How to install a Christmas tree without a cross at home. How to choose and install a live Christmas tree at home

So, let's reach the finish line and turn on the acceleration! There is a week left until the New Year and it’s time not only to think, but to start actively preparing the Christmas tree!

We’ll leave the debate about whether the tree should be a live one or an artificial one for later. Personally, I am of the opinion that _ But we’ll talk about this some other time. Now, for those who have an artificial Christmas tree, just click one of the “Like.buttons” and you can safely stop reading further, because the stand is included in the kit and you shouldn’t have any problems with installation. The rest - you are welcome under the cut - I will tell you how, not for the first time, I have easily and simply solved the issue of installing this New Year's attribute
Christmas tree stands come in a variety of varieties. As a child, we had a metal bucket on a tripod with three clamping screws, with which the Christmas tree was clamped like a clamp. It was very convenient - there is little space, it holds tightly and you can pour water so that the tree can stand longer. But... the bucket broke long ago, and we never found a new one like it (though we didn’t really look for it).
For some time we used an ordinary bucket for a stand! Yes, yes - this is the easiest installation method.

1 Method:
What do you need:
1. Bucket (any kind, it can be plastic, we had a wide metal one. The larger the bucket, the larger the size of the Christmas tree you can place in it - after all, a very large tree is, therefore, heavy, which means you need a decent weight of cargo underneath).
2. Several plastic bottles filled with water (bottle sizes vary depending on the size of the bucket and tree).
3. A few ropes for guy ropes (sometimes it is necessary to additionally secure the tree either to the bucket itself in the form of a guy wire, or to a nearby cabinet-battery-shelf, etc.).

What we do:
- Remove excess branches from the bottom of the tree to the height of a bucket.
- The Christmas tree is installed in a bucket :) And it is bursting with plastic bottles on all sides (fixed). Some bottles are completely filled; the filling of others should be adjusted in order to insert them into the bucket to level and secure the tree. Bottles can be alternated - insert some up, others down with their necks. Those that are inserted with the lid up can easily be used to “select balance” during preliminary installation: by unscrewing the lid, we drain excess water under pressure and the tree “finds” its place more easily.
- If necessary (if the tree is crooked and warped), it should be attached with small ropes to something (and even to the same bucket, if the bucket is of sufficient mass). The main thing you should pay attention to is that the tree must stand on its own! The ropes only _fix_ it in the desired position, so that if it moves carelessly during a round dance, it does not upset its balance. Right installed Christmas tree no additional fixation required! :)
- And now, fill the bucket with water - with this we create a heavy base for the Christmas tree, and secondly, we extend the time that it will stand. We had it for up to a month and a half, the main thing is not to forget to replenish the water on time - pine absorbs it very well :)

A large bucket under the tree does not always look beautiful... (and ours was a battered bucket, touched by rust...) so the bucket is wrapped in a layer of packing cotton - it turns out to be a beautiful snowball! And the Christmas tree looks like it was installed right in a snowdrift. If your company does not receive devices wrapped in tens of meters of packing wool (not to be confused with medical wool, which is much more expensive) :))) - we are looking for any fabric or cardboard - at your discretion. If only it was beautiful :) In the end, traditional figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden can also be placed.

Small Christmas tree for New Year 2007. Installed by method 1- a plastic bucket disguised as a snowdrift (for large Christmas trees a 15-liter wide metal bucket was used).

2 Method:
We used this method when the Christmas tree was of medium size (up to 2 meters), and we installed it for a short time.
What do you need:
1. An ordinary stand from an inexpensive fan. IN last years We have such hot summer days... that you bought a “promotional” cheap fan, if not for home, then certainly for work. Unlike expensive models, its stand is collapsible. We take the lower part from it, separating the fan itself.
2. A little adhesive tape (scotch tape) or rope.

What we do:
Actually, that's all! :))
- Attach the Christmas tree to the stand with rope/adhesive tape - and rejoice:) In a cool room, the Christmas tree will stand quietly for up to two weeks and will not fall apart. The stand is light, the tree can be easily moved from place to place.

3 Method:
This year I used it for the first time. Actually, this is a combination of methods 1 and 2. Initially, I was going to use method 2, but then... I felt sorry for the Christmas tree and decided to add some water to it.

What do you need:
1. An ordinary stand from an inexpensive fan (see method 2).
2. A little tape or rope.
3. Plastic bottle (minimum 2 liters. In general, the size depends on the thickness of the barrel. In our case, a 5-liter container was required).
4. I also needed one 30 mm self-tapping screw, but I could have done without it.

What we do:
1. First of all, as before, we free the trunk from the lower branches to the height of our container.

A fresh tree will have elastic branches. You just need to try to slightly bend the spruce branch. If it breaks or makes a cracking sound, then it is best to discard this tree. A fresh tree's branches should bend well without breaking.

Having chosen a spruce, you should not immediately bring it to warm house, let it stand for a while in the garage or on the balcony. As soon as she gets used to the warmth a little, you can bring the New Year's guest into the house, placing her near a window or door. You should not install the spruce near a radiator or fireplace, as this will cause it to wither faster and lose its beautiful appearance.

Before fixing the tree, you need to cut off the end of the trunk and the bark by 8-10 centimeters, which will help the rapid flow of moisture throughout the tree. It is advisable to make the cut at an angle of 45 degrees. You can secure the forest beauty in different ways.

1. Fill a bucket with water or sand and place the spruce in it. If you choose sand as a filler, you need to constantly moisten it by pouring water. You can add one aspirin tablet, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar to the water. The water that you add as it evaporates must be settled in advance to reduce the chlorine content in it.

2. Instead of various fillers, you can use a rag soaked in water, which also needs to be constantly moistened. A rag can be soaked in water with glycerin. To do this, prepare a solution of 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 5 liters of water. This will also help preserve the life of the tree, saving it from drying out.

3. A special stand with a water tank is best suited for the New Year tree. This will help the trunk to constantly drink water and maintain fresh look ate for a long time. When securing a tree using this method, you only need to add water to the reservoir approximately once every three days. At the same time, make sure that the log house is constantly in water.

After installing the tree, you can spray it with water from a spray bottle. This will not only refresh it, but will also help bring the wonderful forest smell of pine forest into your home.

Next, you can start decorating the forest beauty. For a live Christmas tree, it is better to use a minimum number of decorations. Because of large quantity toys and tinsel may simply not be visible. But what’s good about it is that it’s natural and natural. It is best to use toys of the same type and style, giving the New Year's guest an original look.

Undoubtedly, installing and caring for a live Christmas tree requires much more than an artificial one. But, despite this, it is a living spruce that can bring unforgettable atmosphere holiday. It will fill the house with New Year's mood and a wonderful aroma. If you still cannot install live Christmas tree, then buy at least fir branches. You can simply put them in a vase or create an original New Year's composition.

Spruce trees usually last no more than two weeks, and then only if they are properly cared for. For example, in a heated room, the tree crown should be sprayed with water and try to increase the air humidity near the installation site. You can place containers of water around the tree. To speed up the evaporation of moisture, you can put the edge of a rag or towel in the container, and hang the other one on the radiator. But the solution will have to be added more often.


Do not rush to bring the Christmas tree into a warm room. A sharp change in temperature can significantly shorten the life of a tree. You can hold the Christmas tree for several hours on a glassed-in balcony, and then lower the butt into cold water at least for one hour - at home, a bucket or a filled bathtub is best suited for this.

After this, you can begin installation - for this it is best to choose a cool but bright, ventilated room. Fir trees prefer diffused light, while pines can tolerate direct sunlight.


There are many opinions on what solutions should be used to fill a bucket with a holiday tree, and many ways to prepare them. We will look at the 4 most popular.

  • Aspirin, salt, sugar and water. An aspirin tablet kills putrefactive bacteria, a pinch of salt and a spoon of sugar create a nutritious environment.
  • Aspirin tablet, 5 tablespoons of sugar, sand, water.
  • Half a teaspoon citric acid, a little crushed chalk or gelatin, water.
  • You can use a special tool, which prolongs the life of cut spruce, pine and coniferous tree branches and prevents needles from falling off. Suitable for other coniferous plants (junipers, cypresses, cedars, thujas and others). In addition, if you have extra product left after the New Year celebration, you can use it for flowers. It preserves the freshness of the bouquet, preventing its premature aging, stimulates the nutrition of flowers with water, and prevents the buds from drooping. The product also helps to avoid unpleasant odor water.

The New Year involves creating a festive atmosphere. To do this, you will need a forest beauty, which must be installed reliably and efficiently. Some people prefer artificial Christmas trees because they are easy to assemble and disassemble. But such plastic analogues are inferior to real beauties, because they cannot boast of the luxurious aroma of pine needles and fluffy spruce branches.

Lovers of real Christmas trees know how difficult it is to install a beauty from the forest. After all, an artificial Christmas tree is sold together with a stand, but natural wood requires a special approach in this matter.

There are many methods to install a Christmas tree.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a bucket of sand

To do this you will need a bucket of stones or sand. A Christmas tree is placed in the center, which is sealed on the sides with the selected material. People used this method several years ago, so each owner had a bucket in his apartment that was waiting for its time. Currently, this method is used extremely rarely as a result of numerous disadvantages, including sand getting on the carpet and many others. Therefore, if you choose it, the sand must be constantly moistened. This will allow the Christmas tree to be held more firmly in the bucket. The method of installing a Christmas tree in a bucket has its advantages, as it will take longer to dry out and long time delight with its beautiful green view.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a bucket of plastic bottles

Not every city dweller can find sand in December; for this reason, a more modernized method with plastic or glass bottles is suitable. To do this, you need to take plastic bottles and fill them with water, thanks to this the tree and the bucket will receive good stability. You need to put them upside down and distribute them tightly throughout the bucket, and then install the Christmas tree in the middle. After that, fill the bucket with water and disguise it all with rain or a white cloth. This way the tree can stand for a long time.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - cross

The cross is a reliable structure that firmly holds the tree in the presence of dogs, children and cats in the house. In order to build a cross, you need hands and a minimum set of tools (hacksaw, hammer, nails). Today you can buy a spruce with a cross, which is made individually for each tree. If you cut down the tree yourself, you can make it yourself. To do this you need to take any wooden base. This could be a board, a fence picket or a block. The manufacturing process consists of connecting two bars perpendicular to each other using a large self-tapping screw at the intersection of the bars. Then screw the screw into the tree trunk.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a leg from an office chair or fan

A broken tripod from an office chair is considered the most original and quite convenient installation method. A stand from a cheap fan will also work. Nowadays, this promotional item breaks very often, and the models have collapsible stands. Installation will take about five minutes of your time. To begin, cut off the lower branches of the spruce tree, insert the trunk into the hole in the leg and secure it with tape or rope. This creates a tree that can be moved around the perimeter.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - kitchen stool

The stool needs to be turned upside down, a coniferous tree placed on the bottom and tied to the legs using a rope. This method is suitable for small and not very lush forest beauties. You can also place the tree in some kind of container that will fit between the legs.

These simple rules installing a New Year's attribute will allow you to enjoy the smell of pine needles in the house. If you install and secure the tree correctly, it will delight you and your children throughout the holidays, and after they are over, the tree can be easily removed, leaving a minimum of debris.

“What would New Year 2018 be without a Christmas tree?” says the man from the cartoon “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling.” Indeed, the holiday is somehow impossible without this evergreen tree. The Christmas tree is a traditional decoration for the New Year; this attitude towards it has been instilled in us since childhood. In the hall kindergarten or school there was always a beautifully decorated Christmas tree up to the ceiling. In modern apartments, they are mostly installed, since there is not always a place to put a tall tree, and even in the center of the room. Most likely, this is a privilege of country houses. Well, if there was a place in the living room for a forest guest, then what about pets, children, and guests invited to the holiday. Let's consider several options for how to install a Christmas tree at home for the New Year 2018 correctly and beautifully.

First, you need to decide what kind of Christmas tree you will have for your dog’s year: an artificial one or a real one. If the tree is artificial, and it is much more practical and durable, then before purchasing, make sure that the artificial decoration of the tree does not start to crumble at the first touch. Choose an unassembled Christmas tree to buy the most magnificent and spectacular option.

Artificial Christmas trees

Buying a live spruce at New Year, you will provide your home with a wonderful aroma of pine needles, but if you install a living tree without following some recommendations, then after a day the needles on it will begin to fall off,

Buy a tree based on the size of the room where it will stand. If there is little space, it is better to buy a small Christmas tree that can be placed on the table as a New Year's bouquet.

An artificial Christmas tree structure is most often sold with a ready-made cross. Collect Christmas decoration and installation is not difficult.

When there are children and pets in the house, secure it when installing the Christmas tree. If the tree is tall, you can screw a hook into the ceiling and tie it to the top of the head. When placing the tree in a corner or on a chest of drawers, also tie it to something so that frolicking children or animals do not knock the tree over on themselves and break fragile decorations.

In principle, if there are kids in the house, do not use glass ones as decorations, save them until the next New Year. All fastening elements can be easily hidden by decorating them with rain or tinsel.

When decorating a New Year's beauty for the year of the dog, follow the sequence, first electric, then toys and serpentine.

What to do if the crosspiece under the Christmas tree is broken or was not there at all? How to properly install a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 in this case?

  • If you have a tree from the forest, then you can use the lower part of the spruce as a cross. Saw off the lower part along with the branches, turn it over, make a hole and install the Christmas tree.
  • You can make a stand from scrap material for the Christmas tree, a pair of boards fastened together in a cross with a hole in the center.
  • Some craftsmen recommend using an inverted sink or the base of a computer chair on wheels as a crosspiece. For a more reliable fixation, it is better to drive a wedge between the tree trunk and the hole in the holder.

Cross mounting option

Maintaining appearance

In order for the forest beauty to stand for a long time, delight you with its greenery and aroma, you must follow important rules for preserving it appearance V :

  1. If you bought the tree in advance and plan to install it only on December 31, leave it on the balcony or in the country house, in general, in the cold. Do not bring the Christmas tree from the street directly into a warm room, the temperature difference will have a bad effect on the needles. Let the spruce feet recover from the frost for half an hour in a cooler room.
  2. Before installing the tree, the base of the trunk must be planed with a sharp knife. Trim the top of the head, if necessary, and treat the cut area with ointment or brilliant green.
  3. It is best to place a living tree in a container with wet sand. Pour sand into a barrel or bucket and moisten it with water. You can pre-dilute several acetylsalicylic acid tablets in water. As the sand dries, it needs to be moistened with water.
  4. You can install a Christmas tree for New Year 2018 directly in the water like fresh flowers. Here is one option for a small tree. Take plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters, cut off 1/3 of the canister, turn it upside down and place it in the second half. Next you will need a smaller plastic bottle. We cut a strip from it (we cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle, and cut the resulting segment in half). We twist the strip into a roll and place it in the neck of a large container, the roll straightens out and takes the desired size. Carefully remove the workpiece and secure the edges with glue. We put it back. It turned out to be a good holder. Fill it with water.
  5. In order for the spruce to please the eyes for a long time, it is necessary to periodically spray the branches with water and not install it close to heating devices.

Ways to preserve a Christmas tree

Video instructions for installing a Christmas tree in the house with your own hands:

A correctly selected and high-quality installed Christmas tree will decorate your home for the New Year and prolong the feeling winter holiday throughout the New Year holidays.