog woman is very shy, but at the same time incredibly feminine. Strong men definitely have a desire to take custody of this small and defenseless princess. In relationships, such a lady is faithful and stable, she is ready to completely dissolve in the family and her husband.

Dog-Pisces are fair people who know how to express their attitude and opinion in a tactful manner. Thanks to their diplomacy, they easily reconcile disputants and are able to present convincing arguments. Pisces dogs should worry less about little things, become more confident in their abilities, and then the whole world will be in the palm of their hands.

Pisces zodiac sign child year of the dog

Zodiac horoscope: Pisces sign

A strange combination of a strong mind and weak will. All Dogs tend to doubt themselves, but Pisces-Dogs are champions of doubt! At the same time, they are endowed with the gift of foresight and know how to give sensible advice to others.

The dog in Chinese astrology is considered an extremely loyal symbol. The combination when a Pisces Dog man or woman is a friendly person with creative and quick thinking and cares about nature. These are cheerful people who have a flair for organizing anything. They enjoy pleasing other people and are helpful and polite individuals.

Dog Pisces are people who have natural compassion for other people. They need partners who will understand their desire and can be useful to them. It's hard to say NO to these people.

These are not very self-confident people, but they are not particularly shy either. They achieve their goals not through pressure or loud behavior. These people are fond of reading and use it as a way to expand their knowledge. They love everything new that can teach them something, so they love talking about current events.

With their friends and partners they will be reliable, loyal and respectful of feelings. They do not easily forgive those who betray their trust. In the long run, they will be deeply devoted to their partner. They place great importance on fidelity and loyalty. As parents, they are excellent teachers who raise very bright children.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they can worry too much about small things or be very serious. They give advice and support, but may forget about their own needs.

A dog born under the zodiac sign of Pisces is a deep nature that knows how to understand others and find an approach to almost any person. She is able to reconcile opponents by finding convincing arguments and, appealing to their best human qualities, leading them to an optimal compromise solution.

Despite the heightened sense of justice, the Pisces dog implements it in a soft, diplomatic manner, and not with a loud and ferocious bark. She is capable of sacrifice and can tirelessly help others, even abandoning all her affairs if she is asked for help.

The Pisces dog woman is responsive, loyal and very attentive to others - she will never forget about her promises and will show sensitivity where necessary, since she is well acquainted with the weaknesses of people. She knows how to value not only her own, but also other people’s freedom, other people’s views and value systems.

The Pisces dog man is also very respectful of others, will never impose his own opinion and behaves very correctly in conflict situations.

Pisces-Dogs have high sexual potential, but it manifests itself softly and calmly and only when there is complete confidence in the partner.

Horoscope combination: Dog-Pisces

  • Horoscope combination: Dog-Pisces
  • How to draw a puddle
  • How to evaluate your appearance

Dog-Pisces: general interpretation

They are good organizers and have creative thinking. In general they have a friendly and open character.

Pisces born in the year of the Dog become more open. They are not as fixated on their person as other representatives of this zodiac sign. These Pisces still live in own world, beyond the understanding of others, but at the same time they are able to sincerely empathize with people.

These people are born diplomats, with an innate sense of tact. They are able to convey their point of view to others without offending anyone.

They need to try not to worry about little things and learn to be more self-confident.

This man rarely goes into open confrontation. He is balanced and fair. In a team, he often acts as a peacemaker, capable of competently reconciling warring parties.

He is naturally shy and modest. It is difficult for him to meet women, however, if he begins to trust someone, he becomes confident and active.

This man is determined to serious relationship and it’s very difficult to cope with breakups. In marriage, he will remain faithful to his woman.

This woman doesn't like being paid attention to. She is not one of those ladies who are used to shining and catching the admiring glances of others. Even a very naturally beautiful Pisces Dog will still feel insecure.

At work, she also does not like to show off, so she often becomes a victim of injustice on the part of her superiors: they promote anyone, but not her.

This woman lacks the qualities of a fighter. She needs a strong man who will become a reliable support for her. She is ready to completely devote her life to her family. It's easy to be around her. She is selflessly loyal, stable and committed to serious relationships.

Famous people born under these signs: Mikhail Zhvanetsky (writer, satirist), Nikolai Berdyaev (philosopher), Vladimir Govorukhin (actor), Sharon Stone (actress), Victor Hugo (writer), Amerigo Vespucci (traveler), Yuri Gagarin (cosmonaut ).

Pisces born in the year of the Dog

Both Pisces and Dogs are insecure people who doubt everything. And in double concentration these are anxious and suspicious people. The dog symbolizes dexterity and intelligence, while Pisces are slow and often dissatisfied with themselves. The combination of Dog and Pisces produces a person with low self-esteem. However, nature endows these people with intuition and instinct, so they are often good advisers and lead other people to success in life.

Since ancient times, Chinese astrologers considered the Dog to be a very compliant and tactful animal. Therefore, Pisces-Dogs are inquisitive, creative and friendly people. Both men and women of these two signs love nature very much and draw their vitality from it. Although they doubt it to the last, they can perfectly organize other people and make financial profits. People around them often turn to them for advice and respect their ability to foresee the outcome of a case.

Pisces-Dogs are polite and loyal to everyone, both relatives and colleagues, and to strangers. They like to keep abreast of events and world news, so they read a lot and watch useful, horizon-expanding television programs. They cope with any work tasks only thanks to their well-readness and quick thinking. Of course, Pisces-Dogs are people of high intelligence and great sincerity, a lot of attention is focused on them, they enjoy great authority among everyone around them.

Both Pisces-Dog women and men are careful in their statements; they protect and respect the feelings of others. These are faithful, devoted friends, with whom you can be reliable and calm, you can trust them in everything and not be afraid of condemnation. These people hold tightly to their partner, they devotedly love and respect their family. Pisces-Dog children grow up as free and creative individuals in a comfortable family atmosphere.

The weakness of these people is pickiness; they get hung up on little things and cannot move on. Pisces-Dogs often give all their care and attention to those around them, while forgetting about themselves.

Both men and women who combine the signs of Dog and Pisces are deep, thoughtful individuals who care about every person in their lives. They easily manage people's controversial feelings and direct them in the right direction.

Pisces-Dog will always selflessly come to the aid of anyone. They are excellent diplomats and negotiators.


(20.02 – 20.03)

  • Influence: Jupiter, Neptune.
  • Symbol: two fish swimming in different directions, a shell, a wave.
  • Colors: lilac, purple, violet, sea green, blue, steel.
  • Stone: pearls, amethyst, sapphire, alexandrite, emerald, moonstone.
  • Flowers: daffodil, crocus, jasmine, violets, forget-me-nots.
  • Metal: zinc.
  • Mascot: daffodil, knot (monogram).
  • Happy day: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
  • Unlucky day: Wednesday.
  • Favorable numbers: 6, 7 (all numbers divisible by 7), 11, full magic - 3, 7, 9,12.

Pisces born from February 21 to March 1 are under the influence of Saturn - capricious natures with unrealistic dreams, loving women, loneliness and change.

Pisces born from 2 to 11 March are under the influence of Jupiter - loving glory and grandeur, sensitive and vain, honest and solemn.

Pisces born from 12 to 20 March are under the influence of Mars - sociable natures, cutesy, pretentious natures, sensual, helpful, loving collective entertainment.

Fish– a positive zodiac sign who loves peace and tranquility. Pisces by nature are practically defenseless, and therefore people born under this sign do not like to argue with anyone. They are afraid for themselves, for their work, for their family and friends, and all the time in panic. In fear of losing their values, Pisces often withdraw into themselves even more, this causes depression. But as soon as you remind them that it could be even worse, they immediately gain enthusiasm, see the ideal in everything in order to maintain their stable state in the future.

Pisces character

The character of a Pisces man can hardly be called persistent. He is not a softie, but he is not a born speaker either. Creative personalities, artists and artists are quite common among fish.

If Pisces learn to do their own thing, they will cope well with their career without even knowing about its foundation. They're just great at what they do.

Pisces Man, in general, is an excellent worker, but he becomes so only at the moment when he begins to feel comfortable, like a fish in water, so he is in his business.

The character of the Pisces woman is not simple, but very insightful. But she is not able to fight anything and swim against the current. She doesn't like criticism or instructions. All she needs is a cozy “pond”, her place, her wealth.

Pisces Woman, devotes himself entirely to his loved one, therefore he gives himself completely from a young age. He knows how to endure, appreciate, and most importantly protect relationships, which as a result can become their main vice.
There is little that can force the fish into action, but rest assured, if this happens, it means for them this is more important than our galaxy.

Pisces Career

Born with the desire to see the world through rose-colored glasses, most fish find themselves in simple professions that do not require special intellectual investment.

As a rule, fish are satisfied with what they have today. If they are not satisfied with today, they do everything to make tomorrow okay. And when this happens, their soul finds a state of indefinite happiness in which they can be long time until someone disturbs their peace. Hence the opinion arises: People born under the sign of Pisces can become excellent teachers and sensitive doctors. But what is important for them will still not be a career advancement, but their old favorite office, since they do not like to change anything in their life.

Celebrities born under the sign of Pisces: George Washington, Sergei Rachmaninov, George Frideric Handel, Auguste Renoir, Michelangelo Buonarrti, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Victor Hugo, Gioachino Rossini, Sergei Diaghilev, John Steinbeck, Enrico Caruso, Elizabeth Taylor, Modest Mussorgsky, Gabriel (Coco) Chanel, Vaslav Nijinsky, Frederic Chopin, Marius Petipa, Albert Einstein, Maurice Ravel.

Other horoscopes

Nata Karlin

Pisces are mysterious and mysterious natures with high sensitivity. They have excellent memory and intuition, which allows them to quickly adapt to any order and find ways out of the most difficult situations. The horoscopic description shows that they are the last symbol in the zodiac circle, representing the sign of the element of water.

They love holidays, but cannot be among large crowds of people for long. Therefore, if possible, they will rush to hide at safe depths

Most often, people born under the sign of Pisces escape from reality during periods of life when difficult and impossible tasks. Representatives of this sign would rather go with the flow and wait for problems to be resolved on their own.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

These are dreamers by nature, who not only rarely worry about tomorrow, but also do not think about current events. The characteristics of Pisces show that they quickly come to terms with life’s limitations and the impossibility of making life better. It is more important for Pisces to maintain peace of mind than to fight for the right to be happy.

In emergency situations, representatives of this water sign do not dare to make a decision right away. And it’s very difficult to simply wait for an affirmative verdict from them. This is due to poor initiative and the fact that you do not want to take responsibility by agreeing or refusing something.

Zodiac sign Pisces

Ideally, there should be a like-minded person next to them who will unobtrusively push them towards the right decisions. But it is worth knowing the boundaries, which means: Pisces cannot be controlled or you may encounter rude and cruel rebuff.

People born under this horoscope sign know their shortcomings very well. They get tired because they are anxious, but they don't show it in public. Instead of hysterical scandals, they would rather plunge into deep thinking.

From the outside, zodiac Pisces look defenseless, but their inner core saves them

The facts say that they will easily leave the fictional world in order to adapt to the current reality, but only if there is a strong desire for this.

The influence of date of birth on the character of Pisces

First ten days (February 21 – March 2)‒ Pisces born during this period belong to the first decade and are under the protection of Mars. It is this character that gives them belligerence, mystery and gloom. These are people with incredibly strong character and willpower. They are able to overcome any difficulties.

The sign Pisces completes the zodiac circle

For Pisces in the first decade, everything that has at least a bit of the paranormal or secret is interesting. They have powerful energy, which makes it possible to predict the future and heal mental anguish.

Second ten days (March 3 – March 13). Pisces people born during this period of the month receive strength from their patron - the Sun. They have willpower and the ability to enjoy any moments in life. Pisces of the second decade never show anger and aggression. They show generosity towards the weaker and will never express themselves at the expense of the shortcomings of others.

Representatives of the Pisces sign of the second decade implement their plans with all perseverance and stubbornness, thereby expressing their individuality. They know how to quickly restore peace of mind even after the strongest experiences.

The ability to intuitively see their essence in people eliminates many careless steps

Third decade (March 14 – March 20). During this period, Venus begins to dominate, which patronizes Pisces born in the third decade. Therefore, they quickly find the object of their adoration and fall in love with him with all their might. These natures are characterized by artistry. Thanks to their talent, Pisces of this decade are bursting with ideas, but rarely follow them through due to their low efficiency.

Impulsive, often selfish representatives of the twelfth horoscopic sign often want to run away without thinking about loved ones. They are often caught up in their own dreams and can be ruthless towards others. Pisces in the third decade often exhibit nervousness, which is influenced by different phases of the Moon.

Compatibility of Pisces in love with other zodiac signs

love compatibility of Pisces sign

Love for Pisces is almost the main event in life. Possessing hypersensitivity and emotionality, they rarely show passion, but at the same time remain devoted. To understand who is suitable for Pisces in love, you should know that representatives of the water sign expect protection and support from their partner. That is why they make serious demands on relationships.

Pisces rarely delve into everyday areas of life, leaving the prerogative to their partner. At the same time, they sincerely and with pleasure admire him and declare their love. The issue of fidelity is considered ambiguous.

Astrologers claim that there will be no betrayal on the part of Pisces, but representatives of the water sign reserve the opportunity to end the relationship

Possessing intuition, they anticipate their partner's wishes and always take his needs into account. These craftsmen know what gift to give on a holiday and will accurately reproduce important moments of the first meeting or other nuances of the biography of the union.

Pisces are easy to deceive, but if the lie is revealed, representatives of this sign will immediately break off the relationship. Capricorns and Cancers are the most dreamy and sensitive, which is why they have the most suitable relationship for marriage with Pisces. Good compatibility among representatives of the water sign with Taurus. They have the best sexual compatibility, which is based on sobriety and romance.

Liza Minnelli is a Pisces woman.

Astrologers do not advise starting a relationship with Leo, as the union will quickly end. Fire Sagittarius with its active activity it will only push Pisces away, and the character of Aries is capable of knocking it out of the rut of life.

Compatibility table Pisces by zodiac sign:

Zodiac signCompatibility
in love
Compatibility in friendship and work
Aries AverageAverageAverage
Taurus AverageLowAverage
Twins AverageLowAverage
Cancer HighHighHigh
a lion HighAverageAverage
Virgo AverageAverageAverage
Scales HighAverageLow
Scorpion HighHighHigh
Sagittarius HighAverageHigh
Capricorn HighAverageHigh
Aquarius HighAverageHigh
Fish HighHighHigh

Element of the Pisces sign is Water

The element of the Pisces sign is Water., which endows its charges with inconstancy, increased expression of emotions and sensitivity. From the outside it seems that people who appear under this constellation are too vulnerable and do not know how to protect themselves.

In fact, they successfully adapt to any situation, because Water will always make its way

Under the influence of their element, Pisces absorb the mood of the crowd, which can greatly affect their state of mind. They are so susceptible to frequent changes of character that many people think that horoscopic Pisces are abnormal. This is partly true, and among the representatives of the sign there are many people with supernatural abilities.

Despite the fact that the dominant element is Water, Pisces, becoming the final symbol of the zodiac circle, combined the influence of all elements. Thanks to this, they read others on an instinctive level.

Element of the zodiac sign Pisces is Water

High sensitivity should not be considered a sign of weakness, since water has great power and penetrates everywhere. Just as natural springs move along their own course, it is important for children of the element of Water to be given the right direction. Pisces feel great with representatives of the Earth signs.

They will become water representatives support and foundation for the start. Fire signs They cause hostility in Pisces because of their noisiness and pronounced individuality. They are able to get along with representatives of Air, if thunderclouds and clouds are not scary.

What are Pisces children like in life?

Before choosing a name for a Pisces child, you should understand what kind of character he will have. A boy born under this constellation may have different fates. If you cultivate determination and fortitude in him, you can raise an excellent leader. Parents should help the child separate fantasies from life and learn to implement ideas.

The Pisces boy gets carried away easily, but just as easily switches to something else if it seems more attractive to him.

He has passion in his blood that does not allow him to give up his desire. The Pisces boy has a large number of friends who trust him with secrets and come to get advice. After all, this is a kind and disposing child. He is able to empathize like no one else, literally delving into the story being told.

Children of the zodiac sign Pisces

In childhood, a girl born under the sign of Pisces most of all needs care and attention. This is a true lady with a vulnerable psyche that needs support in moments of sadness. True, she is not able to ask for this and will cry until everyone around her realizes that the child should be calmed down.

If she fails to realize her plans, the Pisces girl plunges into depression. It is difficult for her to make a decision, but some issues do not require a decision, and in them she firmly takes her position.

The best profession for Pisces

The most suitable area for creating a career for Pisces is art. These are people gifted by nature, who have developed sense of beauty. They make excellent musicians, artists, sculptors, writers, vocalists, and pop performers. climb the career ladder in shipbuilding and archaeology. These are excellent engravers and shoemakers.

Justin Bieber is a Pisces man.

Suitable for design work, where she is able to gush with ideas. True, she does not always have enough tenacity and perseverance to complete the work she has started. Among Pisces there are many sociologists and philosophers.

These are lovers of everything supernatural, so representatives of this sign can be seen among palmists, astrologers, and yoga specialists

Pisces have excellent memory, therefore they occupy good positions in social activities, educational field. Among them are many accountants, financiers and stock exchange specialists.

Possessing a fine mental organization, Pisces often find their calling in serving people. Among them are many volunteers, doctors, and other medical workers. Some of them decide to leave this world and go to a monastery to atone for the sins of this world.

The greatest results are achieved by those Pisces who use the talents given by nature to achieve individually assigned tasks. Sometimes they have to make a strong push to achieve a positive result.

Symbols of the zodiac Pisces

The zodiac symbol is two Pisces looking in different directions. This symbolizes variability and high spiritual beauty. Astrologers consider this sign to be a symbol of limitation, duality and eternity. This is probably why people born under this sign have to be under the yoke of contradictions throughout their lives.

Pisces zodiac sign symbol

Symbolic tree and flower for the sign of Pisces

Nature made mascot plants for Pisces similar to algae. The goddess of love Venus endowed them great smell and beauty. Since people of the water sign often become indecisive, like them, flowers and plants grow thanks to the surrounding nature: stones and thick water.

Astrologers claim that the constellation Pisces is responsible for the endo- and lymph system, therefore most plants suitable for this sign have a beneficial effect on the action of the circulatory system and lymph.

Among the living symbols it is worth noting algae, hanging ficus, orchid, bryophyllum

Natural talismans from trees - willow, pine, linden. For indecisive Pisces, amulets from these patrons will give confidence. Willow grows closest to water, so it is most suitable water sign. She the best talisman, who endows his players with intuition and self-confidence. Pine gives Pisces the strength they lack for the final push in achieving their goals. From the linden tree they receive sociability and attention from the opposite sex.

Favorite colors of Pisces

Subconsciously or consciously, many representatives of the Pisces sign from the entire palette prefer shades associated with space and the sea. These are blue, purple, pink and light green tones. Being devoted followers of everything supernatural and mystical, they often wear black clothes. White also suits them, as it is the color of sea foam.

Amulet of the zodiac sign Pisces

Metal amulet for Pisces

Zinc is considered a talisman for Pisces. He, like his charges, begins to sound loud when struck and quickly fades away. In the same way, Pisces are hot-tempered people who are able to quickly calm down even after the most difficult quarrel. IN human life Zinc is widely used: in construction, restoration of precious metals.

A picture made of Swarovski crystals is a gift for a person with the zodiac sign Pisces

Like their patron, people born under the constellation Pisces protect loved ones from anxiety and emotional breakdowns. They envelop them with love and warmth. Pisces thanks a large number positive qualities are always surrounded by a large number of friends who never cease to reach out to the broad soul of representatives of the water element.

Fish - mysterious and enigmatic souls who feel those around them not with their minds, but with their hearts. They subtly grasp the truth at the level of intuition, but are easily influenced by others. Sometimes Pisces find it difficult to resist the logic of others. It is easier for them to give in and change their own opinion, although it was the correct one. At the same time, subtle and sensitive natures will always come to the aid of loved ones, helping them to restore their spiritual strength.

22 February 2018, 13:52

(1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Pisces born in the year of the Rat are quite shy and silent. A person with this combination of signs cannot take criticism well; he may be offended over the slightest trifle or suddenly burst into tears.

The Rat man needs a strong family, to which he is ready to devote a lot of time. But even in work, the sign is able to achieve great success thanks to the flexible thinking of the Rat and the creative approach of Pisces. A woman most often finds her happiness in her family or helping other people.

Year of the Ox

(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

People born in the year of the Ox and under the sign of Pisces have a gentle character with a clear inclination towards art. This zodiac sign misses out on many opportunities due to its shyness.

The Ox man is a responsible and hardworking person who resolves all conflicts peacefully. A female representative tries to hide her weakness behind external confidence, but in the circle of close people she takes off her “armor” and becomes sweet and defenseless.

Year of the Tiger

(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

The sign of Pisces in combination with the year of the Tiger gives the world sociable and active people. They clearly separate work and family, performing their duties perfectly. Their disadvantages include laziness and a weak level of self-organization.

Tiger Man eastern horoscope and Zodiac sign Pisces hides their emotions well, loves to travel and solves problems easily. A woman with this combination of signs often changes her mood, but good acting skills help hide the storm of passions.

Year of the Rabbit (Cat)

(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Pisces born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) are distinguished by independence, originality of thinking and good nature. The sign takes its responsibilities responsibly, it is attracted by mental work, it is not afraid of stress and problems. In his personal life, the Cat (Rabbit) is characterized by gullibility and honesty.

A man accurately calculates all the risks, skillfully manipulates people, so he comes out of any trouble with honor and benefit for himself. The Pisces Rabbit woman quickly becomes attached to people and loves to help them, but does not forget about her own interests.

Year of the Dragon

(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

According to the zodiac sign, Dragon and Pisces know how to manage their emotions; they act somewhat aloof with unfamiliar people, not trusting them. People with this combination of signs are full of various ideas and plans, their mind is in constant work.

The Dragon man needs family support and care; he is ambitious, cautious and touchy. The Pisces woman is characterized by prudence in relationships and an unconventional outlook on life.

Year of the Snake

(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

The combination of the signs of Pisces and Snake makes a person kind, cheerful and compassionate. The snake makes a brilliant impression on people with its appearance, interesting conversation and sharp mind.

The Snake man is characterized by prudence, perseverance and diplomacy.

The Pisces woman, born in the year of the Snake, is accustomed to telling the truth face to face; she attracts friends and admirers. The disadvantage of the Snake of this zodiac sign can be called jealousy and vindictiveness.

Year of the Horse

(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

The combination of the signs of Pisces and Horse enhances a person’s sense of responsibility, gives optimism and self-control. Those born this year especially need a loving and reliable life partner. They are characterized by hospitality, daydreaming and rejection of help from outsiders. Their shortcomings include selfishness and inability to decide on life goals. If the Pisces Horse plunges too deeply into the illusory world, then a collision with reality can cause her great stress.

Year of the Goat (Sheep)

(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

In the year of the Goat (Sheep), peace-loving, sincere and practical Pisces are born according to the zodiac sign. They are very attached to their family and are ready to do anything for its well-being. The Goat loves noisy companies and active recreation. People with this combination of signs are creative, charming, and planners. They persistently pursue their dreams, so sooner or later they get what they want. Their disadvantage is their soft character.

Year of the Monkey

(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Pisces born in the year of the Monkey have a sharp mind and ingenuity. This zodiac sign values ​​personal freedom and does not like restrictions in any form. Monkeys achieve professional success through adaptability, intuition and hard work.. The Pisces man, born in the year of the Monkey, is stingy with emotions, which helps in his work, but often gets in the way family happiness. Monkey women with this combination of signs will become good mothers, but not the most the best wives: their feelings are too superficial.

Year of the Rooster

(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Pisces born in the year of the Rooster lives in uncertainty about their abilities and strengths. But material wealth can make people with this combination of signs courageous and decisive. It is typical for the Rooster to communicate a lot and benefit friends and family. He hides personal life and feelings, is easily offended and absent-minded. The behavior of those born in the year of the Rooster seems illogical to many, but they follow their own path and most often achieve success.

Year of the Dog

(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Zodiac sign Pisces, who were born in the year of the Dog, are characterized by strong self-doubt and suspiciousness. But for other people, the sign can become a good adviser and organizer. The Pisces Dog is interested in everything around him, therefore, thanks to his innate abilities, he has a broad outlook and excellent knowledge of life.

Both a woman and a man with this combination of signs can be petty and picky. At the same time, they try to protect the feelings of others and pay a lot of attention to solving other people’s problems to the detriment of their own interests.

Year of the Pig (Boar)

(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

People born under the zodiac sign of Pisces and in the year of the Pig (Boar) are attracted by their pleasant character, sociability, friendliness and compassion. They often suffer from their gullibility and dependability.

A man with this combination of signs can become an excellent leader and achieve high results in the work of the entire team.

The Pisces Pig (Boar) woman is characterized by the ability to understand any person and needs moral support and signs of love.

Planet Pisces

Neptune, the god of the deep sea, is considered the patron planet of Pisces. This planet symbolizes the area of ​​the unconscious, rules the kingdom of mysticism and illusions.

Those born under this sign are distinguished by high spirituality and generosity, they are sensitive to other people's pain and compassionate. But they are too carried away by their dreams and ideas about events as they think they should be.

To say that they look at the world through rose-colored glasses would not be too much of an exaggeration. Many Pisces immerse themselves in art and other forms of creativity, seeing it as a way to achieve balance, and in doing so they show a lot of talent.

Element Pisces

Pisces is associated with Water. They are able to feel a lot, but are just as often prone to making mistakes. Pisces are susceptible to outside influences and can make you cry if circumstances allow.

They are romantic and can endow their lovers with non-existent ideal traits. They are kind and sociable people, although discreetly shy. They are modest to the extreme. They like to live in their fictitious bright world.

Fish is a sign of limit and eternity, since this is the last, twelfth, sign of the zodiac and carries within itself a mixture of all other signs. This is another dual sign, its symbol is two fish swimming in opposite directions Therefore, such a person constantly suffers from conflicting desires.

These are selfless, spiritual people who are focused on their inner world. They attach great importance to their feelings.

Wealth does not attract their attention. Some of them have money, but most often when they inherit it.

Helping others is the basic instinct of Pisces. They rarely occupy positions of responsibility and rarely stay in one place. They don't seek power. Pisces are born tired, they do not have the energy to remove obstacles, to make daily efforts to overcome petty worries.

Pisces are very good-natured and calm and are rather indifferent to reality. They are characterized by carelessness about tomorrow. In life, Pisces are rarely successful. The reasons are that they prefer to work independently but despise hard work. In any endeavor, if you want to succeed, you deliberately expose yourself to difficulties. Pisces instinctively search easy way. They do not like to fight and overcome environmental resistance, so they follow the path of least resistance. They prefer to go with the flow rather than fight it. But Pisces has no shortage of talents. Among them there are many creative and artistic people.

They have good manners. They are lazy, kind and indifferent to other people's opinions. And in general, this sign is indifferent to many important things. Very little can make them act. Of course, Pisces have character. If angered, they can be sarcastic and mocking. But this irritation quickly passes.

Pisces are easiest to meet in the center of a company, surrounded by admirers. People are attracted to their charming manners and unobtrusive friendliness. Like Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces love alcohol. Many of them drink more than normal, so among Pisces large percentage alcoholics.